path: root/examples/svg/embedded/weatherinfo
diff options
authorCaroline Chao <>2014-04-12 15:09:49 +0200
committerThe Qt Project <>2014-04-15 11:00:47 +0200
commitad81f5720c4f4a1dac099cbe2f9d47ed3a9025b0 (patch)
tree529e1a219d3b8f9d737db304f80cb34514a2e197 /examples/svg/embedded/weatherinfo
parentbacf4858ce11074d4be94aab45c67c4676134198 (diff)
Examples: Use API for the embedded/weatherinfo example
Since the google API is no longer available Task-number: QTBUG-38041 Change-Id: I8ef91a047cade27856579cf871efb5e10afd2350 Reviewed-by: Mitch Curtis <> Reviewed-by: Shawn Rutledge <>
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/svg/embedded/weatherinfo')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/examples/svg/embedded/weatherinfo/weatherinfo.cpp b/examples/svg/embedded/weatherinfo/weatherinfo.cpp
index 3425819..2de7afc 100644
--- a/examples/svg/embedded/weatherinfo/weatherinfo.cpp
+++ b/examples/svg/embedded/weatherinfo/weatherinfo.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@
#include <QtNetwork>
#include <QtSvg>
+#define GET_DATA_ATTR(val) xml.attributes().value(val).toString()
+#define GET_DATETIME(val) QDateTime::fromString(val, "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss")
+#define FORMAT_TEMPERATURE(val) val + QChar(176) + "C"
+#define TEXTCOLOR palette().color(QPalette::WindowText)
class WeatherInfo: public QMainWindow
@@ -56,6 +61,8 @@ private:
QGraphicsRectItem *m_statusItem;
QGraphicsTextItem *m_temperatureItem;
QGraphicsTextItem *m_conditionItem;
+ QGraphicsTextItem *m_cityItem;
+ QGraphicsTextItem *m_copyright;
QGraphicsSvgItem *m_iconItem;
QList<QGraphicsRectItem*> m_forecastItems;
QList<QGraphicsTextItem*> m_dayItems;
@@ -82,9 +89,9 @@ public:
QStringList cities;
cities << "Oslo";
cities << "Berlin";
- cities << "Brisbane";
+ cities << "Moscow";
cities << "Helsinki";
- cities << "San Diego";
+ cities << "Santa Clara";
for (int i = 0; i < cities.count(); ++i) {
QAction *action = new QAction(cities[i], this);
connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(chooseCity()));
@@ -100,15 +107,26 @@ public:
private slots:
void delayedInit() {
- request("Oslo");
+ request("");
private slots:
void chooseCity() {
QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
- if (action)
- request(action->text());
+ if (action) {
+ if (action->text() == "Oslo") {
+ request("");
+ } else if (action->text() == "Berlin") {
+ request("");
+ } else if (action->text() == "Moscow") {
+ request("");
+ } else if (action->text() == "Helsinki") {
+ request("");
+ } else if (action->text() == "Santa Clara") {
+ request("");
+ }
+ }
void handleNetworkData(QNetworkReply *networkReply) {
@@ -145,17 +163,23 @@ private slots:
void setupScene() {
- QColor textColor = palette().color(QPalette::WindowText);
QFont textFont = font();
- textFont.setPointSize(textFont.pointSize() * 2);
+ textFont.setPointSize(static_cast<int>(textFont.pointSize() * 1.5));
m_temperatureItem = m_scene.addText(QString(), textFont);
- m_temperatureItem->setDefaultTextColor(textColor);
+ m_temperatureItem->setDefaultTextColor(TEXTCOLOR);
m_conditionItem = m_scene.addText(QString(), textFont);
- m_conditionItem->setDefaultTextColor(textColor);
+ m_conditionItem->setDefaultTextColor(TEXTCOLOR);
+ m_cityItem = m_scene.addText(QString(), textFont);
+ m_cityItem->setDefaultTextColor(TEXTCOLOR);
+ m_copyright = m_scene.addText(QString());
+ m_copyright->setDefaultTextColor(TEXTCOLOR);
+ m_copyright->setOpenExternalLinks(true);
+ m_copyright->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction);
m_iconItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem;
@@ -166,6 +190,7 @@ private:
+ m_copyright->setParentItem(m_statusItem);
connect(&m_timeLine, SIGNAL(frameChanged(int)), SLOT(animate(int)));
@@ -174,12 +199,7 @@ private:
void request(const QString &location) {
- QUrl url("");
- QUrlQuery query;
- query.addQueryItem("hl", "en");
- query.addQueryItem("weather", location);
- url.setQuery(query);
+ QUrl url(location);
city = QString();
@@ -188,63 +208,44 @@ private:
QString extractIcon(const QString &data) {
if (m_icons.isEmpty()) {
- m_icons["mostly_cloudy"] = "weather-few-clouds";
- m_icons["cloudy"] = "weather-overcast";
- m_icons["mostly_sunny"] = "weather-sunny-very-few-clouds";
- m_icons["partly_cloudy"] = "weather-sunny-very-few-clouds";
- m_icons["sunny"] = "weather-sunny";
- m_icons["flurries"] = "weather-snow";
- m_icons["fog"] = "weather-fog";
- m_icons["haze"] = "weather-haze";
- m_icons["icy"] = "weather-icy";
- m_icons["sleet"] = "weather-sleet";
- m_icons["chance_of_sleet"] = "weather-sleet";
- m_icons["snow"] = "weather-snow";
- m_icons["chance_of_snow"] = "weather-snow";
- m_icons["mist"] = "weather-showers";
- m_icons["rain"] = "weather-showers";
- m_icons["chance_of_rain"] = "weather-showers";
- m_icons["storm"] = "weather-storm";
- m_icons["chance_of_storm"] = "weather-storm";
- m_icons["thunderstorm"] = "weather-thundershower";
- m_icons["chance_of_tstorm"] = "weather-thundershower";
+ m_icons["Partly cloudy"] = "weather-few-clouds";
+ m_icons["Cloudy"] = "weather-overcast";
+ m_icons["Fair"] = "weather-sunny-very-few-clouds";
+ m_icons["Sun"] = "weather-sunny";
+ m_icons["Sun/clear sky"] = "weather-sunny";
+ m_icons["Clear sky"] = "weather-sunny";
+ m_icons["Snow showers"] = "weather-snow";
+ m_icons["Snow"] = "weather-snow";
+ m_icons["Fog"] = "weather-fog";
+ m_icons["Sleet"] = "weather-sleet";
+ m_icons["Sleet showers"] = "weather-sleet";
+ m_icons["Rain showers"] = "weather-showers";
+ m_icons["Rain"] = "weather-showers";
+ m_icons["Heavy rain"] = "weather-showers";
+ m_icons["Rain showers with thunder"] = "weather-thundershower";
+ m_icons["Rain and thunder"] = "weather-thundershower";
+ m_icons["Sleet and thunder"] = "weather-thundershower";
+ m_icons["Heavy rain and thunder"] = "weather-thundershower";
+ m_icons["Snow and thunder"] = "weather-thundershower";
+ m_icons["Sleet showers and thunder"] = "weather-thundershower";
+ m_icons["Snow showers and thunder"] = "weather-thundershower";
- QRegExp regex("([\\w]+).gif$");
- if (regex.indexIn(data) != -1) {
- QString i = regex.cap();
- i = i.left(i.length() - 4);
- QString name = m_icons.value(i);
- if (!name.isEmpty()) {
- name.prepend(":/icons/");
- name.append(".svg");
- return name;
- }
+ QString name = m_icons.value(data);
+ if (!name.isEmpty()) {
+ name.prepend(":/icons/");
+ name.append(".svg");
+ return name;
return QString();
- static QString toCelcius(QString t, QString unit) {
- bool ok = false;
- int degree = t.toInt(&ok);
- if (!ok)
- return QString();
- if (unit != "SI")
- degree = ((degree - 32) * 5 + 8)/ 9;
- return QString::number(degree) + QChar(176);
- }
-#define GET_DATA_ATTR xml.attributes().value("data").toString()
void digest(const QString &data) {
- QColor textColor = palette().color(QPalette::WindowText);
- QString unitSystem;
delete m_iconItem;
m_iconItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem();
+ m_conditionItem->setPlainText(QString());
@@ -255,102 +256,181 @@ private:
QXmlStreamReader xml(data);
+ bool foundCurrentForecast = false;
while (!xml.atEnd()) {
if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
- if ( == "city") {
- city = GET_DATA_ATTR;
- setWindowTitle(city);
- }
- if ( == "unit_system")
- unitSystem = xml.attributes().value("data").toString();
- // Parse current weather conditions
- if ( == "current_conditions") {
+ if ( == "location") {
while (!xml.atEnd()) {
- if ( == "current_conditions")
- break;
if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
- if ( == "condition") {
- m_conditionItem->setPlainText(GET_DATA_ATTR);
- }
- if ( == "icon") {
- QString name = extractIcon(GET_DATA_ATTR);
- if (!name.isEmpty()) {
- delete m_iconItem;
- m_iconItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(name);
- m_scene.addItem(m_iconItem);
- m_iconItem->setParentItem(m_statusItem);
- }
- }
- if ( == "temp_c") {
- QString s = GET_DATA_ATTR + QChar(176);
- m_temperatureItem->setPlainText(s);
+ if ( == "name") {
+ city = xml.readElementText();
+ m_cityItem->setPlainText(city);
+ setWindowTitle(city);
+ xml.skipCurrentElement();
+ break;
- }
- // Parse and collect the forecast conditions
- if ( == "forecast_conditions") {
- QGraphicsTextItem *dayItem = 0;
- QGraphicsSvgItem *statusItem = 0;
- QString lowT, highT;
+ } else if ( == "credit") {
while (!xml.atEnd()) {
- if ( == "forecast_conditions") {
- if (dayItem && statusItem &&
- !lowT.isEmpty() && !highT.isEmpty()) {
- m_dayItems << dayItem;
- m_conditionItems << statusItem;
- QString txt = highT + '/' + lowT;
- QGraphicsTextItem* rangeItem;
- rangeItem = m_scene.addText(txt);
- rangeItem->setDefaultTextColor(textColor);
- m_rangeItems << rangeItem;
- QGraphicsRectItem *box;
- box = m_scene.addRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
- box->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
- box->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- m_forecastItems << box;
- dayItem->setParentItem(box);
- statusItem->setParentItem(box);
- rangeItem->setParentItem(box);
- } else {
- delete dayItem;
- delete statusItem;
+ if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ if ( == "link") {
+ m_copyright->setHtml(QString("<td align=\"center\">%1 <a href=\"%2\">(source)</a></td>").arg(GET_DATA_ATTR("text")).arg(GET_DATA_ATTR("url")));
+ xml.skipCurrentElement();
+ break;
- break;
+ }
+ } else if ( == "tabular") {
+ while (!xml.atEnd()) {
+ xml.readNext();
if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
- if ( == "day_of_week") {
- QString s = GET_DATA_ATTR;
- dayItem = m_scene.addText(s.left(3));
- dayItem->setDefaultTextColor(textColor);
- }
- if ( == "icon") {
- QString name = extractIcon(GET_DATA_ATTR);
- if (!name.isEmpty()) {
- statusItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(name);
- m_scene.addItem(statusItem);
+ if ( == "time") {
+ if (!foundCurrentForecast) {
+ QString temperature;
+ QString symbol;
+ getSymbolTemp(xml, symbol, temperature);
+ if (!symbol.isEmpty()) {
+ delete m_iconItem;
+ m_iconItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(symbol);
+ m_scene.addItem(m_iconItem);
+ m_iconItem->setParentItem(m_statusItem);
+ }
+ QString s = FORMAT_TEMPERATURE(temperature);
+ m_temperatureItem->setPlainText(s);
+ foundCurrentForecast = true;
+ } else {
+ createNewDay(xml);
- if ( == "low")
- lowT = toCelcius(GET_DATA_ATTR, unitSystem);
- if ( == "high")
- highT = toCelcius(GET_DATA_ATTR, unitSystem);
+ } else if ( != "weatherdata" && != "forecast" && != "credit"){
+ xml.skipCurrentElement();
+ void createNewDay(QXmlStreamReader &xml) {
+ QGraphicsTextItem *dayItem = 0;
+ QString lowT;
+ QString highT;
+ QString period = GET_DATA_ATTR("period");
+ QString datetime;
+ if (period == "0")
+ datetime = GET_DATA_ATTR("to");
+ else
+ datetime = GET_DATA_ATTR("from");
+ QString temperature;
+ QString symbol;
+ getSymbolTemp(xml, symbol, temperature);
+ lowT = highT = temperature;
+ QDateTime date = GET_DATETIME(datetime);
+ dayItem = m_scene.addText("ddd"));
+ dayItem->setDefaultTextColor(TEXTCOLOR);
+ // check for other info same day
+ bool saved = false;
+ while (!xml.atEnd()) {
+ xml.readNext();
+ if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ if ( == "time") {
+ QString period = GET_DATA_ATTR("period");
+ // save data if new day starts
+ if (period == "0") {
+ saveDayItem(dayItem, lowT, highT, symbol);
+ createNewDay(xml);
+ saved = true;
+ } else {
+ updateDay(xml, lowT, highT, symbol, period == "2");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!saved)// last Item
+ saveDayItem(dayItem, lowT, highT, symbol);
+ }
+ void updateDay(QXmlStreamReader &xml, QString &lowT, QString &highT, QString &symbolToShow, bool updateSymbol) {
+ QString temperature;
+ QString symbol;
+ getSymbolTemp(xml, symbol, temperature);
+ if (lowT.toFloat() > temperature.toFloat())
+ lowT = temperature;
+ if (highT.toFloat() < temperature.toFloat())
+ highT = temperature;
+ if (updateSymbol)
+ symbolToShow = symbol;
+ }
+ void saveDayItem(QGraphicsTextItem *dayItem, QString lowT, QString highT, QString symbolToShow) {
+ QGraphicsSvgItem *statusItem = 0;
+ if (!symbolToShow.isEmpty()) {
+ statusItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(symbolToShow);
+ m_scene.addItem(statusItem);
+ }
+ if (m_dayItems.count() < 4 && dayItem && statusItem && // Show 4 days
+ !lowT.isEmpty() && !highT.isEmpty()) {
+ m_dayItems << dayItem;
+ m_conditionItems << statusItem;
+ QGraphicsTextItem* rangeItem;
+ rangeItem = m_scene.addText(txt);
+ rangeItem->setDefaultTextColor(TEXTCOLOR);
+ m_rangeItems << rangeItem;
+ QGraphicsRectItem *box;
+ box = m_scene.addRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ box->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+ box->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ m_forecastItems << box;
+ dayItem->setParentItem(box);
+ statusItem->setParentItem(box);
+ rangeItem->setParentItem(box);
+ } else {
+ delete dayItem;
+ delete statusItem;
+ }
+ }
+ void getSymbolTemp(QXmlStreamReader &xml, QString &symbol, QString &temp) {
+ bool foundIcon = false;
+ bool foundTemp = false;
+ while (!xml.atEnd()) {
+ xml.readNext();
+ if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ if ( == "symbol") {
+ QString condition = GET_DATA_ATTR("name");
+ symbol = extractIcon(condition);
+ if (m_conditionItem->toPlainText().isEmpty())
+ m_conditionItem->setPlainText(condition);
+ foundIcon = true;
+ }
+ if ( == "temperature") {
+ temp = GET_DATA_ATTR("value");
+ foundTemp = true;
+ }
+ if (foundIcon && foundTemp)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
void layoutItems() {
m_scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, width() - 1, height() - 1);
m_view->centerOn(width() / 2, height() / 2);
@@ -361,30 +441,36 @@ private:
void layoutItemsLandscape() {
- m_statusItem->setRect(0, 0, width() / 2 - 1, height() - 1);
+ qreal statusItemWidth = width() / 2 - 1;
+ m_statusItem->setRect(0, 0, statusItemWidth, height() - 1);
+ m_temperatureItem->setPos(10, 2);
+ qreal wtemp = m_temperatureItem->boundingRect().width();
+ qreal h1 = m_conditionItem->boundingRect().height();
+ m_conditionItem->setPos(wtemp + 20, 2);
+ m_copyright->setTextWidth(statusItemWidth);
+ qreal wcity = m_cityItem->boundingRect().width();
+ m_cityItem->setPos(statusItemWidth - wcity - 1, 2);;
+ qreal h2 = m_copyright->boundingRect().height();
+ m_copyright->setPos(0, height() - h2);
if (!m_iconItem->boundingRect().isEmpty()) {
- qreal dim = qMin(width() * 0.6, height() * 0.8);
- qreal pad = (height() - dim) / 2;
- qreal sw = dim / m_iconItem->boundingRect().width();
- qreal sh = dim / m_iconItem->boundingRect().height();
+ qreal sizeLeft = qMin(statusItemWidth, height() - h2 - h1 - 10);
+ qreal sw = sizeLeft / m_iconItem->boundingRect().width();
+ qreal sh = sizeLeft / m_iconItem->boundingRect().height();
m_iconItem->setTransform(QTransform().scale(sw, sh));
- m_iconItem->setPos(1, pad);
+ m_iconItem->setPos(statusItemWidth/2 - sizeLeft/2, h1 + 5);
- m_temperatureItem->setPos(2, 2);
- qreal h = m_conditionItem->boundingRect().height();
- m_conditionItem->setPos(10, height() - h);
if (m_dayItems.count()) {
qreal left = width() * 0.6;
- qreal h = height() / m_dayItems.count();
- QFont textFont = font();
- textFont.setPixelSize(static_cast<int>(h * 0.3));
qreal statusWidth = 0;
qreal rangeWidth = 0;
+ qreal h = height() / m_dayItems.count();
for (int i = 0; i < m_dayItems.count(); ++i) {
- m_dayItems[i]->setFont(textFont);
QRectF brect = m_dayItems[i]->boundingRect();
statusWidth = qMax(statusWidth, brect.width());
brect = m_rangeItems[i]->boundingRect();
@@ -416,23 +502,22 @@ private:
void layoutItemsPortrait() {
+ qreal statusItemWidth = width() - 1;
+ m_statusItem->setRect(0, 0, statusItemWidth, height() / 2 - 1);
- m_statusItem->setRect(0, 0, width() - 1, height() / 2 - 1);
+ m_temperatureItem->setPos(10, 2);
+ qreal wtemp = m_temperatureItem->boundingRect().width();
+ qreal h1 = m_conditionItem->boundingRect().height();
+ m_conditionItem->setPos(wtemp + 20, 2);
- if (!m_iconItem->boundingRect().isEmpty()) {
- qreal dim = qMin(width() * 0.8, height() * 0.4);
- qreal ofsy = (height() / 2 - dim) / 2;
- qreal ofsx = (width() - dim) / 3;
- qreal sw = dim / m_iconItem->boundingRect().width();
- qreal sh = dim / m_iconItem->boundingRect().height();
- m_iconItem->setTransform(QTransform().scale(sw, sh));
- m_iconItem->setPos(ofsx, ofsy);
- }
+ m_copyright->setTextWidth(statusItemWidth);
+ qreal wcity = m_cityItem->boundingRect().width();
+ m_cityItem->setPos(statusItemWidth - wcity - 1, 2);;
- m_temperatureItem->setPos(2, 2);
- qreal ch = m_conditionItem->boundingRect().height();
- qreal cw = m_conditionItem->boundingRect().width();
- m_conditionItem->setPos(width() - cw , height() / 2 - ch - 20);
+ m_copyright->setTextWidth(statusItemWidth);
+ qreal h2 = m_copyright->boundingRect().height();
+ m_copyright->setPos(0, height() - h2);
if (m_dayItems.count()) {
qreal top = height() * 0.5;
@@ -452,6 +537,14 @@ private:
qreal boxh = statusHeight + rangeHeight + dim;
qreal pad = (height() - top - boxh) / 2;
+ if (!m_iconItem->boundingRect().isEmpty()) {
+ qreal sizeLeft = qMin(statusItemWidth - 10, height() - top - 10);
+ qreal sw = sizeLeft / m_iconItem->boundingRect().width();
+ qreal sh = sizeLeft / m_iconItem->boundingRect().height();
+ m_iconItem->setTransform(QTransform().scale(sw, sh));
+ m_iconItem->setPos(statusItemWidth/2 - sizeLeft/2, h1 + 5);
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < m_dayItems.count(); ++i) {
qreal base = w * i;
m_forecastItems[i]->setPos(base, top);