path: root/src/3rdparty/v8/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/v8/src/')
1 files changed, 2389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/v8/src/ b/src/3rdparty/v8/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd4d25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/v8/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,2389 @@
+// Copyright 2006-2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+// with the distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+// from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "v8.h"
+#include "accessors.h"
+#include "api.h"
+#include "arguments.h"
+#include "codegen.h"
+#include "execution.h"
+#include "ic-inl.h"
+#include "runtime.h"
+#include "stub-cache.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static char TransitionMarkFromState(IC::State state) {
+ switch (state) {
+ case UNINITIALIZED: return '0';
+ case PREMONOMORPHIC: return 'P';
+ case MONOMORPHIC: return '1';
+ case MEGAMORPHIC: return 'N';
+ // We never see the debugger states here, because the state is
+ // computed from the original code - not the patched code. Let
+ // these cases fall through to the unreachable code below.
+ case DEBUG_BREAK: break;
+ case DEBUG_PREPARE_STEP_IN: break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void IC::TraceIC(const char* type,
+ Handle<Object> name,
+ State old_state,
+ Code* new_target,
+ const char* extra_info) {
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) {
+ State new_state = StateFrom(new_target,
+ HEAP->undefined_value(),
+ HEAP->undefined_value());
+ PrintF("[%s (%c->%c)%s", type,
+ TransitionMarkFromState(old_state),
+ TransitionMarkFromState(new_state),
+ extra_info);
+ name->Print();
+ PrintF("]\n");
+ }
+IC::IC(FrameDepth depth, Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate) {
+ ASSERT(isolate == Isolate::Current());
+ // To improve the performance of the (much used) IC code, we unfold
+ // a few levels of the stack frame iteration code. This yields a
+ // ~35% speedup when running DeltaBlue with the '--nouse-ic' flag.
+ const Address entry =
+ Isolate::c_entry_fp(isolate->thread_local_top());
+ Address* pc_address =
+ reinterpret_cast<Address*>(entry + ExitFrameConstants::kCallerPCOffset);
+ Address fp = Memory::Address_at(entry + ExitFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset);
+ // If there's another JavaScript frame on the stack, we need to look
+ // one frame further down the stack to find the frame pointer and
+ // the return address stack slot.
+ if (depth == EXTRA_CALL_FRAME) {
+ const int kCallerPCOffset = StandardFrameConstants::kCallerPCOffset;
+ pc_address = reinterpret_cast<Address*>(fp + kCallerPCOffset);
+ fp = Memory::Address_at(fp + StandardFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ StackFrameIterator it;
+ for (int i = 0; i < depth + 1; i++) it.Advance();
+ StackFrame* frame = it.frame();
+ ASSERT(fp == frame->fp() && pc_address == frame->pc_address());
+ fp_ = fp;
+ pc_address_ = pc_address;
+Address IC::OriginalCodeAddress() {
+ HandleScope scope;
+ // Compute the JavaScript frame for the frame pointer of this IC
+ // structure. We need this to be able to find the function
+ // corresponding to the frame.
+ StackFrameIterator it;
+ while (it.frame()->fp() != this->fp()) it.Advance();
+ JavaScriptFrame* frame = JavaScriptFrame::cast(it.frame());
+ // Find the function on the stack and both the active code for the
+ // function and the original code.
+ JSFunction* function = JSFunction::cast(frame->function());
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(function->shared());
+ Code* code = shared->code();
+ ASSERT(Debug::HasDebugInfo(shared));
+ Code* original_code = Debug::GetDebugInfo(shared)->original_code();
+ ASSERT(original_code->IsCode());
+ // Get the address of the call site in the active code. This is the
+ // place where the call to DebugBreakXXX is and where the IC
+ // normally would be.
+ Address addr = pc() - Assembler::kCallTargetAddressOffset;
+ // Return the address in the original code. This is the place where
+ // the call which has been overwritten by the DebugBreakXXX resides
+ // and the place where the inline cache system should look.
+ intptr_t delta =
+ original_code->instruction_start() - code->instruction_start();
+ return addr + delta;
+static bool HasNormalObjectsInPrototypeChain(Isolate* isolate,
+ LookupResult* lookup,
+ Object* receiver) {
+ Object* end = lookup->IsProperty()
+ ? lookup->holder() : isolate->heap()->null_value();
+ for (Object* current = receiver;
+ current != end;
+ current = current->GetPrototype()) {
+ if (current->IsJSObject() &&
+ !JSObject::cast(current)->HasFastProperties() &&
+ !current->IsJSGlobalProxy() &&
+ !current->IsJSGlobalObject()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static bool TryRemoveInvalidPrototypeDependentStub(Code* target,
+ Object* receiver,
+ Object* name) {
+ InlineCacheHolderFlag cache_holder =
+ Code::ExtractCacheHolderFromFlags(target->flags());
+ if (cache_holder == OWN_MAP && !receiver->IsJSObject()) {
+ // The stub was generated for JSObject but called for non-JSObject.
+ // IC::GetCodeCacheHolder is not applicable.
+ return false;
+ } else if (cache_holder == PROTOTYPE_MAP &&
+ receiver->GetPrototype()->IsNull()) {
+ // IC::GetCodeCacheHolder is not applicable.
+ return false;
+ }
+ Map* map = IC::GetCodeCacheHolder(receiver, cache_holder)->map();
+ // Decide whether the inline cache failed because of changes to the
+ // receiver itself or changes to one of its prototypes.
+ //
+ // If there are changes to the receiver itself, the map of the
+ // receiver will have changed and the current target will not be in
+ // the receiver map's code cache. Therefore, if the current target
+ // is in the receiver map's code cache, the inline cache failed due
+ // to prototype check failure.
+ int index = map->IndexInCodeCache(name, target);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ map->RemoveFromCodeCache(String::cast(name), target, index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+IC::State IC::StateFrom(Code* target, Object* receiver, Object* name) {
+ IC::State state = target->ic_state();
+ if (state != MONOMORPHIC || !name->IsString()) return state;
+ if (receiver->IsUndefined() || receiver->IsNull()) return state;
+ // For keyed load/store/call, the most likely cause of cache failure is
+ // that the key has changed. We do not distinguish between
+ // prototype and non-prototype failures for keyed access.
+ Code::Kind kind = target->kind();
+ if (kind == Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC ||
+ kind == Code::KEYED_STORE_IC ||
+ kind == Code::KEYED_CALL_IC) {
+ }
+ // Remove the target from the code cache if it became invalid
+ // because of changes in the prototype chain to avoid hitting it
+ // again.
+ // Call stubs handle this later to allow extra IC state
+ // transitions.
+ if (kind != Code::CALL_IC &&
+ TryRemoveInvalidPrototypeDependentStub(target, receiver, name)) {
+ }
+ // The builtins object is special. It only changes when JavaScript
+ // builtins are loaded lazily. It is important to keep inline
+ // caches for the builtins object monomorphic. Therefore, if we get
+ // an inline cache miss for the builtins object after lazily loading
+ // JavaScript builtins, we return uninitialized as the state to
+ // force the inline cache back to monomorphic state.
+ if (receiver->IsJSBuiltinsObject()) {
+ }
+RelocInfo::Mode IC::ComputeMode() {
+ Address addr = address();
+ Code* code = Code::cast(isolate()->heap()->FindCodeObject(addr));
+ for (RelocIterator it(code, RelocInfo::kCodeTargetMask);
+ !it.done(); {
+ RelocInfo* info = it.rinfo();
+ if (info->pc() == addr) return info->rmode();
+ }
+ return RelocInfo::NONE;
+Failure* IC::TypeError(const char* type,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<Object> key) {
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ Handle<Object> args[2] = { key, object };
+ Handle<Object> error = isolate()->factory()->NewTypeError(
+ type, HandleVector(args, 2));
+ return isolate()->Throw(*error);
+Failure* IC::ReferenceError(const char* type, Handle<String> name) {
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ Handle<Object> error = isolate()->factory()->NewReferenceError(
+ type, HandleVector(&name, 1));
+ return isolate()->Throw(*error);
+void IC::Clear(Address address) {
+ Code* target = GetTargetAtAddress(address);
+ // Don't clear debug break inline cache as it will remove the break point.
+ if (target->ic_state() == DEBUG_BREAK) return;
+ switch (target->kind()) {
+ case Code::LOAD_IC: return LoadIC::Clear(address, target);
+ case Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC:
+ return KeyedLoadIC::Clear(address, target);
+ case Code::STORE_IC: return StoreIC::Clear(address, target);
+ case Code::KEYED_STORE_IC:
+ return KeyedStoreIC::Clear(address, target);
+ case Code::CALL_IC: return CallIC::Clear(address, target);
+ case Code::KEYED_CALL_IC: return KeyedCallIC::Clear(address, target);
+ case Code::BINARY_OP_IC:
+ case Code::COMPARE_IC:
+ // Clearing these is tricky and does not
+ // make any performance difference.
+ return;
+ default: UNREACHABLE();
+ }
+void CallICBase::Clear(Address address, Code* target) {
+ State state = target->ic_state();
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED) return;
+ Code* code =
+ Isolate::Current()->stub_cache()->FindCallInitialize(
+ target->arguments_count(),
+ target->ic_in_loop(),
+ target->kind());
+ SetTargetAtAddress(address, code);
+void KeyedLoadIC::ClearInlinedVersion(Address address) {
+ // Insert null as the map to check for to make sure the map check fails
+ // sending control flow to the IC instead of the inlined version.
+ PatchInlinedLoad(address, HEAP->null_value());
+void KeyedLoadIC::Clear(Address address, Code* target) {
+ if (target->ic_state() == UNINITIALIZED) return;
+ // Make sure to also clear the map used in inline fast cases. If we
+ // do not clear these maps, cached code can keep objects alive
+ // through the embedded maps.
+ ClearInlinedVersion(address);
+ SetTargetAtAddress(address, initialize_stub());
+void LoadIC::ClearInlinedVersion(Address address) {
+ // Reset the map check of the inlined inobject property load (if
+ // present) to guarantee failure by holding an invalid map (the null
+ // value). The offset can be patched to anything.
+ Heap* heap = HEAP;
+ PatchInlinedLoad(address, heap->null_value(), 0);
+ PatchInlinedContextualLoad(address,
+ heap->null_value(),
+ heap->null_value(),
+ true);
+void LoadIC::Clear(Address address, Code* target) {
+ if (target->ic_state() == UNINITIALIZED) return;
+ ClearInlinedVersion(address);
+ SetTargetAtAddress(address, initialize_stub());
+void StoreIC::ClearInlinedVersion(Address address) {
+ // Reset the map check of the inlined inobject property store (if
+ // present) to guarantee failure by holding an invalid map (the null
+ // value). The offset can be patched to anything.
+ PatchInlinedStore(address, HEAP->null_value(), 0);
+void StoreIC::Clear(Address address, Code* target) {
+ if (target->ic_state() == UNINITIALIZED) return;
+ ClearInlinedVersion(address);
+ SetTargetAtAddress(address,
+ (target->extra_ic_state() == kStrictMode)
+ ? initialize_stub_strict()
+ : initialize_stub());
+void KeyedStoreIC::ClearInlinedVersion(Address address) {
+ // Insert null as the elements map to check for. This will make
+ // sure that the elements fast-case map check fails so that control
+ // flows to the IC instead of the inlined version.
+ PatchInlinedStore(address, HEAP->null_value());
+void KeyedStoreIC::RestoreInlinedVersion(Address address) {
+ // Restore the fast-case elements map check so that the inlined
+ // version can be used again.
+ PatchInlinedStore(address, HEAP->fixed_array_map());
+void KeyedStoreIC::Clear(Address address, Code* target) {
+ if (target->ic_state() == UNINITIALIZED) return;
+ SetTargetAtAddress(address,
+ (target->extra_ic_state() == kStrictMode)
+ ? initialize_stub_strict()
+ : initialize_stub());
+static bool HasInterceptorGetter(JSObject* object) {
+ return !object->GetNamedInterceptor()->getter()->IsUndefined();
+static void LookupForRead(Object* object,
+ String* name,
+ LookupResult* lookup) {
+ AssertNoAllocation no_gc; // pointers must stay valid
+ // Skip all the objects with named interceptors, but
+ // without actual getter.
+ while (true) {
+ object->Lookup(name, lookup);
+ // Besides normal conditions (property not found or it's not
+ // an interceptor), bail out if lookup is not cacheable: we won't
+ // be able to IC it anyway and regular lookup should work fine.
+ if (!lookup->IsFound()
+ || (lookup->type() != INTERCEPTOR)
+ || !lookup->IsCacheable()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ JSObject* holder = lookup->holder();
+ if (HasInterceptorGetter(holder)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ holder->LocalLookupRealNamedProperty(name, lookup);
+ if (lookup->IsProperty()) {
+ ASSERT(lookup->type() != INTERCEPTOR);
+ return;
+ }
+ Object* proto = holder->GetPrototype();
+ if (proto->IsNull()) {
+ lookup->NotFound();
+ return;
+ }
+ object = proto;
+ }
+Object* CallICBase::TryCallAsFunction(Object* object) {
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ Handle<Object> target(object, isolate());
+ Handle<Object> delegate = Execution::GetFunctionDelegate(target);
+ if (delegate->IsJSFunction()) {
+ // Patch the receiver and use the delegate as the function to
+ // invoke. This is used for invoking objects as if they were
+ // functions.
+ const int argc = this->target()->arguments_count();
+ StackFrameLocator locator;
+ JavaScriptFrame* frame = locator.FindJavaScriptFrame(0);
+ int index = frame->ComputeExpressionsCount() - (argc + 1);
+ frame->SetExpression(index, *target);
+ }
+ return *delegate;
+void CallICBase::ReceiverToObjectIfRequired(Handle<Object> callee,
+ Handle<Object> object) {
+ if (callee->IsJSFunction()) {
+ Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(callee);
+ if (function->shared()->strict_mode() || function->IsBuiltin()) {
+ // Do not wrap receiver for strict mode functions or for builtins.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // And only wrap string, number or boolean.
+ if (object->IsString() || object->IsNumber() || object->IsBoolean()) {
+ // Change the receiver to the result of calling ToObject on it.
+ const int argc = this->target()->arguments_count();
+ StackFrameLocator locator;
+ JavaScriptFrame* frame = locator.FindJavaScriptFrame(0);
+ int index = frame->ComputeExpressionsCount() - (argc + 1);
+ frame->SetExpression(index, *isolate()->factory()->ToObject(object));
+ }
+MaybeObject* CallICBase::LoadFunction(State state,
+ Code::ExtraICState extra_ic_state,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<String> name) {
+ // If the object is undefined or null it's illegal to try to get any
+ // of its properties; throw a TypeError in that case.
+ if (object->IsUndefined() || object->IsNull()) {
+ return TypeError("non_object_property_call", object, name);
+ }
+ // Check if the name is trivially convertible to an index and get
+ // the element if so.
+ uint32_t index;
+ if (name->AsArrayIndex(&index)) {
+ Object* result;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_result = object->GetElement(index);
+ if (!maybe_result->ToObject(&result)) return maybe_result;
+ }
+ if (result->IsJSFunction()) return result;
+ // Try to find a suitable function delegate for the object at hand.
+ result = TryCallAsFunction(result);
+ if (result->IsJSFunction()) return result;
+ // Otherwise, it will fail in the lookup step.
+ }
+ // Lookup the property in the object.
+ LookupResult lookup;
+ LookupForRead(*object, *name, &lookup);
+ if (!lookup.IsProperty()) {
+ // If the object does not have the requested property, check which
+ // exception we need to throw.
+ if (IsContextual(object)) {
+ return ReferenceError("not_defined", name);
+ }
+ return TypeError("undefined_method", object, name);
+ }
+ // Lookup is valid: Update inline cache and stub cache.
+ if (FLAG_use_ic) {
+ UpdateCaches(&lookup, state, extra_ic_state, object, name);
+ }
+ // Get the property.
+ PropertyAttributes attr;
+ Object* result;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_result =
+ object->GetProperty(*object, &lookup, *name, &attr);
+ if (!maybe_result->ToObject(&result)) return maybe_result;
+ }
+ if (lookup.type() == INTERCEPTOR) {
+ // If the object does not have the requested property, check which
+ // exception we need to throw.
+ if (attr == ABSENT) {
+ if (IsContextual(object)) {
+ return ReferenceError("not_defined", name);
+ }
+ return TypeError("undefined_method", object, name);
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT(!result->IsTheHole());
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ // Wrap result in a handle because ReceiverToObjectIfRequired may allocate
+ // new object and cause GC.
+ Handle<Object> result_handle(result);
+ // Make receiver an object if the callee requires it. Strict mode or builtin
+ // functions do not wrap the receiver, non-strict functions and objects
+ // called as functions do.
+ ReceiverToObjectIfRequired(result_handle, object);
+ if (result_handle->IsJSFunction()) {
+ // Handle stepping into a function if step into is active.
+ Debug* debug = isolate()->debug();
+ if (debug->StepInActive()) {
+ // Protect the result in a handle as the debugger can allocate and might
+ // cause GC.
+ Handle<JSFunction> function(JSFunction::cast(*result_handle), isolate());
+ debug->HandleStepIn(function, object, fp(), false);
+ return *function;
+ }
+ return *result_handle;
+ }
+ // Try to find a suitable function delegate for the object at hand.
+ result_handle = Handle<Object>(TryCallAsFunction(*result_handle));
+ if (result_handle->IsJSFunction()) return *result_handle;
+ return TypeError("property_not_function", object, name);
+bool CallICBase::TryUpdateExtraICState(LookupResult* lookup,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Code::ExtraICState* extra_ic_state) {
+ ASSERT(kind_ == Code::CALL_IC);
+ if (lookup->type() != CONSTANT_FUNCTION) return false;
+ JSFunction* function = lookup->GetConstantFunction();
+ if (!function->shared()->HasBuiltinFunctionId()) return false;
+ // Fetch the arguments passed to the called function.
+ const int argc = target()->arguments_count();
+ Address entry = isolate()->c_entry_fp(isolate()->thread_local_top());
+ Address fp = Memory::Address_at(entry + ExitFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset);
+ Arguments args(argc + 1,
+ &Memory::Object_at(fp +
+ StandardFrameConstants::kCallerSPOffset +
+ argc * kPointerSize));
+ switch (function->shared()->builtin_function_id()) {
+ case kStringCharCodeAt:
+ case kStringCharAt:
+ if (object->IsString()) {
+ String* string = String::cast(*object);
+ // Check there's the right string value or wrapper in the receiver slot.
+ ASSERT(string == args[0] || string == JSValue::cast(args[0])->value());
+ // If we're in the default (fastest) state and the index is
+ // out of bounds, update the state to record this fact.
+ if (*extra_ic_state == DEFAULT_STRING_STUB &&
+ argc >= 1 && args[1]->IsNumber()) {
+ double index;
+ if (args[1]->IsSmi()) {
+ index = Smi::cast(args[1])->value();
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(args[1]->IsHeapNumber());
+ index = DoubleToInteger(HeapNumber::cast(args[1])->value());
+ }
+ if (index < 0 || index >= string->length()) {
+ *extra_ic_state = STRING_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+MaybeObject* CallICBase::ComputeMonomorphicStub(
+ LookupResult* lookup,
+ State state,
+ Code::ExtraICState extra_ic_state,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<String> name) {
+ int argc = target()->arguments_count();
+ InLoopFlag in_loop = target()->ic_in_loop();
+ MaybeObject* maybe_code = NULL;
+ switch (lookup->type()) {
+ case FIELD: {
+ int index = lookup->GetFieldIndex();
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallField(argc,
+ in_loop,
+ kind_,
+ *name,
+ *object,
+ lookup->holder(),
+ index);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Get the constant function and compute the code stub for this
+ // call; used for rewriting to monomorphic state and making sure
+ // that the code stub is in the stub cache.
+ JSFunction* function = lookup->GetConstantFunction();
+ maybe_code =
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallConstant(argc,
+ in_loop,
+ kind_,
+ extra_ic_state,
+ *name,
+ *object,
+ lookup->holder(),
+ function);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NORMAL: {
+ if (!object->IsJSObject()) return NULL;
+ Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
+ if (lookup->holder()->IsGlobalObject()) {
+ GlobalObject* global = GlobalObject::cast(lookup->holder());
+ JSGlobalPropertyCell* cell =
+ JSGlobalPropertyCell::cast(global->GetPropertyCell(lookup));
+ if (!cell->value()->IsJSFunction()) return NULL;
+ JSFunction* function = JSFunction::cast(cell->value());
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallGlobal(argc,
+ in_loop,
+ kind_,
+ *name,
+ *receiver,
+ global,
+ cell,
+ function);
+ } else {
+ // There is only one shared stub for calling normalized
+ // properties. It does not traverse the prototype chain, so the
+ // property must be found in the receiver for the stub to be
+ // applicable.
+ if (lookup->holder() != *receiver) return NULL;
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallNormal(argc,
+ in_loop,
+ kind_,
+ *name,
+ *receiver);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ASSERT(HasInterceptorGetter(lookup->holder()));
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallInterceptor(
+ argc,
+ kind_,
+ *name,
+ *object,
+ lookup->holder());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ maybe_code = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return maybe_code;
+void CallICBase::UpdateCaches(LookupResult* lookup,
+ State state,
+ Code::ExtraICState extra_ic_state,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<String> name) {
+ // Bail out if we didn't find a result.
+ if (!lookup->IsProperty() || !lookup->IsCacheable()) return;
+ if (lookup->holder() != *object &&
+ HasNormalObjectsInPrototypeChain(
+ isolate(), lookup, object->GetPrototype())) {
+ // Suppress optimization for prototype chains with slow properties objects
+ // in the middle.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Compute the number of arguments.
+ int argc = target()->arguments_count();
+ InLoopFlag in_loop = target()->ic_in_loop();
+ MaybeObject* maybe_code = NULL;
+ bool had_proto_failure = false;
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED) {
+ // This is the first time we execute this inline cache.
+ // Set the target to the pre monomorphic stub to delay
+ // setting the monomorphic state.
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallPreMonomorphic(argc,
+ in_loop,
+ kind_);
+ } else if (state == MONOMORPHIC) {
+ if (kind_ == Code::CALL_IC &&
+ TryUpdateExtraICState(lookup, object, &extra_ic_state)) {
+ maybe_code = ComputeMonomorphicStub(lookup,
+ state,
+ extra_ic_state,
+ object,
+ name);
+ } else if (kind_ == Code::CALL_IC &&
+ TryRemoveInvalidPrototypeDependentStub(target(),
+ *object,
+ *name)) {
+ had_proto_failure = true;
+ maybe_code = ComputeMonomorphicStub(lookup,
+ state,
+ extra_ic_state,
+ object,
+ name);
+ } else {
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallMegamorphic(argc,
+ in_loop,
+ kind_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ maybe_code = ComputeMonomorphicStub(lookup,
+ state,
+ extra_ic_state,
+ object,
+ name);
+ }
+ // If we're unable to compute the stub (not enough memory left), we
+ // simply avoid updating the caches.
+ Object* code;
+ if (maybe_code == NULL || !maybe_code->ToObject(&code)) return;
+ // Patch the call site depending on the state of the cache.
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED ||
+ state == PREMONOMORPHIC ||
+ state == MONOMORPHIC ||
+ set_target(Code::cast(code));
+ } else if (state == MEGAMORPHIC) {
+ // Cache code holding map should be consistent with
+ // GenerateMonomorphicCacheProbe. It is not the map which holds the stub.
+ Map* map = JSObject::cast(object->IsJSObject() ? *object :
+ object->GetPrototype())->map();
+ // Update the stub cache.
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->Set(*name, map, Code::cast(code));
+ }
+ USE(had_proto_failure);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (had_proto_failure) state = MONOMORPHIC_PROTOTYPE_FAILURE;
+ TraceIC(kind_ == Code::CALL_IC ? "CallIC" : "KeyedCallIC",
+ name, state, target(), in_loop ? " (in-loop)" : "");
+MaybeObject* KeyedCallIC::LoadFunction(State state,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<Object> key) {
+ if (key->IsSymbol()) {
+ return CallICBase::LoadFunction(state,
+ Code::kNoExtraICState,
+ object,
+ Handle<String>::cast(key));
+ }
+ if (object->IsUndefined() || object->IsNull()) {
+ return TypeError("non_object_property_call", object, key);
+ }
+ if (FLAG_use_ic && state != MEGAMORPHIC && !object->IsAccessCheckNeeded()) {
+ int argc = target()->arguments_count();
+ InLoopFlag in_loop = target()->ic_in_loop();
+ MaybeObject* maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallMegamorphic(
+ argc, in_loop, Code::KEYED_CALL_IC);
+ Object* code;
+ if (maybe_code->ToObject(&code)) {
+ set_target(Code::cast(code));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC(
+ "KeyedCallIC", key, state, target(), in_loop ? " (in-loop)" : "");
+ }
+ }
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ Handle<Object> result = GetProperty(object, key);
+ RETURN_IF_EMPTY_HANDLE(isolate(), result);
+ // Make receiver an object if the callee requires it. Strict mode or builtin
+ // functions do not wrap the receiver, non-strict functions and objects
+ // called as functions do.
+ ReceiverToObjectIfRequired(result, object);
+ if (result->IsJSFunction()) return *result;
+ result = Handle<Object>(TryCallAsFunction(*result));
+ if (result->IsJSFunction()) return *result;
+ return TypeError("property_not_function", object, key);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define TRACE_IC_NAMED(msg, name) \
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) PrintF(msg, *(name)->ToCString())
+#define TRACE_IC_NAMED(msg, name)
+MaybeObject* LoadIC::Load(State state,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<String> name) {
+ // If the object is undefined or null it's illegal to try to get any
+ // of its properties; throw a TypeError in that case.
+ if (object->IsUndefined() || object->IsNull()) {
+ return TypeError("non_object_property_load", object, name);
+ }
+ if (FLAG_use_ic) {
+ Code* non_monomorphic_stub =
+ (state == UNINITIALIZED) ? pre_monomorphic_stub() : megamorphic_stub();
+ // Use specialized code for getting the length of strings and
+ // string wrapper objects. The length property of string wrapper
+ // objects is read-only and therefore always returns the length of
+ // the underlying string value. See ECMA-262
+ if ((object->IsString() || object->IsStringWrapper()) &&
+ name->Equals(isolate()->heap()->length_symbol())) {
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) PrintF("[LoadIC : +#length /string]\n");
+ if (state == PREMONOMORPHIC) {
+ if (object->IsString()) {
+ Map* map = HeapObject::cast(*object)->map();
+ const int offset = String::kLengthOffset;
+ PatchInlinedLoad(address(), map, offset);
+ set_target(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(
+ Builtins::kLoadIC_StringLength));
+ } else {
+ set_target(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(
+ Builtins::kLoadIC_StringWrapperLength));
+ }
+ } else if (state == MONOMORPHIC && object->IsStringWrapper()) {
+ set_target(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(
+ Builtins::kLoadIC_StringWrapperLength));
+ } else {
+ set_target(non_monomorphic_stub);
+ }
+ // Get the string if we have a string wrapper object.
+ if (object->IsJSValue()) {
+ object = Handle<Object>(Handle<JSValue>::cast(object)->value(),
+ isolate());
+ }
+ return Smi::FromInt(String::cast(*object)->length());
+ }
+ // Use specialized code for getting the length of arrays.
+ if (object->IsJSArray() &&
+ name->Equals(isolate()->heap()->length_symbol())) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) PrintF("[LoadIC : +#length /array]\n");
+ if (state == PREMONOMORPHIC) {
+ Map* map = HeapObject::cast(*object)->map();
+ const int offset = JSArray::kLengthOffset;
+ PatchInlinedLoad(address(), map, offset);
+ set_target(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(
+ Builtins::kLoadIC_ArrayLength));
+ } else {
+ set_target(non_monomorphic_stub);
+ }
+ return JSArray::cast(*object)->length();
+ }
+ // Use specialized code for getting prototype of functions.
+ if (object->IsJSFunction() &&
+ name->Equals(isolate()->heap()->prototype_symbol()) &&
+ JSFunction::cast(*object)->should_have_prototype()) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) PrintF("[LoadIC : +#prototype /function]\n");
+ if (state == PREMONOMORPHIC) {
+ set_target(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(
+ Builtins::kLoadIC_FunctionPrototype));
+ } else {
+ set_target(non_monomorphic_stub);
+ }
+ return Accessors::FunctionGetPrototype(*object, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the name is trivially convertible to an index and get
+ // the element if so.
+ uint32_t index;
+ if (name->AsArrayIndex(&index)) return object->GetElement(index);
+ // Named lookup in the object.
+ LookupResult lookup;
+ LookupForRead(*object, *name, &lookup);
+ // If we did not find a property, check if we need to throw an exception.
+ if (!lookup.IsProperty()) {
+ if (FLAG_strict || IsContextual(object)) {
+ return ReferenceError("not_defined", name);
+ }
+ LOG(isolate(), SuspectReadEvent(*name, *object));
+ }
+ bool can_be_inlined_precheck =
+ FLAG_use_ic &&
+ lookup.IsProperty() &&
+ lookup.IsCacheable() &&
+ lookup.holder() == *object &&
+ !object->IsAccessCheckNeeded();
+ bool can_be_inlined =
+ can_be_inlined_precheck &&
+ state == PREMONOMORPHIC &&
+ lookup.type() == FIELD;
+ bool can_be_inlined_contextual =
+ can_be_inlined_precheck &&
+ state == UNINITIALIZED &&
+ lookup.holder()->IsGlobalObject() &&
+ lookup.type() == NORMAL;
+ if (can_be_inlined) {
+ Map* map = lookup.holder()->map();
+ // Property's index in the properties array. If negative we have
+ // an inobject property.
+ int index = lookup.GetFieldIndex() - map->inobject_properties();
+ if (index < 0) {
+ // Index is an offset from the end of the object.
+ int offset = map->instance_size() + (index * kPointerSize);
+ if (PatchInlinedLoad(address(), map, offset)) {
+ set_target(megamorphic_stub());
+ TRACE_IC_NAMED("[LoadIC : inline patch %s]\n", name);
+ return lookup.holder()->FastPropertyAt(lookup.GetFieldIndex());
+ } else {
+ TRACE_IC_NAMED("[LoadIC : no inline patch %s (patching failed)]\n",
+ name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ TRACE_IC_NAMED("[LoadIC : no inline patch %s (not inobject)]\n", name);
+ }
+ } else if (can_be_inlined_contextual) {
+ Map* map = lookup.holder()->map();
+ JSGlobalPropertyCell* cell = JSGlobalPropertyCell::cast(
+ lookup.holder()->property_dictionary()->ValueAt(
+ lookup.GetDictionaryEntry()));
+ if (PatchInlinedContextualLoad(address(),
+ map,
+ cell,
+ lookup.IsDontDelete())) {
+ set_target(megamorphic_stub());
+ TRACE_IC_NAMED("[LoadIC : inline contextual patch %s]\n", name);
+ ASSERT(cell->value() != isolate()->heap()->the_hole_value());
+ return cell->value();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (FLAG_use_ic && state == PREMONOMORPHIC) {
+ TRACE_IC_NAMED("[LoadIC : no inline patch %s (not inlinable)]\n", name);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update inline cache and stub cache.
+ if (FLAG_use_ic) {
+ UpdateCaches(&lookup, state, object, name);
+ }
+ PropertyAttributes attr;
+ if (lookup.IsProperty() && lookup.type() == INTERCEPTOR) {
+ // Get the property.
+ Object* result;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_result =
+ object->GetProperty(*object, &lookup, *name, &attr);
+ if (!maybe_result->ToObject(&result)) return maybe_result;
+ }
+ // If the property is not present, check if we need to throw an
+ // exception.
+ if (attr == ABSENT && IsContextual(object)) {
+ return ReferenceError("not_defined", name);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Get the property.
+ return object->GetProperty(*object, &lookup, *name, &attr);
+void LoadIC::UpdateCaches(LookupResult* lookup,
+ State state,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<String> name) {
+ // Bail out if the result is not cacheable.
+ if (!lookup->IsCacheable()) return;
+ // Loading properties from values is not common, so don't try to
+ // deal with non-JS objects here.
+ if (!object->IsJSObject()) return;
+ Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
+ if (HasNormalObjectsInPrototypeChain(isolate(), lookup, *object)) return;
+ // Compute the code stub for this load.
+ MaybeObject* maybe_code = NULL;
+ Object* code;
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED) {
+ // This is the first time we execute this inline cache.
+ // Set the target to the pre monomorphic stub to delay
+ // setting the monomorphic state.
+ maybe_code = pre_monomorphic_stub();
+ } else if (!lookup->IsProperty()) {
+ // Nonexistent property. The result is undefined.
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeLoadNonexistent(*name,
+ *receiver);
+ } else {
+ // Compute monomorphic stub.
+ switch (lookup->type()) {
+ case FIELD: {
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeLoadField(
+ *name,
+ *receiver,
+ lookup->holder(),
+ lookup->GetFieldIndex());
+ break;
+ }
+ Object* constant = lookup->GetConstantFunction();
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeLoadConstant(
+ *name, *receiver, lookup->holder(), constant);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NORMAL: {
+ if (lookup->holder()->IsGlobalObject()) {
+ GlobalObject* global = GlobalObject::cast(lookup->holder());
+ JSGlobalPropertyCell* cell =
+ JSGlobalPropertyCell::cast(global->GetPropertyCell(lookup));
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeLoadGlobal(*name,
+ *receiver,
+ global,
+ cell,
+ lookup->IsDontDelete());
+ } else {
+ // There is only one shared stub for loading normalized
+ // properties. It does not traverse the prototype chain, so the
+ // property must be found in the receiver for the stub to be
+ // applicable.
+ if (lookup->holder() != *receiver) return;
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeLoadNormal();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case CALLBACKS: {
+ if (!lookup->GetCallbackObject()->IsAccessorInfo()) return;
+ AccessorInfo* callback =
+ AccessorInfo::cast(lookup->GetCallbackObject());
+ if (v8::ToCData<Address>(callback->getter()) == 0) return;
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeLoadCallback(
+ *name, *receiver, lookup->holder(), callback);
+ break;
+ }
+ ASSERT(HasInterceptorGetter(lookup->holder()));
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeLoadInterceptor(
+ *name, *receiver, lookup->holder());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we're unable to compute the stub (not enough memory left), we
+ // simply avoid updating the caches.
+ if (maybe_code == NULL || !maybe_code->ToObject(&code)) return;
+ // Patch the call site depending on the state of the cache.
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED || state == PREMONOMORPHIC ||
+ set_target(Code::cast(code));
+ } else if (state == MONOMORPHIC) {
+ set_target(megamorphic_stub());
+ } else if (state == MEGAMORPHIC) {
+ // Cache code holding map should be consistent with
+ // GenerateMonomorphicCacheProbe.
+ Map* map = JSObject::cast(object->IsJSObject() ? *object :
+ object->GetPrototype())->map();
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->Set(*name, map, Code::cast(code));
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC("LoadIC", name, state, target());
+MaybeObject* KeyedLoadIC::Load(State state,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<Object> key) {
+ // Check for values that can be converted into a symbol.
+ // TODO(1295): Remove this code.
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ if (key->IsHeapNumber() &&
+ isnan(HeapNumber::cast(*key)->value())) {
+ key = isolate()->factory()->nan_symbol();
+ } else if (key->IsUndefined()) {
+ key = isolate()->factory()->undefined_symbol();
+ }
+ if (key->IsSymbol()) {
+ Handle<String> name = Handle<String>::cast(key);
+ // If the object is undefined or null it's illegal to try to get any
+ // of its properties; throw a TypeError in that case.
+ if (object->IsUndefined() || object->IsNull()) {
+ return TypeError("non_object_property_load", object, name);
+ }
+ if (FLAG_use_ic) {
+ // TODO(1073): don't ignore the current stub state.
+ // Use specialized code for getting the length of strings.
+ if (object->IsString() &&
+ name->Equals(isolate()->heap()->length_symbol())) {
+ Handle<String> string = Handle<String>::cast(object);
+ Object* code = NULL;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_code =
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadStringLength(*name,
+ *string);
+ if (!maybe_code->ToObject(&code)) return maybe_code;
+ }
+ set_target(Code::cast(code));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC("KeyedLoadIC", name, state, target());
+#endif // DEBUG
+ return Smi::FromInt(string->length());
+ }
+ // Use specialized code for getting the length of arrays.
+ if (object->IsJSArray() &&
+ name->Equals(isolate()->heap()->length_symbol())) {
+ Handle<JSArray> array = Handle<JSArray>::cast(object);
+ Object* code;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_code =
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadArrayLength(*name,
+ *array);
+ if (!maybe_code->ToObject(&code)) return maybe_code;
+ }
+ set_target(Code::cast(code));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC("KeyedLoadIC", name, state, target());
+#endif // DEBUG
+ return JSArray::cast(*object)->length();
+ }
+ // Use specialized code for getting prototype of functions.
+ if (object->IsJSFunction() &&
+ name->Equals(isolate()->heap()->prototype_symbol()) &&
+ JSFunction::cast(*object)->should_have_prototype()) {
+ Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(object);
+ Object* code;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_code =
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadFunctionPrototype(
+ *name, *function);
+ if (!maybe_code->ToObject(&code)) return maybe_code;
+ }
+ set_target(Code::cast(code));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC("KeyedLoadIC", name, state, target());
+#endif // DEBUG
+ return Accessors::FunctionGetPrototype(*object, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the name is trivially convertible to an index and get
+ // the element or char if so.
+ uint32_t index = 0;
+ if (name->AsArrayIndex(&index)) {
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ // Rewrite to the generic keyed load stub.
+ if (FLAG_use_ic) set_target(generic_stub());
+ return Runtime::GetElementOrCharAt(isolate(), object, index);
+ }
+ // Named lookup.
+ LookupResult lookup;
+ LookupForRead(*object, *name, &lookup);
+ // If we did not find a property, check if we need to throw an exception.
+ if (!lookup.IsProperty()) {
+ if (FLAG_strict || IsContextual(object)) {
+ return ReferenceError("not_defined", name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (FLAG_use_ic) {
+ UpdateCaches(&lookup, state, object, name);
+ }
+ PropertyAttributes attr;
+ if (lookup.IsProperty() && lookup.type() == INTERCEPTOR) {
+ // Get the property.
+ Object* result;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_result =
+ object->GetProperty(*object, &lookup, *name, &attr);
+ if (!maybe_result->ToObject(&result)) return maybe_result;
+ }
+ // If the property is not present, check if we need to throw an
+ // exception.
+ if (attr == ABSENT && IsContextual(object)) {
+ return ReferenceError("not_defined", name);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ return object->GetProperty(*object, &lookup, *name, &attr);
+ }
+ // Do not use ICs for objects that require access checks (including
+ // the global object).
+ bool use_ic = FLAG_use_ic && !object->IsAccessCheckNeeded();
+ if (use_ic) {
+ Code* stub = generic_stub();
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED) {
+ if (object->IsString() && key->IsNumber()) {
+ stub = string_stub();
+ } else if (object->IsJSObject()) {
+ Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
+ if (receiver->HasExternalArrayElements()) {
+ MaybeObject* probe =
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadOrStoreExternalArray(
+ *receiver, false, kNonStrictMode);
+ stub = probe->IsFailure() ?
+ NULL : Code::cast(probe->ToObjectUnchecked());
+ } else if (receiver->HasIndexedInterceptor()) {
+ stub = indexed_interceptor_stub();
+ } else if (key->IsSmi() &&
+ receiver->map()->has_fast_elements()) {
+ MaybeObject* probe =
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadSpecialized(*receiver);
+ stub = probe->IsFailure() ?
+ NULL : Code::cast(probe->ToObjectUnchecked());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (stub != NULL) set_target(stub);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC("KeyedLoadIC", key, state, target());
+#endif // DEBUG
+ // For JSObjects with fast elements that are not value wrappers
+ // and that do not have indexed interceptors, we initialize the
+ // inlined fast case (if present) by patching the inlined map
+ // check.
+ if (object->IsJSObject() &&
+ !object->IsJSValue() &&
+ !JSObject::cast(*object)->HasIndexedInterceptor() &&
+ JSObject::cast(*object)->HasFastElements()) {
+ Map* map = JSObject::cast(*object)->map();
+ PatchInlinedLoad(address(), map);
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the property.
+ return Runtime::GetObjectProperty(isolate(), object, key);
+void KeyedLoadIC::UpdateCaches(LookupResult* lookup, State state,
+ Handle<Object> object, Handle<String> name) {
+ // Bail out if we didn't find a result.
+ if (!lookup->IsProperty() || !lookup->IsCacheable()) return;
+ if (!object->IsJSObject()) return;
+ Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
+ if (HasNormalObjectsInPrototypeChain(isolate(), lookup, *object)) return;
+ // Compute the code stub for this load.
+ MaybeObject* maybe_code = NULL;
+ Object* code;
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED) {
+ // This is the first time we execute this inline cache.
+ // Set the target to the pre monomorphic stub to delay
+ // setting the monomorphic state.
+ maybe_code = pre_monomorphic_stub();
+ } else {
+ // Compute a monomorphic stub.
+ switch (lookup->type()) {
+ case FIELD: {
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadField(
+ *name, *receiver, lookup->holder(), lookup->GetFieldIndex());
+ break;
+ }
+ Object* constant = lookup->GetConstantFunction();
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadConstant(
+ *name, *receiver, lookup->holder(), constant);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CALLBACKS: {
+ if (!lookup->GetCallbackObject()->IsAccessorInfo()) return;
+ AccessorInfo* callback =
+ AccessorInfo::cast(lookup->GetCallbackObject());
+ if (v8::ToCData<Address>(callback->getter()) == 0) return;
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadCallback(
+ *name, *receiver, lookup->holder(), callback);
+ break;
+ }
+ ASSERT(HasInterceptorGetter(lookup->holder()));
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadInterceptor(
+ *name, *receiver, lookup->holder());
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ // Always rewrite to the generic case so that we do not
+ // repeatedly try to rewrite.
+ maybe_code = generic_stub();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we're unable to compute the stub (not enough memory left), we
+ // simply avoid updating the caches.
+ if (maybe_code == NULL || !maybe_code->ToObject(&code)) return;
+ // Patch the call site depending on the state of the cache. Make
+ // sure to always rewrite from monomorphic to megamorphic.
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED || state == PREMONOMORPHIC) {
+ set_target(Code::cast(code));
+ } else if (state == MONOMORPHIC) {
+ set_target(megamorphic_stub());
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC("KeyedLoadIC", name, state, target());
+static bool StoreICableLookup(LookupResult* lookup) {
+ // Bail out if we didn't find a result.
+ if (!lookup->IsPropertyOrTransition() || !lookup->IsCacheable()) return false;
+ // If the property is read-only, we leave the IC in its current
+ // state.
+ if (lookup->IsReadOnly()) return false;
+ return true;
+static bool LookupForWrite(JSObject* object,
+ String* name,
+ LookupResult* lookup) {
+ object->LocalLookup(name, lookup);
+ if (!StoreICableLookup(lookup)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (lookup->type() == INTERCEPTOR) {
+ if (object->GetNamedInterceptor()->setter()->IsUndefined()) {
+ object->LocalLookupRealNamedProperty(name, lookup);
+ return StoreICableLookup(lookup);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+MaybeObject* StoreIC::Store(State state,
+ StrictModeFlag strict_mode,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<String> name,
+ Handle<Object> value) {
+ // If the object is undefined or null it's illegal to try to set any
+ // properties on it; throw a TypeError in that case.
+ if (object->IsUndefined() || object->IsNull()) {
+ return TypeError("non_object_property_store", object, name);
+ }
+ if (!object->IsJSObject()) {
+ // The length property of string values is read-only. Throw in strict mode.
+ if (strict_mode == kStrictMode && object->IsString() &&
+ name->Equals(isolate()->heap()->length_symbol())) {
+ return TypeError("strict_read_only_property", object, name);
+ }
+ // Ignore stores where the receiver is not a JSObject.
+ return *value;
+ }
+ Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
+ // Check if the given name is an array index.
+ uint32_t index;
+ if (name->AsArrayIndex(&index)) {
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ Handle<Object> result = SetElement(receiver, index, value, strict_mode);
+ if (result.is_null()) return Failure::Exception();
+ return *value;
+ }
+ // Use specialized code for setting the length of arrays.
+ if (receiver->IsJSArray()
+ && name->Equals(isolate()->heap()->length_symbol())
+ && receiver->AllowsSetElementsLength()) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) PrintF("[StoreIC : +#length /array]\n");
+ Builtins::Name target = (strict_mode == kStrictMode)
+ ? Builtins::kStoreIC_ArrayLength_Strict
+ : Builtins::kStoreIC_ArrayLength;
+ set_target(isolate()->builtins()->builtin(target));
+ return receiver->SetProperty(*name, *value, NONE, strict_mode);
+ }
+ // Lookup the property locally in the receiver.
+ if (FLAG_use_ic && !receiver->IsJSGlobalProxy()) {
+ LookupResult lookup;
+ if (LookupForWrite(*receiver, *name, &lookup)) {
+ bool can_be_inlined =
+ state == UNINITIALIZED &&
+ lookup.IsProperty() &&
+ lookup.holder() == *receiver &&
+ lookup.type() == FIELD &&
+ !receiver->IsAccessCheckNeeded();
+ if (can_be_inlined) {
+ Map* map = lookup.holder()->map();
+ // Property's index in the properties array. If negative we have
+ // an inobject property.
+ int index = lookup.GetFieldIndex() - map->inobject_properties();
+ if (index < 0) {
+ // Index is an offset from the end of the object.
+ int offset = map->instance_size() + (index * kPointerSize);
+ if (PatchInlinedStore(address(), map, offset)) {
+ set_target((strict_mode == kStrictMode)
+ ? megamorphic_stub_strict()
+ : megamorphic_stub());
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) {
+ PrintF("[StoreIC : inline patch %s]\n", *name->ToCString());
+ }
+ return receiver->SetProperty(*name, *value, NONE, strict_mode);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ } else {
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) {
+ PrintF("[StoreIC : no inline patch %s (patching failed)]\n",
+ *name->ToCString());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) {
+ PrintF("[StoreIC : no inline patch %s (not inobject)]\n",
+ *name->ToCString());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (state == PREMONOMORPHIC) {
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) {
+ PrintF("[StoreIC : no inline patch %s (not inlinable)]\n",
+ *name->ToCString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If no inlined store ic was patched, generate a stub for this
+ // store.
+ UpdateCaches(&lookup, state, strict_mode, receiver, name, value);
+ } else {
+ // Strict mode doesn't allow setting non-existent global property
+ // or an assignment to a read only property.
+ if (strict_mode == kStrictMode) {
+ if (lookup.IsFound() && lookup.IsReadOnly()) {
+ return TypeError("strict_read_only_property", object, name);
+ } else if (IsContextual(object)) {
+ return ReferenceError("not_defined", name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (receiver->IsJSGlobalProxy()) {
+ // Generate a generic stub that goes to the runtime when we see a global
+ // proxy as receiver.
+ Code* stub = (strict_mode == kStrictMode)
+ ? global_proxy_stub_strict()
+ : global_proxy_stub();
+ if (target() != stub) {
+ set_target(stub);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC("StoreIC", name, state, target());
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the property.
+ return receiver->SetProperty(*name, *value, NONE, strict_mode);
+void StoreIC::UpdateCaches(LookupResult* lookup,
+ State state,
+ StrictModeFlag strict_mode,
+ Handle<JSObject> receiver,
+ Handle<String> name,
+ Handle<Object> value) {
+ // Skip JSGlobalProxy.
+ ASSERT(!receiver->IsJSGlobalProxy());
+ ASSERT(StoreICableLookup(lookup));
+ // If the property has a non-field type allowing map transitions
+ // where there is extra room in the object, we leave the IC in its
+ // current state.
+ PropertyType type = lookup->type();
+ // Compute the code stub for this store; used for rewriting to
+ // monomorphic state and making sure that the code stub is in the
+ // stub cache.
+ MaybeObject* maybe_code = NULL;
+ Object* code = NULL;
+ switch (type) {
+ case FIELD: {
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeStoreField(
+ *name, *receiver, lookup->GetFieldIndex(), NULL, strict_mode);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (lookup->GetAttributes() != NONE) return;
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ Handle<Map> transition(lookup->GetTransitionMap());
+ int index = transition->PropertyIndexFor(*name);
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeStoreField(
+ *name, *receiver, index, *transition, strict_mode);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NORMAL: {
+ if (receiver->IsGlobalObject()) {
+ // The stub generated for the global object picks the value directly
+ // from the property cell. So the property must be directly on the
+ // global object.
+ Handle<GlobalObject> global = Handle<GlobalObject>::cast(receiver);
+ JSGlobalPropertyCell* cell =
+ JSGlobalPropertyCell::cast(global->GetPropertyCell(lookup));
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeStoreGlobal(
+ *name, *global, cell, strict_mode);
+ } else {
+ if (lookup->holder() != *receiver) return;
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeStoreNormal(strict_mode);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case CALLBACKS: {
+ if (!lookup->GetCallbackObject()->IsAccessorInfo()) return;
+ AccessorInfo* callback = AccessorInfo::cast(lookup->GetCallbackObject());
+ if (v8::ToCData<Address>(callback->setter()) == 0) return;
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeStoreCallback(
+ *name, *receiver, callback, strict_mode);
+ break;
+ }
+ ASSERT(!receiver->GetNamedInterceptor()->setter()->IsUndefined());
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeStoreInterceptor(
+ *name, *receiver, strict_mode);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we're unable to compute the stub (not enough memory left), we
+ // simply avoid updating the caches.
+ if (maybe_code == NULL || !maybe_code->ToObject(&code)) return;
+ // Patch the call site depending on the state of the cache.
+ set_target(Code::cast(code));
+ } else if (state == MONOMORPHIC) {
+ // Only move to megamorphic if the target changes.
+ if (target() != Code::cast(code)) {
+ set_target((strict_mode == kStrictMode)
+ ? megamorphic_stub_strict()
+ : megamorphic_stub());
+ }
+ } else if (state == MEGAMORPHIC) {
+ // Update the stub cache.
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->Set(*name,
+ receiver->map(),
+ Code::cast(code));
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC("StoreIC", name, state, target());
+MaybeObject* KeyedStoreIC::Store(State state,
+ StrictModeFlag strict_mode,
+ Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<Object> key,
+ Handle<Object> value) {
+ if (key->IsSymbol()) {
+ Handle<String> name = Handle<String>::cast(key);
+ // If the object is undefined or null it's illegal to try to set any
+ // properties on it; throw a TypeError in that case.
+ if (object->IsUndefined() || object->IsNull()) {
+ return TypeError("non_object_property_store", object, name);
+ }
+ // Ignore stores where the receiver is not a JSObject.
+ if (!object->IsJSObject()) return *value;
+ Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
+ // Check if the given name is an array index.
+ uint32_t index;
+ if (name->AsArrayIndex(&index)) {
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ Handle<Object> result = SetElement(receiver, index, value, strict_mode);
+ if (result.is_null()) return Failure::Exception();
+ return *value;
+ }
+ // Lookup the property locally in the receiver.
+ LookupResult lookup;
+ receiver->LocalLookup(*name, &lookup);
+ // Update inline cache and stub cache.
+ if (FLAG_use_ic) {
+ UpdateCaches(&lookup, state, strict_mode, receiver, name, value);
+ }
+ // Set the property.
+ return receiver->SetProperty(*name, *value, NONE, strict_mode);
+ }
+ // Do not use ICs for objects that require access checks (including
+ // the global object).
+ bool use_ic = FLAG_use_ic && !object->IsAccessCheckNeeded();
+ ASSERT(!(use_ic && object->IsJSGlobalProxy()));
+ if (use_ic) {
+ Code* stub =
+ (strict_mode == kStrictMode) ? generic_stub_strict() : generic_stub();
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED) {
+ if (object->IsJSObject()) {
+ Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
+ if (receiver->HasExternalArrayElements()) {
+ MaybeObject* probe =
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedLoadOrStoreExternalArray(
+ *receiver, true, strict_mode);
+ stub = probe->IsFailure() ?
+ NULL : Code::cast(probe->ToObjectUnchecked());
+ } else if (key->IsSmi() && receiver->map()->has_fast_elements()) {
+ MaybeObject* probe =
+ isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedStoreSpecialized(
+ *receiver, strict_mode);
+ stub = probe->IsFailure() ?
+ NULL : Code::cast(probe->ToObjectUnchecked());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (stub != NULL) set_target(stub);
+ }
+ // Set the property.
+ return Runtime::SetObjectProperty(
+ isolate(), object , key, value, NONE, strict_mode);
+void KeyedStoreIC::UpdateCaches(LookupResult* lookup,
+ State state,
+ StrictModeFlag strict_mode,
+ Handle<JSObject> receiver,
+ Handle<String> name,
+ Handle<Object> value) {
+ // Skip JSGlobalProxy.
+ if (receiver->IsJSGlobalProxy()) return;
+ // Bail out if we didn't find a result.
+ if (!lookup->IsPropertyOrTransition() || !lookup->IsCacheable()) return;
+ // If the property is read-only, we leave the IC in its current
+ // state.
+ if (lookup->IsReadOnly()) return;
+ // If the property has a non-field type allowing map transitions
+ // where there is extra room in the object, we leave the IC in its
+ // current state.
+ PropertyType type = lookup->type();
+ // Compute the code stub for this store; used for rewriting to
+ // monomorphic state and making sure that the code stub is in the
+ // stub cache.
+ MaybeObject* maybe_code = NULL;
+ Object* code = NULL;
+ switch (type) {
+ case FIELD: {
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedStoreField(
+ *name, *receiver, lookup->GetFieldIndex(), NULL, strict_mode);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (lookup->GetAttributes() == NONE) {
+ HandleScope scope(isolate());
+ Handle<Map> transition(lookup->GetTransitionMap());
+ int index = transition->PropertyIndexFor(*name);
+ maybe_code = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeKeyedStoreField(
+ *name, *receiver, index, *transition, strict_mode);
+ break;
+ }
+ // fall through.
+ }
+ default: {
+ // Always rewrite to the generic case so that we do not
+ // repeatedly try to rewrite.
+ maybe_code = (strict_mode == kStrictMode)
+ ? generic_stub_strict()
+ : generic_stub();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we're unable to compute the stub (not enough memory left), we
+ // simply avoid updating the caches.
+ if (maybe_code == NULL || !maybe_code->ToObject(&code)) return;
+ // Patch the call site depending on the state of the cache. Make
+ // sure to always rewrite from monomorphic to megamorphic.
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED || state == PREMONOMORPHIC) {
+ set_target(Code::cast(code));
+ } else if (state == MONOMORPHIC) {
+ set_target((strict_mode == kStrictMode)
+ ? megamorphic_stub_strict()
+ : megamorphic_stub());
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ TraceIC("KeyedStoreIC", name, state, target());
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Static IC stub generators.
+static JSFunction* CompileFunction(Isolate* isolate,
+ JSFunction* function,
+ InLoopFlag in_loop) {
+ // Compile now with optimization.
+ HandleScope scope(isolate);
+ Handle<JSFunction> function_handle(function, isolate);
+ if (in_loop == IN_LOOP) {
+ CompileLazyInLoop(function_handle, CLEAR_EXCEPTION);
+ } else {
+ CompileLazy(function_handle, CLEAR_EXCEPTION);
+ }
+ return *function_handle;
+// Used from ic-<arch>.cc.
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, CallIC_Miss) {
+ NoHandleAllocation na;
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 2);
+ CallIC ic(isolate);
+ IC::State state = IC::StateFrom(, args[0], args[1]);
+ Code::ExtraICState extra_ic_state =>extra_ic_state();
+ MaybeObject* maybe_result = ic.LoadFunction(state,
+ extra_ic_state,
+ Object* result;
+ if (!maybe_result->ToObject(&result)) return maybe_result;
+ // The first time the inline cache is updated may be the first time the
+ // function it references gets called. If the function was lazily compiled
+ // then the first call will trigger a compilation. We check for this case
+ // and we do the compilation immediately, instead of waiting for the stub
+ // currently attached to the JSFunction object to trigger compilation. We
+ // do this in the case where we know that the inline cache is inside a loop,
+ // because then we know that we want to optimize the function.
+ if (!result->IsJSFunction() || JSFunction::cast(result)->is_compiled()) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ return CompileFunction(isolate,
+ JSFunction::cast(result),
+// Used from ic-<arch>.cc.
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, KeyedCallIC_Miss) {
+ NoHandleAllocation na;
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 2);
+ KeyedCallIC ic(isolate);
+ IC::State state = IC::StateFrom(, args[0], args[1]);
+ Object* result;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_result =
+ ic.LoadFunction(state,<Object>(0),<Object>(1));
+ if (!maybe_result->ToObject(&result)) return maybe_result;
+ }
+ if (!result->IsJSFunction() || JSFunction::cast(result)->is_compiled()) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ return CompileFunction(isolate,
+ JSFunction::cast(result),
+// Used from ic-<arch>.cc.
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, LoadIC_Miss) {
+ NoHandleAllocation na;
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 2);
+ LoadIC ic(isolate);
+ IC::State state = IC::StateFrom(, args[0], args[1]);
+ return ic.Load(state,<Object>(0),<String>(1));
+// Used from ic-<arch>.cc
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, KeyedLoadIC_Miss) {
+ NoHandleAllocation na;
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 2);
+ KeyedLoadIC ic(isolate);
+ IC::State state = IC::StateFrom(, args[0], args[1]);
+ return ic.Load(state,<Object>(0),<Object>(1));
+// Used from ic-<arch>.cc.
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, StoreIC_Miss) {
+ NoHandleAllocation na;
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 3);
+ StoreIC ic(isolate);
+ IC::State state = IC::StateFrom(, args[0], args[1]);
+ Code::ExtraICState extra_ic_state =>extra_ic_state();
+ return ic.Store(state,
+ static_cast<StrictModeFlag>(extra_ic_state & kStrictMode),
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, StoreIC_ArrayLength) {
+ NoHandleAllocation nha;
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 2);
+ JSObject* receiver = JSObject::cast(args[0]);
+ Object* len = args[1];
+ // The generated code should filter out non-Smis before we get here.
+ ASSERT(len->IsSmi());
+ Object* result;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_result = receiver->SetElementsLength(len);
+ if (!maybe_result->ToObject(&result)) return maybe_result;
+ }
+ return len;
+// Extend storage is called in a store inline cache when
+// it is necessary to extend the properties array of a
+// JSObject.
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, SharedStoreIC_ExtendStorage) {
+ NoHandleAllocation na;
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 3);
+ // Convert the parameters
+ JSObject* object = JSObject::cast(args[0]);
+ Map* transition = Map::cast(args[1]);
+ Object* value = args[2];
+ // Check the object has run out out property space.
+ ASSERT(object->HasFastProperties());
+ ASSERT(object->map()->unused_property_fields() == 0);
+ // Expand the properties array.
+ FixedArray* old_storage = object->properties();
+ int new_unused = transition->unused_property_fields();
+ int new_size = old_storage->length() + new_unused + 1;
+ Object* result;
+ { MaybeObject* maybe_result = old_storage->CopySize(new_size);
+ if (!maybe_result->ToObject(&result)) return maybe_result;
+ }
+ FixedArray* new_storage = FixedArray::cast(result);
+ new_storage->set(old_storage->length(), value);
+ // Set the new property value and do the map transition.
+ object->set_properties(new_storage);
+ object->set_map(transition);
+ // Return the stored value.
+ return value;
+// Used from ic-<arch>.cc.
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, KeyedStoreIC_Miss) {
+ NoHandleAllocation na;
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 3);
+ KeyedStoreIC ic(isolate);
+ IC::State state = IC::StateFrom(, args[0], args[1]);
+ Code::ExtraICState extra_ic_state =>extra_ic_state();
+ return ic.Store(state,
+ static_cast<StrictModeFlag>(extra_ic_state & kStrictMode),
+void BinaryOpIC::patch(Code* code) {
+ set_target(code);
+const char* BinaryOpIC::GetName(TypeInfo type_info) {
+ switch (type_info) {
+ case UNINIT_OR_SMI: return "UninitOrSmi";
+ case DEFAULT: return "Default";
+ case GENERIC: return "Generic";
+ case HEAP_NUMBERS: return "HeapNumbers";
+ case STRINGS: return "Strings";
+ default: return "Invalid";
+ }
+BinaryOpIC::State BinaryOpIC::ToState(TypeInfo type_info) {
+ switch (type_info) {
+ case DEFAULT:
+ case STRINGS:
+ case GENERIC:
+ }
+BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo BinaryOpIC::GetTypeInfo(Object* left,
+ Object* right) {
+ if (left->IsSmi() && right->IsSmi()) {
+ // If we have two smi inputs we can reach here because
+ // of an overflow. Enter default state.
+ return DEFAULT;
+ }
+ if (left->IsNumber() && right->IsNumber()) {
+ return HEAP_NUMBERS;
+ }
+ if (left->IsString() || right->IsString()) {
+ // Patching for fast string ADD makes sense even if only one of the
+ // arguments is a string.
+ return STRINGS;
+ }
+ return GENERIC;
+// defined in code-stubs-<arch>.cc
+Handle<Code> GetBinaryOpStub(int key, BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo type_info);
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, BinaryOp_Patch) {
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 5);
+ HandleScope scope(isolate);
+ Handle<Object> left =<Object>(0);
+ Handle<Object> right =<Object>(1);
+ int key = Smi::cast(args[2])->value();
+ Token::Value op = static_cast<Token::Value>(Smi::cast(args[3])->value());
+ BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo previous_type =
+ static_cast<BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo>(Smi::cast(args[4])->value());
+ BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo type = BinaryOpIC::GetTypeInfo(*left, *right);
+ Handle<Code> code = GetBinaryOpStub(key, type);
+ if (!code.is_null()) {
+ BinaryOpIC ic(isolate);
+ ic.patch(*code);
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) {
+ PrintF("[BinaryOpIC (%s->%s)#%s]\n",
+ BinaryOpIC::GetName(previous_type),
+ BinaryOpIC::GetName(type),
+ Token::Name(op));
+ }
+ }
+ Handle<JSBuiltinsObject> builtins = Handle<JSBuiltinsObject>(
+ isolate->thread_local_top()->context_->builtins(), isolate);
+ Object* builtin = NULL; // Initialization calms down the compiler.
+ switch (op) {
+ case Token::ADD:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::ADD);
+ break;
+ case Token::SUB:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::SUB);
+ break;
+ case Token::MUL:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::MUL);
+ break;
+ case Token::DIV:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::DIV);
+ break;
+ case Token::MOD:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::MOD);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_AND:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::BIT_AND);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_OR:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::BIT_OR);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_XOR:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::BIT_XOR);
+ break;
+ case Token::SHR:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::SHR);
+ break;
+ case Token::SAR:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::SAR);
+ break;
+ case Token::SHL:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::SHL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ Handle<JSFunction> builtin_function(JSFunction::cast(builtin),
+ isolate);
+ bool caught_exception;
+ Object** builtin_args[] = { right.location() };
+ Handle<Object> result = Execution::Call(builtin_function,
+ left,
+ ARRAY_SIZE(builtin_args),
+ builtin_args,
+ &caught_exception);
+ if (caught_exception) {
+ return Failure::Exception();
+ }
+ return *result;
+void TRBinaryOpIC::patch(Code* code) {
+ set_target(code);
+const char* TRBinaryOpIC::GetName(TypeInfo type_info) {
+ switch (type_info) {
+ case UNINITIALIZED: return "Uninitialized";
+ case SMI: return "SMI";
+ case INT32: return "Int32s";
+ case HEAP_NUMBER: return "HeapNumbers";
+ case ODDBALL: return "Oddball";
+ case STRING: return "Strings";
+ case GENERIC: return "Generic";
+ default: return "Invalid";
+ }
+TRBinaryOpIC::State TRBinaryOpIC::ToState(TypeInfo type_info) {
+ switch (type_info) {
+ return ::v8::internal::UNINITIALIZED;
+ case SMI:
+ case INT32:
+ case ODDBALL:
+ case STRING:
+ case GENERIC:
+ }
+ return ::v8::internal::UNINITIALIZED;
+TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo TRBinaryOpIC::JoinTypes(TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo x,
+ TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo y) {
+ if (x == UNINITIALIZED) return y;
+ if (y == UNINITIALIZED) return x;
+ if (x == STRING && y == STRING) return STRING;
+ if (x == STRING || y == STRING) return GENERIC;
+ if (x >= y) return x;
+ return y;
+TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo TRBinaryOpIC::GetTypeInfo(Handle<Object> left,
+ Handle<Object> right) {
+ ::v8::internal::TypeInfo left_type =
+ ::v8::internal::TypeInfo::TypeFromValue(left);
+ ::v8::internal::TypeInfo right_type =
+ ::v8::internal::TypeInfo::TypeFromValue(right);
+ if (left_type.IsSmi() && right_type.IsSmi()) {
+ return SMI;
+ }
+ if (left_type.IsInteger32() && right_type.IsInteger32()) {
+ // Platforms with 32-bit Smis have no distinct INT32 type.
+ if (kSmiValueSize == 32) return SMI;
+ return INT32;
+ }
+ if (left_type.IsNumber() && right_type.IsNumber()) {
+ return HEAP_NUMBER;
+ }
+ if (left_type.IsString() || right_type.IsString()) {
+ // Patching for fast string ADD makes sense even if only one of the
+ // arguments is a string.
+ return STRING;
+ }
+ // Check for oddball objects.
+ if (left->IsUndefined() && right->IsNumber()) return ODDBALL;
+ if (left->IsNumber() && right->IsUndefined()) return ODDBALL;
+ return GENERIC;
+// defined in code-stubs-<arch>.cc
+// Only needed to remove dependency of on code-stubs-<arch>.h.
+Handle<Code> GetTypeRecordingBinaryOpStub(int key,
+ TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo type_info,
+ TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo result_type);
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, TypeRecordingBinaryOp_Patch) {
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 5);
+ HandleScope scope(isolate);
+ Handle<Object> left =<Object>(0);
+ Handle<Object> right =<Object>(1);
+ int key = Smi::cast(args[2])->value();
+ Token::Value op = static_cast<Token::Value>(Smi::cast(args[3])->value());
+ TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo previous_type =
+ static_cast<TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo>(Smi::cast(args[4])->value());
+ TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo type = TRBinaryOpIC::GetTypeInfo(left, right);
+ type = TRBinaryOpIC::JoinTypes(type, previous_type);
+ TRBinaryOpIC::TypeInfo result_type = TRBinaryOpIC::UNINITIALIZED;
+ if (type == TRBinaryOpIC::STRING && op != Token::ADD) {
+ type = TRBinaryOpIC::GENERIC;
+ }
+ if (type == TRBinaryOpIC::SMI &&
+ previous_type == TRBinaryOpIC::SMI) {
+ if (op == Token::DIV || op == Token::MUL || kSmiValueSize == 32) {
+ // Arithmetic on two Smi inputs has yielded a heap number.
+ // That is the only way to get here from the Smi stub.
+ // With 32-bit Smis, all overflows give heap numbers, but with
+ // 31-bit Smis, most operations overflow to int32 results.
+ result_type = TRBinaryOpIC::HEAP_NUMBER;
+ } else {
+ // Other operations on SMIs that overflow yield int32s.
+ result_type = TRBinaryOpIC::INT32;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type == TRBinaryOpIC::INT32 &&
+ previous_type == TRBinaryOpIC::INT32) {
+ // We must be here because an operation on two INT32 types overflowed.
+ result_type = TRBinaryOpIC::HEAP_NUMBER;
+ }
+ Handle<Code> code = GetTypeRecordingBinaryOpStub(key, type, result_type);
+ if (!code.is_null()) {
+ if (FLAG_trace_ic) {
+ PrintF("[TypeRecordingBinaryOpIC (%s->(%s->%s))#%s]\n",
+ TRBinaryOpIC::GetName(previous_type),
+ TRBinaryOpIC::GetName(type),
+ TRBinaryOpIC::GetName(result_type),
+ Token::Name(op));
+ }
+ TRBinaryOpIC ic(isolate);
+ ic.patch(*code);
+ // Activate inlined smi code.
+ if (previous_type == TRBinaryOpIC::UNINITIALIZED) {
+ PatchInlinedSmiCode(ic.address());
+ }
+ }
+ Handle<JSBuiltinsObject> builtins = Handle<JSBuiltinsObject>(
+ isolate->thread_local_top()->context_->builtins(), isolate);
+ Object* builtin = NULL; // Initialization calms down the compiler.
+ switch (op) {
+ case Token::ADD:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::ADD);
+ break;
+ case Token::SUB:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::SUB);
+ break;
+ case Token::MUL:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::MUL);
+ break;
+ case Token::DIV:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::DIV);
+ break;
+ case Token::MOD:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::MOD);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_AND:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::BIT_AND);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_OR:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::BIT_OR);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_XOR:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::BIT_XOR);
+ break;
+ case Token::SHR:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::SHR);
+ break;
+ case Token::SAR:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::SAR);
+ break;
+ case Token::SHL:
+ builtin = builtins->javascript_builtin(Builtins::SHL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ Handle<JSFunction> builtin_function(JSFunction::cast(builtin), isolate);
+ bool caught_exception;
+ Object** builtin_args[] = { right.location() };
+ Handle<Object> result = Execution::Call(builtin_function,
+ left,
+ ARRAY_SIZE(builtin_args),
+ builtin_args,
+ &caught_exception);
+ if (caught_exception) {
+ return Failure::Exception();
+ }
+ return *result;
+Handle<Code> CompareIC::GetUninitialized(Token::Value op) {
+ ICCompareStub stub(op, UNINITIALIZED);
+ return stub.GetCode();
+CompareIC::State CompareIC::ComputeState(Code* target) {
+ int key = target->major_key();
+ if (key == CodeStub::Compare) return GENERIC;
+ ASSERT(key == CodeStub::CompareIC);
+ return static_cast<State>(target->compare_state());
+const char* CompareIC::GetStateName(State state) {
+ switch (state) {
+ case SMIS: return "SMIS";
+ case OBJECTS: return "OBJECTS";
+ case GENERIC: return "GENERIC";
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+CompareIC::State CompareIC::TargetState(State state,
+ bool has_inlined_smi_code,
+ Handle<Object> x,
+ Handle<Object> y) {
+ if (!has_inlined_smi_code && state != UNINITIALIZED) return GENERIC;
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED && x->IsSmi() && y->IsSmi()) return SMIS;
+ if ((state == UNINITIALIZED || (state == SMIS && has_inlined_smi_code)) &&
+ x->IsNumber() && y->IsNumber()) return HEAP_NUMBERS;
+ if (op_ != Token::EQ && op_ != Token::EQ_STRICT) return GENERIC;
+ if (state == UNINITIALIZED &&
+ x->IsJSObject() && y->IsJSObject()) return OBJECTS;
+ return GENERIC;
+// Used from ic_<arch>.cc.
+RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Code*, CompareIC_Miss) {
+ NoHandleAllocation na;
+ ASSERT(args.length() == 3);
+ CompareIC ic(isolate, static_cast<Token::Value>(Smi::cast(args[2])->value()));
+ ic.UpdateCaches(<Object>(0),<Object>(1));
+ return;
+static const Address IC_utilities[] = {
+#define ADDR(name) FUNCTION_ADDR(name),
+#undef ADDR
+Address IC::AddressFromUtilityId(IC::UtilityId id) {
+ return IC_utilities[id];
+} } // namespace v8::internal