path: root/src/controls/Styles/Base/CircularGaugeStyle.qml
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diff --git a/src/controls/Styles/Base/CircularGaugeStyle.qml b/src/controls/Styles/Base/CircularGaugeStyle.qml
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+++ b/src/controls/Styles/Base/CircularGaugeStyle.qml
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+** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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+import QtQuick 2.2
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+import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
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+import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
+import QtQuick.Extras.Private 1.0
+ \qmltype CircularGaugeStyle
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls.Styles
+ \since 5.5
+ \ingroup controlsstyling
+ \brief Provides custom styling for CircularGauge.
+ You can create a custom circular gauge by replacing the following delegates:
+ \list
+ \li \l background
+ \li \l tickmark
+ \li \l minorTickmark
+ \li \l tickmarkLabel
+ \li \l needle
+ \li \l foreground
+ \endlist
+ Below is an example that changes the needle to a basic orange \l Rectangle:
+ \code
+ CircularGauge {
+ style: CircularGaugeStyle {
+ needle: Rectangle {
+ y: outerRadius * 0.15
+ implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.03
+ implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.9
+ antialiasing: true
+ color: Qt.rgba(0.66, 0.3, 0, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The result:
+ \image circulargauge-needle-example-2.png CircularGaugeStyle example
+ \section2 Direction
+ \l minimumValueAngle and \l maximumValueAngle determine not only the
+ position of the tickmarks, labels and needle, but the direction in which
+ they are displayed around the gauge. For example, if \l minimumValueAngle
+ is greater than \l maximumValueAngle, the gauge will be anti-clockwise.
+ Below, there are two gauges: the top gauge has a \l minimumValueAngle of
+ \c -90 degrees and a \l maximumValueAngle of \c 90 degrees, and the bottom
+ gauge has the opposite.
+ \image circulargauge-reversed.png Reversed CircularGauge
+ \sa {Styling CircularGauge}
+Style {
+ id: circularGaugeStyle
+ /*!
+ The \l CircularGauge that this style is attached to.
+ */
+ readonly property CircularGauge control: __control
+ /*!
+ The distance from the center of the gauge to the outer edge of the
+ gauge.
+ This property is useful for determining the size of the various
+ components of the style, in order to ensure that they are scaled
+ proportionately when the gauge is resized.
+ */
+ readonly property real outerRadius: Math.min(control.width, control.height) * 0.5
+ /*!
+ This property determines the angle at which the minimum value is
+ displayed on the gauge.
+ The angle set affects the following components of the gauge:
+ \list
+ \li The angle of the needle
+ \li The position of the tickmarks and labels
+ \endlist
+ The angle origin points north:
+ \image circulargauge-angles.png
+ There is no minimum or maximum angle for this property, but the default
+ style only supports angles whose absolute range is less than or equal
+ to \c 360 degrees. This is because ranges higher than \c 360 degrees
+ will cause the tickmarks and labels to overlap each other.
+ The default value is \c -145.
+ */
+ property real minimumValueAngle: -145
+ /*!
+ This property determines the angle at which the maximum value is
+ displayed on the gauge.
+ The angle set affects the following components of the gauge:
+ \list
+ \li The angle of the needle
+ \li The position of the tickmarks and labels
+ \endlist
+ The angle origin points north:
+ \image circulargauge-angles.png
+ There is no minimum or maximum angle for this property, but the default
+ style only supports angles whose absolute range is less than or equal
+ to \c 360 degrees. This is because ranges higher than \c 360 degrees
+ will cause the tickmarks and labels to overlap each other.
+ The default value is \c 145.
+ */
+ property real maximumValueAngle: 145
+ /*!
+ The range between \l minimumValueAngle and \l maximumValueAngle, in
+ degrees. This value will always be positive.
+ */
+ readonly property real angleRange: control.__panel.circularTickmarkLabel.angleRange
+ /*!
+ This property holds the rotation of the needle in degrees.
+ */
+ property real needleRotation: {
+ var percentage = (control.value - control.minimumValue) / (control.maximumValue - control.minimumValue);
+ minimumValueAngle + percentage * angleRange;
+ }
+ /*!
+ The interval at which tickmarks are displayed.
+ For example, if this property is set to \c 10 (the default),
+ control.minimumValue to \c 0, and control.maximumValue to \c 100,
+ the tickmarks displayed will be 0, 10, 20, etc., to 100,
+ around the gauge.
+ */
+ property real tickmarkStepSize: 10
+ /*!
+ The distance in pixels from the outside of the gauge (outerRadius) at
+ which the outermost point of the tickmark line is drawn.
+ */
+ property real tickmarkInset: 0
+ /*!
+ The amount of tickmarks displayed by the gauge, calculated from
+ \l tickmarkStepSize and the control's
+ \l {CircularGauge::minimumValue}{minimumValue} and
+ \l {CircularGauge::maximumValue}{maximumValue}.
+ \sa minorTickmarkCount
+ */
+ readonly property int tickmarkCount: control.__panel.circularTickmarkLabel.tickmarkCount
+ /*!
+ The amount of minor tickmarks between each tickmark.
+ The default value is \c 4.
+ \sa tickmarkCount
+ */
+ property int minorTickmarkCount: 4
+ /*!
+ The distance in pixels from the outside of the gauge (outerRadius) at
+ which the outermost point of the minor tickmark line is drawn.
+ */
+ property real minorTickmarkInset: 0
+ /*!
+ The distance in pixels from the outside of the gauge (outerRadius) at
+ which the center of the value marker text is drawn.
+ */
+ property real labelInset: __protectedScope.toPixels(0.19)
+ /*!
+ The interval at which tickmark labels are displayed.
+ For example, if this property is set to \c 10 (the default),
+ control.minimumValue to \c 0, and control.maximumValue to \c 100, the
+ tickmark labels displayed will be 0, 10, 20, etc., to 100,
+ around the gauge.
+ */
+ property real labelStepSize: tickmarkStepSize
+ /*!
+ The amount of tickmark labels displayed by the gauge, calculated from
+ \l labelStepSize and the control's
+ \l {CircularGauge::minimumValue}{minimumValue} and
+ \l {CircularGauge::maximumValue}{maximumValue}.
+ \sa tickmarkCount, minorTickmarkCount
+ */
+ readonly property int labelCount: control.__panel.circularTickmarkLabel.labelCount
+ /*!
+ Returns \a value as an angle in degrees.
+ This function is useful for custom drawing or positioning of items in
+ the style's components. For example, it can be used to calculate the
+ angles at which to draw an arc around the gauge indicating the safe
+ area for the needle to be within.
+ For example, if minimumValueAngle is set to \c 270 and
+ maximumValueAngle is set to \c 90, this function will return \c 270
+ when passed minimumValue and \c 90 when passed maximumValue.
+ \sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-background}{
+ Styling CircularGauge's background}
+ */
+ function valueToAngle(value) {
+ return control.__panel.circularTickmarkLabel.valueToAngle(value);
+ }
+ property QtObject __protectedScope: QtObject {
+ /*!
+ Converts a value expressed as a percentage of \l outerRadius to
+ a pixel value.
+ */
+ function toPixels(percentageOfOuterRadius) {
+ return percentageOfOuterRadius * outerRadius;
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ The background of the gauge.
+ If set, the background determines the implicit size of the gauge.
+ By default, there is no background defined.
+ \sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-background}{
+ Styling CircularGauge's background}
+ */
+ property Component background
+ /*!
+ This component defines each individual tickmark. The position of each
+ tickmark is already set; only the
+ \l {Item::implicitWidth}{implicitWidth} and
+ \l {Item::implicitHeight}{implicitHeight} need to be specified.
+ Each instance of this component has access to the following properties:
+ \table
+ \row \li \c {readonly property int} \b styleData.index
+ \li The index of this tickmark.
+ \row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.value
+ \li The value that this tickmark represents.
+ \endtable
+ To illustrate what these properties refer to, we can use the following
+ example:
+ \snippet circulargauge-tickmark-indices-values.qml tickmarks
+ We've replaced the conventional \e line tickmarks with \l Text items
+ and have hidden the tickmarkLabel component in order to make the
+ association clearer:
+ \image circulargauge-tickmark-indices-values.png Tickmarks
+ The index property can be useful if you have another model that
+ contains images to display for each index, for example.
+ The value property is useful for drawing lower and upper limits around
+ the gauge to indicate the recommended value ranges. For example, speeds
+ above 200 kilometers an hour in a car's speedometer could be indicated
+ as dangerous using this property.
+ \sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-tickmark}{
+ Styling CircularGauge's tickmark}
+ */
+ property Component tickmark: Rectangle {
+ implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.02
+ antialiasing: true
+ implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.06
+ color: "#c8c8c8"
+ }
+ /*!
+ This component defines each individual minor tickmark. The position of
+ each minor tickmark is already set; only the
+ \l {Item::implicitWidth}{implicitWidth} and
+ \l {Item::implicitHeight}{implicitHeight} need to be specified.
+ Each instance of this component has access to the following properties:
+ \table
+ \row \li \c {readonly property int} \b styleData.index
+ \li The index of this tickmark.
+ \row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.value
+ \li The value that this tickmark represents.
+ \endtable
+ \sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-minorTickmark}{
+ Styling CircularGauge's minorTickmark}
+ */
+ property Component minorTickmark: Rectangle {
+ implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.01
+ antialiasing: true
+ implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.03
+ color: "#c8c8c8"
+ }
+ /*!
+ This defines the text of each tickmark label on the gauge.
+ Each instance of this component has access to the following properties:
+ \table
+ \row \li \c {readonly property int} \b styleData.index
+ \li The index of this label.
+ \row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.value
+ \li The value that this label represents.
+ \endtable
+ \sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-tickmarkLabel}{
+ Styling CircularGauge's tickmarkLabel}
+ */
+ property Component tickmarkLabel: Text {
+ font.pixelSize: Math.max(6, __protectedScope.toPixels(0.12))
+ text: styleData.value
+ color: "#c8c8c8"
+ antialiasing: true
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ /*!
+ The needle that points to the gauge's current value.
+ This component is drawn below the \l foreground component.
+ The style expects the needle to be pointing up at a rotation of \c 0,
+ in order for the rotation to be correct. For example:
+ \image circulargauge-needle.png CircularGauge's needle
+ When defining your own needle component, the only properties that the
+ style requires you to set are the
+ \l {Item::implicitWidth}{implicitWidth} and
+ \l {Item::implicitHeight}{implicitHeight}.
+ Optionally, you can set \l {Item::x}{x} and \l {Item::y}{y} to change
+ the needle's transform origin. Setting the \c x position can be useful
+ for needle images where the needle is not centered exactly
+ horizontally. Setting the \c y position allows you to make the base of
+ the needle hang over the center of the gauge.
+ \sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-needle}{
+ Styling CircularGauge's needle}
+ */
+ property Component needle: Item {
+ implicitWidth: __protectedScope.toPixels(0.08)
+ implicitHeight: 0.9 * outerRadius
+ Image {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ source: "images/needle.png"
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ The foreground of the gauge. This component is drawn above all others.
+ Like \l background, the foreground component fills the entire gauge.
+ By default, the knob of the gauge is defined here.
+ \sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-foreground}{
+ Styling CircularGauge's foreground}
+ */
+ property Component foreground: Item {
+ Image {
+ source: "images/knob.png"
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ scale: {
+ var idealHeight = __protectedScope.toPixels(0.2);
+ var originalImageHeight = sourceSize.height;
+ idealHeight / originalImageHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*! \internal */
+ property Component panel: Item {
+ id: panelItem
+ implicitWidth: backgroundLoader.item ? backgroundLoader.implicitWidth : TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 16
+ implicitHeight: backgroundLoader.item ? backgroundLoader.implicitHeight : TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 16
+ property alias background: backgroundLoader.item
+ property alias circularTickmarkLabel: circularTickmarkLabel_
+ Loader {
+ id: backgroundLoader
+ sourceComponent: circularGaugeStyle.background
+ width: outerRadius * 2
+ height: outerRadius * 2
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ }
+ CircularTickmarkLabel {
+ id: circularTickmarkLabel_
+ anchors.fill: backgroundLoader
+ minimumValue: control.minimumValue
+ maximumValue: control.maximumValue
+ stepSize: control.stepSize
+ tickmarksVisible: control.tickmarksVisible
+ minimumValueAngle: circularGaugeStyle.minimumValueAngle
+ maximumValueAngle: circularGaugeStyle.maximumValueAngle
+ tickmarkStepSize: circularGaugeStyle.tickmarkStepSize
+ tickmarkInset: circularGaugeStyle.tickmarkInset
+ minorTickmarkCount: circularGaugeStyle.minorTickmarkCount
+ minorTickmarkInset: circularGaugeStyle.minorTickmarkInset
+ labelInset: circularGaugeStyle.labelInset
+ labelStepSize: circularGaugeStyle.labelStepSize
+ style: CircularTickmarkLabelStyle {
+ tickmark: circularGaugeStyle.tickmark
+ minorTickmark: circularGaugeStyle.minorTickmark
+ tickmarkLabel: circularGaugeStyle.tickmarkLabel
+ }
+ }
+ Loader {
+ id: needleLoader
+ sourceComponent: circularGaugeStyle.needle
+ transform: [
+ Rotation {
+ angle: needleRotation
+ origin.x: needleLoader.width / 2
+ origin.y: needleLoader.height
+ },
+ Translate {
+ x: panelItem.width / 2 - needleLoader.width / 2
+ y: panelItem.height / 2 - needleLoader.height
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Loader {
+ id: foreground
+ sourceComponent: circularGaugeStyle.foreground
+ anchors.fill: backgroundLoader
+ }
+ }