path: root/components/custom/ChoiceList.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'components/custom/ChoiceList.qml')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/components/custom/ChoiceList.qml b/components/custom/ChoiceList.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c5ca81b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/custom/ChoiceList.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import QtQuick 1.0
+import "./styles/default" as DefaultStyles
+import "./private" as Private // for ChoiceListPopup
+// 1) Popout list does not have a scrollbar/scroll indicator or similar
+// 2) The ChoiceListPopup should ff dynamically loaded, to support radically different implementations
+// 3) Mouse wheel scroll events not handled by the popout ListView (see QTBUG-7369)
+// 4) Support for configurable bindings between model's and ChoiceList's properties similar to ButtonBlock's is missing
+Item {
+ id: choiceList
+ property alias model: popup.model
+ property int currentIndex: popup.currentIndex
+ property alias containsMouse: mouseArea.containsMouse //mm needed?
+ property bool pressed: false //mm needed?
+ property color textColor: syspal.text
+ property color backgroundColor: syspal.button
+ property Component background: defaultStyle.background
+ property Component label: defaultStyle.label
+ property Component listItem: defaultStyle.listItem
+ property Component popupFrame: defaultStyle.popupFrame
+ property int minimumWidth: defaultStyle.minimumWidth
+ property int minimumHeight: defaultStyle.minimumHeight
+ property int leftMargin: defaultStyle.leftMargin
+ property int topMargin: defaultStyle.topMargin
+ property int rightMargin: defaultStyle.rightMargin
+ property int bottomMargin: defaultStyle.bottomMargin
+ property int labelWidth: labelComponent.item.width
+ property int labelHeight: labelComponent.item.height
+ width: Math.max(minimumWidth,
+ labelComponent.item.width + leftMargin + rightMargin)
+ height: Math.max(minimumHeight,
+ labelComponent.item.height + topMargin + bottomMargin)
+ // Implementation
+ SystemPalette { id: syspal }
+ Loader {
+ property alias styledItem: choiceList
+ sourceComponent: background
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ Loader {
+ id: labelComponent
+ property alias model: popup.model
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.leftMargin: leftMargin
+ anchors.rightMargin: rightMargin
+ anchors.topMargin: topMargin
+ anchors.bottomMargin: bottomMargin
+ sourceComponent: label
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ Item {} // disable dragging in case ChoiceList is on a Flickable
+ onPressed: {
+ choiceList.pressed = true;
+ popup.togglePopup();
+ }
+ onReleased: choiceList.pressed = false
+ onCanceled: choiceList.pressed = false // mouse stolen e.g. by Flickable
+ }
+ Private.ChoiceListPopup {
+ id: popup
+ listItem: choiceList.listItem
+ popupFrame: choiceList.popupFrame
+ }
+ DefaultStyles.ChoiceListStyle { id: defaultStyle }