path: root/src/controls/doc/src
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authorLeena Miettinen <>2014-09-24 17:24:05 +0200
committerLeena Miettinen <>2014-09-30 12:33:28 +0200
commit00665083ce5ccccab00b852164f03fe1efa9c504 (patch)
tree66dc52c3fb6d6381028a71b1ced1210577798a36 /src/controls/doc/src
parent428adaff208793cda0be710d29cbe166c14b7dc7 (diff)
Doc: add docs for Widget Gallery example
Change-Id: I42a4c583a2f3e1d1eb31f4e8c482181e5a01ef05 Reviewed-by: Topi Reiniƶ <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/controls/doc/src')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/controls/doc/src/qtquickcontrols-examples.qdoc b/src/controls/doc/src/qtquickcontrols-examples.qdoc
index 1a838e0e..4f1ab219 100644
--- a/src/controls/doc/src/qtquickcontrols-examples.qdoc
+++ b/src/controls/doc/src/qtquickcontrols-examples.qdoc
@@ -139,10 +139,243 @@
\brief Demonstrates UI controls for a touch interface
\image qtquickcontrols-example-touch.png
- This example shows how to implement a UI suitable
- for touch input using \l{Qt Quick Controls}.
+ \e {Touch Gallery} demonstrates how to implement a UI suitable for touch
+ input using the following \l{Qt Quick Controls}:
+ \list
+ \li \l ApplicationWindow
+ \li \l Button
+ \li \l ProgressBar
+ \li \l ScrollView
+ \li \l Slider
+ \li \l StackView
+ \li \l Switch
+ \li \l Tab
+ \li \l TabView
+ \li \l TextField
+ \endlist
+ The appearance of the controls is customized by using
+ \l {Qt Quick Controls Styles}.
\include examples-run.qdocinc
+ \section1 Creating the Main Page
+ In the main.qml file, we use a \l Rectangle type within the
+ \l ApplicationWindow type to create the main page of the application:
+ \quotefromfile touch/main.qml
+ \skipto ApplicationWindow
+ \printuntil }
+ To use the Qt Quick Controls, we must import them:
+ \code
+ import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
+ \endcode
+ The \c toolBar property of the application window holds a BorderImage type
+ that we use to create a separator between the application name and a list of
+ additional pages:
+ \quotefromfile touch/main.qml
+ \skipto toolBar
+ \printuntil height
+ We use an \l Image type in a \l Rectangle type to create a back button. We
+ use the \c onClicked signal handler to call the StackView \c pop() function
+ that pops off the page when users tap the button:
+ \printuntil pop()
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ We use the \c opacity property to hide the back button on the main page.
+ We use a \l Text type to display the application name:
+ \printuntil text:
+ \printuntil }
+ The \c x position of the \l Text type is bound to the position and width of
+ the back button, and animated using a \l Behavior.
+ We use a ListModel type that contains ListElement definitions to define
+ titles and source files for the other pages in the application:
+ \skipto ListModel
+ \printuntil ListPage
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ \section1 Navigating in the Application
+ We implement a stack-based navigation model to link the application pages
+ together. Items are pushed onto the stack as users navigate deeper into the
+ application, and popped off again when they return to the main page.
+ In main.qml, we add a \l StackView type as a child of the application
+ window:
+ \skipto StackView
+ \printuntil }
+ The stack is used by invoking its navigation methods. To load the first item
+ in the stack view, we assign it to \c initialItem:
+ \printuntil \printuntil /^\}/
+ We use a ListView type to display a list of the items provided by
+ \c pageModel. The \c AndroidDelegate custom type defines each item
+ instantiated by the view.
+ \section1 Creating Push Buttons and Switches
+ In ButtonPage.qml we use the \l Button type to create two buttons that
+ change color when users tap them and one that pops off the page and returns
+ the user to the main page:
+ \quotefromfile touch/content/ButtonPage.qml
+ \skipto Button
+ \printuntil stackView
+ \printuntil }
+ We use a \l Switch type to create two switches that users can turn on and
+ off. They are placed within a \l Row type to lay them out horizontally:
+ \printuntil switchStyle
+ \printuntil switchStyle
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ A \l ButtonStyle type creates a custom appearance for the buttons:
+ \skipto Component
+ \printuntil }
+ To use Qt Quick Controls Styles, we must import them:
+ \code
+ import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
+ \endcode
+ A \l SwitchStyle type creates a custom appearance for the switches:
+ \quotefromfile touch/content/ButtonPage.qml
+ \skipuntil Component
+ \skipto Component
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ The \c groove property holds the background groove of the switch and the
+ \c handle property defines the switch handle.
+ \section1 Creating Sliders
+ In SliderPage.qml, we use a \l Slider type to create three horizontal
+ sliders that are placed within a \l Column type to lay them out in a column:
+ \quotefromfile touch/content/SliderPage.qml
+ \skipto Column
+ \printuntil 1.0
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ The \c value property holds the initial handle position on the slider.
+ A SliderStyle type creates a custom appearance for the sliders:
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ The \c handle property defines the slider handle and the \c groove property
+ holds the background groove of the slider.
+ \section1 Indicating Progress
+ In ProgressBar.qml, we use a ProgressBar type to create three progress bars:
+ \quotefromfile touch/content/ProgressBarPage.qml
+ \skipto Column
+ \printuntil 1
+ \printuntil 400
+ \printuntil }
+ We use a NumberAnimation type with a SequentialAnimation type to run two
+ number animations in a sequence. We apply the animations on the \c progress
+ custom property to animate the current value on the progress bars:
+ \quotefromfile touch/content/ProgressBarPage.qml
+ \skipto progress
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ A ProgressBarStyle type creates a custom appearance for the progress bars:
+ \quotefromfile touch/content/ProgressBarPage.qml
+ \skipto Component
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ \section1 Creating Tabs
+ In TabBarPage.qml, we use a TabView type with a \l Tab type to provide a
+ tab-based navigation model for our application. We use tabs to display the
+ ButtonPage, SliderPage, and ProgressBarPage on separate tab pages:
+ \quotefromfile touch/content/TabBarPage.qml
+ \skipto TabView
+ \printuntil ProgressBarPage
+ \printuntil }
+ A TabViewStyle type creates a custom appearance for the tabs:
+ \skipto Component
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ \section1 Creating Text Input Fields
+ In the TextInputPage.qml, we use a TextField type to create an input field
+ and a read-only text field:
+ \quotefromfile touch/content/TextInputPage.qml
+ \skipto Column
+ \printuntil true
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ A TextFieldStyle creates a custom appearance for the text fields:
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ We use a BorderImage type with an image to create borders for the fields.
+ \section1 Creating Scrolling Lists
+ In ListPage.qml, we use a ScrollView type to provide a scrolling page with a
+ vertical scoll bar:
+ \quotefromfile touch/content/ListPage.qml
+ \skipto ScrollView
+ \printuntil true
+ We use a ListView type to display a list of 100 items by specifying an
+ \l{Models and Views in Qt Quick#Integers as Models}{integer} as the value of
+ the \c model property. We reuse the \c AndroidDelegate custom type here to
+ define each item instantiated by the view. The \c text property adds the
+ string \c {Item #} to each list item:
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ A ScrollViewStyle type creates a custom appearance for the scroll view:
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ The \c transientScrollBars property is set to \c true to make the scroll
+ bars appear when the content is scrolled and disappear when they are no
+ longer needed.
+ The \c handle property controls the appearance of the scroll bar handle and
+ the \c scrollBarBackground property that of the background.