path: root/src/controls/Styles/Android
diff options
authorGabriel de Dietrich <>2014-08-07 13:28:03 +0200
committerJ-P Nurmi <>2014-08-08 06:07:34 +0200
commitb0bdc570476a3d3e35bd94eed3691f39a1292765 (patch)
tree6722cd525a17ad11fd2e02fc44e296760e49b5d3 /src/controls/Styles/Android
parentba0febc4319f172f072f04bf37f71432c70b70ca (diff)
SwitchStyle: Make it work with pre-Holo Android
The Switch control was introduced in Android 4.0 together with the Holo UI. Therefore, there's no way we can extract assets on devices running earlier versions. In that case, we fall back to the Base style Switch visuals. Change-Id: I48d8a5cd94999cd5687fab62c8d16beb4fc53b5c Reviewed-by: J-P Nurmi <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/controls/Styles/Android')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/src/controls/Styles/Android/SwitchStyle.qml b/src/controls/Styles/Android/SwitchStyle.qml
index 60d8f2ef..13bbd356 100644
--- a/src/controls/Styles/Android/SwitchStyle.qml
+++ b/src/controls/Styles/Android/SwitchStyle.qml
@@ -41,88 +41,95 @@ import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
+import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles.Android 1.0
import "drawables"
-Style {
+SwitchStyle {
property Switch control: __control
+ readonly property bool hasHoloSwitch: !!AndroidStyle.styleDef.switchStyle
- property Component panel: Item {
- id: panel
+ Component.onCompleted: if (hasHoloSwitch) panel = holoPanel
- // TODO: API level < 14
- readonly property var styleDef: AndroidStyle.styleDef.switchStyle
- implicitWidth: Math.max(styleDef.Switch_switchMinWidth, Math.max(track.implicitWidth, 2 * thumb.implicitWidth))
- implicitHeight: Math.max(track.implicitHeight, thumb.implicitHeight)
- property real min: track.padding.left
- property real max: track.width - thumb.width - track.padding.left
- property var __handle: thumb
- DrawableLoader {
- id: track
- anchors.fill: parent
- pressed: control.pressed
- checked: control.checked
- focused: control.activeFocus
- window_focused: control.window &&
- styleDef: panel.styleDef.Switch_track
- }
+ Component {
+ id: holoPanel
Item {
- id: thumb
- x: control.checked ? max : min
- FontMetrics {
- id: metrics
- font: label.font
- }
+ id: panel
- readonly property real maxTextWidth: Math.max(metrics.boundingRect(panel.styleDef.Switch_textOn).width,
- metrics.boundingRect(panel.styleDef.Switch_textOff).width)
+ readonly property var styleDef: AndroidStyle.styleDef.switchStyle
- implicitWidth: Math.max(loader.implicitWidth, maxTextWidth + 2 * panel.styleDef.Switch_thumbTextPadding)
- implicitHeight: Math.max(loader.implicitHeight, metrics.height)
+ implicitWidth: Math.max(styleDef.Switch_switchMinWidth, Math.max(track.implicitWidth, 2 * thumb.implicitWidth))
+ implicitHeight: Math.max(track.implicitHeight, thumb.implicitHeight)
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- Behavior on x {
- id: behavior
- enabled: thumb.status === Loader.Ready
- NumberAnimation {
- duration: 150
- easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
- }
- }
+ property real min: track.padding.left
+ property real max: track.width - thumb.width - track.padding.left
+ property var __handle: thumb
DrawableLoader {
- id: loader
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.leftMargin: -padding.left
- anchors.rightMargin: -padding.right
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ id: track
+ anchors.fill: parent
pressed: control.pressed
checked: control.checked
focused: control.activeFocus
window_focused: control.window &&
- styleDef: panel.styleDef.Switch_thumb
+ styleDef: panel.styleDef.Switch_track
- LabelStyle {
- id: label
- text: control.checked ? panel.styleDef.Switch_textOn : panel.styleDef.Switch_textOff
+ Item {
+ id: thumb
- pressed: control.pressed
- focused: control.activeFocus
- selected: control.checked
- window_focused: control.window &&
- styleDef: panel.styleDef.Switch_switchTextAppearance
+ x: control.checked ? max : min
- anchors.fill: parent
+ FontMetrics {
+ id: metrics
+ font: label.font
+ }
+ readonly property real maxTextWidth: Math.max(metrics.boundingRect(panel.styleDef.Switch_textOn).width,
+ metrics.boundingRect(panel.styleDef.Switch_textOff).width)
+ implicitWidth: Math.max(loader.implicitWidth, maxTextWidth + 2 * panel.styleDef.Switch_thumbTextPadding)
+ implicitHeight: Math.max(loader.implicitHeight, metrics.height)
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ Behavior on x {
+ id: behavior
+ enabled: thumb.status === Loader.Ready
+ NumberAnimation {
+ duration: 150
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ }
+ }
+ DrawableLoader {
+ id: loader
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: -padding.left
+ anchors.rightMargin: -padding.right
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ pressed: control.pressed
+ checked: control.checked
+ focused: control.activeFocus
+ window_focused: control.window &&
+ styleDef: panel.styleDef.Switch_thumb
+ }
+ LabelStyle {
+ id: label
+ text: control.checked ? panel.styleDef.Switch_textOn : panel.styleDef.Switch_textOff
+ pressed: control.pressed
+ focused: control.activeFocus
+ selected: control.checked
+ window_focused: control.window &&
+ styleDef: panel.styleDef.Switch_switchTextAppearance
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }