path: root/src/gsttools/qgstreamervideowidget.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gsttools/qgstreamervideowidget.cpp')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/src/gsttools/qgstreamervideowidget.cpp b/src/gsttools/qgstreamervideowidget.cpp
index 6e65b3065..2d273c652 100644
--- a/src/gsttools/qgstreamervideowidget.cpp
+++ b/src/gsttools/qgstreamervideowidget.cpp
@@ -32,22 +32,11 @@
#include "qgstreamervideowidget_p.h"
-#include <private/qgstutils_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qcoreevent.h>
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
-#include <QtWidgets/qapplication.h>
#include <QtGui/qpainter.h>
-#include <gst/gst.h>
-#if !GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0)
-#include <gst/interfaces/xoverlay.h>
-#include <gst/interfaces/propertyprobe.h>
-#include <gst/video/videooverlay.h>
class QGstreamerVideoWidget : public QWidget
@@ -82,167 +71,133 @@ public:
- void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
+ void paint_helper()
QPainter painter(this);
painter.fillRect(rect(), palette().background());
+ void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
+ {
+ paint_helper();
+ }
QSize m_nativeSize;
-QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl(QObject *parent)
+QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl(QObject *parent, const QByteArray &elementName)
: QVideoWidgetControl(parent)
- , m_videoSink(0)
+ , m_videoOverlay(this, !elementName.isEmpty() ? elementName : qgetenv("QT_GSTREAMER_WIDGET_VIDEOSINK"))
, m_widget(0)
+ , m_stopped(false)
+ , m_windowId(0)
, m_fullScreen(false)
- // The QWidget needs to have a native X window handle to be able to use xvimagesink.
- // Bail out if Qt is not using xcb (the control will then be ignored by the plugin)
- if (QGuiApplication::platformName().compare(QLatin1String("xcb"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
- m_videoSink = gst_element_factory_make ("xvimagesink", NULL);
- if (m_videoSink) {
- // Check if the xv sink is usable
- if (gst_element_set_state(m_videoSink, GST_STATE_READY) != GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS) {
- gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(m_videoSink));
- m_videoSink = 0;
- } else {
- gst_element_set_state(m_videoSink, GST_STATE_NULL);
- g_object_set(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink), "force-aspect-ratio", 1, (const char*)NULL);
- qt_gst_object_ref_sink(GST_OBJECT (m_videoSink)); //Take ownership
- }
- }
+ connect(&m_videoOverlay, &QGstreamerVideoOverlay::activeChanged,
+ this, &QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::onOverlayActiveChanged);
+ connect(&m_videoOverlay, &QGstreamerVideoOverlay::nativeVideoSizeChanged,
+ this, &QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::onNativeVideoSizeChanged);
+ connect(&m_videoOverlay, &QGstreamerVideoOverlay::brightnessChanged,
+ this, &QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::brightnessChanged);
+ connect(&m_videoOverlay, &QGstreamerVideoOverlay::contrastChanged,
+ this, &QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::contrastChanged);
+ connect(&m_videoOverlay, &QGstreamerVideoOverlay::hueChanged,
+ this, &QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::hueChanged);
+ connect(&m_videoOverlay, &QGstreamerVideoOverlay::saturationChanged,
+ this, &QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::saturationChanged);
- if (m_videoSink)
- gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(m_videoSink));
delete m_widget;
void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::createVideoWidget()
- if (!m_videoSink || m_widget)
+ if (m_widget)
m_widget = new QGstreamerVideoWidget;
- m_windowId = m_widget->winId();
+ m_videoOverlay.setWindowHandle(m_windowId = m_widget->winId());
GstElement *QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::videoSink()
- return m_videoSink;
+ return m_videoOverlay.videoSink();
-bool QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
+void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::onOverlayActiveChanged()
- if (m_widget && object == m_widget) {
- if (e->type() == QEvent::ParentChange || e->type() == QEvent::Show) {
- WId newWId = m_widget->winId();
- if (newWId != m_windowId) {
- m_windowId = newWId;
- setOverlay();
- }
- }
- if (e->type() == QEvent::Show) {
- // Setting these values ensures smooth resizing since it
- // will prevent the system from clearing the background
- m_widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true);
- } else if (e->type() == QEvent::Resize) {
- // This is a workaround for missing background repaints
- // when reducing window size
- windowExposed();
- }
- }
+ updateWidgetAttributes();
- return false;
+void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::stopRenderer()
+ m_stopped = true;
+ updateWidgetAttributes();
+ m_widget->setNativeSize(QSize());
-bool QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::processSyncMessage(const QGstreamerMessage &message)
+void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::onNativeVideoSizeChanged()
- GstMessage* gm = message.rawMessage();
-#if !GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0)
- gst_structure_has_name(gm->structure, "prepare-xwindow-id")) {
- gst_structure_has_name(gst_message_get_structure(gm), "prepare-window-handle")) {
- setOverlay();
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "updateNativeVideoSize", Qt::QueuedConnection);
- return true;
- }
+ const QSize &size = m_videoOverlay.nativeVideoSize();
- return false;
+ if (size.isValid())
+ m_stopped = false;
+ if (m_widget)
+ m_widget->setNativeSize(size);
-bool QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::processBusMessage(const QGstreamerMessage &message)
+bool QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
- GstMessage* gm = message.rawMessage();
+ if (m_widget && object == m_widget) {
+ if (e->type() == QEvent::ParentChange || e->type() == QEvent::Show || e->type() == QEvent::WinIdChange) {
+ WId newWId = m_widget->winId();
+ if (newWId != m_windowId)
+ m_videoOverlay.setWindowHandle(m_windowId = newWId);
+ }
- GST_MESSAGE_SRC(gm) == GST_OBJECT_CAST(m_videoSink)) {
- GstState oldState;
- GstState newState;
- gst_message_parse_state_changed(gm, &oldState, &newState, 0);
+ if (e->type() == QEvent::Paint) {
+ if (m_videoOverlay.isActive())
+ m_videoOverlay.expose(); // triggers a repaint of the last frame
+ else
+ m_widget->paint_helper(); // paints the black background
- if (oldState == GST_STATE_READY && newState == GST_STATE_PAUSED)
- updateNativeVideoSize();
+ return true;
+ }
return false;
-void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::setOverlay()
+void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::updateWidgetAttributes()
-#if !GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0)
- if (m_videoSink && GST_IS_X_OVERLAY(m_videoSink)) {
- gst_x_overlay_set_xwindow_id(GST_X_OVERLAY(m_videoSink), m_windowId);
- }
- if (m_videoSink && GST_IS_VIDEO_OVERLAY(m_videoSink)) {
- gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle(GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY(m_videoSink), m_windowId);
+ // When frames are being rendered (sink is active), we need the WA_PaintOnScreen attribute to
+ // be set in order to avoid flickering when the widget is repainted (for example when resized).
+ // We need to clear that flag when the the sink is inactive to allow the widget to paint its
+ // background, otherwise some garbage will be displayed.
+ if (m_videoOverlay.isActive() && !m_stopped) {
+ m_widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true);
+ m_widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen, true);
+ } else {
+ m_widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, false);
+ m_widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen, false);
+ m_widget->update();
-void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::updateNativeVideoSize()
+bool QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::processSyncMessage(const QGstreamerMessage &message)
- if (m_videoSink) {
- //find video native size to update video widget size hint
- GstPad *pad = gst_element_get_static_pad(m_videoSink, "sink");
- GstCaps *caps = qt_gst_pad_get_current_caps(pad);
- gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pad));
- if (caps) {
- m_widget->setNativeSize(QGstUtils::capsCorrectedResolution(caps));
- gst_caps_unref(caps);
- }
- } else {
- if (m_widget)
- m_widget->setNativeSize(QSize());
- }
+ return m_videoOverlay.processSyncMessage(message);
-void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::windowExposed()
+bool QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::processBusMessage(const QGstreamerMessage &message)
-#if !GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0)
- if (m_videoSink && GST_IS_X_OVERLAY(m_videoSink))
- gst_x_overlay_expose(GST_X_OVERLAY(m_videoSink));
- if (m_videoSink && GST_IS_VIDEO_OVERLAY(m_videoSink))
- gst_video_overlay_expose(GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY(m_videoSink));
+ return m_videoOverlay.processBusMessage(message);
QWidget *QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::videoWidget()
@@ -253,19 +208,12 @@ QWidget *QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::videoWidget()
Qt::AspectRatioMode QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::aspectRatioMode() const
- return m_aspectRatioMode;
+ return m_videoOverlay.aspectRatioMode();
void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::setAspectRatioMode(Qt::AspectRatioMode mode)
- if (m_videoSink) {
- g_object_set(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink),
- "force-aspect-ratio",
- (mode == Qt::KeepAspectRatio),
- (const char*)NULL);
- }
- m_aspectRatioMode = mode;
+ m_videoOverlay.setAspectRatioMode(mode);
bool QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::isFullScreen() const
@@ -280,78 +228,42 @@ void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::setFullScreen(bool fullScreen)
int QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::brightness() const
- int brightness = 0;
- if (m_videoSink && g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_videoSink), "brightness"))
- g_object_get(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink), "brightness", &brightness, NULL);
- return brightness / 10;
+ return m_videoOverlay.brightness();
void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::setBrightness(int brightness)
- if (m_videoSink && g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_videoSink), "brightness")) {
- g_object_set(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink), "brightness", brightness * 10, NULL);
- emit brightnessChanged(brightness);
- }
+ m_videoOverlay.setBrightness(brightness);
int QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::contrast() const
- int contrast = 0;
- if (m_videoSink && g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_videoSink), "contrast"))
- g_object_get(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink), "contrast", &contrast, NULL);
- return contrast / 10;
+ return m_videoOverlay.contrast();
void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::setContrast(int contrast)
- if (m_videoSink && g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_videoSink), "contrast")) {
- g_object_set(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink), "contrast", contrast * 10, NULL);
- emit contrastChanged(contrast);
- }
+ m_videoOverlay.setContrast(contrast);
int QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::hue() const
- int hue = 0;
- if (m_videoSink && g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_videoSink), "hue"))
- g_object_get(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink), "hue", &hue, NULL);
- return hue / 10;
+ return m_videoOverlay.hue();
void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::setHue(int hue)
- if (m_videoSink && g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_videoSink), "hue")) {
- g_object_set(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink), "hue", hue * 10, NULL);
- emit hueChanged(hue);
- }
+ m_videoOverlay.setHue(hue);
int QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::saturation() const
- int saturation = 0;
- if (m_videoSink && g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_videoSink), "saturation"))
- g_object_get(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink), "saturation", &saturation, NULL);
- return saturation / 10;
+ return m_videoOverlay.saturation();
void QGstreamerVideoWidgetControl::setSaturation(int saturation)
- if (m_videoSink && g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_videoSink), "saturation")) {
- g_object_set(G_OBJECT(m_videoSink), "saturation", saturation * 10, NULL);
- emit saturationChanged(saturation);
- }
+ m_videoOverlay.setSaturation(saturation);