path: root/src
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authorJonas Rabbe <>2012-01-17 11:35:21 +1000
committerQt by Nokia <>2012-01-17 06:04:27 +0100
commitc4b9eb46dca7c182d71daebbd7d6f31214eb2f25 (patch)
tree6951292ab0853da3286a923683797648bc078c88 /src
parentb7fcfd4ea99f780bee5e4f26fbf276b39bdbded8 (diff)
Added documentation for the convenience Video element
Change-Id: I1963e312c65ec4cc91a54410e86f0606a285086c Reviewed-by: Angus Cummings <> Reviewed-by: Michael Goddard <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 763 insertions, 1164 deletions
diff --git a/src/imports/multimedia/Video.qml b/src/imports/multimedia/Video.qml
index 7433fcae3..6373cf519 100644
--- a/src/imports/multimedia/Video.qml
+++ b/src/imports/multimedia/Video.qml
@@ -42,37 +42,249 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtMultimedia 5.0
+ \qmlclass Video
+ \inherits Item
+ \ingroup multimedia_qml
+ \brief A convenience element for showing a specified video
+ The \c Video element is a convenience element combining the functionality
+ of the \l MediaPlayer and \l VideoOutput elements into one. It provides
+ simple video playback functionality without having to specify multiple
+ elements.
+ \qml
+ import QtQuick 2.0
+ import QtMultimedia 5.0
+ Video {
+ id: video
+ width : 800
+ height : 600
+ source: "video.avi"
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: {
+ }
+ }
+ focus: true
+ Keys.onSpacePressed: video.paused = !video.paused
+ Keys.onLeftPressed: video.position -= 5000
+ Keys.onRightPressed: video.position += 5000
+ }
+ \endqml
+ The Video element supports untransformed, stretched, and uniformly scaled
+ video presentation. For a description of stretched uniformly scaled
+ presentation, see the \l fillMode property description.
+ \sa MediaPlayer, VideoOutput
Item {
id: video
/*** Properties of VideoOutput ***/
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty enumeration Video::fillMode
+ Set this property to define how the video is scaled to fit the target
+ area.
+ \list
+ \o stretch - the video is scaled to fit.
+ \o preserveAspectFit - the video is scaled uniformly to fit without
+ cropping
+ \o preserveAspectCrop - the video is scaled uniformly to fill, cropping
+ if necessary
+ \endlist
+ Because this element is a convenience element in QML, it does not
+ support enumerations directly. In contrast to \l VideoOutput and other
+ elements, the values to set for fillMode all start with lowercase
+ letters to work around this.
+ The default fill mode is preserveAspectFit.
+ */
property alias fillMode: videoOut.fillMode
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty int Video::orientation
+ The orientation of the Video element in degrees. Only multiples of 90
+ degrees is supported, that is 0, 90, 180, 270, 360, etc.
+ */
property alias orientation: videoOut.orientation
+ /* Properties to emulate enumeration for fillMode, documented above */
+ /*! \internal */
readonly property int stretch: VideoOutput.Stretch
+ /*! \internal */
readonly property int preserveAspectFit: VideoOutput.PreserveAspectFit
+ /*! \internal */
readonly property int preserveAspectCrop: VideoOutput.PreserveAspectCrop
/*** Properties of MediaPlayer ***/
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty url Video::autoLoad
+ This property indicates if loading of media should begin immediately.
+ Defaults to true, if false media will not be loaded until playback is
+ started.
+ */
property alias autoLoad: player.autoLoad
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty real Video::bufferProgress
+ This property holds how much of the data buffer is currently filled,
+ from 0.0 (empty) to 1.0
+ (full).
+ */
property alias bufferProgress: player.bufferProgress
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty int Video::duration
+ This property holds the duration of the media in milliseconds.
+ If the media doesn't have a fixed duration (a live stream for example)
+ this will be 0.
+ */
property alias duration: player.duration
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty enumeration Video::error
+ This property holds the error state of the video. It can be one of:
+ \list
+ \o NoError - there is no current error.
+ \o ResourceError - the video cannot be played due to a problem
+ allocating resources.
+ \o FormatError - the video format is not supported.
+ \o NetworkError - the video cannot be played due to network issues.
+ \o AccessDenied - the video cannot be played due to insufficient
+ permissions.
+ \o ServiceMissing - the video cannot be played because the media
+ service could not be
+ instantiated.
+ \endlist
+ */
property alias error: player.error
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty string Video::errorString
+ This property holds a string describing the current error condition in more detail.
+ */
property alias errorString: player.errorString
+ /* documented below due to length of metaData documentation */
property alias metaData: player.metaData
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty bool Video::muted
+ This property holds whether the audio output is muted.
+ */
property alias muted: player.muted
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty bool Video::paused
+ This property holds whether the media is paused.
+ Defaults to false, and can be set to true to pause playback.
+ */
property alias paused: player.paused
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty real Video::playbackRate
+ This property holds the rate at which video is played at as a multiple
+ of the normal rate.
+ */
property alias playbackRate: player.playbackRate
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty bool Video::playing
+ This property holds whether the media is playing.
+ Defaults to false, and can be set to true to start playback.
+ */
property alias playing: player.playing
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty int Video::position
+ This property holds the current playback position in milliseconds.
+ */
property alias position: player.position
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty bool Video::seekable
+ This property holds whether the playback position of the video can be
+ changed.
+ */
property alias seekable: player.seekable
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty url Video::source
+ This property holds the source URL of the media.
+ */
property alias source: player.source
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty enumeration Video::status
+ This property holds the status of media loading. It can be one of:
+ \list
+ \o NoMedia - no media has been set.
+ \o Loading - the media is currently being loaded.
+ \o Loaded - the media has been loaded.
+ \o Buffering - the media is buffering data.
+ \o Stalled - playback has been interrupted while the media is buffering data.
+ \o Buffered - the media has buffered data.
+ \o EndOfMedia - the media has played to the end.
+ \o InvalidMedia - the media cannot be played.
+ \o UnknownStatus - the status of the media cannot be determined.
+ \endlist
+ */
property alias status: player.status
+ /*!
+ \qmlproperty real Video::volume
+ This property holds the volume of the audio output, from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum volume).
+ */
property alias volume: player.volume
+ /*!
+ \qmlsignal Video::resumed()
+ This signal is emitted when playback is resumed from the paused state.
+ */
signal resumed
+ /*!
+ \qmlsignal Video::started()
+ This signal is emitted when playback is started.
+ */
signal started
+ /*!
+ \qmlsignal Video::stopped()
+ This signal is emitted when playback is stopped.
+ */
signal stopped
@@ -89,16 +301,566 @@ Item {
onStopped: video.stopped()
+ /*!
+ \qmlmethod Video::play()
+ Starts playback of the media.
+ Sets the \l playing property to true, and the \l paused property to
+ false.
+ */
function play() {;
+ /*!
+ \qmlmethod Video::pause()
+ Pauses playback of the media.
+ Sets the \l playing and \l paused properties to true.
+ */
function pause() {
+ /*!
+ \qmlmethod Video::stop()
+ Stops playback of the media.
+ Sets the \l playing and \l paused properties to false.
+ */
function stop() {
+// ***************************************
+// Documentation for meta-data properties.
+// ***************************************
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.title
+ This property holds the title of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Title}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.subTitle
+ This property holds the sub-title of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::SubTitle}
+ \qmlproperty variant
+ This property holds the author of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Author}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.comment
+ This property holds a user comment about the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Comment}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.description
+ This property holds a description of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Description}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.category
+ This property holds the category of the media
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Category}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.genre
+ This property holds the genre of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Genre}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.year
+ This property holds the year of release of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Year}
+ \qmlproperty variant
+ This property holds the date of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Date}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.userRating
+ This property holds a user rating of the media in the range of 0 to 100.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::UserRating}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.keywords
+ This property holds a list of keywords describing the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Keywords}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.language
+ This property holds the language of the media, as an ISO 639-2 code.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Language}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.publisher
+ This property holds the publisher of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Publisher}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.copyright
+ This property holds the media's copyright notice.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Copyright}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.parentalRating
+ This property holds the parental rating of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::ParentalRating}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.ratingOrganization
+ This property holds the name of the rating organization responsible for the
+ parental rating of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::RatingOrganization}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.size
+ This property property holds the size of the media in bytes.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Size}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.mediaType
+ This property holds the type of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MediaType}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.audioBitRate
+ This property holds the bit rate of the media's audio stream in bits per
+ second.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::AudioBitRate}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.audioCodec
+ This property holds the encoding of the media audio stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::AudioCodec}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.averageLevel
+ This property holds the average volume level of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::AverageLevel}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.channelCount
+ This property holds the number of channels in the media's audio stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::ChannelCount}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.peakValue
+ This property holds the peak volume of the media's audio stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::PeakValue}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.sampleRate
+ This property holds the sample rate of the media's audio stream in Hertz.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::SampleRate}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.albumTitle
+ This property holds the title of the album the media belongs to.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::AlbumTitle}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.albumArtist
+ This property holds the name of the principal artist of the album the media
+ belongs to.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::AlbumArtist}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.contributingArtist
+ This property holds the names of artists contributing to the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::ContributingArtist}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.composer
+ This property holds the composer of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Composer}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.conductor
+ This property holds the conductor of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Conductor}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.lyrics
+ This property holds the lyrics to the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Lyrics}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.mood
+ This property holds the mood of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Mood}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.trackNumber
+ This property holds the track number of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::TrackNumber}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.trackCount
+ This property holds the number of track on the album containing the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::TrackNumber}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.coverArtUrlSmall
+ This property holds the URL of a small cover art image.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::CoverArtUrlSmall}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.coverArtUrlLarge
+ This property holds the URL of a large cover art image.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::CoverArtUrlLarge}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.resolution
+ This property holds the dimension of an image or video.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Resolution}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.pixelAspectRatio
+ This property holds the pixel aspect ratio of an image or video.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::PixelAspectRatio}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.videoFrameRate
+ This property holds the frame rate of the media's video stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::VideoFrameRate}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.videoBitRate
+ This property holds the bit rate of the media's video stream in bits per
+ second.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::VideoBitRate}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.videoCodec
+ This property holds the encoding of the media's video stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::VideoCodec}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.posterUrl
+ This property holds the URL of a poster image.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::PosterUrl}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.chapterNumber
+ This property holds the chapter number of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::ChapterNumber}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.director
+ This property holds the director of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Director}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.leadPerformer
+ This property holds the lead performer in the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::LeadPerformer}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.writer
+ This property holds the writer of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Writer}
+// The remaining properties are related to photos, and are technically
+// available but will certainly never have values.
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.cameraManufacturer
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::CameraManufacturer}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.cameraModel
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::CameraModel}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.event
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Event}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.subject
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Subject}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.orientation
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Orientation}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.exposureTime
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::ExposureTime}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.fNumber
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::FNumber}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.exposureProgram
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::ExposureProgram}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.isoSpeedRatings
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::ISOSpeedRatings}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.exposureBiasValue
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::ExposureBiasValue}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.dateTimeDigitized
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::DateTimeDigitized}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.subjectDistance
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::SubjectDistance}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.meteringMode
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MeteringMode}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.lightSource
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::LightSource}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.flash
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Flash}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.focalLength
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::FocalLength}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.exposureMode
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::ExposureMode}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.whiteBalance
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::WhiteBalance}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.DigitalZoomRatio
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::DigitalZoomRatio}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.focalLengthIn35mmFilm
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::FocalLengthIn35mmFile}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.sceneCaptureType
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::SceneCaptureType}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.gainControl
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::GainControl}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.contrast
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::contrast}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.saturation
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Saturation}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.sharpness
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::Sharpness}
+ \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.deviceSettingDescription
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::DeviceSettingDescription}
diff --git a/src/imports/multimedia/ b/src/imports/multimedia/
index 831bc9408..99684ee49 100644
--- a/src/imports/multimedia/
+++ b/src/imports/multimedia/
@@ -48,16 +48,6 @@ SOURCES += \
qdeclarativecameraimageprocessing.cpp \
-disabled {
- HEADERS += \
- qdeclarativevideo_p.h \
- SOURCES += \
- qdeclarativevideo.cpp \
diff --git a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativevideo.cpp b/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativevideo.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a013fcbc6..000000000
--- a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativevideo.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,951 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Toolkit.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
-** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
-** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
-** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
-** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
-** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
-** Other Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
-** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
-#include "qdeclarativevideo_p.h"
-#include <qmediaplayercontrol.h>
-#include <qmediaservice.h>
-#include <private/qpaintervideosurface_p.h>
-#include <qvideorenderercontrol.h>
-void QDeclarativeVideo::_q_nativeSizeChanged(const QSizeF &size)
- setImplicitWidth(size.width());
- setImplicitHeight(size.height());
-void QDeclarativeVideo::_q_error(int errorCode, const QString &errorString)
- m_error = QMediaPlayer::Error(errorCode);
- m_errorString = errorString;
- emit error(Error(errorCode), errorString);
- emit errorChanged();
- \qmlclass Video QDeclarativeVideo
- \brief The Video element allows you to add videos to a scene.
- \inherits Item
- \ingroup multimedia_qml
- This element is part of the \bold{QtMultimedia 5.0} module.
- \qml
- import QtQuick 2.0
- import QtMultimedia 5.0
- Video {
- id: video
- width : 800
- height : 600
- source: "video.avi"
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: {
- }
- }
- focus: true
- Keys.onSpacePressed: video.paused = !video.paused
- Keys.onLeftPressed: video.position -= 5000
- Keys.onRightPressed: video.position += 5000
- }
- \endqml
- The Video item supports untransformed, stretched, and uniformly scaled video presentation.
- For a description of stretched uniformly scaled presentation, see the \l fillMode property
- description.
- The Video item is only visible when the \l hasVideo property is true and the video is playing.
- \sa Audio
- \internal
- \class QDeclarativeVideo
- \brief The QDeclarativeVideo class provides a video item that you can add to a QDeclarativeView.
-QDeclarativeVideo::QDeclarativeVideo(QDeclarativeItem *parent)
- : QDeclarativeItem(parent)
- , m_graphicsItem(0)
- shutdown();
- delete m_graphicsItem;
- \qmlproperty url Video::source
- This property holds the source URL of the media.
- \qmlproperty url Video::autoLoad
- This property indicates if loading of media should begin immediately.
- Defaults to true, if false media will not be loaded until playback is started.
- \qmlproperty bool Video::playing
- This property holds whether the media is playing.
- Defaults to false, and can be set to true to start playback.
- \qmlproperty bool Video::paused
- This property holds whether the media is paused.
- Defaults to false, and can be set to true to pause playback.
- \qmlsignal Video::onStarted()
- This handler is called when playback is started.
- \qmlsignal Video::onResumed()
- This handler is called when playback is resumed from the paused state.
- \qmlsignal Video::onPaused()
- This handler is called when playback is paused.
- \qmlsignal Video::onStopped()
- This handler is called when playback is stopped.
- \qmlproperty enumeration Video::status
- This property holds the status of media loading. It can be one of:
- \list
- \o NoMedia - no media has been set.
- \o Loading - the media is currently being loaded.
- \o Loaded - the media has been loaded.
- \o Buffering - the media is buffering data.
- \o Stalled - playback has been interrupted while the media is buffering data.
- \o Buffered - the media has buffered data.
- \o EndOfMedia - the media has played to the end.
- \o InvalidMedia - the media cannot be played.
- \o UnknownStatus - the status of the media is cannot be determined.
- \endlist
-QDeclarativeVideo::Status QDeclarativeVideo::status() const
- return Status(m_status);
- \qmlproperty int Video::duration
- This property holds the duration of the media in milliseconds.
- If the media doesn't have a fixed duration (a live stream for example) this will be 0.
- \qmlproperty int Video::position
- This property holds the current playback position in milliseconds.
- \qmlproperty real Video::volume
- This property holds the volume of the audio output, from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum volume).
- \qmlproperty bool Video::muted
- This property holds whether the audio output is muted.
- \qmlproperty bool Video::hasAudio
- This property holds whether the media contains audio.
-bool QDeclarativeVideo::hasAudio() const
- return !m_complete ? false : m_playerControl->isAudioAvailable();
- \qmlproperty bool Video::hasVideo
- This property holds whether the media contains video.
-bool QDeclarativeVideo::hasVideo() const
- return !m_complete ? false : m_playerControl->isVideoAvailable();
- \qmlproperty real Video::bufferProgress
- This property holds how much of the data buffer is currently filled, from 0.0 (empty) to 1.0
- (full).
- \qmlproperty bool Video::seekable
- This property holds whether position of the video can be changed.
- \qmlproperty real Video::playbackRate
- This property holds the rate at which video is played at as a multiple of the normal rate.
- \qmlproperty enumeration Video::error
- This property holds the error state of the video. It can be one of:
- \list
- \o NoError - there is no current error.
- \o ResourceError - the video cannot be played due to a problem allocating resources.
- \o FormatError - the video format is not supported.
- \o NetworkError - the video cannot be played due to network issues.
- \o AccessDenied - the video cannot be played due to insufficient permissions.
- \o ServiceMissing - the video cannot be played because the media service could not be
- instantiated.
- \endlist
-QDeclarativeVideo::Error QDeclarativeVideo::error() const
- return Error(m_error);
- \qmlproperty string Video::errorString
- This property holds a string describing the current error condition in more detail.
- \qmlsignal Video::onError(error, errorString)
- This handler is called when an \l {QMediaPlayer::Error}{error} has
- occurred. The errorString parameter may contain more detailed
- information about the error.
- \qmlproperty enumeration Video::fillMode
- Set this property to define how the video is scaled to fit the target area.
- \list
- \o Stretch - the video is scaled to fit.
- \o PreserveAspectFit - the video is scaled uniformly to fit without cropping
- \o PreserveAspectCrop - the video is scaled uniformly to fill, cropping if necessary
- \endlist
- The default fill mode is PreserveAspectFit.
-QDeclarativeVideo::FillMode QDeclarativeVideo::fillMode() const
- return FillMode(m_graphicsItem->aspectRatioMode());
-void QDeclarativeVideo::setFillMode(FillMode mode)
- m_graphicsItem->setAspectRatioMode(Qt::AspectRatioMode(mode));
- \qmlmethod Video::play()
- Starts playback of the media.
- Sets the \l playing property to true, and the \l paused property to false.
-void QDeclarativeVideo::play()
- if (!m_complete)
- return;
- setPaused(false);
- setPlaying(true);
- \qmlmethod Video::pause()
- Pauses playback of the media.
- Sets the \l playing and \l paused properties to true.
-void QDeclarativeVideo::pause()
- if (!m_complete)
- return;
- setPaused(true);
- setPlaying(true);
- \qmlmethod Video::stop()
- Stops playback of the media.
- Sets the \l playing and \l paused properties to false.
-void QDeclarativeVideo::stop()
- if (!m_complete)
- return;
- setPlaying(false);
- setPaused(false);
-void QDeclarativeVideo::paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
-void QDeclarativeVideo::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
- m_graphicsItem->setSize(newGeometry.size());
- QDeclarativeItem::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
-void QDeclarativeVideo::classBegin()
- m_graphicsItem = new QGraphicsVideoItem(this);
- connect(m_graphicsItem, SIGNAL(nativeSizeChanged(QSizeF)),
- this, SLOT(_q_nativeSizeChanged(QSizeF)));
- setObject(this);
- if (m_mediaService) {
- connect(m_playerControl, SIGNAL(audioAvailableChanged(bool)),
- this, SIGNAL(hasAudioChanged()));
- connect(m_playerControl, SIGNAL(videoAvailableChanged(bool)),
- this, SIGNAL(hasVideoChanged()));
- m_mediaObject->bind(m_graphicsItem);
- }
-void QDeclarativeVideo::componentComplete()
- QDeclarativeMediaBase::componentComplete();
-// ***************************************
-// Documentation for meta-data properties.
-// ***************************************
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.title
- This property holds the tile of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Title}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.subTitle
- This property holds the sub-title of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::SubTitle}
- \qmlproperty variant
- This property holds the author of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Author}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.comment
- This property holds a user comment about the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Comment}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.description
- This property holds a description of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Description}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.category
- This property holds the category of the media
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Category}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.genre
- This property holds the genre of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Genre}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.year
- This property holds the year of release of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Year}
- \qmlproperty variant
- This property holds the date of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Date}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.userRating
- This property holds a user rating of the media in the range of 0 to 100.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::UserRating}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.keywords
- This property holds a list of keywords describing the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Keywords}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.language
- This property holds the language of the media, as an ISO 639-2 code.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Language}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.publisher
- This property holds the publisher of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Publisher}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.copyright
- This property holds the media's copyright notice.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Copyright}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.parentalRating
- This property holds the parental rating of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::ParentalRating}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.ratingOrganisation
- This property holds the name of the rating organisation responsible for the
- parental rating of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::RatingOrganisation}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.size
- This property property holds the size of the media in bytes.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Size}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.mediaType
- This property holds the type of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::MediaType}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.audioBitRate
- This property holds the bit rate of the media's audio stream ni bits per
- second.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::AudioBitRate}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.audioCodec
- This property holds the encoding of the media audio stream.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::AudioCodec}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.averageLevel
- This property holds the average volume level of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::AverageLevel}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.channelCount
- This property holds the number of channels in the media's audio stream.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::ChannelCount}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.peakValue
- This property holds the peak volume of media's audio stream.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::PeakValue}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.sampleRate
- This property holds the sample rate of the media's audio stream in hertz.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::SampleRate}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.albumTitle
- This property holds the title of the album the media belongs to.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::AlbumTitle}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.albumArtist
- This property holds the name of the principal artist of the album the media
- belongs to.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::AlbumArtist}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.contributingArtist
- This property holds the names of artists contributing to the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::ContributingArtist}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.composer
- This property holds the composer of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Composer}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.conductor
- This property holds the conductor of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Conductor}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.lyrics
- This property holds the lyrics to the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Lyrics}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.mood
- This property holds the mood of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Mood}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.trackNumber
- This property holds the track number of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::TrackNumber}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.trackCount
- This property holds the number of track on the album containing the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::TrackNumber}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.coverArtUrlSmall
- This property holds the URL of a small cover art image.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::CoverArtUrlSmall}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.coverArtUrlLarge
- This property holds the URL of a large cover art image.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::CoverArtUrlLarge}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.resolution
- This property holds the dimension of an image or video.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Resolution}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.pixelAspectRatio
- This property holds the pixel aspect ratio of an image or video.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::PixelAspectRatio}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.videoFrameRate
- This property holds the frame rate of the media's video stream.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::VideoFrameRate}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.videoBitRate
- This property holds the bit rate of the media's video stream in bits per
- second.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::VideoBitRate}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.videoCodec
- This property holds the encoding of the media's video stream.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::VideoCodec}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.posterUrl
- This property holds the URL of a poster image.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::PosterUrl}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.chapterNumber
- This property holds the chapter number of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::ChapterNumber}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.director
- This property holds the director of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Director}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.leadPerformer
- This property holds the lead performer in the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::LeadPerformer}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.writer
- This property holds the writer of the media.
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Writer}
-// The remaining properties are related to photos, and are technically
-// available but will certainly never have values.
-#ifndef Q_QDOC
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.cameraManufacturer
- \sa {QtMultimedia::CameraManufacturer}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.cameraModel
- \sa {QtMultimedia::CameraModel}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.event
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Event}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.subject
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Subject}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.orientation
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Orientation}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.exposureTime
- \sa {QtMultimedia::ExposureTime}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.fNumber
- \sa {QtMultimedia::FNumber}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.exposureProgram
- \sa {QtMultimedia::ExposureProgram}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.isoSpeedRatings
- \sa {QtMultimedia::ISOSpeedRatings}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.exposureBiasValue
- \sa {QtMultimedia::ExposureBiasValue}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.dateTimeDigitized
- \sa {QtMultimedia::DateTimeDigitized}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.subjectDistance
- \sa {QtMultimedia::SubjectDistance}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.meteringMode
- \sa {QtMultimedia::MeteringMode}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.lightSource
- \sa {QtMultimedia::LightSource}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.flash
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Flash}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.focalLength
- \sa {QtMultimedia::FocalLength}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.exposureMode
- \sa {QtMultimedia::ExposureMode}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.whiteBalance
- \sa {QtMultimedia::WhiteBalance}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.DigitalZoomRatio
- \sa {QtMultimedia::DigitalZoomRatio}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.focalLengthIn35mmFilm
- \sa {QtMultimedia::FocalLengthIn35mmFile}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.sceneCaptureType
- \sa {QtMultimedia::SceneCaptureType}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.gainControl
- \sa {QtMultimedia::GainControl}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.contrast
- \sa {QtMultimedia::contrast}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.saturation
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Saturation}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.sharpness
- \sa {QtMultimedia::Sharpness}
- \qmlproperty variant Video::metaData.deviceSettingDescription
- \sa {QtMultimedia::DeviceSettingDescription}
-#include "moc_qdeclarativevideo_p.cpp"
diff --git a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativevideo_p.h b/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativevideo_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fde88792e..000000000
--- a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativevideo_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Toolkit.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
-** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
-** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
-** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
-** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
-** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
-** Other Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
-** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists for the convenience
-// of other Qt classes. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include "qdeclarativemediabase_p.h"
-#include <qgraphicsvideoitem.h>
-#include <QtCore/qbasictimer.h>
-#include <QtQuick1/qdeclarativeitem.h>
-class QTimerEvent;
-class QVideoSurfaceFormat;
-class QDeclarativeVideo : public QDeclarativeItem, public QDeclarativeMediaBase
- Q_PROPERTY(QUrl source READ source WRITE setSource NOTIFY sourceChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool autoLoad READ isAutoLoad WRITE setAutoLoad NOTIFY autoLoadChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool playing READ isPlaying WRITE setPlaying NOTIFY playingChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool paused READ isPaused WRITE setPaused NOTIFY pausedChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(Status status READ status NOTIFY statusChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(int duration READ duration NOTIFY durationChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(int position READ position WRITE setPosition NOTIFY positionChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal volume READ volume WRITE setVolume NOTIFY volumeChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool muted READ isMuted WRITE setMuted NOTIFY mutedChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool hasAudio READ hasAudio NOTIFY hasAudioChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool hasVideo READ hasVideo NOTIFY hasVideoChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(int bufferProgress READ bufferProgress NOTIFY bufferProgressChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool seekable READ isSeekable NOTIFY seekableChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal playbackRate READ playbackRate WRITE setPlaybackRate NOTIFY playbackRateChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(Error error READ error NOTIFY errorChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString errorString READ errorString NOTIFY errorChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(FillMode fillMode READ fillMode WRITE setFillMode)
- Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeMediaMetaData *metaData READ metaData CONSTANT)
- Q_ENUMS(FillMode)
- Q_ENUMS(Status)
- Q_ENUMS(Error)
- enum FillMode
- {
- Stretch = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio,
- PreserveAspectFit = Qt::KeepAspectRatio,
- PreserveAspectCrop = Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding
- };
- enum Status
- {
- UnknownStatus = QMediaPlayer::UnknownMediaStatus,
- NoMedia = QMediaPlayer::NoMedia,
- Loading = QMediaPlayer::LoadingMedia,
- Loaded = QMediaPlayer::LoadedMedia,
- Stalled = QMediaPlayer::StalledMedia,
- Buffering = QMediaPlayer::BufferingMedia,
- Buffered = QMediaPlayer::BufferedMedia,
- EndOfMedia = QMediaPlayer::EndOfMedia,
- InvalidMedia = QMediaPlayer::InvalidMedia
- };
- enum Error
- {
- NoError = QMediaPlayer::NoError,
- ResourceError = QMediaPlayer::ResourceError,
- FormatError = QMediaPlayer::FormatError,
- NetworkError = QMediaPlayer::NetworkError,
- AccessDenied = QMediaPlayer::AccessDeniedError,
- ServiceMissing = QMediaPlayer::ServiceMissingError
- };
- QDeclarativeVideo(QDeclarativeItem *parent = 0);
- ~QDeclarativeVideo();
- bool hasAudio() const;
- bool hasVideo() const;
- FillMode fillMode() const;
- void setFillMode(FillMode mode);
- Status status() const;
- Error error() const;
- void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *);
- void classBegin();
- void componentComplete();
-public Q_SLOTS:
- void play();
- void pause();
- void stop();
- void sourceChanged();
- void autoLoadChanged();
- void playingChanged();
- void pausedChanged();
- void loopCountChanged();
- void started();
- void resumed();
- void paused();
- void stopped();
- void statusChanged();
- void durationChanged();
- void positionChanged();
- void volumeChanged();
- void mutedChanged();
- void hasAudioChanged();
- void hasVideoChanged();
- void bufferProgressChanged();
- void seekableChanged();
- void playbackRateChanged();
- void errorChanged();
- void error(QDeclarativeVideo::Error error, const QString &errorString);
- void geometryChanged(const QRectF &geometry, const QRectF &);
-private Q_SLOTS:
- void _q_nativeSizeChanged(const QSizeF &size);
- void _q_error(int, const QString &);
- Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDeclarativeVideo)
- QGraphicsVideoItem *m_graphicsItem;
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(mediaBase(), void _q_statusChanged())
- inline QDeclarativeMediaBase *mediaBase() { return this; }