path: root/tests/applications/declarative_map/map3d_mousetest.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/applications/declarative_map/map3d_mousetest.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1049 deletions
diff --git a/tests/applications/declarative_map/map3d_mousetest.qml b/tests/applications/declarative_map/map3d_mousetest.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 45eb4536..00000000
--- a/tests/applications/declarative_map/map3d_mousetest.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1049 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Mobility Components.
-** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows:
-** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-** met:
-** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
-** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-** distribution.
-** * Neither the name of The Qt Company Ltd nor the names of its
-** contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-** from this software without specific prior written permission.
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import QtPositioning 5.2
-import QtLocation 5.3
-import QtLocation.test 5.0
-import "common" as Common
-Item {
- objectName: "The page."
- width: 1140 //360
- height: 1085 // 640
- //width: 360
- //height: 640
- id: page
- //Rectangle {
- // id: bottleAnimation
- // width: animation.width; height: animation.height + 8
- // }
- // From location.test plugin
- TestModel {
- id: testModel
- datatype: 'coordinate'
- datacount: 8
- delay: 0
- crazyMode: false // generate arbitrarily updates. interval is set below, and the number of items is varied between 0..datacount
- crazyLevel: 2000 // the update interval varies between 3...crazyLevel (ms)
- }
- Item {
- visible: false
- id: shaderItem
- width: 256
- height: 256
- x: 100
- y: 100
- Rectangle {
- radius: 20
- id: shaderRect
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height/4
- color: 'red'
- z: 1
- Text {text: "Wicked!"}
- SequentialAnimation on color {
- loops: Animation.Infinite
- ColorAnimation { from: "DeepSkyBlue"; to: "red"; duration: 2000 }
- ColorAnimation { from: "red"; to: "DeepSkyBlue"; duration: 2000 }
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: shaderRect2
- opacity: 0.5
- //width: parent.width
- anchors.fill: shaderRect
- //height: parent.height/4
- color: 'green'
- Text {text: "Sick!"}
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: shaderRect3
- width: parent.width
- shaderRect2.bottom
- height: parent.height/4
- color: 'blue'
- Text {text: "Sick!"}
- }
- Rectangle {
- width: parent.width
- shaderRect3.bottom
- height: parent.height/4
- color: 'yellow'
- Text {text: "Sick!"}
- }
- }
- Column {
- id: buttonColumn
- anchors.left: map.right
- spacing: 2
- Rectangle {color: "lightblue"; width: 80; height: 80;
- Text {text: "Crazy mode:\n" + testModel.crazyMode + "\nclick to\ntoggle."}
- MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent;
- onClicked: testModel.crazyMode = !testModel.crazyMode
- onDoubleClicked: map.removeMapItem(mapItem1)
- }
- }
- AnimatedImage {
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: mapItem2.source = parent }
- width: 80
- height: 80
- playing: testModel.crazyMode
- source: "blinky.gif"
- }
- Rectangle {color: "lightblue"; width: 80; height: 80;
- Text {text: "Click:\nadd item1\nDouble-click:\nrm item1"}
- MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent;
- onClicked: {console.log('oooQML: ----------------adding item 1'); map.addMapItem(externalStaticMapItem1);}
- onDoubleClicked: {console.log('oooQML: +++++++++++++++ removing item 1'); map.removeMapItem(externalStaticMapItem1);}
- }
- }
- Rectangle {color: "lightblue"; width: 80; height: 80;
- Text {text: "Click:\nadd item2\nDouble-click:\nrm item2"}
- MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent;
- onClicked: {console.log('oooQML: adding item 2'); map.addMapItem(externalStaticMapItem2);}
- onDoubleClicked: {console.log('oooQML: removing item 2'); map.removeMapItem(externalStaticMapItem2);}
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- MapItem {
- id: externalStaticMapItem1
- objectName: "externalStaticMapItem1"
- coordinate: brisbaneCoordinate
- zoomLevel: 5.0
- source: Rectangle {
- color: "gray"
- width: 140
- height: 20
- Text {font.pixelSize: 15;text: "ext map item 1"; font.bold: true; color: 'red'}
- }
- }
- MapItem {
- id: externalStaticMapItem2
- objectName: "externalStaticMapItem2"
- coordinate: brisbaneCoordinate2
- zoomLevel: 5.0
- source: Rectangle {
- color: "gray"
- width: 140
- height: 20
- Text {font.pixelSize: 15;text: "ext map item 2"; font.bold: true; color: 'red'}
- }
- }
- */
- /*
- MapItem {
- id: mapItem1
- source: AnimatedImage {width: 80; height: 80; playing: true; source: "walk.gif"}
- }
- */
- //AnimatedImage {width: 80; height: 80; playing: true; source: "walk.gif"}
- //MapItem {id: mapItem2 }
- //MapItem {id: mapItem3 }
- //MapItem {id: mapItem4 }
- //MapItem {id: mapItem5 }
- //MapItem {id: mapItem6 }
- //MapItem {id: mapItem7 }
- //MapItem {id: mapItem8 }
- Coordinate {
- id: brisbaneCoordinate
- latitude: -27.5
- longitude: 140
- }
- Coordinate {
- id: brisbaneCoordinate2
- latitude: -30.5
- longitude: 140
- }
- Map {
- id: map
- /*
- MapItem {
- objectName: 'blinky static item'
- zoomLevel: 7 // at which map's zoom level the width and height are '1-to-1'
- coordinate: brisbaneCoordinate
- source: AnimatedImage {
- width: 80
- height: 80
- playing: true
- source: "blinky.gif"
- }
- }
- */
- //MapItem {
- // source: Rectangle { width: 40; height: 40; color: 'chocolate'
- // }
- // }
- /*
- MapObjectView {
- id: theObjectView
- model: testModel
- delegate: Component {
- MapItem {
- objectName: 'one of many items from model'
- visible: true
- live: true
- recursive: true
- source: Rectangle {
- width: 300; height: 300; color: 'green'
- Component.onCompleted: {
- var num = (Math.floor(4 * Math.random()));
- switch (num % 4) {
- case 0:
- color = "#ff0000";
- break;
- case 1:
- color = "#0000ff";
- break;
- case 2:
- color = "#00ffff";
- break;
- case 3:
- color = "#00ff00";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- coordinate: Coordinate {
- latitude: modeldata.coordinate.latitude;
- longitude: modeldata.coordinate.longitude;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- */
- // From location.test plugin
- PinchGenerator {
- id: pinchGenerator
- anchors.fill: parent
- target: map
- enabled: false
- focus: true // enables keyboard control for convenience
- replaySpeedFactor: 1.1 // replay with 1.1 times the recording speed to better see what happens
- Text {
- text: "PinchArea state: " + pinchGenerator.state + "\n"
- + "Swipes recorded: " + pinchGenerator.count + "\n"
- + "Replay speed factor: " + pinchGenerator.replaySpeedFactor
- }
- }
- /*
- Keys.onPressed: {
- if (event.key == Qt.Key_A) {
- console.log('oooQML: Key A was pressed');
- //event.accepted = true;
- }
- }
- */
- plugin : Plugin {name : "nokia"}
- // commented features are checked to work at least somehow
- x: 0
- y: 0
- //size.width: 100
- //size.height: 100
- //anchors.left: parent.left
- //anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- //anchors.leftMargin: 70
- //scale: 2
- //visible: false
- //transform: Translate {y: 200}
- //anchors.fill: page
- width: page.width - 80
- height: 800
- zoomLevel: 5.1
- // pinch.activeGestures: MapPinchArea.ZoomGesture | RotationGesture
- pinch.activeGestures: MapPinchArea.NoGesture
- pinch.enabled: true
- // Flicking
- flick.enabled: true
- flick.deceleration: 3000
- flick.onFlickStarted: {console.log ('flick started signal F Start ++++++++++++++++++ ') }
- flick.onFlickEnded: {console.log ('flick ended signal F Stop ------------------ ') }
- flick.onMovementStarted: {console.log('oooQML: movement started signal M Start ++++++++++++++++++ ') }
- flick.onMovementEnded: {console.log ('movement ended signal M Stop ------------------ ') }
- onWheel: {
- console.log('oooQML: map wheel event, rotation in degrees: ' + delta/8);
- if (delta > 0) map.zoomLevel += 0.25
- else map.zoomLevel -= 0.25
- }
- pinch.onPinchStarted: {
- console.log('oooQML: Map element pinch started---------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++')
- pinchRect1.x = pinch.point1.x; pinchRect1.y = pinch.point1.y;
- pinchRect2.x = pinch.point2.x; pinchRect2.y = pinch.point2.y;
- pinchRect1.visible = true; pinchRect2.visible = true;
- //console.log('oooQML: Point 1 x: ' + pinch.point1.x + ' Point2 x' + pinch.point2.x)
- //console.log('oooQML: Center x: ' + + ' Point1 y: ' + pinch.point1.y)
- }
- pinch.onPinchUpdated: {
- console.log('oooQML: Map element pinch updated---------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++')
- pinchRect1.x = pinch.point1.x; pinchRect1.y = pinch.point1.y;
- pinchRect2.x = pinch.point2.x; pinchRect2.y = pinch.point2.y;
- }
- pinch.onPinchFinished: {
- console.log('oooQML: Map element pinch finished ---------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++')
- pinchRect1.visible = false; pinchRect2.visible = false;
- //map.pinch.minimumZoomLevel = map.zoomLevel - 2
- //map.pinch.maximumZoomLevel = map.zoomLevel + 2
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: mouseRectUpper
- color: 'green'
- border.color: "yellow"
- border.width: 5
- radius: 10
- opacity: 0.2
- x: 0; y: 0;
- width: map.width;
- height: map.height / 2
- Text { font.pixelSize: 20; text: '\n\n\n\n\n\n upper MapMouseArea, z value: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.z}
- }
- MapMouseArea {
- id: mouseAreaOfMap
- objectName: 'map mouse area'
- z: 5
- x: 0; y: 0;
- width: map.width;
- height: map.height / 2;
- onAcceptedButtonsChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea acceptedButtonsChanged: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.acceptedButtons + ' ' + acceptedButtons)
- }
- onEnabledChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea enabledChanged: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.enabled)
- }
- onPressed: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea pressed: ' +
- mouse.x + ' y:' + mouse.y + ' pressed: '
- + pressed + ' mouseX: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.mouseX + ' mouseY: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.mouseY + ' button: ' + mouse.button + ' buttons: ' + mouse.buttons)
- }
- onPressedChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea pressedChanged, pressedButtons: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.pressedButtons)
- }
- onPressedButtonsChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea pressedButtonChanged ' + ' pressed button: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.pressedButtons)
- }
- onReleased: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea released: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y)
- }
- onDoubleClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea doubleclicked---------------------------------------- dump event: ')
- console.log('oooQML: accepted: ' + mouse.accepted);
- console.log('oooQML: button: ' + mouse.button);
- console.log('oooQML: modifiers: ' + mouse.modifiers);
- console.log('oooQML: wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld);
- console.log('oooQML: x: ' + mouse.x);
- console.log('oooQML: y: ' + mouse.y);
- console.log('oooQML: mouse area x,y, width, height: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.x + ' ' + mouseAreaOfMap.y + ' ' + mouseAreaOfMap.width + ' ' + mouseAreaOfMap.height)
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea doubleclicked---------------------------------------- end dump ')
- }
- onClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea clicked')
- }
- onPositionChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea position changed, x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y
- + ' mouseX: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.mouseX + ' mouseY: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.mouseY + ' button: ' + mouse.button + ' buttons: ' + mouse.buttons)
- }
- onEntered: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea entered')
- }
- onExited: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea exited')
- }
- onPressAndHold: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea press and hold')
- }
- // This signal is not officially public per se, but used to notify containsMouse changes
- onHoveredChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea hoveredChanged, containsMouse is: ' + mouseAreaOfMap.containsMouse)
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: mouseRectLower
- color: 'green'
- border.color: "yellow"
- border.width: 5
- radius: 10
- opacity: 0.2
- x: 0; y: map.height/2;
- width: map.width;
- height: map.height/2;
- Text { font.pixelSize: 20; text: ' lower MapMouseArea, z value: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.z}
- }
- MapMouseArea {
- id: mouseAreaOfMap2
- objectName: 'map mouse area 2'
- x: 0; y: map.height/2;
- width: map.width;
- height: map.height/2;
- hoverEnabled: true
- onAcceptedButtonsChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 acceptedButtonsChanged: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.acceptedButtons + ' ' + acceptedButtons)
- }
- onEnabledChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 enabledChanged: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.enabled)
- }
- onPressed: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 pressed: ' +
- mouse.x + ' y:' + mouse.y + ' pressed: '
- + pressed + ' mouseX: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.mouseX + ' mouseY: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.mouseY)
- console.log('oooQML: and the geo coordinate for that is, lat: '
- + mouseAreaOfMap2.mouseToCoordinate(mouse).latitude + ' + lon : ' +
- mouseAreaOfMap2.mouseToCoordinate(mouse).longitude)
- }
- onPressedChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 pressedChanged, pressedButtons: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.pressedButtons)
- }
- onPressedButtonsChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 pressedButtonChanged ' + ' pressed button: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.pressedButtons)
- }
- onReleased: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 released: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y)
- }
- onDoubleClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 doubleclicked---------------------------------------- dump event: ')
- console.log('oooQML: accepted: ' + mouse.accepted);
- console.log('oooQML: button: ' + mouse.button);
- console.log('oooQML: modifiers: ' + mouse.modifiers);
- console.log('oooQML: wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld);
- console.log('oooQML: x: ' + mouse.x);
- console.log('oooQML: y: ' + mouse.y);
- console.log('oooQML: mouse area x,y, width, height: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.x + ' ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.y + ' ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.width + ' ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.height)
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 doubleclicked---------------------------------------- end dump ')
- }
- onClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 clicked')
- }
- onPositionChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 position changed, x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y
- + ' mouseX: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.mouseX + ' mouseY: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.mouseY)
- }
- onEntered: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 entered')
- }
- onExited: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 exited')
- }
- onPressAndHold: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 press and hold')
- }
- // This signal is not officially public per se, but used to notify containsMouse changes
- onHoveredChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea2 hoveredChanged, containsMouse is: ' + mouseAreaOfMap2.containsMouse)
- }
- }
- // overlaps both mouse areas 1 and 2 (rhs)
- Rectangle {
- id: mouseRectRightOverlapping
- color: 'green'
- border.color: "red"
- border.width: 5
- radius: 10
- opacity: 0.2
- x: map.width/2; y: 0;
- width: map.width/2;
- height: map.height;
- Text { font.pixelSize: 20; text: '\n\n\n\n\n overlapping MapMouseArea (3), Z value: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.z}
- }
- MapMouseArea {
- id: mouseAreaOfMap3
- objectName: 'map mouse area 3'
- z: 4
- x: map.width/2; y: 0;
- width: map.width/2;
- height: map.height;
- onAcceptedButtonsChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 acceptedButtonsChanged: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.acceptedButtons + ' ' + acceptedButtons)
- }
- onEnabledChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 enabledChanged: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.enabled)
- }
- onPressed: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 pressed: ' +
- mouse.x + ' y:' + mouse.y + ' pressed: '
- + pressed + ' mouseX: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.mouseX + ' mouseY: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.mouseY)
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3, the x mapped: ' + map.mapFromItem(mouseAreaOfMap3, mouse.x, mouse.y).x + ' the y mapped: ' + map.mapFromItem(mouseAreaOfMap3, mouse.x, mouse.y).y)
- }
- onPressedChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 pressedChanged, pressedButtons: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.pressedButtons)
- }
- onPressedButtonsChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 pressedButtonChanged ' + ' pressed button: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.pressedButtons)
- }
- onReleased: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 released: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y)
- }
- onDoubleClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 doubleclicked---------------------------------------- dump event: ')
- console.log('oooQML: accepted: ' + mouse.accepted);
- console.log('oooQML: button: ' + mouse.button);
- console.log('oooQML: modifiers: ' + mouse.modifiers);
- console.log('oooQML: wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld);
- console.log('oooQML: x: ' + mouse.x);
- console.log('oooQML: y: ' + mouse.y);
- console.log('oooQML: mouse area x,y, width, height: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.x + ' ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.y + ' ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.width + ' ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.height)
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 doubleclicked---------------------------------------- end dump ')
- }
- onClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 clicked')
- }
- onPositionChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 position changed, x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y
- + ' mouseX: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.mouseX + ' mouseY: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.mouseY)
- }
- onEntered: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 entered')
- }
- onExited: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 exited')
- }
- onPressAndHold: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 press and hold')
- }
- // This signal is not officially public per se, but used to notify containsMouse changes
- onHoveredChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MapMouseArea3 hoveredChanged, containsMouse is: ' + mouseAreaOfMap3.containsMouse)
- }
- }
- //focus : true
- center: Coordinate {
- latitude: 51.5
- longitude: -0.11
- }
- // <unsupported so far>
- //rotation: 10 // strangely impacts the size of the map element though
- //transform: Scale { origin.x: 25; origin.y: 25; xScale: 3} // weirdly translates the item
- //transform: Rotation { origin.y: 25; origin.x: 25; angle: 45} // weirdly translates the item
- //z: 4 // map will always be under everything, will not be supported
- //opacity: 0.4 // doesn't probably make sense
- //clip: true // not implemented, not sure if very useful either
- // </unsupported so far>
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: referenceMouseAreaRectangleUpper
- color: 'steelblue'
- border.color: "black"
- border.width: 5
- radius: 10
- width: 250
- height: 150
- x: map.width - 250
- y: map.height- 300
- Text { text: " Reference mouse area upper\n (the main reference area)"}
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent;
- id: referenceMouseAreaUpper
- objectName: 'referenceMouseAreaUpper'
- onAcceptedButtonsChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper acceptedButtonsChanged: ' + referenceMouseAreaUpper.acceptedButtons)
- }
- onEnabledChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper enabledChanged: ' + referenceMouseAreaUpper.enabled)
- }
- onPressed: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper pressed, x: ' + mouse.x + ' y:' + mouse.y + ' pressed: ' + pressed)
- }
- onPressedChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper pressedChanged ' + ' pressed button: ' + referenceMouseAreaUpper.pressedButtons)
- }
- onReleased: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper released: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y)
- }
- onDoubleClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML mouse area doubleclicked---------------------------------------- dump event: ')
- console.log('oooQML: accepted: ' + mouse.accepted);
- console.log('oooQML: button: ' + mouse.button);
- console.log('oooQML: modifiers: ' + mouse.modifiers);
- console.log('oooQML: wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld);
- console.log('oooQML: x: ' + mouse.x);
- console.log('oooQML: y: ' + mouse.y);
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper doubleclicked---------------------------------------- end dump ')
- }
- onClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper clicked')
- }
- onPositionChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MouseArea upper reference position changed, x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y)
- }
- onEntered: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference upper MouseArea entered')
- }
- onExited: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper exited')
- }
- onPressAndHold: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper press and hold')
- }
- // This signal is not officially public per se, but used to notify containsMouse changes
- onHoveredChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea upper hoveredChanged, containsMouse is: ' + referenceMouseAreaUpper.containsMouse)
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: referenceMouseAreaRectangleLower
- color: 'steelblue'
- border.color: "black"
- border.width: 5
- radius: 10
- width: 250
- height: 150
- referenceMouseAreaRectangleUpper.bottom
- anchors.left: referenceMouseAreaRectangleUpper.left
- Text { text: " Reference mouse area lower"}
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent;
- id: referenceMouseAreaLower
- objectName: 'referenceMouseAreaLower'
- onClicked: console.log('oooQML: clicked: ' + referenceMouseAreaLower.objectName)
- onPositionChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MouseArea lower reference position changed, x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y)
- }
- onEntered: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference lower MouseArea entered')
- }
- onExited: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea lower exited')
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: referenceMouseAreaRectangleOverlapping
- color: 'red'
- border.color: "black"
- border.width: 5
- radius: 10
- opacity: 0.5
- z: 30
- width: referenceMouseAreaRectangleUpper.width / 2
- height: referenceMouseAreaRectangleUpper.height * 2
- //width: 100
- //height: 100
- //x: 100
- //y: 100
- x: referenceMouseAreaRectangleUpper.x + 150
- y: referenceMouseAreaRectangleUpper.y
- Text { text: " Reference\nmouse\noverlap"}
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent;
- id: referenceMouseAreaOverlapping
- objectName: 'referenceMouseAreaOverLapping'
- onAcceptedButtonsChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL acceptedButtonsChanged: ' + referenceMouseAreaUpper.acceptedButtons)
- }
- onEnabledChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL enabledChanged: ' + referenceMouseAreaUpper.enabled)
- }
- onPressed: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL pressed: ' + mouse.x + ' y:' + mouse.y + ' pressed: ' + pressed)
- }
- onPressedChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL pressedChanged ' + ' pressed button: ' + referenceMouseAreaUpper.pressedButtons)
- }
- onReleased: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL released: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y)
- }
- onDoubleClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML mouse area doubleclicked---------------------------------------- dump event: ')
- console.log('oooQML: accepted: ' + mouse.accepted);
- console.log('oooQML: button: ' + mouse.button);
- console.log('oooQML: modifiers: ' + mouse.modifiers);
- console.log('oooQML: wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld);
- console.log('oooQML: x: ' + mouse.x);
- console.log('oooQML: y: ' + mouse.y);
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea doubleclicked---------------------------------------- end dump ')
- }
- onClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL clicked')
- }
- onPositionChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML MouseArea OL reference position changed, x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y)
- }
- onEntered: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL entered')
- }
- onExited: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL exited')
- }
- onPressAndHold: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL press and hold')
- }
- // This signal is not officially public per se, but used to notify containsMouse changes
- onHoveredChanged: {
- console.log('oooQML: in QML Reference MouseArea OL hoveredChanged, containsMouse is: ' + referenceMouseAreaUpper.containsMouse)
- }
- }
- }
- Row {
- id: buttonRow
- anchors.leftMargin: 2
- anchors.topMargin: 2
- map.bottom;
- spacing: 2
- Rectangle { id: rowRect1; width: 80; height: 65; color: 'peru';
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: { map.pinch.maximumZoomLevelChange += 0.1}
- Text {text: "Pinch zoom\nsensitivity+"}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRect1.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: {map.pinch.maximumZoomLevelChange -= 0.1}
- Text {text: "Pinch zoom\nsensitivity-"}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRect1.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: {map.pinch.rotationSpeed += 0.1}
- Text {text: "Pinch rotation\nsensitivity+"}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRect1.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: {map.pinch.rotationSpeed -= 0.1}
- Text {text: "Pinch rotation\nsensitivity-"}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRect1.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: {map.pinch.maximumTiltChange += 1}
- Text {text: "Pinch tilt\nsensitivity+"}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRect1.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: {map.pinch.maximumTiltChange -= 1}
- Text {text: "Pinch tilt\nsensitivity-"}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { id: rowRectPinchGen; width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: 'lightsteelblue';
- Text { text: "Pinch\nzoom:\n" + ((map.pinch.activeGestures & MapPinchArea.ZoomGesture) > 0? "Yes":"No")}
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent;
- onClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: map pinch active gestures' + map.pinch.activeGestures);
- if (map.pinch.activeGestures & MapPinchArea.ZoomGesture)
- map.pinch.activeGestures &= ~MapPinchArea.ZoomGesture
- else
- map.pinch.activeGestures += MapPinchArea.ZoomGesture
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRectPinchGen.color;
- Text { text: "Pinch\nrotation:\n" + ((map.pinch.activeGestures & MapPinchArea.RotationGesture) > 0? "Yes":"No")}
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent;
- onClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: map pinch active gestures' + map.pinch.activeGestures);
- if (map.pinch.activeGestures & MapPinchArea.RotationGesture)
- map.pinch.activeGestures &= ~MapPinchArea.RotationGesture
- else
- map.pinch.activeGestures += MapPinchArea.RotationGesture
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRectPinchGen.color;
- Text { text: "Pinch\ntilt:\n" + ((map.pinch.activeGestures & MapPinchArea.TiltGesture) > 0? "Yes":"No")}
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent;
- onClicked: {
- console.log('oooQML: map pinch active gestures' + map.pinch.activeGestures);
- if (map.pinch.activeGestures & MapPinchArea.TiltGesture)
- map.pinch.activeGestures &= ~MapPinchArea.TiltGesture
- else
- map.pinch.activeGestures += MapPinchArea.TiltGesture
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRectPinchGen.color;
- Text { id: generatorEnabledText; text: pinchGenerator.enabled? "Pinch Gen\nEnabled" : "Pinch Gen\nDisabled"; font.bold: true}
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent;
- onClicked: {
- if (pinchGenerator.focus == true) {
- pinchGenerator.focus = false;
- pinchGenerator.enabled = false;
- pinchGenerator.z = -1
- map.focus = true;
- } else {
- pinchGenerator.focus = true
- pinchGenerator.enabled = true;
- pinchGenerator.z = 10
- map.focus = false
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRect1.color;
- Text {text: map.flick.enabled? "Flick\nEnabled":"Flick\nDisabled"; font.bold: true}
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: {map.flick.enabled = !map.flick.enabled} }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRect1.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: {map.flick.deceleration += 200}
- Text {text: "Flick\ndeceleration+"}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect1.width; height: rowRect1.height; color: rowRect1.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: {map.flick.deceleration -= 200}
- Text {text: "Flick\ndeceleration-"}
- }
- }
- } // Row
- // Info texts
- Row {
- id: textRow1
- spacing: 15
- buttonRow.bottom
- Text {id: firstText; text: "Map zoom level: " + map.zoomLevel; color: 'red'; font.bold: true}
- Text {text: "Pinch zoom sensitivity: " + map.pinch.maximumZoomLevelChange; color: firstText.color; font.bold: true}
- Text {text: "Pinch rotation sensitivity: " + map.pinch.rotationSpeed; color: firstText.color; font.bold: true}
- }
- Row {
- id: textRow2
- spacing: 15
- textRow1.bottom
- Text {text: "Pinch tilt sensitivity: " + map.pinch.maximumTiltChange; color: firstText.color; font.bold: true}
- Text {text: "Flick deceleration: " + map.flick.deceleration; color: firstText.color; font.bold: true}
- Text {text: "Weather: Sunny, mild, late showers."; color: firstText.color; font.bold: true}
- } // info texts
- // Row 2 (mouse area)
- Row {
- id: buttonRow2
- anchors.leftMargin: 2
- anchors.topMargin: 2
- textRow2.bottom;
- spacing: 2
- Rectangle { id: rowRect2; width: 80; height: 65; color: 'peru';
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: mouseAreaOfMap.enabled? "Map mouse\nenabled":"Map mouse\ndisabled" }
- onClicked: {mouseAreaOfMap.enabled = !mouseAreaOfMap.enabled}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect2.width; height: rowRect2.height; color: rowRect2.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: mouseAreaOfMap.hoverEnabled? "MMouseU\nhover\nenabled":"MMouseU\nhover\ndisabled" }
- onClicked: {mouseAreaOfMap.hoverEnabled = !mouseAreaOfMap.hoverEnabled}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect2.width; height: rowRect2.height; color: rowRect2.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: mouseAreaOfMap2.hoverEnabled? "MMouseL\nhover\nenabled":"MMouseL\nhover\ndisabled" }
- onClicked: {mouseAreaOfMap2.hoverEnabled = !mouseAreaOfMap2.hoverEnabled}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect2.width; height: rowRect2.height; color: rowRect2.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: mouseAreaOfMap3.hoverEnabled? "MMouseO\nhover\nenabled":"MMouseO\nhover\ndisabled" }
- onClicked: {mouseAreaOfMap3.hoverEnabled = !mouseAreaOfMap3.hoverEnabled}
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect2.width; height: rowRect2.height; color: rowRect2.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: mouseAreaOfMap2.enabled? "Map ML\nenabled":"Map ML\ndisabled" }
- onClicked: {mouseAreaOfMap2.enabled = !mouseAreaOfMap2.enabled}
- }
- }
- }
- // Row 3 reference mouse area
- Row {
- id: buttonRow3
- anchors.leftMargin: 2
- anchors.topMargin: 2
- buttonRow2.bottom;
- spacing: 2
- Rectangle { id: rowRect3; width: 80; height: 65; color: 'steelblue';
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: referenceMouseAreaOverlapping.enabled? "OL mouse\nenabled":"OL mouse\ndisabled" }
- onClicked: {
- //referenceMouseAreaUpper.enabled = !referenceMouseAreaUpper.enabled
- //referenceMouseAreaLower.enabled = !referenceMouseAreaLower.enabled
- referenceMouseAreaOverlapping.enabled = !referenceMouseAreaOverlapping.enabled
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect3.width; height: rowRect3.height; color: rowRect3.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: referenceMouseAreaUpper.hoverEnabled? "Map mouse\nhover enabled":"Map mouse\nhover disabled" }
- onClicked: {
- referenceMouseAreaUpper.hoverEnabled = !referenceMouseAreaUpper.hoverEnabled
- referenceMouseAreaLower.hoverEnabled = !referenceMouseAreaLower.hoverEnabled
- referenceMouseAreaOverlapping.hoverEnabled = !referenceMouseAreaOverlapping.hoverEnabled
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect3.width; height: rowRect3.height; color: rowRect3.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: referenceMouseAreaLower.enabled? "Low mouse\nenabled":"Low mouse\ndisabled" }
- onClicked: {
- //referenceMouseAreaUpper.enabled = !referenceMouseAreaUpper.enabled
- referenceMouseAreaLower.enabled = !referenceMouseAreaLower.enabled
- //referenceMouseAreaOverlapping.enabled = !referenceMouseAreaOverlapping.enabled
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect3.width; height: rowRect3.height; color: rowRect3.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: referenceMouseAreaUpper.enabled? "Up mouse\nenabled":"Up mouse\ndisabled" }
- onClicked: {
- referenceMouseAreaUpper.enabled = !referenceMouseAreaUpper.enabled
- //referenceMouseAreaLower.enabled = !referenceMouseAreaLower.enabled
- //referenceMouseAreaOverlapping.enabled = !referenceMouseAreaOverlapping.enabled
- }
- }
- }
- Rectangle { width: rowRect3.width; height: rowRect3.height; color: rowRect3.color;
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent;
- Text {text: mouseAreaOfMap3.enabled? "Map MOL\nenabled":"Map MOL\ndisabled" }
- onClicked: {mouseAreaOfMap3.enabled = !mouseAreaOfMap3.enabled}
- }
- }
- }
- // Row 3 (reference mouse area)
- Rectangle {
- id: pinchRect1
- color: 'red'
- visible: false
- z: 10
- width: 5
- height: 5
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: pinchRect2
- color: 'red'
- visible: false
- z: 10
- width: 5
- height: 5
- }
- Repeater {
- id: swipeView1
- model: pinchGenerator.swipe1
- delegate: Component {
- Rectangle {
- Text {id: touchPointText}
- Component.onCompleted: {
- if (modelData.touchState == 1) { // Qt.TouchPointPressed
- color = "pink"; width = 15; height = 15
- touchPointText.text = 'From'
- }
- else if (modelData.touchState == 2) { // Qt.TouchPointMoved
- color = 'yellow'; width = 5; height = 5
- }
- else if (modelData.touchState == 8) { // Qt.TouchPointReleased
- color = 'red'; width = 15; height = 15
- touchPointText.text = 'To'
- }
- }
- x: modelData.targetX; y: modelData.targetY
- }
- }
- }
- Repeater {
- id: swipeView2
- model: pinchGenerator.swipe2
- delegate: Component {
- Rectangle {
- Text {id: touchPoint2Text}
- Component.onCompleted: {
- if (modelData.touchState == 1) { // Qt.TouchPointPressed
- color = "green"; width = 15; height = 15
- touchPoint2Text.text = 'From'
- }
- else if (modelData.touchState == 2) { // Qt.TouchPointMoved
- color = 'yellow'; width = 5; height = 5
- }
- else if (modelData.touchState == 8) { // Qt.TouchPointReleased
- color = 'blue'; width = 15; height = 15
- touchPoint2Text.text = 'To'
- }
- }
- x: modelData.targetX; y: modelData.targetY
- }
- }
- }