path: root/src/positioning/qgeoaddress.cpp
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1 files changed, 637 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/positioning/qgeoaddress.cpp b/src/positioning/qgeoaddress.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b62e3431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/positioning/qgeoaddress.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtPositioning module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and
+** conditions see For further information
+** use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+#include "qgeoaddress.h"
+#include "qgeoaddress_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QDebug>
+ Combines a list of address parts into a single line.
+ The parts parameter contains both address elements such as city, state and so on
+ as well as separators such as spaces and commas.
+ It is expected that an element is always followed by a separator and the last
+ sepator is usually a new line delimeter.
+ For example: Springfield, 8900
+ would have four parts
+ ["Springfield", ", ", "8900", "<br>"]
+ The addressLine takes care of putting in separators appropriately or leaving
+ them out depending on whether the adjacent elements are present or not.
+ For example if city were empty in the above scenario the returned string is "8900<br>"
+ If the postal code was empty, returned string is "Springfield<br>"
+ If both city and postal code were empty, the returned string is "".
+static QString addressLine(const QStringList &parts)
+ QString line;
+ Q_ASSERT(parts.count() % 2 == 0);
+ //iterate until just before the last pair
+ QString penultimateSeparator;
+ for (int i = 0; i < parts.count() - 2; i += 2) {
+ if (! {
+ line.append( + + 1));
+ penultimateSeparator = + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( - 2).isEmpty()) {
+ line.chop(penultimateSeparator.length());
+ if (!line.isEmpty())
+ line.append( - 1));
+ } else {
+ line.append( - 2));
+ line.append( - 1));
+ }
+ return line;
+ Returns a single formatted string representing the \a address. Lines of the address
+ are delimited by \a newLine. By default lines are delimited by <br/>. The \l
+ {QGeoAddress::countryCode} {countryCode} of the \a address determines the format of
+ the resultant string.
+static QString formattedAddress(const QGeoAddress &address,
+ const QString &newLine = QLatin1String("<br/>"))
+ const QString Comma(QLatin1String(", "));
+ const QString Dash(QLatin1String("-"));
+ const QString Space(QLatin1String(" "));
+ QString text;
+ if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("ALB")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MTQ")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Comma
+ << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("AND")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("AUT")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("FRA")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("GLP")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("GUF")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("ITA")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("LUX")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MCO")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("REU")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("RUS")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("SMR")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("VAT")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space
+ << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("ARE")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("BHS")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Space
+ << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("AUS")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << (address.district().isEmpty() ? : address.district())
+ << Space << address.state() << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("BHR")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma
+ << << Comma << address.state() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("BRA")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Space
+ << << Dash << address.state() << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("BRN")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("JOR")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("LBN")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("NZL")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Space
+ << << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("CAN")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("USA")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("VIR")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << Comma << address.state() << Space
+ << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("CHN")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << Comma << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << address.state() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("CHL")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space
+ << address.district() << Comma << << Comma
+ << address.state() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("CYM")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.state() << Space
+ << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("GBR")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma
+ << << Comma << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("GIB")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("HKG")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("IND")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << Space << address.postalCode() << Space
+ << address.state() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("IDN")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("JEY")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("LVA")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << Comma << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("IRL")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma << address.state() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("KWT")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Comma
+ << address.district() << Comma << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MLT")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("SGP")
+ || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("UKR")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MEX")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << << Comma
+ << address.state() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MYS")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.state() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("OMN")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma
+ << address.postalCode() << Comma
+ << << Comma
+ << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("PRI")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma << << Comma
+ << address.state() << Comma << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("QAT")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Space << << Comma
+ << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("SAU")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << Space << address.district() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("TWN")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << Comma
+ << address.district() << Comma << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("THA")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma << << Space
+ << address.postalCode() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("TUR")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << address.district() << Comma
+ << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("VEN")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << Space << address.postalCode() << Comma
+ << address.state() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("ZAF")) {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ } else {
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << << newLine);
+ text += addressLine(QStringList() << << newLine);
+ }
+ text.chop(newLine.length());
+ return text;
+ : QSharedData(),
+ m_autoGeneratedText(false)
+QGeoAddressPrivate::QGeoAddressPrivate(const QGeoAddressPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData(other),
+ sCountry(other.sCountry),
+ sCountryCode(other.sCountryCode),
+ sState(other.sState),
+ sCounty(other.sCounty),
+ sCity(other.sCity),
+ sDistrict(other.sDistrict),
+ sStreet(other.sStreet),
+ sPostalCode(other.sPostalCode),
+ sText(other.sText),
+ m_autoGeneratedText(false)
+ \class QGeoAddress
+ \inmodule QtPositioning
+ \ingroup QtPositioning-positioning
+ \ingroup QtLocation-places-data
+ \ingroup QtLocation-places
+ \since Qt Positioning 5.0
+ \brief The QGeoAddress class represents an address of a \l QGeoLocation.
+ The address' attributes are normalized to US feature names and can be mapped
+ to the local feature levels (for example State matches "Bundesland" in Germany).
+ The address contains a \l text() for displaying purposes and additional
+ properties to access the components of an address:
+ \list
+ \li QGeoAddress::country()
+ \li QGeoAddress::countryCode()
+ \li QGeoAddress::state()
+ \li QGeoAddress::city()
+ \li QGeoAddress::district()
+ \li QGeoAddress::street()
+ \li QGeoAddress::postalCode()
+ \endlist
+ Default constructor.
+ : d(new QGeoAddressPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other.
+QGeoAddress::QGeoAddress(const QGeoAddress &other)
+ : d(other.d)
+ Destroys this address.
+ Assigns the given \a address to this address and
+ returns a reference to this address.
+QGeoAddress &QGeoAddress::operator=(const QGeoAddress & address)
+ if (this == &address)
+ return *this;
+ d = address.d;
+ return *this;
+ Returns true if this address is equal to \a other,
+ otherwise returns false.
+bool QGeoAddress::operator==(const QGeoAddress &other) const
+ qDebug() << "country" << (d->sCountry ==;
+ qDebug() << "countryCode" << (d->sCountryCode == other.countryCode());
+ qDebug() << "state:" << (d->sState == other.state());
+ qDebug() << "county:" << (d->sCounty == other.county());
+ qDebug() << "city:" << (d->sCity ==;
+ qDebug() << "district:" << (d->sDistrict == other.district());
+ qDebug() << "street:" << (d->sStreet == other.street());
+ qDebug() << "postalCode:" << (d->sPostalCode == other.postalCode());
+ qDebug() << "text:" << (text() == other.text());
+ return d->sCountry == &&
+ d->sCountryCode == other.countryCode() &&
+ d->sState == other.state() &&
+ d->sCounty == other.county() &&
+ d->sCity == &&
+ d->sDistrict == other.district() &&
+ d->sStreet == other.street() &&
+ d->sPostalCode == other.postalCode() &&
+ this->text() == other.text();
+ \fn bool QGeoAddress::operator!=(const QGeoAddress &other) const
+ Returns true if this address is not equal to \a other,
+ otherwise returns false.
+ Returns the address as a single formatted string. It is the recommended string
+ to use to display the address to the user. It typically takes the format of
+ an address as found on an envelope, but this is not always necessarily the case.
+ The adddress text is either automatically generated or explicitly assigned.
+ This can be determined by checking \l {QGeoAddress::isTextGenerated()} {isTextGenerated}.
+ If an empty string is provided to setText(), then isTextGenerated() will be set
+ to true and text() will return a string which is locally formatted according to
+ countryCode() and based on the elements of the address such as street, city and so on.
+ Because the text string is generated from the address elements, a sequence
+ of calls such as text(), setStreet(), text() may return different strings for each
+ invocation of text().
+ If a non-empty string is provided to setText(), then isTextGenerated() will be
+ set to false and text() will always return the explicitly assigned string.
+ Calls to modify other elements such as setStreet(), setCity() and so on will not
+ affect the resultant string from text().
+QString QGeoAddress::text() const
+ if (d->sText.isEmpty())
+ return formattedAddress(*this);
+ else
+ return d->sText;
+ If \a text is not empty, explicitly assigns \a text as the string to be returned by
+ text(). isTextGenerated() will return false.
+ If \a text is empty, indicates that text() should be automatically generated
+ from the address elements. isTextGenerated() will return true.
+void QGeoAddress::setText(const QString &text)
+ d->sText = text;
+ Returns the country name.
+QString QGeoAddress::country() const
+ return d->sCountry;
+ Sets the \a country name.
+void QGeoAddress::setCountry(const QString &country)
+ d->sCountry = country;
+ Returns the country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
+QString QGeoAddress::countryCode() const
+ return d->sCountryCode;
+ Sets the \a countryCode according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
+void QGeoAddress::setCountryCode(const QString &countryCode)
+ d->sCountryCode = countryCode;
+ Returns the state. The state is considered the first subdivision below country.
+QString QGeoAddress::state() const
+ return d->sState;
+ Sets the \a state.
+void QGeoAddress::setState(const QString &state)
+ d->sState = state;
+ Returns the county. The county is considered the second subdivision below country.
+QString QGeoAddress::county() const
+ return d->sCounty;
+ Sets the \a county.
+void QGeoAddress::setCounty(const QString &county)
+ d->sCounty = county;
+ Returns the city.
+QString QGeoAddress::city() const
+ return d->sCity;
+ Sets the \a city.
+void QGeoAddress::setCity(const QString &city)
+ d->sCity = city;
+ Returns the district. The district is considered the subdivison below city.
+QString QGeoAddress::district() const
+ return d->sDistrict;
+ Sets the \a district.
+void QGeoAddress::setDistrict(const QString &district)
+ d->sDistrict = district;
+ Returns the street-level component of the address.
+ This typically includes a street number and street name
+ but may also contain things like a unit number, a building
+ name, or anything else that might be used to
+ distinguish one address from another.
+QString QGeoAddress::street() const
+ return d->sStreet;
+ Sets the street-level component of the address to \a street.
+ This typically includes a street number and street name
+ but may also contain things like a unit number, a building
+ name, or anything else that might be used to
+ distinguish one address from another.
+void QGeoAddress::setStreet(const QString &street)
+ d->sStreet = street;
+ Returns the postal code.
+QString QGeoAddress::postalCode() const
+ return d->sPostalCode;
+ Sets the \a postalCode.
+void QGeoAddress::setPostalCode(const QString &postalCode)
+ d->sPostalCode = postalCode;
+ Returns whether this address is empty. An address is considered empty
+ if \e all of its fields are empty.
+bool QGeoAddress::isEmpty() const
+ return d->sCountry.isEmpty() &&
+ d->sCountryCode.isEmpty() &&
+ d->sState.isEmpty() &&
+ d->sCounty.isEmpty() &&
+ d->sCity.isEmpty() &&
+ d->sDistrict.isEmpty() &&
+ d->sStreet.isEmpty() &&
+ d->sPostalCode.isEmpty() &&
+ d->sText.isEmpty();
+ Clears all of the address' data fields.
+void QGeoAddress::clear()
+ d->sCountry.clear();
+ d->sCountryCode.clear();
+ d->sState.clear();
+ d->sCounty.clear();
+ d->sCity.clear();
+ d->sDistrict.clear();
+ d->sStreet.clear();
+ d->sPostalCode.clear();
+ d->sText.clear();
+ Returns true if QGeoAddress::text() is automatically generated from address elements,
+ otherwise returns false if text() has been explicitly assigned.
+ \sa text(), setText()
+bool QGeoAddress::isTextGenerated() const
+ return d->sText.isEmpty();