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diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativecirclemapitem.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativecirclemapitem.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bec3455..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativecirclemapitem.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
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-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p_p.h"
-#include <QtCore/QScopedValueRollback>
-#include <QPen>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <qgeocircle.h>
-#include <QtGui/private/qtriangulator_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qlocationutils_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qclipperutils_p.h>
-#include <qmath.h>
-#include <algorithm>
- \qmltype MapCircle
- \instantiates QDeclarativeCircleMapItem
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.5
- \brief The MapCircle type displays a geographic circle on a Map.
- The MapCircle type displays a geographic circle on a Map, which
- consists of all points that are within a set distance from one
- central point. Depending on map projection, a geographic circle
- may not always be a perfect circle on the screen: for instance, in
- the Mercator projection, circles become ovoid in shape as they near
- the poles. To display a perfect screen circle around a point, use a
- MapQuickItem containing a relevant Qt Quick type instead.
- By default, the circle is displayed as a 1 pixel black border with
- no fill. To change its appearance, use the color, border.color
- and border.width properties.
- Internally, a MapCircle is implemented as a many-sided polygon. To
- calculate the radius points it uses a spherical model of the Earth,
- similar to the atDistanceAndAzimuth method of the \l {coordinate}
- type. These two things can occasionally have implications for the
- accuracy of the circle's shape, depending on position and map
- projection.
- \note Dragging a MapCircle (through the use of \l MouseArea)
- causes new points to be generated at the same distance (in meters)
- from the center. This is in contrast to other map items which store
- their dimensions in terms of latitude and longitude differences between
- vertices.
- \section2 Performance
- MapCircle performance is almost equivalent to that of a MapPolygon with
- the same number of vertices. There is a small amount of additional
- overhead with respect to calculating the vertices first.
- Like the other map objects, MapCircle is normally drawn without a smooth
- appearance. Setting the opacity property will force the object to be
- blended, which decreases performance considerably depending on the graphics
- hardware in use.
- \section2 Example Usage
- The following snippet shows a map containing a MapCircle, centered at
- the coordinate (-27, 153) with a radius of 5km. The circle is
- filled in green, with a 3 pixel black border.
- \code
- Map {
- MapCircle {
- center {
- latitude: -27.5
- longitude: 153.0
- }
- radius: 5000.0
- color: 'green'
- border.width: 3
- }
- }
- \endcode
- \image api-mapcircle.png
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapCircle::autoFadeIn
- This property holds whether the item automatically fades in when zooming into the map
- starting from very low zoom levels. By default this is \c true.
- Setting this property to \c false causes the map item to always have the opacity specified
- with the \l QtQuick::Item::opacity property, which is 1.0 by default.
- \since 5.14
-struct Vertex
- QVector2D position;
- \internal
-void QGeoMapCircleGeometry::updateScreenPointsInvert(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &circlePath, const QGeoMap &map)
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- // Not checking for !screenDirty anymore, as everything is now recalculated.
- clear();
- if (map.viewportWidth() == 0 || map.viewportHeight() == 0 || circlePath.size() < 3) // a circle requires at least 3 points;
- return;
- /*
- * No special case for no tilting as these items are very rare, and usually at most one per map.
- *
- * Approach:
- * 1) subtract the circle from a rectangle filling the whole map, *in wrapped mercator space*
- * 2) clip the resulting geometries against the visible region, *in wrapped mercator space*
- * 3) create a QPainterPath with each of the resulting polygons projected to screen
- * 4) use qTriangulate() to triangulate the painter path
- */
- // 1)
- const double topLati = QLocationUtils::mercatorMaxLatitude();
- const double bottomLati = -(QLocationUtils::mercatorMaxLatitude());
- const double leftLongi = QLocationUtils::mapLeftLongitude(map.cameraData().center().longitude());
- const double rightLongi = QLocationUtils::mapRightLongitude(map.cameraData().center().longitude());
- srcOrigin_ = QGeoCoordinate(topLati,leftLongi);
- const QDoubleVector2D tl = p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(QGeoCoordinate(topLati,leftLongi));
- const QDoubleVector2D tr = p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(QGeoCoordinate(topLati,rightLongi));
- const QDoubleVector2D br = p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(QGeoCoordinate(bottomLati,rightLongi));
- const QDoubleVector2D bl = p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(QGeoCoordinate(bottomLati,leftLongi));
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> fill;
- fill << tl << tr << br << bl;
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> hole;
- for (const QDoubleVector2D &c: circlePath)
- hole << p.wrapMapProjection(c);
- QClipperUtils clipper;
- clipper.addSubjectPath(fill, true);
- clipper.addClipPolygon(hole);
- auto difference = clipper.execute(QClipperUtils::Difference, QClipperUtils::pftEvenOdd,
- QClipperUtils::pftEvenOdd);
- // 2)
- QDoubleVector2D lb = p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(srcOrigin_);
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > clippedPaths;
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &visibleRegion = p.visibleGeometry();
- if (visibleRegion.size()) {
- clipper.clearClipper();
- for (const auto &p: difference)
- clipper.addSubjectPath(p, true);
- clipper.addClipPolygon(visibleRegion);
- clippedPaths = clipper.execute(QClipperUtils::Intersection, QClipperUtils::pftEvenOdd,
- QClipperUtils::pftEvenOdd);
- // 2.1) update srcOrigin_ with the point with minimum X/Y
- lb = QDoubleVector2D(qInf(), qInf());
- for (const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path: clippedPaths) {
- for (const QDoubleVector2D &p: path) {
- if (p.x() < lb.x() || (p.x() == lb.x() && p.y() < lb.y())) {
- lb = p;
- }
- }
- }
- if (qIsInf(lb.x()))
- return;
- // Prevent the conversion to and from clipper from introducing negative offsets which
- // in turn will make the geometry wrap around.
- lb.setX(qMax(tl.x(), lb.x()));
- srcOrigin_ = p.mapProjectionToGeo(p.unwrapMapProjection(lb));
- } else {
- clippedPaths = difference;
- }
- //3)
- const QDoubleVector2D origin = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(lb);
- QPainterPath ppi;
- for (const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path: clippedPaths) {
- QDoubleVector2D lastAddedPoint;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) {
- QDoubleVector2D point = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(;
- //point = point - origin; // Do this using ppi.translate()
- if (i == 0) {
- ppi.moveTo(point.toPointF());
- lastAddedPoint = point;
- } else if ((point - lastAddedPoint).manhattanLength() > 3 || i == path.size() - 1) {
- ppi.lineTo(point.toPointF());
- lastAddedPoint = point;
- }
- }
- ppi.closeSubpath();
- }
- ppi.translate(-1 * origin.toPointF());
- QTriangleSet ts = qTriangulate(ppi);
- qreal *vx =;
- screenIndices_.reserve(ts.indices.size());
- screenVertices_.reserve(ts.vertices.size());
- if (ts.indices.type() == QVertexIndexVector::UnsignedInt) {
- const quint32 *ix = reinterpret_cast<const quint32 *>(;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < (ts.indices.size()/3*3); ++i)
- screenIndices_ << ix[i];
- } else {
- const quint16 *ix = reinterpret_cast<const quint16 *>(;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < (ts.indices.size()/3*3); ++i)
- screenIndices_ << ix[i];
- }
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < (ts.vertices.size()/2*2); i += 2)
- screenVertices_ << QPointF(vx[i], vx[i + 1]);
- screenBounds_ = ppi.boundingRect();
- sourceBounds_ = screenBounds_;
-struct CircleBackendSelector
- CircleBackendSelector()
- {
- backend = (qgetenv("QTLOCATION_OPENGL_ITEMS").toInt()) ? QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::OpenGL : QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::Software;
- }
- QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::Backend backend = QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::Software;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(CircleBackendSelector, mapCircleBackendSelector)
-QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::QDeclarativeCircleMapItem(QQuickItem *parent)
-: QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase(parent), m_border(this), m_color(Qt::transparent), m_dirtyMaterial(true),
- m_updatingGeometry(false)
- , m_d(new QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU(*this))
- // ToDo: handle envvar, and switch implementation.
- m_itemType = QGeoMap::MapCircle;
- setFlag(ItemHasContents, true);
- QObject::connect(&m_border, &QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::colorChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::onLinePropertiesChanged);
- QObject::connect(&m_border, &QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::widthChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::onLinePropertiesChanged);
- // assume that circles are not self-intersecting
- // to speed up processing
- // FIXME: unfortunately they self-intersect at the poles due to current drawing method
- // so the line is commented out until fixed
- //geometry_.setAssumeSimple(true);
- setBackend(mapCircleBackendSelector->backend);
- \qmlpropertygroup Location::MapCircle::border
- \qmlproperty int MapCircle::border.width
- \qmlproperty color MapCircle::border.color
- This property is part of the border group property.
- The border property holds the width and color used to draw the border of the circle.
- The width is in pixels and is independent of the zoom level of the map.
- The default values correspond to a black border with a width of 1 pixel.
- For no line, use a width of 0 or a transparent color.
-QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::border()
- return &m_border;
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::markSourceDirtyAndUpdate()
- m_d->markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::onLinePropertiesChanged()
- m_d->onLinePropertiesChanged();
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map)
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setMap(quickMap,map);
- if (map)
- m_d->onMapSet();
- \qmlproperty coordinate MapCircle::center
- This property holds the central point about which the circle is defined.
- \sa radius
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::setCenter(const QGeoCoordinate &center)
- if ( == center)
- return;
- possiblySwitchBackend(, m_circle.radius(), center, m_circle.radius());
- m_circle.setCenter(center);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit centerChanged(center);
-QGeoCoordinate QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::center()
- return;
- \qmlproperty color MapCircle::color
- This property holds the fill color of the circle when drawn. For no fill,
- use a transparent color.
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::setColor(const QColor &color)
- if (m_color == color)
- return;
- m_color = color;
- m_dirtyMaterial = true;
- update();
- emit colorChanged(m_color);
-QColor QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::color() const
- return m_color;
- \qmlproperty real MapCircle::radius
- This property holds the radius of the circle, in meters on the ground.
- \sa center
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::setRadius(qreal radius)
- if (m_circle.radius() == radius)
- return;
- possiblySwitchBackend(, m_circle.radius(),, radius);
- m_circle.setRadius(radius);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit radiusChanged(radius);
-qreal QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::radius() const
- return m_circle.radius();
- \qmlproperty real MapCircle::opacity
- This property holds the opacity of the item. Opacity is specified as a
- number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque). The default is 1.
- An item with 0 opacity will still receive mouse events. To stop mouse events, set the
- visible property of the item to false.
- \internal
-QSGNode *QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *data)
- return m_d->updateMapItemPaintNode(oldNode, data);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::updatePolish()
- if (!map() || map()->geoProjection().projectionType() != QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator)
- return;
- m_d->updatePolish();
- \internal
- The OpenGL backend doesn't do circles crossing poles yet.
- So if that backend is selected and the circle crosses the poles, use the CPU backend instead.
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::possiblySwitchBackend(const QGeoCoordinate &oldCenter, qreal oldRadius, const QGeoCoordinate &newCenter, qreal newRadius)
- if (m_backend != QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::OpenGL)
- return;
- // if old does not cross and new crosses, move to CPU.
- if (!QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate::crossEarthPole(oldCenter, oldRadius)
- && !QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate::crossEarthPole(newCenter, newRadius)) {
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate> d(static_cast<QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate *>(new QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU(*this)));
- std::swap(m_d, d);
- } else if (QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate::crossEarthPole(oldCenter, oldRadius)
- && !QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate::crossEarthPole(newCenter, newRadius)) { // else if old crosses and new does not cross, move back to OpenGL
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate> d(static_cast<QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate *>(new QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateOpenGL(*this)));
- std::swap(m_d, d);
- }
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event)
- if (event.mapSize.isEmpty())
- return;
- m_d->afterViewportChanged();
- \internal
-bool QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::contains(const QPointF &point) const
- return m_d->contains(point);
- //
-const QGeoShape &QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::geoShape() const
- return m_circle;
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape)
- if (shape == m_circle)
- return;
- const QGeoCircle circle(shape); // if shape isn't a circle, circle will be created as a default-constructed circle
- const bool centerHasChanged = !=;
- const bool radiusHasChanged = circle.radius() != m_circle.radius();
- possiblySwitchBackend(, m_circle.radius(),, circle.radius());
- m_circle = circle;
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- if (centerHasChanged)
- emit centerChanged(;
- if (radiusHasChanged)
- emit radiusChanged(m_circle.radius());
- \qmlproperty MapCircle.Backend QtLocation::MapCircle::backend
- This property holds which backend is in use to render the map item.
- Valid values are \b MapCircle.Software and \b{MapCircle.OpenGL}.
- The default value is \b{MapCircle.Software}.
- \note \b{The release of this API with Qt 5.15 is a Technology Preview}.
- Ideally, as the OpenGL backends for map items mature, there will be
- no more need to also offer the legacy software-projection backend.
- So this property will likely disappear at some later point.
- To select OpenGL-accelerated item backends without using this property,
- it is also possible to set the environment variable \b QTLOCATION_OPENGL_ITEMS
- to \b{1}.
- Also note that all current OpenGL backends won't work as expected when enabling
- layers on the individual item, or when running on OpenGL core profiles greater than 2.x.
- \since 5.15
-QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::Backend QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::backend() const
- return m_backend;
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::setBackend(QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::Backend b)
- if (b == m_backend)
- return;
- m_backend = b;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate> d(
- (m_backend == Software) ? static_cast<QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate *>(
- new QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU(*this))
- : static_cast<QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate *>(
- new QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateOpenGL(*this)));
- std::swap(m_d, d);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit backendChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
- if (!map() || !m_circle.isValid() || m_updatingGeometry || newGeometry == oldGeometry) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
- return;
- }
- QDoubleVector2D newPoint = QDoubleVector2D(x(),y()) + QDoubleVector2D(width(), height()) * 0.5;
- QGeoCoordinate newCoordinate = map()->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(newPoint, false);
- if (newCoordinate.isValid())
- setCenter(newCoordinate); // ToDo: this is incorrect. setting such center might yield to another geometry changed.
- // Not calling QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange() as it will be called from a nested
- // call to this function.
-QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate::~QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate() {}
-QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU::~QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU() {}
-QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateOpenGL::~QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateOpenGL() {}
-bool QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate::preserveCircleGeometry (QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path,
- const QGeoCoordinate &center, qreal distance, const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p)
- // if circle crosses north/south pole, then don't preserve circular shape,
- if ( crossEarthPole(center, distance)) {
- updateCirclePathForRendering(path, center, distance, p);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- * A workaround for circle path to be drawn correctly using a polygon geometry
- * This method generates a polygon like
- * _____________
- * | |
- * \ /
- * | |
- * / \
- * | |
- * -------------
- *
- * or a polygon like
- *
- * ______________
- * | ____ |
- * \__/ \__/
- */
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate::updateCirclePathForRendering(QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path,
- const QGeoCoordinate &center,
- qreal distance, const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p)
- const qreal poleLat = 90;
- const qreal distanceToNorthPole = center.distanceTo(QGeoCoordinate(poleLat, 0));
- const qreal distanceToSouthPole = center.distanceTo(QGeoCoordinate(-poleLat, 0));
- bool crossNorthPole = distanceToNorthPole < distance;
- bool crossSouthPole = distanceToSouthPole < distance;
- QList<qsizetype> wrapPathIndex;
- QDoubleVector2D prev = p.wrapMapProjection(;
- for (qsizetype i = 1; i <= path.count(); ++i) {
- const auto index = i % path.count();
- const QDoubleVector2D point = p.wrapMapProjection(;
- double diff = qAbs(point.x() - prev.x());
- if (diff > 0.5) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // find the points in path where wrapping occurs
- for (qsizetype i = 1; i <= path.count(); ++i) {
- const auto index = i % path.count();
- const QDoubleVector2D point = p.wrapMapProjection(;
- if ((qAbs(point.x() - prev.x())) >= 0.5) {
- wrapPathIndex << index;
- if (wrapPathIndex.size() == 2 || !(crossNorthPole && crossSouthPole))
- break;
- }
- prev = point;
- }
- // insert two additional coords at top/bottom map corners of the map for shape
- // to be drawn correctly
- if (wrapPathIndex.size() > 0) {
- qreal newPoleLat = 0; // 90 latitude
- QDoubleVector2D wrapCoord =[0]);
- if (wrapPathIndex.size() == 2) {
- QDoubleVector2D wrapCoord2 =[1]);
- if (wrapCoord2.y() < wrapCoord.y())
- newPoleLat = 1; // -90 latitude
- } else if (center.latitude() < 0) {
- newPoleLat = 1; // -90 latitude
- }
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < wrapPathIndex.size(); ++i) {
- const qsizetype index = wrapPathIndex[i] == 0 ? 0 : wrapPathIndex[i] + i*2;
- const qsizetype prevIndex = (index - 1) < 0 ? (path.count() - 1) : index - 1;
- QDoubleVector2D coord0 =;
- QDoubleVector2D coord1 =;
- coord0.setY(newPoleLat);
- coord1.setY(newPoleLat);
- path.insert(index ,coord1);
- path.insert(index, coord0);
- newPoleLat = 1.0 - newPoleLat;
- }
- }
-bool QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate::crossEarthPole(const QGeoCoordinate &center, qreal distance)
- qreal poleLat = 90;
- QGeoCoordinate northPole = QGeoCoordinate(poleLat, center.longitude());
- QGeoCoordinate southPole = QGeoCoordinate(-poleLat, center.longitude());
- // approximate using great circle distance
- qreal distanceToNorthPole = center.distanceTo(northPole);
- qreal distanceToSouthPole = center.distanceTo(southPole);
- if (distanceToNorthPole < distance || distanceToSouthPole < distance)
- return true;
- return false;
-void QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate::calculatePeripheralPoints(QList<QGeoCoordinate> &path,
- const QGeoCoordinate &center,
- qreal distance,
- int steps,
- QGeoCoordinate &leftBound)
- // Calculate points based on great-circle distance
- // Calculation is the same as GeoCoordinate's atDistanceAndAzimuth function
- // but tweaked here for computing multiple points
- // pre-calculations
- steps = qMax(steps, 3);
- qreal centerLon = center.longitude();
- qreal minLon = centerLon;
- qreal latRad = QLocationUtils::radians(center.latitude());
- qreal lonRad = QLocationUtils::radians(centerLon);
- qreal cosLatRad = std::cos(latRad);
- qreal sinLatRad = std::sin(latRad);
- qreal ratio = (distance / QLocationUtils::earthMeanRadius());
- qreal cosRatio = std::cos(ratio);
- qreal sinRatio = std::sin(ratio);
- qreal sinLatRad_x_cosRatio = sinLatRad * cosRatio;
- qreal cosLatRad_x_sinRatio = cosLatRad * sinRatio;
- int idx = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
- const qreal azimuthRad = 2 * M_PI * i / steps;
- const qreal resultLatRad = std::asin(sinLatRad_x_cosRatio
- + cosLatRad_x_sinRatio * std::cos(azimuthRad));
- const qreal resultLonRad = lonRad + std::atan2(std::sin(azimuthRad) * cosLatRad_x_sinRatio,
- cosRatio - sinLatRad * std::sin(resultLatRad));
- const qreal lat2 = QLocationUtils::degrees(resultLatRad);
- qreal lon2 = QLocationUtils::wrapLong(QLocationUtils::degrees(resultLonRad));
- path << QGeoCoordinate(lat2, lon2, center.altitude());
- // Consider only points in the left half of the circle for the left bound.
- if (azimuthRad > M_PI) {
- if (lon2 > centerLon) // if point and center are on different hemispheres
- lon2 -= 360;
- if (lon2 < minLon) {
- minLon = lon2;
- idx = i;
- }
- }
- }
- leftBound =;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fbbe39a7..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p.h
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@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p_p.h>
-#include <QSGGeometryNode>
-#include <QSGFlatColorMaterial>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoCircle>
-class QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeCircleMapItem : public QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase
- Q_ENUMS(Backend)
- Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate center READ center WRITE setCenter NOTIFY centerChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal radius READ radius WRITE setRadius NOTIFY radiusChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ color WRITE setColor NOTIFY colorChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *border READ border CONSTANT)
- Q_PROPERTY(Backend backend READ backend WRITE setBackend NOTIFY backendChanged REVISION 15)
- enum Backend {
- Software = 0,
- OpenGL = 1
- };
- explicit QDeclarativeCircleMapItem(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- ~QDeclarativeCircleMapItem() override;
- void setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map) override;
- QSGNode *updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *) override;
- QGeoCoordinate center();
- void setCenter(const QGeoCoordinate &center);
- qreal radius() const;
- void setRadius(qreal radius);
- QColor color() const;
- void setColor(const QColor &color);
- QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *border();
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override;
- const QGeoShape &geoShape() const override;
- void setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape) override;
- Backend backend() const;
- void setBackend(Backend b);
- void centerChanged(const QGeoCoordinate &center);
- void radiusChanged(qreal radius);
- void colorChanged(const QColor &color);
- void backendChanged();
- void geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) override;
- void updatePolish() override;
- void possiblySwitchBackend(const QGeoCoordinate &oldCenter, qreal oldRadius, const QGeoCoordinate &newCenter, qreal newRadius);
-protected Q_SLOTS:
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- void onLinePropertiesChanged();
- void afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event) override;
- void updateCirclePath();
- QGeoCircle m_circle;
- QDeclarativeMapLineProperties m_border;
- QColor m_color;
- bool m_dirtyMaterial;
- bool m_updatingGeometry;
- Backend m_backend = Software;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate> m_d;
- friend class QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate;
- friend class QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU;
- friend class QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateOpenGL;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2810eb5d..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2020 Paolo Angelelli <>
-** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p.h>
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QGeoMapCircleGeometry : public QGeoMapPolygonGeometry
- QGeoMapCircleGeometry();
- void updateScreenPointsInvert(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &circlePath, const QGeoMap &map);
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate
- static const int CircleSamples = 128; // ToDo: make this radius && ZL dependent?
- QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate(QDeclarativeCircleMapItem &circle) : m_circle(circle)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate(QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate &other) : m_circle(other.m_circle)
- {
- }
- virtual ~QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate();
- virtual void onLinePropertiesChanged() = 0;
- virtual void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() = 0;
- virtual void onMapSet() = 0;
- virtual void onGeoGeometryChanged() = 0;
- virtual void onItemGeometryChanged() = 0;
- virtual void updatePolish() = 0;
- virtual void afterViewportChanged() = 0;
- virtual QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) = 0;
- virtual bool contains(const QPointF &point) const = 0;
- void updateCirclePath()
- {
- if (! ||>geoProjection().projectionType() != QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection());
- QList<QGeoCoordinate> path;
- calculatePeripheralPoints(path,, m_circle.radius(), CircleSamples, m_leftBound);
- m_circlePath.clear();
- for (const QGeoCoordinate &c : path)
- m_circlePath << p.geoToMapProjection(c);
- }
- static bool crossEarthPole(const QGeoCoordinate &center, qreal distance);
- static bool preserveCircleGeometry(QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path, const QGeoCoordinate &center,
- qreal distance, const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p);
- static void updateCirclePathForRendering(QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path, const QGeoCoordinate &center,
- qreal distance, const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p);
- static void calculatePeripheralPoints(QList<QGeoCoordinate> &path, const QGeoCoordinate &center,
- qreal distance, int steps, QGeoCoordinate &leftBound);
- QDeclarativeCircleMapItem &m_circle;
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> m_circlePath;
- QGeoCoordinate m_leftBound;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU: public QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU(QDeclarativeCircleMapItem &circle) : QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate(circle)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU(QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate &other)
- : QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate(other)
- {
- }
- ~QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU() override;
- void onLinePropertiesChanged() override
- {
- // mark dirty just in case we're a width change
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() override
- {
- // preserveGeometry is cleared in updateMapItemPaintNode
- m_geometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_circle.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void onMapSet() override
- {
- updateCirclePath();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryChanged() override
- {
- updateCirclePath();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onItemGeometryChanged() override
- {
- onGeoGeometryChanged();
- }
- void afterViewportChanged() override
- {
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void updatePolish() override
- {
- if (!m_circle.m_circle.isValid()) {
- m_geometry.clear();
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- m_circle.setWidth(0);
- m_circle.setHeight(0);
- return;
- }
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection());
- QScopedValueRollback<bool> rollback(m_circle.m_updatingGeometry);
- m_circle.m_updatingGeometry = true;
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> circlePath = m_circlePath;
- int pathCount = circlePath.size();
- bool preserve = preserveCircleGeometry(circlePath,, m_circle.m_circle.radius(), p);
- // using leftBound_ instead of the analytically calculated circle_.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft());
- // to fix QTBUG-62154
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_leftBound); // to set the geoLeftBound_
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(preserve, m_leftBound);
- bool invertedCircle = false;
- if (crossEarthPole(, m_circle.m_circle.radius()) && circlePath.size() == pathCount) {
- m_geometry.updateScreenPointsInvert(circlePath, *; // invert fill area for really huge circles
- invertedCircle = true;
- } else {
- m_geometry.updateSourcePoints(*, circlePath);
- m_geometry.updateScreenPoints(*, m_circle.m_border.width());
- }
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- QList<QGeoMapItemGeometry *> geoms;
- geoms << &m_geometry;
- if (m_circle.m_border.color() != Qt::transparent && m_circle.m_border.width() > 0) {
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> closedPath = circlePath;
- closedPath << closedPath.first();
- if (invertedCircle) {
- closedPath = m_circlePath;
- closedPath << closedPath.first();
- std::reverse(closedPath.begin(), closedPath.end());
- }
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_leftBound);
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(preserve, m_leftBound);
- // Use srcOrigin_ from fill geometry after clipping to ensure that translateToCommonOrigin won't fail.
- const QGeoCoordinate &geometryOrigin = m_geometry.origin();
- m_borderGeometry.srcPoints_.clear();
- m_borderGeometry.srcPointTypes_.clear();
- QDoubleVector2D borderLeftBoundWrapped;
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D > > clippedPaths = m_borderGeometry.clipPath(*, closedPath, borderLeftBoundWrapped);
- if (clippedPaths.size()) {
- borderLeftBoundWrapped = p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(geometryOrigin);
- m_borderGeometry.pathToScreen(*, clippedPaths, borderLeftBoundWrapped);
- m_borderGeometry.updateScreenPoints(*, m_circle.m_border.width());
- geoms << &m_borderGeometry;
- } else {
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- }
- }
- QRectF combined = QGeoMapItemGeometry::translateToCommonOrigin(geoms);
- if (invertedCircle || !preserve) {
- m_circle.setWidth(combined.width());
- m_circle.setHeight(combined.height());
- } else {
- m_circle.setWidth(combined.width() + 2 * m_circle.m_border.width()); // ToDo: Fix this!
- m_circle.setHeight(combined.height() + 2 * m_circle.m_border.width());
- }
- // No offsetting here, even in normal case, because first point offset is already translated
- m_circle.setPositionOnMap(m_geometry.origin(), m_geometry.firstPointOffset());
- }
- QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) override
- {
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- if (!m_node || !oldNode) { // Apparently the QSG might delete the nodes if they become invisible
- m_node = new MapPolygonNode();
- if (oldNode) {
- delete oldNode;
- oldNode = nullptr;
- }
- } else {
- m_node = static_cast<MapPolygonNode *>(oldNode);
- }
- //TODO: update only material
- if (m_geometry.isScreenDirty() || m_borderGeometry.isScreenDirty() || m_circle.m_dirtyMaterial) {
- m_node->update(m_circle.m_color, m_circle.m_border.color(), &m_geometry, &m_borderGeometry);
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_geometry.markClean();
- m_borderGeometry.markClean();
- m_circle.m_dirtyMaterial = false;
- }
- return m_node;
- }
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override
- {
- return (m_geometry.contains(point) || m_borderGeometry.contains(point));
- }
- QGeoMapCircleGeometry m_geometry;
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometry m_borderGeometry;
- MapPolygonNode *m_node = nullptr;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateOpenGL: public QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateOpenGL(QDeclarativeCircleMapItem &circle) : QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate(circle)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateOpenGL(QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate &other)
- : QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivate(other)
- {
- }
- ~QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateOpenGL() override;
- void onLinePropertiesChanged() override
- {
- m_circle.m_dirtyMaterial = true;
- afterViewportChanged();
- }
- void markScreenDirtyAndUpdate()
- {
- // preserveGeometry is cleared in updateMapItemPaintNode
- m_geometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_circle.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() override
- {
- updateCirclePath();
- preserveGeometry();
- m_geometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_circle.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void preserveGeometry()
- {
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_leftBound);
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_leftBound);
- }
- void onMapSet() override
- {
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryChanged() override
- {
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onItemGeometryChanged() override
- {
- onGeoGeometryChanged();
- }
- void afterViewportChanged() override
- {
- preserveGeometry();
- markScreenDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void updatePolish() override
- {
- if (m_circle.m_circle.isEmpty()) {
- m_geometry.clear();
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- m_circle.setWidth(0);
- m_circle.setHeight(0);
- return;
- }
- QScopedValueRollback<bool> rollback(m_circle.m_updatingGeometry);
- m_circle.m_updatingGeometry = true;
- const qreal lineWidth = m_circle.m_border.width();
- const QColor &lineColor = m_circle.m_border.color();
- const QColor &fillColor = m_circle.color();
- if (fillColor.alpha() != 0) {
- m_geometry.updateSourcePoints(*, m_circlePath);
- m_geometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_geometry.updateScreenPoints(*, lineWidth, lineColor);
- } else {
- m_geometry.clearBounds();
- }
- QGeoMapItemGeometry * geom = &m_geometry;
- m_borderGeometry.clearScreen();
- if (lineColor.alpha() != 0 && lineWidth > 0) {
- m_borderGeometry.updateSourcePoints(*, m_circle.m_circle);
- m_borderGeometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.updateScreenPoints(*, lineWidth);
- geom = &m_borderGeometry;
- }
- m_circle.setWidth(geom->sourceBoundingBox().width());
- m_circle.setHeight(geom->sourceBoundingBox().height());
- m_circle.setPosition(1.0 * geom->firstPointOffset() - QPointF(lineWidth * 0.5,lineWidth * 0.5));
- }
- QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) override
- {
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- if (!m_rootNode || !oldNode) {
- m_rootNode = new QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL::RootNode();
- m_node = new MapPolygonNodeGL();
- m_rootNode->appendChildNode(m_node);
- m_polylinenode = new MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded();
- m_rootNode->appendChildNode(m_polylinenode);
- m_rootNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyNodeAdded);
- if (oldNode)
- delete oldNode;
- } else {
- m_rootNode = static_cast<QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL::RootNode *>(oldNode);
- }
- const QGeoMap *map =;
- const QMatrix4x4 &combinedMatrix = map->geoProjection().qsgTransform();
- const QDoubleVector3D &cameraCenter = map->geoProjection().centerMercator();
- if (m_borderGeometry.isScreenDirty()) {
- /* Do the border update first */
- m_polylinenode->update(m_circle.m_border.color(),
- float(m_circle.m_border.width()),
- &m_borderGeometry,
- combinedMatrix,
- cameraCenter,
- Qt::SquareCap,
- true,
- 30); // No LOD for circles
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_borderGeometry.markClean();
- } else {
- m_polylinenode->setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- }
- if (m_geometry.isScreenDirty()) {
- m_node->update(m_circle.m_color,
- &m_geometry,
- combinedMatrix,
- cameraCenter);
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_geometry.markClean();
- } else {
- m_node->setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- }
- m_rootNode->setSubtreeBlocked(false);
- return m_rootNode;
- }
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override
- {
- const qreal lineWidth = m_circle.m_border.width();
- const QColor &lineColor = m_circle.m_border.color();
- const QRectF &bounds = (lineColor.alpha() != 0 && lineWidth > 0) ? m_borderGeometry.sourceBoundingBox() : m_geometry.sourceBoundingBox();
- if (bounds.contains(point)) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *m = m_circle.quickMap();
- if (m) {
- const QGeoCoordinate crd = m->toCoordinate(m->mapFromItem(&m_circle, point));
- return m_circle.m_circle.contains(crd) || m_borderGeometry.contains(m_circle.mapToItem(m_circle.quickMap(), point),
- m_circle.border()->width(),
- static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection()));
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL m_geometry;
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL m_borderGeometry;
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL::RootNode *m_rootNode = nullptr;
- MapPolygonNodeGL *m_node = nullptr;
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded *m_polylinenode = nullptr;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomap.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomap.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0823772c..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomap.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2619 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativegeomap_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapquickitem_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapcopyrightsnotice_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeoserviceprovider_p.h"
-#include "qgeomappingmanager_p.h"
-#include "qgeocameracapabilities_p.h"
-#include "qgeomap_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapparameter_p.h"
-#include "qgeomapobject_p.h"
-#include "qgeoprojection_p.h"
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoCircle>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoRectangle>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoPath>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoPolygon>
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickWindow>
-#include <QtQuick/QSGRectangleNode>
-#include <QtQml/qqmlinfo.h>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qquickitem_p.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#ifndef M_PI
-#define M_PI 3.141592653589793238463
-static qreal sanitizeBearing(qreal bearing)
- bearing = std::fmod(bearing, qreal(360.0));
- if (bearing < 0.0)
- bearing += 360.0;
- return bearing;
- \qmltype Map
- \instantiates QDeclarativeGeoMap
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.0
- \brief The Map type displays a map.
- The Map type is used to display a map or image of the Earth, with
- the capability to also display interactive objects tied to the map's
- surface.
- There are a variety of different ways to visualize the Earth's surface
- in a 2-dimensional manner, but all of them involve some kind of projection:
- a mathematical relationship between the 3D coordinates (latitude, longitude
- and altitude) and 2D coordinates (X and Y in pixels) on the screen.
- Different sources of map data can use different projections, and from the
- point of view of the Map type, we treat these as one replaceable unit:
- the Map plugin. A Map plugin consists of a data source, as well as all other
- details needed to display its data on-screen.
- The current Map plugin in use is contained in the \l plugin property of
- the Map item. In order to display any image in a Map item, you will need
- to set this property. See the \l Plugin type for a description of how
- to retrieve an appropriate plugin for use.
- The geographic region displayed in the Map item is referred to as its
- viewport, and this is defined by the properties \l center, and
- \l zoomLevel. The \l center property contains a \l {coordinate}
- specifying the center of the viewport, while \l zoomLevel controls the scale of the
- map. See each of these properties for further details about their values.
- When the map is displayed, each possible geographic coordinate that is
- visible will map to some pixel X and Y coordinate on the screen. To perform
- conversions between these two, Map provides the \l toCoordinate and
- \l fromCoordinate functions, which are of general utility.
- \section2 Map Objects
- Map related objects can be declared within the body of a Map object in Qt Quick and will
- automatically appear on the Map. To add an object programmatically, first be
- sure it is created with the Map as its parent (for example in an argument to
- Component::createObject).
- Then call the \l addMapItem method on the Map, if the type of this object is one of
- \l MapCircle, \l MapRectangle, \l MapPolyline, \l MapPolygon, \l MapRoute or \l MapQuickItem.
- A corresponding \l removeMapItem method also exists to do the opposite and
- remove any of the above types of map objects from the Map.
- Moving Map objects around, resizing them or changing their shape normally
- does not involve any special interaction with Map itself -- changing these
- properties in a map object will automatically update the display.
- \section2 Interaction
- The Map type includes support for pinch and flick gestures to control
- zooming and panning. These are enabled by default, and available at any
- time by using the \l gesture object. The actual GestureArea is constructed
- specially at startup and cannot be replaced or destroyed. Its properties
- can be altered, however, to control its behavior.
- \section2 Performance
- Maps are rendered using OpenGL (ES) and the Qt Scene Graph stack, and as
- a result perform quite well where GL accelerated hardware is available.
- For "online" Map plugins, network bandwidth and latency can be major
- contributors to the user's perception of performance. Extensive caching is
- performed to mitigate this, but such mitigation is not always perfect. For
- "offline" plugins, the time spent retrieving the stored geographic data
- and rendering the basic map features can often play a dominant role. Some
- offline plugins may use hardware acceleration themselves to (partially)
- avert this.
- In general, large and complex Map items such as polygons and polylines with
- large numbers of vertices can have an adverse effect on UI performance.
- Further, more detailed notes on this are in the documentation for each
- map item type.
- \section2 Example Usage
- The following snippet shows a simple Map and the necessary Plugin type
- to use it. The map is centered over Oslo, Norway, with zoom level 14.
- \quotefromfile minimal_map/main.qml
- \skipto import
- \printuntil }
- \printline }
- \skipto Map
- \printuntil }
- \printline }
- \image minimal_map.png
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::Map::copyrightLinkActivated(string link)
- This signal is emitted when the user clicks on a \a link in the copyright notice. The
- application should open the link in a browser or display its contents to the user.
-QDeclarativeGeoMap::QDeclarativeGeoMap(QQuickItem *parent)
- : QQuickItem(parent)
- m_gestureArea = new QQuickGeoMapGestureArea(this);
- setAcceptHoverEvents(false);
- setAcceptTouchEvents(true);
- setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton);
- setFlags(QQuickItem::ItemHasContents | QQuickItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape);
- setFiltersChildMouseEvents(true); // needed for childMouseEventFilter to work.
- m_activeMapType = QGeoMapType(QGeoMapType::NoMap,
- tr("No Map"),
- tr("No Map"),
- false, false,
- 0,
- QByteArrayLiteral(""),
- QGeoCameraCapabilities());
- m_cameraData.setCenter(QGeoCoordinate(51.5073,-0.1277)); //London city center
- m_cameraData.setZoomLevel(8.0);
- m_cameraCapabilities.setTileSize(256);
- m_cameraCapabilities.setSupportsBearing(true);
- m_cameraCapabilities.setSupportsTilting(true);
- m_cameraCapabilities.setMinimumZoomLevel(0);
- m_cameraCapabilities.setMaximumZoomLevel(30);
- m_cameraCapabilities.setMinimumTilt(0);
- m_cameraCapabilities.setMaximumTilt(89.5);
- m_cameraCapabilities.setMinimumFieldOfView(1);
- m_cameraCapabilities.setMaximumFieldOfView(179);
- m_minimumTilt = m_cameraCapabilities.minimumTilt();
- m_maximumTilt = m_cameraCapabilities.maximumTilt();
- m_minimumFieldOfView = m_cameraCapabilities.minimumFieldOfView();
- m_maximumFieldOfView = m_cameraCapabilities.maximumFieldOfView();
- // Removing map parameters and map items from m_map
- if (m_map) {
- m_map->clearParameters();
- m_map->clearMapItems();
- }
- // Remove the items from the map, making them deletable.
- // Go in the same order as in removeMapChild: views, groups, then items
- if (!m_mapViews.isEmpty()) {
- const auto mapViews = m_mapViews;
- for (QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *v : mapViews) { // so that removeMapItemView_real can safely modify m_mapViews;
- if (!v)
- continue;
- QQuickItem *parent = v->parentItem();
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *group = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(parent);
- if (group)
- continue; // Ignore non-top-level MIVs. They will be recursively processed.
- // Identify them as being parented by a MapItemGroup.
- removeMapItemView_real(v);
- }
- }
- if (!m_mapItemGroups.isEmpty()) {
- const auto mapGroups = m_mapItemGroups;
- for (QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *g : mapGroups) {
- if (!g)
- continue;
- QQuickItem *parent =g->parentItem();
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *group = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(parent);
- if (group)
- continue; // Ignore non-top-level Groups. They will be recursively processed.
- // Identify them as being parented by a MapItemGroup.
- removeMapItemGroup_real(g);
- }
- }
- // remove any remaining map items associations
- const auto mapItems = m_mapItems;
- for (auto mi: mapItems)
- removeMapItem_real(;
- if (
- delete;
- m_copyrights.clear();
- for (auto obj: qAsConst(m_pendingMapObjects))
- obj->setMap(nullptr); // worst case: going to be setMap(nullptr)'d twice
- delete m_map; // map objects get reset here
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::onSupportedMapTypesChanged()
- m_supportedMapTypes = m_mappingManager->supportedMapTypes();
- if (m_supportedMapTypes.isEmpty()) {
- m_map->setActiveMapType(QGeoMapType()); // no supported map types: setting an invalid one
- } else if (!m_supportedMapTypes.contains(m_map->activeMapType())) {
- QGeoMapType type =;
- m_activeMapType = type;
- m_map->setActiveMapType(type);
- }
- emit supportedMapTypesChanged();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setError(QGeoServiceProvider::Error error, const QString &errorString)
- if (m_error == error && m_errorString == errorString)
- return;
- m_error = error;
- m_errorString = errorString;
- emit errorChanged();
- \internal
- Called when the mapping manager is initialized AND the declarative element has a valid size > 0
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::initialize()
- // try to keep change signals in the end
- bool visibleAreaHasChanged = false;
- QGeoCoordinate center =;
- if (!qIsFinite(m_userMinimumZoomLevel))
- setMinimumZoomLevel(m_map->minimumZoom(), false);
- else
- setMinimumZoomLevel(qMax<qreal>(m_map->minimumZoom(), m_userMinimumZoomLevel), false);
- double bearing = m_cameraData.bearing();
- double tilt = m_cameraData.tilt();
- double fov = m_cameraData.fieldOfView(); // Must be 45.0
- QGeoCameraData cameraData = m_cameraData;
- if (!m_cameraCapabilities.supportsBearing() && bearing != 0.0)
- cameraData.setBearing(0);
- if (!m_cameraCapabilities.supportsTilting() && tilt != 0.0)
- cameraData.setTilt(0);
- m_map->setVisibleArea(m_visibleArea);
- if (m_map->visibleArea() != m_visibleArea)
- visibleAreaHasChanged = true;
- cameraData.setFieldOfView(qBound(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumFieldOfView(),
- fov,
- m_cameraCapabilities.maximumFieldOfView()));
- // set latitude boundary check
- m_maximumViewportLatitude = m_map->maximumCenterLatitudeAtZoom(cameraData);
- m_minimumViewportLatitude = m_map->minimumCenterLatitudeAtZoom(cameraData);
- center.setLatitude(qBound(m_minimumViewportLatitude, center.latitude(), m_maximumViewportLatitude));
- cameraData.setCenter(center);
- connect(, &QGeoMap::cameraDataChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::onCameraDataChanged);
- m_map->setCameraData(cameraData); // This normally triggers property changed signals.
- // BUT not in this case, since m_cameraData is already == cameraData.
- // So, emit visibleRegionChanged() separately, as
- // the effective visible region becomes available only now.
- for (const auto &obj : qAsConst(m_pendingMapObjects))
- obj->setMap(m_map);
- m_initialized = true;
- if (visibleAreaHasChanged)
- emit visibleAreaChanged();
- connect(, &QGeoMap::visibleAreaChanged, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::visibleAreaChanged);
- emit mapReadyChanged(true);
- emit visibleRegionChanged();
- if (m_copyrights) // To not update during initialize()
- update();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::pluginReady()
- QGeoServiceProvider *provider = m_plugin->sharedGeoServiceProvider();
- m_mappingManager = provider->mappingManager();
- if (provider->mappingError() != QGeoServiceProvider::NoError) {
- setError(provider->mappingError(), provider->mappingErrorString());
- return;
- }
- if (!m_mappingManager) {
- //TODO Should really be EngineNotSetError (see QML GeoCodeModel)
- setError(QGeoServiceProvider::NotSupportedError, tr("Plugin does not support mapping."));
- return;
- }
- if (!m_mappingManager->isInitialized()) {
- connect(m_mappingManager, &QGeoMappingManager::initialized,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::mappingManagerInitialized);
- } else {
- mappingManagerInitialized();
- }
- // make sure this is only called once
- disconnect(m_plugin, &QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider::attached,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::pluginReady);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::componentComplete()
- m_componentCompleted = true;
- populateParameters();
- populateMap();
- QQuickItem::componentComplete();
- \qmlproperty MapGestureArea QtLocation::Map::gesture
- Contains the MapGestureArea created with the Map. This covers pan, flick and pinch gestures.
- Use \c{gesture.enabled: true} to enable basic gestures, or see \l{MapGestureArea} for
- further details.
-QQuickGeoMapGestureArea *QDeclarativeGeoMap::gesture()
- return m_gestureArea;
- \internal
- This may happen before mappingManagerInitialized()
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::populateMap()
- QSet<QObject *> kids(children().cbegin(), children().cend());
- const QList<QQuickItem *> quickKids = childItems();
- for (QQuickItem *ite: quickKids)
- kids.insert(ite);
- for (QObject *k : qAsConst(kids)) {
- addMapChild(k);
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::populateParameters()
- QObjectList kids = children();
- const QList<QQuickItem *> quickKids = childItems();
- for (const auto &quickKid : quickKids)
- kids.append(quickKid);
- for (auto *kid : qAsConst(kids)) {
- if (auto *mapParameter = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter *>(kid))
- addMapParameter(mapParameter);
- }
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setupMapView(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *view)
- view->setMap(this);
- * \internal
- */
-QSGNode *QDeclarativeGeoMap::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *)
- if (!m_map) {
- delete oldNode;
- return nullptr;
- }
- QSGRectangleNode *root = static_cast<QSGRectangleNode *>(oldNode);
- if (!root)
- root = window()->createRectangleNode();
- root->setRect(boundingRect());
- root->setColor(m_color);
- QSGNode *content = root->childCount() ? root->firstChild() : 0;
- content = m_map->updateSceneGraph(content, window());
- if (content && root->childCount() == 0)
- root->appendChildNode(content);
- return root;
- \qmlproperty Plugin QtLocation::Map::plugin
- This property holds the plugin which provides the mapping functionality.
- This is a write-once property. Once the map has a plugin associated with
- it, any attempted modifications of the plugin will be ignored.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setPlugin(QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *plugin)
- if (m_plugin) {
- qmlWarning(this) << QStringLiteral("Plugin is a write-once property, and cannot be set again.");
- return;
- }
- m_plugin = plugin;
- emit pluginChanged(m_plugin);
- if (m_plugin->isAttached()) {
- pluginReady();
- } else {
- connect(m_plugin, &QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider::attached,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::pluginReady);
- }
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::onCameraCapabilitiesChanged(const QGeoCameraCapabilities &oldCameraCapabilities)
- if (m_map->cameraCapabilities() == oldCameraCapabilities)
- return;
- m_cameraCapabilities = m_map->cameraCapabilities();
- //The zoom level limits are only restricted by the plugins values, if the user has set a more
- //strict zoom level limit before initialization nothing is done here.
- //minimum zoom level might be changed to limit gray bundaries
- //This code assumes that plugins' maximum zoom level will never exceed 30.0
- if (m_cameraCapabilities.maximumZoomLevelAt256() < m_gestureArea->maximumZoomLevel()) {
- setMaximumZoomLevel(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumZoomLevelAt256(), false);
- } else if (m_cameraCapabilities.maximumZoomLevelAt256() > m_gestureArea->maximumZoomLevel()) {
- if (!qIsFinite(m_userMaximumZoomLevel)) {
- // If the user didn't set anything
- setMaximumZoomLevel(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumZoomLevelAt256(), false);
- } else { // Try to set what the user requested
- // Else if the user set something larger, but that got clamped by the previous camera caps
- setMaximumZoomLevel(qMin<qreal>(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumZoomLevelAt256(),
- m_userMaximumZoomLevel), false);
- }
- }
- if (m_cameraCapabilities.minimumZoomLevelAt256() > m_gestureArea->minimumZoomLevel()) {
- setMinimumZoomLevel(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumZoomLevelAt256(), false);
- } else if (m_cameraCapabilities.minimumZoomLevelAt256() < m_gestureArea->minimumZoomLevel()) {
- if (!qIsFinite(m_userMinimumZoomLevel)) {
- // If the user didn't set anything, trying to set the new caps.
- setMinimumZoomLevel(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumZoomLevelAt256(), false);
- } else { // Try to set what the user requested
- // Else if the user set a minimum, m_gestureArea->minimumZoomLevel() might be larger
- // because of different reasons. Resetting it, as if it ends to be the same,
- // no signal will be emitted.
- setMinimumZoomLevel(qMax<qreal>(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumZoomLevelAt256(),
- m_userMinimumZoomLevel), false);
- }
- }
- // Tilt
- if (m_cameraCapabilities.minimumTilt() > m_minimumTilt) {
- setMinimumTilt(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumTilt(), false);
- } else if (m_cameraCapabilities.minimumTilt() < m_minimumTilt) {
- if (!qIsFinite(m_userMinimumTilt))
- setMinimumTilt(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumTilt(), false);
- else // Try to set what the user requested
- setMinimumTilt(qMax<qreal>(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumTilt(), m_userMinimumTilt), false);
- }
- if (m_cameraCapabilities.maximumTilt() < m_maximumTilt) {
- setMaximumTilt(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumTilt(), false);
- } else if (m_cameraCapabilities.maximumTilt() > m_maximumTilt) {
- if (!qIsFinite(m_userMaximumTilt))
- setMaximumTilt(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumTilt(), false);
- else // Try to set what the user requested
- setMaximumTilt(qMin<qreal>(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumTilt(), m_userMaximumTilt), false);
- }
- // FoV
- if (m_cameraCapabilities.minimumFieldOfView() > m_minimumFieldOfView) {
- setMinimumFieldOfView(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumFieldOfView(), false);
- } else if (m_cameraCapabilities.minimumFieldOfView() < m_minimumFieldOfView) {
- if (!qIsFinite(m_userMinimumFieldOfView))
- setMinimumFieldOfView(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumFieldOfView(), false);
- else // Try to set what the user requested
- setMinimumFieldOfView(qMax<qreal>(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumFieldOfView(), m_userMinimumFieldOfView), false);
- }
- if (m_cameraCapabilities.maximumFieldOfView() < m_maximumFieldOfView) {
- setMaximumFieldOfView(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumFieldOfView(), false);
- } else if (m_cameraCapabilities.maximumFieldOfView() > m_maximumFieldOfView) {
- if (!qIsFinite(m_userMaximumFieldOfView))
- setMaximumFieldOfView(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumFieldOfView(), false);
- else // Try to set what the user requested
- setMaximumFieldOfView(qMin<qreal>(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumFieldOfView(), m_userMaximumFieldOfView), false);
- }
- \internal
- this function will only be ever called once
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::mappingManagerInitialized()
- m_map = m_mappingManager->createMap(this);
- if (!m_map)
- return;
- // Any map items that were added before the plugin was ready
- // need to have setMap called again
- for (const QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase> &item : qAsConst(m_mapItems)) {
- if (item) {
- item->setMap(this, m_map);
- m_map->addMapItem(; // m_map filters out what is not supported.
- }
- }
- m_copyrights = new QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice(this);
- m_copyrights->setCopyrightsZ(m_maxChildZ + 1);
- m_copyrights->setCopyrightsVisible(m_copyrightsVisible);
- m_copyrights->setMapSource(this);
- m_gestureArea->setMap(m_map);
- m_supportedMapTypes = m_mappingManager->supportedMapTypes();
- if (m_activeMapType != QGeoMapType() && m_plugin->name().toLatin1() == m_activeMapType.pluginName()) {
- m_map->setActiveMapType(m_activeMapType);
- } else {
- if (!m_supportedMapTypes.isEmpty()) {
- m_activeMapType =;
- m_map->setActiveMapType(m_activeMapType);
- } else {
- m_activeMapType = QGeoMapType(QGeoMapType::NoMap,
- tr("No Map"),
- tr("No Map"),
- false,
- false,
- 0,
- QByteArrayLiteral(""),
- QGeoCameraCapabilities());
- }
- }
- // Update camera capabilities
- onCameraCapabilitiesChanged(m_cameraCapabilities);
- // Map tiles are built in this call. m_map->minimumZoom() becomes operational
- // after this has been called at least once, after creation.
- // However, getting into the following block may fire a copyrightsChanged that would get lost,
- // as the connections are set up after.
- QString copyrightString;
- QImage copyrightImage;
- if (!m_initialized && width() > 0 && height() > 0) {
- QMetaObject::Connection copyrightStringCatcherConnection =
- connect(, &QGeoMap::copyrightsChanged,
- [&copyrightString](const QString &copy){ copyrightString = copy; });
- QMetaObject::Connection copyrightImageCatcherConnection =
- connect(, &QGeoMap::copyrightsImageChanged,
- [&copyrightImage](const QImage &copy){ copyrightImage = copy; });
- m_map->setViewportSize(QSize(width(), height()));
- initialize(); // This emits the caught signals above
- QObject::disconnect(copyrightStringCatcherConnection);
- QObject::disconnect(copyrightImageCatcherConnection);
- }
- connect(, &QGeoMap::copyrightsImageChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::copyrightsImageChanged);
- connect(, &QGeoMap::copyrightsChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::copyrightsChanged);
- if (!copyrightString.isEmpty())
- emit m_map->copyrightsChanged(copyrightString);
- else if (!copyrightImage.isNull())
- emit m_map->copyrightsImageChanged(copyrightImage);
- m_window = window();
- if (m_window) {
- connect(m_window, &QQuickWindow::beforeSynchronizing,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::updateItemToWindowTransform, Qt::DirectConnection);
- }
- connect(, &QGeoMap::sgNodeChanged, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::onSGNodeChanged);
- connect(, &QGeoMap::cameraCapabilitiesChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::onCameraCapabilitiesChanged);
- // This prefetches a buffer around the map
- m_map->prefetchData();
- connect(m_mappingManager, &QGeoMappingManager::supportedMapTypesChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::onSupportedMapTypesChanged);
- emit minimumZoomLevelChanged();
- emit maximumZoomLevelChanged();
- emit supportedMapTypesChanged();
- emit activeMapTypeChanged();
- // Any map item groups that were added before the plugin was ready
- // DO NOT need to have setMap called again on their children map items
- // because they have been added to m_mapItems, which is processed right above.
- // All map parameters that were added before the plugin was ready
- // need to be added to m_map
- for (QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter *p : qAsConst(m_mapParameters))
- m_map->addParameter(p);
- if (m_initialized)
- update();
- \internal
-QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *QDeclarativeGeoMap::plugin() const
- return m_plugin;
- \internal
- Sets the gesture areas minimum zoom level. If the camera capabilities
- has been set this method honors the boundaries set by it.
- The minimum zoom level will also have a lower bound dependent on the size
- of the canvas, effectively preventing to display out of bounds areas.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setMinimumZoomLevel(qreal minimumZoomLevel, bool userSet)
- if (minimumZoomLevel >= 0) {
- qreal oldUserMinimumZoomLevel = m_userMinimumZoomLevel;
- if (userSet)
- m_userMinimumZoomLevel = minimumZoomLevel;
- qreal oldMinimumZoomLevel = this->minimumZoomLevel();
- minimumZoomLevel = qBound(qreal(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumZoomLevelAt256()), minimumZoomLevel, maximumZoomLevel());
- if (m_map)
- minimumZoomLevel = qMax<qreal>(minimumZoomLevel, m_map->minimumZoom());
- // minimumZoomLevel is, at this point, the implicit minimum zoom level
- m_gestureArea->setMinimumZoomLevel(minimumZoomLevel);
- if (zoomLevel() < minimumZoomLevel && (m_gestureArea->enabled() || !m_cameraCapabilities.overzoomEnabled()))
- setZoomLevel(minimumZoomLevel);
- if (qIsNaN(m_userMinimumZoomLevel) && oldMinimumZoomLevel != minimumZoomLevel)
- emit minimumZoomLevelChanged();
- else if (userSet && oldUserMinimumZoomLevel != m_userMinimumZoomLevel)
- emit minimumZoomLevelChanged();
- }
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::minimumZoomLevel
- This property holds the minimum valid zoom level for the map.
- The minimum zoom level defined by the \l plugin used is a lower bound for
- this property. However, the returned value is also canvas-size-dependent, and
- can be higher than the user-specified value, or than the minimum zoom level
- defined by the plugin used, to prevent the map from being smaller than the
- viewport in either dimension.
- If the \l plugin property is not set or the plugin does not support mapping, this property is \c 0.
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::minimumZoomLevel() const
- if (!qIsNaN(m_userMinimumZoomLevel))
- return m_userMinimumZoomLevel;
- else
- return m_gestureArea->minimumZoomLevel();
- \internal
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::implicitMinimumZoomLevel() const
- return m_gestureArea->minimumZoomLevel();
- \internal
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::effectiveMinimumZoomLevel() const
- return qMax<qreal>(minimumZoomLevel(), implicitMinimumZoomLevel());
- \internal
- Sets the gesture areas maximum zoom level. If the camera capabilities
- has been set this method honors the boundaries set by it.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setMaximumZoomLevel(qreal maximumZoomLevel, bool userSet)
- if (maximumZoomLevel >= 0) {
- if (userSet)
- m_userMaximumZoomLevel = maximumZoomLevel;
- qreal oldMaximumZoomLevel = this->maximumZoomLevel();
- maximumZoomLevel = qBound(minimumZoomLevel(), maximumZoomLevel, qreal(m_cameraCapabilities.maximumZoomLevelAt256()));
- m_gestureArea->setMaximumZoomLevel(maximumZoomLevel);
- if (zoomLevel() > maximumZoomLevel && (m_gestureArea->enabled() || !m_cameraCapabilities.overzoomEnabled()))
- setZoomLevel(maximumZoomLevel);
- if (oldMaximumZoomLevel != maximumZoomLevel)
- emit maximumZoomLevelChanged();
- }
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::maximumZoomLevel
- This property holds the maximum valid zoom level for the map.
- The maximum zoom level is defined by the \l plugin used.
- If the \l plugin property is not set or the plugin does not support mapping, this property is \c 30.
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::maximumZoomLevel() const
- return m_gestureArea->maximumZoomLevel();
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::zoomLevel
- This property holds the zoom level for the map.
- Larger values for the zoom level provide more detail. Zoom levels
- are always non-negative. The default value is 8.0. Depending on the plugin in use,
- values outside the [minimumZoomLevel, maximumZoomLevel] range, which represent the range for which
- tiles are available, may be accepted, or clamped.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setZoomLevel(qreal zoomLevel)
- return setZoomLevel(zoomLevel, m_cameraCapabilities.overzoomEnabled());
- \internal
- Sets the zoom level.
- Larger values for the zoom level provide more detail. Zoom levels
- are always non-negative. The default value is 8.0. Values outside the
- [minimumZoomLevel, maximumZoomLevel] range, which represent the range for which
- tiles are available, can be accepted or clamped by setting the overzoom argument
- to true or false respectively.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setZoomLevel(qreal zoomLevel, bool overzoom)
- if (zoomLevel < 0)
- return;
- if (m_initialized) {
- QGeoCameraData cameraData = m_map->cameraData();
- if (cameraData.zoomLevel() == zoomLevel)
- return;
- cameraData.setZoomLevel(qBound<qreal>(overzoom ? m_map->minimumZoom() : effectiveMinimumZoomLevel(),
- zoomLevel,
- overzoom ? 30 : maximumZoomLevel()));
- m_maximumViewportLatitude = m_map->maximumCenterLatitudeAtZoom(cameraData);
- m_minimumViewportLatitude = m_map->minimumCenterLatitudeAtZoom(cameraData);
- QGeoCoordinate coord =;
- coord.setLatitude(qBound(m_minimumViewportLatitude, coord.latitude(), m_maximumViewportLatitude));
- cameraData.setCenter(coord);
- m_map->setCameraData(cameraData);
- } else {
- const bool zlHasChanged = zoomLevel != m_cameraData.zoomLevel();
- m_cameraData.setZoomLevel(zoomLevel);
- if (zlHasChanged) {
- emit zoomLevelChanged(zoomLevel);
- // do not emit visibleRegionChanged() here, because, if the map isn't initialized,
- // the getter won't return anything updated
- }
- }
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapChild(QObject *child)
- // dispatch items appropriately
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *mapView = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *>(child);
- if (mapView)
- return addMapItemView_real(mapView);
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(child);
- if (itemGroup) // addMapItemView calls addMapItemGroup
- return addMapItemGroup_real(itemGroup);
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *mapItem = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(child);
- if (mapItem)
- return addMapItem_real(mapItem);
- QGeoMapObject *mapObject = qobject_cast<QGeoMapObject *>(child);
- if (mapObject)
- addMapObject(mapObject); // this emits mapObjectsChanged, != mapItemsChanged
- return false;
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::removeMapChild(QObject *child)
- // dispatch items appropriately
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *mapView = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *>(child);
- if (mapView)
- return removeMapItemView_real(mapView);
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(child);
- if (itemGroup) // removeMapItemView calls removeMapItemGroup for itself.
- return removeMapItemGroup_real(itemGroup);
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *mapItem = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(child);
- if (mapItem)
- return removeMapItem_real(mapItem);
- QGeoMapObject *mapObject = qobject_cast<QGeoMapObject *>(child);
- if (mapObject)
- removeMapObject(mapObject); // this emits mapObjectsChanged, != mapItemsChanged
- return false;
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::isGroupNested(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *group) const
- QObject *parent = group->parent();
- // Nested groups have parent set in parent's componentComplete()
- // Those instantiated by MapItemView's delegateModel, however, do not,
- // but have setParentItem set.
- return qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(parent)
- || qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(group->parentItem());
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::zoomLevel() const
- if (m_initialized)
- return m_map->cameraData().zoomLevel();
- return m_cameraData.zoomLevel();
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::bearing
- This property holds the bearing for the map.
- The default value is 0.
- If the Plugin used for the Map supports bearing, the valid range for this value is between 0 and 360.
- If the Plugin used for the Map does not support bearing, changing this property will have no effect.
- \since QtLocation 5.9
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setBearing(qreal bearing)
- bearing = sanitizeBearing(bearing);
- if (m_initialized) {
- QGeoCameraData cameraData = m_map->cameraData();
- cameraData.setBearing(bearing);
- m_map->setCameraData(cameraData);
- } else {
- const bool bearingHasChanged = bearing != m_cameraData.bearing();
- m_cameraData.setBearing(bearing);
- if (bearingHasChanged) {
- emit bearingChanged(bearing);
- // do not emit visibleRegionChanged() here, because, if the map isn't initialized,
- // the getter won't return anything updated
- }
- }
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::setBearing(real bearing, coordinate coordinate)
- Sets the bearing for the map to \a bearing, rotating it around \a coordinate.
- If the Plugin used for the Map supports bearing, the valid range for \a bearing is between 0 and 360.
- If the Plugin used for the Map does not support bearing, or if the map is tilted and \a coordinate happens
- to be behind the camera, or if the map is not ready (see \l mapReady), calling this method will have no effect.
- The release of this API with Qt 5.10 is a Technology Preview.
- \since 5.10
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setBearing(qreal bearing, const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
- if (!m_initialized)
- return;
- const QGeoCoordinate currentCenter = center();
- const qreal currentBearing = QDeclarativeGeoMap::bearing();
- bearing = sanitizeBearing(bearing);
- if (!coordinate.isValid()
- || !qIsFinite(bearing)
- || (coordinate == currentCenter && bearing == currentBearing))
- return;
- if (m_map->capabilities() & QGeoMap::SupportsSetBearing)
- m_map->setBearing(bearing, coordinate);
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::bearing() const
- if (m_initialized)
- return m_map->cameraData().bearing();
- return m_cameraData.bearing();
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::tilt
- This property holds the tilt for the map, in degrees.
- The default value is 0.
- The valid range for this value is [ minimumTilt, maximumTilt ].
- If the Plugin used for the Map does not support tilting, changing this property will have no effect.
- \sa minimumTilt, maximumTilt
- \since QtLocation 5.9
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setTilt(qreal tilt)
- tilt = qBound(minimumTilt(), tilt, maximumTilt());
- if (m_initialized) {
- QGeoCameraData cameraData = m_map->cameraData();
- cameraData.setTilt(tilt);
- m_map->setCameraData(cameraData);
- } else {
- const bool tiltHasChanged = tilt != m_cameraData.tilt();
- m_cameraData.setTilt(tilt);
- if (tiltHasChanged) {
- emit tiltChanged(tilt);
- // do not emit visibleRegionChanged() here, because, if the map isn't initialized,
- // the getter won't return anything updated
- }
- }
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::tilt() const
- if (m_initialized)
- return m_map->cameraData().tilt();
- return m_cameraData.tilt();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setMinimumTilt(qreal minimumTilt, bool userSet)
- if (minimumTilt >= 0) {
- if (userSet)
- m_userMinimumTilt = minimumTilt;
- qreal oldMinimumTilt = this->minimumTilt();
- m_minimumTilt = qBound<double>(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumTilt(),
- minimumTilt,
- m_cameraCapabilities.maximumTilt());
- if (tilt() < m_minimumTilt)
- setTilt(m_minimumTilt);
- if (oldMinimumTilt != m_minimumTilt)
- emit minimumTiltChanged(m_minimumTilt);
- }
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::fieldOfView
- This property holds the field of view of the camera used to look at the map, in degrees.
- If the plugin property of the map is not set, or the plugin does not support mapping, the value is 45 degrees.
- Note that changing this value implicitly changes also the distance between the camera and the map,
- so that, at a tilting angle of 0 degrees, the resulting image is identical for any value used for this property.
- For more information about this parameter, consult the Wikipedia articles about \l {} {Field of view} and
- \l {} {Angle of view}.
- \sa minimumFieldOfView, maximumFieldOfView
- \since QtLocation 5.9
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setFieldOfView(qreal fieldOfView)
- fieldOfView = qBound(minimumFieldOfView(), fieldOfView, maximumFieldOfView());
- if (m_initialized) {
- QGeoCameraData cameraData = m_map->cameraData();
- cameraData.setFieldOfView(fieldOfView);
- m_map->setCameraData(cameraData);
- } else {
- const bool fovChanged = fieldOfView != m_cameraData.fieldOfView();
- m_cameraData.setFieldOfView(fieldOfView);
- if (fovChanged) {
- emit fieldOfViewChanged(fieldOfView);
- // do not emit visibleRegionChanged() here, because, if the map isn't initialized,
- // the getter won't return anything updated
- }
- }
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::fieldOfView() const
- if (m_initialized)
- return m_map->cameraData().fieldOfView();
- return m_cameraData.fieldOfView();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setMinimumFieldOfView(qreal minimumFieldOfView, bool userSet)
- if (minimumFieldOfView > 0 && minimumFieldOfView < 180.0) {
- if (userSet)
- m_userMinimumFieldOfView = minimumFieldOfView;
- qreal oldMinimumFoV = this->minimumFieldOfView();
- m_minimumFieldOfView = qBound<double>(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumFieldOfView(),
- minimumFieldOfView,
- m_cameraCapabilities.maximumFieldOfView());
- if (fieldOfView() < m_minimumFieldOfView)
- setFieldOfView(m_minimumFieldOfView);
- if (oldMinimumFoV != m_minimumFieldOfView)
- emit minimumFieldOfViewChanged(m_minimumFieldOfView);
- }
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::minimumFieldOfView
- This property holds the minimum valid field of view for the map, in degrees.
- The minimum tilt field of view by the \l plugin used is a lower bound for
- this property.
- If the \l plugin property is not set or the plugin does not support mapping, this property is \c 1.
- \sa fieldOfView, maximumFieldOfView
- \since QtLocation 5.9
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::minimumFieldOfView() const
- return m_minimumFieldOfView;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setMaximumFieldOfView(qreal maximumFieldOfView, bool userSet)
- if (maximumFieldOfView > 0 && maximumFieldOfView < 180.0) {
- if (userSet)
- m_userMaximumFieldOfView = maximumFieldOfView;
- qreal oldMaximumFoV = this->maximumFieldOfView();
- m_maximumFieldOfView = qBound<double>(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumFieldOfView(),
- maximumFieldOfView,
- m_cameraCapabilities.maximumFieldOfView());
- if (fieldOfView() > m_maximumFieldOfView)
- setFieldOfView(m_maximumFieldOfView);
- if (oldMaximumFoV != m_maximumFieldOfView)
- emit maximumFieldOfViewChanged(m_maximumFieldOfView);
- }
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::maximumFieldOfView
- This property holds the maximum valid field of view for the map, in degrees.
- The minimum tilt field of view by the \l plugin used is an upper bound for
- this property.
- If the \l plugin property is not set or the plugin does not support mapping, this property is \c 179.
- \sa fieldOfView, minimumFieldOfView
- \since QtLocation 5.9
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::maximumFieldOfView() const
- return m_maximumFieldOfView;
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::minimumTilt
- This property holds the minimum valid tilt for the map, in degrees.
- The minimum tilt defined by the \l plugin used is a lower bound for
- this property.
- If the \l plugin property is not set or the plugin does not support mapping, this property is \c 0.
- Since QtLocation 5.12, plugins can additionally restrict this value depending on the current zoom level.
- \sa tilt, maximumTilt
- \since QtLocation 5.9
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::minimumTilt() const
- return m_minimumTilt;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setMaximumTilt(qreal maximumTilt, bool userSet)
- if (maximumTilt >= 0) {
- if (userSet)
- m_userMaximumTilt = maximumTilt;
- qreal oldMaximumTilt = this->maximumTilt();
- m_maximumTilt = qBound<double>(m_cameraCapabilities.minimumTilt(),
- maximumTilt,
- m_cameraCapabilities.maximumTilt());
- if (tilt() > m_maximumTilt)
- setTilt(m_maximumTilt);
- if (oldMaximumTilt != m_maximumTilt)
- emit maximumTiltChanged(m_maximumTilt);
- }
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::Map::maximumTilt
- This property holds the maximum valid tilt for the map, in degrees.
- The maximum tilt defined by the \l plugin used is an upper bound for
- this property.
- If the \l plugin property is not set or the plugin does not support mapping, this property is \c 89.5.
- Since QtLocation 5.12, plugins can additionally restrict this value depending on the current zoom level.
- \sa tilt, minimumTilt
- \since QtLocation 5.9
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMap::maximumTilt() const
- return m_maximumTilt;
- \qmlproperty coordinate QtLocation::Map::center
- This property holds the coordinate which occupies the center of the
- mapping viewport. Invalid center coordinates are ignored.
- The default value is an arbitrary valid coordinate.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setCenter(const QGeoCoordinate &center)
- if (!center.isValid())
- return;
- if (m_initialized) {
- QGeoCoordinate coord(center);
- coord.setLatitude(qBound(m_minimumViewportLatitude, center.latitude(), m_maximumViewportLatitude));
- QGeoCameraData cameraData = m_map->cameraData();
- cameraData.setCenter(coord);
- m_map->setCameraData(cameraData);
- } else {
- const bool centerHasChanged = center !=;
- m_cameraData.setCenter(center);
- if (centerHasChanged) {
- emit centerChanged(center);
- // do not emit visibleRegionChanged() here, because, if the map isn't initialized,
- // the getter won't return anything updated
- }
- }
-QGeoCoordinate QDeclarativeGeoMap::center() const
- if (m_initialized)
- return m_map->cameraData().center();
- return;
- \qmlproperty geoshape QtLocation::Map::visibleRegion
- This property holds the region which occupies the viewport of
- the map. The camera is positioned in the center of the shape, and
- at the largest integral zoom level possible which allows the
- whole shape to be visible on the screen. This implies that
- reading this property back shortly after having been set the
- returned area is equal or larger than the set area.
- Setting this property implicitly changes the \l center and
- \l zoomLevel of the map. Any previously set value to those
- properties will be overridden.
- \note Since Qt 5.14 This property provides change notifications.
- \since 5.6
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setVisibleRegion(const QGeoShape &shape)
- if (shape.boundingGeoRectangle() == visibleRegion())
- return;
- m_visibleRegion = shape.boundingGeoRectangle();
- if (!m_visibleRegion.isValid()
- || (m_visibleRegion.bottomRight().latitude() >= 85.0) // rect entirely outside web mercator
- || (m_visibleRegion.topLeft().latitude() <= -85.0)) {
- // shape invalidated -> nothing to fit anymore
- m_visibleRegion = QGeoRectangle();
- m_pendingFitViewport = false;
- emit visibleRegionChanged();
- return;
- }
- if (!m_map || !width() || !height()) {
- m_pendingFitViewport = true;
- emit visibleRegionChanged();
- return;
- }
- fitViewportToGeoShape(m_visibleRegion);
- emit visibleRegionChanged();
-QGeoShape QDeclarativeGeoMap::visibleRegion() const
- if (!m_map || !width() || !height())
- return m_visibleRegion;
- if (m_map->capabilities() & QGeoMap::SupportsVisibleRegion) {
- return m_map->visibleRegion();
- } else {
- // ToDo: handle projections not supporting visible region in a better way.
- // This approach will fail when horizon is in the view or the map is greatly zoomed out.
- QList<QGeoCoordinate> visiblePoly;
- visiblePoly << m_map->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(0,0), false);
- visiblePoly << m_map->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(m_map->viewportWidth() - 1,
- 0), false);
- visiblePoly << m_map->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(m_map->viewportWidth() - 1,
- m_map->viewportHeight() - 1), false);
- visiblePoly << m_map->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(0,
- m_map->viewportHeight() - 1), false);
- QGeoPath path;
- path.setPath(visiblePoly);
- return path.boundingGeoRectangle();
- }
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::Map::copyrightsVisible
- This property holds the visibility of the copyrights notice. The notice is usually
- displayed in the bottom left corner. By default, this property is set to \c true.
- \note Many map providers require the notice to be visible as part of the terms and conditions.
- Please consult the relevant provider documentation before turning this notice off.
- \since 5.7
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setCopyrightsVisible(bool visible)
- if (m_copyrightsVisible == visible)
- return;
- if (!m_copyrights.isNull())
- m_copyrights->setCopyrightsVisible(visible);
- m_copyrightsVisible = visible;
- emit copyrightsVisibleChanged(visible);
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::copyrightsVisible() const
- return m_copyrightsVisible;
- \qmlproperty color QtLocation::Map::color
- This property holds the background color of the map element.
- \since 5.6
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setColor(const QColor &color)
- if (color != m_color) {
- m_color = color;
- update();
- emit colorChanged(m_color);
- }
-QColor QDeclarativeGeoMap::color() const
- return m_color;
- \qmlproperty rect QtLocation::Map::visibleArea
- This property holds the visible area inside the Map QML element.
- It is a rect whose coordinates are relative to the Map element.
- Its size will be clamped to the size of the Map element.
- A null visibleArea means that the whole Map is visible.
- \since 5.12
-QRectF QDeclarativeGeoMap::visibleArea() const
- if (m_initialized)
- return m_map->visibleArea();
- return m_visibleArea;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setVisibleArea(const QRectF &visibleArea)
- const QRectF oldVisibleArea = QDeclarativeGeoMap::visibleArea();
- if (visibleArea == oldVisibleArea)
- return;
- if (!visibleArea.isValid() && !visibleArea.isEmpty()) // values < 0
- return;
- if (m_initialized) {
- m_map->setVisibleArea(visibleArea);
- const QRectF newVisibleArea = QDeclarativeGeoMap::visibleArea();
- if (newVisibleArea != oldVisibleArea) {
- // polish map items
- for (const QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase> &i: qAsConst(m_mapItems)) {
- if (i)
- i->visibleAreaChanged();
- }
- }
- } else {
- m_visibleArea = visibleArea;
- const QRectF newVisibleArea = QDeclarativeGeoMap::visibleArea();
- if (newVisibleArea != oldVisibleArea)
- emit visibleAreaChanged();
- }
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::Map::mapReady
- This property holds whether the map has been successfully initialized and is ready to be used.
- Some methods, such as \l fromCoordinate and \l toCoordinate, will not work before the map is ready.
- Due to the architecture of the \l Map, it's advised to use the signal emitted for this property
- in place of \l {QtQml::Component::completed()}{Component.onCompleted}, to make sure that everything behaves as expected.
- \since 5.9
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::mapReady() const
- return m_initialized;
-QMargins QDeclarativeGeoMap::mapMargins() const
- const QRectF va = m_map->visibleArea();
- if (va.isEmpty())
- return QMargins();
- return QMargins( va.x()
- , va.y()
- , width() - va.width() - va.x()
- , height() - va.height() - va.y());
- \qmlproperty list<mapType> QtLocation::Map::supportedMapTypes
- This read-only property holds the set of \l{mapType}{map types} supported by this map.
- \sa activeMapType
-QList<QGeoMapType> QDeclarativeGeoMap::supportedMapTypes()
- return m_supportedMapTypes;
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::alignCoordinateToPoint(coordinate coordinate, QPointF point)
- Aligns \a coordinate to \a point.
- This method effectively extends the functionality offered by the \l center qml property, allowing
- to align a coordinate to point of the Map element other than its center.
- This is useful in those applications where the center of the scene (e.g., a cursor) is not to be
- placed exactly in the center of the map.
- If the map is tilted, and \a coordinate happens to be behind the camera, or if the map is not ready
- (see \l mapReady), calling this method will have no effect.
- The release of this API with Qt 5.10 is a Technology Preview.
- \sa center
- \since 5.10
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::alignCoordinateToPoint(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate, const QPointF &point)
- if (!m_map || !(m_map->capabilities() & QGeoMap::SupportsAnchoringCoordinate))
- return;
- if (!coordinate.isValid()
- || !qIsFinite(point.x())
- || !qIsFinite(point.y()))
- return;
- m_map->anchorCoordinateToPoint(coordinate, point);
- \qmlmethod coordinate QtLocation::Map::toCoordinate(QPointF position, bool clipToViewPort)
- Returns the coordinate which corresponds to the \a position relative to the map item.
- If \a clipToViewPort is \c true, or not supplied then returns an invalid coordinate if
- \a position is not within the current viewport.
-QGeoCoordinate QDeclarativeGeoMap::toCoordinate(const QPointF &position, bool clipToViewPort) const
- if (m_map)
- return m_map->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(position), clipToViewPort);
- else
- return QGeoCoordinate();
- \qmlmethod point QtLocation::Map::fromCoordinate(coordinate coordinate, bool clipToViewPort)
- Returns the position relative to the map item which corresponds to the \a coordinate.
- If \a clipToViewPort is \c true, or not supplied then returns an invalid QPointF if
- \a coordinate is not within the current viewport.
-QPointF QDeclarativeGeoMap::fromCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate, bool clipToViewPort) const
- if (m_map)
- return m_map->geoProjection().coordinateToItemPosition(coordinate, clipToViewPort).toPointF();
- else
- return QPointF(qQNaN(), qQNaN());
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::pan(int dx, int dy)
- Starts panning the map by \a dx pixels along the x-axis and
- by \a dy pixels along the y-axis.
- Positive values for \a dx move the map right, negative values left.
- Positive values for \a dy move the map down, negative values up.
- During panning the \l center, and \l zoomLevel may change.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::pan(int dx, int dy)
- if (!m_map)
- return;
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- return;
- QGeoCoordinate coord = m_map->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(
- QDoubleVector2D(m_map->viewportWidth() / 2 + dx,
- m_map->viewportHeight() / 2 + dy));
- setCenter(coord);
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::prefetchData()
- Optional hint that allows the map to prefetch during this idle period
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::prefetchData()
- if (!m_map)
- return;
- m_map->prefetchData();
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::clearData()
- Clears map data collected by the currently selected plugin.
- \note This method will delete cached files.
- \sa plugin
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::clearData()
- if (m_map)
- m_map->clearData();
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::fitViewportToGeoShape(geoShape, margins)
- Fits the viewport to a specific geo shape \a geoShape.
- The \a margins are in screen pixels.
- \note If the projection used by the plugin is not WebMercator, and the plugin does not have fitting to
- shape capability, this method will do nothing.
- \sa visibleRegion
- \since 5.13
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::fitViewportToGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape, QVariant margins)
- QMargins m(10, 10, 10, 10); // lets defaults to 10 if margins is invalid
- switch (margins.typeId()) {
- case QMetaType::Int:
- case QMetaType::Double: {
- const int value = int(margins.toDouble());
- m = QMargins(value, value, value, value);
- }
- break;
- // ToDo: Support distinct margins in some QML form. Perhaps QRect?
- default:
- break;
- }
- fitViewportToGeoShape(shape, m);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::fitViewportToGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape, const QMargins &borders)
- if (!m_map || !shape.isValid())
- return;
- if (m_map->geoProjection().projectionType() == QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator) {
- // This case remains handled here, and not inside QGeoMap*::fitViewportToGeoRectangle,
- // in order to honor animations on center and zoomLevel
- const QMargins margins = borders + mapMargins();
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(m_map->geoProjection());
- const QPair<QGeoCoordinate, qreal> fitData = p.fitViewportToGeoRectangle(shape.boundingGeoRectangle(),
- margins);
- if (!fitData.first.isValid())
- return;
- // position camera to the center of bounding box
- setProperty("center", QVariant::fromValue(fitData.first)); // not using setCenter(centerCoordinate) to honor a possible animation set on the center property
- if (!qIsFinite(fitData.second))
- return;
- double newZoom = qMax<double>(minimumZoomLevel(), fitData.second);
- setProperty("zoomLevel", QVariant::fromValue(newZoom)); // not using setZoomLevel(newZoom) to honor a possible animation set on the zoomLevel property
- } else if (m_map->capabilities() & QGeoMap::SupportsFittingViewportToGeoRectangle) {
- // Animations cannot be honored in this case, as m_map acts as a black box
- m_map->fitViewportToGeoRectangle(m_visibleRegion, borders);
- }
- // else out of luck
- \qmlproperty string QtLocation::Map::errorString
- This read-only property holds the textual presentation of the latest mapping provider error.
- If no error has occurred, an empty string is returned.
- An empty string may also be returned if an error occurred which has no associated
- textual representation.
- \sa QGeoServiceProvider::errorString()
-QString QDeclarativeGeoMap::errorString() const
- return m_errorString;
- \qmlproperty enumeration QtLocation::Map::error
- This read-only property holds the last occurred mapping service provider error.
- \list
- \li Map.NoError - No error has occurred.
- \li Map.NotSupportedError -The maps plugin property was not set or there is no mapping manager associated with the plugin.
- \li Map.UnknownParameterError -The plugin did not recognize one of the parameters it was given.
- \li Map.MissingRequiredParameterError - The plugin did not find one of the parameters it was expecting.
- \li Map.ConnectionError - The plugin could not connect to its backend service or database.
- \endlist
- \sa QGeoServiceProvider::Error
-QGeoServiceProvider::Error QDeclarativeGeoMap::error() const
- return m_error;
-QGeoMap *QDeclarativeGeoMap::map() const
- return m_map;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::itemChange(ItemChange change, const ItemChangeData &value)
- if (change == ItemChildAddedChange) {
- QQuickItem *child = value.item;
- QQuickItem *mapItem = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(child);
- if (!mapItem)
- mapItem = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(child);
- if (mapItem) {
- qreal z = mapItem->z();
- if (z > m_maxChildZ) { // Ignore children removal
- m_maxChildZ = z;
- // put the copyrights notice object at the highest z order
- if (m_copyrights)
- m_copyrights->setCopyrightsZ(m_maxChildZ + 1);
- }
- }
- } else if (change == ItemSceneChange) {
- if (m_window) {
- disconnect(m_window, &QQuickWindow::beforeSynchronizing,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::updateItemToWindowTransform);
- }
- m_window = value.window;
- if (m_window) {
- connect(m_window, &QQuickWindow::beforeSynchronizing,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::updateItemToWindowTransform, Qt::DirectConnection);
- }
- }
- QQuickItem::itemChange(change, value);
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::isInteractive() const
- return (m_gestureArea->enabled() && m_gestureArea->acceptedGestures()) || m_gestureArea->isActive();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::attachCopyrightNotice(bool initialVisibility)
- if (initialVisibility) {
- ++m_copyNoticesVisible;
- if (m_map)
- m_map->setCopyrightVisible(m_copyNoticesVisible > 0);
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::detachCopyrightNotice(bool currentVisibility)
- if (currentVisibility) {
- --m_copyNoticesVisible;
- if (m_map)
- m_map->setCopyrightVisible(m_copyNoticesVisible > 0);
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::onAttachedCopyrightNoticeVisibilityChanged()
- QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice *copy = static_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice *>(sender());
- m_copyNoticesVisible += ( int(copy->copyrightsVisible()) * 2 - 1);
- if (m_map)
- m_map->setCopyrightVisible(m_copyNoticesVisible > 0);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::onCameraDataChanged(const QGeoCameraData &cameraData)
- bool centerHasChanged = !=;
- bool bearingHasChanged = cameraData.bearing() != m_cameraData.bearing();
- bool tiltHasChanged = cameraData.tilt() != m_cameraData.tilt();
- bool fovHasChanged = cameraData.fieldOfView() != m_cameraData.fieldOfView();
- bool zoomHasChanged = cameraData.zoomLevel() != m_cameraData.zoomLevel();
- m_cameraData = cameraData;
- // polish map items
- for (const QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase> &i: qAsConst(m_mapItems)) {
- if (i)
- i->baseCameraDataChanged(m_cameraData); // Consider optimizing this further, removing the contained duplicate if conditions.
- }
- if (centerHasChanged)
- emit centerChanged(;
- if (zoomHasChanged)
- emit zoomLevelChanged(m_cameraData.zoomLevel());
- if (bearingHasChanged)
- emit bearingChanged(m_cameraData.bearing());
- if (tiltHasChanged)
- emit tiltChanged(m_cameraData.tilt());
- if (fovHasChanged)
- emit fieldOfViewChanged(m_cameraData.fieldOfView());
- if (centerHasChanged || zoomHasChanged || bearingHasChanged
- || tiltHasChanged || fovHasChanged)
- emit visibleRegionChanged();
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::addMapParameter(MapParameter parameter)
- Adds the \a parameter object to the map. The effect of this call is dependent
- on the combination of the content of the MapParameter and the type of
- underlying QGeoMap. If a MapParameter that is not supported by the underlying
- QGeoMap gets added, the call has no effect.
- The release of this API with Qt 5.9 is a Technology Preview.
- \sa MapParameter, removeMapParameter, mapParameters, clearMapParameters
- \since 5.9
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapParameter(QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter *parameter)
- if (!parameter->isComponentComplete()) {
- connect(parameter, &QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter::completed, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapParameter);
- return;
- }
- disconnect(parameter);
- if (m_mapParameters.contains(parameter))
- return;
- parameter->setParent(this);
- m_mapParameters.append(parameter); // parameter now owned by QDeclarativeGeoMap
- if (m_map)
- m_map->addParameter(parameter);
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::removeMapParameter(MapParameter parameter)
- Removes the given \a parameter object from the map.
- The release of this API with Qt 5.9 is a Technology Preview.
- \sa MapParameter, addMapParameter, mapParameters, clearMapParameters
- \since 5.9
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::removeMapParameter(QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter *parameter)
- if (!m_mapParameters.contains(parameter))
- return;
- if (m_map)
- m_map->removeParameter(parameter);
- m_mapParameters.removeOne(parameter);
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::clearMapParameters()
- Removes all map parameters from the map.
- The release of this API with Qt 5.9 is a Technology Preview.
- \sa MapParameter, mapParameters, addMapParameter, removeMapParameter, clearMapParameters
- \since 5.9
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::clearMapParameters()
- if (m_map)
- m_map->clearParameters();
- m_mapParameters.clear();
- \qmlproperty list<MapParameters> QtLocation::Map::mapParameters
- Returns the list of all map parameters in no particular order.
- These items include map parameters that were declared statically as part of
- the type declaration, as well as dynamical map parameters (\l addMapParameter).
- The release of this API with Qt 5.9 is a Technology Preview.
- \sa MapParameter, addMapParameter, removeMapParameter, clearMapParameters
- \since 5.9
-QList<QObject *> QDeclarativeGeoMap::mapParameters()
- QList<QObject *> ret;
- for (QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter *p : qAsConst(m_mapParameters))
- ret << p;
- return ret;
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapObject(QGeoMapObject *object)
- if (!object || object->map())
- return;
- if (!m_initialized) {
- m_pendingMapObjects.append(object);
- return;
- }
- int curObjects = m_map->mapObjects().size();
- // object adds itself to the map
- object->setMap(m_map);
- if (curObjects != m_map->mapObjects().size())
- emit mapObjectsChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::removeMapObject(QGeoMapObject *object)
- if (!object || object->map() != m_map) // if !initialized this is fine, since both object and m_map are supposed to be NULL
- return;
- if (!m_initialized) {
- m_pendingMapObjects.removeOne(object);
- return;
- }
- int curObjects = m_map->mapObjects().size();
- // object adds itself to the map
- object->setMap(nullptr);
- if (curObjects != m_map->mapObjects().size())
- emit mapObjectsChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::clearMapObjects()
- if (!m_initialized) {
- m_pendingMapObjects.clear();
- } else {
- const QList<QGeoMapObject *> objs = m_map->mapObjects();
- for (QGeoMapObject *o: objs)
- o->setMap(nullptr);
- if (objs.size())
- emit mapObjectsChanged();
- }
- \internal
-QList<QGeoMapObject *> QDeclarativeGeoMap::mapObjects()
- if (!m_initialized)
- return m_pendingMapObjects;
- else
- return m_map->mapObjects();
- \qmlproperty list<MapItem> QtLocation::Map::mapItems
- Returns the list of all map items in no particular order.
- These items include items that were declared statically as part of
- the type declaration, as well as dynamical items (\l addMapItem,
- \l MapItemView).
- \sa addMapItem, removeMapItem, clearMapItems
-QList<QObject *> QDeclarativeGeoMap::mapItems()
- QList<QObject *> ret;
- for (const auto &ptr : m_mapItems) {
- if (ptr)
- ret <<;
- }
- return ret;
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::addMapItem(MapItem item)
- Adds the given \a item to the Map (for example MapQuickItem, MapCircle). If the object
- already is on the Map, it will not be added again.
- As an example, consider the case where you have a MapCircle representing your current position:
- \snippet declarative/maps.qml QtQuick import
- \snippet declarative/maps.qml QtLocation import
- \codeline
- \snippet declarative/maps.qml Map addMapItem MapCircle at current position
- \note MapItemViews cannot be added with this method.
- \sa mapItems, removeMapItem, clearMapItems
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapItem(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item)
- if (addMapItem_real(item))
- emit mapItemsChanged();
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapItem_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item)
- if (!item || item->quickMap())
- return false;
- // If the item comes from a MapItemGroup, do not reparent it.
- if (!qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(item->parentItem()))
- item->setParentItem(this);
- m_mapItems.append(item);
- if (m_map) {
- item->setMap(this, m_map);
- m_map->addMapItem(item);
- }
- return true;
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::removeMapItem(MapItem item)
- Removes the given \a item from the Map (for example MapQuickItem, MapCircle). If
- the MapItem does not exist or was not previously added to the map, the
- method does nothing.
- \sa mapItems, addMapItem, clearMapItems
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::removeMapItem(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *ptr)
- if (removeMapItem_real(ptr))
- emit mapItemsChanged();
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::removeMapItem_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *ptr)
- if (!ptr)
- return false;
- QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase> item(ptr);
- if (!m_mapItems.contains(item))
- return false;
- if (m_map)
- m_map->removeMapItem(ptr);
- if (item->parentItem() == this)
- item->setParentItem(0);
- item->setMap(0, 0);
- // these can be optimized for perf, as we already check the 'contains' above
- m_mapItems.removeOne(item);
- return true;
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::clearMapItems()
- Removes all items and item groups from the map.
- \sa mapItems, addMapItem, removeMapItem, addMapItemGroup, removeMapItemGroup
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::clearMapItems()
- if (m_mapItems.isEmpty())
- return;
- qsizetype removed = 0;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < m_mapItemGroups.count(); ++i) {
- auto item =;
- // Processing only top-level groups (!views)
- if (qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *>(item))
- continue;
- if (item->parentItem() != this)
- continue;
- if (removeMapItemGroup_real(item)) {
- removed++;
- --i;
- }
- }
- while (!m_mapItems.isEmpty())
- removed += removeMapItem_real(m_mapItems.first());
- if (removed)
- emit mapItemsChanged();
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::addMapItemGroup(MapItemGroup itemGroup)
- Adds the map items contained in the given \a itemGroup to the Map
- (for example MapQuickItem, MapCircle).
- \sa MapItemGroup, removeMapItemGroup
- \since 5.9
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapItemGroup(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup)
- if (addMapItemGroup_real(itemGroup))
- emit mapItemsChanged();
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapItemGroup_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup)
- if (!itemGroup || itemGroup->quickMap()) // Already added to some map
- return false;
- itemGroup->setQuickMap(this);
- if (!isGroupNested(itemGroup))
- itemGroup->setParentItem(this);
- QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup> g(itemGroup);
- m_mapItemGroups.append(g);
- const QList<QQuickItem *> quickKids = itemGroup->childItems();
- int count = 0;
- for (auto c: quickKids) {
- count += addMapChild(c); // this calls addMapItemGroup recursively, if needed
- }
- return count;
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::removeMapItemGroup(MapItemGroup itemGroup)
- Removes \a itemGroup and the items contained therein from the Map.
- \sa MapItemGroup, addMapItemGroup
- \since 5.9
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::removeMapItemGroup(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup)
- if (removeMapItemGroup_real(itemGroup))
- emit mapItemsChanged();
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::removeMapItemGroup_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup)
- if (!itemGroup || itemGroup->quickMap() != this) // cant remove an itemGroup added to another map
- return false;
- QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup> g(itemGroup);
- if (!m_mapItemGroups.removeOne(g))
- return false;
- const QList<QQuickItem *> quickKids = itemGroup->childItems();
- int count = 0;
- for (auto c: quickKids) {
- count += removeMapChild(c);
- }
- itemGroup->setQuickMap(nullptr);
- if (itemGroup->parentItem() == this)
- itemGroup->setParentItem(0);
- return count;
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::removeMapItemView(MapItemView itemView)
- Removes \a itemView and the items instantiated by it from the Map.
- \sa MapItemView, addMapItemView
- \since 5.10
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::removeMapItemView(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *itemView)
- if (removeMapItemView_real(itemView))
- emit mapItemsChanged();
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::removeMapItemView_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *itemView)
- if (!itemView || itemView->m_map != this) // can't remove a view that is already added to another map
- return false;
- itemView->removeInstantiatedItems(false); // remove the items without using transitions AND abort ongoing ones
- itemView->m_map = 0;
- m_mapViews.removeOne(itemView);
- return removeMapItemGroup_real(itemView); // at this point, all delegate instances have been removed.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::updateItemToWindowTransform()
- if (!m_initialized)
- return;
- // Update itemToWindowTransform into QGeoProjection
- const QTransform item2WindowOld = m_map->geoProjection().itemToWindowTransform();
- QTransform item2Window = QQuickItemPrivate::get(this)->itemToWindowTransform();
- if (!property("layer").isNull() && property("layer").value<QObject *>()->property("enabled").toBool())
- item2Window.reset(); // When layer is enabled, the item is rendered offscreen with no transformation, then the layer is applied
- m_map->setItemToWindowTransform(item2Window);
- // This method is called at every redraw, including those redraws not generated by
- // sgNodeChanged.
- // In these cases, *if* the item2windowTransform has changed (e.g., if transformation of
- // the item or one of its ancestors changed), a forced update of the map items using accelerated
- // GL implementation has to be performed in order to have them pulling the updated itemToWindowTransform.
- if (!m_sgNodeHasChanged && item2WindowOld != item2Window) {
- for (auto i: qAsConst(m_mapItems))
- i->setMaterialDirty();
- }
- m_sgNodeHasChanged = false;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::onSGNodeChanged()
- m_sgNodeHasChanged = true;
- update();
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::addMapItemView(MapItemView itemView)
- Adds \a itemView to the Map.
- \sa MapItemView, removeMapItemView
- \since 5.10
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapItemView(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *itemView)
- if (addMapItemView_real(itemView))
- emit mapItemsChanged();
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::addMapItemView_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *itemView)
- if (!itemView || itemView->m_map) // can't add a view twice
- return false;
- int count = addMapItemGroup_real(itemView); // at this point, delegates aren't yet incubated.
- // Not appending it to m_mapViews because it seems unnecessary even if the
- // itemView is a child of this (in which case it would be destroyed
- m_mapViews.append(itemView);
- setupMapView(itemView);
- return count;
- \qmlproperty mapType QtLocation::Map::activeMapType
- \brief Access to the currently active \l{mapType}{map type}.
- This property can be set to change the active \l{mapType}{map type}.
- See the \l{Map::supportedMapTypes}{supportedMapTypes} property for possible values.
- \sa mapType
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setActiveMapType(const QGeoMapType &mapType)
- if (m_activeMapType != mapType) {
- if (m_map) {
- if (mapType.pluginName() == m_plugin->name().toLatin1()) {
- m_map->setActiveMapType(mapType);
- m_activeMapType = mapType;
- emit activeMapTypeChanged();
- }
- } else {
- m_activeMapType = mapType;
- emit activeMapTypeChanged();
- }
- }
-QGeoMapType QDeclarativeGeoMap::activeMapType() const
- return m_activeMapType;
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
- m_gestureArea->setSize(newGeometry.size());
- QQuickItem::geometryChange(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
- if (!m_map || newGeometry.size().isEmpty())
- return;
- m_map->setViewportSize(newGeometry.size().toSize());
- if (!m_initialized) {
- initialize();
- } else {
- setMinimumZoomLevel(m_map->minimumZoom(), false);
- // Update the center latitudinal threshold
- QGeoCameraData cameraData = m_map->cameraData();
- const double maximumCenterLatitudeAtZoom = m_map->maximumCenterLatitudeAtZoom(cameraData);
- const double minimumCenterLatitudeAtZoom = m_map->minimumCenterLatitudeAtZoom(cameraData);
- if (maximumCenterLatitudeAtZoom != m_maximumViewportLatitude
- || minimumCenterLatitudeAtZoom != m_minimumViewportLatitude) {
- m_maximumViewportLatitude = maximumCenterLatitudeAtZoom;
- m_minimumViewportLatitude = minimumCenterLatitudeAtZoom;
- QGeoCoordinate coord =;
- coord.setLatitude(qBound(m_minimumViewportLatitude, coord.latitude(), m_maximumViewportLatitude));
- cameraData.setCenter(coord);
- m_map->setCameraData(cameraData); // this polishes map items
- } else if (oldGeometry.size() != newGeometry.size()) {
- // polish map items
- for (const QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase> &i: qAsConst(m_mapItems)) {
- if (i)
- i->polishAndUpdate();
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- The fitViewportTo*() functions depend on a valid map geometry.
- If they were called prior to the first resize they cause
- the zoomlevel to jump to 0 (showing the world). Therefore the
- calls were queued up until now.
- Multiple fitViewportTo*() calls replace each other.
- */
- if (m_pendingFitViewport && width() && height()) {
- fitViewportToGeoShape(m_visibleRegion);
- m_pendingFitViewport = false;
- }
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::fitViewportToMapItems(list<MapItems> items = {})
- If no argument is provided, fits the current viewport to the boundary of all map items.
- The camera is positioned in the center of the map items, and at the largest integral zoom level
- possible which allows all map items to be visible on screen.
- If \a items is provided, fits the current viewport to the boundary of the specified map items only.
- \note This method gained the optional \a items argument since Qt 5.15.
- In previous releases, this method fitted the map to all map items.
- \sa fitViewportToVisibleMapItems
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::fitViewportToMapItems(const QVariantList &items)
- if (items.size()) {
- QList<QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase> > itms;
- for (const QVariant &i: items) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *itm = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(i.value<QObject *>());
- if (itm)
- itms.append(itm);
- }
- fitViewportToMapItemsRefine(itms, true, false);
- } else {
- fitViewportToMapItemsRefine(m_mapItems, true, false);
- }
- \qmlmethod void QtLocation::Map::fitViewportToVisibleMapItems()
- Fits the current viewport to the boundary of all \b visible map items.
- The camera is positioned in the center of the map items, and at the largest integral
- zoom level possible which allows all map items to be visible on screen.
- \sa fitViewportToMapItems
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::fitViewportToVisibleMapItems()
- fitViewportToMapItemsRefine(m_mapItems, true, true);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::fitViewportToMapItemsRefine(const QList<QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase> > &mapItems,
- bool refine,
- bool onlyVisible)
- if (!m_map)
- return;
- if (mapItems.size() == 0)
- return;
- double minX = qInf();
- double maxX = -qInf();
- double minY = qInf();
- double maxY = -qInf();
- double topLeftX = 0;
- double topLeftY = 0;
- double bottomRightX = 0;
- double bottomRightY = 0;
- bool haveQuickItem = false;
- // find bounds of all map items
- qsizetype itemCount = 0;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < mapItems.count(); ++i) {
- if (!
- continue;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item =;
- if (!item || (onlyVisible && (!item->isVisible() || item->mapItemOpacity() <= 0.0)))
- continue;
- // skip quick items in the first pass and refine the fit later
- QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem *quickItem =
- qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem*>(item);
- if (refine && quickItem) {
- haveQuickItem = true;
- continue;
- }
- // Force map items to update immediately. Needed to ensure correct item size and positions
- // when recursively calling this function.
- // TODO: See if we really need updatePolish on delegated items, in particular
- // in relation to
- // a) fitViewportToMapItems
- // b) presence of MouseArea
- //
- // This is also legacy code. It must be updated to not operate on screen sizes.
- if (item->isPolishScheduled())
- item->updatePolish();
- if (quickItem && quickItem->matrix_ && !quickItem->matrix_->m_matrix.isIdentity()) {
- // TODO: recalculate the center/zoom level so that the item becomes projectable again
- if (quickItem->zoomLevel() == 0.0) // the item is unprojectable, should be skipped.
- continue;
- QRectF brect = item->boundingRect();
- brect = quickItem->matrix_->m_matrix.mapRect(brect);
- QPointF transformedPosition = quickItem->matrix_->>position());
- topLeftX = transformedPosition.x();
- topLeftY = transformedPosition.y();
- bottomRightX = topLeftX + brect.width();
- bottomRightY = topLeftY + brect.height();
- } else {
- topLeftX = item->position().x();
- topLeftY = item->position().y();
- bottomRightX = topLeftX + item->width();
- bottomRightY = topLeftY + item->height();
- }
- minX = qMin(minX, topLeftX);
- maxX = qMax(maxX, bottomRightX);
- minY = qMin(minY, topLeftY);
- maxY = qMax(maxY, bottomRightY);
- ++itemCount;
- }
- if (itemCount == 0) {
- if (haveQuickItem)
- fitViewportToMapItemsRefine(mapItems, false, onlyVisible);
- return;
- }
- double bboxWidth = maxX - minX;
- double bboxHeight = maxY - minY;
- double bboxCenterX = minX + (bboxWidth / 2.0);
- double bboxCenterY = minY + (bboxHeight / 2.0);
- // position camera to the center of bounding box
- QGeoCoordinate coordinate;
- coordinate = m_map->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(bboxCenterX, bboxCenterY), false);
- setProperty("center", QVariant::fromValue(coordinate));
- // adjust zoom
- double bboxWidthRatio = bboxWidth / (bboxWidth + bboxHeight);
- double mapWidthRatio = width() / (width() + height());
- double zoomRatio;
- if (bboxWidthRatio > mapWidthRatio)
- zoomRatio = bboxWidth / width();
- else
- zoomRatio = bboxHeight / height();
- qreal newZoom = std::log10(zoomRatio) / std::log10(0.5);
- newZoom = std::floor(qMax(minimumZoomLevel(), (zoomLevel() + newZoom)));
- setProperty("zoomLevel", QVariant::fromValue(newZoom));
- // as map quick items retain the same screen size after the camera zooms in/out
- // we refine the viewport again to achieve better results
- if (refine)
- fitViewportToMapItemsRefine(mapItems, false, onlyVisible);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (isInteractive() && event->source() == Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized)
- m_gestureArea->handleMousePressEvent(event);
- else
- QQuickItem::mousePressEvent(event);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (isInteractive() && event->source() == Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized)
- m_gestureArea->handleMouseMoveEvent(event);
- else
- QQuickItem::mouseMoveEvent(event);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (isInteractive() && event->source() == Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized)
- m_gestureArea->handleMouseReleaseEvent(event);
- else
- QQuickItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::touchUngrabEvent()
- if (isInteractive())
- m_gestureArea->handleTouchUngrabEvent();
- else
- QQuickItem::touchUngrabEvent();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *event)
- if (isInteractive()) {
- m_gestureArea->handleTouchEvent(event);
- } else {
- //ignore event so sythesized event is generated;
- QQuickItem::touchEvent(event);
- }
-#if QT_CONFIG(wheelevent)
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMap::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
- if (isInteractive())
- m_gestureArea->handleWheelEvent(event);
- else
- QQuickItem::wheelEvent(event);
- \internal
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::childMouseEventFilter(QQuickItem *item, QEvent *event)
- Q_UNUSED(item);
- if (!isVisible() || !isEnabled() || !isInteractive())
- return QQuickItem::childMouseEventFilter(item, event);
- switch (event->type()) {
- case QEvent::TouchBegin:
- case QEvent::TouchUpdate:
- case QEvent::TouchEnd:
- case QEvent::TouchCancel:
- return sendTouchEvent(static_cast<QTouchEvent *>(event));
- case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
- case QEvent::MouseMove:
- case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
- {
- auto mEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event);
- if (mEvent->source() == Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized){
- return sendTouchEvent(mEvent);
- }
- }
- break;
- case QEvent::UngrabMouse: {
- QQuickWindow *win = window();
- if (!win) break;
- if (!win->mouseGrabberItem() ||
- (win->mouseGrabberItem() &&
- win->mouseGrabberItem() != this)) {
- // child lost grab, we could even lost
- // some events if grab already belongs for example
- // in item in diffrent window , clear up states
- mouseUngrabEvent();
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return QQuickItem::childMouseEventFilter(item, event);
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::sendMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- bool stealEvent = m_gestureArea->isActive();
- if ((stealEvent || contains(mapFromScene(event->scenePosition())))) {
- switch (event->type()) {
- case QEvent::MouseMove:
- m_gestureArea->handleMouseMoveEvent(event);
- break;
- case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
- m_gestureArea->handleMousePressEvent(event);
- break;
- case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
- m_gestureArea->handleMouseReleaseEvent(event);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- stealEvent = m_gestureArea->isActive();
- if (stealEvent) {
- //do not deliver
- event->setAccepted(true);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMap::sendTouchEvent(QPointerEvent *event)
- const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &point = event->points().first();
- bool stealEvent = m_gestureArea->isActive();
- bool containsPoint = contains(mapFromScene(point.scenePosition()));
- if ((stealEvent || containsPoint)) {
- m_gestureArea->handleTouchEvent(event);
- stealEvent = m_gestureArea->isActive();
- if (stealEvent) {
- //event->setAccepted(true);
- //return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return false;
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--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomap_p.h
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@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitemview_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qquickgeomapgesturearea_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitemgroup_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/qgeoserviceprovider.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeocameradata_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeocameracapabilities_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickItem>
-#include <QtCore/QList>
-#include <QtCore/QPointer>
-#include <QtGui/QColor>
-#include <QtPositioning/qgeorectangle.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
-class QQuickWindow;
-class QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider;
-class QGeoMapType;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeGeoMap : public QQuickItem
- Q_ENUMS(QGeoServiceProvider::Error)
- Q_PROPERTY(QQuickGeoMapGestureArea *gesture READ gesture CONSTANT)
- Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *plugin READ plugin WRITE setPlugin NOTIFY pluginChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal minimumZoomLevel READ minimumZoomLevel WRITE setMinimumZoomLevel NOTIFY minimumZoomLevelChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal maximumZoomLevel READ maximumZoomLevel WRITE setMaximumZoomLevel NOTIFY maximumZoomLevelChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal zoomLevel READ zoomLevel WRITE setZoomLevel NOTIFY zoomLevelChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal tilt READ tilt WRITE setTilt NOTIFY tiltChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal minimumTilt READ minimumTilt WRITE setMinimumTilt NOTIFY minimumTiltChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal maximumTilt READ maximumTilt WRITE setMaximumTilt NOTIFY maximumTiltChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal bearing READ bearing WRITE setBearing NOTIFY bearingChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal fieldOfView READ fieldOfView WRITE setFieldOfView NOTIFY fieldOfViewChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal minimumFieldOfView READ minimumFieldOfView WRITE setMinimumFieldOfView NOTIFY minimumFieldOfViewChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal maximumFieldOfView READ maximumFieldOfView WRITE setMaximumFieldOfView NOTIFY minimumFieldOfViewChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QGeoMapType activeMapType READ activeMapType WRITE setActiveMapType NOTIFY activeMapTypeChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QList<QGeoMapType> supportedMapTypes READ supportedMapTypes NOTIFY supportedMapTypesChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate center READ center WRITE setCenter NOTIFY centerChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject *> mapItems READ mapItems NOTIFY mapItemsChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject *> mapParameters READ mapParameters)
- Q_PROPERTY(QGeoServiceProvider::Error error READ error NOTIFY errorChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString errorString READ errorString NOTIFY errorChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QGeoShape visibleRegion READ visibleRegion WRITE setVisibleRegion NOTIFY visibleRegionChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool copyrightsVisible READ copyrightsVisible WRITE setCopyrightsVisible NOTIFY copyrightsVisibleChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ color WRITE setColor NOTIFY colorChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool mapReady READ mapReady NOTIFY mapReadyChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QRectF visibleArea READ visibleArea WRITE setVisibleArea NOTIFY visibleAreaChanged REVISION 12)
- Q_INTERFACES(QQmlParserStatus)
- explicit QDeclarativeGeoMap(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- ~QDeclarativeGeoMap();
- void setPlugin(QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *plugin);
- QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *plugin() const;
- void setActiveMapType(const QGeoMapType &mapType);
- QGeoMapType activeMapType() const;
- void setMinimumZoomLevel(qreal minimumZoomLevel, bool userSet = true);
- qreal minimumZoomLevel() const;
- qreal implicitMinimumZoomLevel() const;
- qreal effectiveMinimumZoomLevel() const;
- void setMaximumZoomLevel(qreal maximumZoomLevel, bool userSet = true);
- qreal maximumZoomLevel() const;
- void setZoomLevel(qreal zoomLevel);
- qreal zoomLevel() const;
- void setBearing(qreal bearing);
- qreal bearing() const;
- void setTilt(qreal tilt);
- qreal tilt() const;
- void setMinimumTilt(qreal minimumTilt, bool userSet = true);
- qreal minimumTilt() const;
- void setMaximumTilt(qreal maximumTilt, bool userSet = true);
- qreal maximumTilt() const;
- void setFieldOfView(qreal fieldOfView);
- qreal fieldOfView() const;
- void setMinimumFieldOfView(qreal minimumFieldOfView, bool userSet = true);
- qreal minimumFieldOfView() const;
- void setMaximumFieldOfView(qreal maximumFieldOfView, bool userSet = true);
- qreal maximumFieldOfView() const;
- void setCenter(const QGeoCoordinate &center);
- QGeoCoordinate center() const;
- void setVisibleRegion(const QGeoShape &shape);
- QGeoShape visibleRegion() const;
- void setCopyrightsVisible(bool visible);
- bool copyrightsVisible() const;
- void setColor(const QColor &color);
- QColor color() const;
- QRectF visibleArea() const;
- void setVisibleArea(const QRectF &visibleArea);
- bool mapReady() const;
- QList<QGeoMapType> supportedMapTypes();
- Q_INVOKABLE void setBearing(qreal bearing, const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- Q_INVOKABLE void alignCoordinateToPoint(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate, const QPointF &point);
- Q_INVOKABLE void removeMapItem(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item);
- Q_INVOKABLE void addMapItem(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item);
- Q_INVOKABLE void addMapItemGroup(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup);
- Q_INVOKABLE void removeMapItemGroup(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup);
- Q_INVOKABLE void removeMapItemView(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *itemView);
- Q_INVOKABLE void addMapItemView(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *itemView);
- Q_INVOKABLE void clearMapItems();
- QList<QObject *> mapItems();
- Q_INVOKABLE void addMapParameter(QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter *parameter);
- Q_INVOKABLE void removeMapParameter(QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter *parameter);
- Q_INVOKABLE void clearMapParameters();
- QList<QObject *> mapParameters();
- void addMapObject(QGeoMapObject *object); // Not invokable as currently meant to be used through a main MapObjectView
- void removeMapObject(QGeoMapObject *object);
- void clearMapObjects();
- QList<QGeoMapObject *> mapObjects();
- Q_INVOKABLE QGeoCoordinate toCoordinate(const QPointF &position, bool clipToViewPort = true) const;
- Q_INVOKABLE QPointF fromCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate, bool clipToViewPort = true) const;
- QQuickGeoMapGestureArea *gesture();
- Q_INVOKABLE void fitViewportToMapItems(const QVariantList &items = {});
- Q_INVOKABLE void fitViewportToVisibleMapItems();
- Q_INVOKABLE void pan(int dx, int dy);
- Q_INVOKABLE void prefetchData(); // optional hint for prefetch
- Q_INVOKABLE void clearData();
- Q_REVISION(13) Q_INVOKABLE void fitViewportToGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape, QVariant margins);
- void fitViewportToGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape, const QMargins &borders = QMargins(10, 10, 10, 10));
- QString errorString() const;
- QGeoServiceProvider::Error error() const;
- QGeoMap* map() const;
- // From QQuickItem
- void itemChange(ItemChange, const ItemChangeData &) override;
- void pluginChanged(QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *plugin);
- void zoomLevelChanged(qreal zoomLevel);
- void centerChanged(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- void activeMapTypeChanged();
- void supportedMapTypesChanged();
- void minimumZoomLevelChanged();
- void maximumZoomLevelChanged();
- void mapItemsChanged();
- void errorChanged();
- void copyrightLinkActivated(const QString &link);
- void copyrightsVisibleChanged(bool visible);
- void colorChanged(const QColor &color);
- void bearingChanged(qreal bearing);
- void tiltChanged(qreal tilt);
- void fieldOfViewChanged(qreal fieldOfView);
- void minimumTiltChanged(qreal minimumTilt);
- void maximumTiltChanged(qreal maximumTilt);
- void minimumFieldOfViewChanged(qreal minimumFieldOfView);
- void maximumFieldOfViewChanged(qreal maximumFieldOfView);
- void copyrightsImageChanged(const QImage &copyrightsImage);
- void copyrightsChanged(const QString &copyrightsHtml);
- void mapReadyChanged(bool ready);
- Q_REVISION(11) void mapObjectsChanged();
- void visibleAreaChanged();
- Q_REVISION(14) void visibleRegionChanged();
- void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override ;
- void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override ;
- void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override ;
- void touchUngrabEvent() override;
- void touchEvent(QTouchEvent *event) override ;
-#if QT_CONFIG(wheelevent)
- void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override ;
- bool childMouseEventFilter(QQuickItem *item, QEvent *event) override;
- bool sendMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- bool sendTouchEvent(QPointerEvent *event);
- void componentComplete() override;
- QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *) override;
- void geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) override;
- void setError(QGeoServiceProvider::Error error, const QString &errorString);
- void initialize();
- void setZoomLevel(qreal zoomLevel, bool overzoom);
- bool addMapChild(QObject *child);
- bool removeMapChild(QObject *child);
- bool isGroupNested(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *group) const;
- bool addMapItem_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item);
- bool removeMapItem_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item);
- bool addMapItemGroup_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup);
- bool removeMapItemGroup_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *itemGroup);
- bool addMapItemView_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *itemView);
- bool removeMapItemView_real(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *itemView);
- void updateItemToWindowTransform();
- void onSGNodeChanged();
-private Q_SLOTS:
- void mappingManagerInitialized();
- void pluginReady();
- void onSupportedMapTypesChanged();
- void onCameraCapabilitiesChanged(const QGeoCameraCapabilities &oldCameraCapabilities);
- void onAttachedCopyrightNoticeVisibilityChanged();
- void onCameraDataChanged(const QGeoCameraData &cameraData);
- void setupMapView(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *view);
- void populateMap();
- void populateParameters();
- void fitViewportToMapItemsRefine(const QList<QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase> > &mapItems, bool refine, bool onlyVisible);
- bool isInteractive() const;
- void attachCopyrightNotice(bool initialVisibility);
- void detachCopyrightNotice(bool currentVisibility);
- QMargins mapMargins() const;
- QQuickWindow *m_window = nullptr;
- QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *m_plugin = nullptr;
- QGeoMappingManager *m_mappingManager = nullptr;
- QGeoMapType m_activeMapType;
- QList<QGeoMapType> m_supportedMapTypes;
- QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *> m_mapViews;
- QQuickGeoMapGestureArea *m_gestureArea = nullptr;
- QPointer<QGeoMap> m_map;
- QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice> m_copyrights;
- QList<QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase> > m_mapItems;
- QList<QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup> > m_mapItemGroups;
- QString m_errorString;
- QGeoServiceProvider::Error m_error = QGeoServiceProvider::NoError;
- QGeoRectangle m_visibleRegion;
- QColor m_color = QColor::fromRgbF(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
- QGeoCameraData m_cameraData;
- bool m_componentCompleted = false;
- bool m_pendingFitViewport = false;
- bool m_copyrightsVisible = true;
- double m_maximumViewportLatitude = 0.0;
- double m_minimumViewportLatitude = 0.0;
- bool m_initialized = false;
- bool m_sgNodeHasChanged = false;
- QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter *> m_mapParameters;
- QList<QGeoMapObject*> m_pendingMapObjects; // Used only in the initialization phase
- QGeoCameraCapabilities m_cameraCapabilities;
- qreal m_userMinimumZoomLevel = Q_QNAN;
- qreal m_userMaximumZoomLevel = Q_QNAN;
- qreal m_minimumTilt = Q_QNAN;
- qreal m_maximumTilt = Q_QNAN;
- qreal m_userMinimumTilt = Q_QNAN;
- qreal m_userMaximumTilt = Q_QNAN;
- qreal m_minimumFieldOfView = Q_QNAN;
- qreal m_maximumFieldOfView = Q_QNAN;
- qreal m_userMinimumFieldOfView = Q_QNAN;
- qreal m_userMaximumFieldOfView = Q_QNAN;
- int m_copyNoticesVisible = 0;
- qreal m_maxChildZ = 0;
- QRectF m_visibleArea;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMapItem;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView;
- friend class QQuickGeoMapGestureArea;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice;
- Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDeclarativeGeoMap)
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapcopyrightsnotice.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapcopyrightsnotice.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 725ff20d..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapcopyrightsnotice.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron McCarthy <>
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapcopyrightsnotice_p.h"
-#include <QtGui/QTextDocument>
-#include <QtGui/QAbstractTextDocumentLayout>
-#include <QtGui/QPainter>
-#include <QtGui/QImage>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qquickanchors_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qquickpainteditem_p.h>
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNoticePrivate: public QQuickPaintedItemPrivate
- Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice)
- void setVisible(bool visible) override;
- \qmltype MapCopyrightNotice
- \instantiates QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.9
- \brief The MapCopyrightNotice item displays the current valid
- copyright notice for a Map element.
- This object can be used to place an additional copyright notices
- programmatically.
- Note that declaring a MapCopyrightNotice inside a QtLocation::Map element
- is not possible, like for any other QQuickItem.
- The release of this API with Qt 5.9 is a Technology Preview.
- \qmlproperty Map QtLocation::MapCopyrightNotice::mapSource
- This property holds the current map source providing the copyright data shown
- in this notice.
- In order to let the MapCopyrightNotice display a copyright, this property must
- be set, as it is the only data source for this element.
- \qmlproperty string QtLocation::MapCopyrightNotice::styleSheet
- This property holds the current css2.1 style sheet used to style the copyright notice, if in HTML form.
- Example:
- \code
- MapCopyrightNotice {
- mapSource: myMap
- styleSheet: "body { color : green; font-family: \"Lucida\"; font-size: 8px} a{ font-size: 8px; color:#A62900}"
- }
- \endcode
-QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice(QQuickItem *parent)
-: QQuickPaintedItem(parent)
- // If this item is constructed inside the map, automatically anchor it where it always used to be.
- if (qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMap *>(parent))
- anchorToBottomLeft();
- setMapSource(nullptr);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::anchorToBottomLeft()
- if (!parent())
- return;
- QQuickAnchors *anchors = property("anchors").value<QQuickAnchors *>();
- if (anchors) {
- anchors->setLeft(QQuickAnchorLine(qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(parent()), QQuickAnchors::LeftAnchor));
- anchors->setBottom(QQuickAnchorLine(qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(parent()), QQuickAnchors::BottomAnchor));
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::setMapSource(QDeclarativeGeoMap *map)
- if (m_mapSource == map)
- return;
- if (m_mapSource) {
- // disconnect this object from current map source
- m_mapSource->detachCopyrightNotice(copyrightsVisible());
- m_mapSource->disconnect(this);
- m_mapSource->m_map->disconnect(this);
- if (m_copyrightsHtml)
- m_copyrightsHtml->clear();
- m_copyrightsImage = QImage();
- m_mapSource = nullptr;
- }
- if (map) {
- m_mapSource = map;
- m_mapSource->attachCopyrightNotice(copyrightsVisible());
- connect(this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::copyrightsVisibleChanged,
- mapSource(), &QDeclarativeGeoMap::onAttachedCopyrightNoticeVisibilityChanged);
- // First update the copyright. Only Image will do here, no need to store HTML right away.
- if (m_mapSource->m_copyrights && !m_mapSource->m_copyrights->m_copyrightsImage.isNull())
- m_copyrightsImage = m_mapSource->m_copyrights->m_copyrightsImage;
- connect(mapSource(), &QDeclarativeGeoMap::copyrightsImageChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::copyrightsImageChanged);
- connect(mapSource(), &QDeclarativeGeoMap::copyrightsChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::copyrightsChanged);
- if (m_mapSource->m_map)
- connectMap();
- else
- connect(mapSource(), &QDeclarativeGeoMap::mapReadyChanged, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::connectMap);
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::connectMap()
- connect(m_mapSource->, &QGeoMap::copyrightsStyleSheetChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::onCopyrightsStyleSheetChanged);
- connect(this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::linkActivated,
- mapSource(), &QDeclarativeGeoMap::copyrightLinkActivated);
- onCopyrightsStyleSheetChanged(m_mapSource->m_map->copyrightsStyleSheet());
- update();
- emit mapSourceChanged();
-QDeclarativeGeoMap *QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::mapSource()
- return;
-QString QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::styleSheet() const
- return m_styleSheet;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::setStyleSheet(const QString &styleSheet)
- m_userDefinedStyleSheet = true;
- if (styleSheet == m_styleSheet)
- return;
- m_styleSheet = styleSheet;
- if (!m_html.isEmpty() && m_copyrightsHtml) {
- delete m_copyrightsHtml;
- createCopyright();
-#if QT_CONFIG(texthtmlparser)
- m_copyrightsHtml->setHtml(m_html);
- m_copyrightsHtml->setPlainText(m_html);
- }
- rasterizeHtmlAndUpdate();
- emit styleSheetChanged(m_styleSheet);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::paint(QPainter *painter)
- painter->drawImage(0, 0, m_copyrightsImage);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (m_copyrightsHtml) {
- m_activeAnchor = m_copyrightsHtml->documentLayout()->anchorAt(event->pos());
- if (!m_activeAnchor.isEmpty())
- return;
- }
- QQuickPaintedItem::mousePressEvent(event);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (m_copyrightsHtml) {
- QString anchor = m_copyrightsHtml->documentLayout()->anchorAt(event->pos());
- if (anchor == m_activeAnchor && !anchor.isEmpty()) {
- emit linkActivated(anchor);
- m_activeAnchor.clear();
- }
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::rasterizeHtmlAndUpdate()
- if (!m_copyrightsHtml || m_copyrightsHtml->isEmpty())
- return;
- m_copyrightsImage = QImage(m_copyrightsHtml->size().toSize(),
- QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
- m_copyrightsImage.fill(qPremultiply(QColor(Qt::transparent).rgba()));
- QPainter painter(&m_copyrightsImage);
- QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext ctx;
- ctx.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor::fromString("black"));
- m_copyrightsHtml->documentLayout()->draw(&painter, ctx);
- setImplicitSize(m_copyrightsImage.width(), m_copyrightsImage.height());
- setContentsSize(m_copyrightsImage.size());
- setKeepMouseGrab(true);
- setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton);
- update();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::createCopyright()
- m_copyrightsHtml = new QTextDocument(this);
-#if QT_CONFIG(cssparser)
- if (!m_styleSheet.isEmpty())
- m_copyrightsHtml->setDefaultStyleSheet(m_styleSheet);
- // The default 4 makes the copyright too wide and tall.
- m_copyrightsHtml->setDocumentMargin(0);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNoticePrivate::setVisible(bool visible)
- Q_Q(QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice);
- q->m_copyrightsVisible = visible;
- QQuickItemPrivate::setVisible(visible);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::setCopyrightsVisible(bool visible)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice);
- if (visible == m_copyrightsVisible)
- return;
- m_copyrightsVisible = visible;
- d->QQuickItemPrivate::setVisible(!m_copyrightsImage.isNull() && visible);
- emit copyrightsVisibleChanged();
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::copyrightsVisible() const
- return m_copyrightsVisible;
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::setCopyrightsZ(qreal copyrightsZ)
- setZ(copyrightsZ);
- update();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::copyrightsImageChanged(const QImage &copyrightsImage)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice);
- delete m_copyrightsHtml;
- m_copyrightsHtml = nullptr;
- m_copyrightsImage = copyrightsImage;
- setImplicitSize(m_copyrightsImage.width(), m_copyrightsImage.height());
- setKeepMouseGrab(false);
- setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::NoButton);
- d->QQuickItemPrivate::setVisible(m_copyrightsVisible && !m_copyrightsImage.isNull());
- update();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::copyrightsChanged(const QString &copyrightsHtml)
- Q_D(QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice);
- if (copyrightsHtml.isEmpty()) {
- d->QQuickItemPrivate::setVisible(false);
- return;
- } else {
- d->QQuickItemPrivate::setVisible(m_copyrightsVisible);
- }
- // Divfy, so we can style the background. The extra <span> is a
- // workaround to QTBUG-58838 and should be removed when it gets fixed.
-#if QT_CONFIG(texthtmlparser)
- m_html = QStringLiteral("<div id='copyright-root'><span>") + copyrightsHtml + QStringLiteral("</span></div>");
- m_html = copyrightsHtml;
- if (!m_copyrightsHtml)
- createCopyright();
-#if QT_CONFIG(texthtmlparser)
- m_copyrightsHtml->setHtml(m_html);
- m_copyrightsHtml->setPlainText(m_html);
- rasterizeHtmlAndUpdate();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice::onCopyrightsStyleSheetChanged(const QString &styleSheet)
- if (m_userDefinedStyleSheet || styleSheet == m_styleSheet)
- return;
- m_styleSheet = styleSheet;
- if (!m_html.isEmpty() && m_copyrightsHtml) {
- delete m_copyrightsHtml;
- createCopyright();
-#if QT_CONFIG(texthtmlparser)
- m_copyrightsHtml->setHtml(m_html);
- m_copyrightsHtml->setPlainText(m_html);
- }
- rasterizeHtmlAndUpdate();
- emit styleSheetChanged(m_styleSheet);
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index 7e4c9957..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapcopyrightsnotice_p.h
+++ /dev/null
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-** Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron McCarthy <>
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtGui/QImage>
-#include <QPointer>
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickPaintedItem>
-class QTextDocument;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMap;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNoticePrivate;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice : public QQuickPaintedItem
- Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeGeoMap *mapSource READ mapSource WRITE setMapSource NOTIFY mapSourceChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString styleSheet READ styleSheet WRITE setStyleSheet NOTIFY styleSheetChanged)
- QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- ~QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice();
- void setCopyrightsZ(qreal copyrightsZ);
- void setCopyrightsVisible(bool visible);
- bool copyrightsVisible() const;
- void anchorToBottomLeft();
- void setMapSource(QDeclarativeGeoMap *mapSource);
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *mapSource();
- QString styleSheet() const;
- void setStyleSheet(const QString &styleSheet);
-public Q_SLOTS:
- void copyrightsImageChanged(const QImage &copyrightsImage);
- void copyrightsChanged(const QString &copyrightsHtml);
- void onCopyrightsStyleSheetChanged(const QString &styleSheet);
- void linkActivated(const QString &link);
- void mapSourceChanged();
- void backgroundColorChanged(const QColor &color);
- void styleSheetChanged(const QString &styleSheet);
- void copyrightsVisibleChanged();
- void paint(QPainter *painter) override;
- void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
- void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
- void rasterizeHtmlAndUpdate();
- void connectMap();
- void createCopyright();
- QTextDocument *m_copyrightsHtml = nullptr;
- QString m_html;
- QImage m_copyrightsImage;
- QString m_activeAnchor;
- bool m_copyrightsVisible = true;
- QPointer<QDeclarativeGeoMap> m_mapSource;
- QColor m_backgroundColor;
- QString m_styleSheet;
- bool m_userDefinedStyleSheet = false;
- Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice)
- Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice)
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitembase.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitembase.cpp
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index 3767351c..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitembase.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h"
-#include "qgeocameradata_p.h"
-#include <QtQml/QQmlInfo>
-#include <QtQuick/QSGOpacityNode>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qquickmousearea_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qquickitem_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeoprojection_p.h>
-QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase(QQuickItem *parent)
- : QQuickItem(parent)
- setFiltersChildMouseEvents(true);
- connect(this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::childrenChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::afterChildrenChanged);
- // Changing opacity on a mapItemGroup should affect also the opacity on the children.
- // This must be notified to plugins, if they are to render the item.
- connect(this, &QQuickItem::opacityChanged, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::mapItemOpacityChanged);
- disconnect(this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::childrenChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::afterChildrenChanged);
- if (quickMap_)
- quickMap_->removeMapItem(this);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::afterChildrenChanged()
- const QList<QQuickItem *> kids = childItems();
- if (kids.size() > 0) {
- bool printedWarning = false;
- for (auto *i : kids) {
- if (i->flags() & QQuickItem::ItemHasContents
- && !qobject_cast<QQuickMouseArea *>(i)) {
- if (!printedWarning) {
- qmlWarning(this) << "Geographic map items do not support child items";
- printedWarning = true;
- }
- qmlWarning(i) << "deleting this child";
- i->deleteLater();
- }
- }
- }
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map)
- if (quickMap == quickMap_)
- return;
- if (quickMap && quickMap_)
- return; // don't allow association to more than one map
- quickMap_ = quickMap;
- map_ = map;
- if (map_ && quickMap_) {
- // For performance reasons we're not connecting map_'s and quickMap_'s signals to this.
- // Rather, the handling of cameraDataChanged, visibleAreaChanged, heightChanged and widthChanged is done explicitly in QDeclarativeGeoMap by directly calling methods on the items.
- // See QTBUG-76950
- lastSize_ = QSizeF(quickMap_->width(), quickMap_->height());
- lastCameraData_ = map_->cameraData();
- }
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::baseCameraDataChanged(const QGeoCameraData &cameraData)
- QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent evt;
- evt.cameraData = cameraData;
- evt.mapSize = QSizeF(quickMap_->width(), quickMap_->height());
- if (evt.mapSize != lastSize_)
- evt.mapSizeChanged = true;
- if (cameraData.bearing() != lastCameraData_.bearing())
- evt.bearingChanged = true;
- if ( !=
- evt.centerChanged = true;
- if (cameraData.roll() != lastCameraData_.roll())
- evt.rollChanged = true;
- if (cameraData.tilt() != lastCameraData_.tilt())
- evt.tiltChanged = true;
- if (cameraData.zoomLevel() != lastCameraData_.zoomLevel())
- evt.zoomLevelChanged = true;
- lastSize_ = evt.mapSize;
- lastCameraData_ = cameraData;
- afterViewportChanged(evt);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::visibleAreaChanged()
- QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent evt;
- evt.mapSize = QSizeF(quickMap_->width(), quickMap_->height());
- afterViewportChanged(evt);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setPositionOnMap(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate, const QPointF &offset)
- if (!map_ || !quickMap_)
- return;
- QDoubleVector2D pos;
- if (map()->geoProjection().projectionType() == QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator) {
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map()->geoProjection());
- QDoubleVector2D wrappedProjection = p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(coordinate);
- if (!p.isProjectable(wrappedProjection))
- return;
- pos = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(wrappedProjection);
- } else {
- pos = map()->geoProjection().coordinateToItemPosition(coordinate, false);
- if (qIsNaN(pos.x()))
- return;
- }
- QPointF topLeft = pos.toPointF() - offset;
- setPosition(topLeft);
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::autoFadeIn() const
- return m_autoFadeIn;
-static const double opacityRampMin = 1.5;
-static const double opacityRampMax = 2.5;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setAutoFadeIn(bool fadeIn)
- if (fadeIn == m_autoFadeIn)
- return;
- m_autoFadeIn = fadeIn;
- if (quickMap_ && quickMap_->zoomLevel() < opacityRampMax)
- polishAndUpdate();
-int QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::lodThreshold() const
- return m_lodThreshold;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setLodThreshold(int lt)
- if (lt == m_lodThreshold)
- return;
- m_lodThreshold = lt;
- update();
- \internal
- This returns the zoom level to be used when requesting the LOD.
- Essentially it clamps to m_lodThreshold, and if above, it selects
- a ZL higher than the maximum LODable level.
-unsigned int QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::zoomForLOD(int zoom) const
- if (zoom >= m_lodThreshold)
- return 30; // some arbitrarily large zoom
- return uint(zoom);
- \internal
-float QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::zoomLevelOpacity() const
- if (!m_autoFadeIn) // Consider skipping the opacity node instead.
- return 1.0;
- else if (quickMap_->zoomLevel() > opacityRampMax)
- return 1.0;
- else if (quickMap_->zoomLevel() > opacityRampMin)
- return quickMap_->zoomLevel() - opacityRampMin;
- else
- return 0.0;
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::childMouseEventFilter(QQuickItem *item, QEvent *event)
- Q_UNUSED(item);
- if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && !contains(static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event)->pos())) {
- // In case of items that are not rectangles, this filter is used to test if the event has landed
- // inside the actual item shape.
- // If so, the method returns true, meaning that it prevents the event delivery to child "*item" (for example,
- // a mouse area that is on top of this map item).
- // However, this method sets "accepted" to false, so that the event can still be passed further up,
- // specifically to the parent Map, that is a sort of flickable.
- // Otherwise, if the event is not contained within the map item, the method returns false, meaning the event
- // is delivered to the child *item (like the mouse area associated).
- event->setAccepted(false);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- \internal
-QSGNode *QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *pd)
- if (!map_ || !quickMap_ || map_->supportedMapItemTypes() & itemType()) {
- if (oldNode)
- delete oldNode;
- oldNode = nullptr;
- return nullptr;
- }
- QSGOpacityNode *opn = static_cast<QSGOpacityNode *>(oldNode);
- if (!opn)
- opn = new QSGOpacityNode();
- opn->setOpacity(zoomLevelOpacity());
- QSGNode *oldN = opn->childCount() ? opn->firstChild() : 0;
- opn->removeAllChildNodes();
- if (opn->opacity() > 0.0) {
- QSGNode *n = this->updateMapItemPaintNode(oldN, pd);
- if (n)
- opn->appendChildNode(n);
- } else {
- delete oldN;
- }
- return opn;
- \internal
-QSGNode *QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *)
- delete oldNode;
- return nullptr;
-QGeoMap::ItemType QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::itemType() const
- return m_itemType;
- \internal
- The actual combined opacity of the item. Needed by custom renderer to look like
- the scene-graph one.
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::mapItemOpacity() const
- if (parentGroup_)
- return parentGroup_->mapItemOpacity() * opacity();
- return opacity();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setParentGroup(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup &parentGroup)
- parentGroup_ = &parentGroup;
- if (parentGroup_) {
- connect(parentGroup_, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::mapItemOpacityChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::mapItemOpacityChanged);
- }
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::isPolishScheduled() const
- return QQuickItemPrivate::get(this)->polishScheduled;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setMaterialDirty() {}
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::polishAndUpdate()
- polish();
- update();
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h
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--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h
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@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickItem>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoShape>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitemtransitionmanager_p.h>
-#include <QScopedPointer>
-struct Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent
- QGeoCameraData cameraData;
- QSizeF mapSize;
- bool zoomLevelChanged = false;
- bool centerChanged = false;
- bool mapSizeChanged = false;
- bool tiltChanged = false;
- bool bearingChanged = false;
- bool rollChanged = false;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase : public QQuickItem
- Q_PROPERTY(QGeoShape geoShape READ geoShape WRITE setGeoShape STORED false )
- Q_PROPERTY(bool autoFadeIn READ autoFadeIn WRITE setAutoFadeIn REVISION 14)
- Q_PROPERTY(int lodThreshold READ lodThreshold WRITE setLodThreshold NOTIFY lodThresholdChanged REVISION 15)
- explicit QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- virtual ~QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase();
- virtual void setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map);
- virtual void setPositionOnMap(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate, const QPointF &offset);
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap() const { return quickMap_; }
- QGeoMap *map() const { return map_; }
- virtual const QGeoShape &geoShape() const = 0;
- virtual void setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape) = 0;
- bool autoFadeIn() const;
- void setAutoFadeIn(bool fadeIn);
- int lodThreshold() const;
- void setLodThreshold(int lt);
- unsigned int zoomForLOD(int zoom) const;
- QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *) override;
- virtual QSGNode *updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *);
- QGeoMap::ItemType itemType() const;
- qreal mapItemOpacity() const;
- void setParentGroup(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup &parentGroup);
- template <typename T = QObject>
- QList<T*> quickChildren() const
- {
- QList<T*> res;
- QObjectList kids = children();
- const QList<QQuickItem *> quickKids = childItems();
- for (const auto &quickKid : quickKids)
- kids.append(quickKid);
- for (auto *kid : qAsConst(kids)) {
- if (auto *val = qobject_cast<T*>(kid))
- res.push_back(val);
- }
- return res;
- }
- void mapItemOpacityChanged();
- Q_REVISION(12) void addTransitionFinished();
- Q_REVISION(12) void removeTransitionFinished();
- void lodThresholdChanged();
-protected Q_SLOTS:
- virtual void afterChildrenChanged();
- virtual void afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event) = 0;
- void polishAndUpdate();
- float zoomLevelOpacity() const;
- bool childMouseEventFilter(QQuickItem *item, QEvent *event) override;
- bool isPolishScheduled() const;
- virtual void setMaterialDirty();
- QGeoMap::ItemType m_itemType = QGeoMap::NoItem;
-private Q_SLOTS:
- void baseCameraDataChanged(const QGeoCameraData &camera);
- void visibleAreaChanged();
- QPointer<QGeoMap> map_;
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap_ = nullptr;
- QSizeF lastSize_;
- QGeoCameraData lastCameraData_;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *parentGroup_ = nullptr;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager> m_transitionManager;
- bool m_autoFadeIn = true;
- int m_lodThreshold = 0;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMap;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemgroup.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemgroup.cpp
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index fde79f85..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemgroup.cpp
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@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitemgroup_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomap_p.h"
- \qmltype MapItemGroup
- \instantiates QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.9
- \brief The MapItemGroup type is a container for map items.
- Its purpose is to enable code modularization by allowing the usage
- of qml files containing map elements related to each other, and
- the associated bindings.
- \note The release of this API with Qt 5.9 is a Technology Preview.
- \section2 Example Usage
- The following snippet shows how to use a MapItemGroup to create a MapCircle, centered at
- the coordinate (63, -18) with a radius of 100km, filled in red, surrounded by an ondulated green border,
- both contained in a semitransparent blue circle with a MouseArea that moves the whole group.
- This group is defined in a separate file named PolygonGroup.qml:
- \code
- import QtQuick 2.4
- import QtPositioning 5.6
- import QtLocation 5.9
- MapItemGroup {
- id: itemGroup
- property alias position:
- property var radius: 100 * 1000
- property var borderHeightPct : 0.3
- MapCircle {
- id: mainCircle
- center : QtPositioning.coordinate(40, 0)
- radius: itemGroup.radius * (1.0 + borderHeightPct)
- opacity: 0.05
- visible: true
- color: 'blue'
- MouseArea{
- anchors.fill: parent
- parent
- id: maItemGroup
- }
- }
- MapCircle {
- id: groupCircle
- center: itemGroup.position
- radius: itemGroup.radius
- color: 'crimson'
- onCenterChanged: {
- groupPolyline.populateBorder();
- }
- }
- MapPolyline {
- id: groupPolyline
- line.color: 'green'
- line.width: 3
- function populateBorder() {
- groupPolyline.path = [] // clearing the path
- var waveLength = 8.0;
- var waveAmplitude = groupCircle.radius * borderHeightPct;
- for (var i=0; i <= 360; i++) {
- var wavePhase = (i/360.0 * 2.0 * Math.PI )* waveLength
- var waveHeight = (Math.cos(wavePhase) + 1.0) / 2.0
- groupPolyline.addCoordinate( + waveAmplitude * waveHeight , i))
- }
- }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- populateBorder()
- }
- }
- }
- \endcode
- PolygonGroup.qml is now a reusable component that can then be used in a Map as:
- \code
- Map {
- id: map
- PolygonGroup {
- id: polygonGroup
- position: QtPositioning.coordinate(63,-18)
- }
- }
- \endcode
- \image api-mapitemgroup.png
-QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup(QQuickItem *parent)
- : QQuickItem(parent)
- connect(this, &QQuickItem::opacityChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::mapItemOpacityChanged);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::setParentGroup(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup &parentGroup)
- m_parentGroup = &parentGroup;
- connect(m_parentGroup, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::mapItemOpacityChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::mapItemOpacityChanged);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::setQuickMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap)
- if (!quickMap && m_quickMap)
- m_quickMap->disconnect(this);
- m_quickMap = quickMap;
- if (m_quickMap) {
- onMapSizeChanged();
- connect(m_quickMap, &QQuickItem::widthChanged, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::onMapSizeChanged);
- connect(m_quickMap, &QQuickItem::heightChanged, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::onMapSizeChanged);
- }
-QDeclarativeGeoMap *QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::quickMap() const
- return m_quickMap;
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::mapItemOpacity() const
- return ((m_parentGroup) ? m_parentGroup->mapItemOpacity() : 1.0) * opacity();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::classBegin()
- QQuickItem::classBegin();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::componentComplete()
- QQuickItem::componentComplete();
- // In certain cases the parent won't be set via the constructor, but rather later on
- // during the instantiation/incubation process.
- // Therefore calling setParentGroup here, when the parent is known.
- // The childrenChanged use case to handle dynamically-added items is currently unsupported.
- const QList<QQuickItem *> &quickKids = childItems();
- for (QQuickItem *k : quickKids) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *childGroup
- = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(k);
- if (childGroup) {
- childGroup->setParentGroup(*this);
- continue;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *childItem
- = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(k);
- if (childItem) {
- childItem->setParentGroup(*this);
- continue;
- }
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::onMapSizeChanged()
- setWidth(m_quickMap->width());
- setHeight(m_quickMap->height());
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemgroup_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemgroup_p.h
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index c3e997ad..00000000
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@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitemtransitionmanager_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickItem>
-class QDeclarativeGeoMap;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup : public QQuickItem
- explicit QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- virtual ~QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup();
- void setParentGroup(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup &parentGroup);
- void setQuickMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap);
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap() const;
- qreal mapItemOpacity() const;
- void mapItemOpacityChanged();
- void addTransitionFinished();
- void removeTransitionFinished();
- // QQmlParserStatus interface
- void classBegin() override;
- void componentComplete() override;
-protected slots:
- void onMapSizeChanged();
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *m_quickMap = nullptr;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *m_parentGroup = nullptr;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager> m_transitionManager;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemtransitionmanager.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemtransitionmanager.cpp
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index 5b307e87..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemtransitionmanager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitemtransitionmanager_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitemview_p.h"
-QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager(QObject *mapItem)
- : QQuickTransitionManager(), m_mapItem(mapItem)
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::transitionEnter()
- if (m_transitionState == ExitTransition)
- cancel();
- if (!prepareEnterTransition())
- return;
- if (m_view && m_view->m_enter)
- transition(enterActions, m_view->m_enter, m_mapItem);
- else
- finished();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::transitionExit()
- if (!prepareExitTransition())
- return;
- if (m_view && m_view->m_exit)
- transition(exitActions, m_view->m_exit, m_mapItem);
- else
- finished();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::finished()
- if (m_transitionState == EnterTransition)
- finalizeEnterTransition();
- else if (m_transitionState == ExitTransition)
- finalizeExitTransition();
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemtransitionmanager_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemtransitionmanager_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 53eec2b2..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemtransitionmanager_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickItem>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qquicktransitionmanager_p_p.h>
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager : public QQuickTransitionManager
- enum TransitionState {
- NoTransition, EnterTransition, ExitTransition
- };
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager(QObject *mapItem);
- void transitionEnter();
- void transitionExit();
- bool prepareEnterTransition()
- {
- if (m_transitionState == QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::EnterTransition
- && isRunning())
- return false;
- if (m_transitionState != QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::EnterTransition) {
- // setVisible(true);
- m_transitionState = QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::EnterTransition;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool prepareExitTransition()
- {
- if (m_transitionState == QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::ExitTransition
- && isRunning())
- return false;
- if (m_transitionState != QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::ExitTransition) {
- m_transitionState = QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::ExitTransition;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void finalizeEnterTransition()
- {
- m_transitionState = QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::NoTransition;
- // use invokeMethod since this is used on both QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase and QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_mapItem, QByteArrayLiteral("addTransitionFinished").constData(), Qt::DirectConnection);
- }
- void finalizeExitTransition()
- {
-// setVisible(false);
- m_transitionState = QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager::NoTransition;
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_mapItem, QByteArrayLiteral("removeTransitionFinished").constData(), Qt::DirectConnection);
- }
- void finished() override;
- QObject *m_mapItem;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *m_view = nullptr;
- QList<QQuickStateAction> enterActions;
- QList<QQuickStateAction> exitActions;
- TransitionState m_transitionState = NoTransition;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemutils.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemutils.cpp
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index db5189ee..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemutils.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2020 Paolo Angelelli <>
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitemutils_p.h"
-#include <QPointF>
-#include <QMatrix4x4>
-#include <QPainterPath>
-#include <QPainterPathStroker>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoCoordinate>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qclipperutils_p.h>
-namespace QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils {
-void wrapPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &perimeter,
- const QGeoCoordinate &geoLeftBound,
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p,
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath,
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPathMinus1,
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPathPlus1,
- QDoubleVector2D *leftBoundWrapped)
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> path;
- for (const QGeoCoordinate &c : perimeter)
- path << p.geoToMapProjection(c);
- const QDoubleVector2D leftBound = p.geoToMapProjection(geoLeftBound);
- wrappedPath.clear();
- wrappedPathPlus1.clear();
- wrappedPathMinus1.clear();
- // compute 3 sets of "wrapped" coordinates: one w regular mercator, one w regular mercator +- 1.0
- for (QDoubleVector2D coord : path) {
- // We can get NaN if the map isn't set up correctly, or the projection
- // is faulty -- probably best thing to do is abort
- if (!qIsFinite(coord.x()) || !qIsFinite(coord.y()))
- return;
- const bool isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX = (coord.x() < leftBound.x());
- // unwrap x to preserve geometry if moved to border of map
- if (isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX)
- coord.setX(coord.x() + 1.0);
- QDoubleVector2D coordP1(coord.x() + 1.0, coord.y());
- QDoubleVector2D coordM1(coord.x() - 1.0, coord.y());
- wrappedPath.append(coord);
- wrappedPathPlus1.append(coordP1);
- wrappedPathMinus1.append(coordM1);
- }
- if (leftBoundWrapped)
- *leftBoundWrapped = leftBound;
-void wrapPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &perimeter,
- const QGeoCoordinate &geoLeftBound,
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p,
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath,
- QDoubleVector2D *leftBoundWrapped)
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> path;
- for (const QGeoCoordinate &c : perimeter)
- path << p.geoToMapProjection(c);
- const QDoubleVector2D leftBound = p.geoToMapProjection(geoLeftBound);
- wrapPath(path, leftBound,wrappedPath);
- if (leftBoundWrapped)
- *leftBoundWrapped = leftBound;
-void wrapPath(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path,
- const QDoubleVector2D &geoLeftBound,
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath)
- wrappedPath.clear();
- // compute 3 sets of "wrapped" coordinates: one w regular mercator, one w regular mercator +- 1.0
- for (QDoubleVector2D coord : path) {
- // We can get NaN if the map isn't set up correctly, or the projection
- // is faulty -- probably best thing to do is abort
- if (!qIsFinite(coord.x()) || !qIsFinite(coord.y()))
- return;
- const bool isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX = (coord.x() < geoLeftBound.x());
- // unwrap x to preserve geometry if moved to border of map
- if (isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX)
- coord.setX(coord.x() + 1.0);
- wrappedPath.append(coord);
- }
-void clipPolygon(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath,
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p,
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D>> &clippedPaths,
- QDoubleVector2D *leftBoundWrapped,
- bool closed)
- // 2) Clip bounding box
- clippedPaths.clear();
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &visibleRegion = p.projectableGeometry();
- if (visibleRegion.size()) {
- QClipperUtils clipper;
- clipper.addSubjectPath(wrappedPath, closed);
- clipper.addClipPolygon(visibleRegion);
- clippedPaths = clipper.execute(QClipperUtils::Intersection, QClipperUtils::pftEvenOdd,
- QClipperUtils::pftEvenOdd);
- if (leftBoundWrapped) {
- // 2.1) update srcOrigin_ and leftBoundWrapped with the point with minimum X
- QDoubleVector2D lb(qInf(), qInf());
- for (const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path : clippedPaths) {
- for (const QDoubleVector2D &p : path) {
- if (p.x() < lb.x() || (p.x() == lb.x() && p.y() < lb.y()))
- // y-minimization needed to find the same point on polygon and border
- lb = p;
- }
- }
- if (qIsInf(lb.x())) // e.g., when the polygon is clipped entirely
- return;
- // 2.2) Prevent the conversion to and from clipper from introducing tiny negative offsets which,
- // in turn will make the geometry wrap around.
- lb.setX(qMax(leftBoundWrapped->x(), lb.x()));
- *leftBoundWrapped = lb;
- // srcOrigin_ = p.mapProjectionToGeo(p.unwrapMapProjection(lb));
- }
- } else {
- clippedPaths.append(wrappedPath);
- }
-void projectBbox(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &clippedBbox,
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p,
- QPainterPath &projectedBbox)
- projectedBbox.clear();
- bool first = true;
- for (const auto &coord : clippedBbox) {
- QDoubleVector2D point = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(coord);
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- projectedBbox.moveTo(point.toPointF());
- } else {
- projectedBbox.lineTo(point.toPointF());
- }
- }
- projectedBbox.closeSubpath();
-} // namespace QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemutils_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemutils_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b636ff7..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemutils_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2020 Paolo Angelelli <>
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeoprojection_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-namespace QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils
- struct vec2 {
- float x;
- float y;
- vec2(const QDoubleVector2D &p)
- {
- x = float(p.x());
- y = float(p.y());
- }
- vec2() = default;
- vec2 &operator=(const QPointF &p)
- {
- x = float(p.x());
- y = float(p.y());
- return *this;
- }
- vec2 &operator=(const QDoubleVector2D &p)
- {
- x = float(p.x());
- y = float(p.y());
- return *this;
- }
- QDoubleVector2D toDoubleVector2D() const
- {
- return QDoubleVector2D(double(x), double(y));
- }
- };
- void wrapPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &perimeter
- , const QGeoCoordinate &geoLeftBound
- , const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p
- , QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath
- , QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPathMinus1
- , QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPathPlus1
- , QDoubleVector2D *leftBoundWrapped = nullptr);
- void wrapPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &perimeter
- , const QGeoCoordinate &geoLeftBound
- , const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p
- , QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath
- , QDoubleVector2D *leftBoundWrapped = nullptr);
- void wrapPath(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path
- , const QDoubleVector2D &geoLeftBound
- , QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath);
- void clipPolygon(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath
- , const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p
- , QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > &clippedPaths
- , QDoubleVector2D *leftBoundWrapped = nullptr
- , bool closed = true);
- void projectBbox(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &clippedBbox
- , const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p
- , QPainterPath &projectedBbox);
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemview.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemview.cpp
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index 27527d35..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemview.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 Jolla Ltd.
-** Contact: Aaron McCarthy <>
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitemview_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomap_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h"
-#include <QtCore/QAbstractItemModel>
-#include <QtQml/QQmlContext>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qquickanimation_p.h>
-#include <QtQml/QQmlListProperty>
- \qmltype MapItemView
- \instantiates QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.5
- \inherits QObject
- \brief The MapItemView is used to populate Map from a model.
- The MapItemView is used to populate Map with MapItems from a model.
- The MapItemView type only makes sense when contained in a Map,
- meaning that it has no standalone presentation.
- \section2 Example Usage
- This example demonstrates how to use the MapViewItem object to display
- a \l{Route}{route} on a \l{Map}{map}:
- \snippet declarative/maps.qml QtQuick import
- \snippet declarative/maps.qml QtLocation import
- \codeline
- \snippet declarative/maps.qml MapRoute
- \qmlproperty Transition QtLocation::MapItemView::add
- This property holds the transition that is applied to the map items created by the view
- when they are instantiated and added to the map.
- \since QtLocation 5.12
- \qmlproperty Transition QtLocation::MapItemView::remove
- This property holds the transition that is applied to the map items created by the view
- when they are removed.
- \since QtLocation 5.12
-QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView(QQuickItem *parent)
- : QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup(parent)
- m_exit = new QQuickTransition(this);
- QQmlListProperty<QQuickAbstractAnimation> anims = m_exit->animations();
- QQuickNumberAnimation *ani = new QQuickNumberAnimation(m_exit);
- ani->setProperty(QStringLiteral("opacity"));
- ani->setTo(0.0);
- ani->setDuration(300.0);
- anims.append(&anims, ani);
- // No need to remove instantiated items: if the MIV has instantiated items because it has been added
- // to a Map (or is child of a Map), the Map destructor takes care of removing it and the instantiated items.
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::componentComplete()
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::componentComplete();
- m_componentCompleted = true;
- if (!m_itemModel.isNull())
- m_delegateModel->setModel(m_itemModel);
- if (m_delegate)
- m_delegateModel->setDelegate(m_delegate);
- m_delegateModel->componentComplete();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::classBegin()
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::classBegin();
- QQmlContext *ctx = qmlContext(this);
- m_delegateModel = new QQmlDelegateModel(ctx, this);
- m_delegateModel->classBegin();
- connect(m_delegateModel, &QQmlInstanceModel::modelUpdated, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::modelUpdated);
- connect(m_delegateModel, &QQmlInstanceModel::createdItem, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::createdItem);
-// connect(m_delegateModel, &QQmlInstanceModel::destroyingItem, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::destroyingItem);
-// connect(m_delegateModel, &QQmlInstanceModel::initItem, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::initItem);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::destroyingItem(QObject * /*object*/)
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::initItem(int /*index*/, QObject * /*object*/)
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::createdItem(int index, QObject * /*object*/)
- if (!m_map)
- return;
- // createdItem is emitted on asynchronous creation. In which case, object has to be invoked again.
- // See QQmlDelegateModel::object for further info.
- // DelegateModel apparently triggers this method in any case, that is:
- // 1. Synchronous incubation, delegate instantiated on the first object() call (during the object() call!)
- // 2. Async incubation, delegate not instantiated on the first object() call
- // 3. Async incubation, delegate present in the cache, and returned on the first object() call.
- // createdItem also called during the object() call.
- if (m_creatingObject) {
- // Falling into case 1. or 3. Returning early to prevent double referencing the delegate instance.
- return;
- }
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(m_delegateModel->object(index, m_incubationMode));
- if (item)
- addDelegateToMap(item, index, true);
- else
- qWarning() << "QQmlDelegateModel:: object called in createdItem for " << index << " produced a null item";
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::modelUpdated(const QQmlChangeSet &changeSet, bool reset)
- if (!m_map) // everything will be done in instantiateAllItems. Removal is done by declarativegeomap.
- return;
- // move changes are expressed as one remove + one insert, with the same moveId.
- // For simplicity, they will be treated as remove + insert.
- // Changes will be also ignored, as they represent only data changes, not layout changes
- if (reset) { // Assuming this means "remove everything already instantiated"
- removeInstantiatedItems();
- } else {
- // Remove items from the back to the front to retain the mapping to what is received from the changesets
- const QList<QQmlChangeSet::Change> &removes = changeSet.removes();
- std::map<int, int> mapRemoves;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < removes.size(); i++)
- mapRemoves.insert(std::pair<int, int>(, i));
- for (auto rit = mapRemoves.rbegin(); rit != mapRemoves.rend(); ++rit) {
- const QQmlChangeSet::Change &c =>second);
- for (auto idx = c.end() - 1; idx >= c.start(); --idx)
- removeDelegateFromMap(idx);
- }
- }
- QBoolBlocker createBlocker(m_creatingObject, true);
- for (const QQmlChangeSet::Change &c: changeSet.inserts()) {
- for (auto idx = c.start(); idx < c.end(); idx++) {
- QObject *delegateInstance = m_delegateModel->object(idx, m_incubationMode);
- addDelegateToMap(qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(delegateInstance), idx);
- }
- }
- fitViewport();
- \qmlproperty model QtLocation::MapItemView::model
- This property holds the model that provides data used for creating the map items defined by the
- delegate. Only QAbstractItemModel based models are supported.
-QVariant QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::model() const
- return m_itemModel;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::setModel(const QVariant &model)
- if (model == m_itemModel)
- return;
- m_itemModel = model;
- if (m_componentCompleted)
- m_delegateModel->setModel(m_itemModel);
- emit modelChanged();
- \qmlproperty Component QtLocation::MapItemView::delegate
- This property holds the delegate which defines how each item in the
- model should be displayed. The Component must contain exactly one
- MapItem -derived object as the root object.
-QQmlComponent *QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::delegate() const
- return m_delegate;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::setDelegate(QQmlComponent *delegate)
- if (m_delegate == delegate)
- return;
- m_delegate = delegate;
- if (m_componentCompleted)
- m_delegateModel->setDelegate(m_delegate);
- emit delegateChanged();
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapItemView::autoFitViewport
- This property controls whether to automatically pan and zoom the viewport
- to display all map items when items are added or removed.
- Defaults to false.
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::autoFitViewport() const
- return m_fitViewport;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::setAutoFitViewport(const bool &fit)
- if (fit == m_fitViewport)
- return;
- m_fitViewport = fit;
- fitViewport();
- emit autoFitViewportChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::fitViewport()
- if (!m_map || !m_map->mapReady() || !m_fitViewport)
- return;
- if (m_map->mapItems().size() > 0)
- m_map->fitViewportToMapItems();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *map)
- if (!map || m_map) // changing map on the fly not supported
- return;
- m_map = map;
- instantiateAllItems();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::removeInstantiatedItems(bool transition)
- if (!m_map)
- return;
- // with transition = false removeInstantiatedItems aborts ongoing exit transitions //QTBUG-69195
- // Backward as removeItemFromMap modifies m_instantiatedItems
- for (qsizetype i = m_instantiatedItems.size() -1; i >= 0 ; i--)
- removeDelegateFromMap(i, transition);
- \internal
- Instantiates all items.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::instantiateAllItems()
- // The assumption is that if m_instantiatedItems isn't empty, instantiated items have been already added
- if (!m_componentCompleted || !m_map || !m_delegate || m_itemModel.isNull() || !m_instantiatedItems.isEmpty())
- return;
- // If here, m_delegateModel may contain data, but QQmlInstanceModel::object for each row hasn't been called yet.
- QBoolBlocker createBlocker(m_creatingObject, true);
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < m_delegateModel->count(); i++) {
- QObject *delegateInstance = m_delegateModel->object(i, m_incubationMode);
- addDelegateToMap(qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(delegateInstance), i);
- }
- fitViewport();
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::setIncubateDelegates(bool useIncubators)
- const QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode incubationMode =
- (useIncubators) ? QQmlIncubator::Asynchronous : QQmlIncubator::Synchronous;
- if (m_incubationMode == incubationMode)
- return;
- m_incubationMode = incubationMode;
- emit incubateDelegatesChanged();
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::incubateDelegates() const
- return m_incubationMode == QQmlIncubator::Asynchronous;
-QList<QQuickItem *> QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::mapItems()
- return m_instantiatedItems;
-QQmlInstanceModel::ReleaseFlags QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::disposeDelegate(QQuickItem *item)
- disconnect(item, 0, this, 0);
- removeDelegateFromMap(item);
- item->setParentItem(nullptr); // Needed because
- item->setParent(nullptr); // m_delegateModel->release(item) does not destroy the item most of the times!!
- QQmlInstanceModel::ReleaseFlags releaseStatus = m_delegateModel->release(item);
- return releaseStatus;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::removeDelegateFromMap(int index, bool transition)
- if (index >= 0 && index < m_instantiatedItems.size()) {
- QQuickItem *item = m_instantiatedItems.takeAt(index);
- if (!item) { // not yet incubated
- // Don't cancel incubation explicitly when model rows are removed, as DelegateModel
- // apparently takes care of incubating elements when the model remove those indices.
- // Cancel them explicitly only when a MIV is removed from a map.
- if (!transition)
- m_delegateModel->cancel(index);
- return;
- }
- // item can be either a QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase or a QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup (subclass)
- if (m_exit && m_map && transition) {
- transitionItemOut(item);
- } else {
- if (m_exit && m_map && !transition) {
- // check if the exit transition is still running, if so stop it.
- // This can happen when explicitly calling Map.removeMapItemView, soon after adding it.
- terminateExitTransition(item);
- }
- QQmlInstanceModel::ReleaseFlags releaseStatus = disposeDelegate(item);
-#ifdef QT_DEBUG
- if (releaseStatus == QQmlInstanceModel::Referenced)
- qWarning() << "item "<< index << "(" << item << ") still referenced";
- Q_UNUSED(releaseStatus);
- }
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::removeDelegateFromMap(QQuickItem *o)
- if (!m_map)
- return;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(o);
- if (item) {
- m_map->removeMapItem(item);
- return;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *view = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *>(o);
- if (view) {
- m_map->removeMapItemView(view);
- return;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *group = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(o);
- if (group) {
- m_map->removeMapItemGroup(group);
- return;
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::transitionItemOut(QQuickItem *o)
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *group = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(o);
- if (group) {
- if (!group->m_transitionManager) {
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager>manager(new QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager(group));
- group->m_transitionManager.swap(manager);
- group->m_transitionManager->m_view = this;
- }
- connect(group, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::removeTransitionFinished,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::exitTransitionFinished);
- group->m_transitionManager->transitionExit();
- return;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(o);
- if (item) {
- if (!item->m_transitionManager) {
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager> manager(new QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager(item));
- item->m_transitionManager.swap(manager);
- item->m_transitionManager->m_view = this;
- }
- connect(item, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::removeTransitionFinished,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::exitTransitionFinished);
- item->m_transitionManager->transitionExit();
- return;
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::terminateExitTransition(QQuickItem *o)
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *group = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(o);
- if (group && group->m_transitionManager) {
- group->m_transitionManager->cancel();
- return;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(o);
- if (item && item->m_transitionManager) {
- item->m_transitionManager->cancel();
- return;
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::exitTransitionFinished()
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(sender());
- if (!item)
- return;
- QQmlInstanceModel::ReleaseFlags releaseStatus = disposeDelegate(item);
-#ifdef QT_DEBUG
- if (releaseStatus == QQmlInstanceModel::Referenced)
- qWarning() << "item "<<item<<" still referenced";
- Q_UNUSED(releaseStatus);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::addItemToMap(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item, int index, bool createdItem)
- if (m_map && item->quickMap() == m_map) // test for *item done in the caller
- return;
- if (m_map) {
- insertInstantiatedItem(index, item, createdItem);
- item->setParentItem(this);
- m_map->addMapItem(item);
- if (m_enter) {
- if (!item->m_transitionManager) {
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager>manager(new QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager(item));
- item->m_transitionManager.swap(manager);
- }
- item->m_transitionManager->m_view = this;
- item->m_transitionManager->transitionEnter();
- }
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::insertInstantiatedItem(int index, QQuickItem *o, bool createdItem)
- if (createdItem)
- m_instantiatedItems.replace(index, o);
- else
- m_instantiatedItems.insert(index, o);
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::addItemViewToMap(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *item, int index, bool createdItem)
- if (m_map && item->quickMap() == m_map) // test for *item done in the caller
- return;
- if (m_map) {
- insertInstantiatedItem(index, item, createdItem);
- item->setParentItem(this);
- m_map->addMapItemView(item);
- if (m_enter) {
- if (!item->m_transitionManager) {
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager> manager(new QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager(item));
- item->m_transitionManager.swap(manager);
- }
- item->m_transitionManager->m_view = this;
- item->m_transitionManager->transitionEnter();
- }
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::addItemGroupToMap(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *item, int index, bool createdItem)
- if (m_map && item->quickMap() == m_map) // test for *item done in the caller
- return;
- if (m_map) {
- insertInstantiatedItem(index, item, createdItem);
- item->setParentItem(this);
- m_map->addMapItemGroup(item);
- if (m_enter) {
- if (!item->m_transitionManager) {
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager>manager(new QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager(item));
- item->m_transitionManager.swap(manager);
- }
- item->m_transitionManager->m_view = this;
- item->m_transitionManager->transitionEnter();
- }
- }
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView::addDelegateToMap(QQuickItem *object, int index, bool createdItem)
- if (!object) {
- if (!createdItem)
- m_instantiatedItems.insert(index, nullptr); // insert placeholder
- return;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(object);
- if (item) { // else createdItem will be emitted.
- addItemToMap(item, index, createdItem);
- return;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *view = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *>(object);
- if (view) {
- addItemViewToMap(view, index, createdItem);
- return;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *group = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(object);
- if (group) {
- addItemGroupToMap(group, index, createdItem);
- return;
- }
- qWarning() << "addDelegateToMap called with a "<< object->metaObject()->className();
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemview_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemview_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 25c54d48..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapitemview_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 Jolla Ltd.
-** Contact: Aaron McCarthy <>
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <QtCore/QModelIndex>
-#include <QtQml/QQmlParserStatus>
-#include <QtQml/QQmlIncubator>
-#include <QtQml/qqml.h>
-#include <private/qqmldelegatemodel_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qquicktransition_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitemgroup_p.h>
-class QAbstractItemModel;
-class QQmlComponent;
-class QQuickItem;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMap;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase;
-class QQmlOpenMetaObject;
-class QQmlOpenMetaObjectType;
-class MapItemViewDelegateIncubator;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemViewItemData;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView : public QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup
- Q_PROPERTY(QVariant model READ model WRITE setModel NOTIFY modelChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QQmlComponent *delegate READ delegate WRITE setDelegate NOTIFY delegateChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool autoFitViewport READ autoFitViewport WRITE setAutoFitViewport NOTIFY autoFitViewportChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QQuickTransition *add MEMBER m_enter REVISION 12)
- Q_PROPERTY(QQuickTransition *remove MEMBER m_exit REVISION 12)
- Q_PROPERTY(QList<QQuickItem *> mapItems READ mapItems REVISION 12)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool incubateDelegates READ incubateDelegates WRITE setIncubateDelegates NOTIFY incubateDelegatesChanged REVISION 12)
- explicit QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- ~QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView();
- QVariant model() const;
- void setModel(const QVariant &);
- QQmlComponent *delegate() const;
- void setDelegate(QQmlComponent *);
- bool autoFitViewport() const;
- void setAutoFitViewport(const bool &fit);
- void setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *);
- void removeInstantiatedItems(bool transition = true);
- void instantiateAllItems();
- void setIncubateDelegates(bool useIncubators);
- bool incubateDelegates() const;
- QList<QQuickItem *> mapItems();
- // From QQmlParserStatus
- void componentComplete() override;
- void classBegin() override;
- void modelChanged();
- void delegateChanged();
- void autoFitViewportChanged();
- void incubateDelegatesChanged();
-private Q_SLOTS:
- void destroyingItem(QObject *object);
- void initItem(int index, QObject *object);
- void createdItem(int index, QObject *object);
- void modelUpdated(const QQmlChangeSet &changeSet, bool reset);
- void exitTransitionFinished();
- void fitViewport();
- void removeDelegateFromMap(int index, bool transition = true);
- void removeDelegateFromMap(QQuickItem *o);
- void transitionItemOut(QQuickItem *o);
- void terminateExitTransition(QQuickItem *o);
- QQmlInstanceModel::ReleaseFlags disposeDelegate(QQuickItem *item);
- void insertInstantiatedItem(int index, QQuickItem *o, bool createdItem);
- void addItemToMap(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *item, int index, bool createdItem);
- void addItemViewToMap(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView *item, int index, bool createdItem);
- void addItemGroupToMap(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *item, int index, bool createdItem);
- void addDelegateToMap(QQuickItem *object, int index, bool createdItem = false);
- bool m_componentCompleted = false;
- QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode m_incubationMode = QQmlIncubator::Asynchronous;
- QQmlComponent *m_delegate = nullptr;
- QVariant m_itemModel;
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *m_map = nullptr;
- QList<QQuickItem *> m_instantiatedItems;
- bool m_fitViewport = false;
- bool m_creatingObject = false;
- QQmlDelegateModel *m_delegateModel = nullptr;
- QQuickTransition *m_enter = nullptr;
- QQuickTransition *m_exit = nullptr;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMap;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMapItemTransitionManager;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapquickitem.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapquickitem.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 59c770d5..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapquickitem.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapquickitem_p.h"
-#include <QtCore/QScopedValueRollback>
-#include <QtQml/qqmlinfo.h>
-#include <QtQuick/QSGOpacityNode>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qquickmousearea_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeoprojection_p.h>
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <cmath>
- \qmltype MapQuickItem
- \instantiates QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.5
- \brief The MapQuickItem type displays an arbitrary Qt Quick object
- on a Map.
- The MapQuickItem type is used to place an arbitrary Qt Quick object
- on a Map at a specified location and size. Compared to floating an item
- above the Map, a MapQuickItem will follow the panning (and optionally, the
- zooming) of the Map as if it is on the Map surface.
- The \l{sourceItem} property contains the Qt Quick item to be drawn, which
- can be any kind of visible type.
- \section2 Positioning and Sizing
- The positioning of the MapQuickItem on the Map is controlled by two
- properties: \l coordinate and \l anchorPoint. If only \l coordinate is set,
- it specifies a longitude/latitude coordinate for the item to be placed at.
- The set coordinate will line up with the top-left corner of the contained
- item when shown on the screen.
- The \l anchorPoint property provides a way to line up the coordinate with
- other parts of the item than just the top-left corner, by setting a number
- of pixels the item will be offset by. A simple way to think about it is
- to note that the point given by \l anchorPoint on the item itself is the
- point that will line up with the given \l coordinate when displayed.
- In addition to being anchored to the map, the MapQuickItem can optionally
- follow the scale of the map, and change size when the Map is zoomed in or
- zoomed out. This behaviour is controlled by the \l zoomLevel property. The
- default behaviour if \l zoomLevel is not set is for the item to be drawn
- "on the screen" rather than "on the map", so that its size remains the same
- regardless of the zoom level of the Map.
- \section2 Performance
- Performance of a MapQuickItem is normally in the same ballpark as the
- contained Qt Quick item alone. Overheads added amount to a translation
- and (possibly) scaling of the original item, as well as a transformation
- from longitude and latitude to screen position.
- \section2 Limitations
- \note Due to an implementation detail, items placed inside a
- MapQuickItem will have a \c{parent} item which is not the MapQuickItem.
- Refer to the MapQuickItem by its \c{id}, and avoid the use of \c{anchor}
- in the \c{sourceItem}.
- \section2 Example Usage
- The following snippet shows a MapQuickItem containing an Image object,
- to display a Marker on the Map. This strategy is used to show the map
- markers in the MapViewer example.
- \snippet mapviewer/map/Marker.qml mqi-top
- \snippet mapviewer/map/Marker.qml mqi-anchor
- \snippet mapviewer/map/Marker.qml mqi-closeimage
- \snippet mapviewer/map/Marker.qml mqi-close
- \image api-mapquickitem.png
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapQuickItem::autoFadeIn
- This property holds whether the item automatically fades in when zooming into the map
- starting from very low zoom levels. By default this is \c true.
- Setting this property to \c false causes the map item to always have the opacity specified
- with the \l QtQuick::Item::opacity property, which is 1.0 by default.
- \since 5.14
-QMapQuickItemMatrix4x4::QMapQuickItemMatrix4x4(QObject *parent) : QQuickTransform(parent) { }
-void QMapQuickItemMatrix4x4::setMatrix(const QMatrix4x4 &matrix)
- if (m_matrix == matrix)
- return;
- m_matrix = matrix;
- update();
-void QMapQuickItemMatrix4x4::applyTo(QMatrix4x4 *matrix) const
- *matrix *= m_matrix;
-QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem(QQuickItem *parent)
- : QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase(parent)
- m_itemType = QGeoMap::MapQuickItem;
- setFlag(ItemHasContents, true);
- opacityContainer_ = new QQuickItem(this);
- opacityContainer_->setParentItem(this);
- opacityContainer_->setFlag(ItemHasContents, true);
- setFiltersChildMouseEvents(true);
-QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::~QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem() {}
- \qmlproperty coordinate MapQuickItem::coordinate
- This property holds the anchor coordinate of the MapQuickItem. The point
- on the sourceItem that is specified by anchorPoint is kept aligned with
- this coordinate when drawn on the map.
- In the image below, there are 3 MapQuickItems that are identical except
- for the value of their anchorPoint properties. The values of anchorPoint
- for each are written on top of the item.
- \image api-mapquickitem-anchor.png
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::setCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
- if (coordinate_ == coordinate)
- return;
- coordinate_ = coordinate;
- geoshape_.setTopLeft(coordinate_);
- geoshape_.setBottomRight(coordinate_);
- // TODO: Handle zoomLevel != 0.0
- polishAndUpdate();
- emit coordinateChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map)
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setMap(quickMap,map);
- if (map && quickMap) {
- connect(map, &QGeoMap::cameraDataChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::polishAndUpdate);
- polishAndUpdate();
- }
-// See QQuickMultiPointTouchArea::childMouseEventFilter for reference
-bool QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::childMouseEventFilter(QQuickItem *receiver, QEvent *event)
- if (isEnabled() && isVisible()) {
- switch (event->type()) {
- case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
- case QEvent::TouchBegin:
- dragStartCoordinate_ = coordinate_;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return QQuickItem::childMouseEventFilter(receiver, event);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
- if (!mapAndSourceItemSet_ || updatingGeometry_ ||
- newGeometry.topLeft() == oldGeometry.topLeft()) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
- return;
- }
- QGeoCoordinate newCoordinate;
- // with zoomLevel set the anchorPoint has to be factored into the transformation to properly transform around it.
- if (zoomLevel_ != 0.0
- && map()->geoProjection().projectionType() == QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator) {
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map()->geoProjection());
- // When dragStartCoordinate_ can't be projected to screen, dragging must be disabled.
- if (!p.isProjectable(p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(dragStartCoordinate_)))
- return;
- QDoubleVector2D pos = map()->geoProjection().coordinateToItemPosition(dragStartCoordinate_, false);
- // oldGeometry.topLeft() is always intended to be (0,0), even when for some reason it's not.
- pos.setX(pos.x() + newGeometry.topLeft().x());
- pos.setY(pos.y() + newGeometry.topLeft().y());
- newCoordinate = map()->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(pos, false);
- } else {
- newCoordinate = map()->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(x(), y()) + QDoubleVector2D(anchorPoint_), false);
- }
- if (newCoordinate.isValid())
- setCoordinate(newCoordinate);
- // Not calling QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange() as it will be called from a nested
- // call to this function.
- \internal
-QGeoCoordinate QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::coordinate()
- return coordinate_;
- \qmlproperty object MapQuickItem::sourceItem
- This property holds the source item that will be drawn on the map.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::setSourceItem(QQuickItem *sourceItem)
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(sourceItem); // Workaround for QTBUG-72930
- if ( == item)
- return;
- sourceItem_ = item;
- polishAndUpdate();
- emit sourceItemChanged();
-QQuickItem *QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::sourceItem()
- return;
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::afterChildrenChanged()
- const QList<QQuickItem *> kids = childItems();
- if (kids.size() > 0) {
- bool printedWarning = false;
- for (auto *i : kids) {
- if (i->flags() & QQuickItem::ItemHasContents
- && !qobject_cast<QQuickMouseArea *>(i)
- && != i
- && opacityContainer_ != i) {
- if (!printedWarning) {
- qmlWarning(this) << "Use the sourceItem property for the contained item, direct children are not supported";
- printedWarning = true;
- }
- qmlWarning(i) << "deleting this child";
- i->deleteLater();
- }
- }
- }
- \qmlproperty QPointF MapQuickItem::anchorPoint
- This property determines which point on the sourceItem that will be lined
- up with the coordinate on the map.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::setAnchorPoint(const QPointF &anchorPoint)
- if (anchorPoint == anchorPoint_)
- return;
- anchorPoint_ = anchorPoint;
- polishAndUpdate();
- emit anchorPointChanged();
-QPointF QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::anchorPoint() const
- return anchorPoint_;
- \qmlproperty real MapQuickItem::zoomLevel
- This property controls the scaling behaviour of the contents of the
- MapQuickItem. In particular, by setting this property it is possible
- to choose between objects that are drawn on the screen (and sized in
- screen pixels), and those drawn on the map surface (which change size
- with the zoom level of the map).
- The default value for this property is 0.0, which corresponds to drawing
- the object on the screen surface. If set to another value, the object will
- be drawn on the map surface instead. The value (if not zero) specifies the
- zoomLevel at which the object will be visible at a scale of 1:1 (ie, where
- object pixels and screen pixels are the same). At zoom levels lower than
- this, the object will appear smaller, and at higher zoom levels, appear
- larger. This is in contrast to when this property is set to zero, where
- the object remains the same size on the screen at all zoom levels.
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::setZoomLevel(qreal zoomLevel)
- if (zoomLevel == zoomLevel_)
- return;
- zoomLevel_ = zoomLevel;
- // TODO: update geoshape_!
- polishAndUpdate();
- emit zoomLevelChanged();
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::zoomLevel() const
- return zoomLevel_;
-const QGeoShape &QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::geoShape() const
- // TODO: return a QGeoRectangle representing the bounding geo rectangle of the quick item
- // when zoomLevel_ is != 0.0
- return geoshape_;
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape)
- if (shape == geoshape_)
- return;
- const QGeoRectangle rect = shape.boundingGeoRectangle();
- geoshape_ = rect;
- coordinate_ =;
- // TODO: Handle zoomLevel != 0.0
- polishAndUpdate();
- emit coordinateChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::updatePolish()
- if (!quickMap() && sourceItem_) {
- mapAndSourceItemSet_ = false;
- return;
- }
- if (!quickMap() || !map() || !sourceItem_) {
- mapAndSourceItemSet_ = false;
- return;
- }
- if (!mapAndSourceItemSet_ && quickMap() && map() && sourceItem_) {
- mapAndSourceItemSet_ = true;
- connect(, &QQuickItem::xChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::polishAndUpdate);
- connect(, &QQuickItem::yChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::polishAndUpdate);
- connect(, &QQuickItem::widthChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::polishAndUpdate);
- connect(, &QQuickItem::heightChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::polishAndUpdate);
- }
- if (!coordinate_.isValid()) {
- opacityContainer_->setVisible(false);
- return;
- } else {
- opacityContainer_->setVisible(true);
- }
- QScopedValueRollback<bool> rollback(updatingGeometry_);
- updatingGeometry_ = true;
- opacityContainer_->setOpacity(zoomLevelOpacity());
- setWidth(>width());
- setHeight(>height());
- if (zoomLevel_ != 0.0 // zoom level initialized to 0.0. If it's different, it has been set explicitly.
- && map()->geoProjection().projectionType() == QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator) { // Currently unsupported on any other projection
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map()->geoProjection());
- if (!matrix_) {
- matrix_ = new QMapQuickItemMatrix4x4(this);
- matrix_->appendToItem(opacityContainer_);
- }
- matrix_->setMatrix(p.quickItemTransformation(coordinate(), anchorPoint_, zoomLevel_));
- setPosition(QPointF(0,0));
- } else {
- if (map()->geoProjection().projectionType() == QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator) {
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map()->geoProjection());
- if (map()->cameraData().tilt() > 0.0
- && !p.isProjectable(p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(coordinate()))) {
- // if the coordinate is behind the camera, we use the transformation to get the item out of the way
- if (!matrix_) {
- matrix_ = new QMapQuickItemMatrix4x4(this);
- matrix_->appendToItem(opacityContainer_);
- }
- matrix_->setMatrix(p.quickItemTransformation(coordinate(), anchorPoint_, map()->cameraData().zoomLevel()));
- setPosition(QPointF(0,0));
- } else { // All good, rendering screen-aligned
- if (matrix_)
- matrix_->setMatrix(QMatrix4x4());
- setPositionOnMap(coordinate(), anchorPoint_);
- }
- } else { // On other projections we can only currently test if coordinateToItemPosition returns a valid position
- if (map()->cameraData().tilt() > 0.0
- && qIsNaN(map()->geoProjection().coordinateToItemPosition(coordinate(), false).x())) {
- opacityContainer_->setVisible(false);
- } else {
- if (matrix_)
- matrix_->setMatrix(QMatrix4x4());
- setPositionOnMap(coordinate(), anchorPoint_);
- }
- }
- }
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event)
- Q_UNUSED(event);
- if (event.mapSize.width() <= 0 || event.mapSize.height() <= 0)
- return;
- polishAndUpdate();
- \internal
-qreal QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::scaleFactor()
- qreal scale = 1.0;
- // use 1+x to avoid fuzzy compare against zero
- if (!qFuzzyCompare(1.0 + zoomLevel_, 1.0))
- scale = std::pow(0.5, zoomLevel_ - map()->cameraData().zoomLevel());
- return scale;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapquickitem_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapquickitem_p.h
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index b8e093af..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativegeomapquickitem_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickItem>
-#include <QtQuick/QSGNode>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/qgeoshape.h>
-class QMapQuickItemMatrix4x4 : public QQuickTransform
- QMapQuickItemMatrix4x4(QObject *parent = nullptr);
- void setMatrix(const QMatrix4x4& matrix);
- void applyTo(QMatrix4x4 *matrix) const override;
- QMatrix4x4 m_matrix;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem : public QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase
- Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate coordinate READ coordinate WRITE setCoordinate NOTIFY coordinateChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QPointF anchorPoint READ anchorPoint WRITE setAnchorPoint NOTIFY anchorPointChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal zoomLevel READ zoomLevel WRITE setZoomLevel NOTIFY zoomLevelChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QQuickItem *sourceItem READ sourceItem WRITE setSourceItem NOTIFY sourceItemChanged)
- explicit QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- ~QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem();
- void setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map) override;
- void setCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- QGeoCoordinate coordinate();
- void setSourceItem(QQuickItem *sourceItem);
- QQuickItem *sourceItem();
- void setAnchorPoint(const QPointF &anchorPoint);
- QPointF anchorPoint() const;
- void setZoomLevel(qreal zoomLevel);
- qreal zoomLevel() const;
- const QGeoShape &geoShape() const override;
- void setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape) override;
- void coordinateChanged();
- void sourceItemChanged();
- void anchorPointChanged();
- void zoomLevelChanged();
- void geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) override;
- void updatePolish() override;
- bool childMouseEventFilter(QQuickItem *item, QEvent *event) override;
-protected Q_SLOTS:
- void afterChildrenChanged() override;
- void afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event) override;
- qreal scaleFactor();
- QGeoCoordinate dragStartCoordinate_;
- QGeoCoordinate coordinate_;
- QGeoRectangle geoshape_;
- QPointer<QQuickItem> sourceItem_;
- QQuickItem *opacityContainer_ = nullptr;
- QPointF anchorPoint_;
- qreal zoomLevel_ = 0.0;
- bool mapAndSourceItemSet_ = false;
- bool updatingGeometry_ = false;
- QMapQuickItemMatrix4x4 *matrix_ = nullptr;
- friend class QDeclarativeGeoMap;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dabd9714..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1061 +0,0 @@
- **
- ** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
- ** Contact:
- **
- ** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
- **
- ** Commercial License Usage
- ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
- ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
- ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
- ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
- ** and conditions see For further
- ** information use the contact form at
- **
- ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
- ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
- ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
- ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
- ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
- ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
- ** will be met:
- **
- ** GNU General Public License Usage
- ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
- ** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
- ** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
- ** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
- ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
- ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
- ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
- ** be met: and
- **
- **
- **
- ****************************************************************************/
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitemutils_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p_p.h"
-#include "error_messages_p.h"
-#include <QtCore/QScopedValueRollback>
-#include <qnumeric.h>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QPainterPath>
-#include <QtQml/QQmlInfo>
-#include <QtQuick/qsgnode.h>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qsgmaterialshader_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qlocationutils_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qclipperutils_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qgeopolygon_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qwebmercator_p.h>
-/* poly2tri triangulator includes */
-#include <earcut.hpp>
-#include <array>
- \qmltype MapPolygon
- \instantiates QDeclarativePolygonMapItem
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.5
- \brief The MapPolygon type displays a polygon on a Map.
- The MapPolygon type displays a polygon on a Map, specified in terms of an ordered list of
- \l {QtPositioning::coordinate}{coordinates}. For best appearance and results, polygons should be
- simple (not self-intersecting).
- The \l {QtPositioning::coordinate}{coordinates} on the path cannot be directly changed after
- being added to the Polygon. Instead, copy the \l path into a var, modify the copy and reassign
- the copy back to the \l path.
- \code
- var path = mapPolygon.path;
- path[0].latitude = 5;
- mapPolygon.path = path;
- \endcode
- Coordinates can also be added and removed at any time using the \l addCoordinate and
- \l removeCoordinate methods.
- For drawing rectangles with "straight" edges (same latitude across one
- edge, same latitude across the other), the \l MapRectangle type provides
- a simpler, two-point API.
- By default, the polygon is displayed as a 1 pixel black border with no
- fill. To change its appearance, use the \l color, \l border.color and
- \l border.width properties.
- \note Since MapPolygons are geographic items, dragging a MapPolygon
- (through the use of \l MouseArea) causes its vertices to be
- recalculated in the geographic coordinate space. The edges retain the
- same geographic lengths (latitude and longitude differences between the
- vertices), but they remain straight. Apparent stretching of the item occurs
- when dragged to a different latitude.
- \section2 Performance
- MapPolygons have a rendering cost that is O(n) with respect to the number
- of vertices. This means that the per frame cost of having a Polygon on the
- Map grows in direct proportion to the number of points on the Polygon. There
- is an additional triangulation cost (approximately O(n log n)) which is
- currently paid with each frame, but in future may be paid only upon adding
- or removing points.
- Like the other map objects, MapPolygon is normally drawn without a smooth
- appearance. Setting the \l {Item::opacity}{opacity} property will force the object to
- be blended, which decreases performance considerably depending on the hardware in use.
- \section2 Example Usage
- The following snippet shows a MapPolygon being used to display a triangle,
- with three vertices near Brisbane, Australia. The triangle is filled in
- green, with a 1 pixel black border.
- \code
- Map {
- MapPolygon {
- color: 'green'
- path: [
- { latitude: -27, longitude: 153.0 },
- { latitude: -27, longitude: 154.1 },
- { latitude: -28, longitude: 153.5 }
- ]
- }
- }
- \endcode
- \image api-mappolygon.png
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapPolygon::autoFadeIn
- This property holds whether the item automatically fades in when zooming into the map
- starting from very low zoom levels. By default this is \c true.
- Setting this property to \c false causes the map item to always have the opacity specified
- with the \l QtQuick::Item::opacity property, which is 1.0 by default.
- \since 5.14
-QGeoMapPolygonGeometry::QGeoMapPolygonGeometry() = default;
- \internal
-void QGeoMapPolygonGeometry::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path)
- if (!sourceDirty_)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- srcPath_ = QPainterPath();
- // build the actual path
- // The approach is the same as described in QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::updateSourcePoints
- srcOrigin_ = geoLeftBound_;
- double unwrapBelowX = 0;
- QDoubleVector2D leftBoundWrapped = p.wrapMapProjection(p.geoToMapProjection(geoLeftBound_));
- if (preserveGeometry_)
- unwrapBelowX = leftBoundWrapped.x();
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedPath;
- wrappedPath.reserve(path.size());
- QDoubleVector2D wrappedLeftBound(qInf(), qInf());
- // 1)
- for (const auto &coord : path) {
- QDoubleVector2D wrappedProjection = p.wrapMapProjection(coord);
- // We can get NaN if the map isn't set up correctly, or the projection
- // is faulty -- probably best thing to do is abort
- if (!qIsFinite(wrappedProjection.x()) || !qIsFinite(wrappedProjection.y()))
- return;
- const bool isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX = (wrappedProjection.x() < leftBoundWrapped.x());
- // unwrap x to preserve geometry if moved to border of map
- if (preserveGeometry_ && isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX) {
- double distance = wrappedProjection.x() - unwrapBelowX;
- if (distance < 0.0)
- distance += 1.0;
- wrappedProjection.setX(unwrapBelowX + distance);
- }
- if (wrappedProjection.x() < wrappedLeftBound.x() || (wrappedProjection.x() == wrappedLeftBound.x() && wrappedProjection.y() < wrappedLeftBound.y())) {
- wrappedLeftBound = wrappedProjection;
- }
- wrappedPath.append(wrappedProjection);
- }
- // 2)
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > clippedPaths;
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &visibleRegion = p.projectableGeometry();
- if (visibleRegion.size()) {
- QClipperUtils clipper;
- clipper.addSubjectPath(wrappedPath, true);
- clipper.addClipPolygon(visibleRegion);
- clippedPaths = clipper.execute(QClipperUtils::Intersection, QClipperUtils::pftEvenOdd,
- QClipperUtils::pftEvenOdd);
- // 2.1) update srcOrigin_ and leftBoundWrapped with the point with minimum X
- QDoubleVector2D lb(qInf(), qInf());
- for (const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path: clippedPaths)
- for (const QDoubleVector2D &p: path)
- if (p.x() < lb.x() || (p.x() == lb.x() && p.y() < lb.y()))
- // y-minimization needed to find the same point on polygon and border
- lb = p;
- if (qIsInf(lb.x())) // e.g., when the polygon is clipped entirely
- return;
- // 2.2) Prevent the conversion to and from clipper from introducing negative offsets which
- // in turn will make the geometry wrap around.
- lb.setX(qMax(wrappedLeftBound.x(), lb.x()));
- leftBoundWrapped = lb;
- srcOrigin_ = p.mapProjectionToGeo(p.unwrapMapProjection(lb));
- } else {
- clippedPaths.append(wrappedPath);
- }
- // 3)
- QDoubleVector2D origin = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(leftBoundWrapped);
- for (const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path: clippedPaths) {
- QDoubleVector2D lastAddedPoint;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) {
- QDoubleVector2D point = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(;
- point = point - origin; // (0,0) if point == geoLeftBound_
- if (i == 0) {
- srcPath_.moveTo(point.toPointF());
- lastAddedPoint = point;
- } else {
- if ((point - lastAddedPoint).manhattanLength() > 3 ||
- i == path.size() - 1) {
- srcPath_.lineTo(point.toPointF());
- lastAddedPoint = point;
- }
- }
- }
- srcPath_.closeSubpath();
- }
- if (!assumeSimple_)
- srcPath_ = srcPath_.simplified();
- sourceBounds_ = srcPath_.boundingRect();
- \internal
-void QGeoMapPolygonGeometry::updateScreenPoints(const QGeoMap &map, qreal strokeWidth)
- if (!screenDirty_)
- return;
- if (map.viewportWidth() == 0 || map.viewportHeight() == 0) {
- clear();
- return;
- }
- // The geometry has already been clipped against the visible region projection in wrapped mercator space.
- QPainterPath ppi = srcPath_;
- clear();
- // a polygon requires at least 3 points;
- if (ppi.elementCount() < 3)
- return;
- // translate the path into top-left-centric coordinates
- QRectF bb = ppi.boundingRect();
- ppi.translate(-bb.left(),;
- firstPointOffset_ = -1 * bb.topLeft();
- ppi.closeSubpath();
- screenOutline_ = ppi;
- using Coord = double;
- using N = uint32_t;
- using Point = std::array<Coord, 2>;
- std::vector<std::vector<Point>> polygon;
- polygon.push_back(std::vector<Point>());
- std::vector<Point> &poly = polygon.front();
- // ... fill polygon structure with actual data
- for (int i = 0; i < ppi.elementCount(); ++i) {
- const QPainterPath::Element e = ppi.elementAt(i);
- if (e.isMoveTo() || i == ppi.elementCount() - 1
- || (qAbs(e.x - poly.front()[0]) < 0.1
- && qAbs(e.y - poly.front()[1]) < 0.1)) {
- Point p = {{ e.x, e.y }};
- poly.push_back( p );
- } else if (e.isLineTo()) {
- Point p = {{ e.x, e.y }};
- poly.push_back( p );
- } else {
- qWarning("Unhandled element type in polygon painterpath");
- }
- }
- if (poly.size() > 2) {
- // Run tessellation
- // Returns array of indices that refer to the vertices of the input polygon.
- // Three subsequent indices form a triangle.
- screenVertices_.clear();
- screenIndices_.clear();
- for (const auto &p : poly)
- screenVertices_ << QPointF(p[0], p[1]);
- std::vector<N> indices = qt_mapbox::earcut<N>(polygon);
- for (const auto &i: indices)
- screenIndices_ << quint32(i);
- }
- screenBounds_ = ppi.boundingRect();
- if (strokeWidth != 0.0)
- this->translate(QPointF(strokeWidth, strokeWidth));
-void QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map, const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path)
- QList<QGeoCoordinate> geopath;
- for (const auto &c: path)
- geopath.append(QWebMercator::mercatorToCoord(c));
- updateSourcePoints(map, geopath);
-// wrapPath always preserves the geometry
-// This one handles holes
-static void wrapPath(const QGeoPolygon &poly
- ,const QGeoCoordinate &geoLeftBound
- ,const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p
- ,QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > &wrappedPaths
- ,QDoubleVector2D *leftBoundWrapped = nullptr)
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > paths;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < 1 + poly.holesCount(); ++i) {
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> path;
- if (!i) {
- for (const QGeoCoordinate &c : poly.perimeter())
- path << p.geoToMapProjection(c);
- } else {
- for (const QGeoCoordinate &c : poly.holePath(i-1))
- path << p.geoToMapProjection(c);
- }
- paths.append(path);
- }
- const QDoubleVector2D leftBound = p.geoToMapProjection(geoLeftBound);
- wrappedPaths.clear();
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedPath;
- // compute 3 sets of "wrapped" coordinates: one w regular mercator, one w regular mercator +- 1.0
- for (const auto &path : paths) {
- wrappedPath.clear();
- for (QDoubleVector2D coord : path) {
- // We can get NaN if the map isn't set up correctly, or the projection
- // is faulty -- probably best thing to do is abort
- if (!qIsFinite(coord.x()) || !qIsFinite(coord.y())) {
- wrappedPaths.clear();
- return;
- }
- const bool isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX = (coord.x() < leftBound.x());
- // unwrap x to preserve geometry if moved to border of map
- if (isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX)
- coord.setX(coord.x() + 1.0);
- wrappedPath.append(coord);
- }
- wrappedPaths.append(wrappedPath);
- }
- if (leftBoundWrapped)
- *leftBoundWrapped = leftBound;
-static void cutPathEars(const QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D>> &wrappedPaths,
- QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> &screenVertices,
- QList<quint32> &screenIndices)
- using Coord = double;
- using N = uint32_t;
- using Point = std::array<Coord, 2>;
- screenVertices.clear();
- screenIndices.clear();
- std::vector<std::vector<Point>> polygon;
- std::vector<Point> poly;
- for (const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath: wrappedPaths) {
- poly.clear();
- for (const QDoubleVector2D &v: wrappedPath) {
- screenVertices << v;
- Point pt = {{ v.x(), v.y() }};
- poly.push_back( pt );
- }
- polygon.push_back(poly);
- }
- std::vector<N> indices = qt_mapbox::earcut<N>(polygon);
- for (const auto &i: indices)
- screenIndices << quint32(i);
-static void cutPathEars(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath,
- QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> &screenVertices,
- QList<quint32> &screenIndices)
- using Coord = double;
- using N = uint32_t;
- using Point = std::array<Coord, 2>;
- screenVertices.clear();
- screenIndices.clear();
- std::vector<std::vector<Point>> polygon;
- std::vector<Point> poly;
- for (const QDoubleVector2D &v: wrappedPath) {
- screenVertices << v;
- Point pt = {{ v.x(), v.y() }};
- poly.push_back( pt );
- }
- polygon.push_back(poly);
- std::vector<N> indices = qt_mapbox::earcut<N>(polygon);
- for (const auto &i: indices)
- screenIndices << quint32(i);
- \internal
-// This one does only a perimeter
-void QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &perimeter)
- if (!sourceDirty_)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- // build the actual path
- // The approach is the same as described in QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::updateSourcePoints
- srcOrigin_ = geoLeftBound_;
- QDoubleVector2D leftBoundWrapped;
- // 1) pre-compute 3 sets of "wrapped" coordinates: one w regular mercator, one w regular mercator +- 1.0
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedPath;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::wrapPath(perimeter, geoLeftBound_, p,
- wrappedPath, &leftBoundWrapped);
- // 1.1) do the same for the bbox
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedBbox, wrappedBboxPlus1, wrappedBboxMinus1;
- QGeoPolygon bbox(QGeoPath(perimeter).boundingGeoRectangle());
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::wrapPath(bbox.perimeter(), bbox.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft(), p,
- wrappedBbox, wrappedBboxMinus1, wrappedBboxPlus1, &m_bboxLeftBoundWrapped);
- // 2) Store the triangulated polygon, and the wrapped bbox paths.
- // the triangulations can be used as they are, as they "bypass" the QtQuick display chain
- // the bbox wraps have to be however clipped, and then projected, in order to figure out the geometry.
- // Note that this might still cause the geometryChange method to fail under some extreme conditions.
- cutPathEars(wrappedPath, m_screenVertices, m_screenIndices);
- m_wrappedPolygons.resize(3);
- m_wrappedPolygons[0].wrappedBboxes = wrappedBboxMinus1;
- m_wrappedPolygons[1].wrappedBboxes = wrappedBbox;
- m_wrappedPolygons[2].wrappedBboxes = wrappedBboxPlus1;
-// This one handles whole QGeoPolygon w. holes
-void QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map, const QGeoPolygon &poly)
- if (!sourceDirty_)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- // build the actual path
- // The approach is the same as described in QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::updateSourcePoints
- srcOrigin_ = geoLeftBound_;
- QDoubleVector2D leftBoundWrapped;
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D>> wrappedPath;
- // 1) pre-compute 3 sets of "wrapped" coordinates: one w regular mercator, one w regular mercator +- 1.0
- wrapPath(poly, geoLeftBound_, p,
- wrappedPath, &leftBoundWrapped);
- // 1.1) do the same for the bbox
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedBbox, wrappedBboxPlus1, wrappedBboxMinus1;
- QGeoPolygon bbox(poly.boundingGeoRectangle());
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::wrapPath(bbox.perimeter(), bbox.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft(), p,
- wrappedBbox, wrappedBboxMinus1, wrappedBboxPlus1, &m_bboxLeftBoundWrapped);
- // 2) Store the triangulated polygon, and the wrapped bbox paths.
- // the triangulations can be used as they are, as they "bypass" the QtQuick display chain
- // the bbox wraps have to be however clipped, and then projected, in order to figure out the geometry.
- // Note that this might still cause the geometryChange method to fail under some extreme conditions.
- cutPathEars(wrappedPath, m_screenVertices, m_screenIndices);
- m_wrappedPolygons.resize(3);
- m_wrappedPolygons[0].wrappedBboxes = wrappedBboxMinus1;
- m_wrappedPolygons[1].wrappedBboxes = wrappedBbox;
- m_wrappedPolygons[2].wrappedBboxes = wrappedBboxPlus1;
-void QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map, const QGeoRectangle &rect)
- if (!sourceDirty_)
- return;
- const QList<QGeoCoordinate> perimeter = QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU::path(rect);
- updateSourcePoints(map, perimeter);
- \internal
-void QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL::updateScreenPoints(const QGeoMap &map, qreal strokeWidth , const QColor &strokeColor)
- if (map.viewportWidth() == 0 || map.viewportHeight() == 0) {
- clear();
- return;
- }
- // 1) identify which set to use: std, +1 or -1
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- const QDoubleVector2D leftBoundMercator = p.geoToMapProjection(srcOrigin_);
- m_wrapOffset = p.projectionWrapFactor(leftBoundMercator) + 1; // +1 to get the offset into QLists
- // 1.1) select geometry set
- // This could theoretically be skipped for those polygons whose bbox is not even projectable.
- // However, such optimization could only be introduced if not calculating bboxes lazily.
- // Hence not doing it.
- if (sourceDirty_) {
- m_dataChanged = true;
- }
- if (strokeWidth == 0.0 || strokeColor.alpha() == 0) // or else the geometry of the border is used, so no point in calculating 2 of them
- updateQuickGeometry(p, strokeWidth);
-void QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL::updateQuickGeometry(const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p, qreal /*strokeWidth*/)
- // 2) clip bbox
- // BBox handling -- this is related to the bounding box geometry
- // that has to inevitably follow the old projection codepath
- // As it needs to provide projected coordinates for QtQuick interaction.
- // This could be futher optimized to be updated in a lazy fashion.
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedBbox =;
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > clippedBbox;
- QDoubleVector2D bboxLeftBoundWrapped = m_bboxLeftBoundWrapped;
- bboxLeftBoundWrapped.setX(bboxLeftBoundWrapped.x() + double(m_wrapOffset - 1));
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::clipPolygon(wrappedBbox, p, clippedBbox, &bboxLeftBoundWrapped);
- // 3) project bbox
- QPainterPath ppi;
- if (!clippedBbox.size() || clippedBbox.first().size() < 3) {
- sourceBounds_ = screenBounds_ = QRectF();
- firstPointOffset_ = QPointF();
- screenOutline_ = ppi;
- return;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::projectBbox(clippedBbox.first(), p, ppi); // Using first because a clipped box should always result in one polygon
- const QRectF brect = ppi.boundingRect();
- firstPointOffset_ = QPointF(brect.topLeft());
- screenOutline_ = ppi;
- // 4) Set Screen bbox
- screenBounds_ = brect;
- sourceBounds_.setX(0);
- sourceBounds_.setY(0);
- sourceBounds_.setWidth(brect.width());
- sourceBounds_.setHeight(brect.height());
- * QDeclarativePolygonMapItem Private Implementations
- */
-QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate::~QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate() {}
-QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateCPU::~QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateCPU() {}
-QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL::~QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL() {}
- * QDeclarativePolygonMapItem Implementation
- */
-struct PolygonBackendSelector
- PolygonBackendSelector()
- {
- backend = (qgetenv("QTLOCATION_OPENGL_ITEMS").toInt()) ? QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::OpenGL : QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::Software;
- }
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::Backend backend = QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::Software;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(PolygonBackendSelector, mapPolygonBackendSelector)
-QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::QDeclarativePolygonMapItem(QQuickItem *parent)
-: QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase(parent), m_border(this), m_color(Qt::transparent), m_dirtyMaterial(true),
- m_updatingGeometry(false)
- , m_d(new QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateCPU(*this))
- // ToDo: handle envvar, and switch implementation.
- m_itemType = QGeoMap::MapPolygon;
- m_geopoly = QGeoPolygonEager();
- setFlag(ItemHasContents, true);
- // ToDo: fix this, only flag material?
- QObject::connect(&m_border, &QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::colorChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::onLinePropertiesChanged);
- QObject::connect(&m_border, &QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::widthChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::onLinePropertiesChanged);
- setBackend(mapPolygonBackendSelector->backend);
- \qmlpropertygroup Location::MapPolygon::border
- \qmlproperty int MapPolygon::border.width
- \qmlproperty color MapPolygon::border.color
- This property is part of the border property group. The border property
- group holds the width and color used to draw the border of the polygon.
- The width is in pixels and is independent of the zoom level of the map.
- The default values correspond to a black border with a width of 1 pixel.
- For no line, use a width of 0 or a transparent color.
-QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::border()
- return &m_border;
- \qmlproperty MapPolygon.Backend QtLocation::MapPolygon::backend
- This property holds which backend is in use to render the map item.
- Valid values are \b MapPolygon.Software and \b{MapPolygon.OpenGL}.
- The default value is \b{MapPolygon.Software}.
- \note \b{The release of this API with Qt 5.15 is a Technology Preview}.
- Ideally, as the OpenGL backends for map items mature, there will be
- no more need to also offer the legacy software-projection backend.
- So this property will likely disappear at some later point.
- To select OpenGL-accelerated item backends without using this property,
- it is also possible to set the environment variable \b QTLOCATION_OPENGL_ITEMS
- to \b{1}.
- Also note that all current OpenGL backends won't work as expected when enabling
- layers on the individual item, or when running on OpenGL core profiles greater than 2.x.
- \since 5.15
-QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::Backend QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::backend() const
- return m_backend;
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::setBackend(QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::Backend b)
- if (b == m_backend)
- return;
- m_backend = b;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate> d(
- (m_backend == Software) ? static_cast<QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate *>(
- new QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateCPU(*this))
- : static_cast<QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate *>(
- new QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL(*this)));
- std::swap(m_d, d);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit backendChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map)
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setMap(quickMap,map);
- if (map)
- m_d->onMapSet();
- \qmlproperty list<coordinate> MapPolygon::path
- This property holds the ordered list of coordinates which
- define the polygon.
- Having less than 3 different coordinates in the path results in undefined behavior.
- \sa addCoordinate, removeCoordinate
-QList<QGeoCoordinate> QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::path() const
- return m_geopoly.perimeter();
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::setPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &path)
- // Equivalent to QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::setPathFromGeoList
- if (m_geopoly.perimeter() == path)
- return;
- m_geopoly.setPerimeter(path);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- \qmlmethod void MapPolygon::addCoordinate(coordinate)
- Adds the specified \a coordinate to the path.
- \sa removeCoordinate, path
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::addCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
- if (!coordinate.isValid())
- return;
- m_geopoly.addCoordinate(coordinate);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryUpdated();
- emit pathChanged();
- \qmlmethod void MapPolygon::removeCoordinate(coordinate)
- Removes \a coordinate from the path. If there are multiple instances of the
- same coordinate, the one added last is removed.
- If \a coordinate is not in the path this method does nothing.
- \sa addCoordinate, path
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::removeCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
- int length = m_geopoly.perimeter().length();
- m_geopoly.removeCoordinate(coordinate);
- if (m_geopoly.perimeter().length() == length)
- return;
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- \qmlproperty color MapPolygon::color
- This property holds the color used to fill the polygon.
- The default value is transparent.
-QColor QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::color() const
- return m_color;
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::setColor(const QColor &color)
- if (m_color == color)
- return;
- m_color = color;
- m_dirtyMaterial = true;
- polishAndUpdate(); // in case color was transparent and now is not or vice versa
- emit colorChanged(m_color);
- \internal
-QSGNode *QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *data)
- return m_d->updateMapItemPaintNode(oldNode, data);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::updatePolish()
- if (!map() || map()->geoProjection().projectionType() != QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator)
- return;
- m_d->updatePolish();
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::setMaterialDirty()
- m_dirtyMaterial = true;
- update();
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::markSourceDirtyAndUpdate()
- m_d->markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::onLinePropertiesChanged()
- m_d->onLinePropertiesChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event)
- if (event.mapSize.isEmpty())
- return;
- m_d->afterViewportChanged();
- \internal
-bool QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::contains(const QPointF &point) const
- return m_d->contains(point);
-const QGeoShape &QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::geoShape() const
- return m_geopoly;
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape)
- if (shape == m_geopoly)
- return;
- m_geopoly = QGeoPolygonEager(shape);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
- if (newGeometry.topLeft() == oldGeometry.topLeft() || !map() || !m_geopoly.isValid() || m_updatingGeometry) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
- return;
- }
- // TODO: change the algorithm to preserve the distances and size!
- QGeoCoordinate newCenter = map()->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(, false);
- QGeoCoordinate oldCenter = map()->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(, false);
- if (!newCenter.isValid() || !oldCenter.isValid())
- return;
- double offsetLongi = newCenter.longitude() - oldCenter.longitude();
- double offsetLati = newCenter.latitude() - oldCenter.latitude();
- if (offsetLati == 0.0 && offsetLongi == 0.0)
- return;
- m_geopoly.translate(offsetLati, offsetLongi);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- // Not calling QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange() as it will be called from a nested
- // call to this function.
-QSGMaterialShader *MapPolygonMaterial::createShader(QSGRendererInterface::RenderMode renderMode) const
- Q_UNUSED(renderMode);
- return new MapPolygonShader();
-int MapPolygonMaterial::compare(const QSGMaterial *other) const
- const MapPolygonMaterial &o = *static_cast<const MapPolygonMaterial *>(other);
- if (o.m_center == m_center && o.m_geoProjection == m_geoProjection && o.m_wrapOffset == m_wrapOffset)
- return QSGFlatColorMaterial::compare(other);
- return -1;
-QSGMaterialType *MapPolygonMaterial::type() const
- static QSGMaterialType type;
- return &type;
- : border_(new MapPolylineNode()),
- geometry_(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 0)
- geometry_.setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawTriangles);
- QSGGeometryNode::setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- QSGGeometryNode::setGeometry(&geometry_);
- appendChildNode(border_);
- \internal
-void MapPolygonNode::update(const QColor &fillColor, const QColor &borderColor,
- const QGeoMapItemGeometry *fillShape,
- const QGeoMapItemGeometry *borderShape)
- /* Do the border update first */
- border_->update(borderColor, borderShape);
- /* If we have neither fill nor border with valid points, block the whole
- * tree. We can't just block the fill without blocking the border too, so
- * we're a little conservative here (maybe at the expense of rendering
- * accuracy) */
- if (fillShape->size() == 0 && borderShape->size() == 0) {
- setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- return;
- }
- setSubtreeBlocked(false);
- // TODO: do this only if the geometry has changed!!
- // No need to do this every frame.
- // Then benchmark the difference!
- QSGGeometry *fill = QSGGeometryNode::geometry();
- fillShape->allocateAndFill(fill);
- markDirty(DirtyGeometry);
- if (fillColor != fill_material_.color()) {
- fill_material_.setColor(fillColor);
- setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- markDirty(DirtyMaterial);
- }
-MapPolygonNodeGL::MapPolygonNodeGL() :
- //fill_material_(this),
- fill_material_(),
- geometry_(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 0)
- geometry_.setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawTriangles);
- QSGGeometryNode::setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- QSGGeometryNode::setGeometry(&geometry_);
- \internal
-void MapPolygonNodeGL::update(const QColor &fillColor,
- const QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL *fillShape,
- const QMatrix4x4 &geoProjection,
- const QDoubleVector3D &center)
- if (fillShape->m_screenIndices.size() < 3 || fillColor.alpha() == 0) {
- setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- return;
- }
- setSubtreeBlocked(false);
- QSGGeometry *fill = QSGGeometryNode::geometry();
- if (fillShape->m_dataChanged || !fill->vertexCount()) {
- fillShape->allocateAndFillPolygon(fill);
- markDirty(DirtyGeometry);
- fillShape->m_dataChanged = false;
- }
- //if (fillColor != fill_material_.color()) // Any point in optimizing this?
- {
- fill_material_.setColor(fillColor);
- fill_material_.setGeoProjection(geoProjection);
- fill_material_.setCenter(center);
- fill_material_.setWrapOffset(fillShape->m_wrapOffset - 1);
- setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- markDirty(DirtyMaterial);
- }
-MapPolygonShader::MapPolygonShader() : QSGMaterialShader(*new QSGMaterialShaderPrivate(this))
- setShaderFileName(VertexStage, QLatin1String(":/location/declarativemaps/declarativemaps/shaders/polygon.vert.qsb"));
- setShaderFileName(FragmentStage, QLatin1String(":/location/declarativemaps/declarativemaps/shaders/polygon.frag.qsb"));
-bool MapPolygonShader::updateUniformData(RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect)
- Q_ASSERT(oldEffect == nullptr || newEffect->type() == oldEffect->type());
- MapPolygonMaterial *oldMaterial = static_cast<MapPolygonMaterial *>(oldEffect);
- MapPolygonMaterial *newMaterial = static_cast<MapPolygonMaterial *>(newEffect);
- const QColor &c = newMaterial->color();
- const QMatrix4x4 &geoProjection = newMaterial->geoProjection();
- const QDoubleVector3D &center = newMaterial->center();
- // It is safer to use vec4 instead on vec3, as described in:
- //
- QVector4D vecCenter, vecCenter_lowpart;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- QLocationUtils::split_double(center.get(i), &vecCenter[i], &vecCenter_lowpart[i]);
- vecCenter[3] = 0;
- vecCenter_lowpart[3] = 0;
- int offset = 0;
- char *buf_p = state.uniformData()->data();
- if (state.isMatrixDirty()) {
- const QMatrix4x4 m = state.projectionMatrix();
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, m.constData(), 4*4*4);
- }
- offset += 4*4*4;
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, geoProjection.constData(), 4*4*4); offset+=4*4*4;
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &vecCenter, 4*4); offset += 4*4;
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &vecCenter_lowpart, 4*4); offset+=4*4;
- const float wrapOffset = newMaterial->wrapOffset();
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &wrapOffset, 4); offset+=4;
- offset += 4+4+4; // Padding
- if (oldMaterial == nullptr || c != oldMaterial->color() || state.isOpacityDirty()) {
- float opacity = state.opacity() * c.alphaF();
- QVector4D v(c.redF() * opacity,
- c.greenF() * opacity,
- c.blueF() * opacity,
- opacity);
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &v, 4*4);
- }
- offset+=4*4;
- return true;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d388c007..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/qgeopolygon.h>
-class QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativePolygonMapItem : public QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase
- Q_ENUMS(Backend)
- Q_PROPERTY(QList<QGeoCoordinate> path READ path WRITE setPath NOTIFY pathChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ color WRITE setColor NOTIFY colorChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *border READ border CONSTANT)
- Q_PROPERTY(Backend backend READ backend WRITE setBackend NOTIFY backendChanged REVISION 15)
- enum Backend {
- Software = 0,
- OpenGL = 1
- };
- explicit QDeclarativePolygonMapItem(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- ~QDeclarativePolygonMapItem() override;
- void setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map) override;
- //from QuickItem
- QSGNode *updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *) override;
- Q_INVOKABLE void addCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- Q_INVOKABLE void removeCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- QList<QGeoCoordinate> path() const;
- void setPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &value);
- QColor color() const;
- void setColor(const QColor &color);
- QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *border();
- Backend backend() const;
- void setBackend(Backend b);
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override;
- const QGeoShape &geoShape() const override;
- void setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape) override;
- void pathChanged();
- void colorChanged(const QColor &color);
- void backendChanged();
-protected Q_SLOTS:
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- void onLinePropertiesChanged();
- void afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event) override;
- void geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) override;
- void updatePolish() override;
- void setMaterialDirty() override;
- QGeoPolygon m_geopoly;
- QDeclarativeMapLineProperties m_border;
- QColor m_color;
- Backend m_backend = Software;
- bool m_dirtyMaterial;
-// bool m_dirtyGeometry = false;
- bool m_updatingGeometry;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate> m_d;
- friend class QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate;
- friend class QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateCPU;
- friend class QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cbea7971..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2020 Paolo Angelelli <>
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QList>
-#include <QtCore/QScopedValueRollback>
-#include <QtGui/QMatrix4x4>
-#include <QColor>
-#include <QSGGeometryNode>
-#include <QSGFlatColorMaterial>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoPath>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoRectangle>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoPolygon>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomapitemgeometry_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitemutils_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QGeoMapPolygonGeometry : public QGeoMapItemGeometry
- QGeoMapPolygonGeometry();
- inline void setAssumeSimple(bool value) { assumeSimple_ = value; }
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path);
- void updateScreenPoints(const QGeoMap &map, qreal strokeWidth = 0.0);
- QPainterPath srcPath_;
- bool assumeSimple_ = false;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL : public QGeoMapItemGeometry
- typedef struct {
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedBboxes;
- } WrappedPolygon;
- QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL();
- ~QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL() override {}
- // Temporary method for compatibility in MapCircleObject. Remove when MapObjects are ported.
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path);
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &perimeter);
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QGeoPolygon &poly);
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QGeoRectangle &rect);
- void updateScreenPoints(const QGeoMap &map, qreal strokeWidth = 0.0, const QColor &strokeColor = Qt::transparent);
- void updateQuickGeometry(const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p, qreal strokeWidth = 0.0);
- void allocateAndFillPolygon(QSGGeometry *geom) const
- {
- const QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> &vx = m_screenVertices;
- const QList<quint32> &ix = m_screenIndices;
- geom->allocate(vx.size(), ix.size());
- if (geom->indexType() == QSGGeometry::UnsignedShortType) {
- quint16 *its = geom->indexDataAsUShort();
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < ix.size(); ++i)
- its[i] = ix[i];
- } else if (geom->indexType() == QSGGeometry::UnsignedIntType) {
- quint32 *its = geom->indexDataAsUInt();
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < ix.size(); ++i)
- its[i] = ix[i];
- }
- QSGGeometry::Point2D *pts = geom->vertexDataAsPoint2D();
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < vx.size(); ++i)
- pts[i].set(vx[i].x, vx[i].y);
- }
- QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> m_screenVertices;
- QList<quint32> m_screenIndices;
- QDoubleVector2D m_bboxLeftBoundWrapped;
- QList<WrappedPolygon> m_wrappedPolygons;
- int m_wrapOffset = 0;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolygonShader : public QSGMaterialShader
- MapPolygonShader();
- bool updateUniformData(RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect) override;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolygonMaterial : public QSGFlatColorMaterial
- MapPolygonMaterial()
- : QSGFlatColorMaterial()
- {
- // Passing RequiresFullMatrix is essential in order to prevent the
- // batch renderer from baking in simple, translate-only transforms into
- // the vertex data. The shader will rely on the fact that
- // vertexCoord.xy is the Shape-space coordinate and so no modifications
- // are welcome.
- setFlag(Blending | RequiresFullMatrix);
- }
- QSGMaterialShader *createShader(QSGRendererInterface::RenderMode renderMode) const override;
- void setGeoProjection(const QMatrix4x4 &p)
- {
- m_geoProjection = p;
- }
- QMatrix4x4 geoProjection() const
- {
- return m_geoProjection;
- }
- void setCenter(const QDoubleVector3D &c)
- {
- m_center = c;
- }
- QDoubleVector3D center() const
- {
- return m_center;
- }
- int wrapOffset() const
- {
- return m_wrapOffset;
- }
- void setWrapOffset(int wrapOffset)
- {
- m_wrapOffset = wrapOffset;
- }
- int compare(const QSGMaterial *other) const override;
- QSGMaterialType *type() const override;
- QMatrix4x4 m_geoProjection;
- QDoubleVector3D m_center;
- int m_wrapOffset = 0;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolygonNode : public MapItemGeometryNode
- MapPolygonNode();
- ~MapPolygonNode() override;
- void update(const QColor &fillColor, const QColor &borderColor,
- const QGeoMapItemGeometry *fillShape,
- const QGeoMapItemGeometry *borderShape);
- QSGFlatColorMaterial fill_material_;
- MapPolylineNode *border_;
- QSGGeometry geometry_;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolygonNodeGL : public MapItemGeometryNode
- MapPolygonNodeGL();
- ~MapPolygonNodeGL() override;
- void update(const QColor &fillColor,
- const QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL *fillShape,
- const QMatrix4x4 &geoProjection,
- const QDoubleVector3D &center);
- MapPolygonMaterial fill_material_;
- QSGGeometry geometry_;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate(QDeclarativePolygonMapItem &polygon) : m_poly(polygon)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate(QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate &other) : m_poly(other.m_poly)
- {
- }
- virtual ~QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate();
- virtual void onLinePropertiesChanged() = 0;
- virtual void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() = 0;
- virtual void onMapSet() = 0;
- virtual void onGeoGeometryChanged() = 0;
- virtual void onGeoGeometryUpdated() = 0;
- virtual void onItemGeometryChanged() = 0;
- virtual void updatePolish() = 0;
- virtual void afterViewportChanged() = 0;
- virtual QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) = 0;
- virtual bool contains(const QPointF &point) const = 0;
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItem &m_poly;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateCPU: public QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateCPU(QDeclarativePolygonMapItem &polygon)
- : QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate(polygon)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateCPU(QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate &other)
- : QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate(other)
- {
- }
- ~QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateCPU() override;
- void onLinePropertiesChanged() override
- {
- // mark dirty just in case we're a width change
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() override
- {
- // preserveGeometry is cleared in updateMapItemPaintNode
- m_geometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_poly.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void regenerateCache()
- {
- if (! ||>geoProjection().projectionType() != QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection());
- m_geopathProjected.clear();
- m_geopathProjected.reserve(m_poly.m_geopoly.size());
- for (const QGeoCoordinate &c : m_poly.m_geopoly.perimeter())
- m_geopathProjected << p.geoToMapProjection(c);
- }
- void updateCache()
- {
- if (! ||>geoProjection().projectionType() != QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection());
- m_geopathProjected << p.geoToMapProjection(m_poly.m_geopoly.perimeter().last());
- }
- void preserveGeometry()
- {
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_poly.m_geopoly.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft());
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_poly.m_geopoly.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft());
- }
- void afterViewportChanged() override
- {
- // preserveGeometry is cleared in updateMapItemPaintNode
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onMapSet() override
- {
- regenerateCache();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryChanged() override
- {
- regenerateCache();
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryUpdated() override
- {
- updateCache();
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onItemGeometryChanged() override
- {
- onGeoGeometryChanged();
- }
- void updatePolish() override
- {
- if (m_poly.m_geopoly.perimeter().length() == 0) { // Possibly cleared
- m_geometry.clear();
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- m_poly.setWidth(0);
- m_poly.setHeight(0);
- return;
- }
- const QGeoMap *map =;
- const qreal borderWidth = m_poly.m_border.width();
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map->geoProjection());
- QScopedValueRollback<bool> rollback(m_poly.m_updatingGeometry);
- m_poly.m_updatingGeometry = true;
- m_geometry.updateSourcePoints(*map, m_geopathProjected);
- m_geometry.updateScreenPoints(*map, borderWidth);
- QList<QGeoMapItemGeometry *> geoms;
- geoms << &m_geometry;
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- if (m_poly.m_border.color().alpha() != 0 && borderWidth > 0) {
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> closedPath = m_geopathProjected;
- closedPath << closedPath.first();
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_poly.m_geopoly.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft());
- const QGeoCoordinate &geometryOrigin = m_geometry.origin();
- m_borderGeometry.srcPoints_.clear();
- m_borderGeometry.srcPointTypes_.clear();
- QDoubleVector2D borderLeftBoundWrapped;
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D > > clippedPaths = m_borderGeometry.clipPath(*map, closedPath, borderLeftBoundWrapped);
- if (clippedPaths.size()) {
- borderLeftBoundWrapped = p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(geometryOrigin);
- m_borderGeometry.pathToScreen(*map, clippedPaths, borderLeftBoundWrapped);
- m_borderGeometry.updateScreenPoints(*map, borderWidth);
- geoms << &m_borderGeometry;
- } else {
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- }
- }
- QRectF combined = QGeoMapItemGeometry::translateToCommonOrigin(geoms);
- m_poly.setWidth(combined.width() + 2 * borderWidth);
- m_poly.setHeight(combined.height() + 2 * borderWidth);
- m_poly.setPositionOnMap(m_geometry.origin(), -1 * m_geometry.sourceBoundingBox().topLeft()
- + QPointF(borderWidth, borderWidth));
- }
- QSGNode *updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) override
- {
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- if (!m_node || !oldNode) {
- m_node = new MapPolygonNode();
- if (oldNode) {
- delete oldNode;
- oldNode = nullptr;
- }
- } else {
- m_node = static_cast<MapPolygonNode *>(oldNode);
- }
- //TODO: update only material
- if (m_geometry.isScreenDirty()
- || m_borderGeometry.isScreenDirty()
- || m_poly.m_dirtyMaterial
- || !oldNode) {
- m_node->update(m_poly.m_color,
- m_poly.m_border.color(),
- &m_geometry,
- &m_borderGeometry);
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_geometry.markClean();
- m_borderGeometry.markClean();
- m_poly.m_dirtyMaterial = false;
- }
- return m_node;
- }
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override
- {
- return (m_geometry.contains(point) || m_borderGeometry.contains(point));
- }
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> m_geopathProjected;
- QGeoMapPolygonGeometry m_geometry;
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometry m_borderGeometry;
- MapPolygonNode *m_node = nullptr;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL: public QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate
- struct RootNode : public QSGNode /*QSGTransformNode*/, public VisibleNode
- {
- RootNode() { }
- bool isSubtreeBlocked() const override
- {
- return subtreeBlocked();
- }
- };
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL(QDeclarativePolygonMapItem &polygon) : QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate(polygon)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL(QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate &other)
- : QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivate(other)
- {
- }
- ~QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL() override;
- void markScreenDirtyAndUpdate()
- {
- // preserveGeometry is cleared in updateMapItemPaintNode
- m_geometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_poly.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void onLinePropertiesChanged() override
- {
- m_poly.m_dirtyMaterial = true;
- afterViewportChanged();
- }
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() override
- {
- // preserveGeometry is cleared in updateMapItemPaintNode
- m_geometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_poly.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void preserveGeometry()
- {
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_poly.m_geopoly.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft());
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_poly.m_geopoly.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft());
- }
- void afterViewportChanged() override // This is called when the camera changes, or visibleArea changes.
- {
- // preserveGeometry is cleared in updateMapItemPaintNode
- preserveGeometry();
- markScreenDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onMapSet() override
- {
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryChanged() override
- {
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryUpdated() override
- {
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onItemGeometryChanged() override
- {
- onGeoGeometryChanged();
- }
- void updatePolish() override
- {
- if (m_poly.m_geopoly.perimeter().length() == 0) { // Possibly cleared
- m_geometry.clear();
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- m_poly.setWidth(0);
- m_poly.setHeight(0);
- return;
- }
- QScopedValueRollback<bool> rollback(m_poly.m_updatingGeometry);
- m_poly.m_updatingGeometry = true;
- const qreal lineWidth = m_poly.m_border.width();
- const QColor &lineColor = m_poly.m_border.color();
- const QColor &fillColor = m_poly.color();
- if (fillColor.alpha() != 0) {
- m_geometry.updateSourcePoints(*, m_poly.m_geopoly);
- m_geometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_geometry.updateScreenPoints(*, lineWidth, lineColor);
- } else {
- m_geometry.clearBounds();
- }
- QGeoMapItemGeometry * geom = &m_geometry;
- m_borderGeometry.clearScreen();
- if (lineColor.alpha() != 0 && lineWidth > 0) {
- m_borderGeometry.updateSourcePoints(*, m_poly.m_geopoly);
- m_borderGeometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.updateScreenPoints(*, lineWidth);
- geom = &m_borderGeometry;
- }
- m_poly.setWidth(geom->sourceBoundingBox().width());
- m_poly.setHeight(geom->sourceBoundingBox().height());
- m_poly.setPosition(1.0 * geom->firstPointOffset() - QPointF(lineWidth * 0.5,lineWidth * 0.5));
- }
- QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) override
- {
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- if (!m_rootNode || !oldNode) {
- m_rootNode = new RootNode();
- m_node = new MapPolygonNodeGL();
- m_rootNode->appendChildNode(m_node);
- m_polylinenode = new MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded();
- m_rootNode->appendChildNode(m_polylinenode);
- m_rootNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyNodeAdded);
- if (oldNode)
- delete oldNode;
- } else {
- m_rootNode = static_cast<RootNode *>(oldNode);
- }
- const QGeoMap *map =;
- const QMatrix4x4 &combinedMatrix = map->geoProjection().qsgTransform();
- const QDoubleVector3D &cameraCenter = map->geoProjection().centerMercator();
- if (m_borderGeometry.isScreenDirty()) {
- /* Do the border update first */
- m_polylinenode->update(m_poly.m_border.color(),
- float(m_poly.m_border.width()),
- &m_borderGeometry,
- combinedMatrix,
- cameraCenter,
- Qt::SquareCap,
- true,
- 30); // No LOD for polygons just yet.
- // First figure out what to do with holes.
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_borderGeometry.markClean();
- } else {
- m_polylinenode->setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- }
- if (m_geometry.isScreenDirty()) {
- m_node->update(m_poly.m_color,
- &m_geometry,
- combinedMatrix,
- cameraCenter);
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_geometry.markClean();
- } else {
- m_node->setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- }
- m_rootNode->setSubtreeBlocked(false);
- return m_rootNode;
- }
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override
- {
- const qreal lineWidth = m_poly.m_border.width();
- const QColor &lineColor = m_poly.m_border.color();
- const QRectF &bounds = (lineColor.alpha() != 0 && lineWidth > 0) ? m_borderGeometry.sourceBoundingBox() : m_geometry.sourceBoundingBox();
- if (bounds.contains(point)) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *m = m_poly.quickMap();
- if (m) {
- const QGeoCoordinate crd = m->toCoordinate(m->mapFromItem(&m_poly, point));
- return m_poly.m_geopoly.contains(crd) || m_borderGeometry.contains(m_poly.mapToItem(m_poly.quickMap(), point),
- m_poly.border()->width(),
- static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection()));
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL m_geometry;
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL m_borderGeometry;
- RootNode *m_rootNode = nullptr;
- MapPolygonNodeGL *m_node = nullptr;
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded *m_polylinenode = nullptr;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem.cpp
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index 784e0146..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem.cpp
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- **
- ** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
- ** Contact:
- **
- ** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
- **
- ** Commercial License Usage
- ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
- ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
- ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
- ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
- ** and conditions see For further
- ** information use the contact form at
- **
- ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
- ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
- ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
- ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
- ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
- ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
- ** will be met:
- **
- ** GNU General Public License Usage
- ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
- ** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
- ** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
- ** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
- ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
- ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
- ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
- ** be met: and
- **
- **
- **
- ****************************************************************************/
-#include "qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativecirclemapitem_p_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomapitemutils_p.h"
-#include "error_messages_p.h"
-#include "qgeosimplify_p.h"
-#include <QtCore/QScopedValueRollback>
-#include <qnumeric.h>
-#include <QThreadPool>
-#include <QRunnable>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QPainterPath>
-#include <QtQml/QQmlInfo>
-#include <QtGui/private/qtriangulatingstroker_p.h>
-#include <QtGui/private/qtriangulator_p.h>
-#include <QtQuick/private/qsgmaterialshader_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qlocationutils_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qwebmercator_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qclipperutils_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qgeopath_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomapparameter_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
-#include <array>
-struct ThreadPool // to have a thread pool with max 1 thread for geometry processing
- ThreadPool ()
- {
- m_threadPool.setMaxThreadCount(1);
- }
- void start(QRunnable *runnable, int priority = 0)
- {
- m_threadPool.start(runnable, priority);
- }
- QThreadPool m_threadPool;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(ThreadPool, threadPool)
-static bool get_line_intersection(const double p0_x,
- const double p0_y,
- const double p1_x,
- const double p1_y,
- const double p2_x,
- const double p2_y,
- const double p3_x,
- const double p3_y,
- double *i_x,
- double *i_y,
- double *i_t)
- const double s10_x = p1_x - p0_x;
- const double s10_y = p1_y - p0_y;
- const double s32_x = p3_x - p2_x;
- const double s32_y = p3_y - p2_y;
- const double denom = s10_x * s32_y - s32_x * s10_y;
- if (denom == 0.0)
- return false; // Collinear
- const bool denomPositive = denom > 0;
- const double s02_x = p0_x - p2_x;
- const double s02_y = p0_y - p2_y;
- const double s_numer = s10_x * s02_y - s10_y * s02_x;
- if ((s_numer < 0.0) == denomPositive)
- return false; // No collision
- const double t_numer = s32_x * s02_y - s32_y * s02_x;
- if ((t_numer < 0.0) == denomPositive)
- return false; // No collision
- if (((s_numer > denom) == denomPositive) || ((t_numer > denom) == denomPositive))
- return false; // No collision
- // Collision detected
- *i_t = t_numer / denom;
- *i_x = p0_x + (*i_t * s10_x);
- *i_y = p0_y + (*i_t * s10_y);
- return true;
-enum SegmentType {
- NoIntersection,
- OneIntersection,
- TwoIntersections
-static QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > clipLine(
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &l,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &poly)
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > res;
- if (poly.size() < 2 || l.size() < 2)
- return res;
- // Step 1: build edges
- std::vector<std::array<double, 4> > edges;
- for (qsizetype i = 1; i < poly.size(); i++)
- edges.push_back({ {,,, } });
- edges.push_back({ {,,, } });
- // Step 2: check each segment against each edge
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> subLine;
- std::array<double, 4> intersections = { { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } };
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < l.size() - 1; ++i) {
- SegmentType type = NoIntersection;
- double t = -1; // valid values are in [0, 1]. Only written if intersects
- double previousT = t;
- double i_x, i_y;
- const int firstContained = QClipperUtils::pointInPolygon(, poly);
- const int secondContained = QClipperUtils::pointInPolygon(, poly);
- if (firstContained && secondContained) { // Second most common condition, test early and skip inner loop if possible
- if (!subLine.size())
- subLine.push_back(; // the initial element has to be pushed now.
- subLine.push_back(;
- continue;
- }
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < edges.size(); ++j) {
- const bool intersects = get_line_intersection(,
- &i_x,
- &i_y,
- &t);
- if (intersects) {
- if (previousT >= 0.0) { //One intersection already hit
- if (t < previousT) { // Reorder
- intersections[2] = intersections[0];
- intersections[3] = intersections[1];
- intersections[0] = i_x;
- intersections[1] = i_y;
- } else {
- intersections[2] = i_x;
- intersections[3] = i_y;
- }
- type = TwoIntersections;
- break; // no need to check anything else
- } else { // First intersection
- intersections[0] = i_x;
- intersections[1] = i_y;
- type = OneIntersection;
- }
- previousT = t;
- }
- }
- if (type == NoIntersection) {
- if (!firstContained && !secondContained) { // Both outside
- subLine.clear();
- } else if (firstContained && secondContained) {
- // Handled above already.
- } else { // Mismatch between PointInPolygon and get_line_intersection. Treat it as no intersection
- if (subLine.size())
- res.push_back(subLine);
- subLine.clear();
- }
- } else if (type == OneIntersection) { // Need to check the following cases to avoid mismatch with PointInPolygon result.
- if (firstContained <= 0 && secondContained > 0) { // subLine MUST be empty
- if (!subLine.size())
- subLine.push_back(QDoubleVector2D(intersections[0], intersections[1]));
- subLine.push_back(;
- } else if (firstContained > 0 && secondContained <= 0) { // subLine MUST NOT be empty
- if (!subLine.size())
- subLine.push_back(;
- subLine.push_back(QDoubleVector2D(intersections[0], intersections[1]));
- res.push_back(subLine);
- subLine.clear();
- } else {
- if (subLine.size())
- res.push_back(subLine);
- subLine.clear();
- }
- } else { // Two
- // restart strip
- subLine.clear();
- subLine.push_back(QDoubleVector2D(intersections[0], intersections[1]));
- subLine.push_back(QDoubleVector2D(intersections[2], intersections[3]));
- res.push_back(subLine);
- subLine.clear();
- }
- }
- if (subLine.size())
- res.push_back(subLine);
- return res;
- \qmltype MapPolyline
- \instantiates QDeclarativePolylineMapItem
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.0
- \brief The MapPolyline type displays a polyline on a map.
- The MapPolyline type displays a polyline on a map, specified in terms of an ordered list of
- \l {coordinate}{coordinates}. The \l {coordinate}{coordinates} on
- the path cannot be directly changed after being added to the Polyline. Instead, copy the
- \l path into a var, modify the copy and reassign the copy back to the \l path.
- \code
- var path = mapPolyline.path;
- path[0].latitude = 5;
- mapPolyline.path = path;
- \endcode
- Coordinates can also be added and removed at any time using the \l addCoordinate and
- \l removeCoordinate methods.
- By default, the polyline is displayed as a 1-pixel thick black line. This
- can be changed using the \l line.width and \l line.color properties.
- \section2 Performance
- MapPolylines have a rendering cost that is O(n) with respect to the number
- of vertices. This means that the per frame cost of having a polyline on
- the Map grows in direct proportion to the number of points in the polyline.
- Like the other map objects, MapPolyline is normally drawn without a smooth
- appearance. Setting the \l {Item::opacity}{opacity} property will force the object to
- be blended, which decreases performance considerably depending on the hardware in use.
- \section2 Example Usage
- The following snippet shows a MapPolyline with 4 points, making a shape
- like the top part of a "question mark" (?), near Brisbane, Australia.
- The line drawn is 3 pixels in width and green in color.
- \code
- Map {
- MapPolyline {
- line.width: 3
- line.color: 'green'
- path: [
- { latitude: -27, longitude: 153.0 },
- { latitude: -27, longitude: 154.1 },
- { latitude: -28, longitude: 153.5 },
- { latitude: -29, longitude: 153.5 }
- ]
- }
- }
- \endcode
- \image api-mappolyline.png
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapPolyline::autoFadeIn
- This property holds whether the item automatically fades in when zooming into the map
- starting from very low zoom levels. By default this is \c true.
- Setting this property to \c false causes the map item to always have the opacity specified
- with the \l QtQuick::Item::opacity property, which is 1.0 by default.
- \since 5.14
-QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::QDeclarativeMapLineProperties(QObject *parent)
- : QObject(parent)
- \internal
-QColor QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::color() const
- return color_;
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::setColor(const QColor &color)
- if (color_ == color)
- return;
- color_ = color;
- emit colorChanged(color_);
- \internal
-qreal QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::width() const
- return width_;
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::setWidth(qreal width)
- if (width_ == width)
- return;
- width_ = width;
- emit widthChanged(width_);
-QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::clipPath(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path,
- QDoubleVector2D &leftBoundWrapped)
- /*
- * Approach:
- * 1) project coordinates to wrapped web mercator, and do unwrapBelowX
- * 2) if the scene is tilted, clip the geometry against the visible region (this may generate multiple polygons)
- * 2.1) recalculate the origin and geoLeftBound to prevent these parameters from ending in unprojectable areas
- * 2.2) ensure the left bound does not wrap around due to QGeoCoordinate <-> clipper conversions
- */
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- srcOrigin_ = geoLeftBound_;
- double unwrapBelowX = 0;
- leftBoundWrapped = p.wrapMapProjection(p.geoToMapProjection(geoLeftBound_));
- if (preserveGeometry_)
- unwrapBelowX = leftBoundWrapped.x();
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedPath;
- wrappedPath.reserve(path.size());
- QDoubleVector2D wrappedLeftBound(qInf(), qInf());
- // 1)
- for (const auto &coord : path) {
- QDoubleVector2D wrappedProjection = p.wrapMapProjection(coord);
- // We can get NaN if the map isn't set up correctly, or the projection
- // is faulty -- probably best thing to do is abort
- if (!qIsFinite(wrappedProjection.x()) || !qIsFinite(wrappedProjection.y()))
- return QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> >();
- const bool isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX = (wrappedProjection.x() < leftBoundWrapped.x());
- // unwrap x to preserve geometry if moved to border of map
- if (preserveGeometry_ && isPointLessThanUnwrapBelowX) {
- double distance = wrappedProjection.x() - unwrapBelowX;
- if (distance < 0.0)
- distance += 1.0;
- wrappedProjection.setX(unwrapBelowX + distance);
- }
- if (wrappedProjection.x() < wrappedLeftBound.x() || (wrappedProjection.x() == wrappedLeftBound.x() && wrappedProjection.y() < wrappedLeftBound.y())) {
- wrappedLeftBound = wrappedProjection;
- }
- wrappedPath.append(wrappedProjection);
- }
- m_wrappedPath = wrappedPath;
- // 2)
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > clippedPaths;
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &visibleRegion = p.projectableGeometry();
- if (visibleRegion.size()) {
- clippedPaths = clipLine(wrappedPath, visibleRegion);
- // 2.1) update srcOrigin_ and leftBoundWrapped with the point with minimum X
- QDoubleVector2D lb(qInf(), qInf());
- for (const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path: clippedPaths) {
- for (const QDoubleVector2D &p: path) {
- if (p == leftBoundWrapped) {
- lb = p;
- break;
- } else if (p.x() < lb.x() || (p.x() == lb.x() && p.y() < lb.y())) {
- // y-minimization needed to find the same point on polygon and border
- lb = p;
- }
- }
- }
- if (qIsInf(lb.x()))
- return QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> >();
- // 2.2) Prevent the conversion to and from clipper from introducing negative offsets which
- // in turn will make the geometry wrap around.
- lb.setX(qMax(wrappedLeftBound.x(), lb.x()));
- leftBoundWrapped = lb;
- } else {
- clippedPaths.append(wrappedPath);
- }
- m_clippedPaths = clippedPaths;
- return clippedPaths;
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::pathToScreen(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > &clippedPaths,
- const QDoubleVector2D &leftBoundWrapped)
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- // 3) project the resulting geometry to screen position and calculate screen bounds
- double minX = qInf();
- double minY = qInf();
- double maxX = -qInf();
- double maxY = -qInf();
- srcOrigin_ = p.mapProjectionToGeo(p.unwrapMapProjection(leftBoundWrapped));
- QDoubleVector2D origin = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(leftBoundWrapped);
- for (const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path: clippedPaths) {
- QDoubleVector2D lastAddedPoint;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) {
- QDoubleVector2D point = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(;
- point = point - origin; // (0,0) if point == geoLeftBound_
- minX = qMin(point.x(), minX);
- minY = qMin(point.y(), minY);
- maxX = qMax(point.x(), maxX);
- maxY = qMax(point.y(), maxY);
- if (i == 0) {
- srcPoints_ << point.x() << point.y();
- srcPointTypes_ << QPainterPath::MoveToElement;
- lastAddedPoint = point;
- } else {
- if ((point - lastAddedPoint).manhattanLength() > 3 ||
- i == path.size() - 1) {
- srcPoints_ << point.x() << point.y();
- srcPointTypes_ << QPainterPath::LineToElement;
- lastAddedPoint = point;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sourceBounds_ = QRectF(QPointF(minX, minY), QPointF(maxX, maxY));
- \internal
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path,
- const QGeoCoordinate geoLeftBound)
- if (!sourceDirty_)
- return;
- geoLeftBound_ = geoLeftBound;
- // clear the old data and reserve enough memory
- srcPoints_.clear();
- srcPoints_.reserve(path.size() * 2);
- srcPointTypes_.clear();
- srcPointTypes_.reserve(path.size());
- /*
- * Approach:
- * 1) project coordinates to wrapped web mercator, and do unwrapBelowX
- * 2) if the scene is tilted, clip the geometry against the visible region (this may generate multiple polygons)
- * 3) project the resulting geometry to screen position and calculate screen bounds
- */
- QDoubleVector2D leftBoundWrapped;
- // 1, 2)
- const QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > &clippedPaths = clipPath(map, path, leftBoundWrapped);
- // 3)
- pathToScreen(map, clippedPaths, leftBoundWrapped);
-// *** SCREEN CLIPPING *** //
-enum ClipPointType {
- InsidePoint = 0x00,
- LeftPoint = 0x01,
- RightPoint = 0x02,
- BottomPoint = 0x04,
- TopPoint = 0x08
-static inline int clipPointType(qreal x, qreal y, const QRectF &rect)
- int type = InsidePoint;
- if (x < rect.left())
- type |= LeftPoint;
- else if (x > rect.right())
- type |= RightPoint;
- if (y <
- type |= TopPoint;
- else if (y > rect.bottom())
- type |= BottomPoint;
- return type;
-static void clipSegmentToRect(qreal x0, qreal y0, qreal x1, qreal y1, const QRectF &clipRect,
- QList<qreal> &outPoints, QList<QPainterPath::ElementType> &outTypes)
- int type0 = clipPointType(x0, y0, clipRect);
- int type1 = clipPointType(x1, y1, clipRect);
- bool accept = false;
- while (true) {
- if (!(type0 | type1)) {
- accept = true;
- break;
- } else if (type0 & type1) {
- break;
- } else {
- qreal x = 0.0;
- qreal y = 0.0;
- int outsideType = type0 ? type0 : type1;
- if (outsideType & BottomPoint) {
- x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (clipRect.bottom() - y0) / (y1 - y0);
- y = clipRect.bottom() - 0.1;
- } else if (outsideType & TopPoint) {
- x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * ( - y0) / (y1 - y0);
- y = + 0.1;
- } else if (outsideType & RightPoint) {
- y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (clipRect.right() - x0) / (x1 - x0);
- x = clipRect.right() - 0.1;
- } else if (outsideType & LeftPoint) {
- y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (clipRect.left() - x0) / (x1 - x0);
- x = clipRect.left() + 0.1;
- }
- if (outsideType == type0) {
- x0 = x;
- y0 = y;
- type0 = clipPointType(x0, y0, clipRect);
- } else {
- x1 = x;
- y1 = y;
- type1 = clipPointType(x1, y1, clipRect);
- }
- }
- }
- if (accept) {
- if (outPoints.size() >= 2) {
- qreal lastX, lastY;
- lastY = - 1);
- lastX = - 2);
- if (!qFuzzyCompare(lastY, y0) || !qFuzzyCompare(lastX, x0)) {
- outTypes << QPainterPath::MoveToElement;
- outPoints << x0 << y0;
- }
- } else {
- outTypes << QPainterPath::MoveToElement;
- outPoints << x0 << y0;
- }
- outTypes << QPainterPath::LineToElement;
- outPoints << x1 << y1;
- }
-static void clipPathToRect(const QList<qreal> &points,
- const QList<QPainterPath::ElementType> &types, const QRectF &clipRect,
- QList<qreal> &outPoints, QList<QPainterPath::ElementType> &outTypes)
- outPoints.clear();
- outPoints.reserve(points.size());
- outTypes.clear();
- outTypes.reserve(types.size());
- qreal lastX = 0;
- qreal lastY = 0; // or else used uninitialized
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) {
- if (i > 0 && types[i] != QPainterPath::MoveToElement) {
- qreal x = points[i * 2], y = points[i * 2 + 1];
- clipSegmentToRect(lastX, lastY, x, y, clipRect, outPoints, outTypes);
- }
- lastX = points[i * 2];
- lastY = points[i * 2 + 1];
- }
- \internal
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::updateScreenPoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- qreal strokeWidth,
- bool adjustTranslation)
- if (!screenDirty_)
- return;
- QPointF origin = map.geoProjection().coordinateToItemPosition(srcOrigin_, false).toPointF();
- if (!qIsFinite(origin.x()) || !qIsFinite(origin.y()) || srcPointTypes_.size() < 2) { // the line might have been clipped away.
- clear();
- return;
- }
- // Create the viewport rect in the same coordinate system
- // as the actual points
- QRectF viewport(0, 0, map.viewportWidth(), map.viewportHeight());
- viewport.adjust(-strokeWidth, -strokeWidth, strokeWidth * 2, strokeWidth * 2);
- viewport.translate(-1 * origin);
- QList<qreal> points;
- QList<QPainterPath::ElementType> types;
- if (clipToViewport_) {
- // Although the geometry has already been clipped against the visible region in wrapped mercator space.
- // This is currently still needed to prevent a number of artifacts deriving from QTriangulatingStroker processing
- // very large lines (that is, polylines that span many pixels in screen space)
- clipPathToRect(srcPoints_, srcPointTypes_, viewport, points, types);
- } else {
- points = srcPoints_;
- types = srcPointTypes_;
- }
- QVectorPath vp(, types.size(),;
- QTriangulatingStroker ts;
- // As of Qt5.11, the clip argument is not actually used, in the call below.
- ts.process(vp, QPen(QBrush(Qt::black), strokeWidth), QRectF(), QPainter::Antialiasing);
- clear();
- // Nothing is on the screen
- if (ts.vertexCount() == 0)
- return;
- // QTriangulatingStroker#vertexCount is actually the length of the array,
- // not the number of vertices
- screenVertices_.reserve(ts.vertexCount());
- QRectF bb;
- QPointF pt;
- const float *vs = ts.vertices();
- for (int i = 0; i < (ts.vertexCount()/2*2); i += 2) {
- pt = QPointF(vs[i], vs[i + 1]);
- screenVertices_ << pt;
- if (!qIsFinite(pt.x()) || !qIsFinite(pt.y()))
- break;
- if (!bb.contains(pt)) {
- if (pt.x() < bb.left())
- bb.setLeft(pt.x());
- if (pt.x() > bb.right())
- bb.setRight(pt.x());
- if (pt.y() <
- bb.setTop(pt.y());
- if (pt.y() > bb.bottom())
- bb.setBottom(pt.y());
- }
- }
- screenBounds_ = bb;
- const QPointF strokeOffset = (adjustTranslation) ? QPointF(strokeWidth, strokeWidth) * 0.5: QPointF();
- this->translate( -1 * sourceBounds_.topLeft() + strokeOffset);
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::clearSource()
- srcPoints_.clear();
- srcPointTypes_.clear();
-bool QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::contains(const QPointF &point) const
- // screenOutline_.contains(screenPoint) doesn't work, as, it appears, that
- // screenOutline_ for QGeoMapPolylineGeometry is empty (QRectF(0,0 0x0))
- const QList<QPointF> &verts = vertices();
- QPolygonF tri;
- for (const auto &v : verts) {
- tri << v;
- if (tri.size() == 3) {
- if (tri.containsPoint(point, Qt::OddEvenFill))
- return true;
- tri.remove(0);
- }
- }
- return false;
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map, const QGeoPolygon &poly)
- if (!sourceDirty_)
- return;
- QGeoPath p(poly.perimeter());
- if (poly.perimeter().size() && poly.perimeter().last() != poly.perimeter().first())
- p.addCoordinate(poly.perimeter().first());
- updateSourcePoints(map, p);
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map, const QGeoPath &poly)
- if (!sourceDirty_)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- // build the actual path
- // The approach is the same as described in QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::updateSourcePoints
- QDoubleVector2D leftBoundWrapped;
- // 1) pre-compute 3 sets of "wrapped" coordinates: one w regular mercator, one w regular mercator +- 1.0
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedPath;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::wrapPath(poly.path(), geoLeftBound_, p,
- wrappedPath, &leftBoundWrapped);
- const QGeoRectangle &boundingRectangle = poly.boundingGeoRectangle();
- updateSourcePoints(p, wrappedPath, boundingRectangle);
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath,
- const QGeoRectangle &boundingRectangle) {
- if (!sourceDirty_)
- return;
- // 1.1) do the same for the bbox
- // Beware: vertical lines (or horizontal lines) might have an "empty" bbox. Check for that
- QGeoCoordinate topLeft = boundingRectangle.topLeft();
- QGeoCoordinate bottomRight = boundingRectangle.bottomRight();
- const qreal epsilon = 0.000001;
- if (qFuzzyCompare(topLeft.latitude(), bottomRight.latitude())) {
- topLeft.setLatitude(qBound(-90.0, topLeft.latitude() + epsilon ,90.0));
- bottomRight.setLatitude(qBound(-90.0, bottomRight.latitude() - epsilon ,90.0));
- }
- if (qFuzzyCompare(topLeft.longitude(), bottomRight.longitude())) {
- topLeft.setLongitude(QLocationUtils::wrapLong(topLeft.longitude() - epsilon));
- bottomRight.setLongitude(QLocationUtils::wrapLong(bottomRight.longitude() + epsilon));
- }
- QGeoPolygon bbox(QGeoRectangle(topLeft, bottomRight));
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedBbox, wrappedBboxPlus1, wrappedBboxMinus1;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::wrapPath(bbox.perimeter(), bbox.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft(), p,
- wrappedBbox, wrappedBboxMinus1, wrappedBboxPlus1, &m_bboxLeftBoundWrapped);
- // New pointers, some old LOD task might still be running and operating on the old pointers.
- resetLOD();
- for (const auto &v: qAsConst(wrappedPath)) m_screenVertices->append(v);
- m_wrappedPolygons.resize(3);
- m_wrappedPolygons[0].wrappedBboxes = wrappedBboxMinus1;
- m_wrappedPolygons[1].wrappedBboxes = wrappedBbox;
- m_wrappedPolygons[2].wrappedBboxes = wrappedBboxPlus1;
- srcOrigin_ = geoLeftBound_;
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map, const QGeoRectangle &rect)
- const QGeoPath path(QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU::perimeter(rect));
- updateSourcePoints(map, path);
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map, const QGeoCircle &circle)
- if (!sourceDirty_)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- QDoubleVector2D leftBoundWrapped;
- // 1) pre-compute 3 sets of "wrapped" coordinates: one w regular mercator, one w regular mercator +- 1.0
- QList<QGeoCoordinate> path;
- QGeoCoordinate leftBound;
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedPath;
- QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU::calculatePeripheralPoints(path,, circle.radius(), QDeclarativeCircleMapItemPrivateCPU::CircleSamples, leftBound);
- path << path.first();
- geoLeftBound_ = leftBound;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::wrapPath(path, leftBound, p, wrappedPath, &leftBoundWrapped);
- const QGeoRectangle &boundingRectangle = circle.boundingGeoRectangle();
- updateSourcePoints(p, wrappedPath, boundingRectangle);
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::updateScreenPoints(const QGeoMap &map, qreal strokeWidth, bool /*adjustTranslation*/)
- if (map.viewportWidth() == 0 || map.viewportHeight() == 0) {
- clear();
- return;
- }
- // 1) identify which set to use: std, +1 or -1
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map.geoProjection());
- const QDoubleVector2D leftBoundMercator = p.geoToMapProjection(srcOrigin_);
- m_wrapOffset = p.projectionWrapFactor(leftBoundMercator) + 1; // +1 to get the offset into QLists
- if (sourceDirty_) {
- // 1.1) select geometry set
- // This could theoretically be skipped for those polylines whose bbox is not even projectable.
- // However, such optimization could only be introduced if not calculating bboxes lazily.
- // Hence not doing it.
-// if (m_screenVertices.size() > 1)
- m_dataChanged = true;
- }
- updateQuickGeometry(p, strokeWidth);
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::updateQuickGeometry(const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p, qreal strokeWidth)
- // 2) clip bbox
- // BBox handling -- this is related to the bounding box geometry
- // that has to inevitably follow the old projection codepath
- // As it needs to provide projected coordinates for QtQuick interaction.
- // This could be futher optimized to be updated in a lazy fashion.
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedBbox =;
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > clippedBbox;
- QDoubleVector2D bboxLeftBoundWrapped = m_bboxLeftBoundWrapped;
- bboxLeftBoundWrapped.setX(bboxLeftBoundWrapped.x() + double(m_wrapOffset - 1));
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::clipPolygon(wrappedBbox, p, clippedBbox, &bboxLeftBoundWrapped, false);
- // 3) project bbox
- QPainterPath ppi;
- if ( !clippedBbox.size() ||
- clippedBbox.first().size() < 3) {
- sourceBounds_ = screenBounds_ = QRectF();
- firstPointOffset_ = QPointF();
- screenOutline_ = ppi;
- return;
- }
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::projectBbox(clippedBbox.first(), p, ppi); // Using first because a clipped box should always result in one polygon
- const QRectF brect = ppi.boundingRect();
- firstPointOffset_ = QPointF(brect.topLeft());
- sourceBounds_ = brect;
- screenOutline_ = ppi;
- // 4) Set Screen bbox
- screenBounds_ = brect;
- sourceBounds_.setX(0);
- sourceBounds_.setY(0);
- sourceBounds_.setWidth(brect.width() + strokeWidth);
- sourceBounds_.setHeight(brect.height() + strokeWidth);
- * QDeclarativePolygonMapItem Private Implementations
- */
-QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate::~QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate() {}
-QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateCPU::~QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateCPU() {}
-QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip::~QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip() {}
-QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLExtruded::~QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLExtruded() {}
- * QDeclarativePolygonMapItem Implementation
- */
-struct PolylineBackendSelector
- PolylineBackendSelector()
- {
- backend = (qgetenv("QTLOCATION_OPENGL_ITEMS").toInt()) ? QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::OpenGLExtruded : QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::Software;
- }
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::Backend backend = QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::Software;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(PolylineBackendSelector, mapPolylineBackendSelector)
-QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::QDeclarativePolylineMapItem(QQuickItem *parent)
- : QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase(parent), m_line(this),
- m_d(new QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateCPU(*this))
- m_itemType = QGeoMap::MapPolyline;
- m_geopath = QGeoPathEager();
- setFlag(ItemHasContents, true);
- QObject::connect(&m_line, &QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::colorChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::updateAfterLinePropertiesChanged);
- QObject::connect(&m_line, &QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::widthChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::updateAfterLinePropertiesChanged);
- setBackend(mapPolylineBackendSelector->backend);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::updateAfterLinePropertiesChanged()
- m_d->onLinePropertiesChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map)
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setMap(quickMap,map);
- if (map)
- m_d->onMapSet();
- \qmlproperty list<coordinate> MapPolyline::path
- This property holds the ordered list of coordinates which
- define the polyline.
-QList<QGeoCoordinate> QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::path() const
- return m_geopath.path();
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::setPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &value)
- setPathFromGeoList(value);
- \qmlmethod void MapPolyline::setPath(geopath path)
- Sets the \a path using a geopath type.
- \since 5.10
- \sa path
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::setPath(const QGeoPath &path)
- if (m_geopath.path() == path.path())
- return;
- m_geopath = QGeoPathEager(path);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::setPathFromGeoList(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &path)
- if (m_geopath.path() == path)
- return;
- m_geopath.setPath(path);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- \qmlmethod int MapPolyline::pathLength()
- Returns the number of coordinates of the polyline.
- \since QtLocation 5.6
- \sa path
-int QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::pathLength() const
- return m_geopath.path().length();
- \qmlmethod void MapPolyline::addCoordinate(coordinate)
- Adds the specified \a coordinate to the end of the path.
- \sa insertCoordinate, removeCoordinate, path
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::addCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
- if (!coordinate.isValid())
- return;
- m_geopath.addCoordinate(coordinate);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryUpdated();
- emit pathChanged();
- \qmlmethod void MapPolyline::insertCoordinate(index, coordinate)
- Inserts a \a coordinate to the path at the given \a index.
- \since QtLocation 5.6
- \sa addCoordinate, removeCoordinate, path
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::insertCoordinate(int index, const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
- if (index < 0 || index > m_geopath.path().length())
- return;
- m_geopath.insertCoordinate(index, coordinate);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- \qmlmethod void MapPolyline::replaceCoordinate(index, coordinate)
- Replaces the coordinate in the current path at the given \a index
- with the new \a coordinate.
- \since QtLocation 5.6
- \sa addCoordinate, insertCoordinate, removeCoordinate, path
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::replaceCoordinate(int index, const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
- if (index < 0 || index >= m_geopath.path().length())
- return;
- m_geopath.replaceCoordinate(index, coordinate);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- \qmlmethod coordinate MapPolyline::coordinateAt(index)
- Gets the coordinate of the polyline at the given \a index.
- If the index is outside the path's bounds then an invalid
- coordinate is returned.
- \since QtLocation 5.6
-QGeoCoordinate QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::coordinateAt(int index) const
- if (index < 0 || index >= m_geopath.path().length())
- return QGeoCoordinate();
- return m_geopath.coordinateAt(index);
- \qmlmethod coordinate MapPolyline::containsCoordinate(coordinate)
- Returns true if the given \a coordinate is part of the path.
- \since QtLocation 5.6
-bool QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::containsCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
- return m_geopath.containsCoordinate(coordinate);
- \qmlmethod void MapPolyline::removeCoordinate(coordinate)
- Removes \a coordinate from the path. If there are multiple instances of the
- same coordinate, the one added last is removed.
- If \a coordinate is not in the path this method does nothing.
- \sa addCoordinate, insertCoordinate, path
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::removeCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
- int length = m_geopath.path().length();
- m_geopath.removeCoordinate(coordinate);
- if (m_geopath.path().length() == length)
- return;
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- \qmlmethod void MapPolyline::removeCoordinate(index)
- Removes a coordinate from the path at the given \a index.
- If \a index is invalid then this method does nothing.
- \since QtLocation 5.6
- \sa addCoordinate, insertCoordinate, path
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::removeCoordinate(int index)
- if (index < 0 || index >= m_geopath.path().length())
- return;
- m_geopath.removeCoordinate(index);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- \qmlpropertygroup Location::MapPolyline::line
- \qmlproperty int MapPolyline::line.width
- \qmlproperty color MapPolyline::line.color
- This property is part of the line property group. The line
- property group holds the width and color used to draw the line.
- The width is in pixels and is independent of the zoom level of the map.
- The default values correspond to a black border with a width of 1 pixel.
- For no line, use a width of 0 or a transparent color.
-QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::line()
- return &m_line;
- \qmlproperty MapPolyline.Backend QtLocation::MapPolyline::backend
- This property holds which backend is in use to render the map item.
- Valid values are \b MapPolyline.Software and \b{MapPolyline.OpenGLLineStrip}
- and \b{MapPolyline.OpenGLExtruded}.
- The default value is \b{MapPolyline.Software}.
- \note \b{The release of this API with Qt 5.15 is a Technology Preview}.
- Ideally, as the OpenGL backends for map items mature, there will be
- no more need to also offer the legacy software-projection backend.
- So this property will likely disappear at some later point.
- To select OpenGL-accelerated item backends without using this property,
- it is also possible to set the environment variable \b QTLOCATION_OPENGL_ITEMS
- to \b{1}.
- Also note that all current OpenGL backends won't work as expected when enabling
- layers on the individual item, or when running on OpenGL core profiles greater than 2.x.
- \since 5.15
-QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::Backend QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::backend() const
- return m_backend;
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::setBackend(QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::Backend b)
- if (b == m_backend)
- return;
- m_backend = b;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate> d(
- (m_backend == Software)
- ? static_cast<QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate *>(
- new QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateCPU(*this))
- : ((m_backend == OpenGLExtruded)
- ? static_cast<QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate *>(
- new QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLExtruded(*this))
- : static_cast<QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate *>(
- new QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip(
- *this))));
- m_d.swap(d);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit backendChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
- if (newGeometry.topLeft() == oldGeometry.topLeft() || !map() || !m_geopath.isValid() || m_updatingGeometry) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
- return;
- }
- // TODO: change the algorithm to preserve the distances and size!
- QGeoCoordinate newCenter = map()->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(, false);
- QGeoCoordinate oldCenter = map()->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(, false);
- if (!newCenter.isValid() || !oldCenter.isValid())
- return;
- double offsetLongi = newCenter.longitude() - oldCenter.longitude();
- double offsetLati = newCenter.latitude() - oldCenter.latitude();
- if (offsetLati == 0.0 && offsetLongi == 0.0)
- return;
- m_geopath.translate(offsetLati, offsetLongi);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit pathChanged();
- // Not calling QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange() as it will be called from a nested
- // call to this function.
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event)
- if (event.mapSize.isEmpty())
- return;
- m_d->afterViewportChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::updatePolish()
- if (!map() || map()->geoProjection().projectionType() != QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator)
- return;
- m_d->updatePolish();
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::updateLineStyleParameter(QGeoMapParameter *p,
- const char *propertyName,
- bool update)
- static const QByteArrayList acceptedParameterTypes = QByteArrayList()
- << QByteArrayLiteral("lineCap")
- << QByteArrayLiteral("pen");
- switch (acceptedParameterTypes.indexOf(QByteArray(propertyName))) {
- case -1:
- qWarning() << "Invalid property " << QLatin1String(propertyName) << " for parameter lineStyle";
- break;
- case 0: // lineCap
- {
- const QVariant lineCap = p->property("lineCap");
- m_d->m_penCapStyle = lineCap.value<Qt::PenCapStyle>(); // if invalid, will return 0 == FlatCap
- if (update)
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- break;
- }
- case 1: // penStyle
- {
- const QVariant penStyle = p->property("pen");
- m_d->m_penStyle = penStyle.value<Qt::PenStyle>();
- if (m_d->m_penStyle == Qt::NoPen)
- m_d->m_penStyle = Qt::SolidLine;
- if (update)
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- break;
- }
- }
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::updateLineStyleParameter(QGeoMapParameter *p, const char *propertyName)
- updateLineStyleParameter(p, propertyName, true);
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::componentComplete()
- QQuickItem::componentComplete();
- // Set up Dynamic Parameters
- QList<QGeoMapParameter *> dynamicParameters = quickChildren<QGeoMapParameter>();
- for (QGeoMapParameter *p : qAsConst(dynamicParameters)) {
- if (p->type() == QLatin1String("lineStyle")) {
- updateLineStyleParameter(p, "lineCap", false);
- updateLineStyleParameter(p, "pen", false);
- connect(p, &QGeoMapParameter::propertyUpdated,
- this, static_cast<void (QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::*)(QGeoMapParameter *, const char *)>(&QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::updateLineStyleParameter));
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- }
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::markSourceDirtyAndUpdate()
- m_d->markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- \internal
-QSGNode *QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *data)
- return m_d->updateMapItemPaintNode(oldNode, data);
-bool QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::contains(const QPointF &point) const
- return m_d->contains(point);
-const QGeoShape &QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::geoShape() const
- return m_geopath;
-void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape)
- const QGeoPath geopath(shape); // if shape isn't a path, path will be created as a default-constructed path
- setPath(geopath);
- \internal
-VisibleNode::VisibleNode() : m_blocked{true}, m_visible{true}
- \internal
-bool VisibleNode::subtreeBlocked() const
- return m_blocked || !m_visible;
- \internal
-void VisibleNode::setSubtreeBlocked(bool blocked)
- m_blocked = blocked;
-bool VisibleNode::visible() const
- return m_visible;
- \internal
-void VisibleNode::setVisible(bool visible)
- m_visible = visible;
- \internal
-bool MapItemGeometryNode::isSubtreeBlocked() const
- return subtreeBlocked();
- \internal
-MapPolylineNode::MapPolylineNode() :
- geometry_(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(),0)
- geometry_.setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawTriangleStrip);
- QSGGeometryNode::setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- QSGGeometryNode::setGeometry(&geometry_);
- \internal
- \internal
-void MapPolylineNode::update(const QColor &fillColor,
- const QGeoMapItemGeometry *shape)
- if (shape->size() == 0) {
- setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- return;
- } else {
- setSubtreeBlocked(false);
- }
- QSGGeometry *fill = QSGGeometryNode::geometry();
- shape->allocateAndFill(fill);
- markDirty(DirtyGeometry);
- if (fillColor != fill_material_.color()) {
- fill_material_.setColor(fillColor);
- setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- markDirty(DirtyMaterial);
- }
-: geometry_(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 0)
- geometry_.setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawLineStrip);
- QSGGeometryNode::setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- QSGGeometryNode::setGeometry(&geometry_);
-void MapPolylineNodeOpenGLLineStrip::update(const QColor &fillColor,
- const qreal lineWidth,
- const QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL *shape,
- const QMatrix4x4 &geoProjection,
- const QDoubleVector3D &center,
- const Qt::PenCapStyle /*capStyle*/)
- if (shape->m_screenVertices->size() < 2) {
- setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- return;
- } else {
- setSubtreeBlocked(false);
- }
- QSGGeometry *fill = QSGGeometryNode::geometry();
- if (shape->m_dataChanged) {
- shape->allocateAndFillLineStrip(fill);
- markDirty(DirtyGeometry);
- shape->m_dataChanged = false;
- }
- fill->setLineWidth(lineWidth);
- fill_material_.setLineWidth(lineWidth); // to make the material not compare equal if linewidth changes
-// if (fillColor != fill_material_.color())
- {
- fill_material_.setWrapOffset(shape->m_wrapOffset - 1);
- fill_material_.setColor(fillColor);
- fill_material_.setGeoProjection(geoProjection);
- fill_material_.setCenter(center);
- setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- markDirty(DirtyMaterial);
- }
-MapPolylineShaderLineStrip::MapPolylineShaderLineStrip() : QSGMaterialShader(*new QSGMaterialShaderPrivate(this))
- setShaderFileName(VertexStage, QLatin1String(":/location/declarativemaps/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_linestrip.vert.qsb"));
- setShaderFileName(FragmentStage, QLatin1String(":/location/declarativemaps/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_linestrip.frag.qsb"));
-bool MapPolylineShaderLineStrip::updateUniformData(QSGMaterialShader::RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect)
- Q_ASSERT(oldEffect == nullptr || newEffect->type() == oldEffect->type());
- MapPolylineMaterial *oldMaterial = static_cast<MapPolylineMaterial *>(oldEffect);
- MapPolylineMaterial *newMaterial = static_cast<MapPolylineMaterial *>(newEffect);
- const QColor &c = newMaterial->color();
- const QMatrix4x4 &geoProjection = newMaterial->geoProjection();
- const QDoubleVector3D &center = newMaterial->center();
- QVector4D vecCenter, vecCenter_lowpart;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- QLocationUtils::split_double(center.get(i), &vecCenter[i], &vecCenter_lowpart[i]);
- vecCenter[3] = 0;
- vecCenter_lowpart[3] = 0;
- int offset = 0;
- char *buf_p = state.uniformData()->data();
- if (state.isMatrixDirty()) {
- const QMatrix4x4 m = state.projectionMatrix();
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, m.constData(), 4*4*4);
- }
- offset += 4*4*4;
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, geoProjection.constData(), 4*4*4); offset+=4*4*4;
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &vecCenter, 4*4); offset += 4*4;
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &vecCenter_lowpart, 4*4); offset+=4*4;
- if (state.isOpacityDirty()) {
- const float opacity = state.opacity();
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &opacity, 4);
- }
- offset += 4;
- float wrapOffset = newMaterial->wrapOffset();
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &wrapOffset, 4); offset+=4;
- offset+=8; // float padding
- if (oldMaterial == nullptr || c != oldMaterial->color() || state.isOpacityDirty()) {
- float opacity = state.opacity() * c.alphaF();
- QVector4D v(c.redF() * opacity,
- c.greenF() * opacity,
- c.blueF() * opacity,
- opacity);
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &v, 4*4);
- }
- offset+=4*4;
- return true;
-QSGMaterialShader *MapPolylineMaterial::createShader(QSGRendererInterface::RenderMode renderMode) const
- Q_UNUSED(renderMode);
- return new MapPolylineShaderLineStrip();
-QSGMaterialType *MapPolylineMaterial::type() const
- static QSGMaterialType type;
- return &type;
-int MapPolylineMaterial::compare(const QSGMaterial *other) const
- const MapPolylineMaterial &o = *static_cast<const MapPolylineMaterial *>(other);
- if (o.m_center == m_center && o.m_geoProjection == m_geoProjection && o.m_wrapOffset == m_wrapOffset && o.m_lineWidth == m_lineWidth)
- return QSGFlatColorMaterial::compare(other);
- return -1;
-const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded::attributesMapPolylineTriangulated()
- return MapPolylineEntry::attributes();
-: m_geometryTriangulating(MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded::attributesMapPolylineTriangulated(),
- 0 /* vtx cnt */, 0 /* index cnt */, QSGGeometry::UnsignedIntType /* index type */)
- m_geometryTriangulating.setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawTriangles);
- QSGGeometryNode::setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- QSGGeometryNode::setGeometry(&m_geometryTriangulating);
-bool QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::allocateAndFillEntries(QSGGeometry *geom,
- bool closed,
- unsigned int zoom) const
- // Select LOD. Generate if not present. Assign it to m_screenVertices;
- if (m_dataChanged) {
- // it means that the data really changed.
- // So synchronously produce LOD 1, and enqueue the requested one if != 0 or 1.
- // Select 0 if 0 is requested, or 1 in all other cases.
- selectLODOnDataChanged(zoom, m_bboxLeftBoundWrapped.x());
- } else {
- // Data has not changed, but active LOD != requested LOD.
- // So, if there are no active tasks, try to change to the correct one.
- if (!selectLODOnLODMismatch(zoom, m_bboxLeftBoundWrapped.x(), closed))
- return false;
- }
- const QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> &v = *m_screenVertices;
- if (v.size() < 2) {
- geom->allocate(0, 0);
- return true;
- }
- const int numSegments = (v.size() - 1);
- const int numIndices = numSegments * 6; // six vertices per line segment
- geom->allocate(numIndices);
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded::MapPolylineEntry *vertices =
- static_cast<MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded::MapPolylineEntry *>(geom->vertexData());
- for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; ++i) {
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded::MapPolylineEntry e;
- const QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2 &cur = v[i];
- const QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2 &next = v[i+1];
- e.triangletype = 1.0;
- = next;
- e.prev = cur;
- e.pos = cur;
- e.direction = 1.0;
- e.vertextype = -1.0;
- vertices[i*6] = e;
- e.direction = -1.0;
- vertices[i*6+1] = e;
- e.pos = next;
- e.vertextype = 1.0;
- vertices[i*6+2] = e;
- // Second tri
- e.triangletype = -1.0;
- e.direction = -1.0;
- vertices[i*6+3] = e;
- e.direction = 1.0;
- vertices[i*6+4] = e;
- e.pos = cur;
- e.vertextype = -1.0;
- vertices[i*6+5] = e;
- if (i != 0) {
- vertices[i*6].prev = vertices[i*6+1].prev = vertices[i*6+5].prev = v[i-1];
- } else {
- if (closed) {
- vertices[i*6].prev = vertices[i*6+1].prev = vertices[i*6+5].prev = v[numSegments - 1];
- } else {
- vertices[i*6].triangletype = vertices[i*6+1].triangletype = vertices[i*6+5].triangletype = 2.0;
- }
- }
- if (i != numSegments - 1) {
- vertices[i*6+2].next = vertices[i*6+3].next = vertices[i*6+4].next = v[i+2];
- } else {
- if (closed) {
- vertices[i*6+2].next = vertices[i*6+3].next = vertices[i*6+4].next = v[1];
- } else {
- vertices[i*6+2].triangletype = vertices[i*6+3].triangletype = vertices[i*6+4].triangletype = 3.0;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-void QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::allocateAndFillLineStrip(QSGGeometry *geom,
- int lod) const
- // Select LOD. Generate if not present. Assign it to m_screenVertices;
- Q_UNUSED(lod);
- const QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> &vx = *m_screenVertices;
- geom->allocate(vx.size());
- QSGGeometry::Point2D *pts = geom->vertexDataAsPoint2D();
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < vx.size(); ++i)
- pts[i].set(vx[i].x, vx[i].y);
-void MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded::update(const QColor &fillColor,
- float lineWidth,
- const QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL *shape,
- const QMatrix4x4 &geoProjection,
- const QDoubleVector3D &center,
- const Qt::PenCapStyle capStyle,
- bool closed,
- unsigned int zoom)
- // shape->size() == number of triangles
- if (shape->m_screenVertices->size() < 2
- || lineWidth < 0.5 || fillColor.alpha() == 0) { // number of points
- setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- return;
- } else {
- setSubtreeBlocked(false);
- }
- QSGGeometry *fill = QSGGeometryNode::geometry();
- if (shape->m_dataChanged || !shape->isLODActive(zoom) || !fill->vertexCount()) { // fill->vertexCount for when node gets destroyed by MapItemBase bcoz of opacity, then recreated.
- if (shape->allocateAndFillEntries(fill, closed, zoom)) {
- markDirty(DirtyGeometry);
- shape->m_dataChanged = false;
- }
- }
- // Update this
-// if (fillColor != fill_material_.color())
- {
- fill_material_.setWrapOffset(shape->m_wrapOffset - 1);
- fill_material_.setColor(fillColor);
- fill_material_.setGeoProjection(geoProjection);
- fill_material_.setCenter(center);
- fill_material_.setLineWidth(lineWidth);
- fill_material_.setMiter(capStyle != Qt::FlatCap);
- setMaterial(&fill_material_);
- markDirty(DirtyMaterial);
- }
-MapPolylineShaderExtruded::MapPolylineShaderExtruded() : QSGMaterialShader(*new QSGMaterialShaderPrivate(this))
- // Heavily adapted from,
- // that is (c) Matt DesLauriers, and released under the MIT license.
- setShaderFileName(VertexStage, QLatin1String(":/location/declarativemaps/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_extruded.vert.qsb"));
- setShaderFileName(FragmentStage, QLatin1String(":/location/declarativemaps/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_extruded.frag.qsb"));
-bool MapPolylineShaderExtruded::updateUniformData(QSGMaterialShader::RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect)
- Q_ASSERT(oldEffect == nullptr || newEffect->type() == oldEffect->type());
- MapPolylineMaterialExtruded *oldMaterial = static_cast<MapPolylineMaterialExtruded *>(oldEffect);
- MapPolylineMaterialExtruded *newMaterial = static_cast<MapPolylineMaterialExtruded *>(newEffect);
- const QColor &c = newMaterial->color();
- const QMatrix4x4 &geoProjection = newMaterial->geoProjection();
- const QDoubleVector3D &center = newMaterial->center();
- // It is safer to use vec4 instead on vec3, as described in:
- //
- QVector4D vecCenter, vecCenter_lowpart;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- QLocationUtils::split_double(center.get(i), &vecCenter[i], &vecCenter_lowpart[i]);
- vecCenter[3] = 0;
- vecCenter_lowpart[3] = 0;
- int offset = 0;
- char *buf_p = state.uniformData()->data();
- if (state.isMatrixDirty()) {
- const QMatrix4x4 m = state.projectionMatrix();
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, m.constData(), 4*4*4);
- }
- offset += 4*4*4;
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, geoProjection.constData(), 4*4*4); offset+=4*4*4;
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &vecCenter, 4*4); offset += 4*4;
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &vecCenter_lowpart, 4*4); offset+=4*4;
- const float lineWidth = newMaterial->lineWidth();
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &lineWidth, 4); offset+=4;
- const QRectF viewportRect = state.viewportRect();
- const float aspect = float(viewportRect.width() / viewportRect.height());
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &aspect, 4); offset+=4;
- offset += 4; // Padding
- int miter = newMaterial->miter();
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &miter, 4); offset+=4;
- if (oldMaterial == nullptr || c != oldMaterial->color() || state.isOpacityDirty()) {
- float opacity = state.opacity() * c.alphaF();
- QVector4D v(c.redF() * opacity,
- c.greenF() * opacity,
- c.blueF() * opacity,
- opacity);
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &v, 4*4);
- }
- offset+=4*4;
- const float wrapOffset = newMaterial->wrapOffset();
- memcpy(buf_p + offset, &wrapOffset, 4); offset+=4;
- return true;
-QSGMaterialShader *MapPolylineMaterialExtruded::createShader(QSGRendererInterface::RenderMode renderMode) const
- Q_UNUSED(renderMode);
- return new MapPolylineShaderExtruded();
-QSGMaterialType *MapPolylineMaterialExtruded::type() const
- static QSGMaterialType type;
- return &type;
-int MapPolylineMaterialExtruded::compare(const QSGMaterial *other) const
- const MapPolylineMaterialExtruded &o = *static_cast<const MapPolylineMaterialExtruded *>(other);
- if (o.m_miter == m_miter)
- return MapPolylineMaterial::compare(other);
- return -1;
-QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> QGeoMapItemLODGeometry::getSimplified(
- QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>
- &wrappedPath, // reference as it gets copied in the nested call
- double leftBoundWrapped, unsigned int zoom)
- // Try a simplify step
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> data;
- for (auto e: wrappedPath)
- data << e.toDoubleVector2D();
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> simplified = QGeoSimplify::geoSimplifyZL(data,
- leftBoundWrapped,
- zoom);
- data.clear();
- QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> simple;
- for (auto e: simplified)
- simple << e;
- return simple;
-bool QGeoMapItemLODGeometry::isLODActive(unsigned int lod) const
- return m_screenVertices == m_verticesLOD[zoomToLOD(lod)].data();
-class PolylineSimplifyTask : public QRunnable
- PolylineSimplifyTask(const QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>>
- &input, // reference as it gets copied in the nested call
- const QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>> &output,
- double leftBound, unsigned int zoom, QSharedPointer<unsigned int> &working)
- : m_zoom(zoom), m_leftBound(leftBound), m_input(input), m_output(output), m_working(working)
- {
- Q_ASSERT(!input.isNull());
- Q_ASSERT(!output.isNull());
- }
- ~PolylineSimplifyTask() override;
- void run() override
- {
- // Skip sending notifications for now. Updated data will be picked up eventually.
- // ToDo: figure out how to connect a signal from here to a slot in the item.
- *m_working = QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::zoomToLOD(m_zoom);
- const QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> res =
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::getSimplified(
- *m_input, m_leftBound, QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL::zoomForLOD(m_zoom));
- *m_output = res;
- *m_working = 0;
- }
- unsigned int m_zoom;
- double m_leftBound;
- QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>> m_input, m_output;
- QSharedPointer<unsigned int> m_working;
-void QGeoMapItemLODGeometry::enqueueSimplificationTask(
- const QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>> &input,
- const QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>> &output, double leftBound,
- unsigned int zoom, QSharedPointer<unsigned int> &working)
- Q_ASSERT(!input.isNull());
- Q_ASSERT(!output.isNull());
- PolylineSimplifyTask *task = new PolylineSimplifyTask(input,
- output,
- leftBound,
- zoom,
- working);
- threadPool->start(task);
-PolylineSimplifyTask::~PolylineSimplifyTask() {}
-void QGeoMapItemLODGeometry::selectLOD(unsigned int zoom, double leftBound, bool /* closed */) // closed to tell if this is a polygon or a polyline.
- unsigned int requestedLod = zoomToLOD(zoom);
- if (!m_verticesLOD[requestedLod].isNull()) {
- m_screenVertices = m_verticesLOD[requestedLod].data();
- } else if (!>isEmpty()) {
- // if here, zoomToLOD != 0 and no current working task.
- // So select the last filled LOD != m_working (lower-bounded by 1,
- // guaranteed to exist), and enqueue the right one
- m_verticesLOD[requestedLod] = QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>>(
- new QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>);
- for (unsigned int i = requestedLod - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
- if (*m_working != i && !m_verticesLOD[i].isNull()) {
- m_screenVertices = m_verticesLOD[i].data();
- break;
- } else if (i == 1) {
- // get 1 synchronously if not computed already
- m_verticesLOD[1] = QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>>(
- new QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>);
- *m_verticesLOD[1] = getSimplified( *m_verticesLOD[0],
- leftBound,
- zoomForLOD(0));
- if (requestedLod == 1)
- return;
- }
- }
- enqueueSimplificationTask(,
- m_verticesLOD[requestedLod],
- leftBound,
- zoom,
- m_working);
- }
-void QGeoMapItemLODGeometry::selectLODOnDataChanged(unsigned int zoom, double leftBound) const
- unsigned int lod = zoomToLOD(zoom);
- if (lod > 0) {
- // Generate ZL 1 as fallback for all cases != 0. Do not do if 0 is requested
- // (= old behavior, LOD disabled)
- m_verticesLOD[1] = QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>>(
- new QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>);
- *m_verticesLOD[1] = getSimplified( *m_verticesLOD[0],
- leftBound,
- zoomForLOD(0));
- }
- if (lod > 1) {
- if (!m_verticesLOD[lod])
- m_verticesLOD[lod] = QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>>(
- new QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>);
- enqueueSimplificationTask(,
- m_verticesLOD[lod],
- leftBound,
- zoom,
- m_working);
- }
- m_screenVertices = m_verticesLOD[qMin<unsigned int>(lod, 1)].data(); // return only 0,1 synchronously
-unsigned int QGeoMapItemLODGeometry::zoomToLOD(unsigned int zoom)
- unsigned int res;
- if (zoom > 20)
- res = 0;
- else
- res = qBound<unsigned int>(3, zoom, 20) / 3; // bound LOD'ing between ZL 3 and 20. Every 3 ZoomLevels
- return res;
-unsigned int QGeoMapItemLODGeometry::zoomForLOD(unsigned int zoom)
- unsigned int res = (qBound<unsigned int>(3, zoom, 20) / 3) * 3;
- if (zoom < 6)
- return res;
- return res + 1; // give more resolution when closing in
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h
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index 0f52aaaa..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QSGGeometryNode>
-#include <QSGFlatColorMaterial>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoPath>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomapitemgeometry_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeMapLineProperties : public QObject
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal width READ width WRITE setWidth NOTIFY widthChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ color WRITE setColor NOTIFY colorChanged)
- explicit QDeclarativeMapLineProperties(QObject *parent = nullptr);
- QColor color() const;
- void setColor(const QColor &color);
- qreal width() const;
- void setWidth(qreal width);
- void widthChanged(qreal width);
- void colorChanged(const QColor &color);
- qreal width_ = 1.0;
- QColor color_ = Qt::black;
-class QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativePolylineMapItem : public QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase
- Q_ENUMS(Backend)
- Q_PROPERTY(QList<QGeoCoordinate> path READ path WRITE setPath NOTIFY pathChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *line READ line CONSTANT)
- Q_PROPERTY(Backend backend READ backend WRITE setBackend NOTIFY backendChanged REVISION 15)
- enum Backend {
- Software = 0,
- OpenGLLineStrip = 1,
- OpenGLExtruded = 2,
- };
- explicit QDeclarativePolylineMapItem(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- ~QDeclarativePolylineMapItem();
- void setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map) override;
- //from QuickItem
- QSGNode *updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *) override;
- Q_INVOKABLE int pathLength() const;
- Q_INVOKABLE void addCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- Q_INVOKABLE void insertCoordinate(int index, const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- Q_INVOKABLE void replaceCoordinate(int index, const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- Q_INVOKABLE QGeoCoordinate coordinateAt(int index) const;
- Q_INVOKABLE bool containsCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- Q_INVOKABLE void removeCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
- Q_INVOKABLE void removeCoordinate(int index);
- QList<QGeoCoordinate> path() const;
- virtual void setPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &value);
- Q_INVOKABLE void setPath(const QGeoPath &path);
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override;
- const QGeoShape &geoShape() const override;
- void setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape) override;
- QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *line();
- Backend backend() const;
- void setBackend(Backend b);
- void pathChanged();
- void backendChanged();
-protected Q_SLOTS:
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- void updateAfterLinePropertiesChanged();
- void afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event) override;
- void geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) override;
- void setPathFromGeoList(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &path);
- void updatePolish() override;
- void componentComplete() override;
- void updateLineStyleParameter(QGeoMapParameter *p, const char *propertyName);
- void updateLineStyleParameter(QGeoMapParameter *p, const char *propertyName, bool update);
- QGeoPath m_geopath;
- QDeclarativeMapLineProperties m_line;
- Backend m_backend = Software;
- bool m_dirtyMaterial = true;
- bool m_updatingGeometry = false;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate> m_d;
- friend class QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate;
- friend class QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateCPU;
- friend class QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip;
- friend class QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLExtruded;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 50a1561b..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,802 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2020 Paolo Angelelli <>
-** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QSharedPointer>
-#include <QtCore/QScopedValueRollback>
-#include <QSGGeometryNode>
-#include <QSGFlatColorMaterial>
-#include <QSGMaterialShader>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoPath>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoPolygon>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoRectangle>
-#include <QtPositioning/QGeoCircle>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitemutils_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomapitemgeometry_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-#include <array>
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QGeoMapPolylineGeometry : public QGeoMapItemGeometry
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometry();
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path,
- const QGeoCoordinate geoLeftBound);
- void updateScreenPoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- qreal strokeWidth,
- bool adjustTranslation = true);
- void clearSource();
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override;
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > clipPath(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &path,
- QDoubleVector2D &leftBoundWrapped);
- void pathToScreen(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D> > &clippedPaths,
- const QDoubleVector2D &leftBoundWrapped);
- QList<qreal> srcPoints_;
- QList<QPainterPath::ElementType> srcPointTypes_;
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> m_wrappedPath;
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D>> m_clippedPaths;
- friend class QDeclarativeCircleMapItem;
- friend class QDeclarativePolygonMapItem;
- friend class QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem;
- VisibleNode();
- virtual ~VisibleNode();
- bool subtreeBlocked() const;
- void setSubtreeBlocked(bool blocked);
- bool visible() const;
- void setVisible(bool visible);
- bool m_blocked : 1;
- bool m_visible : 1;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapItemGeometryNode : public QSGGeometryNode, public VisibleNode
- ~MapItemGeometryNode() override;
- bool isSubtreeBlocked() const override;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolylineMaterial : public QSGFlatColorMaterial
- MapPolylineMaterial()
- : QSGFlatColorMaterial()
- {
- // Passing RequiresFullMatrix is essential in order to prevent the
- // batch renderer from baking in simple, translate-only transforms into
- // the vertex data. The shader will rely on the fact that
- // vertexCoord.xy is the Shape-space coordinate and so no modifications
- // are welcome.
- setFlag(Blending | RequiresFullMatrix);
- }
- QSGMaterialShader *createShader(QSGRendererInterface::RenderMode renderMode) const override;
- void setGeoProjection(const QMatrix4x4 &p)
- {
- m_geoProjection = p;
- }
- QMatrix4x4 geoProjection() const
- {
- return m_geoProjection;
- }
- void setCenter(const QDoubleVector3D &c)
- {
- m_center = c;
- }
- QDoubleVector3D center() const
- {
- return m_center;
- }
- int wrapOffset() const
- {
- return m_wrapOffset;
- }
- void setWrapOffset(int wrapOffset)
- {
- m_wrapOffset = wrapOffset;
- }
- void setLineWidth(float lw)
- {
- m_lineWidth = lw;
- }
- float lineWidth() const
- {
- return m_lineWidth;
- }
- QSGMaterialType *type() const override;
- int compare(const QSGMaterial *other) const override;
- QMatrix4x4 m_geoProjection;
- QDoubleVector3D m_center;
- int m_wrapOffset = 0;
- float m_lineWidth = 1.0;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolylineNode : public MapItemGeometryNode
- MapPolylineNode();
- ~MapPolylineNode() override;
- void update(const QColor &fillColor, const QGeoMapItemGeometry *shape);
- QSGFlatColorMaterial fill_material_;
- QSGGeometry geometry_;
- mutable std::array<QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>>, 7>
- m_verticesLOD; // fix it to 7,
- // do not allow simplifications beyond ZL 20. This could actually be
- // limited even further
- mutable QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> *m_screenVertices;
- mutable QSharedPointer<unsigned int> m_working;
- QGeoMapItemLODGeometry()
- {
- resetLOD();
- }
- void resetLOD()
- {
- // New pointer, some old LOD task might still be running and operating on the old pointers.
- m_verticesLOD[0] = QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>>(
- new QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>);
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_verticesLOD.size(); ++i)
- m_verticesLOD[i] = nullptr; // allocate on first use
- m_screenVertices = m_verticesLOD.front().data(); // resetting pointer to data to be LOD 0
- }
- static unsigned int zoomToLOD(unsigned int zoom);
- static unsigned int zoomForLOD(unsigned int zoom);
- bool isLODActive(unsigned int lod) const;
- void selectLOD(unsigned int zoom, double leftBound, bool /*closed*/);
- static QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>
- getSimplified(QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2> &wrappedPath, double leftBoundWrapped,
- unsigned int zoom);
- static void enqueueSimplificationTask(
- const QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>>
- &input, // reference as it gets copied in the nested call
- const QSharedPointer<QList<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2>> &output,
- double leftBound, unsigned int zoom, QSharedPointer<unsigned int> &working);
- void selectLODOnDataChanged(unsigned int zoom, double leftBound) const;
- bool selectLODOnLODMismatch(unsigned int zoom, double leftBound, bool closed) const
- {
- if (*m_working > 0) {
- return false;
- }
- const_cast<QGeoMapItemLODGeometry *>(this)->selectLOD(zoom,
- leftBound,
- closed);
- return true;
- }
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL : public QGeoMapItemGeometry, public QGeoMapItemLODGeometry
- typedef struct {
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> wrappedBboxes;
- } WrappedPolyline;
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL()
- {
- m_working = QSharedPointer<unsigned int>(new unsigned int(0));
- }
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QGeoPolygon &poly);
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QGeoPath &poly);
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p,
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &wrappedPath,
- const QGeoRectangle &boundingRectangle);
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QGeoRectangle &rect);
- void updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QGeoCircle &circle);
- void updateScreenPoints(const QGeoMap &map,
- qreal strokeWidth,
- bool adjustTranslation = true);
- void updateQuickGeometry(const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p, qreal strokeWidth = 0.0);
- bool allocateAndFillEntries(QSGGeometry *geom,
- bool closed = false,
- unsigned int zoom = 0) const;
- void allocateAndFillLineStrip(QSGGeometry *geom,
- int lod = 0) const;
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override
- {
- Q_UNUSED(point);
- return false;
- }
- static double distanceTo(const QDoubleVector2D &a, const QDoubleVector2D &b, const QDoubleVector2D &p)
- {
- double u = ((p.x() - a.x()) * (b.x() - a.x()) + (p.y() - a.y()) * (b.y() - a.y()) ) / (b - a).lengthSquared();
- QDoubleVector2D intersection(a.x() + u * (b.x() - a.x()) , a.y() + u * (b.y() - a.y()) );
- QDoubleVector2D candidate = ( (p-a).length() < (p-b).length() ) ? a : b;
- if (u > 0 && u < 1
- && (p-intersection).length() < (p-candidate).length() ) // And it falls in the segment
- candidate = intersection;
- return qAbs((candidate - p).length());
- }
- // Note: this is also slightly incorrect on joins and in the beginning/end of the line
- bool contains(const QPointF &point, qreal lineWidth, const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p) const
- {
- const double lineHalfWidth = lineWidth * 0.5;
- const QDoubleVector2D pt(point);
- QDoubleVector2D a;
- if (m_screenVertices->size())
- a = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(p.wrapMapProjection(m_screenVertices->first().toDoubleVector2D()));
- QDoubleVector2D b;
- for (qsizetype i = 1; i < m_screenVertices->size(); ++i) {
- const auto &screenVertice = m_screenVertices->at(i);
- if (!a.isFinite()) {
- a = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(p.wrapMapProjection(screenVertice.toDoubleVector2D()));
- continue;
- }
- b = p.wrappedMapProjectionToItemPosition(p.wrapMapProjection(screenVertice.toDoubleVector2D()));
- if (!b.isFinite()) {
- a = b;
- continue;
- }
- if (b == a)
- continue;
- // Heavily simplifying it here: if a point is not projectable, skip the segment.
- // For a correct solution, the segment should be clipped instead.
- if (distanceTo(a, b, pt) <= lineHalfWidth)
- return true;
- a = b;
- }
- return false;
- }
- QDoubleVector2D m_bboxLeftBoundWrapped;
- QList<WrappedPolyline> m_wrappedPolygons;
- int m_wrapOffset;
- friend class QDeclarativeCircleMapItem;
- friend class QDeclarativePolygonMapItem;
- friend class QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolylineShaderLineStrip : public QSGMaterialShader
- MapPolylineShaderLineStrip();
- bool updateUniformData(RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect) override;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolylineShaderExtruded : public QSGMaterialShader
- MapPolylineShaderExtruded();
- bool updateUniformData(RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect) override;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolylineNodeOpenGLLineStrip : public MapItemGeometryNode
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLLineStrip();
- ~MapPolylineNodeOpenGLLineStrip() override;
- void update(const QColor &fillColor,
- const qreal lineWidth,
- const QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL *shape,
- const QMatrix4x4 &geoProjection,
- const QDoubleVector3D &center,
- const Qt::PenCapStyle capStyle = Qt::SquareCap);
- MapPolylineMaterial fill_material_;
- QSGGeometry geometry_;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolylineMaterialExtruded : public MapPolylineMaterial
- MapPolylineMaterialExtruded() : MapPolylineMaterial()
- {
- }
- QSGMaterialShader *createShader(QSGRendererInterface::RenderMode renderMode) const override;
- void setMiter(int m)
- {
- m_miter = m;
- }
- int miter() const
- {
- return m_miter;
- }
- QSGMaterialType *type() const override;
- int compare(const QSGMaterial *other) const override;
- int m_miter = 0;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded : public MapItemGeometryNode
- typedef struct MapPolylineEntry {
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2 pos;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2 prev;
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemUtils::vec2 next;
- float direction;
- float triangletype; // es2 does not support int attribs
- float vertextype;
- static const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &attributes()
- {
- static const QSGGeometry::Attribute dataTri[] = {
- QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithAttributeType(0, 2, QSGGeometry::FloatType, QSGGeometry::PositionAttribute) // pos
- ,QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithAttributeType(1, 2, QSGGeometry::FloatType, QSGGeometry::UnknownAttribute) // next
- ,QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithAttributeType(2, 2, QSGGeometry::FloatType, QSGGeometry::UnknownAttribute) // previous
- ,QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithAttributeType(3, 1, QSGGeometry::FloatType, QSGGeometry::UnknownAttribute) // direction
- ,QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithAttributeType(4, 1, QSGGeometry::FloatType, QSGGeometry::UnknownAttribute) // triangletype
- ,QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithAttributeType(5, 1, QSGGeometry::FloatType, QSGGeometry::UnknownAttribute) // vertextype
- };
- static const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet attrsTri = { 6, sizeof(MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded::MapPolylineEntry), dataTri };
- return attrsTri;
- }
- } MapPolylineEntry;
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded();
- ~MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded() override;
- void update(const QColor &fillColor,
- float lineWidth,
- const QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL *shape,
- const QMatrix4x4 &geoProjection,
- const QDoubleVector3D &center,
- const Qt::PenCapStyle capStyle = Qt::FlatCap,
- bool closed = false,
- unsigned int zoom = 30);
- static const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &attributesMapPolylineTriangulated();
- MapPolylineMaterialExtruded fill_material_;
- QSGGeometry m_geometryTriangulating;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate(QDeclarativePolylineMapItem &poly) : m_poly(poly)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate(QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate &other) : m_poly(other.m_poly)
- {
- }
- virtual ~QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate();
- virtual void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() = 0;
- virtual void onMapSet() = 0;
- virtual void onLinePropertiesChanged() = 0;
- virtual void onGeoGeometryChanged() = 0;
- virtual void onGeoGeometryUpdated() = 0;
- virtual void onItemGeometryChanged() = 0;
- virtual void updatePolish() = 0;
- virtual void afterViewportChanged() = 0;
- virtual QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) = 0;
- virtual bool contains(const QPointF &point) const = 0;
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItem &m_poly;
- Qt::PenStyle m_penStyle = Qt::SolidLine;
- Qt::PenCapStyle m_penCapStyle = Qt::SquareCap;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateCPU: public QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateCPU(QDeclarativePolylineMapItem &poly) : QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate(poly)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateCPU(QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate &other)
- : QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate(other)
- {
- }
- ~QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateCPU() override;
- void onLinePropertiesChanged() override
- {
- // mark dirty just in case we're a width change
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() override
- {
- m_geometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_poly.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void regenerateCache()
- {
- if (! ||>geoProjection().projectionType() != QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection());
- m_geopathProjected.clear();
- m_geopathProjected.reserve(m_poly.m_geopath.size());
- for (const QGeoCoordinate &c : m_poly.m_geopath.path())
- m_geopathProjected << p.geoToMapProjection(c);
- }
- void updateCache()
- {
- if (! ||>geoProjection().projectionType() != QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator)
- return;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection());
- m_geopathProjected << p.geoToMapProjection(m_poly.m_geopath.path().last());
- }
- void preserveGeometry()
- {
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_poly.m_geopath.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft());
- }
- void afterViewportChanged() override
- {
- // preserveGeometry is cleared in updateMapItemPaintNode
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onMapSet() override
- {
- regenerateCache();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryChanged() override
- {
- regenerateCache();
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryUpdated() override
- {
- updateCache();
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onItemGeometryChanged() override
- {
- onGeoGeometryChanged();
- }
- void updatePolish() override
- {
- if (m_poly.m_geopath.path().length() < 2) { // Possibly cleared
- m_geometry.clear();
- m_poly.setWidth(0);
- m_poly.setHeight(0);
- return;
- }
- QScopedValueRollback<bool> rollback(m_poly.m_updatingGeometry);
- m_poly.m_updatingGeometry = true;
- const QGeoMap *map =;
- const qreal borderWidth = m_poly.m_line.width();
- m_geometry.updateSourcePoints(*map, m_geopathProjected, m_poly.m_geopath.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft());
- m_geometry.updateScreenPoints(*map, borderWidth);
- m_poly.setWidth(m_geometry.sourceBoundingBox().width() + borderWidth);
- m_poly.setHeight(m_geometry.sourceBoundingBox().height() + borderWidth);
- m_poly.setPositionOnMap(m_geometry.origin(), -1 * m_geometry.sourceBoundingBox().topLeft()
- + QPointF(borderWidth, borderWidth) * 0.5 ); // it has to be shifted so that the center of the line is on the correct geocoord
- }
- QSGNode *updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData * /*data*/) override
- {
- if (!m_node || !oldNode) {
- m_node = new MapPolylineNode();
- if (oldNode) {
- delete oldNode;
- oldNode = nullptr;
- }
- } else {
- m_node = static_cast<MapPolylineNode *>(oldNode);
- }
- //TODO: update only material
- if (m_geometry.isScreenDirty() || m_poly.m_dirtyMaterial || !oldNode) {
- m_node->update(m_poly.m_line.color(), &m_geometry);
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_geometry.markClean();
- m_poly.m_dirtyMaterial = false;
- }
- return m_node;
- }
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override
- {
- return m_geometry.contains(point);
- }
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> m_geopathProjected;
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometry m_geometry;
- MapPolylineNode *m_node = nullptr;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip: public QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip(QDeclarativePolylineMapItem &poly) : QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate(poly)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip(QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate &other)
- : QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate(other)
- {
- }
- ~QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip() override;
- void onLinePropertiesChanged() override
- {
- afterViewportChanged();
- }
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() override
- {
- m_geometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_poly.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void preserveGeometry()
- {
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_poly.m_geopath.boundingGeoRectangle().topLeft());
- }
- void onMapSet() override
- {
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryChanged() override
- {
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryUpdated() override
- {
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onItemGeometryChanged() override
- {
- onGeoGeometryChanged();
- }
- void afterViewportChanged() override
- {
- preserveGeometry();
- m_poly.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override
- {
- return m_geometry.contains(m_poly.mapToItem(m_poly.quickMap(), point),
- m_poly.line()->width(),
- static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection()));
- }
- void updatePolish() override
- {
- if (m_poly.m_geopath.path().length() == 0) { // Possibly cleared
- m_geometry.clear();
- m_geometry.clear();
- m_poly.setWidth(0);
- m_poly.setHeight(0);
- return;
- }
- QScopedValueRollback<bool> rollback(m_poly.m_updatingGeometry);
- m_poly.m_updatingGeometry = true;
- const qreal lineWidth = m_poly.m_line.width();
- m_geometry.updateSourcePoints(*, m_poly.m_geopath);
- m_geometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_geometry.updateScreenPoints(*, lineWidth);
- m_poly.setWidth(m_geometry.sourceBoundingBox().width());
- m_poly.setHeight(m_geometry.sourceBoundingBox().height());
- m_poly.setPosition(1.0 * m_geometry.firstPointOffset() - QPointF(lineWidth * 0.5,lineWidth * 0.5));
- }
- QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) override
- {
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- if (!m_node || !oldNode) {
- m_node = new MapPolylineNodeOpenGLLineStrip();
- if (oldNode)
- delete oldNode;
- } else {
- m_node = static_cast<MapPolylineNodeOpenGLLineStrip *>(oldNode);
- }
- if (m_geometry.isScreenDirty() || m_poly.m_dirtyMaterial) {
- const QGeoMap *map =;
- const QMatrix4x4 &combinedMatrix = map->geoProjection().qsgTransform();
- const QDoubleVector3D &cameraCenter = map->geoProjection().centerMercator();
- m_node->update(m_poly.m_line.color(), // This updates only the material if the geometry is unchanged
- m_poly.m_line.width(),
- &m_geometry,
- combinedMatrix,
- cameraCenter);
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_geometry.markClean();
- m_poly.m_dirtyMaterial = false;
- }
- return m_node;
- }
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL m_geometry;
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLLineStrip *m_node = nullptr;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLExtruded: public QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLExtruded(QDeclarativePolylineMapItem &poly)
- : QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip(poly)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLExtruded(QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivate &other)
- : QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLLineStrip(other)
- {
- }
- ~QDeclarativePolylineMapItemPrivateOpenGLExtruded() override;
- QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) override
- {
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- const QGeoMap *map =;
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(map->geoProjection());
- const QMatrix4x4 &combinedMatrix = p.qsgTransform();
- const QDoubleVector3D &cameraCenter = p.centerMercator();
- const QColor &color = m_poly.m_line.color();
- const float lineWidth = m_poly.m_line.width();
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded *nodeTri = nullptr;
- if (!m_nodeTri || !oldNode) {
- if (oldNode)
- delete oldNode;
- nodeTri = new MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded();
- } else {
- nodeTri = static_cast<MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded *>(oldNode);
- }
- //TODO: update only material
- if (m_geometry.isScreenDirty() || m_poly.m_dirtyMaterial) {
- nodeTri->update(color,
- lineWidth ,
- &m_geometry,
- combinedMatrix,
- cameraCenter,
- m_penCapStyle,
- false,
- m_poly.zoomForLOD(int(map->cameraData().zoomLevel())));
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_geometry.markClean();
- m_poly.m_dirtyMaterial = false;
- }
- m_nodeTri = nodeTri;
- return nodeTri;
- }
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded *m_nodeTri = nullptr;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b7d01150..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p.h"
-#include <QtCore/QScopedValueRollback>
-#include <QPainterPath>
-#include <qnumeric.h>
-#include <QRectF>
-#include <QPointF>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qlocationutils_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qwebmercator_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
- \qmltype MapRectangle
- \instantiates QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.5
- \brief The MapRectangle type displays a rectangle on a Map.
- The MapRectangle type displays a rectangle on a Map. Rectangles are a
- special case of Polygon with exactly 4 vertices and 4 "straight" edges. In
- this case, "straight" means that the top-left point has the same latitude
- as the top-right point (the top edge), and the bottom-left point has the
- same latitude as the bottom-right point (the bottom edge). Similarly, the
- points on the left side have the same longitude, and the points on the
- right side have the same longitude.
- To specify the rectangle, it requires a \l topLeft and \l bottomRight point,
- both given by a \l {coordinate}.
- By default, the rectangle is displayed with transparent fill and a 1-pixel
- thick black border. This can be changed using the \l color, \l border.color
- and \l border.width properties.
- \note Similar to the \l MapPolygon type, MapRectangles are geographic
- items, thus dragging a MapRectangle causes its vertices to be recalculated
- in the geographic coordinate space. Apparent stretching of the item
- occurs when dragged to the a different latitude, however, its edges
- remain straight.
- \section2 Performance
- MapRectangles have a rendering cost identical to a MapPolygon with 4
- vertices.
- Like the other map objects, MapRectangle is normally drawn without a smooth
- appearance. Setting the \l opacity property will force the object to be
- blended, which decreases performance considerably depending on the hardware
- in use.
- \section2 Example Usage
- The following snippet shows a map containing a MapRectangle, spanning
- from (-27, 153) to (-28, 153.5), near Brisbane, Australia. The rectangle
- is filled in green, with a 2 pixel black border.
- \code
- Map {
- MapRectangle {
- color: 'green'
- border.width: 2
- topLeft {
- latitude: -27
- longitude: 153
- }
- bottomRight {
- latitude: -28
- longitude: 153.5
- }
- }
- }
- \endcode
- \image api-maprectangle.png
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapRectangle::autoFadeIn
- This property holds whether the item automatically fades in when zooming into the map
- starting from very low zoom levels. By default this is \c true.
- Setting this property to \c false causes the map item to always have the opacity specified
- with the \l QtQuick::Item::opacity property, which is 1.0 by default.
- \since 5.14
-struct RectangleBackendSelector
- RectangleBackendSelector()
- {
- backend = (qgetenv("QTLOCATION_OPENGL_ITEMS").toInt()) ? QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::OpenGL : QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::Software;
- }
- QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::Backend backend = QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::Software;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(RectangleBackendSelector, mapRectangleBackendSelector)
-QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem(QQuickItem *parent)
- : QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase(parent), m_border(this),
- m_d(new QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU(*this))
- // ToDo: handle envvar, and switch implementation.
- m_itemType = QGeoMap::MapRectangle;
- setFlag(ItemHasContents, true);
- QObject::connect(&m_border, &QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::colorChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::onLinePropertiesChanged);
- QObject::connect(&m_border, &QDeclarativeMapLineProperties::widthChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::onLinePropertiesChanged);
- setBackend(mapRectangleBackendSelector->backend);
- \qmlproperty MapRectangle.Backend QtLocation::MapRectangle::backend
- This property holds which backend is in use to render the map item.
- Valid values are \b MapRectangle.Software and \b{MapRectangle.OpenGL}.
- The default value is \b{MapRectangle.Software}.
- \note \b{The release of this API with Qt 5.15 is a Technology Preview}.
- Ideally, as the OpenGL backends for map items mature, there will be
- no more need to also offer the legacy software-projection backend.
- So this property will likely disappear at some later point.
- To select OpenGL-accelerated item backends without using this property,
- it is also possible to set the environment variable \b QTLOCATION_OPENGL_ITEMS
- to \b{1}.
- Also note that all current OpenGL backends won't work as expected when enabling
- layers on the individual item, or when running on OpenGL core profiles greater than 2.x.
- \since 5.15
-QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::Backend QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::backend() const
- return m_backend;
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::setBackend(QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::Backend b)
- if (b == m_backend)
- return;
- m_backend = b;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate> d(
- (m_backend == Software) ? static_cast<QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate *>(
- new QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU(*this))
- : static_cast<QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate *>(
- new QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateOpenGL(*this)));
- std::swap(m_d, d);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit backendChanged();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map)
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::setMap(quickMap,map);
- if (!map)
- return;
- m_d->onMapSet();
- \qmlpropertygroup Location::MapRectangle::border
- \qmlproperty int MapRectangle::border.width
- \qmlproperty color MapRectangle::border.color
- This property is part of the border property group. The border property group
- holds the width and color used to draw the border of the rectangle.
- The width is in pixels and is independent of the zoom level of the map.
- The default values correspond to a black border with a width of 1 pixel.
- For no line, use a width of 0 or a transparent color.
-QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::border()
- return &m_border;
- \qmlproperty coordinate MapRectangle::topLeft
- This property holds the top-left coordinate of the MapRectangle which
- can be used to retrieve its longitude, latitude and altitude.
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::setTopLeft(const QGeoCoordinate &topLeft)
- if (m_rectangle.topLeft() == topLeft)
- return;
- m_rectangle.setTopLeft(topLeft);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit topLeftChanged(topLeft);
-QGeoCoordinate QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::topLeft()
- return m_rectangle.topLeft();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::markSourceDirtyAndUpdate()
- m_d->markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::onLinePropertiesChanged()
- m_d->onLinePropertiesChanged();
- \qmlproperty coordinate MapRectangle::bottomRight
- This property holds the bottom-right coordinate of the MapRectangle which
- can be used to retrieve its longitude, latitude and altitude.
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::setBottomRight(const QGeoCoordinate &bottomRight)
- if (m_rectangle.bottomRight() == bottomRight)
- return;
- m_rectangle.setBottomRight(bottomRight);
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- emit bottomRightChanged(bottomRight);
-QGeoCoordinate QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::bottomRight()
- return m_rectangle.bottomRight();
- \qmlproperty color MapRectangle::color
- This property holds the fill color of the rectangle. For no fill, use
- a transparent color.
-QColor QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::color() const
- return m_color;
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::setColor(const QColor &color)
- if (m_color == color)
- return;
- m_color = color;
- m_dirtyMaterial = true;
- polishAndUpdate();
- emit colorChanged(m_color);
- \qmlproperty real MapRectangle::opacity
- This property holds the opacity of the item. Opacity is specified as a
- number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque). The default is 1.
- An item with 0 opacity will still receive mouse events. To stop mouse events, set the
- visible property of the item to false.
- \internal
-QSGNode *QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *data)
- return m_d->updateMapItemPaintNode(oldNode, data);
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::updatePolish()
- if (!map() || map()->geoProjection().projectionType() != QGeoProjection::ProjectionWebMercator)
- return;
- m_d->updatePolish();
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event)
- if (event.mapSize.width() <= 0 || event.mapSize.height() <= 0)
- return;
- m_d->afterViewportChanged();
- \internal
-bool QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::contains(const QPointF &point) const
- return m_d->contains(point);
-const QGeoShape &QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::geoShape() const
- return m_rectangle;
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape)
- if (shape == m_rectangle)
- return;
- const QGeoRectangle rectangle = m_rectangle.boundingGeoRectangle();
- const bool tlHasChanged = rectangle.topLeft() != m_rectangle.topLeft();
- const bool brHasChanged = rectangle.bottomRight() != m_rectangle.bottomRight();
- m_rectangle = rectangle;
- m_d->onGeoGeometryChanged();
- if (tlHasChanged)
- emit topLeftChanged(m_rectangle.topLeft());
- if (brHasChanged)
- emit bottomRightChanged(m_rectangle.bottomRight());
- \internal
-void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
- if (!map() || !m_rectangle.isValid() || m_updatingGeometry || newGeometry.topLeft() == oldGeometry.topLeft()) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
- return;
- }
- // TODO: change the algorithm to preserve the distances and size
- QGeoCoordinate newCenter = map()->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(, false);
- QGeoCoordinate oldCenter = map()->geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(, false);
- if (!newCenter.isValid() || !oldCenter.isValid())
- return;
- double offsetLongi = newCenter.longitude() - oldCenter.longitude();
- double offsetLati = newCenter.latitude() - oldCenter.latitude();
- if (offsetLati == 0.0 && offsetLongi == 0.0)
- return;
- m_rectangle.translate(offsetLati, offsetLongi);
- m_d->onItemGeometryChanged();
- emit topLeftChanged(m_rectangle.topLeft());
- emit bottomRightChanged(m_rectangle.bottomRight());
- // Not calling QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChange() as it will be called from a nested
- // call to this function.
-QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate::~QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate() {}
-QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU::~QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU() {}
-QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateOpenGL::~QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateOpenGL() {}
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 968b9f21..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomapitemgeometry_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-#include <QSGGeometryNode>
-#include <QSGFlatColorMaterial>
-class QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem: public QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase
- Q_ENUMS(Backend)
- Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate topLeft READ topLeft WRITE setTopLeft NOTIFY topLeftChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate bottomRight READ bottomRight WRITE setBottomRight NOTIFY bottomRightChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ color WRITE setColor NOTIFY colorChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *border READ border CONSTANT)
- Q_PROPERTY(Backend backend READ backend WRITE setBackend NOTIFY backendChanged REVISION 15)
- enum Backend {
- Software = 0,
- OpenGL = 1
- };
- explicit QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- ~QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem() override;
- void setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap, QGeoMap *map) override;
- //from QuickItem
- QSGNode *updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *) override;
- QGeoCoordinate topLeft();
- void setTopLeft(const QGeoCoordinate &center);
- QGeoCoordinate bottomRight();
- void setBottomRight(const QGeoCoordinate &center);
- QColor color() const;
- void setColor(const QColor &color);
- QDeclarativeMapLineProperties *border();
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override;
- const QGeoShape &geoShape() const override;
- void setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape) override;
- Backend backend() const;
- void setBackend(Backend b);
- void topLeftChanged(const QGeoCoordinate &topLeft);
- void bottomRightChanged(const QGeoCoordinate &bottomRight);
- void colorChanged(const QColor &color);
- void backendChanged();
- void geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) override;
- void updatePolish() override;
-protected Q_SLOTS:
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- void onLinePropertiesChanged();
- void afterViewportChanged(const QGeoMapViewportChangeEvent &event) override;
- QGeoRectangle m_rectangle;
- QDeclarativeMapLineProperties m_border;
- QColor m_color = Qt::transparent;
- bool m_dirtyMaterial = true;
- bool m_updatingGeometry = false;
- Backend m_backend = Software;
- std::unique_ptr<QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate> m_d;
- friend class QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate;
- friend class QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU;
- friend class QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateOpenGL;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 09d8b3d2..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2020 Paolo Angelelli <>
-** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolygonmapitem_p_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativerectanglemapitem_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qwebmercator_p.h>
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate(QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem &rect) : m_rect(rect)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate(QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate &other) : m_rect(other.m_rect)
- {
- }
- virtual ~QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate();
- virtual void onLinePropertiesChanged() = 0;
- virtual void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() = 0;
- virtual void onMapSet() = 0;
- virtual void onGeoGeometryChanged() = 0;
- virtual void onItemGeometryChanged() = 0;
- virtual void updatePolish() = 0;
- virtual void afterViewportChanged() = 0;
- virtual QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) = 0;
- virtual bool contains(const QPointF &point) const = 0;
- QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem &m_rect;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU: public QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU(QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem &rect) : QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate(rect)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU(QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate &other)
- : QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate(other)
- {
- }
- ~QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateCPU() override;
- void onLinePropertiesChanged() override
- {
- // mark dirty just in case we're a width change
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() override
- {
- m_geometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_rect.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void onMapSet() override
- {
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryChanged() override
- {
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onItemGeometryChanged() override
- {
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_rect.m_rectangle.topLeft());
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_rect.m_rectangle.topLeft());
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void afterViewportChanged() override
- {
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_rect.m_rectangle.topLeft());
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_rect.m_rectangle.topLeft());
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void updatePolish() override
- {
- if (!m_rect.topLeft().isValid() || !m_rect.bottomRight().isValid()) {
- m_geometry.clear();
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- m_rect.setWidth(0);
- m_rect.setHeight(0);
- return;
- }
- const QGeoProjectionWebMercator &p = static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection());
- QScopedValueRollback<bool> rollback(m_rect.m_updatingGeometry);
- m_rect.m_updatingGeometry = true;
- const QList<QGeoCoordinate> perimeter = path(m_rect.m_rectangle);
- const QList<QDoubleVector2D> pathMercator_ = pathMercator(perimeter);
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_rect.m_rectangle.topLeft());
- m_geometry.updateSourcePoints(*, pathMercator_);
- m_geometry.updateScreenPoints(*, m_rect.m_border.width());
- QList<QGeoMapItemGeometry *> geoms;
- geoms << &m_geometry;
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- if (m_rect.m_border.color().alpha() != 0 && m_rect.m_border.width() > 0) {
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> closedPath = pathMercator_;
- closedPath << closedPath.first();
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_rect.m_rectangle.topLeft());
- const QGeoCoordinate &geometryOrigin = m_geometry.origin();
- m_borderGeometry.srcPoints_.clear();
- m_borderGeometry.srcPointTypes_.clear();
- QDoubleVector2D borderLeftBoundWrapped;
- QList<QList<QDoubleVector2D > > clippedPaths = m_borderGeometry.clipPath(*, closedPath, borderLeftBoundWrapped);
- if (clippedPaths.size()) {
- borderLeftBoundWrapped = p.geoToWrappedMapProjection(geometryOrigin);
- m_borderGeometry.pathToScreen(*, clippedPaths, borderLeftBoundWrapped);
- m_borderGeometry.updateScreenPoints(*, m_rect.m_border.width());
- geoms << &m_borderGeometry;
- } else {
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- }
- }
- QRectF combined = QGeoMapItemGeometry::translateToCommonOrigin(geoms);
- m_rect.setWidth(combined.width() + 2 * m_rect.m_border.width()); // ToDo: fix this! 2 is incorrect
- m_rect.setHeight(combined.height() + 2 * m_rect.m_border.width());
- m_rect.setPositionOnMap(m_geometry.origin(), m_geometry.firstPointOffset());
- }
- QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) override
- {
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- if (!m_node || !oldNode) {
- m_node = new MapPolygonNode();
- if (oldNode) {
- delete oldNode;
- oldNode = nullptr;
- }
- } else {
- m_node = static_cast<MapPolygonNode *>(oldNode);
- }
- //TODO: update only material
- if (m_geometry.isScreenDirty() || m_borderGeometry.isScreenDirty() || m_rect.m_dirtyMaterial) {
- m_node->update(m_rect.m_color, m_rect.m_border.color(), &m_geometry, &m_borderGeometry);
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_geometry.markClean();
- m_borderGeometry.markClean();
- m_rect.m_dirtyMaterial = false;
- }
- return m_node;
- }
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override
- {
- return (m_geometry.contains(point) || m_borderGeometry.contains(point));
- }
- static QList<QGeoCoordinate> path(const QGeoRectangle &rect)
- {
- QList<QGeoCoordinate> res;
- res << rect.topLeft();
- res << QGeoCoordinate(rect.topLeft().latitude(), rect.bottomRight().longitude());
- res << rect.bottomRight();
- res << QGeoCoordinate(rect.bottomRight().latitude(), rect.topLeft().longitude());
- return res;
- }
- static QList<QGeoCoordinate> perimeter(const QGeoRectangle &rect)
- {
- QList<QGeoCoordinate> res;
- res << rect.topLeft();
- res << QGeoCoordinate(rect.topLeft().latitude(), rect.bottomRight().longitude());
- res << rect.bottomRight();
- res << QGeoCoordinate(rect.bottomRight().latitude(), rect.topLeft().longitude());
- res << res.first();
- return res;
- }
- static QList<QDoubleVector2D> pathMercator(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &p)
- {
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> res;
- for (const auto &c: p)
- res << QWebMercator::coordToMercator(c);
- return res;
- }
- QGeoMapPolygonGeometry m_geometry;
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometry m_borderGeometry;
- MapPolygonNode *m_node = nullptr;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateOpenGL: public QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate
- QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateOpenGL(QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem &rect) : QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate(rect)
- {
- }
- QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateOpenGL(QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate &other)
- : QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivate(other)
- {
- }
- ~QDeclarativeRectangleMapItemPrivateOpenGL() override;
- void markScreenDirtyAndUpdate()
- {
- // preserveGeometry is cleared in updateMapItemPaintNode
- m_geometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_rect.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void onLinePropertiesChanged() override
- {
- m_rect.m_dirtyMaterial = true;
- afterViewportChanged();
- }
- void markSourceDirtyAndUpdate() override
- {
- m_geometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.markSourceDirty();
- m_rect.polishAndUpdate();
- }
- void preserveGeometry()
- {
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_rect.m_rectangle.topLeft());
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(true, m_rect.m_rectangle.topLeft());
- }
- void onMapSet() override
- {
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onGeoGeometryChanged() override
- {
- preserveGeometry();
- markSourceDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void onItemGeometryChanged() override
- {
- onGeoGeometryChanged();
- }
- void afterViewportChanged() override
- {
- preserveGeometry();
- markScreenDirtyAndUpdate();
- }
- void updatePolish() override
- {
- if (!m_rect.topLeft().isValid() || !m_rect.bottomRight().isValid()) {
- m_geometry.clear();
- m_borderGeometry.clear();
- m_rect.setWidth(0);
- m_rect.setHeight(0);
- return;
- }
- QScopedValueRollback<bool> rollback(m_rect.m_updatingGeometry);
- m_rect.m_updatingGeometry = true;
- const qreal lineWidth = m_rect.m_border.width();
- const QColor &lineColor = m_rect.m_border.color();
- const QColor &fillColor = m_rect.color();
- if (fillColor.alpha() != 0) {
- m_geometry.updateSourcePoints(*, m_rect.m_rectangle);
- m_geometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_geometry.updateScreenPoints(*, lineWidth, lineColor);
- } else {
- m_geometry.clearBounds();
- }
- QGeoMapItemGeometry * geom = &m_geometry;
- m_borderGeometry.clearScreen();
- if (lineColor.alpha() != 0 && lineWidth > 0) {
- m_borderGeometry.updateSourcePoints(*, m_rect.m_rectangle);
- m_borderGeometry.markScreenDirty();
- m_borderGeometry.updateScreenPoints(*, lineWidth);
- geom = &m_borderGeometry;
- }
- m_rect.setWidth(geom->sourceBoundingBox().width());
- m_rect.setHeight(geom->sourceBoundingBox().height());
- m_rect.setPosition(1.0 * geom->firstPointOffset() - QPointF(lineWidth * 0.5,lineWidth * 0.5));
- }
- QSGNode * updateMapItemPaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data) override
- {
- Q_UNUSED(data);
- if (!m_rootNode || !oldNode) {
- m_rootNode = new QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL::RootNode();
- m_node = new MapPolygonNodeGL();
- m_rootNode->appendChildNode(m_node);
- m_polylinenode = new MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded();
- m_rootNode->appendChildNode(m_polylinenode);
- m_rootNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyNodeAdded);
- if (oldNode)
- delete oldNode;
- } else {
- m_rootNode = static_cast<QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL::RootNode *>(oldNode);
- }
- const QGeoMap *map =;
- const QMatrix4x4 &combinedMatrix = map->geoProjection().qsgTransform();
- const QDoubleVector3D &cameraCenter = map->geoProjection().centerMercator();
- if (m_borderGeometry.isScreenDirty()) {
- /* Do the border update first */
- m_polylinenode->update(m_rect.m_border.color(),
- float(m_rect.m_border.width()),
- &m_borderGeometry,
- combinedMatrix,
- cameraCenter,
- Qt::SquareCap,
- true,
- 30); // No LOD for rectangles
- m_borderGeometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_borderGeometry.markClean();
- } else {
- m_polylinenode->setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- }
- if (m_geometry.isScreenDirty()) {
- m_node->update(m_rect.m_color,
- &m_geometry,
- combinedMatrix,
- cameraCenter);
- m_geometry.setPreserveGeometry(false);
- m_geometry.markClean();
- } else {
- m_node->setSubtreeBlocked(true);
- }
- m_rootNode->setSubtreeBlocked(false);
- return m_rootNode;
- }
- bool contains(const QPointF &point) const override
- {
- const qreal lineWidth = m_rect.m_border.width();
- const QColor &lineColor = m_rect.m_border.color();
- const QRectF &bounds = (lineColor.alpha() != 0 && lineWidth > 0) ? m_borderGeometry.sourceBoundingBox() : m_geometry.sourceBoundingBox();
- if (bounds.contains(point)) {
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *m = m_rect.quickMap();
- if (m) {
- const QGeoCoordinate crd = m->toCoordinate(m->mapFromItem(&m_rect, point));
- return m_rect.m_rectangle.contains(crd) || m_borderGeometry.contains(m_rect.mapToItem(m_rect.quickMap(), point),
- m_rect.border()->width(),
- static_cast<const QGeoProjectionWebMercator&>(>geoProjection()));
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- QGeoMapPolygonGeometryOpenGL m_geometry;
- QGeoMapPolylineGeometryOpenGL m_borderGeometry;
- QDeclarativePolygonMapItemPrivateOpenGL::RootNode *m_rootNode = nullptr;
- MapPolygonNodeGL *m_node = nullptr;
- MapPolylineNodeOpenGLExtruded *m_polylinenode = nullptr;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativeroutemapitem.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativeroutemapitem.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d013e1a..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativeroutemapitem.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qdeclarativeroutemapitem_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeoroute_p.h"
-#include <QtQml/QQmlInfo>
-#include <QtGui/QPainter>
- \qmltype MapRoute
- \instantiates QDeclarativeRouteMapItem
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.0
- \brief The MapRoute type displays a Route on a Map.
- The MapRoute type displays a Route obtained through a RouteModel or
- other means, on the Map as a Polyline following the path of the Route.
- MapRoute is really a \l MapPolyline, but with the path specified using the
- \l route property instead of directly in \l {coordinate}{coordinates}.
- By default, the route is displayed as a 1-pixel thick black line. This can
- be changed using the \l line.width and \l line.color properties.
- \section2 Performance
- For notes about the performance on MapRoute, refer to the documentation for
- \l MapPolyline.
- \section2 Example Usage
- Here is how to draw a \l{Route}{route} on a \l{Map}{map}:
- \snippet declarative/maps.qml QtQuick import
- \snippet declarative/maps.qml QtLocation import
- \codeline
- \snippet declarative/maps.qml MapRoute
- \qmlpropertygroup Location::MapRoute::line
- \qmlproperty int MapRoute::line.width
- \qmlproperty color MapRoute::line.color
- This property is part of the line property group. The line
- property group holds the width and color used to draw the line.
- The width is in pixels and is independent of the zoom level of the map.
- The default values correspond to a black border with a width of 1 pixel.
- For no line, use a width of 0 or a transparent color.
-QDeclarativeRouteMapItem::QDeclarativeRouteMapItem(QQuickItem *parent)
-: QDeclarativePolylineMapItem(parent)
- setFlag(ItemHasContents, true);
- \qmlproperty Route MapRoute::route
- This property holds the route to be drawn which can be used
- to represent one geographical route.
-QDeclarativeGeoRoute *QDeclarativeRouteMapItem::route() const
- return route_;
-void QDeclarativeRouteMapItem::setRoute(QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route)
- if (route_ == route)
- return;
- route_ = route;
- connect(route_, &QDeclarativeGeoRoute::pathChanged,
- this, &QDeclarativeRouteMapItem::updateRoutePath);
- if (route_)
- setPathFromGeoList(route_->routePath());
- emit routeChanged(route_);
-void QDeclarativeRouteMapItem::updateRoutePath()
- setPathFromGeoList(route_->routePath());
- \internal void QDeclarativeRouteMapItem::setPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &value)
- Used to disable path property on the RouteMapItem
- */
-void QDeclarativeRouteMapItem::setPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &value)
- Q_UNUSED(value);
- qWarning() << "Can not set the path on QDeclarativeRouteMapItem."
- << "Please use the route property instead.";
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativeroutemapitem_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativeroutemapitem_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 94cc844a..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qdeclarativeroutemapitem_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativepolylinemapitem_p.h>
-#include <QPen>
-#include <QBrush>
-class QDeclarativeGeoRoute;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QDeclarativeRouteMapItem : public QDeclarativePolylineMapItem
- Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route READ route WRITE setRoute NOTIFY routeChanged)
- explicit QDeclarativeRouteMapItem(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
- ~QDeclarativeRouteMapItem();
- QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route() const;
- void setRoute(QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route);
- void routeChanged(const QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route);
-private slots:
- void updateRoutePath();
- void setPath(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &value) override;
- QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route_ = nullptr;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeomapitemgeometry.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeomapitemgeometry.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 60ff4eec..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeomapitemgeometry.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qgeomapitemgeometry_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomap_p.h"
-#include <QtQuick/QSGGeometry>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qlocationutils_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
-#include <QtLocation/private/qgeoprojection_p.h>
- \internal
-void QGeoMapItemGeometry::translate(const QPointF &offset)
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < screenVertices_.size(); ++i)
- screenVertices_[i] += offset;
- firstPointOffset_ += offset;
- screenOutline_.translate(offset);
- screenBounds_.translate(offset);
- \internal
-void QGeoMapItemGeometry::allocateAndFill(QSGGeometry *geom) const
- const QList<QPointF> &vx = screenVertices_;
- const QList<quint32> &ix = screenIndices_;
- if (isIndexed()) {
- geom->allocate(vx.size(), ix.size());
- if (geom->indexType() == QSGGeometry::UnsignedShortType) {
- quint16 *its = geom->indexDataAsUShort();
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < ix.size(); ++i)
- its[i] = ix[i];
- } else if (geom->indexType() == QSGGeometry::UnsignedIntType) {
- quint32 *its = geom->indexDataAsUInt();
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < ix.size(); ++i)
- its[i] = ix[i];
- }
- } else {
- geom->allocate(vx.size());
- }
- QSGGeometry::Point2D *pts = geom->vertexDataAsPoint2D();
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < vx.size(); ++i)
- pts[i].set(vx[i].x(), vx[i].y());
- \internal
-QRectF QGeoMapItemGeometry::translateToCommonOrigin(const QList<QGeoMapItemGeometry *> &geoms)
- QGeoCoordinate origin =>origin();
- QPainterPath brects;
- // first get max offset
- QPointF maxOffset =>firstPointOffset();
- for (const QGeoMapItemGeometry *g : geoms) {
- QPointF o = g->firstPointOffset();
- maxOffset.setX(qMax(o.x(), maxOffset.x()));
- maxOffset.setY(qMax(o.y(), maxOffset.y()));
- }
- // then translate everything
- for (QGeoMapItemGeometry *g : geoms) {
- g->translate(maxOffset - g->firstPointOffset());
- brects.addRect(g->sourceBoundingBox());
- }
- return brects.boundingRect();
- \internal
-double QGeoMapItemGeometry::geoDistanceToScreenWidth(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QGeoCoordinate &fromCoord,
- const QGeoCoordinate &toCoord)
- // Do not wrap around half the globe
- Q_ASSERT(!qFuzzyCompare(fromCoord.longitude(), toCoord.longitude()));
- QGeoCoordinate mapMid = map.geoProjection().itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(map.viewportWidth()/2.0, 0));
- double halfGeoDist = toCoord.longitude() - fromCoord.longitude();
- if (toCoord.longitude() < fromCoord.longitude())
- halfGeoDist += 360;
- halfGeoDist /= 2.0;
- QGeoCoordinate geoDelta = QGeoCoordinate(0,
- QLocationUtils::wrapLong(mapMid.longitude() + halfGeoDist));
- QDoubleVector2D halfScreenDist = map.geoProjection().coordinateToItemPosition(geoDelta, false)
- - QDoubleVector2D(map.viewportWidth()/2.0, 0);
- return halfScreenDist.x() * 2.0;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeomapitemgeometry_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeomapitemgeometry_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b6c4a515..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeomapitemgeometry_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- **
- ** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
- ** Contact:
- **
- ** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
- **
- ** Commercial License Usage
- ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
- ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
- ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
- ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
- ** and conditions see For further
- ** information use the contact form at
- **
- ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
- ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
- ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
- ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
- ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
- ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
- ** will be met:
- **
- ** GNU General Public License Usage
- ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
- ** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
- ** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
- ** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
- ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
- ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
- ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
- ** be met: and
- **
- **
- **
- ****************************************************************************/
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QPainterPath>
-#include <QPointF>
-#include <QRectF>
-#include <QList>
-#include <QGeoCoordinate>
-#include <QVector2D>
-#include <QList>
-class QSGGeometry;
-class QGeoMap;
- QGeoMapItemGeometry();
- virtual ~QGeoMapItemGeometry();
- inline bool isSourceDirty() const { return sourceDirty_; }
- inline bool isScreenDirty() const { return screenDirty_; }
- inline void markSourceDirty() { sourceDirty_ = true; screenDirty_ = true; }
- inline void markScreenDirty() { screenDirty_ = true; clipToViewport_ = true; }
- inline void markFullScreenDirty() { screenDirty_ = true; clipToViewport_ = false;}
- inline void markClean() { screenDirty_ = (sourceDirty_ = false); clipToViewport_ = true;}
- inline void clearScreen() { screenDirty_ = false; }
- inline void setPreserveGeometry(bool value, const QGeoCoordinate &geoLeftBound = QGeoCoordinate())
- {
- preserveGeometry_ = value;
- if (preserveGeometry_)
- geoLeftBound_ = geoLeftBound;
- }
- inline QGeoCoordinate geoLeftBound() { return geoLeftBound_; }
- inline QRectF sourceBoundingBox() const { return sourceBounds_; }
- inline QRectF screenBoundingBox() const { return screenBounds_; }
- inline void clearBounds() { sourceBounds_ = screenBounds_ = QRectF(); firstPointOffset_ = QPointF(); }
- inline QPointF firstPointOffset() const { return firstPointOffset_; }
- void translate(const QPointF &offset);
- inline const QGeoCoordinate &origin() const { return srcOrigin_; }
- QPainterPath screenOutline() const {
- return screenOutline_;
- }
- virtual bool contains(const QPointF &screenPoint) const {
- return screenOutline_.contains(screenPoint);
- }
- inline QVector2D vertex(quint32 index) const {
- return QVector2D(screenVertices_[index]);
- }
- inline QList<QPointF> vertices() const { return screenVertices_; }
- inline QList<quint32> indices() const { return screenIndices_; }
- inline bool isIndexed() const { return (!screenIndices_.isEmpty()); }
- /* Size is # of triangles */
- inline quint32 size() const
- {
- if (isIndexed())
- return screenIndices_.size() / 3;
- else
- return screenVertices_.size() / 3;
- }
- inline void clear() { firstPointOffset_ = QPointF(0,0);
- screenVertices_.clear(); screenIndices_.clear(); }
- void allocateAndFill(QSGGeometry *geom) const;
- double geoDistanceToScreenWidth(const QGeoMap &map,
- const QGeoCoordinate &fromCoord,
- const QGeoCoordinate &toCoord);
- static QRectF translateToCommonOrigin(const QList<QGeoMapItemGeometry *> &geoms);
- mutable bool m_dataChanged = false;
- Q_DISABLE_COPY(QGeoMapItemGeometry);
- bool sourceDirty_ = true;
- bool screenDirty_ = true;
- bool clipToViewport_ = true;
- bool preserveGeometry_ = false;
- QGeoCoordinate geoLeftBound_;
- QPointF firstPointOffset_;
- QPainterPath screenOutline_;
- QRectF sourceBounds_;
- QRectF screenBounds_;
- QGeoCoordinate srcOrigin_;
- QList<QPointF> screenVertices_;
- QList<quint32> screenIndices_;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeosimplify.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeosimplify.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ad5a3c5d..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeosimplify.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-** Qt adaptation of geosimplify-js
-** Copyright (C) 2017 Daniel Patterson
-** See 3rdParty/geosimplify.js for the original license.
-** Copyright (C) 2020 Paolo Angelelli <>
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qgeosimplify_p.h"
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qlocationutils_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qwebmercator_p.h>
-namespace {
-// p, a and b are intended as "unwrapped" around the left bound
-inline QDoubleVector2D closestPoint(const QDoubleVector2D &p,
- const QDoubleVector2D &a,
- const QDoubleVector2D &b)
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- const double u = ((p.x() - a.x()) * (b.x() - a.x()) + (p.y() - a.y()) * (b.y() - a.y()))
- / (b - a).lengthSquared();
- const QDoubleVector2D intersection(a.x() + u * (b.x() - a.x()) , a.y() + u * (b.y() - a.y()));
- QDoubleVector2D candidate = ((p - a).length() < (p - b).length()) ? a : b;
- if (u > 0 && u < 1
- && (p - intersection).length() < (p - candidate).length()) { // And it falls in the segment
- candidate = intersection;
- }
- return candidate;
-inline double getDist(QDoubleVector2D a, QDoubleVector2D b, double leftBound)
- if (a.x() > 1.0)
- a.setX(a.x() - leftBound); // wrap X
- if (b.x() > 1.0)
- b.setX(b.x() - leftBound); // wrap X
- return QWebMercator::mercatorToCoord(a).distanceTo(QWebMercator::mercatorToCoord(b));
-// doublevectors Intended as wrapped
-inline double getSegDist(const QDoubleVector2D &p,
- const QDoubleVector2D &a,
- const QDoubleVector2D &b,
- double leftBound)
- const QDoubleVector2D intersection = closestPoint(p, a, b);
- return getDist(intersection, p, leftBound);
-inline QGeoCoordinate unwrappedToGeo(QDoubleVector2D p, double leftBound)
- if (p.x() > 1.0)
- p.setX(p.x() - leftBound);
- return QWebMercator::mercatorToCoord(p);
-double pixelDistanceAtZoomAndLatitude(int zoom, double latitude)
- const double den = double((1 << (zoom + 8)));
- const double pixelDist = (QLocationUtils::earthMeanCircumference()
- * std::cos(QLocationUtils::radians(latitude)))
- / den;
- return pixelDist;
-// simplification using Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm
-void simplifyDouglasPeuckerStepZL(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &points, double leftBound,
- qsizetype first, qsizetype last, int zoomLevel,
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> &simplified)
- const QGeoCoordinate firstC = unwrappedToGeo(, leftBound);
- const QGeoCoordinate lastC = unwrappedToGeo(, leftBound);
- double maxDistanceFound = (pixelDistanceAtZoomAndLatitude(zoomLevel, firstC.latitude())
- + pixelDistanceAtZoomAndLatitude(zoomLevel, lastC.latitude())) * 0.5;
- qsizetype index = -1;
- const auto &firstPoint =;
- const auto &lastPoint =;
- for (qsizetype i = first + 1; i < last; i++) {
- const double distance = getSegDist(,
- firstPoint,
- lastPoint,
- leftBound);
- if (distance > maxDistanceFound) {
- index = i;
- maxDistanceFound = distance;
- }
- }
- if (index > 0) {
- if (index - first > 1) {
- simplifyDouglasPeuckerStepZL(points, leftBound,
- first, index, zoomLevel,
- simplified);
- }
- simplified.append(;
- if (last - index > 1) {
- simplifyDouglasPeuckerStepZL(points, leftBound,
- index, last, zoomLevel,
- simplified);
- }
- }
-} // anonymous namespace
-namespace QGeoSimplify {
-QList<QDoubleVector2D> geoSimplifyZL(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &points,
- double leftBound, int zoomLevel)
- if (points.size() <= 2)
- return points;
- const qsizetype last = points.size() - 1;
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> simplified { points.first() };
- simplifyDouglasPeuckerStepZL(points, leftBound, 0, last, zoomLevel, simplified);
- simplified.append(;
- return simplified;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeosimplify_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeosimplify_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f5c9783..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qgeosimplify_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-** Qt adaptation of geosimplify.js,, (c) 2017, Mapbox
-** Copyright (C) 2020 Paolo Angelelli <>
-** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtCore/QList>
-class QDoubleVector2D;
-namespace QGeoSimplify
- // offsetTolerance - how far outside the straight line a point
- // needs to be for it to be "kept"
- // This function tries to be adaptive in the offsetTolerance across latitudes,
- // and return a simplification adequate for the given zoomLevel.
- QList<QDoubleVector2D> geoSimplifyZL(const QList<QDoubleVector2D> &points,
- double leftBound, int zoomLevel); // in meters
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qquickgeomapgesturearea.cpp b/src/location/declarativemaps/qquickgeomapgesturearea.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c5547278..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qquickgeomapgesturearea.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1876 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-#include "qquickgeomapgesturearea_p.h"
-#include "qdeclarativegeomap_p.h"
-#include "error_messages_p.h"
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <QPropertyAnimation>
-#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
-#include <QtGui/qevent.h>
-#if QT_CONFIG(wheelevent)
-#include <QtGui/QWheelEvent>
-#include <QtGui/QMatrix4x4>
-#include <QtGui/QStyleHints>
-#include <QtQml/qqmlinfo.h>
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickWindow>
-#include "qgeomap_p.h"
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qdoublevector2d_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioning/private/qlocationutils_p.h>
-#include <QtPositioningQuick/private/qquickgeocoordinateanimation_p.h>
-#include "math.h"
-#include <cmath>
-// FlickThreshold determines how far the "mouse" must have moved
-// before we perform a flick.
-static const int FlickThreshold = 20;
-// Really slow flicks can be annoying.
-static const qreal MinimumFlickVelocity = 75.0;
-// Tolerance for detecting two finger sliding start
-static const qreal MaximumParallelPosition = 40.0; // in degrees
-// Tolerance for detecting parallel sliding
-static const qreal MaximumParallelSlidingAngle = 4.0; // in degrees
-// Tolerance for starting rotation
-static const qreal MinimumRotationStartingAngle = 15.0; // in degrees
-// Tolerance for starting pinch
-static const qreal MinimumPinchDelta = 40; // in pixels
-// Tolerance for starting tilt when sliding vertical
-static const qreal MinimumPanToTiltDelta = 80; // in pixels;
-static qreal distanceBetweenTouchPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
- return QLineF(p1, p2).length();
-static qreal angleFromPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
- return QLineF(p1, p2).angle();
-// Keeps it in +- 180
-static qreal touchAngle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
- qreal angle = angleFromPoints(p1, p2);
- if (angle > 180)
- angle -= 360;
- return angle;
-// Deals with angles crossing the +-180 edge, assumes that the delta can't be > 180
-static qreal angleDelta(const qreal angle1, const qreal angle2)
- qreal delta = angle1 - angle2;
- if (delta > 180.0) // detect crossing angle1 positive, angle2 negative, rotation counterclockwise, difference negative
- delta = angle1 - angle2 - 360.0;
- else if (delta < -180.0) // detect crossing angle1 negative, angle2 positive, rotation clockwise, difference positive
- delta = angle1 - angle2 + 360.0;
- return delta;
-static bool pointDragged(const QPointF &pOld, const QPointF &pNew)
- static const int startDragDistance = qApp->styleHints()->startDragDistance();
- return ( qAbs(pNew.x() - pOld.x()) > startDragDistance
- || qAbs(pNew.y() - pOld.y()) > startDragDistance);
-static qreal vectorSize(const QPointF &vector)
- return std::sqrt(vector.x() * vector.x() + vector.y() * vector.y());
-// This linearizes the angles around 0, and keep it linear around 180, allowing to differentiate
-// touch angles that are supposed to be parallel (0 or 180 depending on what finger goes first)
-static qreal touchAngleTilting(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
- qreal angle = angleFromPoints(p1, p2);
- if (angle > 270)
- angle -= 360;
- return angle;
-static bool movingParallelVertical(const QPointF &p1old, const QPointF &p1new, const QPointF &p2old, const QPointF &p2new)
- if (!pointDragged(p1old, p1new) || !pointDragged(p2old, p2new))
- return false;
- QPointF v1 = p1new - p1old;
- QPointF v2 = p2new - p2old;
- qreal v1v2size = vectorSize(v1 + v2);
- if (v1v2size < vectorSize(v1) || v1v2size < vectorSize(v2)) // going in opposite directions
- return false;
- const qreal newAngle = touchAngleTilting(p1new, p2new);
- const qreal oldAngle = touchAngleTilting(p1old, p2old);
- const qreal angleDiff = angleDelta(newAngle, oldAngle);
- if (qAbs(angleDiff) > MaximumParallelSlidingAngle)
- return false;
- return true;
- \qmltype MapPinchEvent
- \instantiates QGeoMapPinchEvent
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \brief MapPinchEvent type provides basic information about pinch event.
- MapPinchEvent type provides basic information about pinch event. They are
- present in handlers of MapPinch (for example pinchStarted/pinchUpdated). Events are only
- guaranteed to be valid for the duration of the handler.
- Except for the \l accepted property, all properties are read-only.
- \section2 Example Usage
- The following example enables the pinch gesture on a map and reacts to the
- finished event.
- \code
- Map {
- id: map
- gesture.enabled: true
- gesture.onPinchFinished:{
- var coordinate1 = map.toCoordinate(gesture.point1)
- var coordinate2 = map.toCoordinate(gesture.point2)
- console.log("Pinch started at:")
- console.log(" Points (" + gesture.point1.x + ", " + gesture.point1.y + ") - (" + gesture.point2.x + ", " + gesture.point2.y + ")")
- console.log(" Coordinates (" + coordinate1.latitude + ", " + coordinate1.longitude + ") - (" + coordinate2.latitude + ", " + coordinate2.longitude + ")")
- }
- }
- \endcode
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.0
- \qmlproperty QPoint QtLocation::MapPinchEvent::center
- This read-only property holds the current center point.
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::MapPinchEvent::angle
- This read-only property holds the current angle between the two points in
- the range -180 to 180. Positive values for the angles mean counter-clockwise
- while negative values mean the clockwise direction. Zero degrees is at the
- 3 o'clock position.
- \qmlproperty QPoint QtLocation::MapPinchEvent::point1
- \qmlproperty QPoint QtLocation::MapPinchEvent::point2
- These read-only properties hold the actual touch points generating the pinch.
- The points are not in any particular order.
- \qmlproperty int QtLocation::MapPinchEvent::pointCount
- This read-only property holds the number of points currently touched.
- The MapPinch will not react until two touch points have initiated a gesture,
- but will remain active until all touch points have been released.
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapPinchEvent::accepted
- Setting this property to false in the \c MapPinch::onPinchStarted handler
- will result in no further pinch events being generated, and the gesture
- ignored.
- \qmltype MapGestureArea
- \instantiates QQuickGeoMapGestureArea
- \inqmlmodule QtLocation
- \brief The MapGestureArea type provides Map gesture interaction.
- MapGestureArea objects are used as part of a Map, to provide for panning,
- flicking and pinch-to-zoom gesture used on touch displays, as well as two finger rotation
- and two finger parallel vertical sliding to tilt the map.
- On platforms supporting \l QWheelEvent, using the scroll wheel alone, or in combination with
- key modifiers Shift or Control will also zoom, rotate or tilt the map, respectively.
- A MapGestureArea is automatically created with a new Map and available with
- the \l{Map::gesture}{gesture} property. This is the only way
- to create a MapGestureArea, and once created this way cannot be destroyed
- without its parent Map.
- The two most commonly used properties of the MapGestureArea are the \l enabled
- and \l acceptedGestures properties. Both of these must be set before a
- MapGestureArea will have any effect upon interaction with the Map.
- The \l flickDeceleration property controls how quickly the map pan slows after contact
- is released while panning the map.
- \section2 Performance
- The MapGestureArea, when enabled, must process all incoming touch events in
- order to track the shape and size of the "pinch". The overhead added on
- touch events can be considered constant time.
- \section2 Example Usage
- The following example enables the pinch and pan gestures on the map, but not flicking. So the
- map scrolling will halt immediately on releasing the mouse button / touch.
- \code
- Map {
- gesture.enabled: true
- gesture.acceptedGestures: MapGestureArea.PinchGesture | MapGestureArea.PanGesture
- }
- \endcode
- \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
- \since QtLocation 5.0
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapGestureArea::enabled
- This property holds whether the gestures are enabled.
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapGestureArea::pinchActive
- This read-only property holds whether the pinch gesture is active.
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapGestureArea::panActive
- This read-only property holds whether the pan gesture is active.
- \note Change notifications for this property were introduced in Qt 5.5.
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapGestureArea::rotationActive
- This read-only property holds whether the two-finger rotation gesture is active.
- \since QtLocation 5.9
- \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::MapGestureArea::tiltActive
- This read-only property holds whether the two-finger tilt gesture is active.
- \since QtLocation 5.9
- \qmlproperty real QtLocation::MapGestureArea::maximumZoomLevelChange
- This property holds the maximum zoom level change per pinch, essentially
- meant to be used for setting the zoom sensitivity.
- It is an indicative measure calculated from the dimensions of the
- map area, roughly corresponding how much zoom level could change with
- maximum pinch zoom. Default value is 4.0, maximum value is 10.0
- \qmlproperty real MapGestureArea::flickDeceleration
- This property holds the rate at which a flick will decelerate.
- The default value is 2500.
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::pinchStarted(PinchEvent event)
- This signal is emitted when a pinch gesture is started.
- Information about the pinch event is provided in \a event.
- The corresponding handler is \c onPinchStarted.
- \sa pinchUpdated, pinchFinished
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::pinchUpdated(PinchEvent event)
- This signal is emitted as the user's fingers move across the map,
- after the \l pinchStarted signal is emitted.
- Information about the pinch event is provided in \a event.
- The corresponding handler is \c onPinchUpdated.
- \sa pinchStarted, pinchFinished
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::pinchFinished(PinchEvent event)
- This signal is emitted at the end of a pinch gesture.
- Information about the pinch event is provided in \a event.
- The corresponding handler is \c onPinchFinished.
- \sa pinchStarted, pinchUpdated
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::panStarted()
- This signal is emitted when the map begins to move due to user
- interaction. Typically this means that the user is dragging a finger -
- or a mouse with one of more mouse buttons pressed - on the map.
- The corresponding handler is \c onPanStarted.
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::panFinished()
- This signal is emitted when the map stops moving due to user
- interaction. If a flick was generated, this signal is
- emitted before flick starts. If a flick was not
- generated, this signal is emitted when the
- user stops dragging - that is a mouse or touch release.
- The corresponding handler is \c onPanFinished.
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::flickStarted()
- This signal is emitted when the map is flicked. A flick
- starts from the point where the mouse or touch was released,
- while still in motion.
- The corresponding handler is \c onFlickStarted.
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::flickFinished()
- This signal is emitted when the map stops moving due to a flick.
- The corresponding handler is \c onFlickFinished.
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::rotationStarted(PinchEvent event)
- This signal is emitted when a two-finger rotation gesture is started.
- Information about the pinch event is provided in \a event.
- The corresponding handler is \c onRotationStarted.
- \sa rotationUpdated(), rotationFinished()
- \since QtLocation 5.9
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::rotationUpdated(PinchEvent event)
- This signal is emitted as the user's fingers move across the map,
- after the \l rotationStarted() signal is emitted.
- Information about the pinch event is provided in \a event.
- The corresponding handler is \c onRotationUpdated.
- \sa rotationStarted(), rotationFinished()
- \since QtLocation 5.9
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::rotationFinished(PinchEvent event)
- This signal is emitted at the end of a two-finger rotation gesture.
- Information about the pinch event is provided in \a event.
- The corresponding handler is \c onRotationFinished.
- \sa rotationStarted(), rotationUpdated()
- \since QtLocation 5.9
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::tiltStarted(PinchEvent event)
- This signal is emitted when a two-finger tilt gesture is started.
- Information about the pinch event is provided in \a event.
- The corresponding handler is \c onTiltStarted.
- \sa tiltUpdated(), tiltFinished()
- \since QtLocation 5.9
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::tiltUpdated(PinchEvent event)
- This signal is emitted as the user's fingers move across the map,
- after the \l tiltStarted signal is emitted.
- Information about the pinch event is provided in \a event.
- The corresponding handler is \c onTiltUpdated.
- \sa tiltStarted(), tiltFinished()
- \since QtLocation 5.9
- \qmlsignal QtLocation::MapGestureArea::tiltFinished(PinchEvent event)
- This signal is emitted at the end of a two-finger tilt gesture.
- Information about the pinch event is provided in \a event.
- The corresponding handler is \c onTiltFinished.
- \sa tiltStarted(), tiltUpdated()
- \since QtLocation 5.9
-QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::QQuickGeoMapGestureArea(QDeclarativeGeoMap *map)
- : QQuickItem(map), m_declarativeMap(map)
- m_touchPointState = touchPoints0;
- m_pinchState = pinchInactive;
- m_flickState = flickInactive;
- m_rotationState = rotationInactive;
- m_tiltState = tiltInactive;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setMap(QGeoMap *map)
- if (m_map || !map)
- return;
- m_map = map;
- m_flick.m_animation = new QQuickGeoCoordinateAnimation(this);
- m_flick.m_animation->setTargetObject(m_declarativeMap);
- m_flick.m_animation->setProperty(QStringLiteral("center"));
- m_flick.m_animation->setEasing(QEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutQuad));
- connect(m_flick.m_animation, &QQuickAbstractAnimation::stopped, this, &QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::handleFlickAnimationStopped);
- m_map->setAcceptedGestures(panEnabled(), flickEnabled(), pinchEnabled(), rotationEnabled(), tiltEnabled());
- \qmlproperty bool QtQuick::MapGestureArea::preventStealing
- This property holds whether the mouse events may be stolen from this
- MapGestureArea.
- If a Map is placed within an item that filters child mouse
- and touch events, such as Flickable, the mouse and touch events
- may be stolen from the MapGestureArea if a gesture is recognized
- by the parent item, e.g. a flick gesture. If preventStealing is
- set to \c true, no item will steal the mouse and touch events.
- Note that setting preventStealing to \c true once an item has started
- stealing events has no effect until the next press event.
- By default this property is set to \c false.
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::preventStealing() const
- return m_preventStealing;
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setPreventStealing(bool prevent)
- if (prevent != m_preventStealing) {
- m_preventStealing = prevent;
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepMouseGrab(m_preventStealing && m_enabled);
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(m_preventStealing && m_enabled);
- emit preventStealingChanged();
- }
- \qmlproperty enumeration QtLocation::MapGestureArea::acceptedGestures
- This property holds a bit field of gestures that are accepted. By default,
- all gestures are enabled.
- \value MapGestureArea.NoGesture
- Don't support any additional gestures (value: 0x0000).
- \value MapGestureArea.PinchGesture
- Support the map pinch gesture (value: 0x0001).
- \value MapGestureArea.PanGesture
- Support the map pan gesture (value: 0x0002).
- \value MapGestureArea.FlickGesture
- Support the map flick gesture (value: 0x0004).
- \value MapGestureArea.RotationGesture
- Support the map rotation gesture (value: 0x0008).
- \value MapGestureArea.TiltGesture
- Support the map tilt gesture (value: 0x0010).
-QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::AcceptedGestures QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::acceptedGestures() const
- return m_acceptedGestures;
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setAcceptedGestures(AcceptedGestures acceptedGestures)
- if (acceptedGestures == m_acceptedGestures)
- return;
- m_acceptedGestures = acceptedGestures;
- if (enabled()) {
- setPanEnabled(acceptedGestures & PanGesture);
- setFlickEnabled(acceptedGestures & FlickGesture);
- setPinchEnabled(acceptedGestures & PinchGesture);
- setRotationEnabled(acceptedGestures & RotationGesture);
- setTiltEnabled(acceptedGestures & TiltGesture);
- }
- if (m_map)
- m_map->setAcceptedGestures(panEnabled(), flickEnabled(), pinchEnabled(), rotationEnabled(), tiltEnabled());
- emit acceptedGesturesChanged();
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::isPinchActive() const
- return m_pinchState == pinchActive;
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::isRotationActive() const
- return m_rotationState == rotationActive;
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::isTiltActive() const
- return m_tiltState == tiltActive;
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::isPanActive() const
- return m_flickState == panActive || m_flickState == flickActive;
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::enabled() const
- return m_enabled;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setEnabled(bool enabled)
- if (enabled == m_enabled)
- return;
- m_enabled = enabled;
- if (enabled) {
- setPanEnabled(m_acceptedGestures & PanGesture);
- setFlickEnabled(m_acceptedGestures & FlickGesture);
- setPinchEnabled(m_acceptedGestures & PinchGesture);
- setRotationEnabled(m_acceptedGestures & RotationGesture);
- setTiltEnabled(m_acceptedGestures & TiltGesture);
- } else {
- setPanEnabled(false);
- setFlickEnabled(false);
- setPinchEnabled(false);
- setRotationEnabled(false);
- setTiltEnabled(false);
- }
- if (m_map)
- m_map->setAcceptedGestures(panEnabled(), flickEnabled(), pinchEnabled(), rotationEnabled(), tiltEnabled());
- emit enabledChanged();
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::pinchEnabled() const
- return m_pinch.m_pinchEnabled;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setPinchEnabled(bool enabled)
- m_pinch.m_pinchEnabled = enabled;
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::rotationEnabled() const
- return m_pinch.m_rotationEnabled;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setRotationEnabled(bool enabled)
- m_pinch.m_rotationEnabled = enabled;
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::tiltEnabled() const
- return m_pinch.m_tiltEnabled;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setTiltEnabled(bool enabled)
- m_pinch.m_tiltEnabled = enabled;
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::panEnabled() const
- return m_flick.m_panEnabled;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setPanEnabled(bool enabled)
- if (enabled == m_flick.m_panEnabled)
- return;
- m_flick.m_panEnabled = enabled;
- // unlike the pinch, the pan existing functionality is to stop immediately
- if (!enabled) {
- stopPan();
- m_flickState = flickInactive;
- }
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::flickEnabled() const
- return m_flick.m_flickEnabled;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setFlickEnabled(bool enabled)
- if (enabled == m_flick.m_flickEnabled)
- return;
- m_flick.m_flickEnabled = enabled;
- // unlike the pinch, the flick existing functionality is to stop immediately
- if (!enabled) {
- bool stateActive = (m_flickState != flickInactive);
- stopFlick();
- if (stateActive) {
- if (m_flick.m_panEnabled)
- m_flickState = panActive;
- else
- m_flickState = flickInactive;
- }
- }
- \internal
- Used internally to set the minimum zoom level of the gesture area.
- The caller is responsible to only send values that are valid
- for the map plugin. Negative values are ignored.
- */
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setMinimumZoomLevel(qreal min)
- // TODO: remove m_zoom.m_minimum and m_maximum and use m_declarativeMap directly instead.
- if (min >= 0)
- m_pinch.m_zoom.m_minimum = min;
- \internal
- */
-qreal QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::minimumZoomLevel() const
- return m_pinch.m_zoom.m_minimum;
- \internal
- Used internally to set the maximum zoom level of the gesture area.
- The caller is responsible to only send values that are valid
- for the map plugin. Negative values are ignored.
- */
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setMaximumZoomLevel(qreal max)
- if (max >= 0)
- m_pinch.m_zoom.m_maximum = max;
- \internal
- */
-qreal QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::maximumZoomLevel() const
- return m_pinch.m_zoom.m_maximum;
- \internal
-qreal QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::maximumZoomLevelChange() const
- return m_pinch.m_zoom.maximumChange;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setMaximumZoomLevelChange(qreal maxChange)
- if (maxChange == m_pinch.m_zoom.maximumChange || maxChange < 0.1 || maxChange > 10.0)
- return;
- m_pinch.m_zoom.maximumChange = maxChange;
- emit maximumZoomLevelChangeChanged();
- \internal
-qreal QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::flickDeceleration() const
- return m_flick.m_deceleration;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setFlickDeceleration(qreal deceleration)
- else if (deceleration > QML_MAP_FLICK_MAXIMUMDECELERATION)
- if (deceleration == m_flick.m_deceleration)
- return;
- m_flick.m_deceleration = deceleration;
- emit flickDecelerationChanged();
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::handleMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (m_map && m_map->handleEvent(event)) {
- event->accept();
- return;
- }
- handleTouchEvent(event);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::handleMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (m_map && m_map->handleEvent(event)) {
- event->accept();
- return;
- }
- handleTouchEvent(event);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::handleMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
- if (m_map && m_map->handleEvent(event)) {
- event->accept();
- return;
- }
- handleTouchEvent(event);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::handleTouchUngrabEvent()
- m_touchPoints.clear();
- update();
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::handleTouchEvent(QPointerEvent *event)
- if (m_map && m_map->handleEvent(event)) {
- event->accept();
- return;
- }
- // m_touchPoints.clear();
- // Update the points we are going to use ourselves.
- for (const auto &point: event->points()){
- auto grabber = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(event->exclusiveGrabber(point));
- // qDebug() << event->type() << point.state() << point << grabber;
- bool canBeGrabbed = grabber == nullptr || grabber == m_declarativeMap || (!grabber->keepTouchGrab() && !grabber->keepMouseGrab());
- // if (canBeGrabbed) m_touchPoints << point;
- //TODO: Testing shows that events are not always propagated with full set of points.
- // Therefore, it can happen that our first point is a different point for a moment
- // and that will trigger pan or pinch right away. So we keep track of points by their states
- // an IDs but then testing shows that sometimes not all points are finished with Release.
- // They just dissapear. Child MouseArea will 'eat up' second touch point if first point
- // is grabbed by child ListView, for example. Maybe it's a bug in 6.2 RC?
- if (point.state() == QEventPoint::Released || !canBeGrabbed){
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < m_touchPoints.count(); ++i) {
- if ( =={
- m_touchPoints.removeAt(i);
- }
- }
- }else{
- bool replaced = false;
- for (qsizetype i = 0; i < m_touchPoints.count(); ++i) {
- if ( =={
- m_touchPoints.replace(i, point);
- replaced = true;
- }
- }
- if (!replaced){
- m_touchPoints << point;
- }
- }
- }
- // qDebug() << "m_touchPoints.count=" << m_touchPoints.count();
- update();
- if (isPanActive()){
- // In case we are pannin, we are using only the first point
- // We let others to grab the second, if needed.
- if (m_touchPoints.count() > 0){
- event->setExclusiveGrabber(, m_declarativeMap);
- }
- }else if (isActive()){
- for (const auto &point: m_touchPoints) {
- event->setExclusiveGrabber(point, m_declarativeMap);
- }
- }
-#if QT_CONFIG(wheelevent)
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::handleWheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
- if (!m_map)
- return;
- if (m_map->handleEvent(event)) {
- event->accept();
- return;
- }
- const QGeoCoordinate &wheelGeoPos = m_declarativeMap->toCoordinate(event->position(), false);
- const QPointF &preZoomPoint = event->position();
- // Not using AltModifier as, for some reason, it causes angleDelta to be 0
- if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier && rotationEnabled()) {
- emit rotationStarted(&m_pinch.m_event);
- // First set bearing
- const double bearingDelta = event->angleDelta().y() * qreal(0.05);
- m_declarativeMap->setBearing(m_declarativeMap->bearing() + bearingDelta, wheelGeoPos);
- emit rotationUpdated(&m_pinch.m_event);
- emit rotationFinished(&m_pinch.m_event);
- } else if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier && tiltEnabled()) {
- emit tiltStarted(&m_pinch.m_event);
- const double tiltDelta = event->angleDelta().y() * qreal(0.05);
- m_declarativeMap->setTilt(m_declarativeMap->tilt() + tiltDelta);
- emit tiltUpdated(&m_pinch.m_event);
- emit tiltFinished(&m_pinch.m_event);
- } else if (pinchEnabled()) {
- const double zoomLevelDelta = event->angleDelta().y() * qreal(0.001);
- // Gesture area should always honor maxZL, but Map might not.
- m_declarativeMap->setZoomLevel(qMin<qreal>(m_declarativeMap->zoomLevel() + zoomLevelDelta, maximumZoomLevel()),
- false);
- const QPointF &postZoomPoint = m_declarativeMap->fromCoordinate(wheelGeoPos, false);
- if (preZoomPoint != postZoomPoint) // need to re-anchor the wheel geoPos to the event position
- m_declarativeMap->alignCoordinateToPoint(wheelGeoPos, preZoomPoint);
- }
- // event->accept();
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::clearTouchData()
- m_flickVector = QVector2D();
- m_touchPointsCentroid.setX(0);
- m_touchPointsCentroid.setY(0);
- m_touchCenterCoord.setLongitude(0);
- m_touchCenterCoord.setLatitude(0);
- m_startCoord.setLongitude(0);
- m_startCoord.setLatitude(0);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::updateFlickParameters(const QPointF &pos)
- // Take velocity samples every sufficient period of time, used later to determine the flick
- // duration and speed (when mouse is released).
- qreal elapsed = qreal(m_lastPosTime.elapsed());
- elapsed /= 1000.;
- qreal vel = distanceBetweenTouchPoints(pos, m_lastPos) / elapsed;
- m_flickVector = (QVector2D(pos) - QVector2D(m_lastPos)).normalized();
- m_flickVector *= qBound<qreal>(-m_flick.m_maxVelocity, vel, m_flick.m_maxVelocity);
- m_lastPos = pos;
- m_lastPosTime.restart();
- }
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setTouchPointState(const QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::TouchPointState state)
- m_touchPointState = state;
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setFlickState(const QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::FlickState state)
- m_flickState = state;
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setTiltState(const QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::TiltState state)
- m_tiltState = state;
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setRotationState(const QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::RotationState state)
- m_rotationState = state;
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::setPinchState(const QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::PinchState state)
- m_pinchState = state;
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::isActive() const
- return isPanActive() || isPinchActive() || isRotationActive() || isTiltActive();
- \internal
-// simplify the gestures by using a state-machine format (easy to move to a future state machine)
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::update()
- if (!m_map)
- return;
- // First state machine is for the number of touch points
- //combine touch with mouse event
- m_allPoints.clear();
- m_allPoints << m_touchPoints;
- std::sort(m_allPoints.begin(), m_allPoints.end(), [](const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &tp1, const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &tp2) { return <; });
- touchPointStateMachine();
- // Parallel state machine for tilt. Tilt goes first as it blocks anything else, when started.
- // But tilting can also only start if nothing else is active.
- if (isTiltActive() || m_pinch.m_tiltEnabled)
- tiltStateMachine();
- // Parallel state machine for pinch
- if (isPinchActive() || m_pinch.m_pinchEnabled)
- pinchStateMachine();
- // Parallel state machine for rotation.
- if (isRotationActive() || m_pinch.m_rotationEnabled)
- rotationStateMachine();
- // Parallel state machine for pan (since you can pan at the same time as pinching)
- // The stopPan function ensures that pan stops immediately when disabled,
- // but the isPanActive() below allows pan continue its current gesture if you disable
- // the whole gesture.
- // Pan goes last because it does reanchoring in updatePan() which makes the map
- // properly rotate around the touch point centroid.
- if (isPanActive() || m_flick.m_flickEnabled || m_flick.m_panEnabled)
- panStateMachine();
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::touchPointStateMachine()
- // Transitions:
- switch (m_touchPointState) {
- case touchPoints0:
- if (m_allPoints.count() == 1) {
- clearTouchData();
- startOneTouchPoint();
- setTouchPointState(touchPoints1);
- } else if (m_allPoints.count() >= 2) {
- clearTouchData();
- startTwoTouchPoints();
- setTouchPointState(touchPoints2);
- }
- break;
- case touchPoints1:
- if (m_allPoints.count() == 0) {
- setTouchPointState(touchPoints0);
- } else if (m_allPoints.count() == 2) {
- m_touchCenterCoord = m_declarativeMap->toCoordinate(m_touchPointsCentroid, false);
- startTwoTouchPoints();
- setTouchPointState(touchPoints2);
- }
- break;
- case touchPoints2:
- if (m_allPoints.count() == 0) {
- setTouchPointState(touchPoints0);
- } else if (m_allPoints.count() == 1) {
- m_touchCenterCoord = m_declarativeMap->toCoordinate(m_touchPointsCentroid, false);
- startOneTouchPoint();
- setTouchPointState(touchPoints1);
- }
- break;
- };
- // Update
- switch (m_touchPointState) {
- case touchPoints0:
- break; // do nothing if no touch points down
- case touchPoints1:
- updateOneTouchPoint();
- break;
- case touchPoints2:
- updateTwoTouchPoints();
- break;
- }
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::startOneTouchPoint()
- m_sceneStartPoint1 = mapFromScene(;
- m_lastPos = m_sceneStartPoint1;
- m_lastPosTime.start();
- QGeoCoordinate startCoord = m_declarativeMap->toCoordinate(m_sceneStartPoint1, false);
- // ensures a smooth transition for panning
- m_startCoord.setLongitude(m_startCoord.longitude() + startCoord.longitude() -
- m_touchCenterCoord.longitude());
- m_startCoord.setLatitude(m_startCoord.latitude() + startCoord.latitude() -
- m_touchCenterCoord.latitude());
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::updateOneTouchPoint()
- m_sceneStartPoint1 = mapFromScene(;
- m_touchPointsCentroid = mapFromScene(;
- updateFlickParameters(m_touchPointsCentroid);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::startTwoTouchPoints()
- m_sceneStartPoint1 = mapFromScene(;
- m_sceneStartPoint2 = mapFromScene(;
- QPointF startPos = (m_sceneStartPoint1 + m_sceneStartPoint2) * 0.5;
- m_lastPos = startPos;
- m_lastPosTime.start();
- QGeoCoordinate startCoord = m_declarativeMap->toCoordinate(startPos, false);
- m_startCoord.setLongitude(m_startCoord.longitude() + startCoord.longitude() -
- m_touchCenterCoord.longitude());
- m_startCoord.setLatitude(m_startCoord.latitude() + startCoord.latitude() -
- m_touchCenterCoord.latitude());
- m_twoTouchAngleStart = touchAngle(m_sceneStartPoint1, m_sceneStartPoint2); // Initial angle used for calculating rotation
- m_distanceBetweenTouchPointsStart = distanceBetweenTouchPoints(m_sceneStartPoint1, m_sceneStartPoint2);
- m_twoTouchPointsCentroidStart = (m_sceneStartPoint1 + m_sceneStartPoint2) / 2;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::updateTwoTouchPoints()
- m_sceneStartPoint1 = mapFromScene(;
- QPointF p1 = mapFromScene(;
- m_sceneStartPoint2 = mapFromScene(;
- QPointF p2 = mapFromScene(;
- m_distanceBetweenTouchPoints = distanceBetweenTouchPoints(p1, p2);
- m_touchPointsCentroid = (p1 + p2) / 2;
- updateFlickParameters(m_touchPointsCentroid);
- m_twoTouchAngle = touchAngle(p1, p2);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::tiltStateMachine()
- TiltState lastState = m_tiltState;
- // Transitions:
- switch (m_tiltState) {
- case tiltInactive:
- if (m_allPoints.count() >= 2) {
- if (!isRotationActive() && !isPinchActive() && canStartTilt()) { // only gesture that can be overridden: pan/flick
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(true);
- startTilt();
- setTiltState(tiltActive);
- } else {
- setTiltState(tiltInactiveTwoPoints);
- }
- }
- break;
- case tiltInactiveTwoPoints:
- if (m_allPoints.count() <= 1) {
- setTiltState(tiltInactive);
- } else {
- if (!isRotationActive() && !isPinchActive() && canStartTilt()) { // only gesture that can be overridden: pan/flick
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(true);
- startTilt();
- setTiltState(tiltActive);
- }
- }
- break;
- case tiltActive:
- if (m_allPoints.count() <= 1) {
- setTiltState(tiltInactive);
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(m_preventStealing);
- endTilt();
- }
- break;
- }
- // This line implements an exclusive state machine, where the transitions and updates don't
- // happen on the same frame
- if (m_tiltState != lastState) {
- emit tiltActiveChanged();
- return;
- }
- // Update
- switch (m_tiltState) {
- case tiltInactive:
- case tiltInactiveTwoPoints:
- break; // do nothing
- case tiltActive:
- updateTilt();
- break;
- }
-bool validateTouchAngleForTilting(const qreal angle)
- return ((qAbs(angle) - 180.0) < MaximumParallelPosition) || (qAbs(angle) < MaximumParallelPosition);
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::canStartTilt()
- if (m_allPoints.count() >= 2) {
- QPointF p1 = mapFromScene(;
- QPointF p2 = mapFromScene(;
- if (validateTouchAngleForTilting(m_twoTouchAngle)
- && movingParallelVertical(m_sceneStartPoint1, p1, m_sceneStartPoint2, p2)
- && qAbs(m_twoTouchPointsCentroidStart.y() - m_touchPointsCentroid.y()) > MinimumPanToTiltDelta) {
- m_pinch.m_event.setCenter(mapFromScene(m_touchPointsCentroid));
- m_pinch.m_event.setAngle(m_twoTouchAngle);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint1(p1);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint2(p2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPointCount(m_allPoints.count());
- m_pinch.m_event.setAccepted(true);
- emit tiltStarted(&m_pinch.m_event);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::startTilt()
- if (isPanActive()) {
- stopPan();
- setFlickState(flickInactive);
- }
- m_pinch.m_tilt.m_startTouchCentroid = m_touchPointsCentroid;
- m_pinch.m_tilt.m_startTilt = m_declarativeMap->tilt();
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::updateTilt()
- // Calculate the new tilt
- qreal verticalDisplacement = (m_touchPointsCentroid - m_pinch.m_tilt.m_startTouchCentroid).y();
- // Approach: 10pixel = 1 degree.
- qreal tilt = verticalDisplacement / 10.0;
- qreal newTilt = m_pinch.m_tilt.m_startTilt - tilt;
- m_declarativeMap->setTilt(newTilt);
- m_pinch.m_event.setCenter(mapFromScene(m_touchPointsCentroid));
- m_pinch.m_event.setAngle(m_twoTouchAngle);
- m_pinch.m_lastPoint1 = mapFromScene(;
- m_pinch.m_lastPoint2 = mapFromScene(;
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint1(m_pinch.m_lastPoint1);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint2(m_pinch.m_lastPoint2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPointCount(m_allPoints.count());
- m_pinch.m_event.setAccepted(true);
- emit tiltUpdated(&m_pinch.m_event);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::endTilt()
- QPointF p1 = mapFromScene(m_pinch.m_lastPoint1);
- QPointF p2 = mapFromScene(m_pinch.m_lastPoint2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setCenter((p1 + p2) / 2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setAngle(m_pinch.m_lastAngle);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint1(p1);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint2(p2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setAccepted(true);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPointCount(0);
- emit tiltFinished(&m_pinch.m_event);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::rotationStateMachine()
- RotationState lastState = m_rotationState;
- // Transitions:
- switch (m_rotationState) {
- case rotationInactive:
- if (m_allPoints.count() >= 2) {
- if (!isTiltActive() && canStartRotation()) {
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(true);
- startRotation();
- setRotationState(rotationActive);
- } else {
- setRotationState(rotationInactiveTwoPoints);
- }
- }
- break;
- case rotationInactiveTwoPoints:
- if (m_allPoints.count() <= 1) {
- setRotationState(rotationInactive);
- } else {
- if (!isTiltActive() && canStartRotation()) {
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(true);
- startRotation();
- setRotationState(rotationActive);
- }
- }
- break;
- case rotationActive:
- if (m_allPoints.count() <= 1) {
- setRotationState(rotationInactive);
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(m_preventStealing);
- endRotation();
- }
- break;
- }
- // This line implements an exclusive state machine, where the transitions and updates don't
- // happen on the same frame
- if (m_rotationState != lastState) {
- emit rotationActiveChanged();
- return;
- }
- // Update
- switch (m_rotationState) {
- case rotationInactive:
- case rotationInactiveTwoPoints:
- break; // do nothing
- case rotationActive:
- updateRotation();
- break;
- }
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::canStartRotation()
- if (m_allPoints.count() >= 2) {
- QPointF p1 = mapFromScene(;
- QPointF p2 = mapFromScene(;
- if (pointDragged(m_sceneStartPoint1, p1) || pointDragged(m_sceneStartPoint2, p2)) {
- qreal delta = angleDelta(m_twoTouchAngleStart, m_twoTouchAngle);
- if (qAbs(delta) < MinimumRotationStartingAngle) {
- return false;
- }
- m_pinch.m_event.setCenter(mapFromScene(m_touchPointsCentroid));
- m_pinch.m_event.setAngle(m_twoTouchAngle);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint1(p1);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint2(p2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPointCount(m_allPoints.count());
- m_pinch.m_event.setAccepted(true);
- emit rotationStarted(&m_pinch.m_event);
- return m_pinch.m_event.accepted();
- }
- }
- return false;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::startRotation()
- m_pinch.m_rotation.m_startBearing = m_declarativeMap->bearing();
- m_pinch.m_rotation.m_previousTouchAngle = m_twoTouchAngle;
- m_pinch.m_rotation.m_totalAngle = 0.0;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::updateRotation()
- // Calculate the new bearing
- qreal angle = angleDelta(m_pinch.m_rotation.m_previousTouchAngle, m_twoTouchAngle);
- if (qAbs(angle) < 0.2) // avoiding too many updates
- return;
- m_pinch.m_rotation.m_previousTouchAngle = m_twoTouchAngle;
- m_pinch.m_rotation.m_totalAngle += angle;
- qreal newBearing = m_pinch.m_rotation.m_startBearing - m_pinch.m_rotation.m_totalAngle;
- m_declarativeMap->setBearing(newBearing);
- m_pinch.m_event.setCenter(mapFromScene(m_touchPointsCentroid));
- m_pinch.m_event.setAngle(m_twoTouchAngle);
- m_pinch.m_lastPoint1 = mapFromScene(;
- m_pinch.m_lastPoint2 = mapFromScene(;
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint1(m_pinch.m_lastPoint1);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint2(m_pinch.m_lastPoint2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPointCount(m_allPoints.count());
- m_pinch.m_event.setAccepted(true);
- emit rotationUpdated(&m_pinch.m_event);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::endRotation()
- QPointF p1 = mapFromScene(m_pinch.m_lastPoint1);
- QPointF p2 = mapFromScene(m_pinch.m_lastPoint2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setCenter((p1 + p2) / 2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setAngle(m_pinch.m_lastAngle);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint1(p1);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint2(p2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setAccepted(true);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPointCount(0);
- emit rotationFinished(&m_pinch.m_event);
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::pinchStateMachine()
- PinchState lastState = m_pinchState;
- // Transitions:
- switch (m_pinchState) {
- case pinchInactive:
- if (m_allPoints.count() >= 2) {
- if (!isTiltActive() && canStartPinch()) {
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(true);
- startPinch();
- setPinchState(pinchActive);
- } else {
- setPinchState(pinchInactiveTwoPoints);
- }
- }
- break;
- case pinchInactiveTwoPoints:
- if (m_allPoints.count() <= 1) {
- setPinchState(pinchInactive);
- } else {
- if (!isTiltActive() && canStartPinch()) {
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(true);
- startPinch();
- setPinchState(pinchActive);
- }
- }
- break;
- case pinchActive:
- if (m_allPoints.count() <= 1) { // Once started, pinch goes off only when finger(s) are release
- setPinchState(pinchInactive);
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(m_preventStealing);
- endPinch();
- }
- break;
- }
- // This line implements an exclusive state machine, where the transitions and updates don't
- // happen on the same frame
- if (m_pinchState != lastState) {
- emit pinchActiveChanged();
- return;
- }
- // Update
- switch (m_pinchState) {
- case pinchInactive:
- case pinchInactiveTwoPoints:
- break; // do nothing
- case pinchActive:
- updatePinch();
- break;
- }
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::canStartPinch()
- if (m_allPoints.count() >= 2) {
- QPointF p1 = mapFromScene(;
- QPointF p2 = mapFromScene(;
- if (qAbs(m_distanceBetweenTouchPoints - m_distanceBetweenTouchPointsStart) > MinimumPinchDelta) {
- m_pinch.m_event.setCenter(mapFromScene(m_touchPointsCentroid));
- m_pinch.m_event.setAngle(m_twoTouchAngle);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint1(p1);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint2(p2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPointCount(m_allPoints.count());
- m_pinch.m_event.setAccepted(true);
- emit pinchStarted(&m_pinch.m_event);
- return m_pinch.m_event.accepted();
- }
- }
- return false;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::startPinch()
- m_pinch.m_startDist = m_distanceBetweenTouchPoints;
- m_pinch.m_zoom.m_previous = m_declarativeMap->zoomLevel();
- m_pinch.m_lastAngle = m_twoTouchAngle;
- m_pinch.m_lastPoint1 = mapFromScene(;
- m_pinch.m_lastPoint2 = mapFromScene(;
- m_pinch.m_zoom.m_start = m_declarativeMap->zoomLevel();
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::updatePinch()
- // Calculate the new zoom level if we have distance ( >= 2 touchpoints), otherwise stick with old.
- qreal newZoomLevel = m_pinch.m_zoom.m_previous;
- if (m_distanceBetweenTouchPoints) {
- newZoomLevel =
- // How much further/closer the current touchpoints are (in pixels) compared to pinch start
- ((m_distanceBetweenTouchPoints - m_pinch.m_startDist) *
- // How much one pixel corresponds in units of zoomlevel (and multiply by above delta)
- (m_pinch.m_zoom.maximumChange / ((width() + height()) / 2))) +
- // Add to starting zoom level. Sign of (dist-pinchstartdist) takes care of zoom in / out
- m_pinch.m_zoom.m_start;
- }
- m_pinch.m_event.setCenter(mapFromScene(m_touchPointsCentroid));
- m_pinch.m_event.setAngle(m_twoTouchAngle);
- m_pinch.m_lastPoint1 = mapFromScene(;
- m_pinch.m_lastPoint2 = mapFromScene(;
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint1(m_pinch.m_lastPoint1);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint2(m_pinch.m_lastPoint2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPointCount(m_allPoints.count());
- m_pinch.m_event.setAccepted(true);
- m_pinch.m_lastAngle = m_twoTouchAngle;
- emit pinchUpdated(&m_pinch.m_event);
- if (m_acceptedGestures & PinchGesture) {
- // Take maximum and minimumzoomlevel into account
- qreal perPinchMinimumZoomLevel = qMax(m_pinch.m_zoom.m_start - m_pinch.m_zoom.maximumChange, m_pinch.m_zoom.m_minimum);
- qreal perPinchMaximumZoomLevel = qMin(m_pinch.m_zoom.m_start + m_pinch.m_zoom.maximumChange, m_pinch.m_zoom.m_maximum);
- newZoomLevel = qMin(qMax(perPinchMinimumZoomLevel, newZoomLevel), perPinchMaximumZoomLevel);
- m_declarativeMap->setZoomLevel(qMin<qreal>(newZoomLevel, maximumZoomLevel()), false);
- m_pinch.m_zoom.m_previous = newZoomLevel;
- }
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::endPinch()
- QPointF p1 = mapFromScene(m_pinch.m_lastPoint1);
- QPointF p2 = mapFromScene(m_pinch.m_lastPoint2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setCenter((p1 + p2) / 2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setAngle(m_pinch.m_lastAngle);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint1(p1);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPoint2(p2);
- m_pinch.m_event.setAccepted(true);
- m_pinch.m_event.setPointCount(0);
- emit pinchFinished(&m_pinch.m_event);
- m_pinch.m_startDist = 0;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::panStateMachine()
- FlickState lastState = m_flickState;
- // Transitions
- switch (m_flickState) {
- case flickInactive:
- if (!isTiltActive() && canStartPan()) {
- // Update startCoord_ to ensure smooth start for panning when going over startDragDistance
- QGeoCoordinate newStartCoord = m_declarativeMap->toCoordinate(m_touchPointsCentroid, false);
- m_startCoord.setLongitude(newStartCoord.longitude());
- m_startCoord.setLatitude(newStartCoord.latitude());
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepMouseGrab(true);
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(true);
- setFlickState(panActive);
- }
- break;
- case panActive:
- if (m_allPoints.count() == 0) {
- if (!tryStartFlick())
- {
- setFlickState(flickInactive);
- // mark as inactive for use by camera
- if (m_pinchState == pinchInactive && m_rotationState == rotationInactive && m_tiltState == tiltInactive) {
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepMouseGrab(m_preventStealing);
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(m_preventStealing);
- m_map->prefetchData();
- }
- emit panFinished();
- } else {
- setFlickState(flickActive);
- emit panFinished();
- emit flickStarted();
- }
- }
- break;
- case flickActive:
- if (m_allPoints.count() > 0) { // re touched before movement ended
- stopFlick();
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepMouseGrab(true);
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepTouchGrab(true);
- setFlickState(panActive);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (m_flickState != lastState)
- emit panActiveChanged();
- // Update
- switch (m_flickState) {
- case flickInactive: // do nothing
- break;
- case panActive:
- updatePan();
- // this ensures 'panStarted' occurs after the pan has actually started
- if (lastState != panActive)
- emit panStarted();
- break;
- case flickActive:
- break;
- }
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::canStartPan()
- if (m_allPoints.count() == 0 || (m_acceptedGestures & PanGesture) == 0)
- return false;
- // Check if thresholds for normal panning are met.
- // (normal panning vs flicking: flicking will start from mouse release event).
- const int startDragDistance = qApp->styleHints()->startDragDistance() * 2;
- QPointF p1 = mapFromScene(;
- int dyFromPress = int(p1.y() - m_sceneStartPoint1.y());
- int dxFromPress = int(p1.x() - m_sceneStartPoint1.x());
- if ((qAbs(dyFromPress) >= startDragDistance || qAbs(dxFromPress) >= startDragDistance))
- return true;
- return false;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::updatePan()
- m_declarativeMap->alignCoordinateToPoint(m_startCoord, m_touchPointsCentroid);
- \internal
-bool QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::tryStartFlick()
- if ((m_acceptedGestures & FlickGesture) == 0)
- return false;
- // if we drag then pause before release we should not cause a flick.
- qreal flickSpeed = 0.0;
- if (m_lastPosTime.elapsed() < QML_MAP_FLICK_VELOCITY_SAMPLE_PERIOD)
- flickSpeed = m_flickVector.length();
- int flickTime = 0;
- int flickPixels = 0;
- QVector2D flickVector;
- if (qAbs(flickSpeed) > MinimumFlickVelocity
- && distanceBetweenTouchPoints(m_touchPointsCentroid, m_sceneStartPoint1) > FlickThreshold) {
- qreal acceleration = m_flick.m_deceleration;
- if ((flickSpeed > 0.0f) == (m_flick.m_deceleration > 0.0f))
- acceleration = acceleration * -1.0f;
- flickTime = static_cast<int>(-1000 * flickSpeed / acceleration);
- flickPixels = (flickTime * flickSpeed) / 2000.0;
- flickVector = m_flickVector.normalized() * flickPixels;
- }
- if (flickTime > 0) {
- startFlick(flickVector.x(), flickVector.y(), flickTime);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::startFlick(int dx, int dy, int timeMs)
- if (!m_flick.m_animation)
- return;
- if (timeMs < 0)
- return;
- QGeoCoordinate animationStartCoordinate = m_declarativeMap->center();
- if (m_flick.m_animation->isRunning())
- m_flick.m_animation->stop();
- QGeoCoordinate animationEndCoordinate = m_declarativeMap->center();
- m_flick.m_animation->setDuration(timeMs);
- QPointF delta(dx, dy);
- QMatrix4x4 matBearing;
- matBearing.rotate(m_map->cameraData().bearing(), 0, 0, 1);
- delta =;
- double zoom = pow(2.0, m_declarativeMap->zoomLevel());
- double longitude = animationStartCoordinate.longitude() - (delta.x() / zoom);
- double latitude = animationStartCoordinate.latitude() + (delta.y() / zoom);
- if (delta.x() > 0)
- m_flick.m_animation->setDirection(QQuickGeoCoordinateAnimation::West);
- else
- m_flick.m_animation->setDirection(QQuickGeoCoordinateAnimation::East);
- //keep animation in correct bounds
- animationEndCoordinate.setLongitude(QLocationUtils::wrapLong(longitude));
- animationEndCoordinate.setLatitude(QLocationUtils::clipLat(latitude, QLocationUtils::mercatorMaxLatitude()));
- m_flick.m_animation->setFrom(animationStartCoordinate);
- m_flick.m_animation->setTo(animationEndCoordinate);
- m_flick.m_animation->start();
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::stopPan()
- if (m_flickState == flickActive) {
- stopFlick();
- } else if (m_flickState == panActive) {
- m_flickVector = QVector2D();
- setFlickState(flickInactive);
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepMouseGrab(m_preventStealing);
- emit panFinished();
- emit panActiveChanged();
- m_map->prefetchData();
- }
- \internal
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::stopFlick()
- if (!m_flick.m_animation)
- return;
- m_flickVector = QVector2D();
- if (m_flick.m_animation->isRunning())
- m_flick.m_animation->stop();
- else
- handleFlickAnimationStopped();
-void QQuickGeoMapGestureArea::handleFlickAnimationStopped()
- m_declarativeMap->setKeepMouseGrab(m_preventStealing);
- if (m_flickState == flickActive) {
- setFlickState(flickInactive);
- emit flickFinished();
- emit panActiveChanged();
- m_map->prefetchData();
- }
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/qquickgeomapgesturearea_p.h b/src/location/declarativemaps/qquickgeomapgesturearea_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e8735761..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/qquickgeomapgesturearea_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met:
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
-** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
-** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: and
-// W A R N I N G
-// -------------
-// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
-// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
-// version without notice, or even be removed.
-// We mean it.
-#include <QtLocation/private/qlocationglobal_p.h>
-#include <QtCore/QPointer>
-#include <QtQuick/QQuickItem>
-#include <QTouchEvent>
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <QElapsedTimer>
-#include <QtPositioning/qgeocoordinate.h>
-#include <QtGui/QVector2D>
-class QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent;
-class QQuickGeoCoordinateAnimation;
-class QDeclarativeGeoMap;
-class QTouchEvent;
-class QWheelEvent;
-class QGeoMap;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QGeoMapPinchEvent : public QObject
- Q_PROPERTY(QPointF center READ center)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal angle READ angle)
- Q_PROPERTY(QPointF point1 READ point1)
- Q_PROPERTY(QPointF point2 READ point2)
- Q_PROPERTY(int pointCount READ pointCount)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool accepted READ accepted WRITE setAccepted)
- QGeoMapPinchEvent(const QPointF &center, qreal angle,
- const QPointF &point1, const QPointF &point2,
- int pointCount = 0, bool accepted = true)
- : QObject(), m_center(center), m_angle(angle),
- m_point1(point1), m_point2(point2),
- m_pointCount(pointCount), m_accepted(accepted)
- {}
- QGeoMapPinchEvent() = default;
- QPointF center() const { return m_center; }
- void setCenter(const QPointF &center) { m_center = center; }
- qreal angle() const { return m_angle; }
- void setAngle(qreal angle) { m_angle = angle; }
- QPointF point1() const { return m_point1; }
- void setPoint1(const QPointF &p) { m_point1 = p; }
- QPointF point2() const { return m_point2; }
- void setPoint2(const QPointF &p) { m_point2 = p; }
- int pointCount() const { return m_pointCount; }
- void setPointCount(int count) { m_pointCount = count; }
- bool accepted() const { return m_accepted; }
- void setAccepted(bool a) { m_accepted = a; }
- QPointF m_center;
- qreal m_angle = 0.0;
- QPointF m_point1;
- QPointF m_point2;
- int m_pointCount = 0;
- bool m_accepted = true;
-class Q_LOCATION_PRIVATE_EXPORT QQuickGeoMapGestureArea: public QQuickItem
- Q_ENUMS(GeoMapGesture)
- Q_FLAGS(AcceptedGestures)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool enabled READ enabled WRITE setEnabled NOTIFY enabledChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool pinchActive READ isPinchActive NOTIFY pinchActiveChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool panActive READ isPanActive NOTIFY panActiveChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool rotationActive READ isRotationActive NOTIFY rotationActiveChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool tiltActive READ isTiltActive NOTIFY tiltActiveChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(AcceptedGestures acceptedGestures READ acceptedGestures WRITE setAcceptedGestures NOTIFY acceptedGesturesChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal maximumZoomLevelChange READ maximumZoomLevelChange WRITE setMaximumZoomLevelChange NOTIFY maximumZoomLevelChangeChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(qreal flickDeceleration READ flickDeceleration WRITE setFlickDeceleration NOTIFY flickDecelerationChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool preventStealing READ preventStealing WRITE setPreventStealing NOTIFY preventStealingChanged REVISION 1)
- QQuickGeoMapGestureArea(QDeclarativeGeoMap *map);
- ~QQuickGeoMapGestureArea();
- enum GeoMapGesture {
- NoGesture = 0x0000,
- PinchGesture = 0x0001,
- PanGesture = 0x0002,
- FlickGesture = 0x0004,
- RotationGesture = 0x0008,
- TiltGesture = 0x0010,
- AllGestures = 0xffff
- };
- Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AcceptedGestures, GeoMapGesture)
- AcceptedGestures acceptedGestures() const;
- void setAcceptedGestures(AcceptedGestures acceptedGestures);
- bool isPinchActive() const;
- bool isRotationActive() const;
- bool isTiltActive() const;
- bool isPanActive() const;
- bool isActive() const;
- bool enabled() const;
- void setEnabled(bool enabled);
- qreal maximumZoomLevelChange() const;
- void setMaximumZoomLevelChange(qreal maxChange);
- qreal flickDeceleration() const;
- void setFlickDeceleration(qreal deceleration);
- void handleTouchEvent(QPointerEvent *event);
-#if QT_CONFIG(wheelevent)
- void handleWheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event);
- void handleMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- void handleMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- void handleMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- void handleTouchUngrabEvent();
- void setMinimumZoomLevel(qreal min);
- qreal minimumZoomLevel() const;
- void setMaximumZoomLevel(qreal max);
- qreal maximumZoomLevel() const;
- void setMap(QGeoMap* map);
- bool preventStealing() const;
- void setPreventStealing(bool prevent);
- void panActiveChanged();
- void pinchActiveChanged();
- void rotationActiveChanged();
- void tiltActiveChanged();
- void enabledChanged();
- void maximumZoomLevelChangeChanged();
- void acceptedGesturesChanged();
- void flickDecelerationChanged();
- void pinchStarted(QGeoMapPinchEvent *pinch);
- void pinchUpdated(QGeoMapPinchEvent *pinch);
- void pinchFinished(QGeoMapPinchEvent *pinch);
- void panStarted();
- void panFinished();
- void flickStarted();
- void flickFinished();
- void rotationStarted(QGeoMapPinchEvent *pinch);
- void rotationUpdated(QGeoMapPinchEvent *pinch);
- void rotationFinished(QGeoMapPinchEvent *pinch);
- void tiltStarted(QGeoMapPinchEvent *pinch);
- void tiltUpdated(QGeoMapPinchEvent *pinch);
- void tiltFinished(QGeoMapPinchEvent *pinch);
- void preventStealingChanged();
- void update();
- // Create general data relating to the touch points
- void touchPointStateMachine();
- void startOneTouchPoint();
- void updateOneTouchPoint();
- void startTwoTouchPoints();
- void updateTwoTouchPoints();
- // All two fingers vertical parallel panning related code, which encompasses tilting
- void tiltStateMachine();
- bool canStartTilt();
- void startTilt();
- void updateTilt();
- void endTilt();
- // All two fingers rotation related code, which encompasses rotation
- void rotationStateMachine();
- bool canStartRotation();
- void startRotation();
- void updateRotation();
- void endRotation();
- // All pinch related code, which encompasses zoom
- void pinchStateMachine();
- bool canStartPinch();
- void startPinch();
- void updatePinch();
- void endPinch();
- // Pan related code (regardles of number of touch points),
- // includes the flick based panning after letting go
- void panStateMachine();
- bool canStartPan();
- void updatePan();
- bool tryStartFlick();
- void startFlick(int dx, int dy, int timeMs = 0);
- void stopFlick();
- bool pinchEnabled() const;
- void setPinchEnabled(bool enabled);
- bool rotationEnabled() const;
- void setRotationEnabled(bool enabled);
- bool tiltEnabled() const;
- void setTiltEnabled(bool enabled);
- bool panEnabled() const;
- void setPanEnabled(bool enabled);
- bool flickEnabled() const;
- void setFlickEnabled(bool enabled);
-private Q_SLOTS:
- void handleFlickAnimationStopped();
- void stopPan();
- void clearTouchData();
- void updateFlickParameters(const QPointF &pos);
- QGeoMap* m_map = nullptr;
- QDeclarativeGeoMap *m_declarativeMap = nullptr;
- bool m_enabled = true;
- // This should be intended as a "two fingers gesture" struct
- struct Pinch
- {
- QGeoMapPinchEvent m_event;
- bool m_pinchEnabled = true;
- bool m_rotationEnabled = true;
- bool m_tiltEnabled = true;
- struct Zoom
- {
- qreal m_minimum = 0.0;
- qreal m_maximum = 30.0;
- qreal m_start = 0.0;
- qreal m_previous = 0.0;
- qreal maximumChange = 4.0;
- } m_zoom;
- struct Rotation
- {
- qreal m_startBearing = 0.0;
- qreal m_previousTouchAngle = 0.0; // needed for detecting crossing +- 180 in a safer way
- qreal m_totalAngle = 0.0;
- } m_rotation;
- struct Tilt
- {
- QPointF m_startTouchCentroid;
- qreal m_startTilt;
- } m_tilt;
- QPointF m_lastPoint1;
- QPointF m_lastPoint2;
- qreal m_startDist = 0.0;
- qreal m_lastAngle = 0.0;
- } m_pinch;
- AcceptedGestures m_acceptedGestures = AllGestures;
- struct Pan
- {
- qreal m_maxVelocity = 2500;
- qreal m_deceleration = 2500;
- QQuickGeoCoordinateAnimation *m_animation = nullptr;
- bool m_flickEnabled = true;
- bool m_panEnabled = true;
- } m_flick;
- // these are calculated regardless of gesture or number of touch points
- QVector2D m_flickVector;
- QElapsedTimer m_lastPosTime;
- QPointF m_lastPos;
- QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint> m_allPoints;
- QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint> m_touchPoints;
- QPointF m_sceneStartPoint1;
- // only set when two points in contact
- QPointF m_sceneStartPoint2;
- QGeoCoordinate m_startCoord;
- QGeoCoordinate m_touchCenterCoord;
- qreal m_twoTouchAngle;
- qreal m_twoTouchAngleStart;
- qreal m_distanceBetweenTouchPoints;
- qreal m_distanceBetweenTouchPointsStart;
- QPointF m_twoTouchPointsCentroidStart;
- QPointF m_touchPointsCentroid;
- bool m_preventStealing = false;
- // prototype state machine...
- enum TouchPointState
- {
- touchPoints0,
- touchPoints1,
- touchPoints2
- } m_touchPointState;
- enum PinchState
- {
- pinchInactive,
- pinchInactiveTwoPoints,
- pinchActive
- } m_pinchState;
- enum RotationState
- {
- rotationInactive,
- rotationInactiveTwoPoints,
- rotationActive
- } m_rotationState;
- enum TiltState
- {
- tiltInactive,
- tiltInactiveTwoPoints,
- tiltActive
- } m_tiltState;
- enum FlickState
- {
- flickInactive,
- panActive,
- flickActive
- } m_flickState;
- inline void setTouchPointState(TouchPointState state);
- inline void setFlickState(FlickState state);
- inline void setTiltState(TiltState state);
- inline void setRotationState(RotationState state);
- inline void setPinchState(PinchState state);
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polygon.frag b/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polygon.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b9727b6..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polygon.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#version 440
-layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
-layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf {
- mat4 qt_Matrix;
- mat4 mapProjection;
- vec4 center;
- vec4 center_lowpart;
- float wrapOffset;
- vec4 color;
-void main() {
- fragColor = color;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polygon.vert b/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polygon.vert
deleted file mode 100644
index 06dab03e..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polygon.vert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#version 440
-layout(location = 0) in highp vec4 vertex;
-layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf {
- mat4 qt_Matrix;
- mat4 mapProjection;
- vec4 center;
- vec4 center_lowpart;
- float wrapOffset;
- vec4 color;
-vec4 wrapped(in vec4 v) { return vec4(v.x + wrapOffset, v.y, 0.0, 1.0); }
-void main() {
- vec4 vtx = wrapped(vertex) - center;
- vtx = vtx - center_lowpart;
- gl_Position = qt_Matrix * mapProjection * vtx;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_extruded.frag b/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_extruded.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index 3530f093..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_extruded.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#version 440
-layout(location = 0) in vec4 primitivecolor;
-layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
-layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf {
- mat4 qt_Matrix;
- mat4 mapProjection;
- vec4 center;
- vec4 center_lowpart;
- float lineWidth;
- float aspect;
- int miter; // currently unused
- vec4 color;
- float wrapOffset;
-void main() {
- fragColor = primitivecolor;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_extruded.vert b/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_extruded.vert
deleted file mode 100644
index 27b69b60..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_extruded.vert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#version 440
-layout(location = 0) in vec4 vertex;
-layout(location = 1) in vec4 previous;
-layout(location = 2) in vec4 next;
-layout(location = 3) in float direction;
-layout(location = 4) in float triangletype;
-layout(location = 5) in float vertextype; // -1.0 if it is the "left" end of the segment, 1.0 if it is the "right" end.
-layout(location = 0) out vec4 primitivecolor;
-layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf {
- mat4 qt_Matrix;
- mat4 mapProjection;
- vec4 center;
- vec4 center_lowpart;
- float lineWidth;
- float aspect;
- int miter; // currently unused
- vec4 color;
- float wrapOffset;
-vec4 wrapped(in vec4 v) { return vec4(v.x + wrapOffset, v.y, 0.0, 1.0); }
-void main() { // ln 22
- primitivecolor = color;
- vec2 aspectVec = vec2(aspect, 1.0);
- mat4 projViewModel = qt_Matrix * mapProjection;
- vec4 cur = wrapped(vertex) - center;
- cur = cur - center_lowpart;
- vec4 prev = wrapped(previous) - center;
- prev = prev - center_lowpart;
- vec4 nex = wrapped(next) - center;
- nex = nex - center_lowpart;
- vec4 centerProjected = projViewModel * (center + vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
- vec4 previousProjected = projViewModel * prev;
- vec4 currentProjected = projViewModel * cur;
- vec4 nextProjected = projViewModel * nex;
- //get 2D screen space with W divide and aspect correction
- vec2 currentScreen = (currentProjected.xy / currentProjected.w) * aspectVec;
- vec2 previousScreen = (previousProjected.xy / previousProjected.w) * aspectVec;
- vec2 nextScreen = (nextProjected.xy / nextProjected.w) * aspectVec;
- float len = (lineWidth);
- float orientation = direction;
- bool clipped = false;
- bool otherEndBelowFrustum = false;
- //starting point uses (next - current)
- vec2 dir = vec2(0.0);
- if (vertextype < 0.0) {
- dir = normalize(nextScreen - currentScreen);
- if (nextProjected.z < 0.0) dir = -dir;
- } else {
- dir = normalize(currentScreen - previousScreen);
- if (previousProjected.z < 0.0) dir = -dir;
- }
-// first, clip current, and make sure currentProjected.z is > 0
- if (currentProjected.z < 0.0) {
- if ((nextProjected.z > 0.0 && vertextype < 0.0) || (vertextype > 0.0 && previousProjected.z > 0.0)) {
- dir = -dir;
- clipped = true;
- if (vertextype < 0.0 && nextProjected.y / nextProjected.w < -1.0) otherEndBelowFrustum = true;
- else if (vertextype > 0.0 && previousProjected.y / previousProjected.w < -1.0) otherEndBelowFrustum = true;
- } else {
- primitivecolor = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
- gl_Position = vec4(-10000000.0, -1000000000.0, -1000000000.0, 1); // get the vertex out of the way if the segment is fully invisible
- return;
- }
- } else if (triangletype < 2.0) { // vertex in the view, try to miter
- //get directions from (C - B) and (B - A)
- vec2 dirA = normalize((currentScreen - previousScreen));
- if (previousProjected.z < 0.0) dirA = -dirA;
- vec2 dirB = normalize((nextScreen - currentScreen));
- //now compute the miter join normal and length
- if (nextProjected.z < 0.0) dirB = -dirB;
- vec2 tangent = normalize(dirA + dirB);
- vec2 perp = vec2(-dirA.y, dirA.x);
- vec2 vmiter = vec2(-tangent.y, tangent.x);
- len = lineWidth / dot(vmiter, perp);
-// The following is an attempt to have a segment-length based miter threshold.
-// A mediocre workaround until better mitering will be added.
- float lenTreshold = clamp( min(length((currentProjected.xy - previousProjected.xy) / aspectVec),
- length((nextProjected.xy - currentProjected.xy) / aspectVec)), 3.0, 6.0 ) * 0.5;
- if (len < lineWidth * lenTreshold && len > -lineWidth * lenTreshold) {
- dir = tangent;
- } else {
- len = lineWidth;
- }
- }
- vec4 offset;
- if (!clipped) {
- vec2 normal = normalize(vec2(-dir.y, dir.x));
- normal *= len; // fracZL apparently was needed before the (-2.0 / qt_Matrix[1][1]) factor was introduced
- normal /= aspectVec; // straighten the normal up again
- float scaleFactor = currentProjected.w / centerProjected.w;
- offset = vec4(normal * orientation * scaleFactor * (centerProjected.w / (-2.0 / qt_Matrix[1][1])), 0.0, 0.0); // ToDo: figure out why (-2.0 / qt_Matrix[1][1]), that is empirically what works
- gl_Position = currentProjected + offset;
- } else {
- if (otherEndBelowFrustum) offset = vec4((dir * 1.0) / aspectVec, 0.0, 0.0); // the if is necessary otherwise it seems the direction vector still flips in some obscure cases.
- else offset = vec4((dir * 500000000000.0) / aspectVec, 0.0, 0.0); // Hack alert: just 1 triangle, long enough to look like a rectangle.
- if (vertextype < 0.0) gl_Position = nextProjected - offset; else gl_Position = previousProjected + offset;
- }
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_linestrip.frag b/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_linestrip.frag
deleted file mode 100644
index e9124d27..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_linestrip.frag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#version 440
-layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
-layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf {
- mat4 qt_Matrix;
- mat4 mapProjection;
- vec4 center;
- vec4 center_lowpart;
- float opacity;
- float wrapOffset;
- vec4 color;
-void main() {
- fragColor = color;
diff --git a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_linestrip.vert b/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_linestrip.vert
deleted file mode 100644
index 86b4f3a3..00000000
--- a/src/location/declarativemaps/shaders/polyline_linestrip.vert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#version 440
-layout(location = 0) in vec4 qt_Vertex;
-layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf {
- mat4 qt_Matrix;
- mat4 mapProjection;
- vec4 center;
- vec4 center_lowpart;
- float opacity;
- float wrapOffset;
- vec4 color;
-vec4 wrapped(in vec4 v) { return vec4(v.x + wrapOffset, v.y, 0.0, 1.0); }
-void main() {
- vec4 vtx = wrapped(qt_Vertex) - center;
- vtx = vtx - center_lowpart;
- gl_Position = qt_Matrix * mapProjection * vtx;