path: root/dist
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1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/changes-5.9.0 b/dist/changes-5.9.0
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46faf68d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/changes-5.9.0
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+Qt 5.9 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes
+over the 5.8.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation
+included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online:
+The Qt version 5.9 series is binary compatible with the 5.8.x series.
+Applications compiled for 5.8 will continue to run with 5.9.
+Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
+corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker:
+Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more
+information about a particular change.
+* General *
+Third-Party Code
+ - Added Mapbox GL Native as a third-party component to
+ src/3rdparty/mapbox-gl-native.
+* Library *
+ - Added boundingGeoRectangle to QGeoShape to return a geographical bounding
+ box in form of a QGeoRectangle.
+ - Added QGeoPath as a new geo shape.
+ - Added a new QML type, MapParameter, to control plugin-specific map features
+ at runtime.
+ - Deprecated QGeoShape::extendShape.
+ - Renamed the QGeoProjection class into QWebMercator.
+ - Added new private API, QGeoProjection, for the coordinate <-> screen projection
+ conversion, removing it from QGeoTiledMapScene.
+ - Moved CacheAreas enum from QGeoFileTileCache into QAbstractGeoTileCache.
+ - Map.zoomLevel now always refers to a normalized tile size of 256x256 pixels.
+ Conversions to/from different tile sizes are performed internally by QGeoMap.
+ - Added clipping support to Clip2Tri 3rd party library through clipper, to protect Qt from
+ clipper invocations that throw.
+ - Updated clipper lib to version 6.4.
+ - QGeoProjectionWebMercator now uses a projection matrix to project to item position.
+ - [QTBUG-58124] Fixed a bug on destruction of the OSM plugin causing segfault.
+ - Added rotation, tilt and field of view properties to QDeclarativeGeoMap.
+ - Changed map items to be always positioned/wrapped based on their geo left bound.
+ - Changed the Map items opacity ramp values from 2.0 -> 3.0 to 1.5 -> 2.5.
+ - QDeclarativeGeoMap::setVisibleRegion now handles QGeoPath as well.
+ - Map Items geo data is now managed by a contained QGeoShape, which also handles geographical
+ transformations such as translations.
+ - Moved the declarative implementation from imports/ into location/declarativemaps and
+ location/declarativeplaces, privately exporting the classes.
+ - QQuickGeoMapGestureArea now correctly works with tilted/rotated maps.
+ - Added two new gestures to QQuickGeoMapGestureArea, two fingers rotation and two fingers tilting.
+ - Added the infrastructure to allow a QGeoMap to be responsible for drawing map items.
+ - Added a new QML type, MapCopyrightNotice, backed by the now exposed QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice.
+ - MapCopyrightNotice can now be styled using CSS.
+ - Added a new plugin, MapboxGL, based on the mapbox-gl-native 3rd party library.
+ - The MapboxGL plugin now ships with a built-in development token.
+ - Added a new QML type, MapItemGroup, to group multiple map items in a new meta map item.
+ - Added the new mapItemOpacity method to QGeoMapItemBase, to account for the opacity of a MapItemGroup too.
+ - Added the new fitViewportToVisibleMapItems method to QDeclarativeGeoMap.
+ - Adapted mapviewer example to enable changing tilting/rotation/FoV.
+ - QGeoTiledMap now uses anisotropic filtering when available.
+ - Unblacklisted some previously blacklisted autotests now fixed in qtdeclarative.
+ - Blacklisted flick autotests on windows due to platform-induced flakiness.
+ - Added support to the MapboxGL plugin to natively renders map polylines, polygons and rectangles.
+ - Added support to the MapboxGL plugin to render both via FBO and via QSGRenderNode.
+ - QGeoCameraCapabilities are now specific to a QGeoMapType, and not any longer fixed to a plugin.
+ - DevicePixelRatio is now considered before enabling mipmapping so that mipmapping remains off if
+ tiles do not need to be minificated.
+ - Changed QGeoTiledMap default FoV from 90 to 45 degrees.
+ - [QTBUG-59417] Fixed QGeoTiledMapScene viewing frustum calculation.
+ - Added a new mapReady signal to QDeclarativeGeoMap to notify when the map becomes ready.
+ - Added ICU support to MapboxGL plugin, depending on its availability.
+ - [QTBUG-58821] Removed dependency on QtWidgets.
+ - Added a new plugin, itemsoverlay, to provide a transparent canvas to add only map items.
+ - MapQuickItem now correctly tilts and rotates when the zoomLevel property is set.
+ - [QTBUG-59259] Increased QGeoCoordinate debug operator precision.
+ - Improved the mapviewer example, also using QtQuick.Controls2 sliders.
+ - QtPositioning now also compiler-optimized when building in release.
+ - [QTBUG-59503] Flick autotests skipped on windows.
+ - [QTBUG-59479] Mercator-projected qgeocoordinates in map items are now cached.
+ - Removed pathPropertyChanged() from Polyline,Polygon.
+ - [QTBUG-23659] Enabled overzooming tiles in qgeotiledmapscene.
+ - [QTBUG-59416] keepTouchGrab now considered when handing mouse events in QDeclarativeGeoMap.
+ - Tile formats now proactively converted to ARGB32_Premultiplied.
+ - Added possibility to disable prefetching.
+ - Added parameter to control prefetching in tile-based geoservice plugins.
+ - Disabled warnings in third-party code.
+ - Improved flicking behavior of QQuickGeoMapGestureArea.
+ - [QTBUG-60021] Map update now triggered after initialization.
+ - QGeoMap pointers now protected with QPointer.
+ - QtLocation now marked as warning-free.
+ - [QTBUG-58801] Fixed copyright notice not showing before map type is changed.
+ - Added overzoomEnabled to QGeoCameraCapabilities.
+ - Various fixes for building with various QtLite configurations.
+ - QGeoTileFetcher::handleReply now virtual.
+ - [QTBUG-60266] declarative_ui autotests disabled for boot2qt.
+* Platform Specific Changes *
+ - [QTBUG-52014][QTBUG-59275] Allow background updates if such capability
+ is present in infoDict.
+ - [QTBUG-57288] Remove support for WinRT 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1.
+ - [QTBUG-60299] Added error handling for GeoPositionInfoSource creation.
+ - [QTBUG-59010] Added guard against unprotected javaVM pointer usage.
+ - [QTBUG-59158] UTC flag for Android position timestamps now set.