path: root/src
diff options
authorabcd <>2011-06-02 17:07:29 +1000
committerabcd <>2011-06-02 17:28:32 +1000
commit8fab6bcfc3ef9912852e916b852456327fba299f (patch)
treed652f611c06e9f35ea8aeaa353d1674535747e99 /src
parent1dd8b4805d108931a41eb2d58874a598281ee2c4 (diff)
Initial dump of places
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
116 files changed, 10836 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/location/ b/src/location/
index 299e8849..77191c23 100644
--- a/src/location/
+++ b/src/location/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ HEADERS += qtlocationversion.h
contains(proj_enabled, yes) {
LIBS += -lproj
diff --git a/src/location/places/places.pri b/src/location/places/places.pri
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..993b2244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/places.pri
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#TODO: remove when plugin is refactored out
+QT += declarative
+QT += script
+INCLUDEPATH += places
+#data classes
+ places/qplace.h \
+ places/qplaceaddress.h \
+ places/qplacealternativevalue.h \
+ places/qplacebusinessfeature.h \
+ places/qplacebusinessinformation.h \
+ places/qplacecategory.h \
+ places/qplacecontact.h \
+ places/qplacedescription.h \
+ places/qplacegeoboundingbox.h \
+ places/qplacegeocoordinate.h \
+ places/qplacelocation.h \
+ places/qplacemediaobject.h \
+ places/qplacepaginationlist.h \
+ places/qplaceperiod.h \
+ places/qplacerating.h \
+ places/qplacereview.h \
+ places/qplacesupplier.h \
+ places/qplaceweekdayhours.h \
+ places/qplacesearchresult.h \
+#query classes
+ places/placequery.h \
+ places/qplacesearchquery.h \
+#reply classes
+ places/qplacereply.h \
+ places/qplacedetailsreply.h \
+ places/qplacemediareply.h \
+ places/qplacereviewreply.h \
+ places/qplacesearchreply.h \
+ places/qplacetextpredictionreply.h \
+#manager and engine
+ places/qplacemanager.h \
+ places/qplacemanagerengine.h \
+ places/qplaceglobal.h
+ places/qplace_p.h \
+ places/qplaceaddress_p.h \
+ places/qplacealternativevalue_p.h \
+ places/qplacebusinessfeature_p.h \
+ places/qplacebusinessinformation_p.h \
+ places/qplacecategory_p.h \
+ places/qplacecontact_p.h \
+ places/qplacedescription_p.h \
+ places/qplacegeoboundingbox_p.h \
+ places/qplacegeocoordinate_p.h \
+ places/qplacelocation_p.h \
+ places/qplacemediaobject_p.h \
+ places/qplaceperiod_p.h \
+ places/qplacerating_p.h \
+ places/qplacereview_p.h \
+ places/qplacesupplier_p.h \
+ places/qplaceweekdayhours_p.h \
+ places/qplacesearchresult_p.h
+#data classes
+ places/qplace.cpp \
+ places/qplaceaddress.cpp \
+ places/qplacealternativevalue.cpp \
+ places/qplacebusinessfeature.cpp \
+ places/qplacebusinessinformation.cpp \
+ places/qplacecategory.cpp \
+ places/qplacecontact.cpp \
+ places/qplacedescription.cpp \
+ places/qplacegeoboundingbox.cpp \
+ places/qplacegeocoordinate.cpp \
+ places/qplacelocation.cpp \
+ places/qplacemediaobject.cpp \
+ places/qplaceperiod.cpp \
+ places/qplacerating.cpp \
+ places/qplacereview.cpp \
+ places/qplacesupplier.cpp \
+ places/qplaceweekdayhours.cpp \
+ places/qplacesearchresult.cpp \
+#query classes
+ places/qplacequery.cpp \
+ places/qplacesearchquery.cpp \
+#reply classes
+ places/qplacereply.cpp \
+ places/qplacedetailsreply.cpp \
+ places/qplacemediareply.cpp \
+ places/qplacereviewreply.cpp \
+ places/qplacesearchreply.cpp \
+ places/qplacetextpredictionreply.cpp \
+#manager and engine
+ places/qplacemanager.cpp \
+ places/qplacemanagerengine.cpp
+#provider implementation
+#data classes
+ places/provider/qplacejsoncategoriesparser.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacejsondetailsparser.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacejsonmediaparser.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacejsonrecommendationparser.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacejsonreviewparser.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacejsonsearchparser.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacejsontextpredictionparser.cpp \
+#query classes
+#reply classes
+ places/provider/qplacedetailsreplyimpl.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacemediareplyimpl.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplaceratingreplyimpl.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacereviewreplyimpl.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacesearchreplyimpl.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.cpp \
+#manager and engine
+ places/provider/qplacemanagerengineimpl.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacecategoriesrepository.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacerestreply.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacerestmanager.cpp \
+ places/provider/qplacesuppliersrepository.cpp
+#data classes
+ places/provider/qplacejsoncategoriesparser.h \
+ places/provider/qplacejsondetailsparser.h \
+ places/provider/qplacejsonmediaparser.h \
+ places/provider/qplacejsonrecommendationparser.h \
+ places/provider/qplacejsonreviewparser.h \
+ places/provider/qplacejsonsearchparser.h \
+ places/provider/qplacejsontextpredictionparser.h \
+#query classes
+#reply classes
+ places/provider/qplacemediareplyimpl.h \
+ places/provider/qplacedetailsreplyimpl.h \
+ places/provider/qplaceratingreplyimpl.h \
+ places/provider/qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.h \
+ places/provider/qplacereviewreplyimpl.h \
+ places/provider/qplacesearchreplyimpl.h \
+ places/provider/qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.h \
+#manager and engine
+ places/provider/qplacemanagerengineimpl.h \
+ places/provider/qplacecategoriesrepository.h \
+ places/provider/qplacerestreply.h \
+ places/provider/qplacerestmanager.h \
+ places/provider/qplacesuppliersrepository.h
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacecategoriesrepository.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacecategoriesrepository.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b77d817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacecategoriesrepository.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include "qplacecategoriesrepository.h"
+#include "qplacejsoncategoriesparser.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+static const char *supportedCategories = "{\"categories\":{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Accommodation\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"accommodation\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Administrative Areas & Buildings\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"administrative-areas-buildings\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Business & Services\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"business-services\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Eat & Drink\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"eat-drink\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Facilities\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"facilities\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Going Out\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"going-out\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Leisure & Outdoor\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"leisure-outdoor\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Natural & Geographical\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"natural-geographical\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Shopping\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"shopping\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Sights & Museums\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"sights-museums\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Public Toilet \\/ Rest Area\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"toilet-rest-area\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Transport\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"transport\"}],\"group\":[{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Administrative Region\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"administrative-region\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Building\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"building\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"City, Town or Village\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"city-town-village\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Outdoor Area \\/ Complex\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"outdoor-area-complex\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Administrative Areas & Buildings\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"administrative-areas-buildings\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Airport\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"airport\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Ferry Terminal\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"ferry-terminal\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Public Transport\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"public-transport\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Train Station\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"railway-station\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Taxi Stand\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"taxi-stand\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Transport\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"transport\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Amusement or Holiday Park\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"amusement-holiday-park\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Recreation\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"recreation\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Leisure & Outdoor\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"leisure-outdoor\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"ATM \\/ Bank Exchange\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"atm-bank-exchange\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Business \\/ Industry\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"business-industry\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Car Dealer \\/ Repair\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"car-dealer-repair\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Car Rental\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"car-rental\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Communication \\/ Media\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"communication-media\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Petrol Station\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"petrol-station\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Police \\/ Emergency\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"police-emergency\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Post Office\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"post-office\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Service\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"service\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Tourist Information\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"tourist-information\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Travel Agency\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"travel-agency\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Business & Services\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"business-services\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Bar \\/ Pub\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"bar-pub\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Coffee \\/ Tea\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"coffee-tea\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Restaurant\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"restaurant\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Snacks \\/ Fast food\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"snacks-fast-food\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Eat & Drink\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"eat-drink\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Body of Water\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"body-of-water\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Forest, Heath or Other Vegetation\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"forest-heath-vegetation\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Mountain or Hill\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"mountain-hill\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Undersea Feature\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"undersea-feature\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Natural & Geographical\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"natural-geographical\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Bookshop\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"bookshop\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Clothing & Accessories\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"clothing-accessories-shop\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Department Store\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"department-store\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Electronics\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"electronics-shop\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Food & Drink\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"food-drink\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Hardware, House & Garden\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"hardware-house-garden-shop\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Kiosk \\/ 24\\/7 \\/ Convenience Store\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"kiosk-convenience-store\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Mall\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"mall\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Pharmacy\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"pharmacy\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Sport & Outdoor\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"sport-outdoor-shop\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Shopping\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"shopping\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Camping\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"camping\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Hostel\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"hostel\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Hotel\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"hotel\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Motel\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"motel\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Accommodation\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"accommodation\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Casino\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"casino\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Movie Theater\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"cinema\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Dance or Night Club\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"dance-night-club\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Theater, Music & Culture\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"theatre-music-culture\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Going Out\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"going-out\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Education Facility\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"education-facility\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Fair & Convention Facility\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"fair-convention-facility\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Government or Community Facility\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"government-community-facility\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Hospital or Health Care Facility\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"hospital-health-care-facility\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Library\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"library\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Parking Facility\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"parking-facility\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Sports Facility \\/ Venue\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"sports-facility-venue\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Facilities\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"facilities\"}},{\"category\":[{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Landmark \\/ Attraction\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"landmark-attraction\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Museum\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"museum\"},{\"categorySystemName\":\"find-places\",\"displayName\":\"Religious Place\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"religious-place\"}],\"groupingCategory\":{\"displayName\":\"Sights & Museums\",\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"sights-museums\"}}]}}";
+static QMap<QString, QString> categoriesMap;
+static QPlaceCategory *secondSearchCenter = NULL;
+QPlaceCategoriesRepository *QPlaceCategoriesRepository::repositoryInstance = NULL;
+QPlaceCategoriesRepository *QPlaceCategoriesRepository::instance()
+ if (!repositoryInstance) {
+ repositoryInstance = new QPlaceCategoriesRepository();
+ }
+ return repositoryInstance;
+QPlaceCategoriesRepository::QPlaceCategoriesRepository(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(parent),
+ categoriesParser(NULL)
+ setupCategoriesMapper();
+ if (!categoriesParser) {
+ categoriesParser = new QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser(this);
+ }
+ connect(categoriesParser, SIGNAL(finished(const QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::Error &error, const QString &errorMessage)),
+ this, SLOT(categoriesReady(const QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::Error &error, const QString &errorMessage)));
+ categoriesParser->processData(supportedCategories);
+QPlaceReply *QPlaceCategoriesRepository::initializeCategories(const QString &categorySystemId)
+ // to be implemented
+ return NULL;
+QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceCategoriesRepository::categories() const
+ return allCategories.values();
+QPlaceCategory QPlaceCategoriesRepository::mapCategory(const QString &number)
+ QString categoryId = categoriesMap.value(number, "");
+ if (categoryId == "second-search-center") {
+ if (!secondSearchCenter) {
+ secondSearchCenter = new QPlaceCategory();
+ secondSearchCenter->setCategoryId("second-search-center");
+ }
+ return *secondSearchCenter;
+ } else if (!categoryId.isEmpty()) {
+ return findCategoryById(categoryId);
+ }
+ return QPlaceCategory();
+QString QPlaceCategoriesRepository::getCategoryTagId(const QPlaceCategory &category)
+ return categoriesMap.key(category.categoryId(), QString());
+QPlaceCategory QPlaceCategoriesRepository::findCategoryById(const QString &id)
+ return allCategories.value(id, QPlaceCategory());
+void QPlaceCategoriesRepository::categoriesReady(const QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::Error &error, const QString &errorMessage)
+ Q_UNUSED(errorMessage);
+ if (!error) {
+ foreach (QPlaceCategory cat, categoriesParser->resultCategories()) {
+ allCategories.insert(cat.categoryId(), cat);
+ }
+ }
+ delete categoriesParser;
+ categoriesParser = NULL;
+void QPlaceCategoriesRepository::setupCategoriesMapper()
+ // setup mapper
+ if (!categoriesMap.count()) {
+ //BusinessServices
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000269"),QString("business-services"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000005"),QString("business-industry"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000277"),QString("travel-agency"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000028"),QString("tourist-information"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000040"),QString("police-emergency"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000017"),QString("petrol-station"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000278"),QString("communication-media"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000047"),QString("atm-bank-exchange"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000002"),QString("car-dealer-repair"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000020"),QString("car-rental"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000215"),QString("service"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000019"),QString("post-office"));
+ // Transport
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000272"),QString("transport"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000216"),QString("taxi-stand"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000043"),QString("airport"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000041"),QString("railway-station"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000058"),QString("public-transport"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000035"),QString("ferry-terminal"));
+ // Shopping
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000270"),QString("shopping"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000205"),QString("clothing-accessories-shop"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000276"),QString("bookshop"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000194"),QString("hardware-house-garden-shop"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000049"),QString("pharmacy"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000024"),QString("mall"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000197"),QString("kiosk-convenience-store"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000196"),QString("electronics-shop"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000191"),QString("sport-outdoor-shop"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000189"),QString("department-store"));
+ // Accomodation
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000271"),QString("accommodation"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000032"),QString("camping"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000174"),QString("motel"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000038"),QString("hotel"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000173"),QString("hostel"));
+ // GoingOut
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000274"),QString("going-out"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000203"),QString("dance-night-club"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000003"),QString("casino"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000004"),QString("cinema"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000181"),QString("theatre-music-culture"));
+ // Facility
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000261"),QString("facilities"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000039"),QString("parking-facility"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000007"),QString("fair-convention-facility"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000012"),QString("government-community-facility"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000200"),QString("hospital-health-care-facility"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000106"),QString("education-facility"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000220"),QString("sports-facility-venue"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000031"),QString("library"));
+ // NatureGeography
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000265"),QString("natural-geographical"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000262"),QString("body-of-water"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000045"),QString("mountain-hill"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000259"),QString("forest-health-vegetation"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000260"),QString("undersea-feature"));
+ // AreasInfrastructure
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000266"),QString("administrative-areas-buildings"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000279"),QString("administrative-region"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000263"),QString("outdoor-area-complex"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000283"),QString("city-town-village"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000280"),QString("building"));
+ // EatDrink
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000275"),QString("eat-drink"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000063"),QString("coffee-tea"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000022"),QString("restaurant"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000064"),QString("snacks-fast-food"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000033"),QString("bar-pub"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000143"),QString("food-drink"));
+ // Leisure
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000267"),QString("leisure-outdoor"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000048"),QString("recreation"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000001"),QString("amusement-holiday-park"));
+ // SightsMuseums
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000273"),QString("sights-museums"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000014"),QString("museum"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000158"),QString("religious-place"));
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000211"),QString("landmark-attraction"));
+ // SSC
+ categoriesMap.insert(QString("9000282"),QString("second-search-center"));
+ }
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacecategoriesrepository.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacecategoriesrepository.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8885d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacecategoriesrepository.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QList>
+#include "../qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "../qplacecategory.h"
+#include "../qplacereply.h"
+#include "qplacejsoncategoriesparser.h"
+class QPlaceCategoriesRepository : public QObject
+ static QPlaceCategoriesRepository *instance();
+ ~QPlaceCategoriesRepository();
+ QPlaceReply *initializeCategories(const QString &categorySystemId);
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> categories() const;
+ QPlaceCategory mapCategory(const QString &number);
+ QString getCategoryTagId(const QPlaceCategory &category);
+ QPlaceCategory findCategoryById(const QString &id);
+public slots:
+ void categoriesReady(const QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+ void setupCategoriesMapper();
+ QPlaceCategoriesRepository(QObject *parent = 0);
+ QHash<QString, QPlaceCategory> allCategories;
+ static QPlaceCategoriesRepository *repositoryInstance;
+ QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser *categoriesParser;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacedetailsreplyimpl.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacedetailsreplyimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95b6eb56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacedetailsreplyimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "qplacedetailsreplyimpl.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ Constructor.
+QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl::QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent) :
+ QPlaceDetailsReply(parent),
+ restReply(reply)
+ parser = new QPlaceJSonDetailsParser(this);
+ if (restReply) {
+ restReply->setParent(this);
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(finished(const QString &reply)),
+ parser, SLOT(processData(const QString &data)));
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(error(QPlaceRestReply::Error error)),
+ this, SLOT(restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error)));
+ connect(parser, SIGNAL(finished(QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(predictionsReady(QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::Error,QString)));
+ }
+ Destructor.
+void QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl::abort()
+ restReply->cancelProcessing();
+void QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl::restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error errorId)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::Canceled) {
+ this->setError(CancelError, "ReauestCanceled");
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::NetworkError) {
+ this->setError(CommunicationError, "Network error");
+ }
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+void QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl::predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::Error &errorId,
+ const QString &errorMessage)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::NoError) {
+ setResult(parser->result());
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::ParsingError) {
+ setError(ParseError, errorMessage);
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, ParseError, errorMessage);
+ }
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+ delete parser;
+ parser = NULL;
+ restReply->deleteLater();
+ restReply = NULL;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacedetailsreplyimpl.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacedetailsreplyimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f6f70b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacedetailsreplyimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QHash>
+#include "../qplacedetailsreply.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+#include "qplacejsondetailsparser.h"
+class QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl : public QPlaceDetailsReply
+ explicit QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl();
+ void abort();
+ void processingFinished(QPlaceReply *reply);
+ void processingError(QPlaceReply *reply, const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+private slots:
+ void restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error error);
+ void predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::Error &error,
+ const QString &errorMessage);
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply;
+ QPlaceJSonDetailsParser *parser;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsoncategoriesparser.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsoncategoriesparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..025270a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsoncategoriesparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#include "qplacejsoncategoriesparser.h"
+#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValueIterator>
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+static const char *place_categories_element = "categories";
+static const char *place_category_element = "category";
+static const char *place_category_name_element = "displayName";
+static const char *place_category_systemname_element = "categorySystemName";
+static const char *place_category_id_element = "name";
+static const char *place_group_element = "group";
+static const char *place_groupingcategory_element = "groupingCategory";
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent),
+ engine(NULL)
+ allCategories.clear();
+QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::resultCategories()
+ return allCategories;
+void QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::processData(const QString &data)
+ if (!engine) {
+ engine = new QScriptEngine(this);
+ }
+ allCategories.clear();
+ QScriptValue sv = engine->evaluate("(" + data + ")");
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ sv =;
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ allCategories = processCategories(sv);
+ emit finished(NoError, QString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ emit finished(ParsingError, QString("JSON data are invalid"));
+ }
+QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::processCategories(const QScriptValue &categories)
+ QHash<QString, QPlaceCategory> results;
+ QPlaceCategory cat;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ cat = processCategory(it.value());
+ if (!cat.isEmpty() && !results.contains(cat.categoryId())) {
+ results.insert(cat.categoryId(), cat);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ cat = processCategory(value);
+ if (!cat.isEmpty() && !results.contains(cat.categoryId())) {
+ results.insert(cat.categoryId(), cat);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (cat, processGroups(categories)) {
+ if (!results.contains(cat.categoryId())) {
+ results.insert(cat.categoryId(), cat);
+ }
+ }
+ return results.values();
+QPlaceCategory QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::processCategory(const QScriptValue &categoryValue)
+ QPlaceCategory category;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ category.setCategoryId(value.toString());
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ category.setName(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ category.setCategorySystemId(value.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ return category;
+QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::processGroups(const QScriptValue &categories)
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> results;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ results.append(processGroup(it.value()));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ results.append(processGroup(value));
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::processGroup(const QScriptValue &group)
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> results;
+ QPlaceCategory parentCategory;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ parentCategory = processCategory(value);
+ }
+ if (!parentCategory.isEmpty()) {
+ results = processCategories(group);
+ results.append(parentCategory);
+ }
+ return results;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsoncategoriesparser.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsoncategoriesparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd702759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsoncategoriesparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QList>
+#include <QHash>
+#include "../qplacecategory.h"
+class QScriptEngine;
+class QScriptValue;
+class QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser : public QObject
+ enum Error {
+ NoError,
+ ParsingError
+ };
+ explicit QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser(QObject *parent = 0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser();
+ static QList<QPlaceCategory> processCategories(const QScriptValue &categories);
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> resultCategories();
+ void finished(const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+public slots:
+ void processData(const QString &data);
+ static QPlaceCategory processCategory(const QScriptValue &categoryValue);
+ static QList<QPlaceCategory> processGroups(const QScriptValue &categories);
+ static QList<QPlaceCategory> processGroup(const QScriptValue &group);
+ QScriptEngine *engine;
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> allCategories;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsondetailsparser.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsondetailsparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..765da41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsondetailsparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1018 @@
+#include "qplacejsondetailsparser.h"
+#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValueIterator>
+#include "../qplace.h"
+#include "../qplacegeocoordinate.h"
+#include "../qplacecontact.h"
+#include "../qplacecategory.h"
+#include "../qplacedescription.h"
+#include "../qplacerating.h"
+#include "../qplaceaddress.h"
+#include "../qplacebusinessinformation.h"
+#include "../qplacelocation.h"
+#include "../qplacealternativevalue.h"
+#include "../qplacemediaobject.h"
+#include "../qplaceperiod.h"
+#include "../qplaceweekdayhours.h"
+#include "../qplacesupplier.h"
+#include "qplacejsoncategoriesparser.h"
+#include "qplacesuppliersrepository.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+//search const
+static const char *place_place_element = "place";
+static const char *place_id_element = "a_id";
+static const char *place_is_ad_place_value = "isAdPlace";
+static const char *place_provider = "provider";
+static const char *place_provider_url = "providerUrl";
+static const char *place_categories_element = "categories";
+static const char *place_contact_element = "contact";
+static const char *place_contact_email_element = "email";
+static const char *place_contact_fax_element = "fax";
+static const char *place_contact_phone_element = "phone";
+static const char *place_contact_website_element = "website";
+static const char *place_contact_im_element = "im";
+static const char *place_tags_element = "tags";
+static const char *place_tags_value_element = "value";
+static const char *place_names_element = "names";
+static const char *place_alternativenames_element = "alternativeNames";
+static const char *place_name_default_element = "defaultName";
+static const char *place_name_localized_element = "localizedName";
+static const char *place_name_value_element = "name";
+static const char *place_name_language_element = "language";
+static const char *place_ratings_element = "averageRatings";
+static const char *place_rating_element = "averageRating";
+static const char *place_rating_rating_element = "rating";
+static const char *place_rating_count_element = "ratingCount";
+static const char *place_rating_type_element = "ratingType";
+static const char *place_rating_type_overall_element = "OVERALL";
+static const char *place_location_element = "location";
+static const char *place_geoCoordinates_element = "geoCoordinates";
+static const char *place_geoCoordinates_longitude_value = "longitude";
+static const char *place_geoCoordinates_latitude_value = "latitude";
+//! @todo check if bounding box should be supported
+//static const char *place_geoCoordinates_longitude_bb1_value = "GEO_BBX_LONGITUDE_1";
+//static const char *place_geoCoordinates_latitude_bb1_value = "GEO_BBX_LATITUDE_1";
+//static const char *place_geoCoordinates_longitude_bb2_value = "GEO_BBX_LONGITUDE_2";
+//static const char *place_geoCoordinates_latitude_bb2_value = "GEO_BBX_LATITUDE_2";
+static const char *place_address_element = "address";
+static const char *place_address_country = "localizedCountryName";
+static const char *place_address_county = "county";
+static const char *place_address_country_code = "countryCode3L";
+static const char *place_address_state = "state";
+static const char *place_address_code = "zipCode";
+static const char *place_address_city = "city";
+static const char *place_address_district = "district";
+static const char *place_address_street = "street";
+static const char *place_address_house_number = "houseNumber";
+static const char *place_adcontent_element = "adPlaceContent";
+static const char *place_adcontent_descriptions_element = "descriptions";
+static const char *place_adcontent_description_element = "description";
+static const char *place_adcontent_localizedDescription_element = "localizedDescription";
+static const char *place_adcontent_descriptionLanguage_element = "languageOfDescription";
+static const char *place_adcontent_medias_element = "mediaTypes";
+static const char *place_adcontent_media_element = "adPlaceMedia";
+static const char *place_adcontent_media_mime_element = "mediaMimeType";
+static const char *place_adcontent_media_url_element = "mediaUrl";
+static const char *place_adcontent_paymentmethods_element = "paymentMethods";
+static const char *place_adcontent_paymentmethod_element = "paymentMetod";
+static const char *place_adcontent_paymentmethod_name_element = "name";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_element = "businessHours";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_annualclosingsnotes_element = "annualclosingsnotes";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_annualclosingsnote_element = "annualclosingsnote";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_annualclosingsnote_v_element = "_v";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_open_element = "openingSchedule";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_open_hours_element = "openingHours";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_open_day_element = "dayOfWeek";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_open_from_element = "openFrom";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_open_to_element = "openTo";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_openingnotes_element = "openingnotes";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_openingnote_element = "openingnote";
+static const char *place_adcontent_hours_openingnote_v_element = "_v";
+static const char *place_adcontent_packages_element = "packages";
+static const char *place_adcontent_package_element = "package";
+static const char *place_adcontent_package_type_element = "packageType";
+static const char *place_adcontent_package_type_plus_value = "PLUS";
+static const char *place_adcontent_package_type_plus_plus_value = "PLUS+";
+static const char *place_package_type = "type";
+static const char *place_package_type_ad_place = "ADPLACE";
+static const char *place_package_type_ad_place_prime_plus = "ADPLACE, PRIME_PLUS";
+static const char *place_package_type_ad_place_prime_plus_plus = "ADPLACE, PRIME_PLUS_PLUS";
+static const char *place_package_type_place = "PLACE";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_element = "premiumContent";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_version_element = "version";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_element = "content";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_desc_element = "description";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_shortdesc_element = "short-description";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_name_element = "name";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_providername_element = "providerDisplayName";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_provider_element = "provider";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_vendorurl_element = "vendor-url";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_providerIconUrl_element = "providerIconUrl";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_language_element = "language";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_media_element = "media";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_mediaurl_element = "content";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_mediamimetype_element = "mimeType";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_monday = "MON";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_tuesday = "TUE";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_wednesday = "WED";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_thursday = "THU";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_friday = "FRI";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_saturday = "SAT";
+static const char *place_premiumcontent_content_sunday = "SUN";
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::QPlaceJSonDetailsParser(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent),
+ engine(NULL)
+QPlace QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::buildPlace(const QScriptValue &placeValue)
+ QPlace newPlace;
+ if (placeValue.isValid()) {
+ buildPlace(placeValue, &newPlace);
+ }
+ return newPlace;
+QPlace QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::result()
+ return place;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processData(const QString &data)
+ if (!engine) {
+ engine = new QScriptEngine(this);
+ }
+ QScriptValue sv = engine->evaluate("(" + data + ")");
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ buildPlace(, &place);
+ emit finished(NoError, QString());
+ } else {
+ emit finished(ParsingError, QString("JSON data are invalid"));
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::buildPlace(const QScriptValue &placeValue, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ if (placeValue.isValid()) {
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ targetPlace->setPlaceId(value.toString());
+ }
+ processMainProvider(placeValue, targetPlace);
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processCategories(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processContacts(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processTags(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processNames(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processRatings(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processLocations(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processAdContent(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processPremiumContents(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processMainProvider(const QScriptValue &placeValue, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QPlaceSupplier sup;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ sup.setName(value.toString());
+ }
+ else {
+ return;
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()){
+ sup.setSupplierIconURL(value.toString());
+ }
+ QList<QPlaceSupplier> list;
+ list.append(QPlaceSuppliersRepository::instance()->addSupplier(sup));
+ targetPlace->setSuppliers(list);
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processContacts(const QScriptValue &contactsValue, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QList<QPlaceContact> contacts;
+ QScriptValueIterator it(contactsValue);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ QPlaceContact contact;
+ if ( == place_contact_website_element) {
+ contact.setType(QPlaceContact::URL);
+ }
+ if ( == place_contact_phone_element) {
+ contact.setType(QPlaceContact::Phone);
+ }
+ if ( == place_contact_fax_element) {
+ contact.setType(QPlaceContact::Fax);
+ }
+ if ( == place_contact_im_element) {
+ contact.setType(QPlaceContact::IM);
+ }
+ if ( == place_contact_email_element) {
+ contact.setType(QPlaceContact::Email);
+ }
+ contact.setValue(it.value().toString());
+ contacts.append(contact);
+ }
+ targetPlace->setContacts(contacts);
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processCategories(const QScriptValue &categories, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ targetPlace->setCategories(QPlaceJSonCategoriesParser::processCategories(categories));
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processRatings(const QScriptValue &ratings, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QPlaceRating *rating = NULL;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ rating = processRating(it.value());
+ if (rating) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ rating = processRating(value);
+ }
+ }
+ if (rating) {
+ targetPlace->setRating(*rating);
+ delete rating;
+ rating = NULL;
+ }
+QPlaceRating *QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processRating(const QScriptValue &ratingElement)
+ QPlaceRating *rating = NULL;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ // Only overall elements are interesting
+ if (value.isValid() && value.toString() == place_rating_type_overall_element) {
+ rating = new QPlaceRating();
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ uint ratingValue = value.toString().toUInt(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ rating->setCount(ratingValue);
+ }
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ double ratingValue = value.toString().toDouble(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ rating->setValue(ratingValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rating;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAddress(const QScriptValue &address, QPlaceLocation *location)
+ QPlaceAddress newAddress;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setStreet(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setCountryName(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setCounty(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setCountry(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setState(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setCity(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setPostalCode(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setDistrict(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setHouseNumber(value.toString());
+ }
+ location->setAddress(newAddress);
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processLocations(const QScriptValue &locations, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ if (locations.isArray()) {
+ QList<QPlaceLocation> list;
+ bool isFirst = true;
+ QScriptValueIterator it(locations);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QPlaceLocation loc = processLocation(it.value());
+ if (isFirst) {
+ targetPlace->setLocation(loc);
+ isFirst = false;
+ } else {
+ list.append(loc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ targetPlace->setAlternativeLocations(list);
+ } else {
+ QPlaceLocation loc = processLocation(locations);
+ targetPlace->setLocation(loc);
+ }
+QPlaceLocation QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processLocation(const QScriptValue &location)
+ QPlaceLocation newLocation;
+ QScriptValue property =;
+ if (property.isValid()) {
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate pos;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ double longitude = value.toString().toDouble(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ pos.setLongitude(longitude);
+ }
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ double latitude = value.toString().toDouble(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ pos.setLatitude(latitude);
+ }
+ }
+ newLocation.setDisplayPosition(pos);
+ }
+ property =;
+ if (property.isValid()) {
+ processAddress(property, &newLocation);
+ }
+ return newLocation;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processTags(const QScriptValue &tags, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QStringList newTags;
+ if (tags.isValid()) {
+ if (tags.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(tags);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ QScriptValue value = it.value().property(place_tags_value_element);
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newTags.append(value.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newTags.append(value.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ targetPlace->setTags(newTags);
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processNames(const QScriptValue &names, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> list;
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue *name = processName(it.value());
+ if (name) {
+ list.append(*name);
+ delete name;
+ name = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue *name = processName(value);
+ if (name) {
+ list.append(*name);
+ delete name;
+ name = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ targetPlace->setAlternativeNames(list);
+ }
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue *name = processName(value);
+ if (name) {
+ targetPlace->setName(name->value());
+ delete name;
+ name = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+QPlaceAlternativeValue *QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processName(const QScriptValue &nameValue)
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue *name = NULL;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ name = new QPlaceAlternativeValue();
+ name->setValue(value.toString());
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ name->setLanguage(value.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processPremiumContents(const QScriptValue &premiumContent, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ processPremiumVersion(it.value(), targetPlace);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ processPremiumVersion(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processPremiumVersion(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ processPremiumContent(it.value(), targetPlace);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ processPremiumContent(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processPremiumContent(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QString name, id, iconURL;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ name = value.toString();
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ id = value.toString();
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ iconURL = value.toString();
+ }
+ QPlaceSupplier supplier;
+ if (!name.isEmpty() || !id.isEmpty()) {
+ supplier.setName(name);
+ supplier.setSupplierId(id);
+ supplier.setSupplierIconURL(iconURL);
+ supplier = QPlaceSuppliersRepository::instance()->addSupplier(supplier);
+ }
+ processPremiumContentDescription(content, supplier, targetPlace);
+ processPremiumContentMediaObjects(content, supplier, targetPlace);
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processPremiumContentDescription(const QScriptValue &content,
+ const QPlaceSupplier &supplier,
+ QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ QPlaceDescription desc;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ desc.setContent(value.toString());
+ } else {
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ desc.setContent(value.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ // if no description do not continue
+ if (desc.content().isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ desc.setContentTitle(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ desc.setSourceURL(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ desc.setLanguage(value.toString());
+ }
+ desc.setSupplier(supplier);
+ QList<QPlaceDescription> list = targetPlace->descriptions();
+ list.append(desc);
+ targetPlace->setDescriptions(list);
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processPremiumContentMediaObjects(const QScriptValue &content,
+ const QPlaceSupplier &supplier,
+ QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QPlaceMediaObject *obj = processPremiumContentMediaObject(it.value());
+ if (obj) {
+ obj->setSupplier(supplier);
+ QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceMediaObject> list = targetPlace->media();
+ list.addItem(*obj);
+ targetPlace->setMedia(list);
+ delete obj;
+ obj = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QPlaceMediaObject *obj = processPremiumContentMediaObject(value);
+ if (obj) {
+ obj->setSupplier(supplier);
+ QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceMediaObject> list = targetPlace->media();
+ list.addItem(*obj);
+ targetPlace->setMedia(list);
+ delete obj;
+ obj = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QPlaceMediaObject *QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processPremiumContentMediaObject(const QScriptValue &content)
+ QPlaceMediaObject *obj = NULL;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ obj = new QPlaceMediaObject();
+ obj->setUrl(value.toString());
+ obj->setId(value.toString());
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ obj->setMimeType(value.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContent(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processAdContentDescriptions(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processAdContentMediaObjects(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processAdContentPaymentMethods(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processAdContentBusinessHours(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processAdContentPackages(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentPackages(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ QString package = value.toString();
+ QVariantHash data = targetPlace->additionalData();
+ if (package == place_adcontent_package_type_plus_value) {
+ data[place_package_type] = place_package_type_ad_place_prime_plus;
+ } else if (package == place_adcontent_package_type_plus_plus_value) {
+ data[place_package_type] = place_package_type_ad_place_prime_plus_plus;
+ }
+ targetPlace->setAdditionalData(data);
+ }
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentDescriptions(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QPlaceDescription *des = processAdContentDescription(it.value());
+ if (des) {
+ QList<QPlaceDescription> list = targetPlace->descriptions();
+ list.append(*des);
+ targetPlace->setDescriptions(list);
+ delete des;
+ des = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QPlaceDescription *des = processAdContentDescription(value);
+ if (des) {
+ QList<QPlaceDescription> list = targetPlace->descriptions();
+ list.append(*des);
+ targetPlace->setDescriptions(list);
+ delete des;
+ des = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QPlaceDescription *QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentDescription(const QScriptValue &content)
+ QPlaceDescription *description = NULL;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ description = new QPlaceDescription();
+ description->setContent(value.toString());
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ description->setLanguage(value.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ return description;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentMediaObjects(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QPlaceMediaObject *obj = processAdContentMediaObject(it.value());
+ if (obj) {
+ QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceMediaObject> list = targetPlace->media();
+ list.addItem(*obj);
+ targetPlace->setMedia(list);
+ delete obj;
+ obj = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QPlaceMediaObject *obj = processAdContentMediaObject(value);
+ if (obj) {
+ QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceMediaObject> list = targetPlace->media();
+ list.addItem(*obj);
+ targetPlace->setMedia(list);
+ delete obj;
+ obj = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QPlaceMediaObject *QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentMediaObject(const QScriptValue &content)
+ QPlaceMediaObject *obj = NULL;
+ QString mediaMimeType;
+ QString mediaUrl;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ mediaMimeType = value.toString();
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ mediaUrl = value.toString();
+ }
+ if (!mediaMimeType.isEmpty() || !mediaUrl.isEmpty()) {
+ obj = new QPlaceMediaObject();
+ obj->setUrl(mediaUrl);
+ obj->setId(mediaUrl);
+ obj->setMimeType(mediaMimeType);
+ }
+ return obj;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentPaymentMethods(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ QStringList list;
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QString obj = processAdContentPaymentMethod(it.value());
+ if (!obj.isEmpty()) {
+ list.append(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QString obj = processAdContentPaymentMethod(value);
+ if (!obj.isEmpty()) {
+ list.append(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ if (list.count()) {
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation busInfo = targetPlace->businessInformation();
+ busInfo.setPaymentMethods(list);
+ targetPlace->setBusinessInformation(busInfo);
+ }
+ }
+QString QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentPaymentMethod(const QScriptValue &content)
+ QString obj;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ obj = value.toString();
+ }
+ return obj;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentBusinessHours(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processAdContentClosingsNotes(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processAdContentOpeningHours(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processAdContentOpeningNotes(value, targetPlace);
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentClosingsNotes(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QString obj = processAdContentClosingsNote(it.value());
+ if (!obj.isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation busInfo = targetPlace->businessInformation();
+ busInfo.setAnnualClosingNote(obj);
+ targetPlace->setBusinessInformation(busInfo);
+ //! @todo only one is used
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QString obj = processAdContentClosingsNote(value);
+ if (!obj.isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation busInfo = targetPlace->businessInformation();
+ busInfo.setAnnualClosingNote(obj);
+ targetPlace->setBusinessInformation(busInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QString QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentClosingsNote(const QScriptValue &content)
+ QString ret;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ ret = value.toString();
+ }
+ return ret;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentOpeningHours(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ QList<QPlaceWeekdayHours> list;
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QPlaceWeekdayHours *obj = processAdContentOpeningHoursElement(it.value());
+ if (obj) {
+ list.append(*obj);
+ delete obj;
+ obj = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QPlaceWeekdayHours *obj = processAdContentOpeningHoursElement(value);
+ if (obj) {
+ list.append(*obj);
+ delete obj;
+ obj = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation busInfo = targetPlace->businessInformation();
+ busInfo.setOpeningHours(list);
+ targetPlace->setBusinessInformation(busInfo);
+ }
+QPlaceWeekdayHours *QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentOpeningHoursElement(const QScriptValue &content)
+ QPlaceWeekdayHours *openH = new QPlaceWeekdayHours();
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ QString day = value.toString();
+ if (place_premiumcontent_content_monday == day) {
+ openH->setWeekday(Qt::Monday);
+ } else if (place_premiumcontent_content_tuesday == day) {
+ openH->setWeekday(Qt::Tuesday);
+ } else if (place_premiumcontent_content_wednesday == day) {
+ openH->setWeekday(Qt::Wednesday);
+ } else if (place_premiumcontent_content_thursday == day) {
+ openH->setWeekday(Qt::Thursday);
+ } else if (place_premiumcontent_content_friday == day) {
+ openH->setWeekday(Qt::Friday);
+ } else if (place_premiumcontent_content_saturday == day) {
+ openH->setWeekday(Qt::Saturday);
+ } else if (place_premiumcontent_content_sunday == day) {
+ openH->setWeekday(Qt::Sunday);
+ }
+ }
+ QTime start, end;
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ start = QTime::fromString(value.toString(),"hh:mm");
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ end = QTime::fromString(value.toString(),"hh:mm");
+ }
+ QPlacePeriod period(start.hour(), start.minute(), end.hour(), end.minute());
+ openH->setPeriod(period);
+ return openH;
+void QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentOpeningNotes(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QString obj = processAdContentOpeningNote(it.value());
+ if (!obj.isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation busInfo = targetPlace->businessInformation();
+ busInfo.setOpeningNote(obj);
+ targetPlace->setBusinessInformation(busInfo);
+ //! @todo only one is used
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QString obj = processAdContentOpeningNote(value);
+ if (!obj.isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation busInfo = targetPlace->businessInformation();
+ busInfo.setOpeningNote(obj);
+ targetPlace->setBusinessInformation(busInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QString QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::processAdContentOpeningNote(const QScriptValue &content)
+ QString ret;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ ret = value.toString();
+ }
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsondetailsparser.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsondetailsparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80cd0f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsondetailsparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QList>
+#include "../qplace.h"
+class QScriptEngine;
+class QScriptValue;
+class QPlaceJSonDetailsParser : public QObject
+ enum Error {
+ NoError,
+ ParsingError
+ };
+ explicit QPlaceJSonDetailsParser(QObject *parent = 0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceJSonDetailsParser();
+ static QPlace buildPlace(const QScriptValue &place);
+ QPlace result();
+ void finished(const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+public slots:
+ void processData(const QString &data);
+ static void buildPlace(const QScriptValue &place, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processMainProvider(const QScriptValue &place, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processContacts(const QScriptValue &contacts, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processCategories(const QScriptValue &categories, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QPlaceCategory processCategory(const QScriptValue &category);
+ static void processRatings(const QScriptValue &ratings, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QPlaceRating *processRating(const QScriptValue &rating);
+ static void processAddress(const QScriptValue &address, QPlaceLocation *location);
+ static void processLocations(const QScriptValue &locations, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QPlaceLocation processLocation(const QScriptValue &location);
+ static void processTags(const QScriptValue &locations, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processNames(const QScriptValue &locations, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QPlaceAlternativeValue *processName(const QScriptValue &nameValue);
+ static void processPremiumContents(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processPremiumVersion(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processPremiumContent(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processPremiumContentDescription(const QScriptValue &content,
+ const QPlaceSupplier &supplier,
+ QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processPremiumContentMediaObjects(const QScriptValue &content,
+ const QPlaceSupplier &supplier,
+ QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QPlaceMediaObject *processPremiumContentMediaObject(const QScriptValue &content);
+ static void processAdContent(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processAdContentPackages(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processAdContentDescriptions(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QPlaceDescription *processAdContentDescription(const QScriptValue &content);
+ static void processAdContentMediaObjects(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QPlaceMediaObject *processAdContentMediaObject(const QScriptValue &content);
+ static void processAdContentPaymentMethods(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QString processAdContentPaymentMethod(const QScriptValue &content);
+ static void processAdContentBusinessHours(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static void processAdContentClosingsNotes(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QString processAdContentClosingsNote(const QScriptValue &content);
+ static void processAdContentOpeningHours(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QPlaceWeekdayHours *processAdContentOpeningHoursElement(const QScriptValue &content);
+ static void processAdContentOpeningNotes(const QScriptValue &content, QPlace *targetPlace);
+ static QString processAdContentOpeningNote(const QScriptValue &content);
+ QScriptEngine *engine;
+ QPlace place;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonmediaparser.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonmediaparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90b3ba0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonmediaparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#include "qplacejsonmediaparser.h"
+#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValueIterator>
+#include "../qplacemediaobject.h"
+#include "../qplacesupplier.h"
+#include "qplacesuppliersrepository.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACE_LIBRARY)
+ #include <QDebug>
+static const char *media_objects_element = "images";
+static const char *media_element = "image";
+static const char *media_count = "totalNumberOfImages";
+static const char *media_url = "url";
+static const char *media_provider_id = "provider";
+static const char *media_provider_name = "providerDisplayName";
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceJSonMediaParser::QPlaceJSonMediaParser(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent),
+ engine(NULL),
+ allMedia(0)
+QList<QPlaceMediaObject> QPlaceJSonMediaParser::resultMedia()
+ return media;
+uint QPlaceJSonMediaParser::allMediaCount()
+ return allMedia;
+QPlaceMediaObject QPlaceJSonMediaParser::buildMediaObject(const QScriptValue &media)
+ QPlaceMediaObject newMedia;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newMedia.setUrl(value.toString());
+ newMedia.setId(value.toString());
+ }
+ QString name, id, icon;
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ name = value.toString();
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ id = value.toString();
+ }
+ if (!name.isEmpty() || !id.isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceSupplier sup;
+ sup.setName(name);
+ sup.setSupplierId(id);
+ newMedia.setSupplier(QPlaceSuppliersRepository::instance()->addSupplier(sup));
+ }
+ return newMedia;
+void QPlaceJSonMediaParser::processData(const QString &data)
+ if (!engine) {
+ engine = new QScriptEngine(this);
+ }
+ media.clear();
+ QScriptValue sv = engine->evaluate("(" + data + ")");
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ sv =;
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ processMedia(sv);
+ emit finished(NoError, QString());
+ } else {
+ emit finished(ParsingError, QString("JSON data are invalid"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ emit finished(ParsingError, QString("JSON data are invalid"));
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonMediaParser::processMedia(const QScriptValue &mediaElement)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ media.append(buildMediaObject(it.value()));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ media.append(buildMediaObject(value));
+ }
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ allMedia = value.toUInt32();
+ }
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonmediaparser.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonmediaparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa07b7fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonmediaparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QList>
+#include "../qplacemediaobject.h"
+class QScriptEngine;
+class QScriptValue;
+class QPlaceJSonMediaParser : public QObject
+ enum Error {
+ NoError,
+ ParsingError
+ };
+ explicit QPlaceJSonMediaParser(QObject *parent = 0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceJSonMediaParser();
+ QList<QPlaceMediaObject> resultMedia();
+ uint allMediaCount();
+ static QPlaceMediaObject buildMediaObject(const QScriptValue &place);
+ void finished(const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+public slots:
+ void processData(const QString &data);
+ void processMedia(const QScriptValue &contacts);
+ QScriptEngine *engine;
+ QList<QPlaceMediaObject> media;
+ uint allMedia;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonrecommendationparser.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonrecommendationparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8199144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonrecommendationparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include "qplacejsonrecommendationparser.h"
+#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValueIterator>
+#include "qplacejsondetailsparser.h"
+#include "../qplace.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+static const char *recommendations_element = "recommendations";
+static const char *recommendations_nearby_element = "nearby";
+static const char *recommendations_distance_element = "distance";
+static const char *recommendations_place_element = "place";
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent),
+ engine(NULL)
+QList<QPlaceSearchResult> QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::results()
+ return searchResults;
+void QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::processData(const QString &data)
+ if (!engine) {
+ engine = new QScriptEngine(this);
+ }
+ searchResults.clear();
+ QScriptValue sv = engine->evaluate("(" + data + ")");
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ sv =;
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(;
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ processResultElement(it.value());
+ }
+ }
+ emit finished(NoError, QString());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ emit finished(ParsingError, QString("JSON data are invalid"));
+void QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::processResultElement(const QScriptValue &value)
+ QPlaceSearchResult result;
+ result.setType(QPlaceSearchResult::Place);
+ // Processing properties
+ QScriptValue distance =;
+ if (distance.isValid() && !distance.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ double distanceValue = distance.toString().toDouble(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ result.setDistance(distanceValue);
+ }
+ }
+ QScriptValue place =;
+ if (place.isValid()) {
+ QPlace newPlace = QPlaceJSonDetailsParser::buildPlace(place);
+ result.setPlace(newPlace);
+ searchResults.append(result);
+ }
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonrecommendationparser.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonrecommendationparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd47151b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonrecommendationparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QList>
+#include "../qplacesearchresult.h"
+class QScriptEngine;
+class QScriptValue;
+class QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser : public QObject
+ enum Error {
+ NoError,
+ ParsingError
+ };
+ explicit QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser(QObject *parent = 0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser();
+ QList<QPlaceSearchResult> results();
+ void finished(const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+public slots:
+ void processData(const QString &data);
+ void processResultElement(const QScriptValue &value);
+ QScriptEngine *engine;
+ QList<QPlaceSearchResult> searchResults;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonreviewparser.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonreviewparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..371ff4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonreviewparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#include "qplacejsonreviewparser.h"
+#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValueIterator>
+#include "../qplacereview.h"
+#include "../qplacesupplier.h"
+#include "qplacesuppliersrepository.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LIBRARY)
+ #include <QDebug>
+static const char *reviews_element = "reviews";
+static const char *review_element = "review";
+static const char *review_count = "totalNumberOfReviews";
+static const char *review_id_element = "a_id";
+static const char *review_date_element = "creationDate";
+static const char *review_description_element = "description";
+static const char *review_minus_element = "minusCount";
+static const char *review_originator_element = "originatorUrl";
+static const char *review_plus_element = "plusCount";
+static const char *review_rating_element = "rating";
+static const char *review_title_element = "title";
+static const char *review_username_element = "user";
+static const char *review_userid_element = "uuid";
+static const char *review_vendor_element = "vendor";
+static const char *review_vendorname_element = "vendorDisplayName";
+static const char *review_vendoricon_element = "vendorIconUrl";
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceJSonReviewParser::QPlaceJSonReviewParser(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent),
+ engine(NULL),
+ allReviews(0)
+QList<QPlaceReview> QPlaceJSonReviewParser::results()
+ return reviews;
+uint QPlaceJSonReviewParser::allReviewsCount()
+ return allReviews;
+QPlaceReview QPlaceJSonReviewParser::buildReview(const QScriptValue &review)
+ QPlaceReview newReview;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newReview.setReviewId(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newReview.setDate(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ uint number = value.toString().toUInt(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ newReview.setNotHelpfulVotings(number);
+ }
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ uint number = value.toString().toUInt(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ newReview.setHelpfulVotings(number);
+ }
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newReview.setOriginatorURL(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newReview.setDescription(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newReview.setTitle(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newReview.setUserName(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newReview.setUserId(value.toString());
+ }
+ QString name, id, icon;
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ name = value.toString();
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ id = value.toString();
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ icon = value.toString();
+ }
+ if (!name.isEmpty() || !id.isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceSupplier sup;
+ sup.setName(name);
+ sup.setSupplierId(id);
+ sup.setSupplierIconURL(icon);
+ newReview.setSupplier(QPlaceSuppliersRepository::instance()->addSupplier(sup));
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ double number = value.toString().toDouble(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ newReview.setRating(number);
+ }
+ }
+ return newReview;
+void QPlaceJSonReviewParser::processData(const QString &data)
+ if (!engine) {
+ engine = new QScriptEngine(this);
+ }
+ reviews.clear();
+ QScriptValue sv = engine->evaluate("(" + data + ")");
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ sv =;
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ processReviews(sv);
+ emit finished(NoError, QString());
+ } else {
+ emit finished(ParsingError, QString("JSON data are invalid"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ emit finished(ParsingError, QString("JSON data are invalid"));
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonReviewParser::processReviews(const QScriptValue &reviewsElement)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ if (value.isArray()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ reviews.append(buildReview(it.value()));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ reviews.append(buildReview(value));
+ }
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ allReviews = value.toUInt32();
+ }
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonreviewparser.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonreviewparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ee5ecfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonreviewparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QList>
+#include "../qplacesearchresult.h"
+class QScriptEngine;
+class QScriptValue;
+class QPlaceJSonReviewParser : public QObject
+ enum Error {
+ NoError,
+ ParsingError
+ };
+ explicit QPlaceJSonReviewParser(QObject *parent = 0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceJSonReviewParser();
+ QList<QPlaceReview> results();
+ uint allReviewsCount();
+ static QPlaceReview buildReview(const QScriptValue &place);
+ void finished(const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+public slots:
+ void processData(const QString &data);
+ void processReviews(const QScriptValue &contacts);
+ QScriptEngine *engine;
+ QList<QPlaceReview> reviews;
+ uint allReviews;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonsearchparser.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonsearchparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ae9b663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonsearchparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+#include "qplacejsonsearchparser.h"
+#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>
+#include <QtScript/QScriptValueIterator>
+#include "../qplace.h"
+#include "../qplacegeocoordinate.h"
+#include "../qplacecontact.h"
+#include "../qplacelocation.h"
+#include "../qplaceaddress.h"
+#include "../qplacerating.h"
+#include "../qplacecategory.h"
+#include "../qplacesupplier.h"
+#include "../qplacesearchresult.h"
+#include "qplacesuppliersrepository.h"
+#include "qplacecategoriesrepository.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+//search const
+static const char *search_results_element = "results";
+static const char *search_type_element = "type";
+static const char *search_type_dym_value = "DID_YOU_MEAN_SEARCH";
+static const char *search_type_addplace_value = "ADPLACE";
+static const char *search_categories_element = "categories";
+static const char *search_categories_id_value = "id";
+static const char *search_properties_element = "properties";
+static const char *search_properties_title_value = "title";
+static const char *search_properties_distance_value = "geoDistance";
+static const char *search_properties_placeid_value = "placesId";
+static const char *search_properties_description_value = "description";
+static const char *search_properties_supliers_value = "dataProvider";
+static const char *search_properties_phone_value = "phoneNumber";
+static const char *search_properties_url_value = "url";
+static const char *search_properties_rating_value = "placesRating";
+static const char *search_properties_longitude_value = "geoLongitude";
+static const char *search_properties_latitude_value = "geoLatitude";
+static const char *search_properties_longitude_bb1_value = "GEO_BBX_LONGITUDE_1";
+static const char *search_properties_latitude_bb1_value = "GEO_BBX_LATITUDE_1";
+static const char *search_properties_longitude_bb2_value = "GEO_BBX_LONGITUDE_2";
+static const char *search_properties_latitude_bb2_value = "GEO_BBX_LATITUDE_2";
+static const char *search_properties_address_country = "addrCountryName";
+static const char *search_properties_address_county = "addrCountyName";
+static const char *search_properties_address_country_code = "addrCountryCode";
+static const char *search_properties_address_state = "addrStateName";
+static const char *search_properties_address_code = "addrPostalCode";
+static const char *search_properties_address_city = "addrCityName";
+static const char *search_properties_address_district = "addrDistrictName";
+static const char *search_properties_address_street = "addrStreetName";
+static const char *search_properties_address_house_number = "addrHouseNumber";
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceJSonSearchParser::QPlaceJSonSearchParser(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent),
+ engine(NULL)
+ searchResultsList.clear();
+QList<QPlaceSearchResult> QPlaceJSonSearchParser::searchResults()
+ return searchResultsList;
+void QPlaceJSonSearchParser::processData(const QString &data)
+ if (!engine) {
+ engine = new QScriptEngine(this);
+ }
+ searchResultsList.clear();
+ QScriptValue sv = engine->evaluate("(" + data + ")");
+ if (sv.isValid()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(;
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ processResultElement(it.value());
+ }
+ }
+ emit finished(NoError, QString());
+ } else {
+ emit finished(ParsingError, QString("JSON data are invalid"));
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonSearchParser::processResultElement(const QScriptValue &value)
+ // Procesing DYM string
+ QScriptValue type =;
+ if (type.isValid() && type.toString() == search_type_dym_value) {
+ QScriptValue properties =;
+ if (properties.isValid()) {
+ QScriptValue title =;
+ if (title.isValid() && !title.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceSearchResult result;
+ QScriptValue type =;
+ if (type.isValid()) {
+ result = processPlaceElement(value);
+ }
+ result.setType(QPlaceSearchResult::DidYouMeanSuggestion);
+ result.setDidYouMeanSuggestion(title.toString());
+ searchResultsList.append(result);
+ }
+ }
+ // processing place element
+ } else {
+ searchResultsList.append(processPlaceElement(value));
+ }
+QPlaceSearchResult QPlaceJSonSearchParser::processPlaceElement(const QScriptValue &results)
+ QPlaceSearchResult result;
+ result.setType(QPlaceSearchResult::Place);
+ QPlace newPlace;
+ result.setPlace(newPlace);
+ // Processing properties
+ QScriptValue properties =;
+ if (properties.isValid()) {
+ // QSearchResult properties
+ QScriptValue distance =;
+ if (distance.isValid() && !distance.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ double distanceValue = distance.toString().toDouble(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ result.setDistance(distanceValue);
+ }
+ }
+ // Place properties
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newPlace.setName(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ QVariantHash addData;
+ QString type = value.toString();
+ addData.insert(search_type_element, type);
+ newPlace.setAdditionalData(addData);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newPlace.setPlaceId(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newPlace.setShortDescription(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceSupplier sup;
+ sup.setName(value.toString());
+ QList<QPlaceSupplier> list;
+ list.append(QPlaceSuppliersRepository::instance()->addSupplier(sup));
+ newPlace.setSuppliers(list);
+ }
+ processContacts(properties, &newPlace);
+ processRating(properties, &newPlace);
+ processLocation(properties, &newPlace);
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid()) {
+ processCategories(value, &newPlace);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void QPlaceJSonSearchParser::processContacts(const QScriptValue &properties, QPlace *place)
+ QList<QPlaceContact> contacts;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceContact contact;
+ contact.setType(QPlaceContact::URL);
+ contact.setValue(value.toString());
+ contacts.append(contact);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceContact contact;
+ contact.setType(QPlaceContact::Phone);
+ contact.setValue(value.toString());
+ contacts.append(contact);
+ }
+ place->setContacts(contacts);
+void QPlaceJSonSearchParser::processCategories(const QScriptValue &categories, QPlace *place)
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> categoriesList;
+ QScriptValueIterator it(categories);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ // array contains count as last element
+ if ( != "length") {
+ QScriptValue value = it.value().property(search_categories_id_value);
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ QPlaceCategory category = QPlaceCategoriesRepository::instance()->mapCategory(
+ value.toString());
+ if (!category.isEmpty()) {
+ categoriesList.append(category);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ place->setCategories(categoriesList);
+void QPlaceJSonSearchParser::processRating(const QScriptValue &properties, QPlace *place)
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ bool isConverted;
+ double ratingValue = value.toString().toDouble(&isConverted);
+ if (isConverted) {
+ QPlaceRating rating;
+ rating.setValue(ratingValue);
+ place->setRating(rating);
+ }
+ }
+void QPlaceJSonSearchParser::processAddress(const QScriptValue &properties, QPlaceLocation *location)
+ QPlaceAddress newAddress;
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setCountryName(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setCounty(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setCountry(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setState(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setPostalCode(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setCity(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setDistrict(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setStreet(value.toString());
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ newAddress.setHouseNumber(value.toString());
+ }
+ location->setAddress(newAddress);
+void QPlaceJSonSearchParser::processLocation(const QScriptValue &properties, QPlace *place)
+ QPlaceLocation location;
+ bool latOK(false);
+ bool lonOK(false);
+ double latitude;
+ double longitude;
+ // display position
+ QScriptValue value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ latitude = value.toString().toDouble(&latOK);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ longitude = value.toString().toDouble(&lonOK);
+ }
+ if (latOK && lonOK) {
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate pos;
+ pos.setLatitude(latitude);
+ pos.setLongitude(longitude);
+ location.setDisplayPosition(pos);
+ }
+ // bounding box
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate bottomRight;
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate topLeft;
+ latOK = false;
+ lonOK = false;
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ latitude = value.toString().toDouble(&latOK);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ longitude = value.toString().toDouble(&lonOK);
+ }
+ if (latOK && lonOK) {
+ topLeft.setLatitude(latitude);
+ topLeft.setLongitude(longitude);
+ }
+ latOK = false;
+ lonOK = false;
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ latitude = value.toString().toDouble(&latOK);
+ }
+ value =;
+ if (value.isValid() && !value.toString().isEmpty()) {
+ longitude = value.toString().toDouble(&lonOK);
+ }
+ if (latOK && lonOK) {
+ bottomRight.setLatitude(latitude);
+ bottomRight.setLongitude(longitude);
+ }
+ if (topLeft.isValid() && bottomRight.isValid()) {
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBox boundingBox;
+ boundingBox.setTopLeft(topLeft);
+ boundingBox.setBottomRight(bottomRight);
+ location.setMapView(boundingBox);
+ }
+ processAddress(properties, &location);
+ place->setLocation(location);
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonsearchparser.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonsearchparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2417e05d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsonsearchparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QList>
+#include "../qplacecategory.h"
+#include "../qplacesearchresult.h"
+class QScriptEngine;
+class QScriptValue;
+class QPlaceJSonSearchParser : public QObject
+ enum Error {
+ NoError,
+ ParsingError
+ };
+ explicit QPlaceJSonSearchParser(QObject *parent = 0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceJSonSearchParser();
+ QList<QPlaceSearchResult> searchResults();
+ void finished(const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+public slots:
+ void processData(const QString &data);
+ void processResultElement(const QScriptValue &value);
+ QPlaceSearchResult processPlaceElement(const QScriptValue &value);
+ void processContacts(const QScriptValue &properties, QPlace *place);
+ void processCategories(const QScriptValue &categories, QPlace *place);
+ void processRating(const QScriptValue &properties, QPlace *place);
+ void processAddress(const QScriptValue &properties, QPlaceLocation *location);
+ void processLocation(const QScriptValue &properties, QPlace *place);
+ QScriptEngine *engine;
+ QList<QPlaceSearchResult> searchResultsList;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsontextpredictionparser.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsontextpredictionparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42f2a0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsontextpredictionparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "qplacejsontextpredictionparser.h"
+#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent),
+ engine(NULL)
+QStringList QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::predictions()
+ return suggestions;
+void QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::processData(const QString &data)
+ if (!engine) {
+ engine = new QScriptEngine(this);
+ }
+ suggestions.clear();
+ QScriptValue sv = engine->evaluate(data);
+ if (sv.isValid() && sv.isArray()) {
+ qScriptValueToSequence(sv, suggestions);
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "QJSonParserSuggestions::processData - list value: ";
+ foreach (QString str, suggestions) {
+ qDebug() << str;
+ }
+ emit finished(NoError, QString());
+ } else {
+ emit finished(ParsingError, QString("JSON data are invalid"));
+ }
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsontextpredictionparser.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsontextpredictionparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34bef824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacejsontextpredictionparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include "../qplaceglobal.h"
+class QScriptEngine;
+class QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser : public QObject
+ enum Error {
+ NoError,
+ ParsingError
+ };
+ explicit QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser(QObject *parent = 0);
+ QStringList predictions();
+ void finished(const QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+public slots:
+ void processData(const QString &data);
+ QScriptEngine *engine;
+ QStringList suggestions;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacemanagerengineimpl.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacemanagerengineimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c973a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacemanagerengineimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#include "qplacemanagerengineimpl.h"
+#include "qplacecategoriesrepository.h"
+#include "qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.h"
+#include "qplacesearchreplyimpl.h"
+#include "qplacereviewreplyimpl.h"
+#include "qplacemediareplyimpl.h"
+#include "qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.h"
+#include "qplacedetailsreplyimpl.h"
+#include "qplaceratingreplyimpl.h"
+#include "qplacerestmanager.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+const char *MANAGER_NAME = "";
+QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::QPlaceManagerEngineImpl(QObject *parent)
+ : QPlaceManagerEngine(parent)
+QString QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::managerName() const
+ return MANAGER_NAME;
+QPlaceDetailsReply *QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::getPlaceDetails(const QString &placeId)
+ QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl *reply = NULL;
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply = QPlaceRestManager::instance()->sendPlaceRequest(placeId);
+ if (restReply) {
+ reply = new QPlaceDetailsReplyImpl(restReply, this);
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)),
+ this, SLOT(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)));
+ }
+ return reply;
+QPlaceMediaReply *QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::getMedia(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query)
+ QPlaceMediaReplyImpl *reply = NULL;
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply = QPlaceRestManager::instance()->sendPlaceImagesRequest(place.placeId(),
+ query);
+ if (restReply) {
+ reply = new QPlaceMediaReplyImpl(restReply, this);
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)),
+ this, SLOT(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)));
+ }
+ return reply;
+QPlaceReply *QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::postRating(const QPlace &place, qreal value)
+ QPlaceRatingReplyImpl *reply = NULL;
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply = QPlaceRestManager::instance()->postRatingRequest(place.placeId(),
+ QString(),
+ value);
+ if (restReply) {
+ reply = new QPlaceRatingReplyImpl(restReply, this);
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)),
+ this, SLOT(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)));
+ }
+ return reply;
+QPlaceReviewReply *QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::getReviews(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query)
+ QPlaceReviewReplyImpl *reply = NULL;
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply = QPlaceRestManager::instance()->sendPlaceReviewRequest(place.placeId(),
+ query);
+ if (restReply) {
+ reply = new QPlaceReviewReplyImpl(restReply, this);
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)),
+ this, SLOT(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)));
+ }
+ return reply;
+QPlaceSearchReply *QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::searchForPlaces(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query)
+ QPlaceSearchReplyImpl *reply = NULL;
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply = QPlaceRestManager::instance()->sendSuggestionRequest(query);
+ if (restReply) {
+ reply = new QPlaceSearchReplyImpl(restReply, this);
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)),
+ this, SLOT(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)));
+ }
+ return reply;
+QPlaceSearchReply *QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::recommendations(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceSearchQuery &query)
+ QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl *reply = NULL;
+ QPlaceSearchQuery newQuery = query;
+ newQuery.setSearchTerm(place.placeId());
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply = QPlaceRestManager::instance()->sendRecommendationRequest(newQuery, QString());
+ if (restReply) {
+ reply = new QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl(restReply, this);
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)),
+ this, SLOT(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)));
+ }
+ return reply;
+QPlaceTextPredictionReply *QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::textPredictions(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query)
+ QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl *reply = NULL;
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply = QPlaceRestManager::instance()->sendSuggestionRequest(query);
+ if (restReply) {
+ reply = new QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl(restReply, this);
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(processingError(QPlaceReply*,QPlaceReply::Error,QString)));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)),
+ this, SLOT(processingFinished(QPlaceReply*)));
+ }
+ return reply;
+QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::connectivityMode() const
+ return QPlaceManager::OnlineMode;
+void QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::setConnectivityMode(QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode connectivityMode)
+ Q_UNUSED(connectivityMode)
+ // only QPlaceManager::OnlineMode is suppoerted
+QList<QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode> QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::supportedConnectivityModes() const
+ QList<QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode> modes;
+ modes.append(QPlaceManager::OnlineMode);
+ return modes;
+QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::searchVisibilityScope() const
+ return QPlaceManager::PublicSearch;
+void QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::setSearchVisbilityScope(QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope scope)
+ Q_UNUSED(scope)
+ // only QPlaceManager::PublicSearch is supported
+QList<QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope> QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::supportedSearchVisibilityScopes() const
+ QList<QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope> modes;
+ modes.append(QPlaceManager::PublicSearch);
+ return modes;
+QPlaceReply *QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::initializeCategories(const QString &categorySystemId)
+ return QPlaceCategoriesRepository::instance()->initializeCategories(categorySystemId);
+QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::categories() const
+ return QPlaceCategoriesRepository::instance()->categories();
+void QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::processingError(QPlaceReply *reply,
+ const QPlaceReply::Error &errorId,
+ const QString &errorMessage)
+ emit error(reply, errorId, errorMessage);
+void QPlaceManagerEngineImpl::processingFinished(QPlaceReply *reply)
+ emit finished(reply);
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacemanagerengineimpl.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacemanagerengineimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28056f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacemanagerengineimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include "../qplacemanagerengine.h"
+class QPlaceManagerEngineImpl : public QPlaceManagerEngine
+ QPlaceManagerEngineImpl(QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QPlaceManagerEngineImpl();
+ QString managerName() const;
+ QPlaceDetailsReply *getPlaceDetails(const QString &placeId);
+ QPlaceMediaReply * getMedia(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query);
+ QPlaceReply *postRating(const QPlace &place, qreal value);
+ QPlaceReviewReply *getReviews(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query);
+ QPlaceSearchReply *searchForPlaces(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query);
+ QPlaceSearchReply *recommendations(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceSearchQuery &query);
+ QPlaceTextPredictionReply *textPredictions(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query);
+ QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode connectivityMode() const;
+ void setConnectivityMode(QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode connectivityMode);
+ QList<QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode> supportedConnectivityModes() const;
+ QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope searchVisibilityScope() const;
+ void setSearchVisbilityScope(QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope scope);
+ QList<QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope> supportedSearchVisibilityScopes() const;
+ QPlaceReply *initializeCategories(const QString &categorySystemId);
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> categories() const;
+private slots:
+ void processingError(QPlaceReply *reply, const QPlaceReply::Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+ void processingFinished(QPlaceReply *reply);
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacemediareplyimpl.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacemediareplyimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a078949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacemediareplyimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#include "qplacemediareplyimpl.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ Constructor.
+QPlaceMediaReplyImpl::QPlaceMediaReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent) :
+ QPlaceMediaReply(parent),
+ restReply(reply)
+ parser = new QPlaceJSonMediaParser(this);
+ if (restReply) {
+ restReply->setParent(this);
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(finished(const QString &reply)),
+ parser, SLOT(processData(const QString &data)));
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(error(QPlaceRestReply::Error error)),
+ this, SLOT(restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error)));
+ connect(parser, SIGNAL(finished(QPlaceJSonMediaParser::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(predictionsReady(QPlaceJSonMediaParser::Error,QString)));
+ }
+ Destructor.
+void QPlaceMediaReplyImpl::abort()
+ restReply->cancelProcessing();
+void QPlaceMediaReplyImpl::restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error errorId)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::Canceled) {
+ this->setError(CancelError, "ReauestCanceled");
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::NetworkError) {
+ this->setError(CommunicationError, "Network error");
+ }
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+void QPlaceMediaReplyImpl::predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonMediaParser::Error &errorId,
+ const QString &errorMessage)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceJSonMediaParser::NoError) {
+ setMediaObjects(parser->resultMedia());
+ setTotalCount(parser->allMediaCount());
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceJSonMediaParser::ParsingError) {
+ setError(ParseError, errorMessage);
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, ParseError, errorMessage);
+ }
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+ delete parser;
+ parser = NULL;
+ restReply->deleteLater();
+ restReply = NULL;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacemediareplyimpl.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacemediareplyimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec63cae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacemediareplyimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QHash>
+#include "../qplacemediareply.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+#include "qplacejsonmediaparser.h"
+class QPlaceMediaReplyImpl : public QPlaceMediaReply
+ explicit QPlaceMediaReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QPlaceMediaReplyImpl();
+ void abort();
+ void processingFinished(QPlaceReply *reply);
+ void processingError(QPlaceReply *reply, const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+private slots:
+ void restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error error);
+ void predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonMediaParser::Error &error,
+ const QString &errorMessage);
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply;
+ QPlaceJSonMediaParser *parser;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplaceratingreplyimpl.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplaceratingreplyimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17393043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplaceratingreplyimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include "qplaceratingreplyimpl.h"
+#include <QHash>
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ Constructor.
+QPlaceRatingReplyImpl::QPlaceRatingReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent) :
+ QPlaceReply(parent),
+ restReply(reply)
+ if (restReply) {
+ restReply->setParent(this);
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(finished(const QString &reply)),
+ this, SLOT(processData(const QString &data)));
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(error(QPlaceRestReply::Error error)),
+ this, SLOT(restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error)));
+ }
+ Destructor.
+void QPlaceRatingReplyImpl::abort()
+ restReply->cancelProcessing();
+void QPlaceRatingReplyImpl::restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error errorId)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::Canceled) {
+ this->setError(CancelError, "ReauestCanceled");
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::NetworkError) {
+ this->setError(CommunicationError, "Network error");
+ }
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+void QPlaceRatingReplyImpl::restFinished(const QString &data)
+ Q_UNUSED(data);
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+ restReply->deleteLater();
+ restReply = NULL;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplaceratingreplyimpl.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplaceratingreplyimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd1fea03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplaceratingreplyimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QHash>
+#include "../qplacereply.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+class QPlaceRatingReplyImpl : public QPlaceReply
+ explicit QPlaceRatingReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QPlaceRatingReplyImpl();
+ void abort();
+ void processingFinished(QPlaceReply *reply);
+ void processingError(QPlaceReply *reply, const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+private slots:
+ void restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error error);
+ void restFinished(const QString &data);
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f336ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ Constructor.
+QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl::QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent) :
+ QPlaceSearchReply(parent),
+ restReply(reply)
+ parser = new QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser(this);
+ if (restReply) {
+ restReply->setParent(this);
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(finished(const QString &reply)),
+ parser, SLOT(processData(const QString &data)));
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(error(QPlaceRestReply::Error error)),
+ this, SLOT(restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error)));
+ connect(parser, SIGNAL(finished(QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(predictionsReady(QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::Error,QString)));
+ }
+ Destructor.
+void QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl::abort()
+ restReply->cancelProcessing();
+void QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl::restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error errorId)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::Canceled) {
+ this->setError(CancelError, "ReauestCanceled");
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::NetworkError) {
+ this->setError(CommunicationError, "Network error");
+ }
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+void QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl::predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::Error &errorId,
+ const QString &errorMessage)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::NoError) {
+ setResults(parser->results());
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::ParsingError) {
+ setError(ParseError, errorMessage);
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, ParseError, errorMessage);
+ }
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+ delete parser;
+ parser = NULL;
+ restReply->deleteLater();
+ restReply = NULL;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b7f1cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerecommendationreplyimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QHash>
+#include "../qplacesearchreply.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+#include "qplacejsonrecommendationparser.h"
+class QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl : public QPlaceSearchReply
+ explicit QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QPlaceRecommendationReplyImpl();
+ void abort();
+ void processingFinished(QPlaceReply *reply);
+ void processingError(QPlaceReply *reply, const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+private slots:
+ void restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error error);
+ void predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser::Error &error,
+ const QString &errorMessage);
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply;
+ QPlaceJSonRecommendationParser *parser;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestmanager.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestmanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbb668a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestmanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#include "qplacerestmanager.h"
+#include <QtNetwork>
+#include <QHash>
+#include "../qplacesearchquery.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+const char *placesServerUrl = "";
+const char *searchServerUrl = "";
+const char *recomendation = "/recommendations/nearby";
+const char *reviews = "/reviews";
+const char *images = "/images";
+const char *categoriesTree = "categories/find-places/grouped";
+const char *const_query = "&q=";
+const char *const_tag = "&ta=";
+const char *const_lat = "&lat=";
+const char *const_lon = "&lon=";
+const char *const_top = "&vpn=";
+const char *const_bottom = "&vps=";
+const char *const_left = "&vpw=";
+const char *const_right = "&vpe=";
+const char *const_limit = "&to=";
+const char *const_offset = "&of=";
+const char *const_dym = "&dym=";
+const char *const_views = "?vi=where"; // address, poi or where (both)
+const char *const_deviceproductid = "&dv=oviMaps"; // oviMaps, ml, rv
+const char *const_review_start = ";start=";
+const char *const_review_limit = ";limit=";
+static QString searchServer;
+static QString placeServer;
+QPlaceRestManager *QPlaceRestManager::mInstance = NULL;
+ Constructor.
+QPlaceRestManager::QPlaceRestManager(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent)
+ mManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
+ if (searchServer.isNull()) {
+ QSettings settings("Nokia");
+ // no app name, they are in Nokia/OrganizationDefaults
+ searchServer = settings.value("searchURI").toString();
+ if (searchServer.isEmpty()) {
+ searchServer = searchServerUrl;
+ }
+ placeServer = settings.value("placesURI").toString();
+ if (placeServer.isEmpty()) {
+ placeServer = placesServerUrl;
+ }
+ }
+ Method creating instance of rest provider.
+QPlaceRestManager *QPlaceRestManager::instance()
+ if (!mInstance) {
+ mInstance = new QPlaceRestManager();
+ }
+ return mInstance;
+ Predefines a places request and executes sendGeneralRequest().
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::sendPlaceRequest(const QString &placeId)
+ return sendGeneralRequest(placeServer + placeId);
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::sendPlaceImagesRequest(const QString &placeId, const QPlaceQuery &params)
+ Q_UNUSED(params)
+ return sendGeneralRequest(placeServer + placeId + images);
+ Predefines a review request and executes sendGeneralRequest().
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::sendPlaceReviewRequest(const QString &placeId, const QPlaceQuery &params)
+ QString query = placeServer + placeId + reviews;
+ if (params.offset() > -1) {
+ query += const_review_start + QString::number(params.offset());
+ }
+ if (params.limit() > 0) {
+ query += const_review_limit + QString::number(params.limit());
+ }
+ return sendGeneralRequest(query);
+ Predefines a recomendation request and executes sendGeneralRequest().
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::sendRecommendationRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query, const QString &userId)
+ Q_UNUSED(userId);
+ return sendGeneralRequest(placeServer + query.searchTerm() + recomendation);
+ Predefines a categories tree request and executes sendGeneralRequest().
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::sendCategoriesTreeRequest()
+ return sendGeneralRequest(placeServer + categoriesTree);
+ Predefines a suggestion request and executes sendGeneralRequest().
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::sendSuggestionRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query)
+ return sendGeneralRequest(prepareSearchRequest(query)
+ + const_query + query.searchTerm() + "&lh=1");
+ Predefines a search request and executes sendGeneralRequest().
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::sendSearchRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query)
+ return sendGeneralRequest(prepareSearchRequest(query)
+ + const_query + query.searchTerm());
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::sendSearchByCategoryRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query)
+ return sendGeneralRequest(prepareSearchRequest(query)
+ + const_tag + query.searchTerm());
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::postRatingRequest(const QString &placeId, const QString &userId, const int &value)
+ QNetworkRequest request;
+ QString url = placesServerUrl + placeId + "/ugc/ratings";
+ request.setUrl(url);
+ QByteArray language;
+ language.append(QLocale::system().name().toLatin1());
+ language.append(",");
+ language.append(QLocale::system().name().left(2).toLatin1());
+ request.setRawHeader("Accept-Language", language);
+ request.setRawHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
+ request.setRawHeader("Accept", "application/json");
+ request.setRawHeader("X-Ovi-NcimUser", userId.toUtf8());
+#if defined(QPLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "QRestDataProvider::sendGeneralRequest: " + url;
+ QByteArray data = "{ratings:{rating:[{value:" + QString::number(value).toAscii() + ",type:OVERALL}]}}";
+ return new QPlaceRestReply(mManager->post(request, data));
+ Sends a general predefined request. Is private.
+QPlaceRestReply *QPlaceRestManager::sendGeneralRequest(const QUrl &url)
+ QNetworkRequest request;
+ request.setUrl(url);
+ QByteArray language;
+ language.append(QLocale::system().name().toLatin1());
+ language.append(",");
+ language.append(QLocale::system().name().toLatin1());
+#if defined(QPLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "QRestDataProvider::sendGeneralRequest: Language - " + language;
+ request.setRawHeader("Accept-Language", language);
+#if defined(QPLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "QRestDataProvider::sendGeneralRequest: " + url.toString();
+ return new QPlaceRestReply(mManager->get(request));
+ Returns prepared search string.
+QString QPlaceRestManager::prepareSearchRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query)
+ QString searchString(searchServer);
+ // add view and device parameters
+ searchString += const_views;
+ searchString += const_deviceproductid;
+ // process search center
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate searchCentre = query.searchCenter();
+ if (searchCentre.isValid()) {
+ searchString += const_lat + QString::number(searchCentre.latitude());
+ searchString += const_lon + QString::number(searchCentre.longitude());
+ }
+ // process view port
+ if (query.boundingBox().isValid()) {
+ searchString += const_top + QString::number(query.boundingBox().topLeft().latitude());
+ searchString += const_left + QString::number(query.boundingBox().topLeft().longitude());
+ searchString += const_bottom + QString::number(query.boundingBox().bottomRight().latitude());
+ searchString += const_right + QString::number(query.boundingBox().bottomRight().longitude());
+ }
+ // processing limit
+ if (query.limit() > 0){
+ searchString += const_limit + QString::number(query.limit());
+ }
+ // processing offset
+ if (query.offset() > -1){
+ searchString += const_offset + QString::number(query.offset());
+ }
+ // process DYM
+ if (query.didYouMeanSuggestionNumber() > 0){
+ searchString += const_dym + QString::number(query.didYouMeanSuggestionNumber());
+ }
+#if defined(QPLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "QRestDataProvider::prepareSearchRequest: " + searchString;
+ return searchString;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestmanager.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestmanager.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ee71140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestmanager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkProxy>
+#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkAccessManager>
+#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkReply>
+#include "../qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "../qplacesearchquery.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+class QPlaceRestManager : public QObject
+ static QPlaceRestManager *instance();
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendPlaceRequest(const QString &placeId);
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendPlaceImagesRequest(const QString &placeId, const QPlaceQuery &params);
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendPlaceReviewRequest(const QString &placeId, const QPlaceQuery &params);
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendRecommendationRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query, const QString &userId);
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendCategoriesTreeRequest();
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendSearchRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query);
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendSearchByCategoryRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query);
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendSuggestionRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query);
+ QPlaceRestReply *postRatingRequest(const QString &placeId, const QString &userId, const int &value);
+ explicit QPlaceRestManager(QObject *parent = 0);
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendGeneralRequest(const QUrl &url);
+ //TODO: remove when engine is refactored out
+ QPlaceRestReply *sendGeneralRequest(const QString &url) {
+ return sendGeneralRequest(QUrl(url));
+ }
+ QString prepareSearchRequest(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query);
+ QNetworkAccessManager *mManager;
+ static QPlaceRestManager *mInstance;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestreply.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestreply.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..281a1ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestreply.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+#include <QtNetwork>
+#include <QHash>
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ Constructor.
+QPlaceRestReply::QPlaceRestReply(QNetworkReply *reply, QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent),
+ mReply(reply),
+ mCanceled(false)
+ if (mReply) {
+ connect(mReply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
+ this, SLOT(replyError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
+ connect(mReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(replyFinished()));
+ }
+ Destructor.
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "QRestReply::~QRestReply";
+ if (mReply) {
+ if (!mReply->isFinished()) {
+ mReply->disconnect(this);
+ mReply->abort();
+ }
+ mReply->deleteLater();
+ }
+ Emits signal 'replyReady' if request is done.
+void QPlaceRestReply::replyFinished()
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "QRestReply::replyFinished";
+ if (!mCanceled && (mReply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError)) {
+ QByteArray response = mReply->readAll();
+ QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
+ QString string = codec->toUnicode(response);
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "Data received: " + string;
+ emit finished(string);
+ } else if (mCanceled) {
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "Canceled";
+ emit error(QPlaceRestReply::Canceled);
+ } else {
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "Network Error - " + QString::number(error);
+ emit error(QPlaceRestReply::NetworkError);
+ }
+ mReply->deleteLater();
+ mReply = NULL;
+void QPlaceRestReply::replyError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error)
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "QRestReply::replyError: Network Error - " + QString::number(error);
+ Q_UNUSED(error);
+void QPlaceRestReply::cancelProcessing()
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ qDebug() << "QRestReply::cancelProcessing";
+ mCanceled = true;
+ if (mReply && mReply->isRunning()) {
+ mReply->abort();
+ }
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestreply.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestreply.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef194283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacerestreply.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QHash>
+#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkProxy>
+#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkAccessManager>
+#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkReply>
+#include "../qplaceglobal.h"
+class QPlaceRestReply : public QObject
+ explicit QPlaceRestReply(QNetworkReply *reply, QObject *parent = 0);
+ enum Error {
+ NoError,
+ Canceled,
+ NetworkError
+ };
+ ~QPlaceRestReply();
+ void cancelProcessing();
+ void finished(const QString &reply);
+ void error(QPlaceRestReply::Error error);
+private slots:
+ void replyFinished();
+ void replyError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error);
+ QNetworkReply *mReply;
+ bool mCanceled;
+friend class QRestManager;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacereviewreplyimpl.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacereviewreplyimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c651014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacereviewreplyimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#include "qplacereviewreplyimpl.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ Constructor.
+QPlaceReviewReplyImpl::QPlaceReviewReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent) :
+ QPlaceReviewReply(parent),
+ restReply(reply)
+ parser = new QPlaceJSonReviewParser(this);
+ if (restReply) {
+ restReply->setParent(this);
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(finished(const QString &reply)),
+ parser, SLOT(processData(const QString &data)));
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(error(QPlaceRestReply::Error error)),
+ this, SLOT(restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error)));
+ connect(parser, SIGNAL(finished(QPlaceJSonReviewParser::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(predictionsReady(QPlaceJSonReviewParser::Error,QString)));
+ }
+ Destructor.
+void QPlaceReviewReplyImpl::abort()
+ restReply->cancelProcessing();
+void QPlaceReviewReplyImpl::restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error errorId)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::Canceled) {
+ this->setError(CancelError, "ReauestCanceled");
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::NetworkError) {
+ this->setError(CommunicationError, "Network error");
+ }
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+void QPlaceReviewReplyImpl::predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonReviewParser::Error &errorId,
+ const QString &errorMessage)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceJSonReviewParser::NoError) {
+ setReviews(parser->results());
+ setTotalCount(parser->allReviewsCount());
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceJSonReviewParser::ParsingError) {
+ setError(ParseError, errorMessage);
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, ParseError, errorMessage);
+ }
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+ delete parser;
+ parser = NULL;
+ restReply->deleteLater();
+ restReply = NULL;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacereviewreplyimpl.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacereviewreplyimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be0ab4c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacereviewreplyimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QHash>
+#include "../qplacereviewreply.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+#include "qplacejsonreviewparser.h"
+class QPlaceReviewReplyImpl : public QPlaceReviewReply
+ explicit QPlaceReviewReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QPlaceReviewReplyImpl();
+ void abort();
+ void processingFinished(QPlaceReply *reply);
+ void processingError(QPlaceReply *reply, const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+private slots:
+ void restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error error);
+ void predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonReviewParser::Error &error,
+ const QString &errorMessage);
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply;
+ QPlaceJSonReviewParser *parser;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacesearchreplyimpl.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacesearchreplyimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c04f4c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacesearchreplyimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "qplacesearchreplyimpl.h"
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ Constructor.
+QPlaceSearchReplyImpl::QPlaceSearchReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent) :
+ QPlaceSearchReply(parent),
+ restReply(reply)
+ parser = new QPlaceJSonSearchParser(this);
+ if (restReply) {
+ restReply->setParent(this);
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(finished(const QString &reply)),
+ parser, SLOT(processData(const QString &data)));
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(error(QPlaceRestReply::Error error)),
+ this, SLOT(restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error)));
+ connect(parser, SIGNAL(finished(QPlaceJSonSearchParser::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(predictionsReady(QPlaceJSonSearchParser::Error,QString)));
+ }
+ Destructor.
+void QPlaceSearchReplyImpl::abort()
+ restReply->cancelProcessing();
+void QPlaceSearchReplyImpl::restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error errorId)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::Canceled) {
+ this->setError(CancelError, "ReauestCanceled");
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::NetworkError) {
+ this->setError(CommunicationError, "Network error");
+ }
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+void QPlaceSearchReplyImpl::predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonSearchParser::Error &errorId,
+ const QString &errorMessage)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceJSonSearchParser::NoError) {
+ setResults(parser->searchResults());
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceJSonSearchParser::ParsingError) {
+ setError(ParseError, errorMessage);
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, ParseError, errorMessage);
+ }
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+ delete parser;
+ parser = NULL;
+ restReply->deleteLater();
+ restReply = NULL;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacesearchreplyimpl.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacesearchreplyimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dccb603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacesearchreplyimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QHash>
+#include "../qplacesearchreply.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+#include "qplacejsonsearchparser.h"
+class QPlaceSearchReplyImpl : public QPlaceSearchReply
+ explicit QPlaceSearchReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QPlaceSearchReplyImpl();
+ void abort();
+ void processingFinished(QPlaceReply *reply);
+ void processingError(QPlaceReply *reply, const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+private slots:
+ void restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error error);
+ void predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonSearchParser::Error &error,
+ const QString &errorMessage);
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply;
+ QPlaceJSonSearchParser *parser;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacesuppliersrepository.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacesuppliersrepository.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..768023d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacesuppliersrepository.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "qplacesuppliersrepository.h"
+#include "../qplacesupplier.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceSuppliersRepository *QPlaceSuppliersRepository::instance()
+ static QPlaceSuppliersRepository instance;
+ return &instance;
+QPlaceSuppliersRepository::QPlaceSuppliersRepository(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ suppliers.clear();
+QPlaceSupplier QPlaceSuppliersRepository::addSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &src)
+ QPlaceSupplier res;
+ QPlaceSupplier tmp;
+ foreach (tmp, suppliers) {
+ if ((!src.supplierId().isEmpty() && src.supplierId() == tmp.supplierId())
+ || (! && == {
+ copyMissingData(src, tmp);
+ res = tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (res.supplierId().isEmpty() && {
+ res = src;
+ suppliers.append(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+void QPlaceSuppliersRepository::copyMissingData(const QPlaceSupplier &src,
+ QPlaceSupplier &target)
+ if ( && ! {
+ target.setName(;
+ }
+ if (target.supplierId().isEmpty() && !src.supplierId().isEmpty()) {
+ target.setSupplierId(src.supplierId());
+ }
+ if (target.URL().isEmpty() && !src.URL().isEmpty()) {
+ target.setURL(src.URL());
+ }
+ if (target.supplierIconURL().isEmpty() && !src.supplierIconURL().isEmpty()) {
+ target.setSupplierIconURL(src.supplierIconURL());
+ }
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacesuppliersrepository.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacesuppliersrepository.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68a9fb02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacesuppliersrepository.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QList>
+#include "../qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "../qplacesupplier.h"
+class QPlaceSuppliersRepository : public QObject
+ static QPlaceSuppliersRepository *instance();
+ ~QPlaceSuppliersRepository();
+ QPlaceSupplier addSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &src);
+ explicit QPlaceSuppliersRepository(QObject *parent = 0);
+ void copyMissingData(const QPlaceSupplier &src, QPlaceSupplier &target);
+ QList<QPlaceSupplier> suppliers;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.cpp b/src/location/places/provider/qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7bdea4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#include "qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.h"
+#include <QHash>
+#if defined(QT_PLACES_LOGGING)
+ #include <QDebug>
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ Constructor.
+QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl::QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent) :
+ QPlaceTextPredictionReply(parent),
+ restReply(reply)
+ parser = new QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser(this);
+ if (restReply) {
+ restReply->setParent(this);
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(finished(const QString &reply)),
+ parser, SLOT(processData(const QString &data)));
+ connect(restReply, SIGNAL(error(QPlaceRestReply::Error error)),
+ this, SLOT(restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error)));
+ connect(parser, SIGNAL(finished(QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::Error,QString)),
+ this, SLOT(predictionsReady(QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::Error,QString)));
+ }
+ Destructor.
+void QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl::abort()
+ restReply->cancelProcessing();
+void QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl::restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error errorId)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::Canceled) {
+ this->setError(CancelError, "ReauestCanceled");
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceRestReply::NetworkError) {
+ this->setError(CommunicationError, "Network error");
+ }
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+void QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl::predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::Error &errorId,
+ const QString &errorMessage)
+ if (errorId == QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::NoError) {
+ setTextPredictions(parser->predictions());
+ } else if (errorId == QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::ParsingError) {
+ setError(ParseError, errorMessage);
+ emit error(this->error(), this->errorString());
+ emit processingError(this, ParseError, errorMessage);
+ }
+ emit finished();
+ emit processingFinished(this);
+ delete parser;
+ parser = NULL;
+ restReply->deleteLater();
+ restReply = NULL;
diff --git a/src/location/places/provider/qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.h b/src/location/places/provider/qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e1b7655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/provider/qplacetextpredictionreplyimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QHash>
+#include "../qplacetextpredictionreply.h"
+#include "qplacerestreply.h"
+#include "qplacejsontextpredictionparser.h"
+class QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl : public QPlaceTextPredictionReply
+ explicit QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl(QPlaceRestReply *reply, QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QPlaceTextPreditionReplyImpl();
+ void abort();
+ void processingFinished(QPlaceReply *reply);
+ void processingError(QPlaceReply *reply, const Error &error, const QString &errorMessage);
+private slots:
+ void restError(QPlaceRestReply::Error error);
+ void predictionsReady(const QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser::Error &error,
+ const QString &errorMessage);
+ QPlaceRestReply *restReply;
+ QPlaceJSonTextPredictionParser *parser;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplace.cpp b/src/location/places/qplace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e96bef34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+#include "qplace.h"
+#include "qplace_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlacePrivate::QPlacePrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlacePrivate::QPlacePrivate(const QPlacePrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->additionalData = other.additionalData;
+ this->alternativeNames = other.alternativeNames;
+ this->placeScore = other.placeScore;
+ this->businessInfo = other.businessInfo;
+ this->categories = other.categories;
+ this->contacts = other.contacts;
+ this->descriptions = other.descriptions;
+ this->location = other.location;
+ this->alternativeLocations = other.alternativeLocations;
+ this->rating = other.rating;
+ this->suppliers = other.suppliers;
+ this->feeds = other.feeds;
+ this->media =;
+ this->mediaCount = other.mediaCount;
+ this->name =;
+ this->placeId = other.placeId;
+ this->reviews =;
+ this->reviewCount = other.reviewCount;
+ this->shortDescription = other.shortDescription;
+ this->tags = other.tags;
+bool QPlacePrivate::operator==(const QPlacePrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->additionalData == other.additionalData
+ && this->alternativeNames == other.alternativeNames
+ && this->placeScore == other.placeScore
+ && this->businessInfo == other.businessInfo
+ && this->categories == other.categories
+ && this->contacts == other.contacts
+ && this->descriptions == other.descriptions
+ && this->location == other.location
+ && this->alternativeLocations == other.alternativeLocations
+ && this->rating == other.rating
+ && this->suppliers == other.suppliers
+ && this->feeds == other.feeds
+ && this->media ==
+ && this->mediaCount == other.mediaCount
+ && this->name ==
+ && this->placeId == other.placeId
+ && this->reviews ==
+ && this->reviewCount == other.reviewCount
+ && this->shortDescription == other.shortDescription
+ && this->tags == other.tags
+ );
+ \class QPlaces::QPlace
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlace class represents a place object.
+ Each QPlace represents a place object with a number of attributes
+ such as location, media, categories etc.
+ Place objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get list of media objects
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content. Not all data might be
+ avaliable in the begining. Search response is not providing all data, they need
+ to be loaded later from place request.
+ QPlace is an in memory representation of a place object.
+ Default constructor. Constructs an new place object.
+ : d(new QPlacePrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlace::QPlace(const QPlace &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlace &QPlace::operator =(const QPlace &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlace::operator==(const QPlace &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns additional data.
+QVariantHash QPlace::additionalData() const
+ return d->additionalData;
+ Sets additional data.
+void QPlace::setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data)
+ d->additionalData = data;
+ Returns alternative names.
+QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> QPlace::alternativeNames() const
+ return d->alternativeNames;
+ Sets alternative names.
+void QPlace::setAlternativeNames(const QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> &alternativeNames)
+ d->alternativeNames = alternativeNames;
+ Returns place score.
+double QPlace::placeScore() const
+ return d->placeScore;
+ Sets place score.
+void QPlace::setPlaceScore(const double &data)
+ d->placeScore = data;
+ Returns business info.
+QPlaceBusinessInformation QPlace::businessInformation() const
+ return d->businessInfo;
+ Sets business info.
+void QPlace::setBusinessInformation(const QPlaceBusinessInformation &business)
+ d->businessInfo = business;
+ Returns categories.
+QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlace::categories() const
+ return d->categories;
+ Sets categories.
+void QPlace::setCategories(const QList<QPlaceCategory> &categories)
+ d->categories = categories;
+ Returns contacts.
+QList<QPlaceContact> QPlace::contacts() const
+ return d->contacts;
+ Sets contacts.
+void QPlace::setContacts(const QList<QPlaceContact> &contacts)
+ d->contacts = contacts;
+ Returns descriptions.
+QList<QPlaceDescription> QPlace::descriptions() const
+ return d->descriptions;
+ Sets descriptions.
+void QPlace::setDescriptions(const QList<QPlaceDescription> &descriptions)
+ d->descriptions = descriptions;
+ Returns location.
+QPlaceLocation QPlace::location() const
+ return d->location;
+ Sets location.
+void QPlace::setLocation(const QPlaceLocation &location)
+ d->location = location;
+ Returns alternative locations.
+QList<QPlaceLocation> QPlace::alternativeLocations() const
+ return d->alternativeLocations;
+ Sets alternative locations.
+void QPlace::setAlternativeLocations(const QList<QPlaceLocation> &locations)
+ d->alternativeLocations = locations;
+ Returns rating.
+QPlaceRating QPlace::rating() const
+ return d->rating;
+ Sets rating.
+void QPlace::setRating(const QPlaceRating &rating)
+ d->rating = rating;
+ Returns suppliers.
+QList<QPlaceSupplier> QPlace::suppliers() const
+ return d->suppliers;
+ Sets suppliers.
+void QPlace::setSuppliers(const QList<QPlaceSupplier> &data)
+ d->suppliers = data;
+ Returns feeds list.
+QStringList QPlace::feeds() const
+ return d->feeds;
+ Sets feeds list.
+void QPlace::setFeeds(const QStringList &feeds)
+ d->feeds = feeds;
+ Returns list with media objects connected to this place.
+QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceMediaObject> QPlace::media() const
+ return d->media;
+ Sets list with media objects connected to this place.
+void QPlace::setMedia(const QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceMediaObject> &media)
+ d->media = media;
+ Returns media count.
+uint QPlace::mediaCount() const
+ return d->mediaCount;
+ Sets media count.
+void QPlace::setMediaCount(const uint &data)
+ d->mediaCount = data;
+ Returns name.
+QString QPlace::name() const
+ return d->name;
+ Sets name.
+void QPlace::setName(const QString &name)
+ d->name = name;
+ Returns placeId.
+QString QPlace::placeId() const
+ return d->placeId;
+ Sets placeId.
+void QPlace::setPlaceId(const QString &placeId)
+ d->placeId = placeId;
+ Returns reviews.
+QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceReview> QPlace::reviews() const
+ return d->reviews;
+ Sets reviews.
+void QPlace::setReviews(const QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceReview> &reviews)
+ d->reviews = reviews;
+ Returns review count.
+uint QPlace::reviewCount() const
+ return d->reviewCount;
+ Sets review count.
+void QPlace::setReviewCount(const uint &data)
+ d->reviewCount = data;
+ Returns short description.
+QString QPlace::shortDescription() const
+ return d->shortDescription;
+ Sets short description.
+void QPlace::setShortDescription(const QString &description)
+ d->shortDescription = description;
+ Returns list of tags.
+QStringList QPlace::tags() const
+ return d->tags;
+ Sets tags.
+void QPlace::setTags(const QStringList &tags)
+ d->tags = tags;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplace.h b/src/location/places/qplace.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82f8da8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#ifndef QPLACE_H
+#define QPLACE_H
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QList>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacealternativevalue.h"
+#include "qplacebusinessinformation.h"
+#include "qplacecategory.h"
+#include "qplacecontact.h"
+#include "qplacedescription.h"
+#include "qplacelocation.h"
+#include "qplacerating.h"
+#include "qplacepaginationlist.h"
+#include "qplacemediaobject.h"
+#include "qplacereview.h"
+class QPlacePrivate;
+ QPlace();
+ QPlace(const QPlace &other);
+ virtual ~QPlace();
+ QPlace &operator=(const QPlace &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlace &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlace &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QVariantHash additionalData() const;
+ void setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data);
+ QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> alternativeNames() const;
+ void setAlternativeNames(const QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> &alternativeNames);
+ double placeScore() const;
+ void setPlaceScore(const double &data);
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation businessInformation() const;
+ void setBusinessInformation(const QPlaceBusinessInformation &business);
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> categories() const;
+ void setCategories(const QList<QPlaceCategory> &categories);
+ QList<QPlaceContact> contacts() const;
+ void setContacts(const QList<QPlaceContact> &contacts);
+ QList<QPlaceDescription> descriptions() const;
+ void setDescriptions(const QList<QPlaceDescription> &descriptions);
+ QPlaceLocation location() const;
+ void setLocation(const QPlaceLocation &location);
+ QList<QPlaceLocation> alternativeLocations() const;
+ void setAlternativeLocations(const QList<QPlaceLocation> &locations);
+ QPlaceRating rating() const;
+ void setRating(const QPlaceRating &rating);
+ QList<QPlaceSupplier> suppliers() const;
+ void setSuppliers(const QList<QPlaceSupplier> &data);
+ QStringList feeds() const;
+ void setFeeds(const QStringList &feeds);
+ QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceMediaObject> media() const;
+ void setMedia(const QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceMediaObject> &media);
+ uint mediaCount() const;
+ void setMediaCount(const uint &data);
+ QString name() const;
+ void setName(const QString &name);
+ QString placeId() const;
+ void setPlaceId(const QString &placeId);
+ QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceReview> reviews() const;
+ void setReviews(const QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceReview> &reviews);
+ uint reviewCount() const;
+ void setReviewCount(const uint &data);
+ QString shortDescription() const;
+ void setShortDescription(const QString &description);
+ QStringList tags() const;
+ void setTags(const QStringList &tags);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlacePrivate> d;
+#endif // QPLACE_H
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplace_p.h b/src/location/places/qplace_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f67975aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplace_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#ifndef QPLACE_P_H
+#define QPLACE_P_H
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplace.h"
+class QPlacePrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlacePrivate();
+ QPlacePrivate(const QPlacePrivate &other);
+ ~QPlacePrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlacePrivate &other) const;
+ QVariantHash additionalData;
+ QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> alternativeNames;
+ double placeScore;
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation businessInfo;
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> categories;
+ QList<QPlaceContact> contacts;
+ QList<QPlaceDescription> descriptions;
+ QPlaceLocation location;
+ QList<QPlaceLocation> alternativeLocations;
+ QPlaceRating rating;
+ QList<QPlaceSupplier> suppliers;
+ QStringList feeds;
+ QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceMediaObject> media;
+ uint mediaCount;
+ QString name;
+ QString placeId;
+ QPlacePaginationList<QPlaceReview> reviews;
+ uint reviewCount;
+ QString shortDescription;
+ QStringList tags;
+#endif // QPLACE_P_H
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceaddress.cpp b/src/location/places/qplaceaddress.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3d1fdc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceaddress.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+#include "qplaceaddress.h"
+#include "qplaceaddress_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceAddressPrivate::QPlaceAddressPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceAddressPrivate::QPlaceAddressPrivate(const QPlaceAddressPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->additionalData = other.additionalData;
+ this->alternativeAttributes = other.alternativeAttributes;
+ this->city =;
+ this->country =;
+ this->countryName = other.countryName;
+ this->county = other.county;
+ this->district = other.district;
+ this->floor = other.floor;
+ this->houseNumber = other.houseNumber;
+ this->label = other.label;
+ this->postalCode = other.postalCode;
+ this->state = other.state;
+ this->street = other.street;
+ this->suite = other.suite;
+bool QPlaceAddressPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceAddressPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->additionalData == other.additionalData
+ && this->alternativeAttributes == other.alternativeAttributes
+ && this->city ==
+ && this->country ==
+ && this->countryName == other.countryName
+ && this->county == other.county
+ && this->district == other.district
+ && this->floor == other.floor
+ && this->houseNumber == other.houseNumber
+ && this->label == other.label
+ && this->postalCode == other.postalCode
+ && this->state == other.state
+ && this->street == other.street
+ && this->suite == other.suite
+ );
+ \class QPlaceAddress
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceAddress class represents a address object.
+ Each QPlaceAddress represents a address object with a number of attributes
+ such as street, country etc. Each QPlaceAddress is associated with location.
+ Address objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get address objects
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content. User might also create new address.
+ QPlaceAddress is an in memory representation of a address object.
+ Default constructor. Constructs an new address object.
+ : d(new QPlaceAddressPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceAddress::QPlaceAddress(const QPlaceAddress &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceAddress &QPlaceAddress::operator =(const QPlaceAddress &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceAddress::operator==(const QPlaceAddress &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns additional data.
+QVariantHash QPlaceAddress::additionalData() const
+ return d->additionalData;
+ Sets additional data.
+void QPlaceAddress::setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data)
+ d->additionalData = data;
+ Returns alternative attributes.
+QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> QPlaceAddress::alternativeAttributes() const
+ return d->alternativeAttributes;
+ Sets alternative attributes.
+void QPlaceAddress::setAlternativeAttributes(const QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> &attributes)
+ d->alternativeAttributes = attributes;
+ Returns city.
+QString QPlaceAddress::city() const
+ return d->city;
+ Sets city.
+void QPlaceAddress::setCity(const QString &city)
+ d->city = city;
+ Returns country.
+QString QPlaceAddress::country() const
+ return d->country;
+ Sets country.
+void QPlaceAddress::setCountry(const QString &country)
+ d->country = country;
+ Returns country name.
+QString QPlaceAddress::countryName() const
+ return d->countryName;
+ Sets country name.
+void QPlaceAddress::setCountryName(const QString &name)
+ d->countryName = name;
+ Returns county.
+QString QPlaceAddress::county() const
+ return d->county;
+ Sets county.
+void QPlaceAddress::setCounty(const QString &county)
+ d->county = county;
+ Returns district.
+QString QPlaceAddress::district() const
+ return d->district;
+ Sets district.
+void QPlaceAddress::setDistrict(const QString &district)
+ d->district = district;
+ Returns floor.
+QString QPlaceAddress::floor() const
+ return d->floor;
+ Sets floor.
+void QPlaceAddress::setFloor(const QString &floor)
+ d->floor = floor;
+ Returns house number.
+QString QPlaceAddress::houseNumber() const
+ return d->houseNumber;
+ Sets house number.
+void QPlaceAddress::setHouseNumber(const QString &houseNumber)
+ d->houseNumber = houseNumber;
+ Returns label.
+QString QPlaceAddress::label() const
+ return d->label;
+ Sets label.
+void QPlaceAddress::setLabel(const QString &label)
+ d->label = label;
+ Returns postal code.
+QString QPlaceAddress::postalCode() const
+ return d->postalCode;
+ Sets postal code.
+void QPlaceAddress::setPostalCode(const QString &code)
+ d->postalCode = code;
+ Returns state.
+QString QPlaceAddress::state() const
+ return d->state;
+ Sets state.
+void QPlaceAddress::setState(const QString &state)
+ d->state = state;
+ Returns street.
+QString QPlaceAddress::street() const
+ return d->street;
+ Sets street.
+void QPlaceAddress::setStreet(const QString &street)
+ d->street = street;
+ Returns suite.
+QString QPlaceAddress::suite() const
+ return d->suite;
+ Sets suite.
+void QPlaceAddress::setSuite(const QString &suite)
+ d->suite = suite;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceaddress.h b/src/location/places/qplaceaddress.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fccc728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceaddress.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QList>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacealternativevalue.h"
+class QPlaceAddressPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceAddress
+ QPlaceAddress();
+ QPlaceAddress(const QPlaceAddress &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceAddress();
+ QPlaceAddress &operator=(const QPlaceAddress &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceAddress &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceAddress &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QVariantHash additionalData() const;
+ void setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data);
+ QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> alternativeAttributes() const;
+ void setAlternativeAttributes(const QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> &alternativeAttributes);
+ QString city() const;
+ void setCity(const QString &city);
+ QString country() const;
+ void setCountry(const QString &country);
+ QString countryName() const;
+ void setCountryName(const QString &countryName);
+ QString county() const;
+ void setCounty(const QString &county);
+ QString district() const;
+ void setDistrict(const QString &district);
+ QString floor() const;
+ void setFloor(const QString &floor);
+ QString houseNumber() const;
+ void setHouseNumber(const QString &houseNumber);
+ QString label() const;
+ void setLabel(const QString &label);
+ QString postalCode() const;
+ void setPostalCode(const QString &postalCode);
+ QString state() const;
+ void setState(const QString &state);
+ QString street() const;
+ void setStreet(const QString &street);
+ QString suite() const;
+ void setSuite(const QString &suite);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceAddressPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceaddress_p.h b/src/location/places/qplaceaddress_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9909393a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceaddress_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplaceaddress.h"
+class QPlaceAddressPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceAddressPrivate();
+ QPlaceAddressPrivate(const QPlaceAddressPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceAddressPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceAddressPrivate &other) const;
+ QVariantHash additionalData;
+ QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> alternativeAttributes;
+ QString city;
+ QString country;
+ QString countryName;
+ QString county;
+ QString district;
+ QString floor;
+ QString houseNumber;
+ QString label;
+ QString postalCode;
+ QString state;
+ QString street;
+ QString suite;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacealternativevalue.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacealternativevalue.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4d0472b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacealternativevalue.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#include "qplacealternativevalue.h"
+#include "qplacealternativevalue_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate::QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate::QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate(const QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->key = other.key;
+ this->language = other.language;
+ this->semantics = other.semantics;
+ this->type = other.type;
+ this->value = other.value;
+bool QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate::operator==(const QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->key == other.key
+ && this->language == other.language
+ && this->semantics == other.semantics
+ && this->type == other.type
+ && this->value == other.value
+ );
+ \class QPlaceAlternativeValue
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceAlternativeValue class represents a alternative value object.
+ Each QPlaceAlternativeValue represents a alternative value object with a number of attributes
+ such as value, language id etc. Each QPlaceAlternativeValue is associated with place.
+ Alternative value objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get alternative value object
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content. User might also create new
+ alternative value object and add it to place.
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue is an in memory representation of a alternative value object.
+ Constructs an new alternative value object.
+ : d(new QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceAlternativeValue::QPlaceAlternativeValue(const QPlaceAlternativeValue &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceAlternativeValue &QPlaceAlternativeValue::operator =(const QPlaceAlternativeValue &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceAlternativeValue::operator==(const QPlaceAlternativeValue &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns key.
+QString QPlaceAlternativeValue::key() const
+ return d->key;
+ Sets key.
+void QPlaceAlternativeValue::setKey(const QString &data)
+ d->key = data;
+ Returns language.
+QString QPlaceAlternativeValue::language() const
+ return d->language;
+ Sets language.
+void QPlaceAlternativeValue::setLanguage(const QString &data)
+ d->language = data;
+ Returns semantics.
+QPlaceAlternativeValue::TextSemantics QPlaceAlternativeValue::semantics() const
+ return d->semantics;
+ Sets semantics.
+void QPlaceAlternativeValue::setSemantics(const QPlaceAlternativeValue::TextSemantics &data)
+ d->semantics = data;
+ Returns type.
+QPlaceAlternativeValue::NameType QPlaceAlternativeValue::type() const
+ return d->type;
+ Sets type.
+void QPlaceAlternativeValue::setType(const QPlaceAlternativeValue::NameType &data)
+ d->type = data;
+ Returns value.
+QString QPlaceAlternativeValue::value() const
+ return d->value;
+ Sets value.
+void QPlaceAlternativeValue::setValue(const QString &data)
+ d->value = data;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacealternativevalue.h b/src/location/places/qplacealternativevalue.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbd2dd6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacealternativevalue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QString>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+class QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceAlternativeValue
+ enum TextSemantics {
+ Synonim,
+ Exonym,
+ Unclassified
+ };
+ enum NameType {
+ BaseName,
+ ShortBaseName,
+ Abbrevation,
+ Unknown
+ };
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue();
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue(const QPlaceAlternativeValue &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceAlternativeValue();
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue &operator=(const QPlaceAlternativeValue &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceAlternativeValue &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceAlternativeValue &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QString key() const;
+ void setKey(const QString &data);
+ QString language() const;
+ void setLanguage(const QString &data);
+ TextSemantics semantics() const;
+ void setSemantics(const TextSemantics &data);
+ NameType type() const;
+ void setType(const NameType &data);
+ QString value() const;
+ void setValue(const QString &data);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacealternativevalue_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacealternativevalue_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a92f56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacealternativevalue_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <QString>
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacealternativevalue.h"
+class QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate();
+ QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate(const QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceAlternativeValuePrivate &other) const;
+ QString key;
+ QString language;
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue::TextSemantics semantics;
+ QPlaceAlternativeValue::NameType type;
+ QString value;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacebusinessfeature.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessfeature.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10106599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessfeature.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#include "qplacebusinessfeature.h"
+#include "qplacebusinessfeature_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate::QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate::QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate(const QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->value = other.value;
+ this->key = other.key;
+ this->label = other.label;
+bool QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate::operator==(const QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->value == other.value
+ && this->key == other.key
+ && this->label == other.label
+ );
+ \class QPlaceBusinessFeature
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceBusinessFeature class represents a business services object.
+ Each QPlaceBusinessFeature represents a business service object with a number of attributes
+ such as key etc.
+ Constructs an new "empty" business feature object.
+ : d(new QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceBusinessFeature::QPlaceBusinessFeature(const QPlaceBusinessFeature &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceBusinessFeature &QPlaceBusinessFeature::operator =(const QPlaceBusinessFeature &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceBusinessFeature::operator==(const QPlaceBusinessFeature &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns key.
+QString QPlaceBusinessFeature::key() const
+ return d->key;
+ Sets key.
+void QPlaceBusinessFeature::setKey(const QString &data)
+ d->key = data;
+ Returns label.
+QString QPlaceBusinessFeature::label() const
+ return d->label;
+ Sets label.
+void QPlaceBusinessFeature::setLabel(const QString &data)
+ d->label = data;
+ Returns value.
+QString QPlaceBusinessFeature::value() const
+ return d->value;
+ Sets value.
+void QPlaceBusinessFeature::setValue(const QString &data)
+ d->value = data;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacebusinessfeature.h b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessfeature.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..699aaf80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessfeature.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QString>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+class QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceBusinessFeature
+ QPlaceBusinessFeature();
+ QPlaceBusinessFeature(const QPlaceBusinessFeature &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceBusinessFeature();
+ QPlaceBusinessFeature &operator=(const QPlaceBusinessFeature &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceBusinessFeature &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceBusinessFeature &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QString key() const;
+ void setKey(const QString &data);
+ QString label() const;
+ void setLabel(const QString &data);
+ QString value() const;
+ void setValue(const QString &data);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacebusinessfeature_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessfeature_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..befbf13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessfeature_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#include <QString>
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacebusinessfeature.h"
+class QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate();
+ QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate(const QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceBusinessFeaturePrivate &other) const;
+ QString key;
+ QString label;
+ QString value;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacebusinessinformation.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessinformation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62bc3888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessinformation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#include "qplacebusinessinformation.h"
+#include "qplacebusinessinformation_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate::QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate::QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate(const QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->additionalData = other.additionalData;
+ this->annualClosings = other.annualClosings;
+ this->openingHours = other.openingHours;
+ this->features = other.features;
+ this->annualClosingNote = other.annualClosingNote;
+ this->openingNote = other.openingNote;
+ this->paymentMethods = other.paymentMethods;
+bool QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->additionalData == other.additionalData
+ && this->annualClosings == other.annualClosings
+ && this->openingHours == other.openingHours
+ && this->features == other.features
+ && this->annualClosingNote == other.annualClosingNote
+ && this->openingNote == other.openingNote
+ && this->paymentMethods == other.paymentMethods
+ );
+ \class QPlaceBusinessInformation
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceBusinessInformation class represents a business information object.
+ Each QPlaceBusinessInformation represents a business information object with a number of attributes
+ such as opening hours, payment methods etc. Each QPlaceBusinessInformation is associated with place.
+ Business info objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get business info object
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content. User might also create new
+ business info object and add it to place.
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation is an in memory representation of a business info object.
+ Constructs an new "empty" business info object.
+ : d(new QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceBusinessInformation::QPlaceBusinessInformation(const QPlaceBusinessInformation &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceBusinessInformation &QPlaceBusinessInformation::operator =(const QPlaceBusinessInformation &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceBusinessInformation::operator==(const QPlaceBusinessInformation &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns additional data.
+QVariantHash QPlaceBusinessInformation::additionalData() const
+ return d->additionalData;
+ Sets additional data.
+void QPlaceBusinessInformation::setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data)
+ d->additionalData = data;
+ Returns annual closing.
+QList<QPlacePeriod> QPlaceBusinessInformation::annualClosings() const
+ return d->annualClosings;
+ Sets annual closing.
+void QPlaceBusinessInformation::setAnnualClosings(const QList<QPlacePeriod> &data)
+ d->annualClosings = data;
+ Returns opening hours.
+QList<QPlaceWeekdayHours> QPlaceBusinessInformation::openingHours() const
+ return d->openingHours;
+ Sets opening hours.
+void QPlaceBusinessInformation::setOpeningHours(const QList<QPlaceWeekdayHours> &data)
+ d->openingHours = data;
+ Returns annual closing note.
+QString QPlaceBusinessInformation::annualClosingNote() const
+ return d->annualClosingNote;
+ Sets annual closing note.
+void QPlaceBusinessInformation::setAnnualClosingNote(const QString &data)
+ d->annualClosingNote = data;
+ Returns features.
+QList<QPlaceBusinessFeature> QPlaceBusinessInformation::features() const
+ return d->features;
+ Sets features.
+void QPlaceBusinessInformation::setFeatures(const QList<QPlaceBusinessFeature> &data)
+ d->features = data;
+ Returns opening note.
+QString QPlaceBusinessInformation::openingNote() const
+ return d->openingNote;
+ Sets opening note.
+void QPlaceBusinessInformation::setOpeningNote(const QString &data)
+ d->openingNote = data;
+ Returns payment methods.
+QStringList QPlaceBusinessInformation::paymentMethods() const
+ return d->paymentMethods;
+ Sets paymant methods.
+void QPlaceBusinessInformation::setPaymentMethods(const QStringList &data)
+ d->paymentMethods = data;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacebusinessinformation.h b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessinformation.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32b28f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessinformation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QList>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacebusinessfeature.h"
+#include "qplaceperiod.h"
+#include "qplaceweekdayhours.h"
+class QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceBusinessInformation
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation();
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation(const QPlaceBusinessInformation &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceBusinessInformation();
+ QPlaceBusinessInformation &operator=(const QPlaceBusinessInformation &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceBusinessInformation &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceBusinessInformation &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QVariantHash additionalData() const;
+ void setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data);
+ QList<QPlacePeriod> annualClosings() const;
+ void setAnnualClosings(const QList<QPlacePeriod> &data);
+ QList<QPlaceWeekdayHours> openingHours() const;
+ void setOpeningHours(const QList<QPlaceWeekdayHours> &data);
+ QString annualClosingNote() const;
+ void setAnnualClosingNote(const QString &data);
+ QList<QPlaceBusinessFeature> features() const;
+ void setFeatures(const QList<QPlaceBusinessFeature> &data);
+ QString openingNote() const;
+ void setOpeningNote(const QString &data);
+ QStringList paymentMethods() const;
+ void setPaymentMethods(const QStringList &data);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacebusinessinformation_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessinformation_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9575da5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacebusinessinformation_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacebusinessinformation.h"
+class QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate();
+ QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate(const QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceBusinessInformationPrivate &other) const;
+ QVariantHash additionalData;
+ QList<QPlacePeriod> annualClosings;
+ QList<QPlaceWeekdayHours> openingHours;
+ QList<QPlaceBusinessFeature> features;
+ QString annualClosingNote;
+ QString openingNote;
+ QStringList paymentMethods;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacecategory.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacecategory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bd4727d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacecategory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include "qplacecategory.h"
+#include "qplacecategory_p.h"
+#include "qplacemanagerengine.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ : QSharedData()
+QPlaceCategoryPrivate::QPlaceCategoryPrivate(const QPlaceCategoryPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->alternativeNames = other.alternativeNames;
+ this->categoryId = other.categoryId;
+ this->categorySystemId = other.categorySystemId;
+ this->description = other.description;
+ this->name =;
+bool QPlaceCategoryPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceCategoryPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->alternativeNames == other.alternativeNames
+ && this->categoryId == other.categoryId
+ && this->categorySystemId == other.categorySystemId
+ && this->description == other.description
+ && this->name ==
+ );
+ \class QPlaceCategory
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceCategory class represents a category object.
+ Each QPlaceCategory represents a category object with a number of attributes
+ such as description, name, id etc. Each QPlaceCategory is associated with place.
+ Category objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get business info object
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content. User might also create new
+ contact object and add it to place.
+ QPlaceCategory is an in memory representation of a contact object.
+ Default constructor. Constructs a new category object.
+ : d(new QPlaceCategoryPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceCategory::QPlaceCategory(const QPlaceCategory &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceCategory &QPlaceCategory::operator =(const QPlaceCategory &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceCategory::operator==(const QPlaceCategory &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns alternative names.
+QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> QPlaceCategory::alternativeNames() const
+ return d->alternativeNames;
+ Sets alternative names.
+void QPlaceCategory::setAlternativeNames(const QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> &names)
+ d->alternativeNames = names;
+ Returns category id.
+QString QPlaceCategory::categoryId() const
+ return d->categoryId;
+ Sets description.
+void QPlaceCategory::setCategoryId(const QString &catID)
+ d->categoryId = catID;
+ Returns category system id.
+QString QPlaceCategory::categorySystemId() const
+ return d->categorySystemId;
+ Sets category system id.
+void QPlaceCategory::setCategorySystemId(const QString &catID)
+ d->categorySystemId = catID;
+ Returns description.
+QString QPlaceCategory::description() const
+ return d->description;
+ Sets category description.
+void QPlaceCategory::setDescription(const QString &description)
+ d->description = description;
+ Returns name of category.
+QString QPlaceCategory::name() const
+ return d->name;
+ Sets category name.
+void QPlaceCategory::setName(const QString &name)
+ d->name = name;
+ Returns true if category is empty.
+bool QPlaceCategory::isEmpty() const
+ return !d->categoryId.isEmpty();
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacecategory.h b/src/location/places/qplacecategory.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c78201de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacecategory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QList>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacealternativevalue.h"
+class QPlaceManagerEngine;
+class QPlaceCategoryPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceCategory
+ QPlaceCategory();
+ QPlaceCategory(const QPlaceCategory &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceCategory();
+ QPlaceCategory &operator=(const QPlaceCategory &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceCategory &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceCategory &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> alternativeNames() const;
+ void setAlternativeNames(const QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> &names);
+ QString categoryId() const;
+ void setCategoryId(const QString &catID);
+ QString categorySystemId() const;
+ void setCategorySystemId(const QString &catID);
+ QString description() const;
+ void setDescription(const QString &description);
+ QString name() const;
+ void setName(const QString &name);
+ bool isEmpty() const;
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceCategoryPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacecategory_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacecategory_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffcb89b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacecategory_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacecategory.h"
+class QPlaceCategoryPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceCategoryPrivate();
+ QPlaceCategoryPrivate(const QPlaceCategoryPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceCategoryPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceCategoryPrivate &other) const;
+ QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> alternativeNames;
+ QString categoryId;
+ QString categorySystemId;
+ QString description;
+ QString name;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacecontact.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacecontact.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fe71ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacecontact.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#include "qplacecontact.h"
+#include "qplacecontact_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceContactPrivate::QPlaceContactPrivate() : QSharedData()
+ this->type = QPlaceContact::Undefined;
+QPlaceContactPrivate::QPlaceContactPrivate(const QPlaceContactPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->description = other.description;
+ this->type = other.type;
+ this->value = other.value;
+bool QPlaceContactPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceContactPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->description == other.description
+ && this->type == other.type
+ && this->value == other.value
+ );
+ \class QPlaceContact
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceContact class represents a contact object.
+ Each QPlaceContact represents a contact object with a number of attributes
+ such as type, data etc. Each QPlaceContact is associated with place.
+ Contact objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get contact object
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content. User might also create new
+ contact object and add it to place.
+ QPlaceContact is an in memory representation of a contact object.
+ Constructs an new contact object.
+ : d(new QPlaceContactPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceContact::QPlaceContact(const QPlaceContact &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceContact &QPlaceContact::operator =(const QPlaceContact &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceContact::operator==(const QPlaceContact &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns description.
+QString QPlaceContact::description() const
+ return d->description;
+ Sets description.
+void QPlaceContact::setDescription(const QString &data)
+ d->description = data;
+ Returns type.
+QPlaceContact::ContactType QPlaceContact::type() const
+ return d->type;
+ Sets type.
+void QPlaceContact::setType(const QPlaceContact::ContactType &data)
+ d->type = data;
+ Returns value.
+QString QPlaceContact::value() const
+ return d->value;
+ Sets value.
+void QPlaceContact::setValue(const QString &data)
+ d->value = data;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacecontact.h b/src/location/places/qplacecontact.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e14495e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacecontact.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QString>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+class QPlaceContactPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceContact
+ enum ContactType {
+ Phone,
+ Email,
+ URL,
+ Fax,
+ IM,
+ Undefined
+ };
+ QPlaceContact();
+ QPlaceContact(const QPlaceContact &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceContact();
+ QPlaceContact &operator=(const QPlaceContact &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceContact &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceContact &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QString description() const;
+ void setDescription(const QString& data);
+ ContactType type() const;
+ void setType(const ContactType &data);
+ QString value() const;
+ void setValue(const QString& data);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceContactPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacecontact_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacecontact_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb976665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacecontact_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacecontact.h"
+class QPlaceContactPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceContactPrivate();
+ QPlaceContactPrivate(const QPlaceContactPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceContactPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceContactPrivate &other) const;
+ QString description;
+ QPlaceContact::ContactType type;
+ QString value;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacedescription.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacedescription.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8a717cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacedescription.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#include "qplacedescription.h"
+#include "qplacedescription_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceDescriptionPrivate::QPlaceDescriptionPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceDescriptionPrivate::QPlaceDescriptionPrivate(const QPlaceDescriptionPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->content = other.content;
+ this->contentTitle = other.contentTitle;
+ this->contentType = other.contentType;
+ this->supplier = other.supplier;
+ this->sourceURL = other.sourceURL;
+ this->language = other.language;
+bool QPlaceDescriptionPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceDescriptionPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->content == other.content
+ && this->contentTitle == other.contentTitle
+ && this->contentType == other.contentType
+ && this->supplier == other.supplier
+ && this->sourceURL == other.sourceURL
+ && this->language == other.language
+ );
+ \class QPlaceDescription
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QDescription class represents a address object.
+ Each QPlaceDescription represents a description object with a number of attributes
+ such as title, value etc. Each QPlaceDescription is associated with place.
+ Description objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get description objects
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content. User might also create new description.
+ Constructs an new place description object.
+ : d(new QPlaceDescriptionPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceDescription::QPlaceDescription(const QPlaceDescription &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceDescription &QPlaceDescription::operator =(const QPlaceDescription &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceDescription::operator==(const QPlaceDescription &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns content.
+QString QPlaceDescription::content() const
+ return d->content;
+ Sets content.
+void QPlaceDescription::setContent(const QString &data)
+ d->content = data;
+ Returns content title.
+QString QPlaceDescription::contentTitle() const
+ return d->contentTitle;
+ Sets content title.
+void QPlaceDescription::setContentTitle(const QString &data)
+ d->contentTitle = data;
+ Returns content type.
+QString QPlaceDescription::contentType() const
+ return d->contentType;
+ Sets content type.
+void QPlaceDescription::setContentType(const QString &data)
+ d->contentType = data;
+ Returns supplier. Do not remove it.
+QPlaceSupplier QPlaceDescription::supplier() const
+ return d->supplier;
+ Sets supplier.
+void QPlaceDescription::setSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &data)
+ d->supplier = data;
+ Returns source url.
+QString QPlaceDescription::sourceURL() const
+ return d->sourceURL;
+ Sets source url.
+void QPlaceDescription::setSourceURL(const QString &data)
+ d->sourceURL = data;
+ Returns language.
+QString QPlaceDescription::language() const
+ return d->language;
+ Sets language.
+void QPlaceDescription::setLanguage(const QString &data)
+ d->language = data;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacedescription.h b/src/location/places/qplacedescription.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..557c763b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacedescription.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacesupplier.h"
+class QPlaceDescriptionPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceDescription
+ QPlaceDescription();
+ QPlaceDescription(const QPlaceDescription &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceDescription();
+ QPlaceDescription &operator=(const QPlaceDescription &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceDescription &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceDescription &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QString content() const;
+ void setContent(const QString &data);
+ QString contentTitle() const;
+ void setContentTitle(const QString &data);
+ QString contentType() const;
+ void setContentType(const QString &data);
+ QPlaceSupplier supplier() const;
+ void setSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &data);
+ QString sourceURL() const;
+ void setSourceURL(const QString &data);
+ QString language() const;
+ void setLanguage(const QString &data);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceDescriptionPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacedescription_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacedescription_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11412614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacedescription_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacedescription.h"
+class QPlaceDescriptionPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceDescriptionPrivate();
+ QPlaceDescriptionPrivate(const QPlaceDescriptionPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceDescriptionPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceDescriptionPrivate &other) const;
+ QString content;
+ QString contentTitle;
+ QString contentType;
+ QPlaceSupplier supplier;
+ QString sourceURL;
+ QString language;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacedetailsreply.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacedetailsreply.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5924661c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacedetailsreply.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#include "qplacedetailsreply.h"
+class QPlaceDetailsReplyPrivate
+ QPlaceDetailsReplyPrivate() {}
+ ~QPlaceDetailsReplyPrivate() {}
+ QPlace result;
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ \class QPlaceDetailsReply
+ \brief The QPlaceDetailsReply class manages a place datails operation started by an
+ instance of QPlaceManager.
+ \inmodule QtPlaces
+ \ingroup places-main
+ Constructs a search reply with a given \a parent.
+QPlaceDetailsReply::QPlaceDetailsReply(QObject *parent)
+ : QPlaceReply(parent)
+ Destroys the search reply.
+ delete d;
+ Returns the type of reply.
+QPlaceReply::Type QPlaceDetailsReply::type() const
+ return QPlaceReply::PlaceSearchReply;
+ /*!
+ Returns a place result;
+QPlace QPlaceDetailsReply::result() const
+ return d->result;
+ Sets place \a result.
+void QPlaceDetailsReply::setResult(const QPlace &result)
+ d->result = result;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacedetailsreply.h b/src/location/places/qplacedetailsreply.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c52a9b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacedetailsreply.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "qplacereply.h"
+#include "qplace.h"
+class QPlaceDetailsReplyPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceDetailsReply : public QPlaceReply
+ QPlaceDetailsReply(QObject *parent =0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceDetailsReply();
+ QPlaceReply::Type type() const;
+ QPlace result() const;
+ void setResult(const QPlace &result);
+ QPlaceDetailsReplyPrivate *d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacegeoboundingbox.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacegeoboundingbox.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..568d8482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacegeoboundingbox.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#include "qplacegeoboundingbox.h"
+#include "qplacegeoboundingbox_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ : QSharedData()
+QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate::QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->topLeft = other.topLeft;
+ this->bottomRight = other.bottomRight;
+bool QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->topLeft == other.topLeft
+ && this->bottomRight == other.bottomRight
+ );
+ \class QPlaceGeoBoundingBox
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceGeoBoundingBox class represents a bounding box object.
+ Each QPlaceGeoBoundingBox represents a bounding box with a top/left and bottom/right point.
+ Constructs a new position object.
+ : d(new QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceGeoBoundingBox::QPlaceGeoBoundingBox(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &QPlaceGeoBoundingBox::operator =(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceGeoBoundingBox::operator==(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns coordinate of top left edge of bounding box.
+QPlaceGeoCoordinate QPlaceGeoBoundingBox::topLeft() const
+ return d->topLeft;
+ Sets \a coordinate of top left edge of bounding box.
+void QPlaceGeoBoundingBox::setTopLeft(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
+ d->topLeft = coordinate;
+ Returns coordinate of bottom right edge of bounding box.
+QPlaceGeoCoordinate QPlaceGeoBoundingBox::bottomRight() const
+ return d->bottomRight;
+ Sets \a coordinate of bottom right edge of bounding box.
+void QPlaceGeoBoundingBox::setBottomRight(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &coordinate)
+ d->bottomRight = coordinate;
+ Returns true if bounding box is valid.
+bool QPlaceGeoBoundingBox::isValid()
+ return (d->bottomRight.isValid() && d->topLeft.isValid());
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacegeoboundingbox.h b/src/location/places/qplacegeoboundingbox.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78181a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacegeoboundingbox.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacegeocoordinate.h"
+class QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceGeoBoundingBox
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBox();
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBox(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceGeoBoundingBox();
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &operator=(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate topLeft() const;
+ void setTopLeft(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate bottomRight() const;
+ void setBottomRight(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
+ bool isValid();
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacegeoboundingbox_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacegeoboundingbox_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4bd07a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacegeoboundingbox_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacegeoboundingbox.h"
+#include "qplacegeocoordinate.h"
+class QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate();
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBoxPrivate &other) const;
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate topLeft;
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate bottomRight;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacegeocoordinate.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacegeocoordinate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4664e3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacegeocoordinate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#include "qplacegeocoordinate.h"
+#include "qplacegeocoordinate_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ : QSharedData(),
+ latitude(360),
+ longitude(180)
+QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate::QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate(const QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->latitude = other.latitude;
+ this->longitude = other.longitude;
+bool QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate::operator==(const QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->latitude == other.latitude
+ && this->longitude == other.longitude
+ );
+bool QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate::isValid() const
+ if ((this->longitude >= -180 && this->longitude <= 180 )
+ && (this->latitude >=-90 && this->latitude <= 90 )) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ \class QPlaceGeoCoordinate
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceGeoCoordinate class represents a position object.
+ Each QPlaceGeoCoordinate represents a position object with a longitude and latitude.
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate is an in memory representation of a position object.
+ Constructs a new position object.
+ : d(new QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceGeoCoordinate::QPlaceGeoCoordinate(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceGeoCoordinate &QPlaceGeoCoordinate::operator =(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceGeoCoordinate::operator==(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns latitude.
+double QPlaceGeoCoordinate::latitude() const
+ return d->latitude;
+ Sets latitude.
+void QPlaceGeoCoordinate::setLatitude(const double &src)
+ d->latitude = src;
+ Returns longitude.
+double QPlaceGeoCoordinate::longitude() const
+ return d->longitude;
+ Sets longitude.
+void QPlaceGeoCoordinate::setLongitude(const double &src)
+ d->longitude = src;
+ Check if position is valid.
+bool QPlaceGeoCoordinate::isValid() const
+ return d->isValid();
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacegeocoordinate.h b/src/location/places/qplacegeocoordinate.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b16bdd70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacegeocoordinate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+class QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceGeoCoordinate
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate();
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceGeoCoordinate();
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate &operator=(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ double latitude() const;
+ void setLatitude(const double &lat);
+ double longitude() const;
+ void setLongitude(const double &lon);
+ bool isValid() const;
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacegeocoordinate_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacegeocoordinate_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35611fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacegeocoordinate_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacegeocoordinate.h"
+class QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate();
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate(const QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceGeoCoordinatePrivate &other) const;
+ bool isValid() const;
+ double latitude;
+ double longitude;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceglobal.h b/src/location/places/qplaceglobal.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b0f0bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceglobal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
+#if defined(QT_BUILD_PLACES_LIB)
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacelocation.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacelocation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8892082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacelocation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#include "qplacelocation.h"
+#include "qplacelocation_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceLocationPrivate::QPlaceLocationPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceLocationPrivate::QPlaceLocationPrivate(const QPlaceLocationPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->additionalData = other.additionalData;
+ this->address = other.address;
+ this->alternativeLabels = other.alternativeLabels;
+ this->displayPosition = other.displayPosition;
+ this->navigationPositions = other.navigationPositions;
+ this->label = other.label;
+ this->locationId = other.locationId;
+ this->locationScore = other.locationScore;
+ this->mapView = other.mapView;
+bool QPlaceLocationPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceLocationPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->additionalData == other.additionalData
+ && this->address == other.address
+ && this->alternativeLabels == other.alternativeLabels
+ && this->displayPosition == other.displayPosition
+ && this->navigationPositions == other.navigationPositions
+ && this->label == other.label
+ && this->locationId == other.locationId
+ && this->locationScore == other.locationScore
+ && this->mapView == other.mapView
+ );
+ \class QPlaceLocation
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceLocation class represents a location object.
+ Each QPlaceLocation represents a location object with a number of attributes
+ such as label, display position etc. Each QPlaceLocation is associated with place.
+ Location objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get location object
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content. User might also create new
+ location object and add it to place.
+ QPlaceLocation is an in memory representation of a location object.
+ Default constructor. Constructs an new location object.
+ : d(new QPlaceLocationPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceLocation::QPlaceLocation(const QPlaceLocation &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceLocation &QPlaceLocation::operator =(const QPlaceLocation &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceLocation::operator==(const QPlaceLocation &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns additional data.
+QVariantHash QPlaceLocation::additionalData() const
+ return d->additionalData;
+ Sets additional data.
+void QPlaceLocation::setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data)
+ d->additionalData = data;
+ Returns address.
+QPlaceAddress QPlaceLocation::address() const
+ return d->address;
+ Sets address.
+void QPlaceLocation::setAddress(const QPlaceAddress &address)
+ d->address = address;
+ Returns alternative labels.
+QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> QPlaceLocation::alternativeLabels() const
+ return d->alternativeLabels;
+ Sets alternative labels.
+void QPlaceLocation::setAlternativeLabels(const QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> &labels)
+ d->alternativeLabels = labels;
+ Returns display position.
+QPlaceGeoCoordinate QPlaceLocation::displayPosition() const
+ return d->displayPosition;
+ Sets display position.
+void QPlaceLocation::setDisplayPosition(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &position)
+ d->displayPosition = position;
+ Returns navigation positions.
+QList<QPlaceGeoCoordinate> QPlaceLocation::navigationPositions() const
+ return d->navigationPositions;
+ Sets navigation positions.
+void QPlaceLocation::setNavigationPositions(const QList<QPlaceGeoCoordinate> &positions)
+ d->navigationPositions = positions;
+ Returns label.
+QString QPlaceLocation::label() const
+ return d->label;
+ Sets label.
+void QPlaceLocation::setLabel(const QString &label)
+ d->label = label;
+ Returns location id.
+QString QPlaceLocation::locationId() const
+ return d->locationId;
+ Sets location id.
+void QPlaceLocation::setLocationId(const QString &locationId)
+ d->locationId = locationId;
+ Returns location score.
+int QPlaceLocation::locationScore() const
+ return d->locationScore;
+ Sets location score.
+void QPlaceLocation::setLocationScore(const int &score)
+ d->locationScore = score;
+ Returns view port.
+QPlaceGeoBoundingBox QPlaceLocation::mapView() const
+ return d->mapView;
+ Sets view port.
+void QPlaceLocation::setMapView(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &coordinate)
+ d->mapView = coordinate;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacelocation.h b/src/location/places/qplacelocation.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..303445ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacelocation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QList>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacealternativevalue.h"
+#include "qplaceaddress.h"
+#include "qplacegeocoordinate.h"
+#include "qplacegeoboundingbox.h"
+class QPlaceLocationPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceLocation
+ QPlaceLocation();
+ QPlaceLocation(const QPlaceLocation &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceLocation();
+ QPlaceLocation &operator=(const QPlaceLocation &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceLocation &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceLocation &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QVariantHash additionalData() const;
+ void setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data);
+ QPlaceAddress address() const;
+ void setAddress(const QPlaceAddress &address);
+ QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> alternativeLabels() const;
+ void setAlternativeLabels(const QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> &labels);
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate displayPosition() const;
+ void setDisplayPosition(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &position);
+ QList<QPlaceGeoCoordinate> navigationPositions() const;
+ void setNavigationPositions(const QList<QPlaceGeoCoordinate> &positions);
+ QString label() const;
+ void setLabel(const QString &label);
+ QString locationId() const;
+ void setLocationId(const QString &locationId);
+ int locationScore() const;
+ void setLocationScore(const int &score);
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBox mapView() const;
+ void setMapView(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &coordinate);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceLocationPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacelocation_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacelocation_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c2ddade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacelocation_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacelocation.h"
+class QPlaceLocationPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceLocationPrivate();
+ QPlaceLocationPrivate(const QPlaceLocationPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceLocationPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceLocationPrivate &other) const;
+ QVariantHash additionalData;
+ QPlaceAddress address;
+ QList<QPlaceAlternativeValue> alternativeLabels;
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate displayPosition;
+ QList<QPlaceGeoCoordinate> navigationPositions;
+ QString label;
+ QString locationId;
+ int locationScore;
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBox mapView;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemanager.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacemanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17eae022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#include "qplacemanager.h"
+#include "qplacemanagerengine.h"
+#include "provider/qplacemanagerengineimpl.h"
+class QPlaceManagerEngine;
+class QPlaceManagerPrivate
+ QPlaceManagerPrivate(){ engine = new QPlaceManagerEngineImpl(); }
+ ~QPlaceManagerPrivate(){ delete engine; }
+ QPlaceManagerEngine *engine;
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ \class QPlaceManager
+ \brief The QPlaceManager class is responsible for the discovery and
+ management of places.
+ \inmodule QtLocation
+ \ingroup places-main
+ \enum QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode
+ Defines the method of obtaining place data
+ \value NoConnectivity There is no place data.
+ \value OfflineMode The places data will come from an offline source.
+ \value OnlineMode The place data will come from an online source.
+ \value HybridMode The place data will come from a combination of offline and online sources.
+ \enum QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope
+ Defines the scope for searching places according to visibility.
+ \value PublicSearch Searches will only be conducted on public places.
+ \value PrivateSearch Searches will only be conducted on private places.
+ \value PublicAndPrivateSearch Searches will be conducted on both public and private places
+ \enum QPlaceManager::ManagerFeature
+ Defines the possible features that the place manager can possible.
+ \value ImportFeature The manager supports import operations
+ \value ExportFeature The manager supports export operations
+ \value CheckInFeature The manaager supports check-in operations
+ \value PostMediaFeature The manager supports posting media for places
+ \value PostRatingFeature The manager supports posting ratings for places
+ \value SuggestionFeature The manager supports the providing of suggestions
+ \value ReportPlaceFeature The manager supports reporting a place if it is incorrect/inappropriate.
+ \value AuthenticationFeature The manager supports authentication of a user.
+ \value CreatePlaceFeature The manager supports the creation of places.
+ \value UpdatePlaceFeature The manager supports the updating of places.
+ Constructs a new manager with the specified \a pareent and with the
+ implementation provided by \a engine.
+ This constructor is used internally by QGeoServiceProviderFactory. Regular
+ users should acquire instances of QGeoRoutingManager with
+ QGeoServiceProvider::routingManager();
+QPlaceManager::QPlaceManager(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(parent),d(new QPlaceManagerPrivate)
+ Destroys the manager.
+ delete d;
+ Returns the name of the manager
+QString QPlaceManager::managerName() const
+ return d->engine->managerName();
+ Retrieves a details of place with \a place id.
+QPlaceDetailsReply *QPlaceManager::getPlaceDetails(const QString &placeId) const
+ return d->engine->getPlaceDetails(placeId);
+ Retrieves media from a given \a place according to the parameters specified in \a query.
+QPlaceMediaReply *QPlaceManager::getMedia(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query) const
+ return d->engine->getMedia(place, query);
+ Posts a \a rating to a \a place.
+QPlaceReply* QPlaceManager::postRating(const QPlace &place, qreal rating)
+ return d->engine->postRating(place, rating);
+ Returns reviews for a given \a place according to the parameters specified in \a query.
+QPlaceReviewReply *QPlaceManager::getReviews(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query) const
+ return d->engine->getReviews(place, query);
+ Searches for places according to a given \a query.
+QPlaceSearchReply *QPlaceManager::searchForPlaces(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query) const
+ return d->engine->searchForPlaces(query);
+ Provides recommendation based on a given \a place.
+QPlaceSearchReply *QPlaceManager::recommendations(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceSearchQuery &query) const
+ return d->engine->recommendations(place, query);
+ Requests a set of text predictions for a given \a query string.
+QPlaceTextPredictionReply *QPlaceManager::textPredictions(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query) const
+ return d->engine->textPredictions(query);
+ Returns the connectivity mode of the manager.
+QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode QPlaceManager::connectivityMode() const
+ return d->engine->connectivityMode();
+ Sets the \a connectivityMode of the manager.
+void QPlaceManager::setConnectivityMode(ConnectivityMode connectivityMode)
+ return d->engine->setConnectivityMode(connectivityMode);
+ Returns the list of connectivity modes that the manager supports.
+QList<QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode> QPlaceManager::supportedConnectivityModes() const
+ return d->engine->supportedConnectivityModes();
+ Returns the visibility scope when searching through places, eg search
+ only public places or private places.
+QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope QPlaceManager::searchVisibilityScope() const
+ return d->engine->searchVisibilityScope();
+ Sets the visibility \a scope to be used for searching for places.
+void QPlaceManager::setSearchVisbilityScopes(SearchVisibilityScope scope)
+ d->engine->setSearchVisbilityScope(scope);
+ Returns a list of search visibility scopes that the manager supports.
+QList<QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope> QPlaceManager::supportedSearchVisibilityScopes() const
+ return d->engine->supportedSearchVisibilityScopes();
+ Initializes the manager categories using a given
+ \a categorySystemId.
+QPlaceReply *QPlaceManager::initializeCategories(const QString &categorySystemId)
+ return d->engine->initializeCategories(categorySystemId);
+ Returns a list of top level categories.
+QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceManager::categories() const
+ return d->engine->categories();
+\fn void QPlaceManager::finished(QPlaceReply* reply)
+This signal is emitted when \a reply has finished processing.
+If reply->error() equals QPlaceReply::NoError then the processing
+finished successfully.
+This signal and QPlaceReply::finished() will be emitted at the same time.
+\note Do no delete the \a reply object in the slot connected to this signal.
+Use deleteLater() instead.
+\fn void QPlaceManager::error(QPlaceReply* reply, QPlaceReply::Error error, const QString &errorString)
+This signal is emitted when an error has been detected in the processing of
+\a reply. The QPlaceManager::finished() signal will probably follow.
+The error will be described by the error code \a error. If \a errorString is
+not empty it will contain a textual description of the error meant for developers
+and not end users.
+This signal and QPlaceReply::error() will be emitted at the same time.
+\note Do no delete the \a reply object in the slot connected to this signal.
+Use deleteLater() instead.
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemanager.h b/src/location/places/qplacemanager.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..524c0415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemanager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacemediaobject.h"
+#include "qplacemediareply.h"
+#include "qplacereply.h"
+#include "qplacesearchquery.h"
+#include "qplacesearchreply.h"
+#include "qplacedetailsreply.h"
+#include "qplacereviewreply.h"
+#include "qplacetextpredictionreply.h"
+#include <QVector>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QObject>
+class QPlaceManagerEngine;
+class QPlaceManagerPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceManager : public QObject
+ enum ConnectivityMode {
+ NoConnectivity,
+ OnlineMode,
+ OfflineMode,
+ HybridMode
+ };
+ enum SearchVisibilityScope {
+ PublicSearch,
+ PrivateSearch,
+ PublicAndPrivateSearch
+ };
+ enum ManagerFeature {
+ ImportFeature,
+ ExportFeature,
+ CheckInFeature,
+ PostMediaFeature,
+ PostRatingFeature,
+ SuggestionFeature,
+ ReportPlaceFeature,
+ AuthenticationFeature,
+ CreatePlaceFeature,
+ UpdatePlaceFeature
+ };
+ QPlaceManager(QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~QPlaceManager();
+ QString managerName() const;
+ QPlaceDetailsReply *getPlaceDetails(const QString &placeId) const;
+ QPlaceReply *postRating(const QPlace &place, qreal value);
+ QPlaceReviewReply *getReviews(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query) const;
+ QPlaceMediaReply *getMedia(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query) const;
+ QPlaceSearchReply *searchForPlaces(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query) const;
+ QPlaceSearchReply *recommendations(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceSearchQuery &query) const;
+ QPlaceTextPredictionReply *textPredictions(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query) const;
+ ConnectivityMode connectivityMode() const;
+ void setConnectivityMode(ConnectivityMode connectivityMode);
+ QList<ConnectivityMode> supportedConnectivityModes() const;
+ SearchVisibilityScope searchVisibilityScope() const;
+ void setSearchVisbilityScopes(SearchVisibilityScope scope);
+ QList<SearchVisibilityScope> supportedSearchVisibilityScopes() const;
+ QPlaceReply *initializeCategories(const QString &categorySystemId = QString());
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> categories() const;
+ QPlaceCategory createCategory() const;
+ void finished(QPlaceReply *reply);
+ void error(QPlaceReply *, QPlaceReply::Error error, const QString &errorString = QString());
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QPlaceManager)
+ QPlaceManagerPrivate* d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemanagerengine.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacemanagerengine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..948ec9f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemanagerengine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include "qplacemanagerengine.h"
+#include "qplacecategory_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceManagerEngine::QPlaceManagerEngine(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemanagerengine.h b/src/location/places/qplacemanagerengine.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..527d23b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemanagerengine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include "qplacemanager.h"
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceManagerEngine : public QObject
+ QPlaceManagerEngine(QObject *parent = 0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceManagerEngine();
+ virtual QString managerName() const = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceDetailsReply *getPlaceDetails(const QString &placeId) = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceMediaReply *getMedia(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query) = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceReply *postRating(const QPlace &place, qreal value) = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceReviewReply *getReviews(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceQuery &query) = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceSearchReply *searchForPlaces(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query) = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceSearchReply *recommendations(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceSearchQuery &query) = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceTextPredictionReply *textPredictions(const QPlaceSearchQuery &query) = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode connectivityMode() const = 0;
+ virtual void setConnectivityMode(QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode connectivityMode) = 0;
+ virtual QList<QPlaceManager::ConnectivityMode> supportedConnectivityModes() const = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope searchVisibilityScope() const = 0;
+ virtual void setSearchVisbilityScope(QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope scope) = 0;
+ virtual QList<QPlaceManager::SearchVisibilityScope> supportedSearchVisibilityScopes() const = 0;
+ virtual QPlaceReply *initializeCategories(const QString &categorySystemId) = 0;
+ virtual QList<QPlaceCategory> categories() const = 0;
+ void finished(QPlaceReply *reply);
+ void error(QPlaceReply *, QPlaceReply::Error error, QString errorString = QString());
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemediaobject.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacemediaobject.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dbb4047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemediaobject.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#include "qplacemediaobject.h"
+#include "qplacemediaobject_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate::QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate::QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate(const QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->url = other.url;
+ this->thumbnailURL = other.thumbnailURL;
+ this->id =;
+ this->metaInfo = other.metaInfo;
+ this->mimeType = other.mimeType;
+ this->supplier = other.supplier;
+bool QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->url == other.url
+ && this->thumbnailURL == other.thumbnailURL
+ && this->id ==
+ && this->metaInfo == other.metaInfo
+ && this->mimeType == other.mimeType
+ && this->supplier == other.supplier
+ );
+ \class QPlaceMediaObject
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceMediaObject class represents a media object.
+ Each QPlaceMediaObject represents a media object with a number of attributes
+ such as type, thumbnail, media provider etc. Each QPlaceMediaObject may be associated
+ with place.
+ Media objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get list of media objects
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content.
+ QPlaceMediaObject is an in memory representation of a media object.
+ Constructs an new media object.
+ : d(new QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceMediaObject::QPlaceMediaObject(const QPlaceMediaObject &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceMediaObject &QPlaceMediaObject::operator =(const QPlaceMediaObject &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceMediaObject::operator==(const QPlaceMediaObject &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns media url.
+QString QPlaceMediaObject::url() const
+ return d->url;
+ Sets media url.
+void QPlaceMediaObject::setUrl(const QString &data)
+ d->url = data;
+ Returns media url for thumbnail.
+QString QPlaceMediaObject::thumbnailUrl() const
+ return d->thumbnailURL;
+ Sets media url for thumbnail.
+void QPlaceMediaObject::setThumbnailUrl(const QString &data)
+ d->thumbnailURL = data;
+ Returns media id.
+QString QPlaceMediaObject::id() const
+ return d->id;
+ Sets media id.
+void QPlaceMediaObject::setId(const QString &data)
+ d->id = data;
+ Returns media meta info.
+QString QPlaceMediaObject::metaInfo() const
+ return d->metaInfo;
+ Sets media meta info.
+void QPlaceMediaObject::setMetaInfo(const QString &data)
+ d->metaInfo = data;
+ Returns media mime type.
+QString QPlaceMediaObject::mimeType() const
+ return d->mimeType;
+ Sets media mime type.
+void QPlaceMediaObject::setMimeType(const QString &data)
+ d->mimeType = data;
+ Returns supplier.
+QPlaceSupplier QPlaceMediaObject::supplier() const
+ return d->supplier;
+ Sets supplier.
+void QPlaceMediaObject::setSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &data)
+ d->supplier = data;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemediaobject.h b/src/location/places/qplacemediaobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55cd8506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemediaobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QString>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacesupplier.h"
+class QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceMediaObject
+ QPlaceMediaObject();
+ QPlaceMediaObject(const QPlaceMediaObject &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceMediaObject();
+ QPlaceMediaObject &operator=(const QPlaceMediaObject &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceMediaObject &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceMediaObject &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QString url() const;
+ void setUrl(const QString &data);
+ QString thumbnailUrl() const;
+ void setThumbnailUrl(const QString &data);
+ QString id() const;
+ void setId(const QString &data);
+ QString metaInfo() const;
+ void setMetaInfo(const QString &data);
+ QString mimeType() const;
+ void setMimeType(const QString &data);
+ QPlaceSupplier supplier() const;
+ void setSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &data);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemediaobject_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacemediaobject_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9350ff8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemediaobject_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacemediaobject.h"
+class QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate();
+ QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate(const QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceMediaObjectPrivate &other) const;
+ QString url;
+ QString thumbnailURL;
+ QString id;
+ QString metaInfo;
+ QString mimeType;
+ QPlaceSupplier supplier;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemediareply.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacemediareply.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3e0d7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemediareply.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#include "qplacemediareply.h"
+#include "qplace.h"
+class QPlaceMediaReplyPrivate
+ QPlaceMediaReplyPrivate() {}
+ QList<QPlaceMediaObject> mediaObjects;
+ int totalCount;
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ \class QPlaceMediaReply
+ \brief The QPlaceMediaReply class manages a media retrieval operation started by an
+ instance of QPlaceManager.
+ \inmodule QtLocation
+ \ingroup places-main
+ Constructs a media reply with a given \a parent.
+QPlaceMediaReply::QPlaceMediaReply(QObject *parent)
+ : QPlaceReply(parent)
+ d = new QPlaceMediaReplyPrivate;
+ Destroys the reply.
+ delete d;
+ /*!
+ Returns the media objects.
+QList<QPlaceMediaObject> QPlaceMediaReply::mediaObjects() const
+ return d->mediaObjects;
+ Returns the type of reply.
+QPlaceReply::Type QPlaceMediaReply::type() const
+ return QPlaceReply::MediaReply;
+ Sets the media \a objects.
+void QPlaceMediaReply::setMediaObjects(const QList<QPlaceMediaObject> &objects)
+ d->mediaObjects = objects;
+ Returns the total number of media objects for a place. If the total number of
+ media objects cannot be counted a value of -1 is returned.
+int QPlaceMediaReply::totalCount()
+ return d->totalCount;
+ Sets the \a total number of media objects for a place.
+void QPlaceMediaReply::setTotalCount(int total)
+ d->totalCount = total;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemediareply.h b/src/location/places/qplacemediareply.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa1882c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemediareply.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include "qplacereply.h"
+#include "qplacemediaobject.h"
+#include <QStringList>
+class QPlaceMediaReplyPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceMediaReply : public QPlaceReply
+ QPlaceMediaReply(QObject *parent =0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceMediaReply();
+ QPlaceReply::Type type() const;
+ QList<QPlaceMediaObject> mediaObjects() const;
+ int totalCount();
+ void setMediaObjects(const QList<QPlaceMediaObject> &objects);
+ void setTotalCount(int total);
+ QPlaceMediaReplyPrivate *d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacepaginationlist.h b/src/location/places/qplacepaginationlist.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18f1704a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacepaginationlist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QList>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacesupplier.h"
+ \class QPlacePaginationList
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlacePaginationList class represents a list object.
+ Each QPlacePaginationList represents a pagination-enabled list. It contais list
+ of items on current page and ifnormations about indexes of those items.
+template <typename T>
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlacePaginationList
+ QPlacePaginationList() : startIndx(0) {};
+ QPlacePaginationList(const QPlacePaginationList<T> &other) {
+ this->startIndx = other.startIndx;
+ this->dataList = other.dataList;
+ }
+ ~QPlacePaginationList() {};
+ QPlacePaginationList<T> &operator=(const QPlacePaginationList<T> &other) {
+ this->startIndx = other.startIndx;
+ this->dataList = other.dataList;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const QPlacePaginationList<T> &other) const {
+ return (
+ this->startIndx == other.startIndx
+ && this->dataList == other.dataList
+ );
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const QPlacePaginationList<T> &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ /*!
+ Returns items count on current page.
+ */
+ int items() { return dataList.count(); }
+ /*!
+ Returns index of first item on current page.
+ */
+ int start() { return startIndx; }
+ /*!
+ Returns index of last item on current page.
+ */
+ int stop() { return startIndx + dataList.count(); }
+ /*!
+ Returns items list on current page.
+ */
+ QList<T> data() { return dataList; }
+ /*!
+ Sets index of first item on current page.
+ */
+ void setStart(const int &start) { startIndx = start; }
+ /*!
+ Sets list of items on current page.
+ */
+ void setData(const QList<T> &data) { dataList = data; }
+ /*!
+ Append item to the list.
+ */
+ void addItem(const T &item) { dataList.append(item); }
+ int startIndx;
+ QList<T> dataList;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceperiod.cpp b/src/location/places/qplaceperiod.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6077b75b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceperiod.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#include "qplaceperiod.h"
+#include "qplaceperiod_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlacePeriodPrivate::QPlacePeriodPrivate() : QSharedData()
+ this->values = QPlacePeriodPrivate::None;
+QPlacePeriodPrivate::QPlacePeriodPrivate(const QPlacePeriodPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->values = other.values;
+ this->begin = other.begin;
+ this->end = other.end;
+bool QPlacePeriodPrivate::operator==(const QPlacePeriodPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->values == other.values
+ && this->begin == other.begin
+ && this->end == other.end
+ );
+ \class QPlacePeriod
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlacePeriod class represents a time period object.
+ It might contains just hours information but it might contains also
+ date. If some field is unasaignd it will return -1.
+ Constructs an new period object.
+ : d(new QPlacePeriodPrivate)
+QPlacePeriod::QPlacePeriod(int startHour, int startMinute, int endHour, int endMinute)
+ : d(new QPlacePeriodPrivate)
+ QTime startTime(startHour, startMinute);
+ d->begin.setTime(startTime);
+ QTime endTime(endHour, endMinute);
+ d->end.setTime(endTime);
+ d->values = QPlacePeriodPrivate::Time;
+QPlacePeriod::QPlacePeriod(int startMonth, int startDay, int startHour, int startMinute,
+ int endMonth, int endDay, int endHour, int endMinute)
+ : d(new QPlacePeriodPrivate)
+ QTime startTime(startHour, startMinute);
+ QDate startDate(2008, startMonth, startDay);
+ d->begin.setTime(startTime);
+ d->begin.setDate(startDate);
+ QTime endTime(endHour, endMinute);
+ QDate endDate(2008, endMonth, endDay);
+ d->end.setTime(endTime);
+ d->end.setDate(endDate);
+ d->values = QPlacePeriodPrivate::Time & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Date;
+QPlacePeriod::QPlacePeriod(int startYear, int startMonth, int startDay, int startHour, int startMinute,
+ int endYear, int endMonth, int endDay, int endHour, int endMinute)
+ : d(new QPlacePeriodPrivate)
+ QTime startTime(startHour, startMinute);
+ QDate startDate(startYear, startMonth, startDay);
+ d->begin.setTime(startTime);
+ d->begin.setDate(startDate);
+ QTime endTime(endHour, endMinute);
+ QDate endDate(endYear, endMonth, endDay);
+ d->end.setTime(endTime);
+ d->end.setDate(endDate);
+ d->values = QPlacePeriodPrivate::Time & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Date & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Year;
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlacePeriod::QPlacePeriod(const QPlacePeriod &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlacePeriod &QPlacePeriod::operator =(const QPlacePeriod &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlacePeriod::operator==(const QPlacePeriod &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns start year. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::startYear() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Year) {
+ return d->;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns start month. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::startMonth() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Date) {
+ return d->;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns start day. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::startDay() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Date) {
+ return d->;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns start hour. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::startHour() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Time) {
+ return d->begin.time().hour();
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns start minute. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::startMinute() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Time) {
+ return d->begin.time().minute();
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns end year. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::endYear() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Year) {
+ return d->;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns end month. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::endMonth() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Date) {
+ return d->;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns end day. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::endDay() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Date) {
+ return d->;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns end year. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::endHour() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Time) {
+ return d->end.time().hour();
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns end year. -1 returned if not set.
+int QPlacePeriod::endMinute() const
+ if (d->values & QPlacePeriodPrivate::Time) {
+ return d->end.time().minute();
+ }
+ return -1;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceperiod.h b/src/location/places/qplaceperiod.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcab2dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceperiod.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include <QDateTime>
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+class QPlacePeriodPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlacePeriod
+ QPlacePeriod();
+ QPlacePeriod(int startHour, int startMinute, int endHour, int endMinute);
+ QPlacePeriod(int startMonth, int startDay, int startHour, int startMinute,
+ int endMonth, int endDay, int endHour, int endMinute);
+ QPlacePeriod(int startYear, int startMonth, int startDay, int startHour, int startMinute,
+ int endYear, int endMonth, int endDay, int endHour, int endMinute);
+ QPlacePeriod(const QPlacePeriod &other);
+ virtual ~QPlacePeriod();
+ QPlacePeriod &operator=(const QPlacePeriod &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlacePeriod &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlacePeriod &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ int startYear() const;
+ int startMonth() const;
+ int startDay() const;
+ int startHour() const;
+ int startMinute() const;
+ int endYear() const;
+ int endMonth() const;
+ int endDay() const;
+ int endHour() const;
+ int endMinute() const;
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlacePeriodPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceperiod_p.h b/src/location/places/qplaceperiod_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..899cdc88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceperiod_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplaceperiod.h"
+class QPlacePeriodPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlacePeriodPrivate();
+ QPlacePeriodPrivate(const QPlacePeriodPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlacePeriodPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlacePeriodPrivate &other) const;
+ enum Value {
+ None = 0,
+ Date = 1,
+ Time = 2,
+ Year = 4
+ };
+ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Values, Value);
+ Values values;
+ QDateTime begin;
+ QDateTime end;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacequery.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacequery.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1b19d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacequery.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#include "qplacequery.h"
+class QPlaceQueryPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceQueryPrivate();
+ QPlaceQueryPrivate(const QPlaceQueryPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceQueryPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceQueryPrivate &other) const;
+ int offset;
+ int limit;
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceQueryPrivate::QPlaceQueryPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceQueryPrivate::QPlaceQueryPrivate(const QPlaceQueryPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->offset = other.offset;
+ this->limit = other.limit;
+bool QPlaceQueryPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceQueryPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->offset == other.offset
+ && this->limit == other.limit
+ );
+ \class QPlaceQuery
+ \inmodule Location
+ \brief The QPlaceQuery class is the base class used for various search queries.
+ \ingroup places-main
+ Default constructor. Constructs an new query object.
+ : d(new QPlaceQueryPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceQuery::QPlaceQuery(const QPlaceQuery &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceQuery &QPlaceQuery::operator =(const QPlaceQuery &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceQuery::operator==(const QPlaceQuery &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns the offset. By default the offset is set to 0.
+ The offset determines the first index which is retrieved, it is generally
+ used in conjunction with limit() to facilitate paging.
+ Negative offests are treated as an offset of 0;
+int QPlaceQuery::offset() const
+ return d->offset;
+ Sets the \a offset.
+void QPlaceQuery::setOffset(int offset)
+ d->offset = offset;
+ Returns the maximum number of places to be fetched. The default
+ value of this limit is -1, indicating that the default limit of the
+ backend should be used.
+int QPlaceQuery::limit() const
+ return d->limit;
+ Sets the maximum number of places to be fetched to \a limit.
+ A limit of -1 indicates that the default limit of the backend should used.
+ If the backend maximum limit is less than \a limit, then only the
+ backend maximum limit number of places are retrieved.
+ (A limit of 0 will retrieve no places).
+void QPlaceQuery::setLimit(int limit)
+ d->limit = limit;
+ Clears the parameters of the search query.
+void QPlaceQuery::clear()
+ d->offset = -1;
+ d->limit = -1;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacequery.h b/src/location/places/qplacequery.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18d0806f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacequery.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+class QPlaceQueryPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceQuery
+ QPlaceQuery();
+ QPlaceQuery(const QPlaceQuery &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceQuery();
+ QPlaceQuery &operator=(const QPlaceQuery &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceQuery &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceQuery &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ int offset() const;
+ void setOffset(int offset);
+ int limit() const;
+ void setLimit(int limit);
+ virtual void clear();
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceQueryPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacerating.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacerating.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19c46573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacerating.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#include "qplacerating.h"
+#include "qplacerating_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceRatingPrivate::QPlaceRatingPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceRatingPrivate::QPlaceRatingPrivate(const QPlaceRatingPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->value = other.value;
+ this->count = other.count;
+bool QPlaceRatingPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceRatingPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->value == other.value
+ && this->count == other.count
+ );
+ \class QPlaceRating
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceRating class represents a rating object.
+ Each QPlaceRating represents a rating object with a count and value.
+ QPlaceRating is an in memory representation of a rating object.
+ Constructs a new rating object.
+ : d(new QPlaceRatingPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceRating::QPlaceRating(const QPlaceRating &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceRating &QPlaceRating::operator =(const QPlaceRating &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceRating::operator==(const QPlaceRating &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns value.
+double QPlaceRating::value() const
+ return d->value;
+ Sets value.
+void QPlaceRating::setValue(const double &src)
+ d->value = src;
+ Returns count.
+uint QPlaceRating::count() const
+ return d->count;
+ Sets count.
+void QPlaceRating::setCount(const uint &src)
+ d->count = src;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacerating.h b/src/location/places/qplacerating.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98b96775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacerating.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+class QPlaceRatingPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceRating
+ QPlaceRating();
+ QPlaceRating(const QPlaceRating &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceRating();
+ QPlaceRating &operator=(const QPlaceRating &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceRating &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceRating &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ double value() const;
+ void setValue(const double &data);
+ uint count() const;
+ void setCount(const uint &data);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceRatingPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacerating_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacerating_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8756fee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacerating_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacerating.h"
+class QPlaceRatingPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceRatingPrivate();
+ QPlaceRatingPrivate(const QPlaceRatingPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceRatingPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceRatingPrivate &other) const;
+ double value;
+ uint count;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacereply.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacereply.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..babb191a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacereply.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#include "qplacereply.h"
+#include "qplace.h"
+#include "qplacesearchresult.h"
+class QPlaceReplyPrivate
+ QPlaceReplyPrivate() : isFinished(false) {}
+ QPlaceReply::Error error;
+ QString errorString;
+ bool isFinished;
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ \class QPlaceReply
+ \inmodule Location
+ \brief The QPlaceReply class manages an operation started by
+ an instance of QPlaceManager.
+ \ingroup places-main
+ \enum QPlaceReply::Error
+ Describes an error which prevented completion of an operation.
+ \value NoError
+ No error has occurred
+ \value DoesNotExistError
+ An entity does not exist eg an import file.
+ \value PlaceDoesNotExistError
+ A specified place could not be found
+ \value CategoryDoesNotExistError
+ A specified category could not be found
+ \value CommunicationError
+ An error occurred communicating with the service provider.
+ \value ParseError
+ The response from the service provider or an import file was in an unrecognizable format
+ \value PermissionsError
+ The operation failed because of insufficient permissions.
+ \value UnsupportedError
+ The operation was not supported by the service provider.
+ \value CancelError
+ The operation was canceled.
+ \value UnknownError
+ An error occurred which does not fit into any of the other categories.
+ \enum QPlaceReply::Type
+ Describes the reply's type.
+ \value Reply
+ This is a generic reply.
+ \value TextPredictionReply
+ Thi is the reply for a text prediction operation.
+ \value ReviewReply
+ This is a reply for the retrieval of place reviews.
+ \value MediaReply
+ This is a reply for the retrieval of place media.
+ \value PlaceDetailsReply
+ This is a reply for the retrieval of place details.
+ \value PlaceSearchReply
+ This is a reply for a place search operation.
+ Constructs a reply object with a given \a parent.
+QPlaceReply::QPlaceReply(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ Destructor.
+ if (!isFinished()) {
+ abort();
+ }
+ Return true if the reply has completed.
+bool QPlaceReply::isFinished() const
+ return d->isFinished;
+ Return type of operation.
+QPlaceReply::Type QPlaceReply::type() const
+ return QPlaceReply::Reply;
+ Sets the status of whether the reply is \a finished
+ or not. This function does not cause the finished() signal
+ to be emitted.
+void QPlaceReply::setFinished(bool finished)
+ d->isFinished = finished;
+ Sets the \a error and \a errorString of the reply.
+ This function does not cause the error(QPlaceReply::Error, const QString &errorString)
+ signal to be emitted.
+void QPlaceReply::setError(QPlaceReply::Error error, const QString &errorString)
+ d->error = error;
+ d->errorString = errorString;
+ Returns the error string.
+QString QPlaceReply::errorString() const
+ return d->errorString;
+ Returns error code.
+QPlaceReply::Error QPlaceReply::error() const
+ return d->error;
+ Aborts the operation.
+void QPlaceReply::abort()
+ \fn void QPlaceReply::finished()
+ This signal is emitted when this reply has finished processing.
+ If error() equals QPlaceReply::NoError then the processing
+ finished successfully.
+ This signal and QPlaceManager::finished() will be
+ emitted at the same time.
+ \note Do no delete this reply object in the slot connected to this
+ signal. Use deleteLater() instead.
+ \fn void QPlaceReply::error(QPlaceReply::Error error, const QString &errorString)
+ This signal is emitted when an error has been detected in the processing of
+ this reply. The finished() signal will probably follow.
+ The error will be described by the error code \a error. If \a errorString is
+ not empty it will contain a textual description of the error meant for
+ developers and not end users.
+ This signal and QPlaceManager::error() will be emitted at the same time.
+ \note Do no delete this reply object in the slot connected to this
+ signal. Use deleteLater() instead.
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacereply.h b/src/location/places/qplacereply.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bba2fdbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacereply.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include <QObject>
+class QPlaceReplyPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceReply : public QObject
+ enum Error {
+ NoError,
+ DoesNotExistError,
+ PlaceDoesNotExistError,
+ CategoryDoesNotExistError,
+ CommunicationError,
+ ParseError,
+ PermissionsError,
+ UnsupportedError,
+ CancelError,
+ UnknownError
+ };
+ enum Type {
+ Reply,
+ PlaceDetailsReply,
+ PlaceSearchReply,
+ TextPredictionReply,
+ ReviewReply,
+ MediaReply
+ };
+ virtual ~QPlaceReply();
+ bool isFinished() const;
+ virtual Type type() const;
+ QString errorString() const;
+ QPlaceReply::Error error() const;
+public Q_SLOTS:
+ virtual void abort();
+ void finished();
+ void error(QPlaceReply::Error error, const QString &errorString = QString());
+ QPlaceReply(QObject *parent = 0);
+ void setFinished(bool finished);
+ void setError(QPlaceReply::Error error, const QString &errorString);
+ QPlaceReplyPrivate *d;
+#endif // QPLACEREPLY_H
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacereview.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacereview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8dd2f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacereview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+#include "qplacereview.h"
+#include "qplacereview_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceReviewPrivate::QPlaceReviewPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceReviewPrivate::QPlaceReviewPrivate(const QPlaceReviewPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->date =;
+ this->description = other.description;
+ this->language = other.language;
+ this->helpfulVotings = other.helpfulVotings;
+ this->mediaIds = other.mediaIds;
+ this->notHelpfulVotings = other.notHelpfulVotings;
+ this->rating = other.rating;
+ this->reviewId = other.reviewId;
+ this->supplier = other.supplier;
+ this->title = other.title;
+ this->userId = other.userId;
+ this->userName = other.userName;
+ this->originatorURL = other.originatorURL;
+bool QPlaceReviewPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceReviewPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->date ==
+ && this->description == other.description
+ && this->language == other.language
+ && this->helpfulVotings == other.helpfulVotings
+ && this->mediaIds == other.mediaIds
+ && this->notHelpfulVotings == other.notHelpfulVotings
+ && this->rating == other.rating
+ && this->reviewId == other.reviewId
+ && this->supplier == other.supplier
+ && this->title == other.title
+ && this->userId == other.userId
+ && this->userName == other.userName
+ && this->originatorURL == other.originatorURL
+ );
+ \class QPlaceReview
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceReview class represents a review object.
+ Each QPlaceReview represents a review object with a number of attributes
+ such as rating, review id, connected media etc. Each QPlaceReview is associated
+ with place.
+ Review objects are read-only, e.g. user of API might get list of review objects
+ associated to specific place but can not edit its content. User might also create new review.
+ QPlaceReview is an in memory representation of a review object.
+ Constructs an new review object.
+ : d(new QPlaceReviewPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceReview::QPlaceReview(const QPlaceReview &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceReview &QPlaceReview::operator =(const QPlaceReview &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceReview::operator==(const QPlaceReview &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns review date.
+QString QPlaceReview::date() const
+ return d->date;
+ Sets review date.
+void QPlaceReview::setDate(const QString &data)
+ d->date = data;
+ Returns description.
+QString QPlaceReview::description() const
+ return d->description;
+ Sets description.
+void QPlaceReview::setDescription(const QString &data)
+ d->description = data;
+ Returns language.
+QString QPlaceReview::language() const
+ return d->language;
+ Sets language.
+void QPlaceReview::setLanguage(const QString &data)
+ d->language = data;
+ Returns "thumbs up".
+uint QPlaceReview::helpfulVotings() const
+ return d->helpfulVotings;
+ Sets "thumbs up".
+void QPlaceReview::setHelpfulVotings(const uint &data)
+ d->helpfulVotings = data;
+ Returns media ids associated with review.
+QStringList QPlaceReview::mediaIds() const
+ return d->mediaIds;
+ Sets media ids.
+void QPlaceReview::setMediaIds(const QStringList &data)
+ d->mediaIds = data;
+ Returns "thumbs down".
+uint QPlaceReview::notHelpfulVotings() const
+ return d->notHelpfulVotings;
+ Sets "thumbs down".
+void QPlaceReview::setNotHelpfulVotings(const uint &data)
+ d->notHelpfulVotings = data;
+ Returns rating.
+double QPlaceReview::rating() const
+ return d->rating;
+ Sets rating.
+void QPlaceReview::setRating(const double &data)
+ d->rating = data;
+ Returns review id.
+QString QPlaceReview::reviewId() const
+ return d->reviewId;
+ Sets review id.
+void QPlaceReview::setReviewId(const QString &data)
+ d->reviewId = data;
+ Returns supplier. Do not remove it.
+QPlaceSupplier QPlaceReview::supplier() const
+ return d->supplier;
+ Sets supplier.
+void QPlaceReview::setSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &data)
+ d->supplier = data;
+ Returns review title.
+QString QPlaceReview::title() const
+ return d->title;
+ Sets title.
+void QPlaceReview::setTitle(const QString &data)
+ d->title = data;
+ Returns user id.
+QString QPlaceReview::userId() const
+ return d->userId;
+ Sets user id.
+void QPlaceReview::setUserId(const QString &data)
+ d->userId = data;
+ Returns user name.
+QString QPlaceReview::userName() const
+ return d->userName;
+ Sets user name.
+void QPlaceReview::setUserName(const QString &data)
+ d->userName = data;
+ Returns originator URL.
+QString QPlaceReview::originatorURL() const
+ return d->originatorURL;
+ Sets originator URL.
+void QPlaceReview::setOriginatorURL(const QString &data)
+ d->originatorURL = data;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacereview.h b/src/location/places/qplacereview.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11f86f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacereview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacesupplier.h"
+class QPlaceReviewPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceReview
+ QPlaceReview();
+ QPlaceReview(const QPlaceReview &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceReview();
+ QPlaceReview &operator=(const QPlaceReview &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceReview &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceReview &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QString date() const;
+ void setDate(const QString &data);
+ QString description() const;
+ void setDescription(const QString &data);
+ QString language() const;
+ void setLanguage(const QString &data);
+ uint helpfulVotings() const;
+ void setHelpfulVotings(const uint &data);
+ QStringList mediaIds() const;
+ void setMediaIds(const QStringList &data);
+ uint notHelpfulVotings() const;
+ void setNotHelpfulVotings(const uint &data);
+ double rating() const;
+ void setRating(const double &data);
+ QString reviewId() const;
+ void setReviewId(const QString &data);
+ QPlaceSupplier supplier() const;
+ void setSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &data);
+ QString title() const;
+ void setTitle(const QString &data);
+ QString userId() const;
+ void setUserId(const QString &data);
+ QString userName() const;
+ void setUserName(const QString &data);
+ QString originatorURL() const;
+ void setOriginatorURL(const QString &data);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceReviewPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacereview_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacereview_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0cf6160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacereview_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacereview.h"
+class QPlaceReviewPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceReviewPrivate();
+ QPlaceReviewPrivate(const QPlaceReviewPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceReviewPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceReviewPrivate &other) const;
+ QString date;
+ QString description;
+ QString language;
+ uint helpfulVotings;
+ QStringList mediaIds;
+ uint notHelpfulVotings;
+ double rating;
+ QString reviewId;
+ QPlaceSupplier supplier;
+ QString title;
+ QString userId;
+ QString userName;
+ QString originatorURL;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacereviewreply.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacereviewreply.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38de601f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacereviewreply.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#include "qplacereviewreply.h"
+#include "qplace.h"
+class QPlaceReviewReplyPrivate
+ QPlaceReviewReplyPrivate() {}
+ QList<QPlaceReview> reviews;
+ int totalCount;
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ \class QPlaceReviewReply
+ \brief The QPlaceReviewReply class manages a review retrieval operation started by an
+ instance of QPlaceManager.
+ \inmodule QtLocation
+ \ingroup places-main
+ Constructs a review reply with a given \a parent.
+QPlaceReviewReply::QPlaceReviewReply(QObject *parent)
+ : QPlaceReply(parent)
+ d = new QPlaceReviewReplyPrivate;
+ Destroys the reply.
+ delete d;
+ Returns the type of reply.
+QPlaceReply::Type QPlaceReviewReply::type() const
+ return QPlaceReply::ReviewReply;
+ /*!
+ Returns the reviews.
+QList<QPlaceReview> QPlaceReviewReply::reviews() const
+ return d->reviews;
+ Sets the \a reviews.
+void QPlaceReviewReply::setReviews(const QList<QPlaceReview> &reviews)
+ d->reviews = reviews;
+ Returns the total number of reviews for a place. If the total number of
+ reviews cannot be counted a value of -1 is returned.
+int QPlaceReviewReply::totalCount()
+ return d->totalCount;
+ Sets the \a total number of media objects for a place.
+void QPlaceReviewReply::setTotalCount(int total)
+ d->totalCount = total;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacereviewreply.h b/src/location/places/qplacereviewreply.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78347ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacereviewreply.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include "qplacereply.h"
+#include "qplacereview.h"
+#include <QStringList>
+class QPlaceReviewReplyPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceReviewReply : public QPlaceReply
+ QPlaceReviewReply(QObject *parent = 0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceReviewReply();
+ QPlaceReply::Type type() const;
+ QList<QPlaceReview> reviews() const;
+ int totalCount();
+ void setReviews(const QList<QPlaceReview> &objects);
+ void setTotalCount(int total);
+ QPlaceReviewReplyPrivate *d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesearchquery.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacesearchquery.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39b7c169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesearchquery.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#include "qplacesearchquery.h"
+class QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate();
+ QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate(const QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate &other) const;
+ QString searchTerm;
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> categories;
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate searchCenter;
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBox boundingBox;
+ uint dymNumber;
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ : QSharedData(),
+ dymNumber(0)
+QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate::QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate(const QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->searchTerm = other.searchTerm;
+ this->categories = other.categories;
+ this->searchCenter = other.searchCenter;
+ this->boundingBox = other.boundingBox;
+ this->dymNumber = other.dymNumber;
+bool QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->searchTerm == other.searchTerm
+ && this->categories == other.categories
+ && this->searchCenter == other.searchCenter
+ && this->boundingBox == other.boundingBox
+ && this->dymNumber == other.dymNumber
+ );
+ \class QPlaceSearchQuery
+ \inmodule Location
+ \brief The QPlaceSearchQuery class represents a query parameters object.
+ \ingroup places-main
+ The QSearchQuery class represents a query parameters object. Each
+ QSearchQuery cointans search query parameters like search term.
+ \enum QPlaceSearchQuery::RelevanceHint
+ Defines hints to help rank place results.
+ \value DistanceHint
+ Distance to the user's current location is relevant. This is only useful
+ if a circular bounding area is used in the query.
+ \value RatingHint
+ The rating of the place is relevant to the user.
+ \value AlphabetHint
+ Alphabetic ordering of places is relevant to the user.
+ Default constructor. Constructs an new query object.
+ : QPlaceQuery(),
+ d(new QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceSearchQuery::QPlaceSearchQuery(const QPlaceSearchQuery &other)
+ : QPlaceQuery(other),
+ d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceSearchQuery &QPlaceSearchQuery::operator =(const QPlaceSearchQuery &other) {
+ this->QPlaceQuery::operator =(other);
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceSearchQuery::operator==(const QPlaceSearchQuery &other) const
+ return (this->QPlaceQuery::operator ==(other)
+ && (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData())));
+ Returns the search term.
+QString QPlaceSearchQuery::searchTerm() const
+ return d->searchTerm;
+ Sets the search \a term.
+void QPlaceSearchQuery::setSearchTerm(const QString &term)
+ d->searchTerm = term;
+ Return the categories to be used in the search query.
+ Places need only to belong to one of the categories
+ to be considered a match by the query.
+QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceSearchQuery::categories()
+ return d->categories;
+ Sets the search query to search by a single \a category
+void QPlaceSearchQuery::setCategory(const QPlaceCategory &category)
+ d->categories.clear();
+ d->categories.append(category);
+ Returns search center.
+QPlaceGeoCoordinate QPlaceSearchQuery::searchCenter() const
+ return d->searchCenter;
+ Sets the search query to search with search \a center.
+void QPlaceSearchQuery::setSearchCenter(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &center)
+ d->searchCenter = center;
+ Returns search bounding box.
+QPlaceGeoBoundingBox QPlaceSearchQuery::boundingBox() const
+ return d->boundingBox;
+ Sets the search query to search with bounding box.
+void QPlaceSearchQuery::setBoundingBox(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &boundingBox)
+ d->boundingBox = boundingBox;
+ Returns maximum number of "did you mean" suggestions returned by search query.
+uint QPlaceSearchQuery::didYouMeanSuggestionNumber() const
+ return d->dymNumber;
+ Sets maximum \a number of "did you mean" suggestions returned by search query.
+void QPlaceSearchQuery::setDidYouMeanSuggestionNumber(const uint &number)
+ d->dymNumber = number;
+ Clears the parameters of the search query.
+void QPlaceSearchQuery::clear()
+ QPlaceQuery::clear();
+ d->searchTerm.clear();
+ d->categories.clear();
+ d->boundingBox = QPlaceGeoBoundingBox();
+ d->searchCenter = QPlaceGeoCoordinate();
+ d->dymNumber = 0;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesearchquery.h b/src/location/places/qplacesearchquery.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbab1422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesearchquery.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplacecategory.h"
+#include "qplacequery.h"
+#include "qplacegeoboundingbox.h"
+#include <QString>
+class QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceSearchQuery : public QPlaceQuery
+ enum RelevanceHint {
+ DistanceHint,
+ RatingHint,
+ AlphabetHint
+ };
+ QPlaceSearchQuery();
+ QPlaceSearchQuery(const QPlaceSearchQuery &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceSearchQuery();
+ QPlaceSearchQuery &operator=(const QPlaceSearchQuery &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceSearchQuery &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceSearchQuery &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QString searchTerm() const;
+ void setSearchTerm(const QString &term);
+ QList<QPlaceCategory> categories();
+ void setCategory(const QPlaceCategory &category);
+ QPlaceGeoCoordinate searchCenter() const;
+ void setSearchCenter(const QPlaceGeoCoordinate &center);
+ QPlaceGeoBoundingBox boundingBox() const;
+ void setBoundingBox(const QPlaceGeoBoundingBox &boundingBox);
+ uint didYouMeanSuggestionNumber() const;
+ void setDidYouMeanSuggestionNumber(const uint &number);
+ void clear();
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceSearchQueryPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesearchreply.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacesearchreply.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae5d6e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesearchreply.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "qplacesearchreply.h"
+class QPlaceSearchReplyPrivate
+ QPlaceSearchReplyPrivate();
+ QList<QPlaceSearchResult> results;
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ \class QPlaceSearchReply
+ \brief The QPlaceSearchReply class manages a search operation started by an
+ instance of QPlaceManager.
+ \inmodule QtLocation
+ \ingroup places-main
+ Constructs a search reply with a given \a parent.
+QPlaceSearchReply::QPlaceSearchReply(QObject *parent)
+ : QPlaceReply(parent)
+ Destroys the search reply.
+ delete d;
+ Returns the type of reply.
+QPlaceReply::Type QPlaceSearchReply::type() const
+ return QPlaceReply::PlaceSearchReply;
+ /*!
+ Returns a list of search results;
+QList<QPlaceSearchResult> QPlaceSearchReply::results() const
+ return d->results;
+ Sets the list of search \a results.
+void QPlaceSearchReply::setResults(const QList<QPlaceSearchResult> &results)
+ d->results = results;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesearchreply.h b/src/location/places/qplacesearchreply.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aba562f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesearchreply.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "qplacereply.h"
+#include "qplacesearchresult.h"
+class QPlaceSearchReplyPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceSearchReply : public QPlaceReply
+ QPlaceSearchReply(QObject *parent =0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceSearchReply();
+ QPlaceReply::Type type() const;
+ QList<QPlaceSearchResult> results() const;
+ void setResults(const QList<QPlaceSearchResult> &results);
+ QPlaceSearchReplyPrivate *d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesearchresult.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacesearchresult.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7b886f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesearchresult.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#include "qplacesearchresult.h"
+#include "qplacesearchresult_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceSearchResultPrivate::QPlaceSearchResultPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceSearchResultPrivate::QPlaceSearchResultPrivate(const QPlaceSearchResultPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->additionalData = other.additionalData;
+ this->relevance = other.relevance;
+ this->distance = other.distance;
+ this->heading = other.heading;
+ this->matchType = other.matchType;
+ this->type = other.type;
+ this->place =;
+ this->dymString = other.dymString;
+bool QPlaceSearchResultPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceSearchResultPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->additionalData == other.additionalData
+ && this->relevance == other.relevance
+ && this->distance == other.distance
+ && this->heading == other.heading
+ && this->matchType == other.matchType
+ && this->type == other.type
+ && this->place ==
+ && this->dymString == other.dymString
+ );
+ \class QPlaceSearchResult
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceSearchResult class represents a search result object.
+ \ingroup places-main
+ Each QPlaceSearchResult represents a place with a number of attributes
+ such as distance, relevance, etc.
+ Default constructor. Constructs an new search result.
+ : d(new QPlaceSearchResultPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceSearchResult::QPlaceSearchResult(const QPlaceSearchResult &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceSearchResult &QPlaceSearchResult::operator =(const QPlaceSearchResult &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceSearchResult::operator==(const QPlaceSearchResult &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns relevance.
+qreal QPlaceSearchResult::relevance() const
+ return d->relevance;
+ Sets the \a relevance.
+void QPlaceSearchResult::setRelevance(const qreal &relevance)
+ d->relevance = relevance;
+ Returns the distance.
+qreal QPlaceSearchResult::distance() const
+ return d->distance;
+ Sets the \a distance.
+void QPlaceSearchResult::setDistance(const qreal &distance)
+ d->distance = distance;
+ Returns heading.
+qreal QPlaceSearchResult::heading() const
+ return d->heading;
+ Sets the \a heading.
+void QPlaceSearchResult::setHeading(const qreal &heading)
+ d->heading = heading;
+ Returns location match type.
+QPlaceSearchResult::LocationMatchType QPlaceSearchResult::matchType() const
+ return d->matchType;
+ Sets the location \a matchType.
+void QPlaceSearchResult::setLocationMatchType(const QPlaceSearchResult::LocationMatchType &matchType)
+ d->matchType = matchType;
+ Returns additional data.
+QVariantHash QPlaceSearchResult::additionalData() const
+ return d->additionalData;
+ Sets additional \a data.
+void QPlaceSearchResult::setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data)
+ d->additionalData = data;
+ Returns the place.
+QPlaceSearchResult::SearchResultType QPlaceSearchResult::type() const
+ return d->type;
+ Sets the \a place.
+void QPlaceSearchResult::setType(const QPlaceSearchResult::SearchResultType &type)
+ d->type = type;
+ Returns the place.
+QPlace QPlaceSearchResult::place() const
+ return d->place;
+ Sets the \a place.
+void QPlaceSearchResult::setPlace(const QPlace &place)
+ d->place = place;
+ Returns the "did you mean" string.
+QString QPlaceSearchResult::didYouMeanSuggestion() const
+ return d->dymString;
+ Sets the "did you mean" \a string.
+void QPlaceSearchResult::setDidYouMeanSuggestion(const QString &dymString)
+ d->dymString = dymString;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesearchresult.h b/src/location/places/qplacesearchresult.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbb6e778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesearchresult.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QString>
+#include "qplace.h"
+class QPlaceSearchResultPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceSearchResult
+ QPlaceSearchResult();
+ QPlaceSearchResult(const QPlaceSearchResult &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceSearchResult();
+ QPlaceSearchResult &operator=(const QPlaceSearchResult &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceSearchResult &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceSearchResult &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ enum LocationMatchType {
+ PointAddress,
+ Interpolated,
+ Undefined
+ };
+ enum SearchResultType {
+ Place,
+ DidYouMeanSuggestion,
+ Unassigned
+ };
+ qreal relevance() const;
+ void setRelevance(const qreal &relevance);
+ qreal distance() const;
+ void setDistance(const qreal &distance);
+ qreal heading() const;
+ void setHeading(const qreal &heading);
+ LocationMatchType matchType() const;
+ void setLocationMatchType(const LocationMatchType &matchType);
+ QVariantHash additionalData() const;
+ void setAdditionalData(const QVariantHash &data);
+ SearchResultType type() const;
+ void setType(const SearchResultType &type);
+ QPlace place() const;
+ void setPlace(const QPlace &place);
+ QString didYouMeanSuggestion() const;
+ void setDidYouMeanSuggestion(const QString &didYouMeanSuggestion);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceSearchResultPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesearchresult_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacesearchresult_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6fbdcf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesearchresult_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#include "qplacesearchresult.h"
+#include <QSharedData>
+class QPlaceSearchResultPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceSearchResultPrivate();
+ QPlaceSearchResultPrivate(const QPlaceSearchResultPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceSearchResultPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceSearchResultPrivate &other) const;
+ qreal relevance;
+ qreal distance;
+ qreal heading;
+ QPlaceSearchResult::LocationMatchType matchType;
+ QVariantHash additionalData;
+ QPlaceSearchResult::SearchResultType type;
+ QPlace place;
+ QString dymString;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesupplier.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacesupplier.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90a25eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesupplier.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#include "qplacesupplier.h"
+#include "qplacesupplier_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceSupplierPrivate::QPlaceSupplierPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceSupplierPrivate::QPlaceSupplierPrivate(const QPlaceSupplierPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->name =;
+ this->supplierId = other.supplierId;
+ this->url = other.url;
+ this->supplierIconURL = other.supplierIconURL;
+bool QPlaceSupplierPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceSupplierPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->name ==
+ && this->supplierId == other.supplierId
+ && this->url == other.url
+ && this->supplierIconURL == other.supplierIconURL
+ );
+ \class QPlaceSupplier
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QPlaceSupplier class represents a supplier object.
+ Each QPlaceSupplier represents a supplier object with a number of attributes
+ such as name, icon etc. Each QPlaceSupplier is associated with place, media, review or description.
+ Default constructor. Constructs an new supplier object.
+ : d(new QPlaceSupplierPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceSupplier::QPlaceSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceSupplier &QPlaceSupplier::operator =(const QPlaceSupplier &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceSupplier::operator==(const QPlaceSupplier &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns name.
+QString QPlaceSupplier::name() const
+ return d->name;
+ Sets name.
+void QPlaceSupplier::setName(const QString &data)
+ d->name = data;
+ Returns supplier id.
+QString QPlaceSupplier::supplierId() const
+ return d->supplierId;
+ Sets supplier id.
+void QPlaceSupplier::setSupplierId(const QString &data)
+ d->supplierId = data;
+ Returns URL.
+QString QPlaceSupplier::URL() const
+ return d->url;
+ Sets URL of the icon.
+void QPlaceSupplier::setURL(const QString &data)
+ d->url = data;
+ Returns URL of the icon.
+QString QPlaceSupplier::supplierIconURL() const
+ return d->supplierIconURL;
+ Sets URL of the icon.
+void QPlaceSupplier::setSupplierIconURL(const QString &data)
+ d->supplierIconURL = data;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesupplier.h b/src/location/places/qplacesupplier.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5a57bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesupplier.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+class QPlaceSupplierPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceSupplier
+ QPlaceSupplier();
+ QPlaceSupplier(const QPlaceSupplier &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceSupplier();
+ QPlaceSupplier &operator=(const QPlaceSupplier &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceSupplier &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceSupplier &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QString name() const;
+ void setName(const QString &data);
+ QString supplierId() const;
+ void setSupplierId(const QString &data);
+ QString URL() const;
+ void setURL(const QString &data);
+ QString supplierIconURL() const;
+ void setSupplierIconURL(const QString &data);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceSupplierPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacesupplier_p.h b/src/location/places/qplacesupplier_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbbd2efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacesupplier_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include <QString>
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplacesupplier.h"
+class QPlaceSupplierPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceSupplierPrivate();
+ QPlaceSupplierPrivate(const QPlaceSupplierPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceSupplierPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceSupplierPrivate &other) const;
+ QString name;
+ QString supplierId;
+ QString url;
+ QString supplierIconURL;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacetextpredictionreply.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacetextpredictionreply.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbef1fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacetextpredictionreply.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#include "qplacetextpredictionreply.h"
+class QPlaceTextPredictionReplyPrivate
+ QPlaceTextPredictionReplyPrivate(){};
+ QStringList textPredictions;
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+ \class QPlaceTextPredictionReply
+ \brief The QPlaceTextPredictionReply class manages a text prediction operation started by an
+ instance of QPlaceManager.
+ \inmodule QtLocation
+ \ingroup places-main
+ Constructs a text prediction reply with a given \a parent.
+QPlaceTextPredictionReply::QPlaceTextPredictionReply(QObject *parent)
+ : QPlaceReply(parent),
+ d(new QPlaceTextPredictionReplyPrivate)
+ Destroys the reply.
+ delete d;
+ Returns the text predictions.
+QStringList QPlaceTextPredictionReply::textPredictions() const
+ return d->textPredictions;
+ Returns type of reply.
+QPlaceReply::Type QPlaceTextPredictionReply::type() const
+ return QPlaceReply::TextPredictionReply;
+ Sets the text \a predictions.
+void QPlaceTextPredictionReply::setTextPredictions(const QStringList &predictions)
+ d->textPredictions = predictions;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacetextpredictionreply.h b/src/location/places/qplacetextpredictionreply.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9094b23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacetextpredictionreply.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "qplacereply.h"
+#include <QStringList>
+class QPlaceTextPredictionReplyPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceTextPredictionReply : public QPlaceReply
+ QPlaceTextPredictionReply(QObject *parent =0);
+ virtual ~QPlaceTextPredictionReply();
+ QStringList textPredictions() const;
+ Type type() const;
+ void setTextPredictions(const QStringList &predictions);
+ QPlaceTextPredictionReplyPrivate *d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceweekdayhours.cpp b/src/location/places/qplaceweekdayhours.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8efb4d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceweekdayhours.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#include "qplaceweekdayhours.h"
+#include "qplaceweekdayhours_p.h"
+using namespace QT_PLACES_NAMESPACE;
+QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate::QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate() : QSharedData()
+QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate::QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate(const QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate &other)
+ : QSharedData()
+ this->period = other.period;
+ this->weekday = other.weekday;
+bool QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate &other) const
+ return (
+ this->period == other.period
+ && this->weekday == other.weekday
+ );
+ \class QPlaces::QWeekdayHours
+ \inmodule QPlaces
+ \brief The QWeekdayHours class represents a day of week object.
+ It might contains hours information and day of the week that place is open.
+ Constructs an new weekday object.
+ : d(new QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate)
+ Constructs a copy of \a other
+QPlaceWeekdayHours::QPlaceWeekdayHours(const QPlaceWeekdayHours &other)
+ :d(other.d)
+ Destructor.
+QPlaceWeekdayHours &QPlaceWeekdayHours::operator =(const QPlaceWeekdayHours &other) {
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+bool QPlaceWeekdayHours::operator==(const QPlaceWeekdayHours &other) const
+ return (*(d.constData()) == *(other.d.constData()));
+ Returns period. Do not delete it.
+QPlacePeriod QPlaceWeekdayHours::period() const
+ return d->period;
+ Sets period.
+void QPlaceWeekdayHours::setPeriod(const QPlacePeriod &period)
+ d->period = period;
+ Returns day of the week.
+Qt::DayOfWeek QPlaceWeekdayHours::weekday() const
+ return d->weekday;
+ Sets weekday.
+void QPlaceWeekdayHours::setWeekday(const Qt::DayOfWeek &weekday)
+ d->weekday = weekday;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceweekdayhours.h b/src/location/places/qplaceweekdayhours.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92f1f22e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceweekdayhours.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include <QSharedDataPointer>
+#include "qplaceglobal.h"
+#include "qplaceperiod.h"
+class QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate;
+class Q_PLACES_EXPORT QPlaceWeekdayHours
+ QPlaceWeekdayHours();
+ QPlaceWeekdayHours(const QPlaceWeekdayHours &other);
+ virtual ~QPlaceWeekdayHours();
+ QPlaceWeekdayHours &operator=(const QPlaceWeekdayHours &other);
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceWeekdayHours &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QPlaceWeekdayHours &other) const {
+ return !(other == *this);
+ }
+ QPlacePeriod period() const;
+ void setPeriod(const QPlacePeriod &period);
+ Qt::DayOfWeek weekday() const;
+ void setWeekday(const Qt::DayOfWeek &weekday);
+ QSharedDataPointer<QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate> d;
diff --git a/src/location/places/qplaceweekdayhours_p.h b/src/location/places/qplaceweekdayhours_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f9c74fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/location/places/qplaceweekdayhours_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include <QSharedData>
+#include "qplaceweekdayhours.h"
+class QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate : public QSharedData
+ QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate();
+ QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate(const QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate &other);
+ ~QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate();
+ bool operator==(const QPlaceWeekdayHoursPrivate &other) const;
+ QPlacePeriod period;
+ Qt::DayOfWeek weekday;