path: root/src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_bipc.c
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authorAlex <>2011-05-06 12:59:37 +1000
committerAlex <>2011-05-06 12:59:37 +1000
commit31a6300090cf085c55ff43a999bdc8455d2f4b1b (patch)
tree75e7471720555ddd9409a58458faa48342583348 /src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_bipc.c
parent336c5619c03cd338142f827ffcdaca855e35096c (diff)
add snapshot of 3rdparty Proj library
support library for QtLocation
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_bipc.c')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_bipc.c b/src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_bipc.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cb74256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_bipc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#define PROJ_PARMS__ \
+ int noskew;
+#define PJ_LIB__
+# include <projects.h>
+PROJ_HEAD(bipc, "Bipolar conic of western hemisphere")
+ "\n\tConic Sph.";
+# define EPS 1e-10
+# define EPS10 1e-10
+# define ONEEPS 1.000000001
+# define NITER 10
+# define lamB -.34894976726250681539
+# define n .63055844881274687180
+# define F 1.89724742567461030582
+# define Azab .81650043674686363166
+# define Azba 1.82261843856185925133
+# define T 1.27246578267089012270
+# define rhoc 1.20709121521568721927
+# define cAzc .69691523038678375519
+# define sAzc .71715351331143607555
+# define C45 .70710678118654752469
+# define S45 .70710678118654752410
+# define C20 .93969262078590838411
+# define S20 -.34202014332566873287
+# define R110 1.91986217719376253360
+# define R104 1.81514242207410275904
+FORWARD(s_forward); /* spheroid */
+ double cphi, sphi, tphi, t, al, Az, z, Av, cdlam, sdlam, r;
+ int tag;
+ cphi = cos(lp.phi);
+ sphi = sin(lp.phi);
+ cdlam = cos(sdlam = lamB - lp.lam);
+ sdlam = sin(sdlam);
+ if (fabs(fabs(lp.phi) - HALFPI) < EPS10) {
+ Az = lp.phi < 0. ? PI : 0.;
+ tphi = HUGE_VAL;
+ } else {
+ tphi = sphi / cphi;
+ Az = atan2(sdlam , C45 * (tphi - cdlam));
+ }
+ if( (tag = (Az > Azba)) ) {
+ cdlam = cos(sdlam = lp.lam + R110);
+ sdlam = sin(sdlam);
+ z = S20 * sphi + C20 * cphi * cdlam;
+ if (fabs(z) > 1.) {
+ if (fabs(z) > ONEEPS) F_ERROR
+ else z = z < 0. ? -1. : 1.;
+ } else
+ z = acos(z);
+ if (tphi != HUGE_VAL)
+ Az = atan2(sdlam, (C20 * tphi - S20 * cdlam));
+ Av = Azab;
+ xy.y = rhoc;
+ } else {
+ z = S45 * (sphi + cphi * cdlam);
+ if (fabs(z) > 1.) {
+ if (fabs(z) > ONEEPS) F_ERROR
+ else z = z < 0. ? -1. : 1.;
+ } else
+ z = acos(z);
+ Av = Azba;
+ xy.y = -rhoc;
+ }
+ if (z < 0.) F_ERROR;
+ r = F * (t = pow(tan(.5 * z), n));
+ if ((al = .5 * (R104 - z)) < 0.) F_ERROR;
+ al = (t + pow(al, n)) / T;
+ if (fabs(al) > 1.) {
+ if (fabs(al) > ONEEPS) F_ERROR
+ else al = al < 0. ? -1. : 1.;
+ } else
+ al = acos(al);
+ if (fabs(t = n * (Av - Az)) < al)
+ r /= cos(al + (tag ? t : -t));
+ xy.x = r * sin(t);
+ xy.y += (tag ? -r : r) * cos(t);
+ if (P->noskew) {
+ t = xy.x;
+ xy.x = -xy.x * cAzc - xy.y * sAzc;
+ xy.y = -xy.y * cAzc + t * sAzc;
+ }
+ return (xy);
+INVERSE(s_inverse); /* spheroid */
+ double t, r, rp, rl, al, z, fAz, Az, s, c, Av;
+ int neg, i;
+ if (P->noskew) {
+ t = xy.x;
+ xy.x = -xy.x * cAzc + xy.y * sAzc;
+ xy.y = -xy.y * cAzc - t * sAzc;
+ }
+ if( (neg = (xy.x < 0.)) ) {
+ xy.y = rhoc - xy.y;
+ s = S20;
+ c = C20;
+ Av = Azab;
+ } else {
+ xy.y += rhoc;
+ s = S45;
+ c = C45;
+ Av = Azba;
+ }
+ rl = rp = r = hypot(xy.x, xy.y);
+ fAz = fabs(Az = atan2(xy.x, xy.y));
+ for (i = NITER; i ; --i) {
+ z = 2. * atan(pow(r / F,1 / n));
+ al = acos((pow(tan(.5 * z), n) +
+ pow(tan(.5 * (R104 - z)), n)) / T);
+ if (fAz < al)
+ r = rp * cos(al + (neg ? Az : -Az));
+ if (fabs(rl - r) < EPS)
+ break;
+ rl = r;
+ }
+ if (! i) I_ERROR;
+ Az = Av - Az / n;
+ lp.phi = asin(s * cos(z) + c * sin(z) * cos(Az));
+ lp.lam = atan2(sin(Az), c / tan(z) - s * cos(Az));
+ if (neg)
+ lp.lam -= R110;
+ else
+ lp.lam = lamB - lp.lam;
+ return (lp);
+FREEUP; if (P) pj_dalloc(P); }
+ P->noskew = pj_param(P->params, "bns").i;
+ P->inv = s_inverse;
+ P->fwd = s_forward;
+ P->es = 0.;