path: root/platform/darwin/test/MGLDocumentationExampleTests.swift
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [core] Render fill-extrusion layers (#8431)Lauren Budorick2017-04-271-0/+16
* [ios, macos] Update documentation examples to use new style functions (#7960)Jesse Bounds2017-02-081-8/+8
* [ios, macos] Testify MGLMapView gesture recognizer exampleMinh Nguyễn2017-01-251-0/+21
* [ios, macos] Add convenience initializers to shape source (#7665)Jesse Bounds2017-01-111-2/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This adds two new convenience initializers to MGLShapeSource: -initWithIdentifier:features:options: takes an array of shape objects that conform to MGLFeature, inserts them in a shape collection feature and creates a source with that shape. -initWithIdentifier:shapes:options does the same but with concrete MGLShape objects that get added to a shape collection. Throw an exception if an shape source is created with the features initializer but is sent an array of features that contains something that is not actually an object that conforms to the feature protocol. Updates to geojson data guide Qualify APIs that take arrays of shapes that are features
* [ios, macos] Make property nullable (#7664)Minh Nguyễn2017-01-111-24/+24
| | | | | | | | | | | | * [ios, macos] Made property nullable MGLMapView’s style property is now nullable (optional in Swift). The property is set to nil while the style loads and in the event that the style has failed to load. * [ios, macos] Switch to delegate method * [macos] Create MGLMapView programmatically for layer tests When MGLMapView is created via a nib, -initWithCoder: is called, causing styleURL to be set to nil, in turn causing the default Streets style to be loaded, fooling MGLStyleLayerTests into thinking one-line has been loaded. Instead, create MGLMapView programmatically, passing the intended style URL into the initializer, preventing Streets from being loaded.
* [ios, macos] Added MGLShape from GeoJSON exampleMinh Nguyễn2017-01-091-0/+12
| | | | Added an example of deserializing an MGLShape from a GeoJSON file.
* [ios, macos] -translate → -translationMinh Nguyễn2017-01-071-2/+2
* [ios, macos] Renamed text-field, text-font, text-font-size, circle-pitch-scaleMinh Nguyễn2017-01-071-1/+1
| | | | Reduced the likelihood that the developer might attempt to set textField to an NSTextField or UITextField, or textFont to an NSFont or UIFont, or textSize to a CGSize or NSSize, or circlePitchScale to a number (given iconScale).
* [ios, macos] Insert example code in original headers (#7569)Minh Nguyễn2017-01-041-0/+209
* [ios, macos] Removed extraneous code fences * [ios] Streamlined example delimiters Use test method names as names of example blocks and test method documentation comments as front matter for examples. Set off example blocks using a syntax similar to playground markup syntax. Avoid hard-coding indentation levels. Trigger Xcode build error when an error occurs in the script. * [ios] Removed platform-specific code from examples * [ios] Fixed logic error The comment said 200 while the code said 1,500. * [ios] Formalize build phase input * [ios] Insert examples into original source documentation Rewrote the example code insertion script to work on the original source files and overwrite any existing code examples on the same symbols. The script uses SourceKitten to find the documentation comment for the symbol named by the test method. Replaced the Run Script build phase that runs the example code insertion script with a make rule that runs the same script. Inlined skeleton examples minus the contents of the code blocks. * [ios] Fixed syntax error * [ios] Ran ios-add-examples-to-docs * [ios] Avoid touching unchanged headers * [ios] Refactored example insertion script * [ios] Point jazzy at original sources * [ios] Invoke SourceKitten only once * [ios] Look for methods as well as properties * [ios] Thoroughly search for code blocks in doc comments Refactored the example code insertion script to index test methods by their names, then recursively search the SourceKitten output for documentation comments that contain Swift code blocks, replacing each code block with the associated test method body. * [ios, macos] Enabled example insertion for macOS The example code insertion script is now platform-agnostic. * [ios, macos] Fixed documentation example tests Set the map view’s style to a minimal local JSON file. Wait for the style to finish loading before running each test. Corrected CGVector type. * [ios, macos] Dry run mode The output of this mode isn’t a good indicator of whether any files would’ve needed to be changed, because the presence of a conditional compilation block in one of the test methods means this script would always change and revert the corresponding comment. * [ios] Fixed test failure The iOS implementation of MGLMapView tries to show the Streets style by default even if no access token has been set. Avoid a race condition and frequent test failure by specifying the minimal style on initialization. * [ios, macos] Ensure SourceKitten is installed before inserting example code * [ios, macos] Tear down map view after each test Keep map views from previous tests from hanging around, potentially obscuring the result of a subsequent test. Set the access token to a bogus token upfront for all style layer tests. Unified MGLStyle usage within MGLStyleTests. * [ios, macos] Reinsert examples after generating runtime styling headers