path: root/platform/darwin/test/MGLDocumentationExampleTests.swift
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [core] Render fill-extrusion layers (#8431)Lauren Budorick2017-04-271-0/+16
* [ios, macos] Update documentation examples to use new style functions (#7960)Jesse Bounds2017-02-081-8/+8
* [ios, macos] Testify MGLMapView gesture recognizer exampleMinh Nguyễn2017-01-251-0/+21
* [ios, macos] Add convenience initializers to shape source (#7665)Jesse Bounds2017-01-111-2/+1
* [ios, macos] Make property nullable (#7664)Minh Nguyễn2017-01-111-24/+24
* [ios, macos] Added MGLShape from GeoJSON exampleMinh Nguyễn2017-01-091-0/+12
* [ios, macos] -translate → -translationMinh Nguyễn2017-01-071-2/+2
* [ios, macos] Renamed text-field, text-font, text-font-size, circle-pitch-scaleMinh Nguyễn2017-01-071-1/+1
* [ios, macos] Insert example code in original headers (#7569)Minh Nguyễn2017-01-041-0/+209