path: root/platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/main/res/layout/activity_scroll_by.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [android] - remove style config from mapboxMapOptions and attributestobrun2018-12-101-1/+0
* Solve lint issues, reduce baseline (#9627)Tobrun2017-07-281-5/+9
* [android] - enforce usage bitmap for icon, cleanup test app resources (#7906)Tobrun2017-02-041-1/+1
* [android] - remove deprecated emerald (#7767)Tobrun2017-01-181-1/+1
* [android] - rename attributes (#6894)Tobrun2016-11-071-4/+4
* Prefix library resources to avoid naming conflicts (#6878)Tobrun2016-11-021-4/+4
* 5859 generate sanity tests (#5870)Tobrun2016-08-171-8/+8
* [android] #5004 - Introducing MapboxAccountManagerBrad Leege2016-05-151-1/+0
* [android] #4365 - enforce best practices map startupTobrun2016-03-241-0/+5
* [android] #3752 - added scroll by x,y feature, introduced new CameraUpdateTy...Tobrun2016-02-031-0/+99