path: root/Makefile
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [Qt] Build the Qt portThiago Marcos P. Santos2016-04-201-0/+18
* [ios, osx] Override user workspace settingsMinh Nguyễn2016-04-191-1/+7
* [ios] Build output goes to build/iosJohn Firebaugh2016-04-191-5/+4
* [osx] Build output goes to build/osxJohn Firebaugh2016-04-191-5/+4
* [ios, osx] Eliminate use of main.mkJohn Firebaugh2016-04-191-6/+27
* [build] `make clean` can now remove build directory wholesaleJohn Firebaugh2016-04-181-2/+2
* [osx] Moved SDK from gyp into Xcode projectMinh Nguyễn2016-04-161-11/+12
| | | | | | | | Added a new Cocoa dynamic framework target target to the main OS X Xcode project. The target is based on the template provided by Xcode. It contains headers and source files in the darwin/ and osx/ subdirectories. Headers are explicitly marked public or project-internal instead of implicitly by subdirectory. Removed the osxsdk target from platform.gypi. The SDK target has a few dependencies that are managed by mason. Transform the config.gypi generated by configure into an .xcconfig file that Xcode uses to fill in compiler and linker flags. Added a CI scheme that builds the All aggregate target generated by gyp and the osxapp and SDK test targets.
* [osx] Added Xcode project for osxappMinh Nguyễn2016-04-161-1/+3
| | | | | | | | osx.xcodeproj is an ordinary Xcode project with an ordinary Xcode target for osxapp, contained in an ordinary Xcode workspace that happens to also reference the gyp-generated platform.xcodeproj. The osxapp target links to and embeds Mapbox.framework, which is a product of the gyp-generated platform.xcodeproj. Moved XIBs into Base.lproj and icons into an asset catalog. Shared an Objective-C exception breakpoint, disabled by default.
* [ios] Force workspace-relative DerivedDataMinh Nguyễn2016-04-161-1/+4
| | | | | | A workspace places derived data under ~/Library/ by default. We need it to live under build/ for all users. Instead of a legacy-style build products directory, force a workspace-relative DerivedData directory that matches the standard Xcode 4+ layout. Share the workspace settings file that forces the setting. Note that Xcode places its build and index output one level deeper than xcodebuild does. Also fixed make ipackage-sim by conditionalizing anything related to the .dSYM file, which isn’t generated in the Debug configuration.
* [ios] Build for 64-bit simulatorMinh Nguyễn2016-04-161-2/+2
* [ios] Specify simulator deviceMinh Nguyễn2016-04-161-2/+2
| | | | The default is iPhone 4 running iOS 8.1, which doesn’t seem to be the intended device.
* [ios] Fixed make test-iosMinh Nguyễn2016-04-161-2/+2
| | | | | | For some reason, the SDK tests are less accurate when run on the command line than when run in Xcode or on OS X. Also fixed unused variable warnings in the tests.
* [ios] Run SDK tests on CIMinh Nguyễn2016-04-161-0/+5
| | | | Added SDK tests to make test-ios rule. Disabled code coverage.
* [ios] Build CI-specific scheme in CIMinh Nguyễn2016-04-161-2/+3
| | | | The new scheme builds both the All aggregate target generated by gyp and the iosapp target.
* [ios] Moved SDK from gyp into Xcode projectMinh Nguyễn2016-04-161-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Added a new Cocoa Touch dynamic framework target and Cocoa Touch static library target to the main iOS Xcode project. The targets are based on the templates provided by Xcode. They contain headers and source files in the darwin/ and ios/ subdirectories. Headers are explicitly marked public or project-internal instead of implicitly by subdirectory. The SDK targets have a few dependencies that are managed by mason. Transform the config.gypi generated by configure into an .xcconfig file that Xcode uses to fill in compiler and linker flags. Removed the iossdk target from platform.gypi and pared down the platform-lib target. make iproj opens the overall Xcode workspace instead of just the core project. Resolved some warnings that are only now appearing because we’re using the standard warning and error flags instead of the pedantic and somewhat inappropriate flags that were forced by the gyp configuration files. Removed a console message informing developers of a long-ago deleted delegate method; the message was triggering a “selector not found” warning. Conditionalized some deprecated symbol usage that’s still needed for the static framework but not the dynamic framework, due to differing minimum deployment targets. Added a build phase to the static library target that copies headers for use with the static library itself. This would allow us to potentially include a header in the dynamic framework but not the static library and vice-versa. Updated the changelog to note that unused SVG files have been removed from the distribution.
* [osx] Yet another attempt at getting crash tracesJohn Firebaugh2016-04-121-1/+2
* [ios] Build only i386John Firebaugh2016-04-111-1/+3
* [ios] Use the same build configuration for `make ios` and `make test-ios`John Firebaugh2016-04-111-7/+6
* [ios, osx] The return of xcpretty, part II (#4676)John Firebaugh2016-04-111-4/+4
* [osx] Add remaining gypi dependencies to MakefileJohn Firebaugh2016-04-111-1/+1
* [osx] Print crash diagnosticsJohn Firebaugh2016-04-111-1/+1
* [ios] Run core unit tests in CIJohn Firebaugh2016-04-111-6/+10
* [build] run-*glfw-app should depend on glfw-appBruno de Oliveira Abinader2016-04-111-2/+2
* [build] Add some dependencies to the MakefileJohn Firebaugh2016-04-081-2/+2
* [build] Refactor and simplify build systemJohn Firebaugh2016-04-071-129/+73
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Main gyp files are now standardized as platform/<platform>/platform.gyp. * Each platform gyp file defines appropriate loop_lib and headless_lib variables. * Each platform gyp file includes mbgl.gypi, which defines base targets which may be useful to all platforms. * CI targets are consistent across platforms: `make $(PLATFORM) && make test-$(PLATFORM)`. * Renamed the "linux" test app to "glfw". It's now built in OS X CI. * Android build flakiness is fixed. * iOS CI builds the bench and iosapp targets. * Mesa version is now in one place. * CI scripts use bash "strict mode" and correct error handling. * All build output goes to the build directory. * Removed vestigial iOS/OS X/Android Travis scripts.
* [node] always use LOOP=uv for node bindingsKonstantin Käfer2016-04-041-1/+1
* [build] Fix/simplify ios, isim, and ibench targetsJohn Firebaugh2016-04-041-10/+6
* [build] Apply Makefile changes for {ios,isim,ibench}Bruno de Oliveira Abinader2016-04-041-4/+8
| | | | | Prevents the following error output on Linux: Makefile:73: *** recipe commences before first target. Stop.
* [build] Be not afraid of standard Makefile syntax, whitespace, and build outputJohn Firebaugh2016-04-021-76/+146
* [ios, osx] Replace libuv with native implementationsJohn Firebaugh2016-04-011-2/+2
* Merge branch 'release-ios-3.2.0-android-4.0.0'John Firebaugh2016-03-301-3/+3
| * [ios] Fix issues with static lib signing and app store submissionJesse Bounds2016-03-281-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Fix issues with static build configuration that caused it to be problematic for host applications when they were installed on device. Also fixes issues that broke the iTunes Connect validation and upload process. This also updates the `binary` instructions in to reflect these changes.
| * [android] Build ARMv8 on the `apackage` targetThiago Marcos P. Santos2016-03-171-1/+1
| | | | | | | | Follow-up of 51a3907.
* | [android] Clean TestApp jniLibs (fixes #4408)John Firebaugh2016-03-231-0/+1
| |
* | [android] Build ARMv8 on the `apackage` targetThiago Marcos P. Santos2016-03-171-1/+1
|/ | | | Follow-up of 51a3907.
* [ios] Non-embedded static frameworkMinh Nguyễn2016-03-081-0/+1
| | | | | | Added a new ifabric Make target for packaging up a static framework similar to the one released as 3.0.1. Place artwork and certificate assets inside Mapbox.bundle inside Mapbox.framework. Link SystemConfiguration in the umbrella header. Distinguish between the framework bundle and the resources bundle. For the dynamic frameworks and embedded static frameworks, the two are the same; for the non-embedded static framework, the latter resides inside the former.
* [gyp] Coverage only if BUILDTYPE=Debug and ENABLE_COVERAGE=1Bruno de Oliveira Abinader2016-02-211-0/+1
| | | | | | | | Coverage compiler and linker flags are used only when (1) in debug build and (2) with ENABLE_COVERAGE set to 1. Besides, because OS X's libtool is unable to understand '--coverage', this linker flag is only used genrating executable targets. Also, using 'link_settings' to specify linker options and separate instructions for OSX and Linux.
* [tests] Upload coverage reports to coveralls.ioBruno de Oliveira Abinader2016-02-201-0/+1
* [build] make clean shouldn't delete Xcode projectsJohn Firebaugh2016-02-191-1/+1
| | | | Fixes #2493
* [build] Remove obsolete directories from make cleanJohn Firebaugh2016-02-191-6/+1
* [tests] Use ENABLE_COVERAGE=1 envvar to enable coverageBruno de Oliveira Abinader2016-02-191-1/+1
| | | | This detaches coverage data collection from typical debug build.
* [tests] Added coverage report target 'check'Bruno de Oliveira Abinader2016-02-181-0/+3
| | | | | Issuing 'make check' now collects unit tests coverage data and generates a report in HTML.
* [build] Build `offline` smoke test for LinuxThiago Marcos P. Santos2016-02-111-0/+1
* Add binary for smoke-testing offline downloadsJohn Firebaugh2016-02-101-4/+4
* [ios] Split API index from package readmeMinh Nguyễn2016-01-221-1/+1
| | | | The API index page serves a different purpose than the readme. It doesn’t need installation instructions, but it does need a brief What’s New section.
* [ios] make idocumentMinh Nguyễn2016-01-221-0/+1
| | | | Split API documentation generation into a separate make target that can be run independently of building the SDK.
* [ios] Refactored build scriptsMinh Nguyễn2016-01-221-3/+4
| | | | | | now recognizes several environment variables through make that influence the build settings and targets. Info.plist variables are substituted with the correct values in both the static and dynamic frameworks. Fixes #3656.
* [ios] Converted iOS SDK into dynamic frameworkMinh Nguyễn2016-01-221-3/+1
| | | | | | | | | | make iproj now produces a target that pulls together static libraries like core and platform-ios into a real dynamic framework. iosapp is pretty much just a regular iOS application that links Mapbox.framework (except for the inclusion of default_styles.hpp). iosapp runs fine in the Simulator and on a device, and the same is true for any application linking against Mapbox.framework. The ipackage target produces both a Bitcode-disabled static framework and a Bitcode-enabled dynamic framework, eliminating the need for a separate It disables code signing, since that happens on copy when the framework is embedded inside the application bundle. It also merges the device and simulator builds into a single fat framework. Also bumped itest minimum deployment target to iOS 8.0, the first version that supports linking frameworks. Fixes #828.
* [android] Fixed x86_64 crash on startup: no implementation previously for ↵Anton Malinskiy2016-01-071-1/+1
| | | | cache's get/bind by chrono's seconds for x86_64. Explicitly cast to int64_t
* [osx] Unit testsMinh Nguyễn2015-12-241-1/+2
| | | | Added an XCTest bundle to the osxsdk scheme. It contains some basic tests of shared iOS/OS X code.