path: root/vendor/nunicode/src/libnu/strcoll.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/nunicode/src/libnu/strcoll.c')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/nunicode/src/libnu/strcoll.c b/vendor/nunicode/src/libnu/strcoll.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d631f66343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/nunicode/src/libnu/strcoll.c
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <libnu/defines.h>
+#include <libnu/ducet.h>
+#include <libnu/strcoll.h>
+#include <libnu/strcoll_internal.h>
+#if (defined NU_WITH_Z_COLLATION) || (defined NU_WITH_N_COLLATION)
+int32_t _compound_weight(int32_t w,
+ const char **encoded, const char *limit,
+ nu_read_iterator_t read, nu_compound_read_t com,
+ const char **tail,
+ nu_codepoint_weight_t weight, void *context) {
+ const char *tailp = *tail;
+ const char *p = *encoded;
+ int32_t new_w = w;
+ int32_t consumed = 1; /* one codepoint was consumed at the top of the stack (_nu_strcoll) */
+ while (p < limit) {
+ uint32_t u = 0;
+ const char *np = com(p, limit, read, &u, &tailp);
+ new_w = weight(u, &w, context);
+ /* after this point, w might hold rollback value
+ * and new_w holds actual weight */
+ ++consumed;
+ if (new_w >= 0) {
+ /* if w == 0 or w == 1, then *p or *np is already pointing
+ * to needed place, otherwise re-read encoded in the forward
+ * direction preserving correctness of tail pointer */
+ if (w != 0 && w != 1) {
+ assert(consumed + w > 1);
+ np = *encoded;
+ tailp = *tail;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < consumed - w; ++i) {
+ np = com(np, limit, read, 0, &tailp);
+ }
+ w = 0;
+ }
+ *encoded = (w == 0 ? np : p);
+ *tail = tailp;
+ break;
+ }
+ p = np;
+ w = new_w;
+ }
+ if (new_w < 0) {
+ new_w = weight(0, &w, context);
+ }
+ assert(new_w >= 0);
+ return new_w;
+int _nu_strcoll(const char *lhs, const char *lhs_limit,
+ const char *rhs, const char *rhs_limit,
+ nu_read_iterator_t it1, nu_read_iterator_t it2,
+ nu_compound_read_t com1, nu_compound_read_t com2,
+ nu_codepoint_weight_t weight, void *context,
+ ssize_t *collated_left, ssize_t *collated_right) {
+ int cmp = 0;
+ const char *lp = lhs, *rp = rhs;
+ const char *ltailp = 0, *rtailp = 0;
+ uint32_t u1 = 0, u2 = 0;
+ while ((lp < lhs_limit && rp < rhs_limit)
+ || (ltailp != 0 && rp < rhs_limit)
+ || (rtailp != 0 && lp < lhs_limit)) {
+ lp = com1(lp, lhs_limit, it1, &u1, &ltailp);
+ rp = com2(rp, rhs_limit, it2, &u2, &rtailp);
+ /* if contractions are disabled, then same codepoints
+ * will produce same weights and there is no need
+ * to weight each, i.e. weight(u1) == weight(u2) and
+ * collation may proceed to next codepoints */
+ if (u1 != u2) {
+ int32_t w1 = weight(u1, 0, context);
+ int32_t w2 = weight(u2, 0, context);
+ if (w1 < 0) {
+ w1 = _compound_weight(w1, &lp, lhs_limit,
+ it1, com1, &ltailp,
+ weight, context);
+ }
+ if (w2 < 0) {
+ w2 = _compound_weight(w2, &rp, rhs_limit,
+ it2, com2, &rtailp,
+ weight, context);
+ }
+ assert(w1 >= 0);
+ assert(w2 >= 0);
+ if (w1 < w2) {
+ cmp = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (w1 > w2) {
+ cmp = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (u1 == 0 || u2 == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* collated_left and collated_right should count
+ * number of successfully collated bytes, not taking
+ * into account limits. therefore if cmp != 0,
+ * number of collated bytes is decreased by (at least) 1
+ * and cmp is limits-fixed afterwards */
+ if (collated_left != 0) {
+ *collated_left = (lp - lhs) - (cmp == 0 ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ if (collated_right != 0) {
+ *collated_right = (rp - rhs) - (cmp == 0 ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ if (cmp == 0) {
+ if (rp < rhs_limit && lp >= lhs_limit) {
+ cmp = -1;
+ }
+ else if (lp < lhs_limit && rp >= rhs_limit) {
+ cmp = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp;
+const char* _nu_strchr(const char *lhs, const char *lhs_limit,
+ uint32_t c, nu_read_iterator_t read,
+ nu_compound_read_t com,
+ nu_casemapping_t casemap, nu_read_iterator_t casemap_read) {
+ const char *p = lhs;
+ const char *tail = 0;
+ uint32_t u = 0;
+ const char *rhs = 0;
+ if (casemap != 0) {
+ rhs = casemap(c);
+ if (rhs != 0) {
+ rhs = casemap_read(rhs, &c); /* read new lead codepoint */
+ }
+ }
+ while (p < lhs_limit) {
+ const char *np = com(p, lhs_limit, read, &u, &tail);
+ if (u == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (u == c) {
+ if (rhs == 0) {
+ return p;
+ }
+ /* rhs != 0 */
+ const char *rp = rhs;
+ uint32_t u2 = 0;
+ do {
+ rp = casemap_read(rp, &u2);
+ if (u2 == 0) {
+ return p; /* succ exit point */
+ }
+ if (np >= lhs_limit) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ np = com(np, lhs_limit, read, &u, &tail);
+ if (u == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (u != u2) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (u2 != 0);
+ }
+ p = np;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const char* _nu_strrchr(const char *encoded, const char *limit,
+ uint32_t c, nu_read_iterator_t read,
+ nu_compound_read_t com,
+ nu_casemapping_t casemap, nu_read_iterator_t casemap_read) {
+ /* there is probably not much sense in finding string end by decoding it
+ * and then reverse read string again to find last codepoint, therefore
+ * this is a sequence of _nu_strchr() in forward direction
+ *
+ * please let me know if i'm wrong */
+ const char *p = encoded;
+ const char *last = 0;
+ while (p < limit) {
+ p = _nu_strchr(p, limit, c, read, com, casemap, casemap_read);
+ if (p == 0) {
+ return last;
+ }
+ last = p;
+ p = read(p, 0); /* skip one codepoint and continue */
+ }
+ return last;
+const char* _nu_strstr(const char *haystack, const char *haystack_limit,
+ const char *needle, const char *needle_limit,
+ nu_read_iterator_t it1, nu_read_iterator_t it2,
+ nu_compound_read_t com1, nu_compound_read_t com2,
+ nu_casemapping_t casemap, nu_read_iterator_t casemap_read,
+ nu_codepoint_weight_t weight, void *context) {
+ uint32_t n0 = 0;
+ if (needle_limit != needle) {
+ it2(needle, &n0);
+ }
+ if (needle_limit == needle || n0 == 0) {
+ return haystack;
+ }
+ ssize_t needle_len = (needle_limit != NU_UNLIMITED
+ ? (needle_limit - needle)
+ : nu_strbytelen(needle, it2));
+ const char *h0 = haystack;
+ do {
+ h0 = _nu_strchr(h0, haystack_limit,
+ n0, it1,
+ com1,
+ casemap, casemap_read);
+ if (h0 == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ssize_t collated_left = 0, collated_right = 0;
+ _nu_strcoll(h0, haystack_limit, needle, needle_limit,
+ it1, it2,
+ com1, com2,
+ weight, context,
+ &collated_left, &collated_right);
+ /* it doesn't matter what collate result is
+ * if whole needle was successfully collated */
+ if (collated_right >= needle_len) {
+ return h0;
+ }
+ /* skip one codepoint in haystack */
+ if (h0 < haystack_limit) {
+ h0 = it1(h0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ while (h0 != 0 && h0 < haystack_limit);
+ return 0;
+const char* nu_strchr(const char *encoded, uint32_t c, nu_read_iterator_t read) {
+ return _nu_strchr(encoded, NU_UNLIMITED,
+ c, read,
+ nu_default_compound_read,
+ 0, 0);
+const char* nu_strcasechr(const char *encoded, uint32_t c, nu_read_iterator_t read) {
+ return _nu_strchr(encoded, NU_UNLIMITED,
+ c, read,
+ nu_nocase_compound_read,
+ NU_FOLDING_FUNCTION, nu_casemap_read);
+const char* nu_strrchr(const char *encoded, uint32_t c, nu_read_iterator_t read) {
+ return _nu_strrchr(encoded, NU_UNLIMITED,
+ c, read,
+ nu_default_compound_read,
+ 0, 0);
+const char* nu_strrcasechr(const char *encoded, uint32_t c, nu_read_iterator_t read) {
+ return _nu_strrchr(encoded, NU_UNLIMITED, c, read,
+ nu_nocase_compound_read,
+ NU_FOLDING_FUNCTION, nu_casemap_read);
+int nu_strcoll(const char *s1, const char *s2,
+ nu_read_iterator_t s1_read, nu_read_iterator_t s2_read) {
+ return _nu_strcoll(s1, NU_UNLIMITED, s2, NU_UNLIMITED,
+ s1_read, s2_read,
+ nu_default_compound_read, nu_default_compound_read,
+ nu_ducet_weight, 0,
+ 0, 0);
+int nu_strcasecoll(const char *s1, const char *s2,
+ nu_read_iterator_t s1_read, nu_read_iterator_t s2_read) {
+ return _nu_strcoll(s1, NU_UNLIMITED, s2, NU_UNLIMITED,
+ s1_read, s2_read,
+ nu_nocase_compound_read, nu_nocase_compound_read,
+ nu_ducet_weight, 0,
+ 0, 0);
+const char* nu_strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle,
+ nu_read_iterator_t haystack_read, nu_read_iterator_t needle_read) {
+ return _nu_strstr(haystack, NU_UNLIMITED, needle, NU_UNLIMITED,
+ haystack_read, needle_read,
+ nu_default_compound_read, nu_default_compound_read,
+ 0, 0,
+ nu_ducet_weight, 0);
+const char* nu_strcasestr(const char *haystack, const char *needle,
+ nu_read_iterator_t haystack_read, nu_read_iterator_t needle_read) {
+ return _nu_strstr(haystack, NU_UNLIMITED, needle, NU_UNLIMITED,
+ haystack_read, needle_read,
+ nu_nocase_compound_read, nu_nocase_compound_read,
+ NU_FOLDING_FUNCTION, nu_casemap_read,
+ nu_ducet_weight, 0);
+#endif /* NU_WITH_Z_COLLATION */
+const char* nu_strnchr(const char *encoded, size_t max_len, uint32_t c, nu_read_iterator_t read) {
+ return _nu_strchr(encoded, encoded + max_len,
+ c, read,
+ nu_default_compound_read,
+ 0, 0);
+const char* nu_strcasenchr(const char *encoded, size_t max_len, uint32_t c, nu_read_iterator_t read) {
+ return _nu_strchr(encoded, encoded + max_len,
+ c, read,
+ nu_nocase_compound_read,
+ NU_FOLDING_FUNCTION, nu_casemap_read);
+const char* nu_strrnchr(const char *encoded, size_t max_len, uint32_t c, nu_read_iterator_t read) {
+ return _nu_strrchr(encoded, encoded + max_len,
+ c, read,
+ nu_default_compound_read,
+ 0, 0);
+const char* nu_strrcasenchr(const char *encoded, size_t max_len, uint32_t c,
+ nu_read_iterator_t read) {
+ return _nu_strrchr(encoded, encoded + max_len,
+ c, read,
+ nu_nocase_compound_read,
+ NU_FOLDING_FUNCTION, nu_casemap_read);
+int nu_strncoll(const char *s1, size_t s1_max_len,
+ const char *s2, size_t s2_max_len,
+ nu_read_iterator_t s1_read, nu_read_iterator_t s2_read) {
+ return _nu_strcoll(s1, s1 + s1_max_len, s2, s2 + s2_max_len,
+ s1_read, s2_read,
+ nu_default_compound_read, nu_default_compound_read,
+ nu_ducet_weight, 0,
+ 0, 0);
+int nu_strcasencoll(const char *s1, size_t s1_max_len,
+ const char *s2, size_t s2_max_len,
+ nu_read_iterator_t s1_read, nu_read_iterator_t s2_read) {
+ return _nu_strcoll(s1, s1 + s1_max_len, s2, s2 + s2_max_len,
+ s1_read, s2_read,
+ nu_nocase_compound_read, nu_nocase_compound_read,
+ nu_ducet_weight, 0,
+ 0, 0);
+const char* nu_strnstr(const char *haystack, size_t haystack_max_len,
+ const char *needle, size_t needle_max_len,
+ nu_read_iterator_t haystack_read, nu_read_iterator_t needle_read) {
+ return _nu_strstr(haystack, haystack + haystack_max_len,
+ needle, needle + needle_max_len,
+ haystack_read, needle_read,
+ nu_default_compound_read, nu_default_compound_read,
+ 0, 0,
+ nu_ducet_weight, 0);
+const char* nu_strcasenstr(const char *haystack, size_t haystack_max_len,
+ const char *needle, size_t needle_max_len,
+ nu_read_iterator_t haystack_read, nu_read_iterator_t needle_read) {
+ return _nu_strstr(haystack, haystack + haystack_max_len,
+ needle, needle + needle_max_len,
+ haystack_read, needle_read,
+ nu_nocase_compound_read, nu_nocase_compound_read,
+ NU_FOLDING_FUNCTION, nu_casemap_read,
+ nu_ducet_weight, 0);
+#endif /* NU_WITH_N_COLLATION */