path: root/test/fixtures/resources/source_vector.json
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/fixtures/resources/source_vector.json')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/fixtures/resources/source_vector.json b/test/fixtures/resources/source_vector.json
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index 0000000000..db516f9f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/resources/source_vector.json
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+{"attribution":"<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">&copy; Mapbox</a> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">&copy; OpenStreetMap</a> <a class=\"mapbox-improve-map\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Improve this map</a>","bounds":[-180,-85.0511,180,85.0511],"center":[0,0,0],"format":"pbf","maxzoom":15,"minzoom":0,"name":"Mapbox Streets V6 + Vector Terrain V2","scheme":"xyz","tilejson":"2.0.0","tiles":["test/fixtures/resources/vector.pbf"],"vector_layers":[{"description":"Generalized landcover classification","fields":{"class":"One of: wood, scrub, grass, crop, snow"},"id":"landcover","maxzoom":22,"minzoom":0},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: shadow, highlight","level":"Brightness %. One of: 94, 90, 89, 78, 67, 56"},"id":"hillshade","maxzoom":22,"minzoom":0},{"description":"Elevation contour polygons","fields":{"ele":"Integer. The elevation of the contour in meters.","index":"Indicator for every 2nd, 5th, or 10th contour. Coastlines are given -1. One of: 2, 5, 10, -1, null"},"id":"contour","maxzoom":22,"minzoom":0},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: cemetery, hospital, industrial, park, parking, pitch, sand, school, wood","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","type":"OSM tag, more specific than class"},"id":"landuse"},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: river, canal, stream, stream_intermittent, ditch, drain","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","type":"One of: river, canal, stream, ditch, drain"},"id":"waterway"},{"description":"","fields":{"osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number"},"id":"water"},{"description":"","fields":{"osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","type":"One of: runway, taxiway, apron"},"id":"aeroway"},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: fence, hedge, cliff, gate","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number"},"id":"barrier_line"},{"description":"","fields":{"osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number"},"id":"building"},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: wetland, wetland_noveg","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number"},"id":"landuse_overlay"},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: motorway, motorway_link, main, street, street_limited, service, driveway, path, major_rail, minor_rail, aerialway","layer":"Number used for ordering overlapping tunnels","oneway":"Number. Oneway roads are 1, all others are 0.","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","type":"The value of the tunnel's highway tag"},"id":"tunnel"},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: motorway, motorway_link, main, street, street_limited, service, driveway, path, major_rail, minor_rail, aerialway","oneway":"Number. Oneway roads are 1, all others are 0.","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","type":"The value of the road's highway tag"},"id":"road"},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: motorway, motorway_link, main, street, street_limited, service, driveway, path, major_rail, minor_rail, aerialway","layer":"Number used for ordering overlapping bridges","oneway":"Number. Oneway bridges are 1, all others are 0.","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","type":"The value of the bridge's highway tag"},"id":"bridge"},{"description":"","fields":{"admin_level":"The OSM administrative level of the boundary","disputed":"Number. Disputed boundaries are 1, all others are 0.","maritime":"Number. Maritime boundaries are 1, all others are 0."},"id":"admin"},{"description":"","fields":{"code":"ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code","name":"Local name of the country","name_de":"German name of the country","name_en":"English name of the country","name_es":"Spanish name of the country","name_fr":"French name of the country","name_ru":"Russian name of the country","name_zh":"Chinese name of the country","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","parent":"ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code of the administering/parent state, if any","scalerank":"Number, 1-6. Useful for styling text sizes.","type":"One of: country, territory, disputed territory, sar"},"id":"country_label"},{"description":"","fields":{"labelrank":"Number, 1-6. Useful for styling text sizes.","name":"Local or international name of the water body","name_de":"German name of the water body","name_en":"English name of the water body","name_es":"Spanish name of the water body","name_fr":"French name of the water body","name_ru":"Russian name of the water body","name_zh":"Chinese name of the water body","placement":"One of: point, line"},"id":"marine_label"},{"description":"","fields":{"abbr":"Abbreviated state name","area":"The area of the state in kilometers²","name":"Local name of the state","name_de":"German name of the state","name_en":"English name of the state","name_es":"Spanish name of the state","name_fr":"French name of the state","name_ru":"Russian name of the state","name_zh":"Chinese name of the state","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number"},"id":"state_label"},{"description":"","fields":{"capital":"Admin level the city is a capital of, if any. One of: 2, 3, 4, null","ldir":"A hint for label placement at low zoom levels. One of: N, E, S, W, NE, SE, SW, NW, null","localrank":"Number. Priority relative to nearby places. Useful for limiting label density.","name":"Local name of the place","name_de":"German name of the place","name_en":"English name of the place","name_es":"Spanish name of the place","name_fr":"French name of the place","name_ru":"Russian name of the place","name_zh":"Chinese name of the place","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","scalerank":"Number, 0-9 or null. Useful for styling text & marker sizes.","type":"One of: city, town, village, hamlet, suburb, neighbourhood"},"id":"place_label"},{"description":"","fields":{"area":"The area of the water polygon in Mercator meters²","name":"Local name of the water body","name_de":"German name of the water body","name_en":"English name of the water body","name_es":"Spanish name of the water body","name_fr":"French name of the water body","name_ru":"Russian name of the water body","name_zh":"Chinese name of the water body","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number"},"id":"water_label"},{"description":"","fields":{"address":"Street address of the POI","localrank":"Number. Priority relative to nearby POIs. Useful for limiting label density.","maki":"The name of the Maki icon that should be used for the POI","name":"Local name of the POI","name_de":"German name of the POI","name_en":"English name of the POI","name_es":"Spanish name of the POI","name_fr":"French name of the POI","name_ru":"Russian name of the POI","name_zh":"Chinese name of the POI","network":"For rail stations, the network(s) that the station serves. Useful for icon styling.","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","ref":"Short reference code, if any","scalerank":"Number. 1-4. Useful for styling icon sizes and minimum zoom levels.","type":"The original OSM tag value","website":"URL of the POI"},"id":"poi_label"},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: motorway, motorway_link, main, street, street_limited, service, driveway, path","len":"Number. Length of the road segment in Mercator meters.","localrank":"Number. Used for shield points only. Priority relative to nearby shields. Useful for limiting shield density.","name":"Local name of the road","name_de":"German name of the road","name_en":"English name of the road","name_es":"Spanish name of the road","name_fr":"French name of the road","name_ru":"Russian name of the road","name_zh":"Chinese name of the road","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","ref":"Route number of the road","reflen":"Number. How many characters long the ref tag is. Useful for shield styling.","shield":"The shield style to use. One of: default, mx-federal, mx-state, us-highway, us-highway-alternate, us-highway-business, us-highway-duplex, us-interstate, us-interstate-business, us-interstate-duplex, us-interstate-truck, us-state"},"id":"road_label"},{"description":"","fields":{"class":"One of: river, canal, stream, stream_intermittent","name":"Local name of the waterway","name_de":"German name of the waterway","name_en":"English name of the waterway","name_es":"Spanish name of the waterway","name_fr":"French name of the waterway","name_ru":"Russian name of the waterway","name_zh":"Chinese name of the waterway","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number","type":"One of: river, canal, stream"},"id":"waterway_label"},{"description":"","fields":{"house_num":"House number","osm_id":"Unique OSM ID number"},"id":"housenum_label"}]}