path: root/src/mbgl/text
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mbgl/text')
2 files changed, 273 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp b/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
index a6de0baba7..7ea89fd80d 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
@@ -90,14 +90,12 @@ Placement::Placement(std::shared_ptr<const UpdateParameters> updateParameters_,
optional<Immutable<Placement>> prevPlacement_)
: updateParameters(std::move(updateParameters_)),
collisionIndex(updateParameters->transformState, updateParameters->mode),
- mapMode(updateParameters->mode),
showCollisionBoxes(updateParameters->debugOptions & MapDebugOptions::Collision) {
- assert(prevPlacement || mapMode != MapMode::Continuous);
if (prevPlacement) {
prevPlacement->get()->prevPlacement = nullopt; // Only hold on to one placement back
@@ -105,6 +103,8 @@ Placement::Placement(std::shared_ptr<const UpdateParameters> updateParameters_,
Placement::Placement() : collisionIndex({}, MapMode::Static), collisionGroups(true) {}
+Placement::~Placement() = default;
void Placement::placeLayers(const RenderLayerReferences& layers) {
for (auto it = layers.crbegin(); it != layers.crend(); ++it) {
@@ -175,16 +175,7 @@ void Placement::placeSymbolBucket(const BucketPlacementData& params, std::set<ui
auto partiallyEvaluatedTextSize = bucket.textSizeBinder->evaluateForZoom(placementZoom);
auto partiallyEvaluatedIconSize = bucket.iconSizeBinder->evaluateForZoom(placementZoom);
- optional<CollisionBoundaries> tileBorders;
- optional<CollisionBoundaries> avoidEdges;
- if (mapMode == MapMode::Tile) {
- tileBorders = collisionIndex.projectTileBoundaries(posMatrix);
- if (layout.get<style::SymbolAvoidEdges>() ||
- layout.get<style::SymbolPlacement>() == style::SymbolPlacementType::Line) {
- avoidEdges = tileBorders;
- }
- }
+ optional<CollisionBoundaries> avoidEdges = getAvoidEdges(bucket, posMatrix);
const bool textAllowOverlap = layout.get<style::TextAllowOverlap>();
const bool iconAllowOverlap = layout.get<style::IconAllowOverlap>();
// This logic is similar to the "defaultOpacityState" logic below in updateBucketOpacities
@@ -207,7 +198,6 @@ void Placement::placeSymbolBucket(const BucketPlacementData& params, std::set<ui
const bool hasIconTextFit = layout.get<style::IconTextFit>() != style::IconTextFitType::None;
- const bool zOrderByViewportY = layout.get<style::SymbolZOrder>() == style::SymbolZOrderType::ViewportY;
std::vector<ProjectedCollisionBox> textBoxes;
std::vector<ProjectedCollisionBox> iconBoxes;
@@ -356,13 +346,9 @@ void Placement::placeSymbolBucket(const BucketPlacementData& params, std::set<ui
- if (mapMode == MapMode::Tile && !isFirstAnchor &&
- collisionIndex.intersectsTileEdges(symbolInstance.textCollisionFeature.boxes.front(),
- shift,
- posMatrix,
- pixelRatio,
- *tileBorders)) {
+ if (!isFirstAnchor &&
+ stickToFirstVariableAnchor(
+ symbolInstance.textCollisionFeature.boxes.front(), shift, posMatrix, pixelRatio)) {
@@ -557,170 +543,63 @@ void Placement::placeSymbolBucket(const BucketPlacementData& params, std::set<ui
- if (zOrderByViewportY) {
- const auto& sortedSymbols = bucket.getSortedSymbols(state.getBearing());
- // Place in the reverse order than draw i.e., starting from the foreground elements.
- for (auto it = sortedSymbols.rbegin(); it != sortedSymbols.rend(); ++it) {
- placeSymbol(*it);
- }
- } else if (mapMode == MapMode::Tile && !avoidEdges &&
- layout.get<style::SymbolPlacement>() == style::SymbolPlacementType::Point) {
- // In this case we first try to place symbols, which intersects the tile borders, so that
- // those symbols will remain even if each tile is handled independently.
- SymbolInstanceReferences symbolInstances = bucket.getSymbols(params.sortKeyRange);
- optional<style::TextVariableAnchorType> variableAnchor;
- if (!variableTextAnchors.empty()) variableAnchor = variableTextAnchors.front();
- std::unordered_map<uint32_t, bool> locationCache;
- locationCache.reserve(symbolInstances.size());
- // Keeps the data necessary to find a feature location according to a tile.
- struct NeighborTileData {
- NeighborTileData(const CollisionIndex& collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID id_, Point<float> shift_)
- : id(id_), shift(shift_), matrix() {
- collisionIndex.getTransformState().matrixFor(matrix, id);
- matrix::multiply(matrix, collisionIndex.getTransformState().getProjectionMatrix(), matrix);
- borders = collisionIndex.projectTileBoundaries(matrix);
- }
- UnwrappedTileID id;
- Point<float> shift;
- mat4 matrix;
- CollisionBoundaries borders;
- };
+ for (const SymbolInstance& symbol : getSortedSymbols(params, pixelRatio)) {
+ placeSymbol(symbol);
+ }
- uint8_t z =;
- uint32_t x =;
- uint32_t y =;
- const std::array<NeighborTileData, 4> neightbors{{
- {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x, y - 1), {0.0f, util::EXTENT}}, // top
- {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x, y + 1), {0.0f, -util::EXTENT}}, // bottom
- {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x - 1, y), {util::EXTENT, 0.0f}}, // left
- {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x + 1, y), {-util::EXTENT, 0.0f}} // right
- }};
- auto collisionBoxIntersectsTileEdges = [&](const CollisionBox& collisionBox,
- Point<float> shift) noexcept->bool {
- bool intersects =
- collisionIndex.intersectsTileEdges(collisionBox, shift, renderTile.matrix, pixelRatio, *tileBorders);
- // Check if this symbol intersects the neighbor tile borders. If so, it also shall be placed with priority.
- for (const auto& neighbor : neightbors) {
- if (intersects) break;
- intersects = collisionIndex.intersectsTileEdges(
- collisionBox, shift + neighbor.shift, neighbor.matrix, pixelRatio, neighbor.borders);
- }
- return intersects;
- };
+ // As long as this placement lives, we have to hold onto this bucket's
+ // matching FeatureIndex/data for querying purposes
+ retainedQueryData.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
+ std::forward_as_tuple(bucket.bucketInstanceId),
+ std::forward_as_tuple(bucket.bucketInstanceId, params.featureIndex, overscaledID));
- auto symbolIntersectsTileEdges = [
- &locationCache,
- &collisionBoxIntersectsTileEdges,
- variableAnchor,
- pitchTextWithMap,
- rotateTextWithMap,
- bearing = state.getBearing()
- ](const SymbolInstance& symbol) noexcept->bool {
- auto it = locationCache.find(symbol.crossTileID);
- if (it != locationCache.end()) return it->second;
- bool intersects = false;
- if (!symbol.textCollisionFeature.boxes.empty()) {
- const auto& textCollisionBox = symbol.textCollisionFeature.boxes.front();
- Point<float> offset{};
- if (variableAnchor) {
- float width = textCollisionBox.x2 - textCollisionBox.x1;
- float height = textCollisionBox.y2 - textCollisionBox.y1;
- offset = calculateVariableLayoutOffset(*variableAnchor,
- width,
- height,
- symbol.variableTextOffset,
- symbol.textBoxScale,
- rotateTextWithMap,
- pitchTextWithMap,
- bearing);
- }
- intersects = collisionBoxIntersectsTileEdges(textCollisionBox, offset);
- }
+namespace {
- if (!symbol.iconCollisionFeature.boxes.empty() && !intersects) {
- const auto& iconCollisionBox = symbol.iconCollisionFeature.boxes.front();
- intersects = collisionBoxIntersectsTileEdges(iconCollisionBox, {});
- }
+SymbolInstanceReferences getBucketSymbols(const SymbolBucket& bucket,
+ optional<SortKeyRange> sortKeyRange,
+ float bearing) {
+ if (bucket.layout->get<style::SymbolZOrder>() == style::SymbolZOrderType::ViewportY) {
+ auto sortedSymbols = bucket.getSortedSymbols(bearing);
+ // Place in the reverse order than draw i.e., starting from the foreground elements.
+ std::reverse(std::begin(sortedSymbols), std::end(sortedSymbols));
+ return sortedSymbols;
+ }
+ return bucket.getSymbols(sortKeyRange);
- locationCache.insert(std::make_pair(symbol.crossTileID, intersects));
- return intersects;
- };
+} // namespace
+SymbolInstanceReferences Placement::getSortedSymbols(const BucketPlacementData& params, float) {
+ const auto& bucket = static_cast<const SymbolBucket&>(params.bucket.get());
+ SymbolInstanceReferences sortedSymbols =
+ getBucketSymbols(bucket, params.sortKeyRange, collisionIndex.getTransformState().getBearing());
+ auto* previousPlacement = getPrevPlacement();
+ if (previousPlacement && isTiltedView()) {
- symbolInstances.begin(),
- symbolInstances.end(),
- [&symbolIntersectsTileEdges](const SymbolInstance& a, const SymbolInstance& b) noexcept {
- assert(!a.textCollisionFeature.alongLine);
- assert(!b.textCollisionFeature.alongLine);
- auto intersectsA = symbolIntersectsTileEdges(a);
- auto intersectsB = symbolIntersectsTileEdges(b);
- if (intersectsA) {
- if (!intersectsB) return true;
- // Both symbols are inrecepting the tile borders, we need a universal cross-tile rule
- // to define which of them shall be placed first - use anchor `y` point.
- return a.anchor.point.y < b.anchor.point.y;
+ sortedSymbols.begin(),
+ sortedSymbols.end(),
+ [previousPlacement](const SymbolInstance& a, const SymbolInstance& b) noexcept {
+ auto* aPlacement = previousPlacement->getSymbolPlacement(a);
+ auto* bPlacement = previousPlacement->getSymbolPlacement(b);
+ if (!aPlacement) {
+ // a < b, if 'a' is new and if 'b' was previously hidden.
+ return bPlacement && !bPlacement->placed();
- return false;
+ if (!bPlacement) {
+ // a < b, if 'b' is new and 'a' was previously shown.
+ return aPlacement && aPlacement->placed();
+ }
+ // a < b, if 'a' was shown and 'b' was hidden.
+ return aPlacement->placed() && !bPlacement->placed();
- for (const SymbolInstance& symbol : symbolInstances) {
- placeSymbol(symbol);
- }
- } else {
- SymbolInstanceReferences sortedSymbols = bucket.getSymbols(params.sortKeyRange);
- auto* previousPlacement = getPrevPlacement();
- if (previousPlacement && isTiltedView()) {
- std::stable_sort(
- sortedSymbols.begin(),
- sortedSymbols.end(),
- [previousPlacement](const SymbolInstance& a, const SymbolInstance& b) noexcept {
- auto* aPlacement = previousPlacement->getSymbolPlacement(a);
- auto* bPlacement = previousPlacement->getSymbolPlacement(b);
- if (!aPlacement) {
- // a < b, if 'a' is new and if 'b' was previously hidden.
- return bPlacement && !bPlacement->placed();
- }
- if (!bPlacement) {
- // a < b, if 'b' is new and 'a' was previously shown.
- return aPlacement && aPlacement->placed();
- }
- // a < b, if 'a' was shown and 'b' was hidden.
- return aPlacement->placed() && !bPlacement->placed();
- });
- }
- for (const SymbolInstance& symbol : sortedSymbols) {
- placeSymbol(symbol);
- }
- // As long as this placement lives, we have to hold onto this bucket's
- // matching FeatureIndex/data for querying purposes
- retainedQueryData.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
- std::forward_as_tuple(bucket.bucketInstanceId),
- std::forward_as_tuple(bucket.bucketInstanceId, params.featureIndex, overscaledID));
+ return sortedSymbols;
void Placement::commit() {
- if (!getPrevPlacement()) {
- assert(mapMode != MapMode::Continuous);
- fadeStartTime = commitTime;
- for (auto& jointPlacement : placements) {
- opacities.emplace(
- jointPlacement.first,
- JointOpacityState(
- jointPlacement.second.text, jointPlacement.second.icon, jointPlacement.second.skipFade));
- }
- return;
- }
bool placementChanged = false;
+ assert(getPrevPlacement());
prevZoomAdjustment = getPrevPlacement()->zoomAdjustment(placementZoom);
float increment = getPrevPlacement()->symbolFadeChange(commitTime);
@@ -1254,7 +1133,7 @@ Duration Placement::getUpdatePeriod(const float zoom) const {
bool Placement::transitionsEnabled() const {
- return mapMode == MapMode::Continuous && transitionOptions.enablePlacementTransitions;
+ return transitionOptions.enablePlacementTransitions;
bool Placement::hasTransitions(TimePoint now) const {
@@ -1275,4 +1154,194 @@ const RetainedQueryData& Placement::getQueryData(uint32_t bucketInstanceId) cons
return it->second;
+class StaticPlacement : public Placement {
+ StaticPlacement(std::shared_ptr<const UpdateParameters> updateParameters_)
+ : Placement(std::move(updateParameters_), nullopt) {}
+ void commit() override;
+ float symbolFadeChange(TimePoint) const override { return 1.0f; }
+ bool hasTransitions(TimePoint) const override { return false; }
+ bool transitionsEnabled() const override { return false; }
+void StaticPlacement::commit() {
+ fadeStartTime = commitTime;
+ for (auto& jointPlacement : placements) {
+ opacities.emplace(
+ jointPlacement.first,
+ JointOpacityState(jointPlacement.second.text, jointPlacement.second.icon, jointPlacement.second.skipFade));
+ }
+class TilePlacement : public StaticPlacement {
+ TilePlacement(std::shared_ptr<const UpdateParameters> updateParameters_)
+ : StaticPlacement(std::move(updateParameters_)) {}
+ optional<CollisionBoundaries> getAvoidEdges(const SymbolBucket&, const mat4&) override;
+ SymbolInstanceReferences getSortedSymbols(const BucketPlacementData&, float pixelRatio) override;
+ bool stickToFirstVariableAnchor(const CollisionBox& box,
+ Point<float> shift,
+ const mat4& posMatrix,
+ float textPixelRatio) override;
+ std::unordered_map<uint32_t, bool> locationCache;
+ optional<CollisionBoundaries> tileBorders;
+optional<CollisionBoundaries> TilePlacement::getAvoidEdges(const SymbolBucket& bucket, const mat4& posMatrix) {
+ tileBorders = collisionIndex.projectTileBoundaries(posMatrix);
+ const auto& layout = *bucket.layout;
+ if (layout.get<style::SymbolAvoidEdges>() ||
+ layout.get<style::SymbolPlacement>() == style::SymbolPlacementType::Line) {
+ return tileBorders;
+ }
+ return nullopt;
+SymbolInstanceReferences TilePlacement::getSortedSymbols(const BucketPlacementData& params, float pixelRatio) {
+ const auto& bucket = static_cast<const SymbolBucket&>(params.bucket.get());
+ const auto& layout = *bucket.layout;
+ const RenderTile& renderTile = params.tile;
+ const auto& state = collisionIndex.getTransformState();
+ if (layout.get<style::SymbolPlacement>() != style::SymbolPlacementType::Point ||
+ layout.get<style::SymbolAvoidEdges>()) {
+ return StaticPlacement::getSortedSymbols(params, pixelRatio);
+ }
+ const bool rotateTextWithMap = layout.get<style::TextRotationAlignment>() == style::AlignmentType::Map;
+ const bool pitchTextWithMap = layout.get<style::TextPitchAlignment>() == style::AlignmentType::Map;
+ std::vector<style::TextVariableAnchorType> variableTextAnchors = layout.get<style::TextVariableAnchor>();
+ // In this case we first try to place symbols, which intersects the tile borders, so that
+ // those symbols will remain even if each tile is handled independently.
+ SymbolInstanceReferences symbolInstances =
+ getBucketSymbols(bucket, params.sortKeyRange, collisionIndex.getTransformState().getBearing());
+ optional<style::TextVariableAnchorType> variableAnchor;
+ if (!variableTextAnchors.empty()) variableAnchor = variableTextAnchors.front();
+ locationCache.clear();
+ // Keeps the data necessary to find a feature location according to a tile.
+ struct NeighborTileData {
+ NeighborTileData(const CollisionIndex& collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID id_, Point<float> shift_)
+ : id(id_), shift(shift_), matrix() {
+ collisionIndex.getTransformState().matrixFor(matrix, id);
+ matrix::multiply(matrix, collisionIndex.getTransformState().getProjectionMatrix(), matrix);
+ borders = collisionIndex.projectTileBoundaries(matrix);
+ }
+ UnwrappedTileID id;
+ Point<float> shift;
+ mat4 matrix;
+ CollisionBoundaries borders;
+ };
+ uint8_t z =;
+ uint32_t x =;
+ uint32_t y =;
+ const std::array<NeighborTileData, 4> neightbors{{
+ {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x, y - 1), {0.0f, util::EXTENT}}, // top
+ {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x, y + 1), {0.0f, -util::EXTENT}}, // bottom
+ {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x - 1, y), {util::EXTENT, 0.0f}}, // left
+ {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x + 1, y), {-util::EXTENT, 0.0f}} // right
+ }};
+ auto collisionBoxIntersectsTileEdges = [&](const CollisionBox& collisionBox, Point<float> shift) noexcept->bool {
+ bool intersects =
+ collisionIndex.intersectsTileEdges(collisionBox, shift, renderTile.matrix, pixelRatio, *tileBorders);
+ // Check if this symbol intersects the neighbor tile borders. If so, it also shall be placed with priority.
+ for (const auto& neighbor : neightbors) {
+ if (intersects) break;
+ intersects = collisionIndex.intersectsTileEdges(
+ collisionBox, shift + neighbor.shift, neighbor.matrix, pixelRatio, neighbor.borders);
+ }
+ return intersects;
+ };
+ auto symbolIntersectsTileEdges = [
+ this,
+ &collisionBoxIntersectsTileEdges,
+ variableAnchor,
+ pitchTextWithMap,
+ rotateTextWithMap,
+ bearing = state.getBearing()
+ ](const SymbolInstance& symbol) noexcept->bool {
+ auto it = locationCache.find(symbol.crossTileID);
+ if (it != locationCache.end()) return it->second;
+ bool intersects = false;
+ if (!symbol.textCollisionFeature.boxes.empty()) {
+ const auto& textCollisionBox = symbol.textCollisionFeature.boxes.front();
+ Point<float> offset{};
+ if (variableAnchor) {
+ float width = textCollisionBox.x2 - textCollisionBox.x1;
+ float height = textCollisionBox.y2 - textCollisionBox.y1;
+ offset = calculateVariableLayoutOffset(*variableAnchor,
+ width,
+ height,
+ symbol.variableTextOffset,
+ symbol.textBoxScale,
+ rotateTextWithMap,
+ pitchTextWithMap,
+ bearing);
+ }
+ intersects = collisionBoxIntersectsTileEdges(textCollisionBox, offset);
+ }
+ if (!symbol.iconCollisionFeature.boxes.empty() && !intersects) {
+ const auto& iconCollisionBox = symbol.iconCollisionFeature.boxes.front();
+ intersects = collisionBoxIntersectsTileEdges(iconCollisionBox, {});
+ }
+ locationCache.insert(std::make_pair(symbol.crossTileID, intersects));
+ return intersects;
+ };
+ std::stable_sort(
+ symbolInstances.begin(),
+ symbolInstances.end(),
+ [&symbolIntersectsTileEdges](const SymbolInstance& a, const SymbolInstance& b) noexcept {
+ assert(!a.textCollisionFeature.alongLine);
+ assert(!b.textCollisionFeature.alongLine);
+ auto intersectsA = symbolIntersectsTileEdges(a);
+ auto intersectsB = symbolIntersectsTileEdges(b);
+ if (intersectsA) {
+ if (!intersectsB) return true;
+ // Both symbols are inrecepting the tile borders, we need a universal cross-tile rule
+ // to define which of them shall be placed first - use anchor `y` point.
+ return a.anchor.point.y < b.anchor.point.y;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ return symbolInstances;
+bool TilePlacement::stickToFirstVariableAnchor(const CollisionBox& box,
+ Point<float> shift,
+ const mat4& posMatrix,
+ float textPixelRatio) {
+ assert(tileBorders);
+ return collisionIndex.intersectsTileEdges(box, shift, posMatrix, textPixelRatio, *tileBorders);
+// static
+Mutable<Placement> Placement::create(std::shared_ptr<const UpdateParameters> updateParameters_,
+ optional<Immutable<Placement>> prevPlacement) {
+ assert(updateParameters_);
+ switch (updateParameters_->mode) {
+ case MapMode::Continuous:
+ assert(prevPlacement);
+ return makeMutable<Placement>(std::move(updateParameters_), std::move(prevPlacement));
+ case MapMode::Static:
+ return staticMutableCast<Placement>(makeMutable<StaticPlacement>(std::move(updateParameters_)));
+ case MapMode::Tile:
+ return staticMutableCast<Placement>(makeMutable<TilePlacement>(std::move(updateParameters_)));
+ }
+ assert(false);
+ return makeMutable<Placement>();
} // namespace mbgl
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/placement.hpp b/src/mbgl/text/placement.hpp
index dcb67fa8c8..b6354670b1 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/text/placement.hpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/placement.hpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ namespace mbgl {
class SymbolBucket;
class SymbolInstance;
+using SymbolInstanceReferences = std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const SymbolInstance>>;
class UpdateParameters;
enum class PlacedSymbolOrientation : bool;
@@ -106,13 +107,21 @@ private:
class Placement {
- Placement(std::shared_ptr<const UpdateParameters>, optional<Immutable<Placement>> prevPlacement = nullopt);
- Placement();
+ /**
+ * @brief creates a new placement instance, from the given update parameters and the previous placement instance.
+ *
+ * Different placement implementations are created based on `updateParameters->mapMode`.
+ * In Continuous map mode, `prevPlacement` must be provided.
+ */
+ static Mutable<Placement> create(std::shared_ptr<const UpdateParameters> updateParameters,
+ optional<Immutable<Placement>> prevPlacement = nullopt);
+ virtual ~Placement();
void placeLayers(const RenderLayerReferences&);
void updateLayerBuckets(const RenderLayer&, const TransformState&, bool updateOpacities) const;
- float symbolFadeChange(TimePoint now) const;
- bool hasTransitions(TimePoint now) const;
- bool transitionsEnabled() const;
+ virtual float symbolFadeChange(TimePoint now) const;
+ virtual bool hasTransitions(TimePoint now) const;
+ virtual bool transitionsEnabled() const;
const CollisionIndex& getCollisionIndex() const;
TimePoint getCommitTime() const { return commitTime; }
@@ -123,11 +132,27 @@ public:
const RetainedQueryData& getQueryData(uint32_t bucketInstanceId) const;
+ // Public constructors are required for makeMutable(), shall not be called directly.
+ Placement();
+ Placement(std::shared_ptr<const UpdateParameters>, optional<Immutable<Placement>> prevPlacement);
friend SymbolBucket;
void placeSymbolBucket(const BucketPlacementData&, std::set<uint32_t>& seenCrossTileIDs);
void placeLayer(const RenderLayer&);
- void commit();
+ virtual void commit();
+ // Implentation specific hooks, which get called during a symbol bucket placement.
+ virtual optional<CollisionBoundaries> getAvoidEdges(const SymbolBucket&, const mat4& /*posMatrix*/) {
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ virtual SymbolInstanceReferences getSortedSymbols(const BucketPlacementData&, float pixelRatio);
+ virtual bool stickToFirstVariableAnchor(const CollisionBox&,
+ Point<float> /*shift*/,
+ const mat4& /*posMatrix*/,
+ float /*textPixelRatio*/) {
+ return false;
+ }
// Returns `true` if bucket vertices were updated; returns `false` otherwise.
bool updateBucketDynamicVertices(SymbolBucket&, const TransformState&, const RenderTile& tile) const;
void updateBucketOpacities(SymbolBucket&, const TransformState&, std::set<uint32_t>&) const;
@@ -142,7 +167,6 @@ private:
std::shared_ptr<const UpdateParameters> updateParameters;
CollisionIndex collisionIndex;
- MapMode mapMode = MapMode::Static;
style::TransitionOptions transitionOptions;
TimePoint fadeStartTime;
@@ -159,7 +183,6 @@ private:
CollisionGroups collisionGroups;
mutable optional<Immutable<Placement>> prevPlacement;
bool showCollisionBoxes = false;
// Used for debug purposes.
std::unordered_map<const CollisionFeature*, std::vector<ProjectedCollisionBox>> collisionCircles;