path: root/src/mbgl/text/collision_tile.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mbgl/text/collision_tile.cpp')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/collision_tile.cpp b/src/mbgl/text/collision_tile.cpp
index 368750c89f..520f66ead8 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/text/collision_tile.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/collision_tile.cpp
@@ -20,12 +20,17 @@ CollisionTile::CollisionTile(PlacementConfig config_) : config(std::move(config_
rotationMatrix = { { angle_cos, -angle_sin, angle_sin, angle_cos } };
reverseRotationMatrix = { { angle_cos, angle_sin, -angle_sin, angle_cos } };
- // Stretch boxes in y direction to account for the map tilt.
- const float _yStretch = 1.0f / std::cos(config.pitch);
- // The amount the map is squished depends on the y position.
- // Sort of account for this by making all boxes a bit bigger.
- yStretch = std::pow(_yStretch, 1.3f);
+ perspectiveRatio = 1.0f + 0.5f * ((config.cameraToTileDistance / config.cameraToCenterDistance) - 1.0f);
+ minScale /= perspectiveRatio;
+ maxScale /= perspectiveRatio;
+ // We can only approximate here based on the y position of the tile
+ // The shaders calculate a more accurate "incidence_stretch"
+ // at render time to calculate an effective scale for collision
+ // purposes, but we still want to use the yStretch approximation
+ // here because we can't adjust the aspect ratio of the collision
+ // boxes at render time.
+ yStretch = util::max(1.0f, config.cameraToTileDistance / (config.cameraToCenterDistance * std::cos(config.pitch)));
@@ -157,13 +162,21 @@ void CollisionTile::insertFeature(CollisionFeature& feature, float minPlacementS
Box CollisionTile::getTreeBox(const Point<float>& anchor, const CollisionBox& box, const float scale) {
assert(box.x1 <= box.x2 && box.y1 <= box.y2);
return Box{
+ // When the 'perspectiveRatio' is high, we're effectively underzooming
+ // the tile because it's in the distance.
+ // In order to detect collisions that only happen while underzoomed,
+ // we have to query a larger portion of the grid.
+ // This extra work is offset by having a lower 'maxScale' bound
+ // Note that this adjustment ONLY affects the bounding boxes
+ // in the grid. It doesn't affect the boxes used for the
+ // minPlacementScale calculations.
- anchor.x + box.x1 / scale,
- anchor.y + box.y1 / scale * yStretch
+ anchor.x + box.x1 / scale * perspectiveRatio,
+ anchor.y + box.y1 / scale * yStretch * perspectiveRatio,
- anchor.x + box.x2 / scale,
- anchor.y + box.y2 / scale * yStretch
+ anchor.x + box.x2 / scale * perspectiveRatio,
+ anchor.y + box.y2 / scale * yStretch * perspectiveRatio
@@ -190,8 +203,14 @@ std::vector<IndexedSubfeature> CollisionTile::queryRenderedSymbols(const Geometr
return seenFeatures.find(feature.index) == seenFeatures.end();
+ // "perspectiveRatio" is a tile-based approximation of how much larger symbols will
+ // be in the distance. It won't line up exactly with the actually rendered symbols
+ // Being exact would require running the collision detection logic in symbol_sdf.vertex
+ // in the CPU
+ const float perspectiveScale = scale / perspectiveRatio;
// Account for the rounding done when updating symbol shader variables.
- const float roundedScale = std::pow(2.0f, std::ceil(util::log2(scale) * 10.0f) / 10.0f);
+ const float roundedScale = std::pow(2.0f, std::ceil(util::log2(perspectiveScale) * 10.0f) / 10.0f);
// Check if feature is rendered (collision free) at current scale.
auto visibleAtScale = [&] (const CollisionTreeBox& treeBox) -> bool {
@@ -203,10 +222,11 @@ std::vector<IndexedSubfeature> CollisionTile::queryRenderedSymbols(const Geometr
auto intersectsAtScale = [&] (const CollisionTreeBox& treeBox) -> bool {
const CollisionBox& collisionBox = std::get<1>(treeBox);
const auto anchor = util::matrixMultiply(rotationMatrix, collisionBox.anchor);
- const int16_t x1 = anchor.x + collisionBox.x1 / scale;
- const int16_t y1 = anchor.y + collisionBox.y1 / scale * yStretch;
- const int16_t x2 = anchor.x + collisionBox.x2 / scale;
- const int16_t y2 = anchor.y + collisionBox.y2 / scale * yStretch;
+ const int16_t x1 = anchor.x + (collisionBox.x1 / perspectiveScale);
+ const int16_t y1 = anchor.y + (collisionBox.y1 / perspectiveScale) * yStretch;
+ const int16_t x2 = anchor.x + (collisionBox.x2 / perspectiveScale);
+ const int16_t y2 = anchor.y + (collisionBox.y2 / perspectiveScale) * yStretch;
auto bbox = GeometryCoordinates {
{ x1, y1 }, { x2, y1 }, { x2, y2 }, { x1, y2 }