path: root/src/mbgl/map/transform_state.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mbgl/map/transform_state.cpp')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/transform_state.cpp b/src/mbgl/map/transform_state.cpp
index 9a5e530920..c672ca5dea 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/transform_state.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/transform_state.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#include <mbgl/map/transform_state.hpp>
#include <mbgl/map/tile_id.hpp>
-#include <mbgl/util/projection.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/constants.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/box.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/tile_coordinate.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/interpolate.hpp>
using namespace mbgl;
@@ -10,52 +11,44 @@ using namespace mbgl;
void TransformState::matrixFor(mat4& matrix, const TileID& id, const int8_t z) const {
const double tile_scale = std::pow(2, z);
- const double tile_size = scale * util::tileSize / tile_scale;
+ double s = util::tileSize * scale / tile_scale;
- matrix::translate(matrix, matrix, 0.5f * (float)width, 0.5f * (float)height, 0);
- matrix::rotate_z(matrix, matrix, angle);
- matrix::translate(matrix, matrix, -0.5f * (float)width, -0.5f * (float)height, 0);
- matrix::translate(matrix, matrix, pixel_x() + id.x * tile_size, pixel_y() + id.y * tile_size, 0);
- // TODO: Get rid of the 8 (scaling from 4096 to tile size);
- float factor = scale / tile_scale / (4096.0f / util::tileSize);
- matrix::scale(matrix, matrix, factor, factor, 1);
+ matrix::translate(matrix, matrix, id.x * s, id.y * s, 0);
+ matrix::scale(matrix, matrix, s / 4096.0f, s / 4096.0f, 1);
-box TransformState::cornersToBox(uint32_t z) const {
- const double ref_scale = std::pow(2, z);
- const double angle_sin = std::sin(-angle);
- const double angle_cos = std::cos(-angle);
- const double w_2 = static_cast<double>(width) / 2.0;
- const double h_2 = static_cast<double>(height) / 2.0;
- const double ss_0 = scale * util::tileSize;
- const double ss_1 = ref_scale / ss_0;
- const double ss_2 = ss_0 / 2.0;
+void TransformState::getProjMatrix(mat4& projMatrix) const {
+ double halfFov = std::atan(0.5 / getAltitude());
+ double topHalfSurfaceDistance = std::sin(halfFov) * getAltitude() /
+ std::sin(M_PI / 2.0f - getPitch() - halfFov);
+ // Calculate z value of the farthest fragment that should be rendered.
+ double farZ = std::cos(M_PI / 2.0f - getPitch()) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + getAltitude();
- // Calculate the corners of the map view. The resulting coordinates will be
- // in fractional tile coordinates.
- box b;
+ matrix::perspective(projMatrix, 2.0f * std::atan((getHeight() / 2.0f) / getAltitude()),
+ double(getWidth()) / getHeight(), 0.1, farZ);
- = ((-w_2) * angle_cos - (-h_2) * angle_sin + ss_2 - x) * ss_1;
- = ((-w_2) * angle_sin + (-h_2) * angle_cos + ss_2 - y) * ss_1;
+ matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, 0, 0, -getAltitude());
- = ((+w_2) * angle_cos - (-h_2) * angle_sin + ss_2 - x) * ss_1;
- = ((+w_2) * angle_sin + (-h_2) * angle_cos + ss_2 - y) * ss_1;
+ // After the rotateX, z values are in pixel units. Convert them to
+ // altitude unites. 1 altitude unit = the screen height.
+ matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, -1, 1.0f / getHeight());
- = ((-w_2) * angle_cos - (+h_2) * angle_sin + ss_2 - x) * ss_1;
- = ((-w_2) * angle_sin + (+h_2) * angle_cos + ss_2 - y) * ss_1;
+ matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch());
+ matrix::rotate_z(projMatrix, projMatrix, getAngle());
- = ((+w_2) * angle_cos - (+h_2) * angle_sin + ss_2 - x) * ss_1;
- = ((+w_2) * angle_sin + (+h_2) * angle_cos + ss_2 - y) * ss_1;
- = (ss_2 - x) * ss_1;
- = (ss_2 - y) * ss_1;
+ matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, pixel_x() - getWidth() / 2.0f,
+ pixel_y() - getHeight() / 2.0f, 0);
+box TransformState::cornersToBox(uint32_t z) const {
+ double w = width;
+ double h = height;
+ box b(
+ pointToCoordinate({ 0, 0 }).zoomTo(z),
+ pointToCoordinate({ w, 0 }).zoomTo(z),
+ pointToCoordinate({ w, h }).zoomTo(z),
+ pointToCoordinate({ 0, h }).zoomTo(z));
return b;
@@ -154,91 +147,134 @@ float TransformState::getAngle() const {
return angle;
+float TransformState::getAltitude() const {
+ return altitude;
-#pragma mark - Projection
-const vec2<double> TransformState::pixelForLatLng(const LatLng latLng) const {
- LatLng ll = getLatLng();
- double zoom = getZoom();
- const double centerX = static_cast<double>(width) / 2.0;
- const double centerY = static_cast<double>(height) / 2.0;
- const double m = Projection::getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(0, zoom);
+float TransformState::getPitch() const {
+ return pitch;
- const double angle_sin = std::sin(-angle);
- const double angle_cos = std::cos(-angle);
+#pragma mark - Projection
- const ProjectedMeters givenMeters = Projection::projectedMetersForLatLng(latLng);
+float TransformState::lngX(float lng) const {
+ return (180.0f + lng) * worldSize() / 360.0f;
- const double givenAbsoluteX = givenMeters.easting / m;
- const double givenAbsoluteY = givenMeters.northing / m;
+float TransformState::latY(float lat) const {
+ float y_ = 180.0f / M_PI * std::log(std::tan(M_PI / 4 + lat * M_PI / 360.0f));
+ return (180.0f - y_) * worldSize() / 360.0f;
- const ProjectedMeters centerMeters = Projection::projectedMetersForLatLng(ll);
+float TransformState::xLng(float x_, float worldSize_) const {
+ return x_ * 360.0f / worldSize_ - 180.0f;
- const double centerAbsoluteX = centerMeters.easting / m;
- const double centerAbsoluteY = centerMeters.northing / m;
+float TransformState::yLat(float y_, float worldSize_) const {
+ float y2 = 180.0f - y_ * 360.0f / worldSize_;
+ return 360.0f / M_PI * std::atan(std::exp(y2 * M_PI / 180.0f)) - 90.0f;
- const double deltaX = givenAbsoluteX - centerAbsoluteX;
- const double deltaY = givenAbsoluteY - centerAbsoluteY;
+float TransformState::zoomScale(float zoom) const {
+ return std::pow(2.0f, zoom);
- const double translatedX = deltaX + centerX;
- const double translatedY = deltaY + centerY;
+float TransformState::worldSize() const {
+ return util::tileSize * scale;
- const double rotatedX = translatedX * angle_cos - translatedY * angle_sin;
- const double rotatedY = translatedX * angle_sin + translatedY * angle_cos;
+vec2<double> TransformState::latLngToPoint(const LatLng& latLng) const {
+ return coordinateToPoint(latLngToCoordinate(latLng));
- const double rotatedCenterX = centerX * angle_cos - centerY * angle_sin;
- const double rotatedCenterY = centerX * angle_sin + centerY * angle_cos;
+LatLng TransformState::pointToLatLng(const vec2<double> point) const {
+ return coordinateToLatLng(pointToCoordinate(point));
- double x_ = rotatedX + (centerX - rotatedCenterX);
- double y_ = rotatedY + (centerY - rotatedCenterY);
+TileCoordinate TransformState::latLngToCoordinate(const LatLng& latLng) const {
+ const float tileZoom = getIntegerZoom();
+ const float k = zoomScale(tileZoom) / worldSize();
+ return {
+ lngX(latLng.longitude) * k,
+ latY(latLng.latitude) * k,
+ tileZoom
+ };
- return vec2<double>(x_, y_);
+LatLng TransformState::coordinateToLatLng(const TileCoordinate& coord) const {
+ const float worldSize_ = zoomScale(coord.zoom);
+ LatLng latLng = {
+ yLat(coord.row, worldSize_),
+ xLng(coord.column, worldSize_)
+ };
+ while (latLng.longitude < 180.0f) latLng.longitude += 360.0f;
+ while (latLng.longitude > 180.0f) latLng.longitude -= 360.0f;
+ return latLng;
-const LatLng TransformState::latLngForPixel(const vec2<double> pixel) const {
- LatLng ll = getLatLng();
- double zoom = getZoom();
+vec2<double> TransformState::coordinateToPoint(const TileCoordinate& coord) const {
+ mat4 mat = coordinatePointMatrix(coord.zoom);
+ matrix::vec4 p;
+ matrix::vec4 c = {{ coord.column, coord.row, 0, 1 }};
+ matrix::transformMat4(p, c, mat);
+ return { p[0] / p[3], height - p[1] / p[3] };
- const double centerX = static_cast<double>(width) / 2.0;
- const double centerY = static_cast<double>(height) / 2.0;
+TileCoordinate TransformState::pointToCoordinate(const vec2<double> point) const {
- const double m = Projection::getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(0, zoom);
+ float targetZ = 0;
+ const float tileZoom = getIntegerZoom();
- const double angle_sin = std::sin(angle);
- const double angle_cos = std::cos(angle);
+ mat4 mat = coordinatePointMatrix(tileZoom);
- const double unrotatedCenterX = centerX * angle_cos - centerY * angle_sin;
- const double unrotatedCenterY = centerX * angle_sin + centerY * angle_cos;
+ mat4 inverted;
+ bool err = matrix::invert(inverted, mat);
- const double unrotatedX = pixel.x * angle_cos - pixel.y * angle_sin;
- const double unrotatedY = pixel.x * angle_sin + pixel.y * angle_cos;
+ if (err) throw std::runtime_error("failed to invert coordinatePointMatrix");
- const double givenX = unrotatedX + (centerX - unrotatedCenterX);
- const double givenY = unrotatedY + (centerY - unrotatedCenterY);
+ double flippedY = height - point.y;
- const ProjectedMeters centerMeters = Projection::projectedMetersForLatLng(ll);
+ // since we don't know the correct projected z value for the point,
+ // unproject two points to get a line and then find the point on that
+ // line with z=0
- const double centerAbsoluteX = centerMeters.easting / m;
- const double centerAbsoluteY = centerMeters.northing / m;
+ matrix::vec4 coord0;
+ matrix::vec4 coord1;
+ matrix::vec4 point0 = {{ point.x, flippedY, 0, 1 }};
+ matrix::vec4 point1 = {{ point.x, flippedY, 1, 1 }};
+ matrix::transformMat4(coord0, point0, inverted);
+ matrix::transformMat4(coord1, point1, inverted);
- const double givenAbsoluteX = givenX + centerAbsoluteX - centerX;
- const double givenAbsoluteY = givenY + centerAbsoluteY - centerY;
+ float w0 = coord0[3];
+ float w1 = coord1[3];
+ float x0 = coord0[0] / w0;
+ float x1 = coord1[0] / w1;
+ float y0 = coord0[1] / w0;
+ float y1 = coord1[1] / w1;
+ float z0 = coord0[2] / w0;
+ float z1 = coord1[2] / w1;
- ProjectedMeters givenMeters = ProjectedMeters(givenAbsoluteY * m, givenAbsoluteX * m);
- // adjust for date line
- ProjectedMeters sw, ne;
- Projection::getWorldBoundsMeters(sw, ne);
- double d = ne.easting - sw.easting;
- if (ll.longitude > 0 && givenMeters.easting > centerMeters.easting) givenMeters.easting -= d;
+ float t = z0 == z1 ? 0 : (targetZ - z0) / (z1 - z0);
+ return { util::interpolate(x0, x1, t), util::interpolate(y0, y1, t), tileZoom };
- // adjust for world wrap
- while (givenMeters.easting < sw.easting) givenMeters.easting += d;
- while (givenMeters.easting > ne.easting) givenMeters.easting -= d;
+mat4 TransformState::coordinatePointMatrix(float z) const {
+ mat4 proj;
+ getProjMatrix(proj);
+ float s = util::tileSize * scale / std::pow(2, z);
+ matrix::scale(proj, proj, s , s, 1);
+ matrix::multiply(proj, getPixelMatrix(), proj);
+ return proj;
- return Projection::latLngForProjectedMeters(givenMeters);
+mat4 TransformState::getPixelMatrix() const {
+ mat4 m;
+ matrix::identity(m);
+ matrix::scale(m, m, width / 2.0f, -height / 2.0f, 1);
+ matrix::translate(m, m, 1, -1, 0);
+ return m;