path: root/platform/qt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/qt')
7 files changed, 2 insertions, 463 deletions
diff --git a/platform/qt/app/qmapboxgl.gypi b/platform/qt/app/qmapboxgl.gypi
deleted file mode 100644
index 22b4e1281e..0000000000
--- a/platform/qt/app/qmapboxgl.gypi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- 'targets': [
- {
- 'target_name': 'qt-app',
- 'product_name': 'qmapboxgl',
- 'type': 'executable',
- 'includes': [
- '../qt.gypi',
- ],
- 'dependencies': [
- 'qt-lib',
- ],
- 'sources': [
- 'main.cpp',
- 'mapwindow.cpp',
- 'mapwindow.hpp',
- 'source.qrc',
- ],
- 'include_dirs': [
- '../include',
- ],
- 'variables': {
- 'cflags': [
- '<@(opengl_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_core_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_gui_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_opengl_cflags)',
- '-fPIC',
- # Qt4 generates code with unused variables.
- '-Wno-unused-variable',
- ],
- 'ldflags': [
- '<@(opengl_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_core_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_gui_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_opengl_ldflags)',
- ],
- },
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS == "mac"', {
- 'xcode_settings': {
- 'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS': [ '<@(cflags)' ],
- 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '<@(ldflags)' ],
- },
- }, {
- 'cflags_cc': [ '<@(cflags)' ],
- 'libraries': [ '<@(ldflags)' ],
- }],
- ],
- },
- ],
diff --git a/platform/qt/bitrise-qt4.yml b/platform/qt/bitrise-qt4.yml
index aeff150ee7..baa58a0308 100644
--- a/platform/qt/bitrise-qt4.yml
+++ b/platform/qt/bitrise-qt4.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ workflows:
- content: |-
set -eu -o pipefail
+ brew install cmake
brew install qt
brew link qt
brew linkapps qt
diff --git a/platform/qt/bitrise-qt5.yml b/platform/qt/bitrise-qt5.yml
index a612263e48..9c60e45119 100644
--- a/platform/qt/bitrise-qt5.yml
+++ b/platform/qt/bitrise-qt5.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ workflows:
- content: |-
set -eu -o pipefail
+ brew install cmake
brew install qt5
brew link qt5 --force
brew linkapps qt5
diff --git a/platform/qt/platform.gyp b/platform/qt/platform.gyp
deleted file mode 100644
index b948898e2a..0000000000
--- a/platform/qt/platform.gyp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- 'variables': {
- 'loop_lib': 'qt',
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS == "mac"', {
- 'headless_lib': 'cgl',
- }, {
- 'headless_lib': 'glx',
- }]
- ],
- 'qtlibversion': '1.0.0',
- 'coverage': 0,
- },
- 'conditions': [
- ['<(qt_version_major) == 5', {
- 'includes': [ 'qmlapp/qquickmapboxgl.gypi' ],
- }],
- ],
- 'includes': [
- 'app/qmapboxgl.gypi',
- '../../mbgl.gypi',
- '../../test/test.gypi',
- ],
- 'targets': [
- {
- 'target_name': 'platform-lib',
- 'product_name': 'mbgl-platform-qt',
- 'type': 'static_library',
- 'standalone_static_library': 1,
- 'hard_dependency': 1,
- 'dependencies': [
- 'core',
- ],
- 'includes': [
- 'qt.gypi',
- ],
- 'sources': [
- '../default/asset_file_source.cpp',
- '../default/default_file_source.cpp',
- '../default/log_stderr.cpp',
- '../default/mbgl/storage/offline.cpp',
- '../default/mbgl/storage/offline_database.cpp',
- '../default/mbgl/storage/offline_download.cpp',
- '../default/online_file_source.cpp',
- '../default/sqlite3.cpp',
- 'include/qmapbox.hpp',
- 'include/qmapboxgl.hpp',
- 'include/qquickmapboxgl.hpp',
- 'qmapbox.qrc',
- 'src/async_task.cpp',
- 'src/async_task_impl.hpp',
- 'src/http_file_source.cpp',
- 'src/http_file_source.hpp',
- 'src/http_request.cpp',
- 'src/http_request.hpp',
- 'src/image.cpp',
- 'src/qmapbox.cpp',
- 'src/qmapboxgl.cpp',
- 'src/qmapboxgl_p.hpp',
- 'src/qquickmapboxgl.cpp',
- 'src/qquickmapboxglrenderer.cpp',
- 'src/qquickmapboxglrenderer.hpp',
- 'src/run_loop.cpp',
- 'src/run_loop_impl.hpp',
- 'src/string_stdlib.cpp',
- 'src/timer.cpp',
- 'src/timer_impl.hpp',
- ],
- 'variables': {
- 'cflags': [
- '<@(boost_cflags)',
- '<@(geojson_cflags)',
- '<@(libjpeg-turbo_cflags)',
- '<@(nunicode_cflags)',
- '<@(opengl_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_core_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_gui_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_network_cflags)',
- '<@(rapidjson_cflags)',
- '<@(sqlite_cflags)',
- '-fPIC',
- ],
- 'ldflags': [
- '<@(nunicode_ldflags)',
- '<@(opengl_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_core_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_gui_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_network_ldflags)',
- '<@(sqlite_ldflags)',
- '<@(zlib_ldflags)',
- ],
- 'libraries': [
- '<@(geojson_static_libs)',
- '<@(libjpeg-turbo_static_libs)',
- '<@(nunicode_static_libs)',
- '<@(sqlite_static_libs)',
- '<@(zlib_static_libs)',
- ],
- },
- 'include_dirs': [
- 'include',
- '../default',
- '../../include',
- '../../src', # TODO: eliminate
- ],
- 'conditions': [
- ['<(qt_image_decoders) == 0', {
- 'sources': [
- '../default/jpeg_reader.cpp',
- '../default/webp_reader.cpp',
- ],
- 'variables': {
- 'cflags': [
- '<@(libjpeg-turbo_cflags)',
- '<@(webp_cflags)',
- ],
- 'ldflags': [
- '<@(libjpeg-turbo_ldflags)',
- '<@(webp_ldflags)',
- ],
- 'libraries': [
- '<@(libjpeg-turbo_static_libs)',
- '<@(webp_static_libs)',
- ],
- },
- }, {
- 'variables': {
- 'cflags': [
- ],
- },
- }],
- ['<(qt_version_major) == 4', {
- 'variables': {
- 'cflags': [
- '<@(qt_opengl_cflags)',
- # Qt4 generates code with unused variables.
- '-Wno-unused-variable',
- ],
- 'ldflags': [
- '<@(qt_opengl_ldflags)',
- ],
- },
- }],
- ['<(qt_version_major) == 5', {
- 'variables': {
- 'cflags': [
- '<@(qt_location_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_positioning_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_quick_cflags)',
- ],
- 'ldflags': [
- '<@(qt_location_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_positioning_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_quick_ldflags)',
- ],
- },
- }, {
- 'sources/': [ [ 'exclude', 'qquick*' ] ],
- }],
- ['OS == "mac"', {
- 'xcode_settings': {
- 'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS': [ '<@(cflags)' ],
- },
- 'sources': [
- '../darwin/src/',
- ],
- }, {
- 'cflags_cc': [ '<@(cflags)' ],
- 'sources': [
- '../default/thread.cpp',
- ],
- }]
- ],
- 'link_settings': {
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS == "mac"', {
- 'libraries': [
- '<@(libraries)',
- '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework',
- ],
- 'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '<@(ldflags)' ] }
- }, {
- 'libraries': [ '<@(libraries)', '<@(ldflags)' ],
- }]
- ],
- },
- },
- {
- 'target_name': 'qt-lib',
- 'product_name': 'qmapboxgl',
- 'type': 'shared_library',
- 'product_extension': 'so.<(qtlibversion)',
- 'includes': [
- 'qt.gypi',
- ],
- 'dependencies': [
- 'platform-lib',
- ],
- 'link_settings': {
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS == "mac"', {
- 'xcode_settings': {
- 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '-all_load' ],
- 'LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME': '@executable_path/<(qtlibversion)',
- }
- }]
- ],
- },
- },
- {
- 'target_name': 'test',
- 'type': 'executable',
- 'dependencies': [
- 'test-lib',
- 'platform-lib',
- ],
- 'sources': [
- '../../test/src/main.cpp',
- ],
- },
- ],
diff --git a/platform/qt/qmlapp/qquickmapboxgl.gypi b/platform/qt/qmlapp/qquickmapboxgl.gypi
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b539a52f2..0000000000
--- a/platform/qt/qmlapp/qquickmapboxgl.gypi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- 'targets': [
- {
- 'target_name': 'qt-qml-app',
- 'product_name': 'qquickmapboxgl',
- 'type': 'executable',
- 'includes': [
- '../qt.gypi',
- ],
- 'dependencies': [
- 'qt-lib',
- ],
- 'sources': [
- 'main.cpp',
- 'qml.qrc',
- ],
- 'include_dirs': [
- '../include',
- ],
- 'variables': {
- 'cflags': [
- '<@(opengl_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_core_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_gui_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_location_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_positioning_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_qml_cflags)',
- '<@(qt_quick_cflags)',
- '-fPIC',
- ],
- 'ldflags': [
- '<@(opengl_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_core_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_gui_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_location_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_positioning_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_qml_ldflags)',
- '<@(qt_quick_ldflags)',
- ],
- },
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS == "mac"', {
- 'xcode_settings': {
- 'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS': [ '<@(cflags)' ],
- 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '<@(ldflags)' ],
- },
- }, {
- 'cflags_cc': [ '<@(cflags)' ],
- 'libraries': [ '<@(ldflags)' ],
- }],
- ],
- },
- ],
diff --git a/platform/qt/qt.gypi b/platform/qt/qt.gypi
deleted file mode 100644
index e98b3254b0..0000000000
--- a/platform/qt/qt.gypi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- 'rules': [
- {
- 'rule_name': 'MOC files',
- 'extension': 'hpp',
- 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
- 'action': [ '<(qt_moc)', '<(RULE_INPUT_PATH)', '-o', '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME)/moc_<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).cpp' ],
- 'message': 'Generating MOC <(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).cpp',
- },
- {
- 'rule_name': 'QRC files',
- 'extension': 'qrc',
- 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
- 'action': [ '<(qt_rcc)', '<(RULE_INPUT_PATH)', '-name', '<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT)', '-o', '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME)/qrc_<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).cpp' ],
- 'message': 'Generating QRC <(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).cpp',
- },
- ],
diff --git a/platform/qt/scripts/ b/platform/qt/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index be809708ba..0000000000
--- a/platform/qt/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-function print_default_flags {
- CONFIG+=" 'cflags': $(quote_flags -fvisibility=hidden -D__QT__),"$LN
-if [ "$MASON_PLATFORM" == "osx" ]; then
- # XXX: Argh, adding the __QT__ flag here because GYP for OSX does
- # not respect the `cflags` variable above and we need it to reach
- # the utests somehow. Gonna be fixed properly when we move to CMake.
- function print_opengl_flags {
- CONFIG+=" 'opengl_cflags%': ['-D__QT__'],"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'opengl_ldflags%': ['-framework OpenGL', '-framework CoreFoundation'],"$LN
- }
- function print_opengl_flags {
- CONFIG+=" 'opengl_cflags%': $(quote_flags $(pkg-config gl x11 --cflags)),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'opengl_ldflags%': $(quote_flags $(pkg-config gl x11 --libs)),"$LN
- }
-function print_qt_flags {
- mason install Qt system
- QMAKE="qmake"
- if [ ! $(which ${QMAKE} 2>/dev/null) ]; then
- QMAKE="qmake-qt5"
- fi
- QT_VERSION_MAJOR=$(${QMAKE} -query QT_VERSION | cut -d. -f1)
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_version_major%': ['${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}'],"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_image_decoders%': [0],"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_core_cflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason cflags Qt system "QtCore")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_gui_cflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason cflags Qt system "QtGui")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_opengl_cflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason cflags Qt system "QtOpenGL")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_network_cflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason cflags Qt system "QtNetwork")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_core_ldflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason ldflags Qt system "QtCore")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_gui_ldflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason ldflags Qt system "QtGui")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_opengl_ldflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason ldflags Qt system "QtOpenGL")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_network_ldflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason ldflags Qt system "QtNetwork")),"$LN
- if [ ${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} -gt 4 ]; then
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_location_cflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason cflags Qt system "QtLocation")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_qml_cflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason cflags Qt system "QtQml")), "$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_quick_cflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason cflags Qt system "QtQuick")), "$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_positioning_cflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason cflags Qt system "QtPositioning")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_location_ldflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason ldflags Qt system "QtLocation")),"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_qml_ldflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason ldflags Qt system "QtQml")), "$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_quick_ldflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason ldflags Qt system "QtQuick")), "$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_positioning_ldflags%': $(quote_flags $(mason ldflags Qt system "QtPositioning")),"$LN
- fi
- if hash moc 2>/dev/null && hash rcc 2>/dev/null; then
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_moc%': '$(which moc)',"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_rcc%': '$(which rcc)',"$LN
- elif [ ${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} -gt 4 ] ; then
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_moc%': '$(pkg-config Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}Core --variable=host_bins)/moc',"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_rcc%': '$(pkg-config Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}Core --variable=host_bins)/rcc',"$LN
- else
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_moc%': '$(pkg-config QtCore --variable=moc_location)',"$LN
- CONFIG+=" 'qt_rcc%': '$(pkg-config QtCore --variable=rcc_location)',"$LN
- fi
-if [ -f $CONFIGURE_SUPLATFORM ]; then