path: root/platform/macos/src/MGLMapView.h
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1 files changed, 118 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/platform/macos/src/MGLMapView.h b/platform/macos/src/MGLMapView.h
index 7440ffe793..49cfd18f37 100644
--- a/platform/macos/src/MGLMapView.h
+++ b/platform/macos/src/MGLMapView.h
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
An interactive, customizable map view with an interface similar to the one
provided by Apple’s MapKit.
Using `MGLMapView`, you can embed the map inside a view, allow users to
manipulate it with standard gestures, animate the map between different
viewpoints, and present information in the form of annotations and overlays.
The map view loads scalable vector tiles that conform to the
<a href="">Mapbox Vector Tile Specification</a>.
It styles them with a style that conforms to the
@@ -31,27 +31,27 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
Such styles can be designed in
<a href="">Mapbox Studio</a> and hosted on
A collection of Mapbox-hosted styles is available through the `MGLStyle` class.
These basic styles use
<a href="">Mapbox Streets</a>
or <a href="">Mapbox Satellite</a> data
sources, but you can specify a custom style that makes use of your own data.
Mapbox-hosted vector tiles and styles require an API access token, which you
can obtain from the
<a href="">Mapbox account page</a>.
Access tokens associate requests to Mapbox’s vector tile and style APIs with
your Mapbox account. They also deter other developers from using your styles
without your permission.
Adding your own gesture recognizer to `MGLMapView` will block the corresponding
gesture recognizer built into `MGLMapView`. To avoid conflicts, define which
gesture recognizer takes precedence. For example, you can subclass
`NSClickGestureRecognizer` and override `-[NSGestureRecognizer shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer:]`,
so that your subclass will be invoked only if the default `MGLMapView` click
gesture recognizer fails:
class MapClickGestureRecognizer: NSClickGestureRecognizer {
override func shouldRequireFailure(of otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
@note You are responsible for getting permission to use the map data and for
ensuring that your use adheres to the relevant terms of use.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Initializes and returns a newly allocated map view with the specified frame and
the default style.
@param frame The frame for the view, measured in points.
@return An initialized map view.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Initializes and returns a newly allocated map view with the specified frame and
style URL.
@param frame The frame for the view, measured in points.
@param styleURL URL of the map style to display. The URL may be a full HTTP or
HTTPS URL, a Mapbox URL indicating the style’s map ID
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The receiver’s delegate.
A map view sends messages to its delegate to notify it of changes to its
contents or the viewpoint. The delegate also provides information about
annotations displayed on the map, such as the styles to apply to individual
@@ -106,17 +106,17 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The style currently displayed in the receiver.
Unlike the `styleURL` property, this property is set to an object that allows
you to manipulate every aspect of the style locally.
If the style is loading, this property is set to `nil` until the style finishes
loading. If the style has failed to load, this property is set to `nil`.
Because the style loads asynchronously, you should manipulate it in the
`-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:]` or
`-[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:]` method. It is not possible
to manipulate the style before it has finished loading.
@note The default styles provided by Mapbox contain sources and layers with
identifiers that will change over time. Applications that use APIs that
manipulate a style's sources and layers must first set the style URL to an
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
URL of the style currently displayed in the receiver.
The URL may be a full HTTP or HTTPS URL, a Mapbox URL indicating the style’s
map ID (`mapbox://styles/<user>/<style>`), or a path to a local file relative
to the application’s resource path.
If you set this property to `nil`, the receiver will use the default style and
this property will automatically be set to that style’s URL.
If you want to modify the current style without replacing it outright, or if
you want to introspect individual style attributes, use the `style` property.
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Reloads the style.
You do not normally need to call this method. The map view automatically
responds to changes in network connectivity by reloading the style. You may
need to call this method if you change the access token after a style has
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The Mapbox logo, positioned in the lower-left corner.
@note The Mapbox terms of service, which governs the use of Mapbox-hosted
vector tiles and styles,
<a href="">requires</a> most Mapbox
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
A view showing legally required copyright notices, positioned along the bottom
of the map view, to the left of the Mapbox logo.
@note The Mapbox terms of service, which governs the use of Mapbox-hosted
vector tiles and styles,
<a href="">requires</a> these
@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The geographic coordinate at the center of the map view.
Changing the value of this property centers the map on the new coordinate
without changing the current zoom level.
Changing the value of this property updates the map view immediately. If you
want to animate the change, use the `-setCenterCoordinate:animated:` method
@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Changes the center coordinate of the map and optionally animates the change.
Changing the center coordinate centers the map on the new coordinate without
changing the current zoom level.
@param coordinate The new center coordinate for the map.
@param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to scroll to the new
location or `NO` if you want the map to display the new location
@@ -216,12 +216,12 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The zoom level of the receiver.
In addition to affecting the visual size and detail of features on the map, the
zoom level affects the size of the vector tiles that are loaded. At zoom level
0, each tile covers the entire world map; at zoom level 1, it covers ¼ of the
world; at zoom level 2, <sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>16</sub> of the world, and so on.
Changing the value of this property updates the map view immediately. If you
want to animate the change, use the `-setZoomLevel:animated:` method instead.
@@ -229,34 +229,34 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The minimum zoom level at which the map can be shown.
Depending on the map view’s aspect ratio, the map view may be prevented from
reaching the minimum zoom level, in order to keep the map from repeating within
the current viewport.
If the value of this property is greater than that of the `maximumZoomLevel`
property, the behavior is undefined.
The default value of this property is 0.
@property (nonatomic) double minimumZoomLevel;
The maximum zoom level the map can be shown at.
If the value of this property is smaller than that of the `minimumZoomLevel`
property, the behavior is undefined.
The default value of this property is 20.
@property (nonatomic) double maximumZoomLevel;
Changes the zoom level of the map and optionally animates the change.
Changing the zoom level scales the map without changing the current center
@param zoomLevel The new zoom level for the map.
@param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate the change
to the new zoom level or `NO` if you want the map to display the new zoom
@@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The heading of the map, measured in degrees clockwise from true north.
The value `0` means that the top edge of the map view corresponds to true
north. The value `90` means the top of the map is pointing due east. The value
`180` means the top of the map points due south, and so on.
Changing the value of this property updates the map view immediately. If you
want to animate the change, use the `-setDirection:animated:` method instead.
@@ -278,10 +278,10 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Changes the heading of the map and optionally animates the change.
Changing the heading rotates the map without changing the current center
coordinate or zoom level.
@param direction The heading of the map, measured in degrees clockwise from
true north.
@param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate the change
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Moves the viewpoint to a different location with respect to the map with an
optional transition animation.
@param camera The new viewpoint.
@param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate the change to
the new viewpoint or `NO` if you want the map to display the new viewpoint
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Moves the viewpoint to a different location with respect to the map with an
optional transition duration and timing function.
@param camera The new viewpoint.
@param duration The amount of time, measured in seconds, that the transition
animation should take. Specify `0` to jump to the new viewpoint
@@ -325,10 +325,10 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Moves the viewpoint to a different location using a transition animation that
evokes powered flight and a default duration based on the length of the flight
The transition animation seamlessly incorporates zooming and panning to help
the user find his or her bearings even after traversing a great distance.
@param camera The new viewpoint.
@param completion The block to execute after the animation finishes.
@@ -337,10 +337,10 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Moves the viewpoint to a different location using a transition animation that
evokes powered flight and an optional transition duration.
The transition animation seamlessly incorporates zooming and panning to help
the user find his or her bearings even after traversing a great distance.
@param camera The new viewpoint.
@param duration The amount of time, measured in seconds, that the transition
animation should take. Specify `0` to jump to the new viewpoint
@@ -353,10 +353,10 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Moves the viewpoint to a different location using a transition animation that
evokes powered flight and an optional transition duration and peak altitude.
The transition animation seamlessly incorporates zooming and panning to help
the user find his or her bearings even after traversing a great distance.
@param camera The new viewpoint.
@param duration The amount of time, measured in seconds, that the transition
animation should take. Specify `0` to jump to the new viewpoint
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The geographic coordinate bounds visible in the receiver’s viewport.
Changing the value of this property updates the receiver immediately. If you
want to animate the change, use the `-setVisibleCoordinateBounds:animated:`
method instead.
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Changes the receiver’s viewport to fit the given coordinate bounds, optionally
animating the change.
@param bounds The bounds that the viewport will show in its entirety.
@param animated Specify `YES` to animate the change by smoothly scrolling and
zooming or `NO` to immediately display the given bounds.
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Changes the receiver’s viewport to fit the given coordinate bounds and
optionally some additional padding on each side.
@param bounds The bounds that the viewport will show in its entirety.
@param insets The minimum padding (in screen points) that will be visible
around the given coordinate bounds.
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns the camera that best fits the given coordinate bounds.
@param bounds The coordinate bounds to fit to the receiver’s viewport.
@return A camera object centered on the same location as the coordinate bounds
with zoom level as high (close to the ground) as possible while still
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns the camera that best fits the given coordinate bounds, optionally with
some additional padding on each side.
@param bounds The coordinate bounds to fit to the receiver’s viewport.
@param insets The minimum padding (in screen points) that would be visible
around the returned camera object if it were set as the receiver’s camera.
@@ -458,13 +458,13 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
A Boolean value indicating whether the receiver automatically adjusts its
content insets.
When the value of this property is `YES`, the map view automatically updates
its `contentInsets` property to account for any overlapping title bar or
toolbar. To overlap with the title bar or toolbar, the containing window’s
style mask must have `NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask` set, and the title bar
must not be transparent.
The default value of this property is `YES`.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets;
@@ -472,16 +472,16 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The distance from the edges of the map view’s frame to the edges of the map
view’s logical viewport.
When the value of this property is equal to `NSEdgeInsetsZero`, viewport
properties such as `centerCoordinate` assume a viewport that matches the map
view’s frame. Otherwise, those properties are inset, excluding part of the
frame from the viewport. For instance, if the only the top edge is inset, the
map center is effectively shifted downward.
When the value of the `automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets` property is `YES`,
the value of this property may be overridden at any time.
Changing the value of this property updates the map view immediately. If you
want to animate the change, use the `-setContentInsets:animated:` method
@@ -491,16 +491,16 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Sets the distance from the edges of the map view’s frame to the edges of the
map view’s logical viewport, with an optional transition animation.
When the value of this property is equal to `NSEdgeInsetsZero`, viewport
properties such as `centerCoordinate` assume a viewport that matches the map
view’s frame. Otherwise, those properties are inset, excluding part of the
frame from the viewport. For instance, if the only the top edge is inset, the
map center is effectively shifted downward.
When the value of the `automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets` property is `YES`,
the value of this property may be overridden at any time.
@param contentInsets The new values to inset the content by.
@param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate the change to
the content insets or `NO` if you want the map to inset the content
@@ -513,13 +513,13 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
A Boolean value that determines whether the user may zoom the map in and out,
changing the zoom level.
When this property is set to `YES`, the default, the user may zoom the map in
and out by pinching two fingers, by using a scroll wheel on a traditional
mouse, or by dragging the mouse cursor up and down while holding down the Shift
key. When the receiver has focus, the user may also zoom by pressing the up and
down arrow keys while holding down the Option key.
This property controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the
value of this property to `NO`, you may still change the map zoom
@@ -529,11 +529,11 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
A Boolean value that determines whether the user may scroll around the map,
changing the center coordinate.
When this property is set to `YES`, the default, the user may scroll the map by
swiping with two fingers or dragging the mouse cursor. When the receiver has
focus, the user may also scroll around the map by pressing the arrow keys.
This property controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the
value of this property to `NO`, you may still change the map location
@@ -543,13 +543,13 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
A Boolean value that determines whether the user may rotate the map, changing
the direction.
When this property is set to `YES`, the default, the user may rotate the map by
moving two fingers in a circular motion or by dragging the mouse cursor left
and right while holding down the Option key. When the receiver has focus, the
user may also zoom by pressing the left and right arrow keys while holding down
the Option key.
This property controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the
value of this property to `NO`, you may still rotate the map programmatically.
@@ -558,10 +558,10 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
A Boolean value that determines whether the user may tilt of the map, changing
the pitch.
When this property is set to `YES`, the default, the user may rotate the map by
dragging the mouse cursor up and down while holding down the Option key.
This property controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the
value of this property to `NO`, you may still change the pitch of the map
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The complete list of annotations associated with the receiver. (read-only)
The objects in this array must adopt the `MGLAnnotation` protocol. If no
annotations are associated with the map view, the value of this property is
@@ -581,13 +581,13 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Adds an annotation to the map view.
@note `MGLMultiPolyline`, `MGLMultiPolygon`, and `MGLShapeCollection` objects
cannot be added to the map view at this time. Nor can `MGLMultiPoint`
objects that are not instances of `MGLPolyline` or `MGLPolygon`. Any
multipoint, multipolyline, multipolygon, or shape collection object that is
specified is silently ignored.
@param annotation The annotation object to add to the receiver. This object
must conform to the `MGLAnnotation` protocol. The map view retains the
annotation object.
@@ -596,13 +596,13 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Adds an array of annotations to the map view.
@note `MGLMultiPolyline`, `MGLMultiPolygon`, and `MGLShapeCollection` objects
cannot be added to the map view at this time. Nor can `MGLMultiPoint`
objects that are not instances of `MGLPolyline` or `MGLPolygon`. Any
multipoint, multipolyline, multipolygon, or shape collection objects that
are specified are silently ignored.
@param annotations An array of annotation objects. Each object in the array
must conform to the `MGLAnnotation` protocol. The map view retains each
individual annotation object.
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The complete list of annotations associated with the receiver that are
currently visible.
The objects in this array must adopt the `MGLAnnotation` protocol. If no
annotations are associated with the map view or if no annotations associated
with the map view are currently visible, the value of this property is `nil`.
@@ -621,11 +621,11 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Removes an annotation from the map view, deselecting it if it is selected.
Removing an annotation object dissociates it from the map view entirely,
preventing it from being displayed on the map. Thus you would typically call
this method only when you want to hide or delete a given annotation.
@param annotation The annotation object to remove. This object must conform to
the `MGLAnnotation` protocol.
@@ -634,11 +634,11 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Removes an array of annotations from the map view, deselecting any selected
annotations in the array.
Removing annotation objects dissociates them from the map view entirely,
preventing them from being displayed on the map. Thus you would typically call
this method only when you want to hide or delete the given annotations.
@param annotations The array of annotation objects to remove. Objects in the
array must conform to the `MGLAnnotation` protocol.
@@ -646,11 +646,11 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns a reusable annotation image object associated with its identifier.
For performance reasons, you should generally reuse `MGLAnnotationImage`
objects for identical-looking annotations in your map views. Dequeueing saves
time and memory during performance-critical operations such as scrolling.
@param identifier A string identifying the annotation image to be reused. This
string is the same one you specify when initially returning the annotation
image object using the `-mapView:imageForAnnotation:` method.
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns the list of annotations associated with the receiver that intersect with
the given rectangle.
@param rect A rectangle expressed in the map view’s coordinate system.
@return An array of objects that adopt the `MGLAnnotation` protocol or `nil` if
no annotations associated with the map view are currently visible in the
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The currently selected annotations.
Assigning a new array to this property selects only the first annotation in the
@@ -682,30 +682,30 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Selects an annotation and displays a callout popover for it.
If the given annotation is not visible within the current viewport, this method
has no effect.
@param annotation The annotation object to select.
- (void)selectAnnotation:(id <MGLAnnotation>)annotation;
Deselects an annotation and hides its callout popover.
@param annotation The annotation object to deselect.
- (void)deselectAnnotation:(nullable id <MGLAnnotation>)annotation;
A common view controller for managing a callout popover’s content view.
Like any instance of `NSPopover`, an annotation callout manages its contents
with a view controller. The annotation object is the view controller’s
represented object. This means that you can bind controls in the view
controller’s content view to KVO-compliant properties of the annotation object,
such as `title` and `subtitle`.
This property defines a common view controller that is used for every
annotation’s callout view. If you set this property to `nil`, a default view
controller will be used that manages a simple title label and subtitle label.
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns a point annotation located at the given point.
@param point A point in the view’s coordinate system.
@return A point annotation whose annotation image coincides with the point. If
multiple point annotations coincide with the point, the return value is the
@@ -731,9 +731,9 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Adds a single overlay to the map.
To remove an overlay from a map, use the `-removeOverlay:` method.
@param overlay The overlay object to add. This object must conform to the
`MGLOverlay` protocol.
@@ -741,9 +741,9 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Adds an array of overlays to the map.
To remove multiple overlays from a map, use the `-removeOverlays:` method.
@param overlays An array of objects, each of which must conform to the
`MGLOverlay` protocol.
@@ -751,19 +751,19 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Removes a single overlay from the map.
If the specified overlay is not currently associated with the map view, this
method does nothing.
@param overlay The overlay object to remove.
- (void)removeOverlay:(id <MGLOverlay>)overlay;
Removes an array of overlays from the map.
If a given overlay object is not associated with the map view, it is ignored.
@param overlays An array of objects, each of which conforms to the `MGLOverlay`
@@ -773,12 +773,12 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with a given point.
This method may return features from any of the map’s style layers. To restrict
the search to a particular layer or layers, use the
`-visibleFeaturesAtPoint:inStyleLayersWithIdentifiers:` method. For more
information about searching for map features, see that method’s documentation.
@param point A point expressed in the map view’s coordinate system.
@return An array of objects conforming to the `MGLFeature` protocol that
represent features in the sources used by the current style.
@@ -788,13 +788,13 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with a given point,
restricted to the given style layers.
Each object in the returned array represents a feature rendered by the
current style and provides access to attributes specified by the relevant
<a href="">tile sources</a>.
The returned array includes features specified in vector and GeoJSON tile
sources but does not include anything from raster, image, or video sources.
Only visible features are returned. For example, suppose the current style uses
<a href="">Mapbox Streets source</a>,
@@ -807,22 +807,22 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
attributes). The dictionary contains only the attributes provided by the
tile source; it does not include computed attribute values or rules about how
the feature is rendered by the current style.
The returned array is sorted by z-order, starting with the topmost rendered
feature and ending with the bottommost rendered feature. A feature that is
rendered multiple times due to wrapping across the antimeridian at low zoom
levels is included only once, subject to the caveat that follows.
Features come from tiled vector data or GeoJSON data that is converted to tiles
internally, so feature geometries are clipped at tile boundaries and features
may appear duplicated across tiles. For example, suppose the specified point
lies along a road that spans the screen. The resulting array includes those
parts of the road that lie within the map tile that contain the specified
point, even if the road extends into other tiles.
To find out the layer names in a particular style, view the style in
<a href="">Mapbox Studio</a>.
@note Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different
versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the
style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like
@@ -843,12 +843,12 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with the given
This method may return features from any of the map’s style layers. To restrict
the search to a particular layer or layers, use the
`-visibleFeaturesAtPoint:inStyleLayersWithIdentifiers:` method. For more
information about searching for map features, see that method’s documentation.
@param rect A rectangle expressed in the map view’s coordinate system.
@return An array of objects conforming to the `MGLFeature` protocol that
represent features in the sources used by the current style.
@@ -858,13 +858,13 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with the given
rectangle, restricted to the given style layers.
Each object in the returned array represents a feature rendered by the
current style and provides access to attributes specified by the relevant
<a href="">tile sources</a>.
The returned array includes features specified in vector and GeoJSON tile
sources but does not include anything from raster, image, or video sources.
Only visible features are returned. For example, suppose the current style uses
<a href="">Mapbox Streets source</a>,
@@ -877,12 +877,12 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
contains only the attributes provided by the tile source; it does not include
computed attribute values or rules about how the feature is rendered by the
current style.
The returned array is sorted by z-order, starting with the topmost rendered
feature and ending with the bottommost rendered feature. A feature that is
rendered multiple times due to wrapping across the antimeridian at low zoom
levels is included only once, subject to the caveat that follows.
Features come from tiled vector data or GeoJSON data that is converted to tiles
internally, so feature geometries are clipped at tile boundaries and features
may appear duplicated across tiles. For example, suppose the specified
@@ -890,10 +890,10 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
includes those parts of the road that lie within the map tiles covering the
specified rectangle, even if the road extends into other tiles. The portion of
the road within each map tile is included individually.
To find out the layer names in a particular style, view the style in
<a href="">Mapbox Studio</a>.
@note Layer identifiers are not guaranteed to exist across styles or different
versions of the same style. Applications that use this API must first set the
style URL to an explicitly versioned style using a convenience method like
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Converts a geographic coordinate to a point in the given view’s coordinate
@param coordinate The geographic coordinate to convert.
@param view The view in whose coordinate system the returned point should be
expressed. If this parameter is `nil`, the returned point is expressed in
@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Converts a point in the given view’s coordinate system to a geographic
@param point The point to convert.
@param view The view in whose coordinate system the point is expressed.
@return The geographic coordinate at the given point.
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Converts a geographic bounding box to a rectangle in the given view’s
coordinate system.
@param bounds The geographic bounding box to convert.
@param view The view in whose coordinate system the returned rectangle should
be expressed. If this parameter is `nil`, the returned rectangle is
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Converts a rectangle in the given view’s coordinate system to a geographic
bounding box.
@param rect The rectangle to convert.
@param view The view in whose coordinate system the rectangle is expressed.
@return The geographic bounding box coextensive with the given rectangle.
@@ -962,11 +962,11 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Returns the distance spanned by one point in the map view’s coordinate system
at the given latitude and current zoom level.
The distance between points decreases as the latitude approaches the poles.
This relationship parallels the relationship between longitudinal coordinates
at different latitudes.
@param latitude The latitude of the geographic coordinate represented by the
@return The distance in meters spanned by a single point.
@@ -978,11 +978,11 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
Opens one or more webpages in the default Web browser in which the user can
provide feedback about the map data.
You should add a menu item to the Help menu of your application that invokes
this method. Title it “Improve This Map” or similar. Set its target to the
first responder and its action to `giveFeedback:`.
This map view searches the current style’s sources for webpages to open.
Specifically, each source’s tile set has an `attribution` property containing
HTML code; if an <code>&lt;a></code> tag (link) within that code has an
@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
The options that determine which debugging aids are shown on the map.
These options are all disabled by default and should remain disabled in
released software for performance and aesthetic reasons.