path: root/platform/ios/uitest/OHHTTPStubs/
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Diffstat (limited to 'platform/ios/uitest/OHHTTPStubs/')
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index 0000000000..2c9c831393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/ios/uitest/OHHTTPStubs/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+[![Carthage compatible](](
+[![Build Status](](
+`OHHTTPStubs` is a library designed to stub your network requests very easily. It can help you:
+* test your apps with **fake network data** (stubbed from file) and **simulate slow networks**, to check your application behavior in bad network conditions
+* write **Unit Tests** that use fake network data from your fixtures.
+It works with `NSURLConnection`, new iOS7/OSX.9's `NSURLSession`, `AFNetworking` (both 1.x and 2.x), or any networking framework that use Cocoa's URL Loading System.
+[![Donate](]( "Donate")
+# Documentation & Usage Examples
+`OHHTTPStubs` headers are fully documented using Appledoc-like / Headerdoc-like comments in the header files. You can also [read the **online documentation** here](
+## Swift support
+`OHHTTPStubs` is compatible with Swift out of the box: you can use it with the same API as you would use in Objective-C. But you might also want to include the `OHHTTPStubs/Swift` subspec in your `Podfile`, which adds some global function helpers (see `OHHTTPStubsSwift.swift`) to make the use of `OHHTTPStubs` more compact and Swift-like.
+## Basic example
+### In Objective-C
+[OHHTTPStubs stubRequestsPassingTest:^BOOL(NSURLRequest *request) {
+ return [ isEqualToString:@""];
+} withStubResponse:^OHHTTPStubsResponse*(NSURLRequest *request) {
+ // Stub it with our "wsresponse.json" stub file (which is in same bundle as self)
+ NSString* fixture = OHPathForFile(@"wsresponse.json", self.class);
+ return [OHHTTPStubsResponse responseWithFileAtPath:fixture
+ statusCode:200 headers:@{@"Content-Type":@"application/json"}];
+### In Swift
+This example is using the Swift helpers found in `OHHTTPStubsSwift.swift` provided by the `OHHTTPStubs/Swift` subspec
+stub(isHost("")) { _ in
+ // Stub it with our "wsresponse.json" stub file (which is in same bundle as self)
+ let stubPath = OHPathForFile("wsresponse.json", self.dynamicType)
+ return fixture(stubPath!, headers: ["Content-Type":"application/json"])
+Note: Using `OHHTTPStubsSwift.swift` you could also compose the matcher functions like this: `stub(isScheme("http") && isHost("myhost")) { … }`
+## More examples & Help Topics
+* For a lot more examples, see the dedicated "[Usage Examples](" wiki page.
+* The wiki also contain [some articles that can help you get started]( with (and troubleshoot if needed) `OHHTTPStubs`.
+# Compatibility
+`OHHTTPStubs` is compatible with **iOS 5.0+** and **OSX 10.7+**.
+`OHHTTPStubs` also works with iOS7's and OSX 10.9's `NSURLSession` mechanism.
+`OHHTTPStubs` is fully **Swift-compatible**. [Nullability annotations]( have been added to allow a cleaner API when used from Swift.
+# Installing in your projects
+Using [CocoaPods]( is the recommended way.
+Simply add `pod 'OHHTTPStubs'` to your `Podfile`.
+_`OHHTTPStubs` should also be compatible with Carthage — but I won't guarantee help/support for it as I don't use it personally._
+# Special Considerations
+## Using OHHTTPStubs in your Unit Tests
+`OHHTTPStubs` is ideal to write Unit Tests that normally would perform network requests. But if you use it in your Unit Tests, don't forget to:
+* remove any stubs you installed after each test — to avoid those stubs to still be installed when executing the next Test Case — by calling `[OHHTTPStubs removeAllStubs]` in your `tearDown` method. [see this wiki page for more info](
+* be sure to wait until the request has received its response before doing your assertions and letting the test case finish (like for any asynchronous test). [see this wiki page for more info](
+## Automatic loading
+Thanks to method swizzling, `OHHTTPStubs` is automatically loaded and installed both for:
+* requests made using `NSURLConnection` or `[NSURLSession sharedSession]`;
+* requests made using a `NSURLSession` created using a `[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration]` or `[NSURLSessionConfiguration ephemeralSessionConfiguration]` configuration (using `[NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:…]`-like methods).
+If you need to disable (and re-enable) `OHHTTPStubs` — globally or per `NSURLSession` — you can use `[OHHTTPStubs setEnabled:]` / `[OHHTTPStubs setEnabled:forSessionConfiguration:]`.
+## Known limitations
+* `OHHTTPStubs` **can't work on background sessions** (sessions created using `[NSURLSessionConfiguration backgroundSessionConfiguration]`) because background sessions don't allow the use of custom `NSURLProtocols` and are handled by the iOS Operating System itself.
+* `OHHTTPStubs` don't simulate data upload. The `NSURLProtocolClient` `@protocol` does not provide a way to signal the delegate that data has been **sent** (only that some has been loaded), so any data in the `HTTPBody` or `HTTPBodyStream` of an `NSURLRequest`, or data provided to `-[NSURLSession uploadTaskWithRequest:fromData:];` will be ignored, and more importantly, the `-URLSession:task:didSendBodyData:totalBytesSent:totalBytesExpectedToSend:` delegate method will never be called when you stub the request using `OHHTTPStubs`.
+_As far as I know, there's nothing we can do about those two limitations. Please let me know if you know a solution that would make that possible anyway._
+## Submitting to the AppStore
+`OHHTTPStubs` **can be used** on apps submitted **on the AppStore**. It does not use any private API and nothing prevents you from shipping it.
+But you generally only use stubs during the development phase and want to remove your stubs when submitting to the AppStore. So be careful to only include `OHHTTPStubs` when needed (only in your test targets, or only inside `#if DEBUG` portions, or by using [per-Build-Configuration pods]( to avoid forgetting to remove it when the time comes that you release for the AppStore and you want your requests to hit the net!
+# License and Credits
+This project and library has been created by Olivier Halligon (@aligatr on Twitter) and is under the MIT License.
+It has been inspired by [this article from](
+I would also like to thank Kevin Harwood ([@kcharwood]( for migrating the code to `NSInputStream`, Jinlian Wang ([@JinlianWang]( for adding Mocktail support, and everyone else who contributed to this project on GitHub somehow.
+If you want to support the development of this library, feel free to [![Donate](]( "Donate"). Thanks to all contributors so far!