path: root/platform/ios/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'platform/ios/src/')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/platform/ios/src/ b/platform/ios/src/
index d242feb38d..3fc692f4e0 100644
--- a/platform/ios/src/
+++ b/platform/ios/src/
@@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ static const NSUInteger MGLPresentsWithTransactionAnnotationCount = 0;
/// An indication that the requested annotation was not found or is nonexistent.
enum { MGLAnnotationTagNotFound = UINT32_MAX };
+/// The threshold used to consider when a tilt gesture should start.
+const CLLocationDegrees MGLHorizontalTiltToleranceDegrees = 45.0;
/// Mapping from an annotation tag to metadata about that annotation, including
/// the annotation itself.
typedef std::unordered_map<MGLAnnotationTag, MGLAnnotationContext> MGLAnnotationTagContextMap;
@@ -267,6 +270,9 @@ public:
@property (nonatomic) MGLMapDebugMaskOptions residualDebugMask;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSURL *residualStyleURL;
+/// Tilt gesture recognizer helper
+@property (nonatomic, assign) CGPoint dragGestureMiddlePoint;
- (mbgl::Map &)mbglMap;
@@ -2139,6 +2145,14 @@ public:
if (twoFingerDrag.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan)
+ CGPoint midPoint = [twoFingerDrag translationInView:twoFingerDrag.view];
+ // In the following if and for the first execution middlePoint
+ // will be equal to dragGestureMiddlePoint and the resulting
+ // gestureSlopeAngle will be 0º causing a small delay,
+ // initializing dragGestureMiddlePoint with the current midPoint
+ // but substracting one point from 'y' forces an initial 90º angle
+ // making the gesture avoid the delay
+ self.dragGestureMiddlePoint = CGPointMake(midPoint.x, midPoint.y-1);
initialPitch = *self.mbglMap.getCameraOptions().pitch;
[self notifyGestureDidBegin];
@@ -2150,30 +2164,45 @@ public:
twoFingerDrag.state = UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded;
- CGFloat gestureDistance = CGPoint([twoFingerDrag translationInView:twoFingerDrag.view]).y;
- CGFloat slowdown = 2.0;
- CGFloat pitchNew = initialPitch - (gestureDistance / slowdown);
- CGPoint centerPoint = [self anchorPointForGesture:twoFingerDrag];
- MGLMapCamera *oldCamera =;
- MGLMapCamera *toCamera = [self cameraByTiltingToPitch:pitchNew];
- if ([self _shouldChangeFromCamera:oldCamera toCamera:toCamera])
- {
- self.mbglMap.jumpTo(mbgl::CameraOptions()
+ CGPoint leftTouchPoint = [twoFingerDrag locationOfTouch:0 inView:twoFingerDrag.view];
+ CGPoint rightTouchPoint = [twoFingerDrag locationOfTouch:1 inView:twoFingerDrag.view];
+ CLLocationDegrees fingerSlopeAngle = [self angleBetweenPoints:leftTouchPoint endPoint:rightTouchPoint];
+ CGPoint middlePoint = [twoFingerDrag translationInView:twoFingerDrag.view];
+ CLLocationDegrees gestureSlopeAngle = [self angleBetweenPoints:self.dragGestureMiddlePoint endPoint:middlePoint];
+ self.dragGestureMiddlePoint = middlePoint;
+ if (fabs(fingerSlopeAngle) < MGLHorizontalTiltToleranceDegrees && fabs(gestureSlopeAngle) > 60.0 ) {
+ CGFloat gestureDistance = middlePoint.y;
+ CGFloat slowdown = 2.0;
+ CGFloat pitchNew = initialPitch - (gestureDistance / slowdown);
+ CGPoint centerPoint = [self anchorPointForGesture:twoFingerDrag];
+ MGLMapCamera *oldCamera =;
+ MGLMapCamera *toCamera = [self cameraByTiltingToPitch:pitchNew];
+ if ([self _shouldChangeFromCamera:oldCamera toCamera:toCamera])
+ {
+ self.mbglMap.jumpTo(mbgl::CameraOptions()
.withAnchor(mbgl::ScreenCoordinate { centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y }));
+ }
+ [self cameraIsChanging];
- [self cameraIsChanging];
else if (twoFingerDrag.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded || twoFingerDrag.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateCancelled)
[self notifyGestureDidEndWithDrift:NO];
[self unrotateIfNeededForGesture];
+ self.dragGestureMiddlePoint = CGPointZero;
@@ -2296,23 +2325,17 @@ public:
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizerShouldBegin:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
- if ([gestureRecognizer isKindOfClass:[UIPanGestureRecognizer class]])
+ if (gestureRecognizer == _twoFingerDrag)
UIPanGestureRecognizer *panGesture = (UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer;
if (panGesture.minimumNumberOfTouches == 2)
- CGPoint west = [panGesture locationOfTouch:0 inView:panGesture.view];
- CGPoint east = [panGesture locationOfTouch:1 inView:panGesture.view];
- if (west.x > east.x) {
- CGPoint swap = west;
- west = east;
- east = swap;
- }
+ CGPoint leftTouchPoint = [panGesture locationOfTouch:0 inView:panGesture.view];
+ CGPoint rightTouchPoint = [panGesture locationOfTouch:1 inView:panGesture.view];
- CLLocationDegrees horizontalToleranceDegrees = 60.0;
- if ([self angleBetweenPoints:west east:east] > horizontalToleranceDegrees) {
+ CLLocationDegrees degrees = [self angleBetweenPoints:leftTouchPoint endPoint:rightTouchPoint];
+ if (fabs(degrees) > MGLHorizontalTiltToleranceDegrees) {
return NO;
@@ -2334,18 +2357,24 @@ public:
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)otherGestureRecognizer
NSArray *validSimultaneousGestures = @[ self.pan, self.pinch, self.rotate ];
return ([validSimultaneousGestures containsObject:gestureRecognizer] && [validSimultaneousGestures containsObject:otherGestureRecognizer]);
-- (CLLocationDegrees)angleBetweenPoints:(CGPoint)west east:(CGPoint)east
+- (CLLocationDegrees)angleBetweenPoints:(CGPoint)originPoint endPoint:(CGPoint)endPoint
- CGFloat slope = (west.y - east.y) / (west.x - east.x);
+ if (originPoint.x > endPoint.x) {
+ CGPoint swap = originPoint;
+ originPoint = endPoint;
+ endPoint = swap;
+ }
+ CGFloat x = (endPoint.x - originPoint.x);
+ CGFloat y = (endPoint.y - originPoint.y);
- CGFloat angle = atan(fabs(slope));
- CLLocationDegrees degrees = MGLDegreesFromRadians(angle);
+ CGFloat angleInRadians = atan2(y, x);
+ CLLocationDegrees angleInDegrees = MGLDegreesFromRadians(angleInRadians);
- return degrees;
+ return angleInDegrees;
#pragma mark - Attribution -