path: root/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
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1 files changed, 1187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h b/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
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index 0000000000..63d799bda9
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+++ b/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@
+#import "MGLGeometry.h"
+#import "MGLMapCamera.h"
+#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
+#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
+#import "MGLTypes.h"
+@class MGLAnnotationView;
+@class MGLAnnotationImage;
+@class MGLUserLocation;
+@class MGLPolyline;
+@class MGLPolygon;
+@class MGLShape;
+@protocol MGLMapViewDelegate;
+@protocol MGLAnnotation;
+@protocol MGLOverlay;
+@protocol MGLCalloutView;
+@protocol MGLFeature;
+/** The vertical alignment of an annotation within a map view. */
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MGLAnnotationVerticalAlignment) {
+ /** Aligns the annotation vertically in the center of the map view. */
+ MGLAnnotationVerticalAlignmentCenter = 0,
+ /** Aligns the annotation vertically at the top of the map view. */
+ MGLAnnotationVerticalAlignmentTop,
+ /** Aligns the annotation vertically at the bottom of the map view. */
+ MGLAnnotationVerticalAlignmentBottom,
+/** Options for enabling debugging features in an MGLMapView instance. */
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, MGLMapDebugMaskOptions) {
+ /** Edges of tile boundaries are shown as thick, red lines to help diagnose
+ tile clipping issues. */
+ MGLMapDebugTileBoundariesMask = 1 << 1,
+ /** Each tile shows its tile coordinate (x/y/z) in the upper-left corner. */
+ MGLMapDebugTileInfoMask = 1 << 2,
+ /** Each tile shows a timestamp indicating when it was loaded. */
+ MGLMapDebugTimestampsMask = 1 << 3,
+ /** Edges of glyphs and symbols are shown as faint, green lines to help
+ diagnose collision and label placement issues. */
+ MGLMapDebugCollisionBoxesMask = 1 << 4,
+ /** Line widths, backgrounds, and fill colors are ignored to create a
+ wireframe effect. */
+ MGLMapDebugWireframesMask = 1 << 5,
+ An interactive, customizable map view with an interface similar to the one
+ provided by Apple's MapKit.
+ Using `MGLMapView`, you can embed the map inside a view, allow users to
+ manipulate it with standard gestures, animate the map between different
+ viewpoints, and present information in the form of annotations and overlays.
+ The map view loads scalable vector tiles that conform to the
+ <a href="">Mapbox Vector Tile Specification</a>.
+ It styles them with a style that conforms to the
+ <a href="">Mapbox GL style specification</a>.
+ Such styles can be designed in
+ <a href="">Mapbox Studio</a> and hosted on
+ A collection of Mapbox-hosted styles is available through the `MGLStyle`
+ class. These basic styles use
+ <a href="">Mapbox Streets</a>
+ or <a href="">Mapbox Satellite</a> data
+ sources, but you can specify a custom style that makes use of your own data.
+ Mapbox-hosted vector tiles and styles require an API access token, which you
+ can obtain from the
+ <a href="">Mapbox account page</a>.
+ Access tokens associate requests to Mapbox's vector tile and style APIs with
+ your Mapbox account. They also deter other developers from using your styles
+ without your permission.
+ @note You are responsible for getting permission to use the map data and for
+ ensuring that your use adheres to the relevant terms of use.
+ */
+@interface MGLMapView : UIView
+#pragma mark Creating Instances
+ Initializes and returns a newly allocated map view with the specified frame
+ and the default style.
+ @param frame The frame for the view, measured in points.
+ @return An initialized map view.
+ */
+- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame;
+ Initializes and returns a newly allocated map view with the specified frame
+ and style URL.
+ @param frame The frame for the view, measured in points.
+ @param styleURL URL of the map style to display. The URL may be a full HTTP
+ or HTTPS URL, a Mapbox URL indicating the style's map ID
+ (`mapbox://styles/{user}/{style}`), or a path to a local file relative
+ to the application's resource path. Specify `nil` for the default style.
+ @return An initialized map view.
+ */
+- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame styleURL:(nullable NSURL *)styleURL;
+#pragma mark Accessing the Delegate
+ The receiver's delegate.
+ A map view sends messages to its delegate to notify it of changes to its
+ contents or the viewpoint. The delegate also provides information about
+ annotations displayed on the map, such as the styles to apply to individual
+ annotations.
+ */
+@property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) IBOutlet id<MGLMapViewDelegate> delegate;
+#pragma mark Configuring the Map's Appearance
+ URLs of the styles bundled with the library.
+ @deprecated Call the relevant class method of `MGLStyle` for the URL of a
+ particular default style.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) NS_ARRAY_OF(NSURL *) *bundledStyleURLs __attribute__((deprecated("Call the relevant class method of MGLStyle for the URL of a particular default style.")));
+ URL of the style currently displayed in the receiver.
+ The URL may be a full HTTP or HTTPS URL, a Mapbox URL indicating the style's
+ map ID (`mapbox://styles/{user}/{style}`), or a path to a local file
+ relative to the application's resource path.
+ If you set this property to `nil`, the receiver will use the default style
+ and this property will automatically be set to that style's URL.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, null_resettable) NSURL *styleURL;
+ Reloads the style.
+ You do not normally need to call this method. The map view automatically
+ responds to changes in network connectivity by reloading the style. You may
+ need to call this method if you change the access token after a style has
+ loaded but before loading a style associated with a different Mapbox account.
+ This method does not bust the cache. Even if the style has recently changed on
+ the server, calling this method does not necessarily ensure that the map view
+ reflects those changes.
+ */
+- (IBAction)reloadStyle:(id)sender;
+ A control indicating the map's direction and allowing the user to manipulate
+ the direction, positioned in the upper-right corner.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIImageView *compassView;
+ The Mapbox logo, positioned in the lower-left corner.
+ @note The Mapbox terms of service, which governs the use of Mapbox-hosted
+ vector tiles and styles,
+ <a href="">requires</a> most Mapbox
+ customers to display the Mapbox logo. If this applies to you, do not
+ hide this view or change its contents.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIImageView *logoView;
+ A view showing legally required copyright notices and telemetry settings,
+ positioned at the bottom-right of the map view.
+ @note The Mapbox terms of service, which governs the use of Mapbox-hosted
+ vector tiles and styles,
+ <a href="">requires</a> these
+ copyright notices to accompany any map that features Mapbox-designed styles,
+ OpenStreetMap data, or other Mapbox data such as satellite or terrain
+ data. If that applies to this map view, do not hide this view or remove
+ any notices from it.
+ @note You are additionally
+ <a href="">required</a>
+ to provide users with the option to disable anonymous usage and location
+ sharing (telemetry). If this view is hidden, you must implement this
+ setting elsewhere in your app or via `Settings.bundle`. See our
+ <a href="">website</a> for
+ implementation help.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIButton *attributionButton;
+ Currently active style classes, represented as an array of string identifiers.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) NS_ARRAY_OF(NSString *) *styleClasses;
+ Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the style class with the given
+ identifier is currently active.
+ @param styleClass The style class to query for.
+ @return Whether the style class is currently active.
+ */
+- (BOOL)hasStyleClass:(NSString *)styleClass;
+ Activates the style class with the given identifier.
+ @param styleClass The style class to activate.
+ */
+- (void)addStyleClass:(NSString *)styleClass;
+ Deactivates the style class with the given identifier.
+ @param styleClass The style class to deactivate.
+ */
+- (void)removeStyleClass:(NSString *)styleClass;
+#pragma mark Displaying the User's Location
+ A Boolean value indicating whether the map may display the user location.
+ Setting this property to `YES` causes the map view to use the Core Location
+ framework to find the current location. As long as this property is `YES`, the
+ map view continues to track the user's location and update it periodically.
+ This property does not indicate whether the user's position is actually visible
+ on the map, only whether the map view is allowed to display it. To determine
+ whether the user's position is visible, use the `userLocationVisible` property.
+ The default value of this property is `NO`.
+ On iOS 8 and above, your app must specify a value for
+ `NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription` or `NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription` in
+ its `Info.plist` to satisfy the requirements of the underlying Core Location
+ framework when enabling this property.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL showsUserLocation;
+ A Boolean value indicating whether the device's current location is visible in
+ the map view.
+ Use `showsUserLocation` to control the visibility of the on-screen user
+ location annotation.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly, getter=isUserLocationVisible) BOOL userLocationVisible;
+ Returns the annotation object indicating the user's current location.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) MGLUserLocation *userLocation;
+ The mode used to track the user location. The default value is
+ `MGLUserTrackingModeNone`.
+ Changing the value of this property updates the map view with an animated
+ transition. If you don’t want to animate the change, use the
+ `-setUserTrackingMode:animated:` method instead.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, assign) MGLUserTrackingMode userTrackingMode;
+ Sets the mode used to track the user location, with an optional transition.
+ @param mode The mode used to track the user location.
+ @param animated If `YES`, there is an animated transition from the current
+ viewport to a viewport that results from the change to `mode`. If `NO`, the
+ map view instantaneously changes to the new viewport. This parameter only
+ affects the initial transition; subsequent changes to the user location or
+ heading are always animated.
+ */
+- (void)setUserTrackingMode:(MGLUserTrackingMode)mode animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ The vertical alignment of the user location annotation within the receiver. The
+ default value is `MGLAnnotationVerticalAlignmentCenter`.
+ Changing the value of this property updates the map view with an animated
+ transition. If you don’t want to animate the change, use the
+ `-setUserLocationVerticalAlignment:animated:` method instead.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, assign) MGLAnnotationVerticalAlignment userLocationVerticalAlignment;
+ Sets the vertical alignment of the user location annotation within the
+ receiver, with an optional transition.
+ @param alignment The vertical alignment of the user location annotation.
+ @param animated If `YES`, the user location annotation animates to its new
+ position within the map view. If `NO`, the user location annotation
+ instantaneously moves to its new position.
+ */
+- (void)setUserLocationVerticalAlignment:(MGLAnnotationVerticalAlignment)alignment animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Whether the map view should display a heading calibration alert when necessary.
+ The default value is `YES`.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL displayHeadingCalibration;
+ The geographic coordinate that is the subject of observation as the user
+ location is being tracked.
+ By default, this property is set to an invalid coordinate, indicating that
+ there is no target. In course tracking mode, the target forms one of two foci
+ in the viewport, the other being the user location annotation. Typically, this
+ property is set to a destination or waypoint in a real-time navigation scene.
+ As the user annotation moves toward the target, the map automatically zooms in
+ to fit both foci optimally within the viewport.
+ This property has no effect if the `userTrackingMode` property is set to a
+ value other than `MGLUserTrackingModeFollowWithCourse`.
+ Changing the value of this property updates the map view with an animated
+ transition. If you don’t want to animate the change, use the
+ `-setTargetCoordinate:animated:` method instead.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, assign) CLLocationCoordinate2D targetCoordinate;
+ Sets the geographic coordinate that is the subject of observation as the user
+ location is being tracked, with an optional transition animation.
+ By default, the target coordinate is set to an invalid coordinate, indicating
+ that there is no target. In course tracking mode, the target forms one of two
+ foci in the viewport, the other being the user location annotation. Typically,
+ the target is set to a destination or waypoint in a real-time navigation scene.
+ As the user annotation moves toward the target, the map automatically zooms in
+ to fit both foci optimally within the viewport.
+ This method has no effect if the `userTrackingMode` property is set to a value
+ other than `MGLUserTrackingModeFollowWithCourse`.
+ @param targetCoordinate The target coordinate to fit within the viewport.
+ @param animated If `YES`, the map animates to fit the target within the map
+ view. If `NO`, the map fits the target instantaneously.
+ */
+- (void)setTargetCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)targetCoordinate animated:(BOOL)animated;
+#pragma mark Configuring How the User Interacts with the Map
+ A Boolean value that determines whether the user may zoom the map in and
+ out, changing the zoom level.
+ When this property is set to `YES`, the default, the user may zoom the map
+ in and out by pinching two fingers or by double tapping, holding, and moving
+ the finger up and down.
+ This property controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the
+ value of this property to `NO`, you may still change the map zoom
+ programmatically.
+ */
+@property(nonatomic, getter=isZoomEnabled) BOOL zoomEnabled;
+ A Boolean value that determines whether the user may scroll around the map,
+ changing the center coordinate.
+ When this property is set to `YES`, the default, the user may scroll the map
+ by dragging or swiping with one finger.
+ This property controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the
+ value of this property to `NO`, you may still change the map location
+ programmatically.
+ */
+@property(nonatomic, getter=isScrollEnabled) BOOL scrollEnabled;
+ A Boolean value that determines whether the user may rotate the map,
+ changing the direction.
+ When this property is set to `YES`, the default, the user may rotate the map
+ by moving two fingers in a circular motion.
+ This property controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the
+ value of this property to `NO`, you may still rotate the map
+ programmatically.
+ */
+@property(nonatomic, getter=isRotateEnabled) BOOL rotateEnabled;
+ A Boolean value that determines whether the user may change the pitch (tilt) of
+ the map.
+ When this property is set to `YES`, the default, the user may tilt the map by
+ vertically dragging two fingers.
+ This property controls only user interactions with the map. If you set the
+ value of this property to `NO`, you may still change the pitch of the map
+ programmatically.
+ The default value of this property is `YES`.
+ */
+@property(nonatomic, getter=isPitchEnabled) BOOL pitchEnabled;
+#pragma mark Manipulating the Viewpoint
+ The geographic coordinate at the center of the map view.
+ Changing the value of this property centers the map on the new coordinate
+ without changing the current zoom level.
+ Changing the value of this property updates the map view immediately. If you
+ want to animate the change, use the `-setCenterCoordinate:animated:` method
+ instead.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate;
+ Changes the center coordinate of the map and optionally animates the change.
+ Changing the center coordinate centers the map on the new coordinate without
+ changing the current zoom level.
+ @param coordinate The new center coordinate for the map.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to scroll to the new
+ location or `NO` if you want the map to display the new location
+ immediately.
+ */
+- (void)setCenterCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Changes the center coordinate and zoom level of the map and optionally animates
+ the change.
+ @param centerCoordinate The new center coordinate for the map.
+ @param zoomLevel The new zoom level for the map.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate scrolling and
+ zooming to the new location or `NO` if you want the map to display the new
+ location immediately.
+ */
+- (void)setCenterCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)centerCoordinate zoomLevel:(double)zoomLevel animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Changes the center coordinate, zoom level, and direction of the map and
+ optionally animates the change.
+ @param centerCoordinate The new center coordinate for the map.
+ @param zoomLevel The new zoom level for the map.
+ @param direction The new direction for the map, measured in degrees relative to
+ true north.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate scrolling,
+ zooming, and rotating to the new location or `NO` if you want the map to
+ display the new location immediately.
+ */
+- (void)setCenterCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)centerCoordinate zoomLevel:(double)zoomLevel direction:(CLLocationDirection)direction animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Changes the center coordinate, zoom level, and direction of the map, calling a
+ completion handler at the end of an optional animation.
+ @param centerCoordinate The new center coordinate for the map.
+ @param zoomLevel The new zoom level for the map.
+ @param direction The new direction for the map, measured in degrees relative to
+ true north.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate scrolling,
+ zooming, and rotating to the new location or `NO` if you want the map to
+ display the new location immediately.
+ @param completion The block executed after the animation finishes.
+ */
+- (void)setCenterCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)centerCoordinate zoomLevel:(double)zoomLevel direction:(CLLocationDirection)direction animated:(BOOL)animated completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(void))completion;
+/** The zoom level of the receiver.
+ In addition to affecting the visual size and detail of features on the map,
+ the zoom level affects the size of the vector tiles that are loaded. At zoom
+ level 0, each tile covers the entire world map; at zoom level 1, it covers ¼
+ of the world; at zoom level 2, <sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>16</sub> of the world, and
+ so on.
+ Changing the value of this property updates the map view immediately. If you
+ want to animate the change, use the `-setZoomLevel:animated:` method instead.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) double zoomLevel;
+ Changes the zoom level of the map and optionally animates the change.
+ Changing the zoom level scales the map without changing the current center
+ coordinate.
+ @param zoomLevel The new zoom level for the map.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate the change
+ to the new zoom level or `NO` if you want the map to display the new
+ zoom level immediately.
+ */
+- (void)setZoomLevel:(double)zoomLevel animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ * The minimum zoom level at which the map can be shown.
+ *
+ * Depending on the map view’s aspect ratio, the map view may be prevented
+ * from reaching the minimum zoom level, in order to keep the map from
+ * repeating within the current viewport.
+ *
+ * If the value of this property is greater than that of the
+ * maximumZoomLevel property, the behavior is undefined.
+ *
+ * The default minimumZoomLevel is 0.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) double minimumZoomLevel;
+ * The maximum zoom level the map can be shown at.
+ *
+ * If the value of this property is smaller than that of the
+ * minimumZoomLevel property, the behavior is undefined.
+ *
+ * The default maximumZoomLevel is 20.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) double maximumZoomLevel;
+ The heading of the map, measured in degrees clockwise from true north.
+ The value `0` means that the top edge of the map view corresponds to true
+ north. The value `90` means the top of the map is pointing due east. The
+ value `180` means the top of the map points due south, and so on.
+ Changing the value of this property updates the map view immediately. If you
+ want to animate the change, use the `-setDirection:animated:` method instead.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) CLLocationDirection direction;
+ Changes the heading of the map and optionally animates the change.
+ @param direction The heading of the map, measured in degrees clockwise from
+ true north.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate the change
+ to the new heading or `NO` if you want the map to display the new
+ heading immediately.
+ Changing the heading rotates the map without changing the current center
+ coordinate or zoom level.
+ */
+- (void)setDirection:(CLLocationDirection)direction animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Resets the map rotation to a northern heading — a `direction` of `0` degrees.
+ */
+- (IBAction)resetNorth;
+ The coordinate bounds visible in the receiver's viewport.
+ Changing the value of this property updates the receiver immediately. If you
+ want to animate the change, call `-setVisibleCoordinateBounds:animated:`
+ instead.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) MGLCoordinateBounds visibleCoordinateBounds;
+ Changes the receiver’s viewport to fit the given coordinate bounds,
+ optionally animating the change.
+ @param bounds The bounds that the viewport will show in its entirety.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` to animate the change by smoothly scrolling
+ and zooming or `NO` to immediately display the given bounds.
+ */
+- (void)setVisibleCoordinateBounds:(MGLCoordinateBounds)bounds animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Changes the receiver's viewport to fit the given coordinate bounds and
+ optionally some additional padding on each side.
+ @param bounds The bounds that the viewport will show in its entirety.
+ @param insets The minimum padding (in screen points) that will be visible
+ around the given coordinate bounds.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` to animate the change by smoothly scrolling and
+ zooming or `NO` to immediately display the given bounds.
+ */
+- (void)setVisibleCoordinateBounds:(MGLCoordinateBounds)bounds edgePadding:(UIEdgeInsets)insets animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Changes the receiver's viewport to fit all of the given coordinates and
+ optionally some additional padding on each side.
+ @param coordinates The coordinates that the viewport will show.
+ @param count The number of coordinates. This number must not be greater than
+ the number of elements in `coordinates`.
+ @param insets The minimum padding (in screen points) that will be visible
+ around the given coordinate bounds.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` to animate the change by smoothly scrolling and
+ zooming or `NO` to immediately display the given bounds.
+ */
+- (void)setVisibleCoordinates:(CLLocationCoordinate2D *)coordinates count:(NSUInteger)count edgePadding:(UIEdgeInsets)insets animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Changes the receiver's viewport to fit all of the given coordinates and
+ optionally some additional padding on each side.
+ @param coordinates The coordinates that the viewport will show.
+ @param count The number of coordinates. This number must not be greater than
+ the number of elements in `coordinates`.
+ @param insets The minimum padding (in screen points) that will be visible
+ around the given coordinate bounds.
+ @param direction The direction to rotate the map to, measured in degrees
+ relative to true north.
+ @param duration The duration to animate the change in seconds.
+ @param function The timing function to animate the change.
+ @param completion The block executed after the animation finishes.
+ */
+- (void)setVisibleCoordinates:(CLLocationCoordinate2D *)coordinates count:(NSUInteger)count edgePadding:(UIEdgeInsets)insets direction:(CLLocationDirection)direction duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration animationTimingFunction:(nullable CAMediaTimingFunction *)function completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(void))completion;
+ Sets the visible region so that the map displays the specified annotations.
+ Calling this method updates the value in the `visibleCoordinateBounds` property
+ and potentially other properties to reflect the new map region. A small amount
+ of padding is reserved around the edges of the map view. To specify a different
+ amount of padding, use the `-showAnnotations:edgePadding:animated:` method.
+ @param annotations The annotations that you want to be visible in the map.
+ @param animated `YES` if you want the map region change to be animated, or `NO`
+ if you want the map to display the new region immediately without animations.
+ */
+- (void)showAnnotations:(NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLAnnotation>) *)annotations animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Sets the visible region so that the map displays the specified annotations with
+ the specified amount of padding on each side.
+ Calling this method updates the value in the visibleCoordinateBounds property
+ and potentially other properties to reflect the new map region.
+ @param annotations The annotations that you want to be visible in the map.
+ @param insets The minimum padding (in screen points) around the edges of the
+ map view to keep clear of annotations.
+ @param animated `YES` if you want the map region change to be animated, or `NO`
+ if you want the map to display the new region immediately without animations.
+ */
+- (void)showAnnotations:(NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLAnnotation>) *)annotations edgePadding:(UIEdgeInsets)insets animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ A camera representing the current viewpoint of the map.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, copy) MGLMapCamera *camera;
+ Moves the viewpoint to a different location with respect to the map with an
+ optional transition animation.
+ @param camera The new viewpoint.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate the change to
+ the new viewpoint or `NO` if you want the map to display the new viewpoint
+ immediately.
+ */
+- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Moves the viewpoint to a different location with respect to the map with an
+ optional transition duration and timing function.
+ @param camera The new viewpoint.
+ @param duration The amount of time, measured in seconds, that the transition
+ animation should take. Specify `0` to jump to the new viewpoint
+ instantaneously.
+ @param function A timing function used for the animation. Set this parameter to
+ `nil` for a transition that matches most system animations. If the duration
+ is `0`, this parameter is ignored.
+ */
+- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera withDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration animationTimingFunction:(nullable CAMediaTimingFunction *)function;
+ Moves the viewpoint to a different location with respect to the map with an
+ optional transition duration and timing function.
+ @param camera The new viewpoint.
+ @param duration The amount of time, measured in seconds, that the transition
+ animation should take. Specify `0` to jump to the new viewpoint
+ instantaneously.
+ @param function A timing function used for the animation. Set this parameter to
+ `nil` for a transition that matches most system animations. If the duration
+ is `0`, this parameter is ignored.
+ @param completion The block to execute after the animation finishes.
+ */
+- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera withDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration animationTimingFunction:(nullable CAMediaTimingFunction *)function completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(void))completion;
+ Moves the viewpoint to a different location using a transition animation that
+ evokes powered flight and a default duration based on the length of the flight
+ path.
+ The transition animation seamlessly incorporates zooming and panning to help
+ the user find his or her bearings even after traversing a great distance.
+ @param camera The new viewpoint.
+ @param completion The block to execute after the animation finishes.
+ */
+- (void)flyToCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(void))completion;
+ Moves the viewpoint to a different location using a transition animation that
+ evokes powered flight and an optional transition duration.
+ The transition animation seamlessly incorporates zooming and panning to help
+ the user find his or her bearings even after traversing a great distance.
+ @param camera The new viewpoint.
+ @param duration The amount of time, measured in seconds, that the transition
+ animation should take. Specify `0` to jump to the new viewpoint
+ instantaneously. Specify a negative value to use the default duration, which
+ is based on the length of the flight path.
+ @param completion The block to execute after the animation finishes.
+ */
+- (void)flyToCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera withDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(void))completion;
+ Moves the viewpoint to a different location using a transition animation that
+ evokes powered flight and an optional transition duration and peak altitude.
+ The transition animation seamlessly incorporates zooming and panning to help
+ the user find his or her bearings even after traversing a great distance.
+ @param camera The new viewpoint.
+ @param duration The amount of time, measured in seconds, that the transition
+ animation should take. Specify `0` to jump to the new viewpoint
+ instantaneously. Specify a negative value to use the default duration, which
+ is based on the length of the flight path.
+ @param peakAltitude The altitude, measured in meters, at the midpoint of the
+ animation. The value of this parameter is ignored if it is negative or if
+ the animation transition resulting from a similar call to
+ `-setCamera:animated:` would have a midpoint at a higher altitude.
+ @param completion The block to execute after the animation finishes.
+ */
+- (void)flyToCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera withDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration peakAltitude:(CLLocationDistance)peakAltitude completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(void))completion;
+ Returns the camera that best fits the given coordinate bounds.
+ @param bounds The coordinate bounds to fit to the receiver’s viewport.
+ @return A camera object centered on the same location as the coordinate
+ bounds with zoom level as high (close to the ground) as possible while still
+ including the entire coordinate bounds. The camera object uses the current
+ direction and pitch.
+ */
+- (MGLMapCamera *)cameraThatFitsCoordinateBounds:(MGLCoordinateBounds)bounds;
+ Returns the camera that best fits the given coordinate bounds, optionally with
+ some additional padding on each side.
+ @param bounds The coordinate bounds to fit to the receiver’s viewport.
+ @param insets The minimum padding (in screen points) that would be visible
+ around the returned camera object if it were set as the receiver’s camera.
+ @return A camera object centered on the same location as the coordinate bounds
+ with zoom level as high (close to the ground) as possible while still
+ including the entire coordinate bounds. The camera object uses the current
+ direction and pitch.
+ */
+- (MGLMapCamera *)cameraThatFitsCoordinateBounds:(MGLCoordinateBounds)bounds edgePadding:(UIEdgeInsets)insets;
+ The distance from the edges of the map view’s frame to the edges of the map
+ view’s logical viewport.
+ When the value of this property is equal to `UIEdgeInsetsZero`, viewport
+ properties such as `centerCoordinate` assume a viewport that matches the map
+ view’s frame. Otherwise, those properties are inset, excluding part of the
+ frame from the viewport. For instance, if the only the top edge is inset, the
+ map center is effectively shifted downward.
+ When the map view’s superview is an instance of `UIViewController` whose
+ `automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets` property is `YES`, the value of this
+ property may be overridden at any time.
+ Changing the value of this property updates the map view immediately. If you
+ want to animate the change, use the `-setContentInset:animated:` method
+ instead.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets contentInset;
+ Sets the distance from the edges of the map view’s frame to the edges of the
+ map view’s logical viewport with an optional transition animation.
+ When the value of this property is equal to `UIEdgeInsetsZero`, viewport
+ properties such as `centerCoordinate` assume a viewport that matches the map
+ view’s frame. Otherwise, those properties are inset, excluding part of the
+ frame from the viewport. For instance, if the only the top edge is inset, the
+ map center is effectively shifted downward.
+ When the map view’s superview is an instance of `UIViewController` whose
+ `automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets` property is `YES`, the value of this
+ property may be overridden at any time.
+ @param contentInset The new values to inset the content by.
+ @param animated Specify `YES` if you want the map view to animate the change to
+ the content inset or `NO` if you want the map to inset the content
+ immediately.
+ */
+- (void)setContentInset:(UIEdgeInsets)contentInset animated:(BOOL)animated;
+#pragma mark Converting Geographic Coordinates
+ Converts a point in the given view's coordinate system to a geographic
+ coordinate.
+ @param point The point to convert.
+ @param view The view in whose coordinate system the point is expressed.
+ @return The geographic coordinate at the given point.
+ */
+- (CLLocationCoordinate2D)convertPoint:(CGPoint)point toCoordinateFromView:(nullable UIView *)view;
+ Converts a geographic coordinate to a point in the given view's coordinate
+ system.
+ @param coordinate The geographic coordinate to convert.
+ @param view The view in whose coordinate system the returned point should be
+ expressed. If this parameter is `nil`, the returned point is expressed
+ in the window's coordinate system. If `view` is not `nil`, it must
+ belong to the same window as the map view.
+ @return The point (in the appropriate view or window coordinate system)
+ corresponding to the given geographic coordinate.
+ */
+- (CGPoint)convertCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate toPointToView:(nullable UIView *)view;
+ Converts a rectangle in the given view’s coordinate system to a geographic
+ bounding box.
+ @param rect The rectangle to convert.
+ @param view The view in whose coordinate system the rectangle is expressed.
+ @return The geographic bounding box coextensive with the given rectangle.
+ */
+- (MGLCoordinateBounds)convertRect:(CGRect)rect toCoordinateBoundsFromView:(nullable UIView *)view;
+ Converts a geographic bounding box to a rectangle in the given view’s
+ coordinate system.
+ @param bounds The geographic bounding box to convert.
+ @param view The view in whose coordinate system the returned rectangle should
+ be expressed. If this parameter is `nil`, the returned rectangle is
+ expressed in the window’s coordinate system. If `view` is not `nil`, it must
+ belong to the same window as the map view.
+ */
+- (CGRect)convertCoordinateBounds:(MGLCoordinateBounds)bounds toRectToView:(nullable UIView *)view;
+ Returns the distance spanned by one point in the map view's coordinate system
+ at the given latitude and current zoom level.
+ The distance between points decreases as the latitude approaches the poles.
+ This relationship parallels the relationship between longitudinal coordinates
+ at different latitudes.
+ @param latitude The latitude of the geographic coordinate represented by the
+ point.
+ @return The distance in meters spanned by a single point.
+ */
+- (CLLocationDistance)metersPerPointAtLatitude:(CLLocationDegrees)latitude;
+- (CLLocationDistance)metersPerPixelAtLatitude:(CLLocationDegrees)latitude __attribute__((deprecated("Use -metersPerPointAtLatitude:.")));
+#pragma mark Annotating the Map
+ The complete list of annotations associated with the receiver. (read-only)
+ The objects in this array must adopt the `MGLAnnotation` protocol. If no
+ annotations are associated with the map view, the value of this property is
+ `nil`.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLAnnotation>) *annotations;
+ Adds an annotation to the map view.
+ @note `MGLMultiPolyline`, `MGLMultiPolygon`, and `MGLShapeCollection` objects
+ cannot be added to the map view at this time. Nor can `MGLMultiPoint`
+ objects that are not instances of `MGLPolyline` or `MGLPolygon`. Any
+ multipoint, multipolyline, multipolygon, or shape collection object that is
+ specified is silently ignored.
+ @param annotation The annotation object to add to the receiver. This object
+ must conform to the `MGLAnnotation` protocol. The map view retains the
+ annotation object. */
+- (void)addAnnotation:(id <MGLAnnotation>)annotation;
+ Adds an array of annotations to the map view.
+ @note `MGLMultiPolyline`, `MGLMultiPolygon`, and `MGLShapeCollection` objects
+ cannot be added to the map view at this time. Nor can `MGLMultiPoint`
+ objects that are not instances of `MGLPolyline` or `MGLPolygon`. Any
+ multipoint, multipolyline, multipolygon, or shape collection objects that
+ are specified are silently ignored.
+ @param annotations An array of annotation objects. Each object in the array
+ must conform to the `MGLAnnotation` protocol. The map view retains each
+ individual annotation object.
+ */
+- (void)addAnnotations:(NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLAnnotation>) *)annotations;
+ Removes an annotation from the map view, deselecting it if it is selected.
+ Removing an annotation object dissociates it from the map view entirely,
+ preventing it from being displayed on the map. Thus you would typically call
+ this method only when you want to hide or delete a given annotation.
+ @param annotation The annotation object to remove. This object must conform
+ to the `MGLAnnotation` protocol
+ */
+- (void)removeAnnotation:(id <MGLAnnotation>)annotation;
+ Removes an array of annotations from the map view, deselecting any selected
+ annotations in the array.
+ Removing annotation objects dissociates them from the map view entirely,
+ preventing them from being displayed on the map. Thus you would typically
+ call this method only when you want to hide or delete the given annotations.
+ @param annotations The array of annotation objects to remove. Objects in the
+ array must conform to the `MGLAnnotation` protocol.
+ */
+- (void)removeAnnotations:(NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLAnnotation>) *)annotations;
+ Returns a reusable annotation image object associated with its identifier.
+ For performance reasons, you should generally reuse `MGLAnnotationImage`
+ objects for identical-looking annotations in your map views. Dequeueing
+ saves time and memory during performance-critical operations such as
+ scrolling.
+ @param identifier A string identifying the annotation image to be reused.
+ This string is the same one you specify when initially returning the
+ annotation image object using the `-mapView:imageForAnnotation:` method.
+ @return An annotation image object with the given identifier, or `nil` if no
+ such object exists in the reuse queue.
+ */
+- (nullable MGLAnnotationImage *)dequeueReusableAnnotationImageWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
+ Returns a reusable annotation view object associated with its identifier.
+ For performance reasons, you should generally reuse `MGLAnnotationView`
+ objects for identical-looking annotations in your map views. Dequeueing
+ saves time and memory during performance-critical operations such as
+ scrolling.
+ @param identifier A string identifying the annotation view to be reused.
+ This string is the same one you specify when initially returning the
+ annotation view object using the `-mapView:viewForAnnotation:` method.
+ @return An annotation view object with the given identifier, or `nil` if no
+ such object exists in the reuse queue.
+ */
+- (nullable MGLAnnotationView *)dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
+#pragma mark Managing Annotation Selections
+ The currently selected annotations.
+ Assigning a new array to this property selects only the first annotation in
+ the array.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLAnnotation>) *selectedAnnotations;
+ Selects an annotation and displays a callout view for it.
+ If the given annotation is not visible within the current viewport, this
+ method has no effect.
+ @param annotation The annotation object to select.
+ @param animated If `YES`, the callout view is animated into position.
+ */
+- (void)selectAnnotation:(id <MGLAnnotation>)annotation animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Deselects an annotation and hides its callout view.
+ @param annotation The annotation object to deselect.
+ @param animated If `YES`, the callout view is animated offscreen.
+ */
+- (void)deselectAnnotation:(nullable id <MGLAnnotation>)annotation animated:(BOOL)animated;
+#pragma mark Overlaying the Map
+ Adds a single overlay object to the map.
+ To remove an overlay from a map, use the `-removeOverlay:` method.
+ @param overlay The overlay object to add. This object must conform to the
+ `MGLOverlay` protocol. */
+- (void)addOverlay:(id <MGLOverlay>)overlay;
+ Adds an array of overlay objects to the map.
+ To remove multiple overlays from a map, use the `-removeOverlays:` method.
+ @param overlays An array of objects, each of which must conform to the
+ `MGLOverlay` protocol.
+ */
+- (void)addOverlays:(NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLOverlay>) *)overlays;
+ Removes a single overlay object from the map.
+ If the specified overlay is not currently associated with the map view, this
+ method does nothing.
+ @param overlay The overlay object to remove.
+ */
+- (void)removeOverlay:(id <MGLOverlay>)overlay;
+ Removes one or more overlay objects from the map.
+ If a given overlay object is not associated with the map view, it is ignored.
+ @param overlays An array of objects, each of which conforms to the `MGLOverlay`
+ protocol.
+ */
+- (void)removeOverlays:(NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLOverlay>) *)overlays;
+#pragma mark Accessing the Underlying Map Data
+ Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with a given point.
+ This method may return features from any of the map’s style layers. To restrict
+ the search to a particular layer or layers, use the
+ `-visibleFeaturesAtPoint:inStyleLayersWithIdentifiers:` method. For more
+ information about searching for map features, see that method’s documentation.
+ @param point A point expressed in the map view’s coordinate system.
+ @return An array of objects conforming to the `MGLFeature` protocol that
+ represent features in the sources used by the current style.
+ */
+- (NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLFeature>) *)visibleFeaturesAtPoint:(CGPoint)point NS_SWIFT_NAME(visibleFeatures(at:));
+ Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with a given point,
+ restricted to the given style layers.
+ Each object in the returned array represents a feature rendered by the
+ current style and provides access to attributes specified by the relevant
+ <a href="">tile sources</a>.
+ The returned array includes features specified in vector and GeoJSON tile
+ sources but does not include anything from raster, image, or video sources.
+ Only visible features are returned. For example, suppose the current style uses
+ the
+ <a href="">Mapbox Streets source</a>,
+ but none of the specified style layers includes features that have the `maki`
+ property set to `bus`. If you pass a point corresponding to the location of a
+ bus stop into this method, the bus stop feature does not appear in the
+ resulting array. On the other hand, if the style does include bus stops, an
+ `MGLFeature` object representing that bus stop is returned and its
+ `featureAttributes` dictionary has the `maki` key set to `bus` (along with
+ other attributes). The dictionary contains only the attributes provided by the
+ tile source; it does not include computed attribute values or rules about how
+ the feature is rendered by the current style.
+ The returned array is sorted by z-order, starting with the topmost rendered
+ feature and ending with the bottommost rendered feature. A feature that is
+ rendered multiple times due to wrapping across the antimeridian at low zoom
+ levels is included only once, subject to the caveat that follows.
+ Features come from tiled vector data or GeoJSON data that is converted to tiles
+ internally, so feature geometries are clipped at tile boundaries and features
+ may appear duplicated across tiles. For example, suppose the specified point
+ lies along a road that spans the screen. The resulting array includes those
+ parts of the road that lie within the map tile that contain the specified
+ point, even if the road extends into other tiles.
+ To find out the layer names in a particular style, view the style in
+ <a href="">Mapbox Studio</a>.
+ @param point A point expressed in the map view’s coordinate system.
+ @param styleLayerIdentifiers A set of strings that correspond to the names of
+ layers defined in the current style. Only the features contained in these
+ layers are included in the returned array.
+ @return An array of objects conforming to the `MGLFeature` protocol that
+ represent features in the sources used by the current style.
+ */
+- (NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLFeature>) *)visibleFeaturesAtPoint:(CGPoint)point inStyleLayersWithIdentifiers:(nullable NS_SET_OF(NSString *) *)styleLayerIdentifiers NS_SWIFT_NAME(visibleFeatures(at:styleLayerIdentifiers:));
+ Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with the given
+ rectangle.
+ This method may return features from any of the map’s style layers. To restrict
+ the search to a particular layer or layers, use the
+ `-visibleFeaturesAtPoint:inStyleLayersWithIdentifiers:` method. For more
+ information about searching for map features, see that method’s documentation.
+ @param rect A rectangle expressed in the map view’s coordinate system.
+ @return An array of objects conforming to the `MGLFeature` protocol that
+ represent features in the sources used by the current style.
+ */
+- (NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLFeature>) *)visibleFeaturesInRect:(CGRect)rect NS_SWIFT_NAME(visibleFeatures(in:));
+ Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with the given
+ rectangle, restricted to the given style layers.
+ Each object in the returned array represents a feature rendered by the
+ current style and provides access to attributes specified by the relevant
+ <a href="">tile sources</a>.
+ The returned array includes features specified in vector and GeoJSON tile
+ sources but does not include anything from raster, image, or video sources.
+ Only visible features are returned. For example, suppose the current style uses
+ the
+ <a href="">Mapbox Streets source</a>,
+ but none of the specified style layers includes features that have the `maki`
+ property set to `bus`. If you pass a rectangle containing the location of a bus
+ stop into this method, the bus stop feature does not appear in the resulting
+ array. On the other hand, if the style does include bus stops, an `MGLFeature`
+ object representing that bus stop is returned and its `featureAttributes`
+ dictionary has the `maki` key set to `bus` (along with other attributes). The
+ dictionary contains only the attributes provided by the tile source; it does
+ not include computed attribute values or rules about how the feature is
+ rendered by the current style.
+ The returned array is sorted by z-order, starting with the topmost rendered
+ feature and ending with the bottommost rendered feature. A feature that is
+ rendered multiple times due to wrapping across the antimeridian at low zoom
+ levels is included only once, subject to the caveat that follows.
+ Features come from tiled vector data or GeoJSON data that is converted to tiles
+ internally, so feature geometries are clipped at tile boundaries and features
+ may appear duplicated across tiles. For example, suppose the specified
+ rectangle intersects with a road that spans the screen. The resulting array
+ includes those parts of the road that lie within the map tiles covering the
+ specified rectangle, even if the road extends into other tiles. The portion of
+ the road within each map tile is included individually.
+ To find out the layer names in a particular style, view the style in
+ <a href="">Mapbox Studio</a>.
+ @param rect A rectangle expressed in the map view’s coordinate system.
+ @param styleLayerIdentifiers A set of strings that correspond to the names of
+ layers defined in the current style. Only the features contained in these
+ layers are included in the returned array.
+ @return An array of objects conforming to the `MGLFeature` protocol that
+ represent features in the sources used by the current style.
+ */
+- (NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLFeature>) *)visibleFeaturesInRect:(CGRect)rect inStyleLayersWithIdentifiers:(nullable NS_SET_OF(NSString *) *)styleLayerIdentifiers NS_SWIFT_NAME(visibleFeatures(in:styleLayerIdentifiers:));
+#pragma mark Debugging the Map
+ The options that determine which debugging aids are shown on the map.
+ These options are all disabled by default and should remain disabled in
+ released software for performance and aesthetic reasons.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) MGLMapDebugMaskOptions debugMask;
+@property (nonatomic, getter=isDebugActive) BOOL debugActive __attribute__((deprecated("Use -debugMask and -setDebugMask:.")));
+- (void)toggleDebug __attribute__((deprecated("Use -setDebugMask:.")));
+- (void)emptyMemoryCache __attribute__((deprecated));
+ Resets the map to the minimum zoom level, a center coordinate of (0, 0), and
+ a northern heading.
+ */
+- (void)resetPosition;