path: root/platform/ios/
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1 files changed, 6 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/platform/ios/ b/platform/ios/
index 5482b6d5eb..ef27596d2b 100644
--- a/platform/ios/
+++ b/platform/ios/
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ Mapbox welcomes participation and contributions from everyone. Please read [CONT
* Properties such as `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconAllowsOverlap` and `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconIgnoresPlacement` now account for symbols in other sources. ([#10436](
* Improved the reliability of collision detection between symbols near the edges of tiles, as well as between symbols when the map is tilted. It is no longer necessary to enable `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.symbolAvoidsEdges` to prevent symbols in adjacent tiles from overlapping with each other. ([#10436](
* Symbols can fade in and out as the map pans, rotates, or tilts. ([#10436](
-* Added the `MGLTileSourceOptionTileCoordinateBounds` option to create an `MGLTileSource` that only supplies tiles within a specific geographic bounding box. ([#11141](
* Fixed an issue preventing a dynamically-added `MGLRasterStyleLayer` from drawing until the map pans. ([#10270](
* Fixed an issue preventing `MGLImageSource`s from drawing on the map when the map is zoomed in and tilted. ([#10677](
@@ -33,7 +32,12 @@ Mapbox welcomes participation and contributions from everyone. Please read [CONT
* Added a Hebrew localization. ([#10967](
* Long-pressing the attribution button causes the SDK’s version number to be displayed in the action sheet that appears. ([#10650](
-## 3.7.3
+## 3.7.4 - February 12, 2018
+* Added the `MGLTileSourceOptionTileCoordinateBounds` option to create an `MGLTileSource` that only supplies tiles within a specific geographic bounding box. ([#11141](
+* Fixed an issue that caused `-[MGLMapSnapshotter pointForCoordinate:]` to return the wrong point. ([#11035](
+## 3.7.3 - January 10, 2018
* Fixed a crash while zooming while annotations are present on the map. ([#10791](
* CJK characters can be displayed in a locally installed font or a custom font bundled with the application, reducing map download times. Specify the font name using the `MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName` key in the application’s Info.plist file. ([#10522](