path: root/platform/darwin/test/MGLStyleValueTests.swift
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 362 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLStyleValueTests.swift b/platform/darwin/test/MGLStyleValueTests.swift
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index c559037588..0000000000
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLStyleValueTests.swift
+++ /dev/null
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-import XCTest
-import Mapbox
-#if os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
-typealias MGLColor = UIColor
-#elseif os(macOS)
-typealias MGLColor = NSColor
-#if swift(>=3.2)
-func XCTAssertEqual<T: FloatingPoint>(_ lhs: @autoclosure () throws -> T, _ rhs: @autoclosure () throws -> T, accuracy: T) {
- XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(lhs, rhs, accuracy: accuracy)
-extension MGLStyleValueTests {
- struct Color {
- var red: CGFloat = 0
- var green: CGFloat = 0
- var blue: CGFloat = 0
- var alpha: CGFloat = 0
- }
- func assertColorsEqualWithAccuracy(_ actual: MGLColor, _ expected: MGLColor, accuracy: Float = 1/255) {
- var actualColor = Color()
- var expectedColor = Color()
- actual.getRed(&, green: &, blue: &, alpha: &actualColor.alpha)
- expected.getRed(&, green: &, blue: &, alpha: &expectedColor.alpha)
- XCTAssertEqual(Float(, Float(, accuracy: accuracy)
- XCTAssertEqual(Float(, Float(, accuracy: accuracy)
- XCTAssertEqual(Float(, Float(, accuracy: accuracy)
- XCTAssertEqual(Float(actualColor.alpha), Float(expectedColor.alpha), accuracy: accuracy)
- }
- func assertColorValuesEqual(_ actual: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>, _ expected: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>) {
- guard type(of: actual) == type(of: expected) else {
- XCTFail("Expected \(type(of: expected)), but found \(type(of: actual)) instead.")
- return
- }
- if let actualConstant = actual as? MGLConstantStyleValue<MGLColor> {
- assertColorsEqualWithAccuracy(actualConstant.rawValue, (expected as! MGLConstantStyleValue<MGLColor>).rawValue)
- } else if let actualFunction = actual as? MGLStyleFunction<MGLColor>,
- let expectedFunction = expected as? MGLStyleFunction<MGLColor> {
- // unless we have stops, there's no need for a custom comparison - default to plain == assertion
- guard let actualStops = actualFunction.stops, let expectedStops = expectedFunction.stops else {
- XCTAssertEqual(actualFunction, expectedFunction)
- return
- }
- guard expectedStops is [String: Any] || expectedStops is [Float:Any] else {
- XCTFail("Stop levels must be String or Float.")
- return
- }
- XCTAssertEqual(actualFunction.interpolationBase, expectedFunction.interpolationBase)
- XCTAssertEqual(actualFunction.interpolationMode, expectedFunction.interpolationMode)
- if let actualFunction = actualFunction as? MGLSourceStyleFunction<MGLColor>,
- let expectedFunction = expectedFunction as? MGLSourceStyleFunction<MGLColor> {
- XCTAssertEqual(actualFunction.defaultValue, expectedFunction.defaultValue)
- } else if let actualFunction = actualFunction as? MGLCompositeStyleFunction<MGLColor>,
- let expectedFunction = expectedFunction as? MGLCompositeStyleFunction<MGLColor> {
- XCTAssertEqual(actualFunction.defaultValue, expectedFunction.defaultValue)
- }
- func assertStopEqual (_ actualValue: Any?, _ expectedValue: Any?) {
- guard type(of: actualValue) == type(of: expectedValue) else {
- XCTFail("Expected stop value of type \(type(of: expectedValue)), but found \(type(of: actualValue)) instead.")
- return
- }
- if let actualValue = actualValue as? MGLConstantStyleValue<MGLColor>,
- let expectedValue = expectedValue as? MGLConstantStyleValue<MGLColor> {
- assertColorsEqualWithAccuracy(actualValue.rawValue, expectedValue.rawValue)
- } else if let actualValue = actualValue as? MGLConstantStyleValue<AnyObject>,
- let expectedValue = expectedValue as? MGLConstantStyleValue<AnyObject> {
- XCTAssertEqual(actualValue, expectedValue)
- } else {
- XCTFail("Unsupported stop value type \(type(of: actualValue)).")
- }
- }
- XCTAssertEqual(actualStops.count, expectedStops.count)
- if let actualStops = actualStops as? [String:Any], let expectedStops = expectedStops as? [String: Any] {
- for (key, value) in actualStops {
- assertStopEqual(value, expectedStops[key])
- }
- } else if let actualStops = actualStops as? [Float:Any], let expectedStops = expectedStops as? [Float:Any] {
- for (key, value) in actualStops {
- assertStopEqual(value, expectedStops[key])
- }
- } else {
- XCTFail("Expected stops of type \(type(of: Array(expectedStops.keys)).Index.self), but found \(type(of: Array(actualStops.keys)).Index.self) instead.")
- return
- }
- } else {
- XCTFail("MGLStyleValue<MGLColor> must be either a constant or a style function.")
- }
- }
- func testConstantValues() {
- let shapeSource = MGLShapeSource(identifier: "source", shape: nil, options: nil)
- let symbolStyleLayer = MGLSymbolStyleLayer(identifier: "symbolLayer", source: shapeSource)
- let circleStyleLayer = MGLCircleStyleLayer(identifier: "circleLayer", source: shapeSource)
- // Boolean
- symbolStyleLayer.iconAllowsOverlap = MGLConstantStyleValue(rawValue: true)
- XCTAssertEqual((symbolStyleLayer.iconAllowsOverlap as! MGLConstantStyleValue<NSNumber>).rawValue, true)
- // Number
- symbolStyleLayer.iconHaloWidth = MGLConstantStyleValue(rawValue: 3)
- XCTAssertEqual((symbolStyleLayer.iconHaloWidth as! MGLConstantStyleValue<NSNumber>).rawValue, 3)
- // String
- symbolStyleLayer.text = MGLConstantStyleValue(rawValue: "{name}")
- XCTAssertEqual((symbolStyleLayer.text as! MGLConstantStyleValue<NSString>).rawValue, "{name}")
- var circleTranslationOne = CGVector(dx: 100, dy: 0)
- let circleTranslationValueOne = NSValue(bytes: &circleTranslationOne, objCType: "{CGVector=dd}")
- // non-data-driven (interpolatable property value), set to constant style value
- let expectedCircleTranslationValue = MGLStyleValue<NSValue>(rawValue: circleTranslationValueOne)
- circleStyleLayer.circleTranslation = expectedCircleTranslationValue
- XCTAssertEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleTranslation, expectedCircleTranslationValue)
- // non-data-driven (enumeration property value), set to constant style value
- let expectedCircleScaleAlignmentValue = MGLStyleValue<NSValue>(rawValue: NSValue(mglCircleScaleAlignment: .map))
- circleStyleLayer.circleScaleAlignment = expectedCircleScaleAlignmentValue
- XCTAssertEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleScaleAlignment, expectedCircleScaleAlignmentValue)
- }
- func testFunctionsWithNonDataDrivenProperties() {
- let shapeSource = MGLShapeSource(identifier: "test", shape: nil, options: nil)
- let circleStyleLayer = MGLCircleStyleLayer(identifier: "circleLayer", source: shapeSource)
- var circleTranslationOne = CGVector(dx: 100, dy: 0)
- let circleTranslationValueOne = NSValue(bytes: &circleTranslationOne, objCType: "{CGVector=dd}")
- var circleTranslationTwo = CGVector(dx: 0, dy: 0)
- let circleTranslationValueTwo = NSValue(bytes: &circleTranslationTwo, objCType: "{CGVector=dd}")
- let circleTranslationStops : [Float:MGLStyleValue<NSValue>] = [
- 0: MGLStyleValue<NSValue>(rawValue: circleTranslationValueOne),
- 10: MGLStyleValue<NSValue>(rawValue: circleTranslationValueTwo)
- ]
- // non-data-driven (interpolatable property value), camera function with CGVector (NSValue) stop values
- let expectedCircleTranslationValue = MGLStyleValue<NSValue>(
- interpolationMode: .interval,
- cameraStops: circleTranslationStops,
- options: nil
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleTranslation = expectedCircleTranslationValue
- XCTAssertEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleTranslation, expectedCircleTranslationValue)
- // non-data-driven (enumeration property value), camera function with MGLCircleScaleAlignment enum (NSValue) stop values
- let scaleAlignmentStops : [Float:MGLStyleValue<NSValue>] = [
- 0: MGLStyleValue(rawValue: NSValue(mglCircleScaleAlignment: .map)),
- 10: MGLStyleValue(rawValue: NSValue(mglCircleScaleAlignment: .viewport))
- ]
- let expectedCircleScaleAlignmentValue = MGLStyleValue<NSValue>(
- interpolationMode: .interval,
- cameraStops: scaleAlignmentStops,
- options: nil
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleScaleAlignment = expectedCircleScaleAlignmentValue
- XCTAssertEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleScaleAlignment, expectedCircleScaleAlignmentValue)
- }
- func testFunctionsWithDataDrivenProperties() {
- let shapeSource = MGLShapeSource(identifier: "test", shape: nil, options: nil)
- let circleStyleLayer = MGLCircleStyleLayer(identifier: "circleLayer", source: shapeSource)
- // data-driven, camera function with exponential color stop values
- let redGreenStops : [Float:MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>] = [
- 0: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(rawValue: .red),
- 10: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(rawValue: .red),
- 15: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(rawValue: .green)
- ]
- let expectedCircleColorValue = MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(
- interpolationMode: .exponential,
- cameraStops: redGreenStops,
- options: [.interpolationBase: 10.0]
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleColor = expectedCircleColorValue
- assertColorValuesEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleColor as! MGLStyleFunction<MGLColor>, expectedCircleColorValue as! MGLStyleFunction<MGLColor>)
- // data-driven, source function with categorical color stop values with string attribute keys
- let redOnlyStops = [
- "red": MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(rawValue: .red)
- ]
- let expectedRedCategoricalValue = MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(
- interpolationMode: .categorical,
- sourceStops: redOnlyStops,
- attributeName: "red",
- options: [.defaultValue: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(rawValue: .cyan)]
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleColor = expectedRedCategoricalValue
- assertColorValuesEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleColor, expectedRedCategoricalValue)
- // data-driven, source function with categorical color stop values with integer attribute keys
- let greenOrangeStops : [Float:MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>] = [
- 0: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(rawValue: .green),
- 100: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(rawValue: .orange)
- ]
- let expectedGreenOrangeCategoricalValue = MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(
- interpolationMode: .categorical,
- sourceStops: greenOrangeStops,
- attributeName: "temp",
- options: [.defaultValue: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(rawValue: .red)]
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleColor = expectedGreenOrangeCategoricalValue
- assertColorValuesEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleColor, expectedGreenOrangeCategoricalValue)
- // data-driven, source function with exponential color stop values
- let expectedRedGreenSourceExponentialValue = MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(
- interpolationMode: .exponential,
- sourceStops: redGreenStops,
- attributeName: "temp",
- options: nil
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleColor = expectedRedGreenSourceExponentialValue
- assertColorValuesEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleColor, expectedRedGreenSourceExponentialValue)
- // data-driven, identity source function
- let expectedSourceIdentityValue = MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(
- interpolationMode: .identity,
- sourceStops: nil,
- attributeName: "size",
- options: [.defaultValue: MGLStyleValue<MGLColor>(rawValue: .green)]
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleColor = expectedSourceIdentityValue
- assertColorValuesEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleColor, expectedSourceIdentityValue)
- // data-driven, source function with categorical color stop values with boolean attribute keys
- let booleanCategoricalStops = [
- false: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 0),
- true: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 2)
- ]
- let expectedCircleBlurCategoricalValue = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(
- interpolationMode: .categorical,
- sourceStops: booleanCategoricalStops,
- attributeName: "fuzzy",
- options: [.defaultValue: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 42)]
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleBlur = expectedCircleBlurCategoricalValue
- XCTAssertEqual(circleStyleLayer.circleBlur, expectedCircleBlurCategoricalValue)
- // data-driven, composite function with inner categorical color stop values with string attribute keys nested in outer camera stops
- let smallRadius = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)
- let mediumRadius = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 10)
- let largeRadius = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 20)
- let radiusCompositeCategoricalStops: [Float: [String: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>]] = [
- 0: ["green": smallRadius],
- 10: ["green": smallRadius],
- 15: ["green": largeRadius],
- 20: ["green": largeRadius]
- ]
- let defaultRadius = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 2)
- let expectedCompositeCategoricalValue = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(
- interpolationMode: .categorical,
- compositeStops: radiusCompositeCategoricalStops,
- attributeName: "color",
- options: [.defaultValue: defaultRadius]
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleRadius = expectedCompositeCategoricalValue
- var compositeValue = circleStyleLayer.circleRadius as! MGLCompositeStyleFunction
- var expectedCompositeValue = expectedCompositeCategoricalValue as! MGLCompositeStyleFunction
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.attributeName, expectedCompositeValue.attributeName)
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.stops as NSDictionary, radiusCompositeCategoricalStops as NSDictionary)
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.interpolationMode, expectedCompositeValue.interpolationMode)
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.defaultValue, expectedCompositeValue.defaultValue)
- // data-driven, composite function with inner exponential color stop values nested in outer camera stops
- let radiusCompositeExponentialOrIntervalStops: [Float: [Float: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>]] = [
- 0: [0: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)],
- 10: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)],
- 20: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 20)]
- ]
- let expectedStops = [
- 0: [0: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)],
- 10: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)],
- 20: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 20)]
- ]
- circleStyleLayer.circleRadius = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(
- interpolationMode: .exponential,
- compositeStops: [
- 0: [0: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)],
- 10: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)],
- 20: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 20)]
- ],
- attributeName: "temp",
- options: [.defaultValue: mediumRadius]
- )
- let expectedCompositeExponentialValue = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(
- interpolationMode: .exponential,
- compositeStops: radiusCompositeExponentialOrIntervalStops,
- attributeName: "temp",
- options: [.defaultValue: mediumRadius]
- )
- compositeValue = circleStyleLayer.circleRadius as! MGLCompositeStyleFunction
- expectedCompositeValue = expectedCompositeExponentialValue as! MGLCompositeStyleFunction
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.attributeName, expectedCompositeValue.attributeName)
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.stops as NSDictionary, expectedStops as NSDictionary)
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.interpolationMode, expectedCompositeValue.interpolationMode)
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.defaultValue, expectedCompositeValue.defaultValue)
- // get a value back
- if let returnedCircleRadius = circleStyleLayer.circleRadius as? MGLCompositeStyleFunction<NSNumber> {
- if let returnedStops = returnedCircleRadius.stops as NSDictionary? as? [NSNumber: [NSNumber: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>]] {
- let lhs: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber> = returnedStops[0]!.values.first!
- let rhs: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber> = radiusCompositeExponentialOrIntervalStops[0]!.values.first!
- XCTAssertEqual(lhs, rhs)
- }
- }
- // get value back as base class
- if let returnedCircleRadius = circleStyleLayer.circleRadius as? MGLStyleFunction<NSNumber> {
- if let returnedStops = returnedCircleRadius.stops as NSDictionary? as? [NSNumber: [NSNumber: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>]] {
- let lhs: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber> = returnedStops[0]!.values.first!
- let rhs: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber> = radiusCompositeExponentialOrIntervalStops[0]!.values.first!
- XCTAssertEqual(lhs, rhs)
- }
- }
- // data-driven, composite function with inner interval color stop values nested in outer camera stops
- let expectedCompositeIntervalValue = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(
- interpolationMode: .interval,
- compositeStops: [
- 10: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)],
- 20: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 20)]
- ],
- attributeName: "temp",
- options: nil
- )
- circleStyleLayer.circleRadius = MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(
- interpolationMode: .interval,
- compositeStops: [
- 0: [0: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)],
- 10: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 5)],
- 20: [200: MGLStyleValue<NSNumber>(rawValue: 20)]
- ],
- attributeName: "temp",
- options: nil
- )
- compositeValue = circleStyleLayer.circleRadius as! MGLCompositeStyleFunction
- expectedCompositeValue = expectedCompositeIntervalValue as! MGLCompositeStyleFunction
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.attributeName, expectedCompositeValue.attributeName)
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.stops as NSDictionary, expectedStops as NSDictionary)
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.interpolationMode, expectedCompositeValue.interpolationMode)
- XCTAssertEqual(compositeValue.defaultValue, expectedCompositeValue.defaultValue)
- }