path: root/platform/darwin/test/
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Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/ b/platform/darwin/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index e688d50583..0000000000
--- a/platform/darwin/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-#import "MGLStyleLayerTests.h"
-#import "NSPredicate+MGLAdditions.h"
-#import "MGLValueEvaluator.h"
-@interface MGLFilterTests : MGLStyleLayerTests {
- MGLShapeSource *source;
- MGLLineStyleLayer *layer;
-@implementation MGLFilterTests
-- (void)setUp
- [super setUp];
- NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:self.class] pathForResource:@"amsterdam" ofType:@"geojson"];
- NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath];
- NSData *geoJSONData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
- NSError *error;
- MGLShape *shape = [MGLShape shapeWithData:geoJSONData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
- XCTAssertNil(error);
- XCTAssertNotNil(shape);
- source = [[MGLShapeSource alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"test-source" shape:shape options:nil];
- [ addSource:source];
- layer = [[MGLLineStyleLayer alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"test-layer" source:source];
-- (void)tearDown
- [ removeLayer:layer];
- [ removeSource:source];
-- (NSArray<NSPredicate *> *)predicates
- NSPredicate *equalPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"type == 'neighbourhood'"];
- NSPredicate *notEqualPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"type != 'park'"];
- NSPredicate *greaterThanPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K > %@", @"stroke-width", @2.1];
- NSPredicate *greaterThanOrEqualToPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K >= %@", @"stroke-width", @2.1];
- NSPredicate *lessThanOrEqualToPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K <= %@", @"stroke-width", @2.1];
- NSPredicate *lessThanPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K < %@", @"stroke-width", @2.1];
- NSPredicate *inPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"type IN %@", @[@"park", @"neighbourhood"]];
- NSPredicate *notInPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT (type IN %@)", @[@"park", @"neighbourhood"]];
- NSPredicate *inNotInPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"type IN %@ AND NOT (type IN %@)", @[@"park"], @[@"neighbourhood", @"test"]];
- NSPredicate *typePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K == %@", @"$type", @"Feature"];
- NSPredicate *idPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K == %@", @"$id", @"1234123"];
- NSPredicate *specialCharsPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K == %@", @"ty-’pè", @"sŒm-ethįng"];
- NSPredicate *booleanPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"cluster != YES"];
- NSPredicate *nilEqualsPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"type == %@", nil];
- NSPredicate *nilNotEqualsPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"type != %@", nil];
- return @[
- equalPredicate,
- notEqualPredicate,
- greaterThanPredicate,
- greaterThanOrEqualToPredicate,
- lessThanOrEqualToPredicate,
- lessThanPredicate,
- inPredicate,
- notInPredicate,
- inNotInPredicate,
- typePredicate,
- idPredicate,
- specialCharsPredicate,
- booleanPredicate,
- nilEqualsPredicate,
- nilNotEqualsPredicate
- ];
-- (void)testAllPredicates
- for (NSPredicate *predicate in self.predicates) {
- layer.predicate = predicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, predicate);
- }
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testContainsPredicate
- // core does not have a "contains" filter but we can achieve the equivalent by creating an `mbgl::style::InFilter`
- // and searching the value for the key
- NSPredicate *expectedPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"park IN %@", @[@"park", @"neighbourhood"]];
- NSPredicate *containsPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ CONTAINS %@", @[@"park", @"neighbourhood"], @"park"];
- layer.predicate = containsPredicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, expectedPredicate);
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testBetweenPredicate
- // core does not have a "between" filter but we can achieve the equivalent by creating a set of greater than or equal / less than or equal
- // filters for the lower and upper bounds (inclusive)
- NSPredicate *expectedPredicate = [NSCompoundPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K >= 2 AND %K <= 3", @"stroke-width", @"stroke-width"];
- NSPredicate *betweenPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K BETWEEN %@", @"stroke-width", @[@2.0, @3.0]];
- layer.predicate = betweenPredicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, expectedPredicate);
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testTruePredicate
- // This comes out of the class cluster as an NSTruePredicate and it is equal to `[NSPredicate predicateWithValue:YES]`
- NSPredicate *truePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"TRUEPREDICATE"];
- layer.predicate = truePredicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate.description, truePredicate.description);
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testFalsePredicate
- // This comes out of the class cluster as an NSFalsePredicate and it is equal to `[NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]`
- NSPredicate *falsePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"FALSEPREDICATE"];
- layer.predicate = falsePredicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate.description, falsePredicate.description);
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testIntermittentEncoding
- NSPredicate *specialCharsPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K == %@", @"ty-’pè", @"sŒm-ethįng"];
- layer.predicate = specialCharsPredicate;
- NSComparisonPredicate *getPredicate = (NSComparisonPredicate *)layer.predicate;
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter filter = layer.predicate.mgl_filter.get<mbgl::style::EqualsFilter>();
- id objcKey = getPredicate.leftExpression.keyPath;
- id cppKey = @(filter.key.c_str());
- id objcValue = mbgl::Value::visit(getPredicate.rightExpression.mgl_filterValue, ValueEvaluator());
- id cppValue = mbgl::Value::visit(filter.value, ValueEvaluator());
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(objcKey, cppKey);
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(objcValue, cppValue);
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testNestedFilters
- NSPredicate *equalPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"type == 'neighbourhood'"];
- NSPredicate *notEqualPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"type != 'park'"];
- NSPredicate *allPredicate = [NSCompoundPredicate andPredicateWithSubpredicates:@[equalPredicate, notEqualPredicate]];
- NSPredicate *anyPredicate = [NSCompoundPredicate orPredicateWithSubpredicates:@[equalPredicate, notEqualPredicate]];
- layer.predicate = allPredicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, allPredicate);
- layer.predicate = anyPredicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, anyPredicate);
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testAndPredicates
- NSPredicate *predicate = [NSCompoundPredicate andPredicateWithSubpredicates:self.predicates];
- layer.predicate = predicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate, layer.predicate);
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testOrPredicates
- NSPredicate *predicate = [NSCompoundPredicate orPredicateWithSubpredicates:self.predicates];
- layer.predicate = predicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate, layer.predicate);
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testNotAndPredicates
- NSPredicate *predicates = [NSCompoundPredicate andPredicateWithSubpredicates:self.predicates];
- NSCompoundPredicate *predicate = [NSCompoundPredicate notPredicateWithSubpredicate:predicates];
- layer.predicate = predicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate, layer.predicate);
- [ addLayer:layer];
-- (void)testNotOrPredicates
- NSPredicate *predicates = [NSCompoundPredicate orPredicateWithSubpredicates:self.predicates];
- NSCompoundPredicate *predicate = [NSCompoundPredicate notPredicateWithSubpredicate:predicates];
- layer.predicate = predicate;
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate, layer.predicate);
- [ addLayer:layer];