path: root/platform/darwin/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/test/')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/ b/platform/darwin/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb50512afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+// This file is generated.
+// Edit platform/darwin/scripts/generate-style-code.js, then run `make style-code-darwin`.
+#import "MGLStyleLayerTests.h"
+#import "MGLStyleLayer_Private.h"
+#include <mbgl/style/layers/fill_layer.hpp>
+@interface MGLFillLayerTests : MGLStyleLayerTests
+@implementation MGLFillLayerTests
++ (NSString *)layerType {
+ return @"fill";
+- (void)testPredicates {
+ MGLPointFeature *feature = [[MGLPointFeature alloc] init];
+ MGLShapeSource *source = [[MGLShapeSource alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"sourceID" shape:feature options:nil];
+ MGLFillStyleLayer *layer = [[MGLFillStyleLayer alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"layerID" source:source];
+ XCTAssertNil(layer.sourceLayerIdentifier);
+ layer.sourceLayerIdentifier = @"layerID";
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.sourceLayerIdentifier, @"layerID");
+ layer.sourceLayerIdentifier = nil;
+ XCTAssertNil(layer.sourceLayerIdentifier);
+ XCTAssertNil(layer.predicate);
+ layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]);
+ layer.predicate = nil;
+ XCTAssertNil(layer.predicate);
+- (void)testProperties {
+ MGLPointFeature *feature = [[MGLPointFeature alloc] init];
+ MGLShapeSource *source = [[MGLShapeSource alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"sourceID" shape:feature options:nil];
+ MGLFillStyleLayer *layer = [[MGLFillStyleLayer alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"layerID" source:source];
+ XCTAssertNotEqual(layer.rawLayer, nullptr);
+ XCTAssertTrue(layer.rawLayer->is<mbgl::style::FillLayer>());
+ auto rawLayer = layer.rawLayer->as<mbgl::style::FillLayer>();
+ // fill-antialias
+ {
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillAntialias().isUndefined(),
+ @"fill-antialias should be unset initially.");
+ MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *defaultStyleValue = layer.fillAntialiased;
+ MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> valueWithRawValue:@NO];
+ layer.fillAntialiased = styleValue;
+ mbgl::style::PropertyValue<bool> propertyValue = { false };
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillAntialias(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillAntialiased to a constant value should update fill-antialias.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillAntialiased, styleValue,
+ @"fillAntialiased should round-trip constant values.");
+ styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> valueWithStops:@{
+ @18: styleValue,
+ }];
+ layer.fillAntialiased = styleValue;
+ propertyValue = { mbgl::style::Function<bool> {
+ {{ 18, propertyValue.asConstant() }},
+ 1,
+ }};
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillAntialias(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillAntialiased to a function should update fill-antialias.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillAntialiased, styleValue,
+ @"fillAntialiased should round-trip functions.");
+ layer.fillAntialiased = nil;
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillAntialias().isUndefined(),
+ @"Unsetting fillAntialiased should return fill-antialias to the default value.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillAntialiased, defaultStyleValue,
+ @"fillAntialiased should return the default value after being unset.");
+ }
+ // fill-color
+ {
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillColor().isUndefined(),
+ @"fill-color should be unset initially.");
+ MGLStyleValue<MGLColor *> *defaultStyleValue = layer.fillColor;
+ MGLStyleValue<MGLColor *> *styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<MGLColor *> valueWithRawValue:[MGLColor redColor]];
+ layer.fillColor = styleValue;
+ mbgl::style::PropertyValue<mbgl::Color> propertyValue = { { 1, 0, 0, 1 } };
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillColor(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillColor to a constant value should update fill-color.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillColor, styleValue,
+ @"fillColor should round-trip constant values.");
+ styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<MGLColor *> valueWithStops:@{
+ @18: styleValue,
+ }];
+ layer.fillColor = styleValue;
+ propertyValue = { mbgl::style::Function<mbgl::Color> {
+ {{ 18, propertyValue.asConstant() }},
+ 1,
+ }};
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillColor(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillColor to a function should update fill-color.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillColor, styleValue,
+ @"fillColor should round-trip functions.");
+ layer.fillColor = nil;
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillColor().isUndefined(),
+ @"Unsetting fillColor should return fill-color to the default value.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillColor, defaultStyleValue,
+ @"fillColor should return the default value after being unset.");
+ }
+ // fill-opacity
+ {
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillOpacity().isUndefined(),
+ @"fill-opacity should be unset initially.");
+ MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *defaultStyleValue = layer.fillOpacity;
+ MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> valueWithRawValue:@0xff];
+ layer.fillOpacity = styleValue;
+ mbgl::style::PropertyValue<float> propertyValue = { 0xff };
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillOpacity(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillOpacity to a constant value should update fill-opacity.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillOpacity, styleValue,
+ @"fillOpacity should round-trip constant values.");
+ styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> valueWithStops:@{
+ @18: styleValue,
+ }];
+ layer.fillOpacity = styleValue;
+ propertyValue = { mbgl::style::Function<float> {
+ {{ 18, propertyValue.asConstant() }},
+ 1,
+ }};
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillOpacity(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillOpacity to a function should update fill-opacity.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillOpacity, styleValue,
+ @"fillOpacity should round-trip functions.");
+ layer.fillOpacity = nil;
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillOpacity().isUndefined(),
+ @"Unsetting fillOpacity should return fill-opacity to the default value.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillOpacity, defaultStyleValue,
+ @"fillOpacity should return the default value after being unset.");
+ }
+ // fill-outline-color
+ {
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillOutlineColor().isUndefined(),
+ @"fill-outline-color should be unset initially.");
+ MGLStyleValue<MGLColor *> *defaultStyleValue = layer.fillOutlineColor;
+ MGLStyleValue<MGLColor *> *styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<MGLColor *> valueWithRawValue:[MGLColor redColor]];
+ layer.fillOutlineColor = styleValue;
+ mbgl::style::PropertyValue<mbgl::Color> propertyValue = { { 1, 0, 0, 1 } };
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillOutlineColor(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillOutlineColor to a constant value should update fill-outline-color.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillOutlineColor, styleValue,
+ @"fillOutlineColor should round-trip constant values.");
+ styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<MGLColor *> valueWithStops:@{
+ @18: styleValue,
+ }];
+ layer.fillOutlineColor = styleValue;
+ propertyValue = { mbgl::style::Function<mbgl::Color> {
+ {{ 18, propertyValue.asConstant() }},
+ 1,
+ }};
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillOutlineColor(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillOutlineColor to a function should update fill-outline-color.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillOutlineColor, styleValue,
+ @"fillOutlineColor should round-trip functions.");
+ layer.fillOutlineColor = nil;
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillOutlineColor().isUndefined(),
+ @"Unsetting fillOutlineColor should return fill-outline-color to the default value.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillOutlineColor, defaultStyleValue,
+ @"fillOutlineColor should return the default value after being unset.");
+ }
+ // fill-pattern
+ {
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillPattern().isUndefined(),
+ @"fill-pattern should be unset initially.");
+ MGLStyleValue<NSString *> *defaultStyleValue = layer.fillPattern;
+ MGLStyleValue<NSString *> *styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSString *> valueWithRawValue:@"Fill Pattern"];
+ layer.fillPattern = styleValue;
+ mbgl::style::PropertyValue<std::string> propertyValue = { "Fill Pattern" };
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillPattern(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillPattern to a constant value should update fill-pattern.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillPattern, styleValue,
+ @"fillPattern should round-trip constant values.");
+ styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSString *> valueWithStops:@{
+ @18: styleValue,
+ }];
+ layer.fillPattern = styleValue;
+ propertyValue = { mbgl::style::Function<std::string> {
+ {{ 18, propertyValue.asConstant() }},
+ 1,
+ }};
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillPattern(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillPattern to a function should update fill-pattern.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillPattern, styleValue,
+ @"fillPattern should round-trip functions.");
+ layer.fillPattern = nil;
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillPattern().isUndefined(),
+ @"Unsetting fillPattern should return fill-pattern to the default value.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillPattern, defaultStyleValue,
+ @"fillPattern should return the default value after being unset.");
+ }
+ // fill-translate
+ {
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillTranslate().isUndefined(),
+ @"fill-translate should be unset initially.");
+ MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> *defaultStyleValue = layer.fillTranslation;
+ MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> *styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> valueWithRawValue:
+ [NSValue valueWithCGVector:CGVectorMake(1, 1)]
+ [NSValue valueWithMGLVector:CGVectorMake(1, -1)]
+ ];
+ layer.fillTranslation = styleValue;
+ mbgl::style::PropertyValue<std::array<float, 2>> propertyValue = { { 1, 1 } };
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillTranslate(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillTranslation to a constant value should update fill-translate.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillTranslation, styleValue,
+ @"fillTranslation should round-trip constant values.");
+ styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> valueWithStops:@{
+ @18: styleValue,
+ }];
+ layer.fillTranslation = styleValue;
+ propertyValue = { mbgl::style::Function<std::array<float, 2>> {
+ {{ 18, propertyValue.asConstant() }},
+ 1,
+ }};
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillTranslate(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillTranslation to a function should update fill-translate.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillTranslation, styleValue,
+ @"fillTranslation should round-trip functions.");
+ layer.fillTranslation = nil;
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillTranslate().isUndefined(),
+ @"Unsetting fillTranslation should return fill-translate to the default value.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillTranslation, defaultStyleValue,
+ @"fillTranslation should return the default value after being unset.");
+ }
+ // fill-translate-anchor
+ {
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillTranslateAnchor().isUndefined(),
+ @"fill-translate-anchor should be unset initially.");
+ MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> *defaultStyleValue = layer.fillTranslationAnchor;
+ MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> *styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> valueWithRawValue:[NSValue valueWithMGLFillTranslationAnchor:MGLFillTranslationAnchorViewport]];
+ layer.fillTranslationAnchor = styleValue;
+ mbgl::style::PropertyValue<mbgl::style::TranslateAnchorType> propertyValue = { mbgl::style::TranslateAnchorType::Viewport };
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillTranslateAnchor(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillTranslationAnchor to a constant value should update fill-translate-anchor.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillTranslationAnchor, styleValue,
+ @"fillTranslationAnchor should round-trip constant values.");
+ styleValue = [MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> valueWithStops:@{
+ @18: styleValue,
+ }];
+ layer.fillTranslationAnchor = styleValue;
+ propertyValue = { mbgl::style::Function<mbgl::style::TranslateAnchorType> {
+ {{ 18, propertyValue.asConstant() }},
+ 1,
+ }};
+ XCTAssertEqual(rawLayer->getFillTranslateAnchor(), propertyValue,
+ @"Setting fillTranslationAnchor to a function should update fill-translate-anchor.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillTranslationAnchor, styleValue,
+ @"fillTranslationAnchor should round-trip functions.");
+ layer.fillTranslationAnchor = nil;
+ XCTAssertTrue(rawLayer->getFillTranslateAnchor().isUndefined(),
+ @"Unsetting fillTranslationAnchor should return fill-translate-anchor to the default value.");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.fillTranslationAnchor, defaultStyleValue,
+ @"fillTranslationAnchor should return the default value after being unset.");
+ }
+- (void)testPropertyNames {
+ [self testPropertyName:@"is-fill-antialiased" isBoolean:YES];
+ [self testPropertyName:@"fill-color" isBoolean:NO];
+ [self testPropertyName:@"fill-opacity" isBoolean:NO];
+ [self testPropertyName:@"fill-outline-color" isBoolean:NO];
+ [self testPropertyName:@"fill-pattern" isBoolean:NO];
+ [self testPropertyName:@"fill-translation" isBoolean:NO];
+ [self testPropertyName:@"fill-translation-anchor" isBoolean:NO];
+- (void)testValueAdditions {
+ XCTAssertEqual([NSValue valueWithMGLFillTranslationAnchor:MGLFillTranslationAnchorMap].MGLFillTranslationAnchorValue, MGLFillTranslationAnchorMap);
+ XCTAssertEqual([NSValue valueWithMGLFillTranslationAnchor:MGLFillTranslationAnchorViewport].MGLFillTranslationAnchorValue, MGLFillTranslationAnchorViewport);