path: root/platform/darwin/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/src/')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/ b/platform/darwin/src/
index 978bda0cb5..fa5d1a9302 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/src/
+++ b/platform/darwin/src/
@@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ private:
namespace mbgl {
+using CGContextHandle = CFHandle<CGContextRef, CGContextRef, CGContextRelease>;
+using CGColorSpaceHandle = CFHandle<CGColorSpaceRef, CGColorSpaceRef, CGColorSpaceRelease>;
+using CTFontDescriptorRefHandle = CFHandle<CTFontDescriptorRef, CFTypeRef, CFRelease>;
+using CTFontRefHandle = CFHandle<CTFontRef, CFTypeRef, CFRelease>;
+using CFStringRefHandle = CFHandle<CFStringRef, CFTypeRef, CFRelease>;
+using CFAttributedStringRefHandle = CFHandle<CFAttributedStringRef, CFTypeRef, CFRelease>;
+using CTLineRefHandle = CFHandle<CTLineRef, CFTypeRef, CFRelease>;
+using CFDictionaryRefHandle = CFHandle<CFDictionaryRef, CFTypeRef, CFRelease>;
Initial implementation of darwin TinySDF support:
Draw any CJK glyphs using a default system font
@@ -34,48 +43,66 @@ namespace mbgl {
- Extract glyph metrics so that this can be used with more than just fixed width glyphs
-bool LocalGlyphRasterizer::canRasterizeGlyph(const FontStack&, GlyphID glyphID) {
- // TODO: This is a rough approximation of the set of glyphs that will work with fixed glyph metrics
- // Either narrow this down to be conservative, or actually extract glyph metrics in rasterizeGlyph
- return util::i18n::allowsIdeographicBreaking(glyphID);
-using CGContextHandle = CFHandle<CGContextRef, CGContextRef, CGContextRelease>;
-using CGColorSpaceHandle = CFHandle<CGColorSpaceRef, CGColorSpaceRef, CGColorSpaceRelease>;
+class LocalGlyphRasterizer::Impl {
+ Impl(CTFontRef fontHandle)
+ : font(fontHandle)
+ {}
-Glyph LocalGlyphRasterizer::rasterizeGlyph(const FontStack&, GlyphID glyphID) {
- Glyph fixedMetrics;
- = glyphID;
- uint32_t width = 35;
- uint32_t height = 35;
- fixedMetrics.metrics.width = width;
- fixedMetrics.metrics.height = height;
- fixedMetrics.metrics.left = 3;
- = -1;
- fixedMetrics.metrics.advance = 24;
- Size size(width, height);
+ CTFontRefHandle font;
- fixedMetrics.bitmap = AlphaImage(size);
NSDictionary *fontAttributes =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:24.0], (NSString *)kCTFontSizeAttribute,
- // Create a descriptor.
- CTFontDescriptorRef descriptor =
- CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes((CFDictionaryRef)fontAttributes);
- // Create a font using the descriptor.
- CTFontRef font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(descriptor, 0.0, NULL);
- CFRelease(descriptor);
+ CTFontDescriptorRefHandle descriptor(CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes((CFDictionaryRef)fontAttributes));
+ impl = std::make_unique<Impl>(CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(*descriptor, 0.0, NULL));
+bool LocalGlyphRasterizer::canRasterizeGlyph(const FontStack&, GlyphID glyphID) {
+ // TODO: This is a rough approximation of the set of glyphs that will work with fixed glyph metrics
+ // Either narrow this down to be conservative, or actually extract glyph metrics in rasterizeGlyph
+ return util::i18n::allowsIdeographicBreaking(glyphID);
+// TODO: In theory we should be able to transform user-coordinate bounding box and advance
+// values into pixel glyph metrics. This would remove the need to use fixed glyph metrics
+// (which will be slightly off depending on the font), and allow us to return non CJK glyphs
+// (which will have variable "advance" values).
+void extractGlyphMetrics(CTFontRef font, CTLineRef line) {
+ CFArrayRef glyphRuns = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line);
+ CFIndex runCount = CFArrayGetCount(glyphRuns);
+ assert(runCount == 1);
+ CTRunRef run = (CTRunRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(glyphRuns, 0);
+ CFIndex glyphCount = CTRunGetGlyphCount(run);
+ assert(glyphCount == 1);
+ const CGGlyph *glyphs = CTRunGetGlyphsPtr(run);
- CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, (UniChar*)&glyphID, 1);
+ CGRect boundingRects[1];
+ boundingRects[0] = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ CGSize advances[1];
+ advances[0] = CGSizeMake(0,0);
+ CGRect totalBoundingRect = CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs(font, kCTFontOrientationDefault, glyphs, boundingRects, 1);
+ double totalAdvance = CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(font, kCTFontOrientationDefault, glyphs, advances, 1);
+ // Break in the debugger to see these values: translating from "user coordinates" to bitmap pixel coordinates
+ // should be OK, but a lot of glyphs seem to have empty bounding boxes...?
+ (void)totalBoundingRect;
+ (void)totalAdvance;
- PremultipliedImage image(size);
+PremultipliedImage drawGlyphBitmap(GlyphID glyphID, CTFontRef font, Size size) {
+ PremultipliedImage rgbaBitmap(size);
+ CFStringRefHandle string(CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, reinterpret_cast<UniChar*>(&glyphID), 1));
CGColorSpaceHandle colorSpace(CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB());
// TODO: Is there a way to just draw a single alpha channel instead of copying it out of an RGB image? Doesn't seem like the grayscale colorspace is what I'm looking for...
@@ -85,12 +112,12 @@ Glyph LocalGlyphRasterizer::rasterizeGlyph(const FontStack&, GlyphID glyphID) {
constexpr const size_t bitsPerComponent = 8;
constexpr const size_t bytesPerPixel = 4;
- const size_t bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * width;
+ const size_t bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * size.width;
CGContextHandle context(CGBitmapContextCreate(
- width,
- height,
+ size.width,
+ size.height,
@@ -102,48 +129,44 @@ Glyph LocalGlyphRasterizer::rasterizeGlyph(const FontStack&, GlyphID glyphID) {
CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontAttributeName };
CFTypeRef values[] = { font };
- CFDictionaryRef attributes =
+ CFDictionaryRefHandle attributes(
CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)&keys,
(const void**)&values, sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]),
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
- CFAttributedStringRef attrString =
- CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, string, attributes);
- CFRelease(string);
- CFRelease(attributes);
+ CFAttributedStringRefHandle attrString(CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, *string, *attributes));
- CTLineRef line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrString); // TODO: Get glyph runs (for metric extraction) and use showGlyphs API instead?
- CFArrayRef glyphRuns = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line);
- CFIndex runCount = CFArrayGetCount(glyphRuns);
- assert(runCount == 1);
- CTRunRef run = (CTRunRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(glyphRuns, 0);
- CFIndex glyphCount = CTRunGetGlyphCount(run);
- assert(glyphCount == 1);
- const CGGlyph *glyphs = CTRunGetGlyphsPtr(run);
- CGRect boundingRects[1];
- boundingRects[0] = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
- CGSize advances[1];
- advances[0] = CGSizeMake(0,0);
- CGRect totalBoundingRect = CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs(font, kCTFontOrientationDefault, glyphs, boundingRects, 1);
- double totalAdvance = CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(font, kCTFontOrientationDefault, glyphs, advances, 1);
+ CTLineRefHandle line(CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(*attrString));
- // Break in the debugger to see these values: translating from "user coordinates" to bitmap pixel coordinates
- // should be OK, but a lot of glyphs seem to have empty bounding boxes...?
- (void)totalBoundingRect;
- (void)totalAdvance;
+ // For debugging only, doesn't get useful metrics yet
+ extractGlyphMetrics(font, *line);
// Set text position and draw the line into the graphics context
CGContextSetTextPosition(*context, 0.0, 5.0);
- CTLineDraw(line, *context);
+ CTLineDraw(*line, *context);
- CFRelease(line);
- CFRelease(font);
+ return rgbaBitmap;
+Glyph LocalGlyphRasterizer::rasterizeGlyph(const FontStack&, GlyphID glyphID) {
+ Glyph fixedMetrics;
+ = glyphID;
+ Size size(35, 35);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < width * height; i++) {
-[i] =[4 * i + 3]; // alpha value
+ fixedMetrics.metrics.width = size.width;
+ fixedMetrics.metrics.height = size.height;
+ fixedMetrics.metrics.left = 3;
+ = -1;
+ fixedMetrics.metrics.advance = 24;
+ PremultipliedImage rgbaBitmap = drawGlyphBitmap(glyphID, *(impl->font), size);
+ // Copy alpha values from RGBA bitmap into the AlphaImage output
+ fixedMetrics.bitmap = AlphaImage(size);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size.width * size.height; i++) {
+[i] =[4 * i + 3];
return fixedMetrics;