path: root/platform/darwin/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 542 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/ b/platform/darwin/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index df6b1bffea..0000000000
--- a/platform/darwin/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
-#import "MGLFoundation_Private.h"
-#import "MGLFeature_Private.h"
-#import "MGLCluster.h"
-#import "MGLPointAnnotation.h"
-#import "MGLPolyline.h"
-#import "MGLPolygon.h"
-#import "MGLValueEvaluator.h"
-#import "MGLShape_Private.h"
-#import "MGLPointCollection_Private.h"
-#import "MGLPolyline_Private.h"
-#import "MGLPolygon_Private.h"
-#import "NSDictionary+MGLAdditions.h"
-#import "NSArray+MGLAdditions.h"
-#import "NSExpression+MGLPrivateAdditions.h"
-#import "MGLLoggingConfiguration_Private.h"
-#import <mbgl/util/geometry.hpp>
-#import <mbgl/style/conversion/geojson.hpp>
-#import <mapbox/feature.hpp>
-// Cluster constants
-static NSString * const MGLClusterIdentifierKey = @"cluster_id";
-static NSString * const MGLClusterCountKey = @"point_count";
-const NSUInteger MGLClusterIdentifierInvalid = NSUIntegerMax;
-@interface MGLEmptyFeature ()
-@implementation MGLEmptyFeature
-@synthesize identifier;
-@synthesize attributes = _attributes;
-- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)key {
- MGLLogDebug(@"Retrieving attributeForKey: %@", key);
- return self.attributes[key];
-- (NSDictionary *)geoJSONDictionary {
- return NSDictionaryFeatureForGeometry([super geoJSONDictionary], self.attributes, self.identifier);
-- (mbgl::GeoJSON)geoJSONObject {
- return mbglFeature({[self geometryObject]}, identifier, self.attributes);
-- (NSString *)description
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; identifier = %@, attributes = %@>",
- NSStringFromClass([self class]), (void *)self,
- self.identifier ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", self.identifier] : self.identifier,
- self.attributes.count ? self.attributes : @"none"];
-@interface MGLPointFeature ()
-@implementation MGLPointFeature
-@synthesize identifier;
-@synthesize attributes = _attributes;
-- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)key {
- MGLLogDebug(@"Retrieving attributeForKey: %@", key);
- return self.attributes[key];
-- (NSDictionary *)geoJSONDictionary {
- return NSDictionaryFeatureForGeometry([super geoJSONDictionary], self.attributes, self.identifier);
-- (mbgl::GeoJSON)geoJSONObject {
- return mbglFeature({[self geometryObject]}, identifier, self.attributes);
-- (NSString *)description
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; identifier = %@, coordinate = %f, %f, attributes = %@>",
- NSStringFromClass([self class]), (void *)self,
- self.identifier ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", self.identifier] : self.identifier,
- self.coordinate.latitude, self.coordinate.longitude,
- self.attributes.count ? self.attributes : @"none"];
-@implementation MGLPointFeatureCluster
-- (NSUInteger)clusterIdentifier {
- NSNumber *clusterNumber = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST([self attributeForKey:MGLClusterIdentifierKey], NSNumber);
- MGLAssert(clusterNumber, @"Clusters should have a cluster_id");
- if (!clusterNumber) {
- return MGLClusterIdentifierInvalid;
- }
- NSUInteger clusterIdentifier = [clusterNumber unsignedIntegerValue];
- MGLAssert(clusterIdentifier <= UINT32_MAX, @"Cluster identifiers are 32bit");
- return clusterIdentifier;
-- (NSUInteger)clusterPointCount {
- NSNumber *count = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST([self attributeForKey:MGLClusterCountKey], NSNumber);
- MGLAssert(count, @"Clusters should have a point_count");
- return [count unsignedIntegerValue];
-@interface MGLPolylineFeature ()
-@implementation MGLPolylineFeature
-@synthesize identifier;
-@synthesize attributes = _attributes;
-- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)key {
- MGLLogDebug(@"Retrieving attributeForKey: %@", key);
- return self.attributes[key];
-- (NSDictionary *)geoJSONDictionary {
- return NSDictionaryFeatureForGeometry([super geoJSONDictionary], self.attributes, self.identifier);
-- (mbgl::GeoJSON)geoJSONObject {
- return mbglFeature({[self geometryObject]}, identifier, self.attributes);
-- (NSString *)description
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; identifier = %@, count = %lu, bounds = %@, attributes = %@>",
- NSStringFromClass([self class]), (void *)self,
- self.identifier ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", self.identifier] : self.identifier,
- (unsigned long)[self pointCount],
- MGLStringFromCoordinateBounds(self.overlayBounds),
- self.attributes.count ? self.attributes : @"none"];
-@interface MGLPolygonFeature ()
-@implementation MGLPolygonFeature
-@synthesize identifier;
-@synthesize attributes = _attributes;
-- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)key {
- MGLLogDebug(@"Retrieving attributeForKey: %@", key);
- return self.attributes[key];
-- (NSDictionary *)geoJSONDictionary {
- return NSDictionaryFeatureForGeometry([super geoJSONDictionary], self.attributes, self.identifier);
-- (mbgl::GeoJSON)geoJSONObject {
- return mbglFeature({[self geometryObject]}, identifier, self.attributes);
-- (NSString *)description
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; identifier = %@, count = %lu, bounds = %@, attributes = %@>",
- NSStringFromClass([self class]), (void *)self,
- self.identifier ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", self.identifier] : self.identifier,
- (unsigned long)[self pointCount],
- MGLStringFromCoordinateBounds(self.overlayBounds),
- self.attributes.count ? self.attributes : @"none"];
-@interface MGLPointCollectionFeature ()
-@implementation MGLPointCollectionFeature
-@synthesize identifier;
-@synthesize attributes = _attributes;
-- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)key {
- MGLLogDebug(@"Retrieving attributeForKey: %@", key);
- return self.attributes[key];
-- (NSDictionary *)geoJSONDictionary {
- return NSDictionaryFeatureForGeometry([super geoJSONDictionary], self.attributes, self.identifier);
-- (mbgl::GeoJSON)geoJSONObject {
- return mbglFeature({[self geometryObject]}, identifier, self.attributes);
-@interface MGLMultiPolylineFeature ()
-@implementation MGLMultiPolylineFeature
-@synthesize identifier;
-@synthesize attributes = _attributes;
-- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)key {
- MGLLogDebug(@"Retrieving attributeForKey: %@", key);
- return self.attributes[key];
-- (NSDictionary *)geoJSONDictionary {
- return NSDictionaryFeatureForGeometry([super geoJSONDictionary], self.attributes, self.identifier);
-- (mbgl::GeoJSON)geoJSONObject {
- return mbglFeature({[self geometryObject]}, identifier, self.attributes);
-- (NSString *)description
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; identifier = %@, count = %lu, bounds = %@, attributes = %@>",
- NSStringFromClass([self class]), (void *)self,
- self.identifier ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", self.identifier] : self.identifier,
- (unsigned long)self.polylines.count,
- MGLStringFromCoordinateBounds(self.overlayBounds),
- self.attributes.count ? self.attributes : @"none"];
-@interface MGLMultiPolygonFeature ()
-@implementation MGLMultiPolygonFeature
-@synthesize identifier;
-@synthesize attributes = _attributes;
-- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)key {
- MGLLogDebug(@"Retrieving attributeForKey: %@", key);
- return self.attributes[key];
-- (NSDictionary *)geoJSONDictionary {
- return NSDictionaryFeatureForGeometry([super geoJSONDictionary], self.attributes, self.identifier);
-- (mbgl::GeoJSON)geoJSONObject {
- return mbglFeature({[self geometryObject]}, identifier, self.attributes);
-- (NSString *)description
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; identifier = %@, count = %lu, bounds = %@, attributes = %@>",
- NSStringFromClass([self class]), (void *)self,
- self.identifier ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", self.identifier] : self.identifier,
- (unsigned long)self.polygons.count,
- MGLStringFromCoordinateBounds(self.overlayBounds),
- self.attributes.count ? self.attributes : @"none"];
-@interface MGLShapeCollectionFeature ()
-@implementation MGLShapeCollectionFeature
-@synthesize identifier;
-@synthesize attributes = _attributes;
-@dynamic shapes;
-+ (instancetype)shapeCollectionWithShapes:(NSArray<MGLShape<MGLFeature> *> *)shapes {
- return [super shapeCollectionWithShapes:shapes];
-- (id)attributeForKey:(NSString *)key {
- return self.attributes[key];
-- (NSDictionary *)geoJSONDictionary {
- return NSDictionaryFeatureForGeometry([super geoJSONDictionary], self.attributes, self.identifier);
-- (mbgl::GeoJSON)geoJSONObject {
- mbgl::FeatureCollection featureCollection;
- featureCollection.reserve(self.shapes.count);
- for (MGLShape <MGLFeature> *feature in self.shapes) {
- auto geoJSONObject = feature.geoJSONObject;
- MGLAssert(<mbgl::GeoJSONFeature>(), @"Feature collection must only contain features.");
- featureCollection.push_back(geoJSONObject.get<mbgl::GeoJSONFeature>());
- }
- return featureCollection;
- Transforms an `mbgl::geometry::geometry` type into an instance of the
- corresponding Objective-C geometry class.
- */
-template <typename T>
-class GeometryEvaluator {
- const mbgl::PropertyMap *shared_properties;
- GeometryEvaluator(const mbgl::PropertyMap *properties = nullptr):
- shared_properties(properties)
- {}
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::EmptyGeometry &) const {
- MGLEmptyFeature *feature = [[MGLEmptyFeature alloc] init];
- return feature;
- }
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::Point<T> &geometry) const {
- Class pointFeatureClass = [MGLPointFeature class];
- // If we're dealing with a cluster, we should change the class type.
- // This could be generic and build the subclass at runtime if it turns
- // out we need to support more than point clusters.
- if (shared_properties) {
- auto clusterIt = shared_properties->find("cluster");
- if (clusterIt != shared_properties->end()) {
- auto clusterValue = clusterIt->second;
- if (clusterValue.template is<bool>()) {
- if (clusterValue.template get<bool>()) {
- pointFeatureClass = [MGLPointFeatureCluster class];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- MGLPointFeature *feature = [[pointFeatureClass alloc] init];
- feature.coordinate = toLocationCoordinate2D(geometry);
- return feature;
- }
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::LineString<T> &geometry) const {
- std::vector<CLLocationCoordinate2D> coordinates = toLocationCoordinates2D(geometry);
- return [MGLPolylineFeature polylineWithCoordinates:&coordinates[0] count:coordinates.size()];
- }
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::Polygon<T> &geometry) const {
- return toShape<MGLPolygonFeature>(geometry);
- }
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::MultiPoint<T> &geometry) const {
- std::vector<CLLocationCoordinate2D> coordinates = toLocationCoordinates2D(geometry);
- return [[MGLPointCollectionFeature alloc] initWithCoordinates:&coordinates[0] count:coordinates.size()];
- }
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::MultiLineString<T> &geometry) const {
- NSMutableArray *polylines = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:geometry.size()];
- for (auto &lineString : geometry) {
- std::vector<CLLocationCoordinate2D> coordinates = toLocationCoordinates2D(lineString);
- MGLPolyline *polyline = [MGLPolyline polylineWithCoordinates:&coordinates[0] count:coordinates.size()];
- [polylines addObject:polyline];
- }
- return [MGLMultiPolylineFeature multiPolylineWithPolylines:polylines];
- }
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::MultiPolygon<T> &geometry) const {
- NSMutableArray *polygons = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:geometry.size()];
- for (auto &polygon : geometry) {
- [polygons addObject:toShape(polygon)];
- }
- return [MGLMultiPolygonFeature multiPolygonWithPolygons:polygons];
- }
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mapbox::geometry::geometry_collection<T> &collection) const {
- NSMutableArray *shapes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:collection.size()];
- for (auto &geometry : collection) {
- // This is very much like the transformation that happens in MGLFeaturesFromMBGLFeatures(), but these are raw geometries with no associated feature IDs or attributes.
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> *shape = mapbox::geometry::geometry<T>::visit(geometry, *this);
- [shapes addObject:shape];
- }
- return [MGLShapeCollectionFeature shapeCollectionWithShapes:shapes];
- }
- static CLLocationCoordinate2D toLocationCoordinate2D(const mbgl::Point<T> &point) {
- return CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(point.y, point.x);
- }
- static std::vector<CLLocationCoordinate2D> toLocationCoordinates2D(const std::vector<mbgl::Point<T>> &points) {
- std::vector<CLLocationCoordinate2D> coordinates;
- coordinates.reserve(points.size());
- std::transform(points.begin(), points.end(), std::back_inserter(coordinates), toLocationCoordinate2D);
- return coordinates;
- }
- template<typename U = MGLPolygon>
- static U *toShape(const mbgl::Polygon<T> &geometry) {
- auto &linearRing = geometry.front();
- std::vector<CLLocationCoordinate2D> coordinates = toLocationCoordinates2D(linearRing);
- NSMutableArray *innerPolygons;
- if (geometry.size() > 1) {
- innerPolygons = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:geometry.size() - 1];
- for (auto iter = geometry.begin() + 1; iter != geometry.end(); iter++) {
- auto &innerRing = *iter;
- std::vector<CLLocationCoordinate2D> innerCoordinates = toLocationCoordinates2D(innerRing);
- MGLPolygon *innerPolygon = [MGLPolygon polygonWithCoordinates:&innerCoordinates[0] count:innerCoordinates.size()];
- [innerPolygons addObject:innerPolygon];
- }
- }
- return [U polygonWithCoordinates:&coordinates[0] count:coordinates.size() interiorPolygons:innerPolygons];
- }
-template <typename T>
-class GeoJSONEvaluator {
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::Geometry<T> &geometry) const {
- GeometryEvaluator<T> evaluator;
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> *shape = mapbox::geometry::geometry<T>::visit(geometry, evaluator);
- return shape;
- }
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::GeoJSONFeature &feature) const {
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> *shape = (MGLShape <MGLFeature> *)MGLFeatureFromMBGLFeature(feature);
- return shape;
- }
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> * operator()(const mbgl::FeatureCollection &collection) const {
- NSMutableArray *shapes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:collection.size()];
- for (const auto &feature : collection) {
- [shapes addObject:MGLFeatureFromMBGLFeature(feature)];
- }
- return [MGLShapeCollectionFeature shapeCollectionWithShapes:shapes];
- }
-NSArray<MGLShape <MGLFeature> *> *MGLFeaturesFromMBGLFeatures(const std::vector<mbgl::Feature> &features) {
- NSMutableArray *shapes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:features.size()];
- for (const auto &feature : features) {
- [shapes addObject:MGLFeatureFromMBGLFeature(static_cast<mbgl::GeoJSONFeature>(feature))];
- }
- return shapes;
-NSArray<MGLShape <MGLFeature> *> *MGLFeaturesFromMBGLFeatures(const std::vector<mbgl::GeoJSONFeature> &features) {
- NSMutableArray *shapes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:features.size()];
- for (const auto &feature : features) {
- [shapes addObject:MGLFeatureFromMBGLFeature(feature)];
- }
- return shapes;
-id <MGLFeature> MGLFeatureFromMBGLFeature(const mbgl::GeoJSONFeature &feature) {
- NSMutableDictionary *attributes = [NSMutableDictionary];
- for (auto &pair : {
- auto &value = pair.second;
- ValueEvaluator evaluator;
- attributes[@(pair.first.c_str())] = mbgl::Value::visit(value, evaluator);
- }
- GeometryEvaluator<double> evaluator(&;
- MGLShape <MGLFeature> *shape = mapbox::geometry::geometry<double>::visit(feature.geometry, evaluator);
- if (!<mapbox::feature::null_value_t>()) {
- shape.identifier = mbgl::FeatureIdentifier::visit(, ValueEvaluator());
- }
- shape.attributes = attributes;
- return shape;
-MGLShape* MGLShapeFromGeoJSON(const mapbox::geojson::geojson &geojson) {
- GeoJSONEvaluator<double> evaluator;
- MGLShape *shape = mapbox::geojson::geojson::visit(geojson, evaluator);
- return shape;
-mbgl::GeoJSONFeature mbglFeature(mbgl::GeoJSONFeature feature, id identifier, NSDictionary *attributes)
- if (identifier) {
- NSExpression *identifierExpression = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:identifier];
- = [identifierExpression mgl_featureIdentifier];
- }
- = [attributes mgl_propertyMap];
- return feature;
-NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *NSDictionaryFeatureForGeometry(NSDictionary *geometry, NSDictionary *attributes, id identifier) {
- NSMutableDictionary *feature = [@{@"type": @"Feature",
- @"properties": attributes,
- @"geometry": geometry} mutableCopy];
- feature[@"id"] = identifier;
- return [feature copy];