path: root/platform/darwin/scripts
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Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/scripts')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/scripts/generate-style-code.js b/platform/darwin/scripts/generate-style-code.js
index 51a5052110..84ee7ac263 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/scripts/generate-style-code.js
+++ b/platform/darwin/scripts/generate-style-code.js
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ const suffix = 'StyleLayer';
let spec = _.merge(require('../../../mapbox-gl-js/src/style-spec/reference/v8'), require('./style-spec-overrides-v8.json'));
+// Temporarily ignore layer types defined in the style specification but not yet supported in mbgl.
+delete spec.layer.type.values.heatmap;
// Rename properties and keep `original` for use with setters and getters
_.forOwn(cocoaConventions, function (properties, kind) {
_.forOwn(properties, function (newName, oldName) {
@@ -94,37 +97,42 @@ global.testImplementation = function (property, layerType, isFunction) {
return `layer.${objCName(property)} = [MGLRuntimeStylingHelper ${helperMsg}];`;
-global.objCTestValue = function (property, layerType, indent) {
+global.objCTestValue = function (property, layerType, arraysAsStructs, indent) {
let propertyName = originalPropertyName(property);
switch (property.type) {
case 'boolean':
- return property.default ? '@NO' : '@YES';
+ return property.default ? '@"false"' : '@"true"';
case 'number':
- return '@0xff';
+ return '@"0xff"';
case 'string':
- return `@"${_.startCase(propertyName)}"`;
+ return `@"'${_.startCase(propertyName)}'"`;
case 'enum':
- let type = objCType(layerType,;
- let value = `${type}${camelize(_.last(_.keys(property.values)))}`;
- return `[NSValue valueWith${type}:${value}]`;
+ return `@"'${_.last(_.keys(property.values))}'"`;
case 'color':
- return '[MGLColor redColor]';
+ return '@"%@", [MGLColor redColor]';
case 'array':
switch (arrayType(property)) {
case 'dasharray':
- return '@[@1, @2]';
+ return '@"{1, 2}"';
case 'font':
- return `@[@"${_.startCase(propertyName)}", @"${_.startCase(_.reverse(propertyName.split('')).join(''))}"]`;
+ return `@"{'${_.startCase(propertyName)}', '${_.startCase(_.reverse(propertyName.split('')).join(''))}'}"`;
case 'padding': {
- let iosValue = '[NSValue valueWithUIEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(1, 1, 1, 1)]'.indent(indent * 4);
- let macosValue = '[NSValue valueWithEdgeInsets:NSEdgeInsetsMake(1, 1, 1, 1)]'.indent(indent * 4);
- return `\n#if TARGET_OS_IPHONE\n${iosValue}\n#else\n${macosValue}\n#endif\n${''.indent((indent - 1) * 4)}`;
+ if (arraysAsStructs) {
+ let iosValue = '[NSValue valueWithUIEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(1, 1, 1, 1)]'.indent(indent * 4);
+ let macosValue = '[NSValue valueWithEdgeInsets:NSEdgeInsetsMake(1, 1, 1, 1)]'.indent(indent * 4);
+ return `@"%@",\n#if TARGET_OS_IPHONE\n${iosValue}\n#else\n${macosValue}\n#endif\n${''.indent((indent - 1) * 4)}`;
+ }
+ return '@"{1, 1, 1, 1}"';
case 'offset':
- case 'translate':
- let iosValue = '[NSValue valueWithCGVector:CGVectorMake(1, 1)]'.indent(indent * 4);
- let macosValue = '[NSValue valueWithMGLVector:CGVectorMake(1, -1)]'.indent(indent * 4);
- return `\n#if TARGET_OS_IPHONE\n${iosValue}\n#else\n${macosValue}\n#endif\n${''.indent((indent - 1) * 4)}`;
+ case 'translate': {
+ if (arraysAsStructs) {
+ let iosValue = '[NSValue valueWithCGVector:CGVectorMake(1, 1)]'.indent(indent * 4);
+ let macosValue = '[NSValue valueWithMGLVector:CGVectorMake(1, -1)]'.indent(indent * 4);
+ return `@"%@",\n#if TARGET_OS_IPHONE\n${iosValue}\n#else\n${macosValue}\n#endif\n${''.indent((indent - 1) * 4)}`;
+ }
+ return '@"{1, 1}"';
+ }
throw new Error(`unknown array type for ${}`);
@@ -293,29 +301,23 @@ global.propertyDoc = function (propertyName, property, layerType, kind) {
doc += `\n\nThis attribute corresponds to the <a href="${anchor}"><code>${property.original}</code></a> layout property in the Mapbox Style Specification.`;
- doc += '\n\nYou can set this property to an instance of:\n\n' +
- '* `MGLConstantStyleValue`\n';
+ doc += '\n\nYou can set this property to an expression containing any of the following:\n\n';
+ doc += `* Constant ${describeType(property)} values\n`;
+ if (property.type === 'enum') {
+ doc += '* Any of the following constant string values:\n';
+ doc += Object.keys(property.values).map(value => ' * `' + value + '`: ' + property.values[value].doc).join('\n') + '\n';
+ }
+ doc += '* Predefined functions, including mathematical and string operators\n' +
+ '* Conditional expressions\n' +
+ '* Variable assignments and references to assigned variables\n';
if (property["property-function"]) {
- doc += '* `MGLCameraStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of:\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeExponential`\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n' +
- '* `MGLSourceStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of:\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeExponential`\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeCategorical`\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeIdentity`\n' +
- '* `MGLCompositeStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of:\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeExponential`\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeCategorical`\n';
+ doc += '* Interpolation and step functions applied to the `$zoomLevel` variable and/or feature attributes\n';
+ } else if (property.function === "interpolated") {
+ doc += '* Interpolation and step functions applied to the `$zoomLevel` variable\n\n' +
+ 'This property does not support applying interpolation or step functions to feature attributes.';
} else {
- if (property.function === "interpolated") {
- doc += '* `MGLCameraStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of:\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeExponential`\n' +
- ' * `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n';
- } else {
- doc += '* `MGLCameraStyleFunction` with an interpolation mode of `MGLInterpolationModeInterval`\n';
- }
+ doc += '* Step functions applied to the `$zoomLevel` variable\n\n' +
+ 'This property does not support applying interpolation functions to the `$zoomLevel` variable or applying interpolation or step functions to feature attributes.';
return doc;
@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ global.propertyReqs = function (property, propertiesByName, type) {
return '`' + camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(req['!']) + '` is set to `nil`';
} else {
let name = Object.keys(req)[0];
- return '`' + camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(name) + '` is set to an `MGLStyleValue` object containing ' + describeValue(req[name], propertiesByName[name], type);
+ return '`' + camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(name) + '` is set to an expression that evaluates to ' + describeValue(req[name], propertiesByName[name], type);
}).join(', and ') + '. Otherwise, it is ignored.';
@@ -344,12 +346,55 @@ global.parseColor = function (str) {
+global.describeType = function (property) {
+ switch (property.type) {
+ case 'boolean':
+ return 'Boolean';
+ case 'number':
+ return 'numeric';
+ case 'string':
+ return 'string';
+ case 'enum':
+ return '`MGL' + camelize( + '`';
+ case 'color':
+ return '`UIColor`';
+ case 'array':
+ switch (arrayType(property)) {
+ case 'padding':
+ return '`UIEdgeInsets`';
+ case 'offset':
+ case 'translate':
+ return '`CGVector`';
+ case 'position':
+ return '`MGLSphericalPosition`';
+ default:
+ return 'array';
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`unknown type for ${}`);
+ }
global.describeValue = function (value, property, layerType) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value) && property.type !== 'array' && property.type !== 'enum') {
+ switch (value[0]) {
+ case 'interpolate': {
+ let curveType = value[1][0];
+ let minimum = describeValue(value[3 + value.length % 2], property, layerType);
+ let maximum = describeValue(_.last(value), property, layerType);
+ return `${curveType.match(/^[aeiou]/i) ? 'an' : 'a'} ${curveType} interpolation expression ranging from ${minimum} to ${maximum}`;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`No description available for ${value[0]} expression in ${} of ${layerType}.`);
+ }
+ }
switch (property.type) {
case 'boolean':
- return 'an `NSNumber` object containing ' + (value ? '`YES`' : '`NO`');
+ return value ? '`YES`' : '`NO`';
case 'number':
- return 'an `NSNumber` object containing the float `' + value + '`';
+ return 'the float `' + value + '`';
case 'string':
if (value === '') {
return 'the empty string';
@@ -366,13 +411,10 @@ global.describeValue = function (value, property, layerType) {
let objCType = global.objCType(layerType,;
return `${conjunction}\`${objCType}${camelize(possibleValue)}\``;
- } else if (property['light-property']) {
- displayValue = `\`${prefix}Light${camelize(}${camelize(value)}\``;
} else {
- let objCType = global.objCType(layerType,;
- displayValue = `\`${objCType}${camelize(value)}\``;
+ displayValue = `\`${value}\``;
- return `an \`NSValue\` object containing ${displayValue}`;
+ return displayValue;
case 'color':
let color = parseColor(value);
if (!color) {
@@ -414,9 +456,9 @@ global.describeValue = function (value, property, layerType) {
global.propertyDefault = function (property, layerType) {
if ( === 'heatmap-color') {
- return 'a rainbow color scale from blue to red';
+ return 'an expression that evaluates to a rainbow color scale from blue to red';
} else {
- return 'an `MGLStyleValue` object containing ' + describeValue(property.default, property, layerType);
+ return 'an expression that evaluates to ' + describeValue(property.default, property, layerType);