path: root/platform/darwin/scripts/update-examples.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/scripts/update-examples.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/scripts/update-examples.js b/platform/darwin/scripts/update-examples.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 885b26248c..0000000000
--- a/platform/darwin/scripts/update-examples.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-'use strict';
-const fs = require('fs');
-const execFileSync = require('child_process').execFileSync;
-const _ = require('lodash');
-const examplesSrc = fs.readFileSync('platform/darwin/test/MGLDocumentationExampleTests.swift', 'utf8');
-// Regex extracts the following block
-// /** Front matter to describe the example. **/
-// func testMGLClass$member() {
-// ...
-// // #-example-code
-// let sampleCode: String?
-// // #-end-example-code
-// ...
-// }
-// into the following regex groups:
-// 1 (test method name): "MGLClass" or "MGLClass$member" or "MGLClass$initWithArg_anotherArg_"
-// 2 (indentation): " "
-// 3 (sample code): "let sampleCode: String?"
-const exampleRegex = /func test([\w$]+)\s*\(\)\s*\{[^]*?\n([ \t]+)\/\/#-example-code\n([^]+?)\n\2\/\/#-end-example-code\n/gm;
- * Returns the given source with example code inserted into the documentation
- * comment for the symbol at the given one-based line.
- *
- * @param {String} src Source code to insert the example code into.
- * @param {Number} line One-based line number of the symbol being documented.
- * @param {String} exampleCode Example code to insert.
- * @returns {String} `src` with `exampleCode` inserted just above `line`.
- */
-function completeSymbolInSource(src, line, exampleCode) {
- // Split the file contents right before the symbol declaration (but after its documentation comment).
- let srcUpToSymbol = src.split('\n', line - 1).join('\n');
- let srcFromSymbol = src.substr(srcUpToSymbol.length);
- // Match the documentation comment block that is not followed by the beginning or end of a declaration.
- let commentMatch = srcUpToSymbol.match(/\/\*\*\s*(?:[^*]|\*(?!\/))+?\s*\*\/[^;{}]*?$/);
- // Replace the Swift code block with the test method’s contents.
- let completedComment = commentMatch[0].replace(/^([ \t]*)```swift\n[^]*?```/m, function (m, indentation) {
- // Apply the original indentation to each line.
- return ('```swift\n' + exampleCode + '\n```').replace(/^/gm, indentation);
- });
- // Splice the modified comment into the overall file contents.
- srcUpToSymbol = (srcUpToSymbol.substr(0, commentMatch.index) + completedComment +
- srcUpToSymbol.substr(commentMatch.index + commentMatch[0].length));
- return srcUpToSymbol + srcFromSymbol;
-let examples = {};
-let match;
-while ((match = exampleRegex.exec(examplesSrc)) !== null) {
- let testMethodName = match[1],
- indentation = match[2],
- exampleCode = match[3];
- // Trim leading whitespace from the example code.
- exampleCode = exampleCode.replace(new RegExp('^' + indentation, 'gm'), '');
- examples[testMethodName] = exampleCode;
-function completeExamples(os) {
- console.log(`Installing ${os} SDK examples…`);
- let sdk = os === 'iOS' ? 'iphonesimulator' : 'macosx';
- let sysroot = execFileSync('xcrun', ['--show-sdk-path', '--sdk', sdk]).toString().trim();
- let umbrellaPath = `platform/${os.toLowerCase()}/src/Mapbox.h`;
- let docArgs = ['doc', '--objc', umbrellaPath, '--',
- '-x', 'objective-c', '-I', 'platform/darwin/src/', '-isysroot', sysroot];
- let docStr = execFileSync('sourcekitten', docArgs, { maxBuffer: Infinity }).toString().trim();
- let docJson = JSON.parse(docStr);
- _.forEach(docJson, function (result) {
- _.forEach(result, function (structure, path) {
- let src;
- let newSrc;
- // Recursively search for code blocks in documentation comments and populate
- // them with example code from the test methods. Find and replace the code
- // blocks in reverse to keep the SourceKitten line numbers accurate.
- _.forEachRight(structure['key.substructure'], function completeSubstructure(substructure, idx, substructures, symbolPath) {
- if (!symbolPath) {
- symbolPath = [substructure['']];
- }
- _.forEachRight(substructure['key.substructure'], function (substructure, idx, substructures) {
- completeSubstructure(substructure, idx, substructures, _.concat(symbolPath, substructure['']));
- });
- let comment = substructure['key.doc.comment'];
- if (!comment || !comment.match(/^(?:\s*)```swift\n/m)) {
- return;
- }
- // Lazily read in the existing file.
- if (!src) {
- newSrc = src = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
- }
- // Get the contents of the test method whose name matches the symbol path.
- let testMethodName = symbolPath.join('$').replace(/\$[+-]/, '$').replace(/:/g, '_');
- let example = examples[testMethodName];
- if (!example) {
- console.error(`MGLDocumentationExampleTests.test${testMethodName}() not found.`);
- process.exit(1);
- }
- // Resolve conditional compilation blocks.
- example = example.replace(/^(\s*)#if\s+os\((iOS|macOS)\)\n([^]*?)(?:^\1#else\n([^]*?))?^\1#endif\b\n?/gm,
- function (m, indentation, ifOs, ifCase, elseCase) {
- return (os === ifOs ? ifCase : elseCase).replace(new RegExp('^ ', 'gm'), '');
- }).replace(/\n$/, '');
- // Insert the test method contents into the documentation comment just
- // above the substructure.
- let startLine = substructure['key.parsed_scope.start'];
- newSrc = completeSymbolInSource(newSrc, startLine, example);
- });
- if (!src) {
- return;
- }
- // Write out the modified file contents.
- writeIfModified(path, newSrc)
- });
- });
-function ensureSourceKittenIsInstalled() {
- try {
- execFileSync('which', ['sourcekitten']);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(`Installing SourceKitten via Homebrew…`);
- execFileSync('brew', ['install', 'sourcekitten']);
- }
-// Where a particular comment is part of both SDKs, prefer the iOS example.