path: root/platform/darwin/docs/guides/Working with GeoJSON
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+# Working with GeoJSON Data
+This SDK offers several ways to work with [GeoJSON]( files.
+GeoJSON is a standard file format for representing geographic data.
+## Adding a GeoJSON file to the map
+You can use
+[Mapbox Studio’s Datasets editor]( to
+upload a GeoJSON file and include it in your custom map style. The GeoJSON data
+will be hosted on Mapbox servers. When a user loads your style, the SDK
+automatically loads the GeoJSON data for display.
+Alternatively, if you need to host the GeoJSON file elsewhere or bundle it with
+your application, you can use a GeoJSON file as the basis of an `MGLShapeSource`
+object. Pass the file’s URL into the
+`-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:URL:options:]` initializer and add the
+shape source to the map using the `-[MGLStyle addSource:]` method. The URL may
+be a local file URL, an HTTP URL, or an HTTPS URL.
+Once you’ve added the GeoJSON file to the map via an `MGLShapeSource` object,
+you can configure the appearance of its data and control what data is visible
+using `MGLStyleLayer` objects, you can
+[access the data programmatically](#extracting-geojson-data-from-the-map).
+## Converting GeoJSON data into shape objects
+If you have GeoJSON data in the form of source code (also known as “GeoJSON
+text”), you can convert it into an `MGLShape`, `MGLFeature`, or
+`MGLShapeCollectionFeature` object that the `MGLShapeSource` class understands
+natively. First, create an `NSData` object out of the source code string or file
+contents, then pass that data object into the
+`+[MGLShape shapeWithData:encoding:error:]` method. Finally, you can pass the
+resulting shape or feature object into the
+`-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:shape:options:]` initializer and add it to
+the map, or you can use the object and its properties to power non-map-related
+functionality in your application.
+To include multiple shapes in the source, create and pass an `MGLShapeCollection` or
+ `MGLShapeCollectionFeature` object to
+ `-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:shape:options:]`. Alternatively, use the
+ `-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:features:options:]` or
+ `-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:shapes:options:]` method to create a shape source
+ with an array. `-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:features:options:]` accepts only `MGLFeature`
+ instances, such as `MGLPointFeature` objects, whose attributes you can use when
+ applying a predicate to `MGLVectorStyleLayer` or configuring a style layer’s
+ appearance.
+## Extracting GeoJSON data from the map
+Any `MGLShape`, `MGLFeature`, or `MGLShapeCollectionFeature` object has an
+`-[MGLShape geoJSONDataUsingEncoding:]` method that you can use to create a
+GeoJSON source code representation of the object. You can extract a feature
+object from the map using a method such as
+`-[MGLMapView visibleFeaturesAtPoint:]`.
+## About GeoJSON deserialization
+The process of converting GeoJSON text into `MGLShape`, `MGLFeature`, or
+`MGLShapeCollectionFeature` objects is known as “GeoJSON deserialization”.
+GeoJSON geometries, features, and feature collections are known in this SDK as
+shapes, features, and shape collection features, respectively.
+Each GeoJSON object type corresponds to a type provided by either this SDK or
+the Core Location framework:
+GeoJSON object type | SDK type
+`Position` (longitude, latitude) | `CLLocationCoordinate2D` (latitude, longitude)
+`Point` | `MGLPointAnnotation`
+`MultiPoint` | `MGLPointCollection`
+`LineString` | `MGLPolyline`
+`MultiLineString` | `MGLMultiPolyline`
+`Polygon` | `MGLPolygon`
+Linear ring | `MGLPolygon.coordinates`, `MGLPolygon.interiorPolygons`
+`MultiPolygon` | `MGLMultiPolygon`
+`GeometryCollection` | `MGLShapeCollection`
+`Feature` | `MGLFeature`
+`FeatureCollection` | `MGLShapeCollectionFeature`
+A `Feature` object in GeoJSON corresponds to an instance of an `MGLShape`
+subclass conforming to the `MGLFeature` protocol. There is a distinct
+`MGLFeature`-conforming class for each type of geometry that a GeoJSON feature
+can contain. This allows features to be used as shapes where convenient. For
+example, some features can be added to a map view as annotations.
+In contrast to the GeoJSON standard, it is possible for `MGLShape` subclasses
+other than `MGLPointAnnotation` to straddle the antimeridian.
+The following GeoJSON data types correspond straightforwardly to Foundation data
+types when they occur as feature identifiers or property values:
+GeoJSON data type | Objective-C representation | Swift representation
+`null` | `NSNull` | `NSNull`
+`true`, `false` | `NSNumber.boolValue` | `Bool`
+Integer | `NSNumber.unsignedLongLongValue`, `NSNumber.longLongValue` | `UInt64`, `Int64`
+Floating-point number | `NSNumber.doubleValue` | `Double`
+String | `NSString` | `String`