path: root/platform/darwin/docs/guides/For Style
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/docs/guides/For Style')
-rw-r--r--platform/darwin/docs/guides/For Style
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/docs/guides/For Style b/platform/darwin/docs/guides/For Style
deleted file mode 100644
index 8df541d0f7..0000000000
--- a/platform/darwin/docs/guides/For Style
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
- const os = locals.os;
- const iOS = os === 'iOS';
- const macOS = os === 'macOS';
- const cocoaPrefix = iOS ? 'UI' : 'NS';
- const layers = locals.layers;
- const renamedProperties = locals.renamedProperties;
- This file is generated.
- Edit platform/darwin/scripts/generate-style-code.js, then run `make darwin-style-code`.
-# Information for Style Authors
-A _style_ defines a map view’s content and appearance. If you’ve authored a
-style using
-[Mapbox Studio’s Styles editor]( or as
-JSON in a text editor, you can use that style in this SDK and manipulate it
-afterwards in code. This document provides information you can use to ensure a
-seamless transition from Mapbox Studio to your application.
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-## Designing for iOS
-<% } else { -%>
-## Designing for macOS
-<% } -%>
-When designing your style, consider the context in which your application shows
-the style. There are a number of considerations specific to <%- os %> that may
-not be obvious when designing your style in Mapbox Studio on the Web. A map view
-is essentially a graphical user interface element, so many of same issues in
-user interface design also apply when designing a map style.
-### Color
-Ensure sufficient contrast in your application’s user interface when your map
-style is present. Standard user interface elements such as toolbars, sidebars,
-and sheets often overlap the map view with a translucent, blurred background, so
-make sure the contents of these elements remain legible with the map view
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-The user location annotation view, the attribution button, any buttons in
-callout views, and any items in the navigation bar are influenced by your
-application’s tint color, so choose a tint color that contrasts well with your
-map style.
-<% } -%>
-If you intend your style to be used in the dark, consider the impact that Night
-Shift may have on your style’s colors.
-### Typography and graphics
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-Choose font and icon sizes appropriate to iOS devices. iPhones and iPads have
-smaller screens than the typical browser window in which you would use Mapbox
-Studio, especially when multitasking is enabled. Your user’s viewing distance
-may be shorter than on a desktop computer. Some of your users may use the Larger
-Dynamic Type and Accessibility Text features to increase the size of all text on
-the device. You can use the
-[runtime styling API](#manipulating-the-style-at-runtime) to adjust your style’s
- font and icon sizes accordingly.
-<% } -%>
-Design sprite images and choose font weights that look crisp on both
-standard-resolution displays and Retina displays. This SDK supports the same
-resolutions as <%- os %>.
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-Standard-resolution displays are limited to older devices that your application
-may or may not support, depending on its minimum deployment target.
-<% } else { -%>
-Standard-resolution displays are often found on external monitors. Even with
-built-in screens, some of your users may use the Larger Text option in Display
-Preferences, which is essentially standard resolution, to make text easier to
-<% } -%>
-Icon and text labels should be legible regardless of the map’s orientation.
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-By default, this SDK makes it easy for your users to rotate or tilt the map
-using multitouch gestures.
-<% } else { -%>
-By default, this SDK makes it easy for your users to rotate or tilt the map
-using multitouch trackpad gestures or keyboard shortcuts.
-<% } -%>
-If you do not intend your design to accommodate rotation and tilting, disable
-these gestures using the `MGLMapView.rotateEnabled` and
-`MGLMapView.pitchEnabled` properties, respectively, or the corresponding
-inspectables in Interface Builder.
-### Interactivity
-Pay attention to whether elements of your style appear to be interactive.
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-A text label may look like a tappable button merely due to matching your
-application’s tint color or the default blue tint color.
-<% } else { -%>
-An icon with a shadow or shading effect may appear to be clickable.
-<% } -%>
-You can make an icon or text label interactive by installing a gesture
-recognizer and performing feature querying (e.g.,
-`-[MGLMapView visibleFeaturesAtPoint:]`) to get details about the selected
-<% if (macOS) { -%>
-You can install cursor or tooltip tracking rectangles to indicate interactive
-features as an alternative to prominent hover effects.
-<% } -%>
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-Make sure your users can easily distinguish any interactive elements from the
-surrounding map, such as pins, the user location annotation view, or a route
-line. Avoid relying on hover effects to indicate interactive elements. Leave
-enough room between interactive elements to accommodate imprecise tapping
-<% } else { -%>
-Make sure your users can easily distinguish any interactive elements from the
-surrounding map, such as pins or a route line. If your application supports
-printing, consider using the
-[runtime styling API](#manipulating-the-style-at-runtime) to optimize your style
-for ink economy before printing the map view.
-<% } -%>
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-For more information about user interface design, consult Apple’s
-[_iOS Human Interface Guidelines_](
-To learn more about designing maps for mobile devices, see [Nathaniel Slaughter's blog post]( on
-the subject.
-<% } else { -%>
-For more information about user interface design, consult Apple’s
-[_macOS Human Interface Guidelines_](
-<% } -%>
-## Applying your style
-You set an `MGLMapView` object’s style either in code, by setting the
-`MGLMapView.styleURL` property, or in Interface Builder, by setting the “Style
-URL” inspectable. The URL must point to a local or remote style JSON file. The
-style JSON file format is defined by the
-[Mapbox Style Specification]( This
-SDK supports the functionality defined by version 8 of the specification unless
-otherwise noted in the
-[style specification documentation](
-## Manipulating the style at runtime
-The _runtime styling API_ enables you to modify every aspect of a style
-dynamically as a user interacts with your application. The style itself is
-represented at runtime by an `MGLStyle` object, which provides access to various
-`MGLSource` and `MGLStyleLayer` objects that represent content sources and style
-layers, respectively.
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-For more information about the capabilities exposed by the runtime styling API,
-see “[Runtime Styling](”.
-<% } -%>
-The names of runtime styling classes and properties on <%- os %> are generally
-consistent with the style specification and Mapbox Studio’s Styles editor. Any
-exceptions are listed in this document.
-To avoid conflicts with Objective-C keywords or Cocoa terminology, this SDK uses
-the following terms for concepts defined in the style specification:
-In the style specification | In the SDK
-bounds | coordinate bounds
-filter | predicate
-function type | interpolation mode
-id | identifier
-image | style image
-layer | style layer
-property | attribute
-SDF icon | template image
-source | content source
-## Specifying the map’s content
-Each source defined by a style JSON file is represented at runtime by a content
-source object that you can use to initialize new style layers. The content
-source object is a member of one of the following subclasses of `MGLSource`:
-In style JSON | In the SDK
-`vector` | `MGLVectorTileSource`
-`raster` | `MGLRasterTileSource`
-`raster-dem` | `MGLRasterDEMSource`
-`geojson` | `MGLShapeSource`
-`image` | `MGLImageSource`
-`canvas` and `video` sources are not supported.
-### Tile sources
-Raster and vector tile sources may be defined in TileJSON configuration files.
-This SDK supports the properties defined in the style specification, which are a
-subset of the keys defined in version 2.1.0 of the
-specification. As an alternative to authoring a custom TileJSON file, you may
-supply various tile source options when creating a raster or vector tile source.
-These options are detailed in the `MGLTileSourceOption` documentation:
-In style JSON | In TileJSON | In the SDK
-`url` | — | `configurationURL` parameter in `-[MGLTileSource initWithIdentifier:configurationURL:]`
-`tiles` | `tiles` | `tileURLTemplates` parameter in `-[MGLTileSource initWithIdentifier:tileURLTemplates:options:]`
-`minzoom` | `minzoom` | `MGLTileSourceOptionMinimumZoomLevel`
-`maxzoom` | `maxzoom` | `MGLTileSourceOptionMaximumZoomLevel`
-`bounds` | `bounds` | `MGLTileSourceOptionCoordinateBounds`
-`tileSize` | — | `MGLTileSourceOptionTileSize`
-`attribution` | `attribution` | `MGLTileSourceOptionAttributionHTMLString` (but consider specifying `MGLTileSourceOptionAttributionInfos` instead for improved security)
-`scheme` | `scheme` | `MGLTileSourceOptionTileCoordinateSystem`
-`encoding` | – | `MGLTileSourceOptionDEMEncoding`
-### Shape sources
-Shape sources also accept various options. These options are detailed in the
-`MGLShapeSourceOption` documentation:
-In style JSON | In the SDK
-`data` | `url` parameter in `-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:URL:options:]`
-`maxzoom` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionMaximumZoomLevel`
-`buffer` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionBuffer`
-`tolerance` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionSimplificationTolerance`
-`cluster` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionClustered`
-`clusterRadius` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionClusterRadius`
-`clusterMaxZoom` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionMaximumZoomLevelForClustering`
-`lineMetrics` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionLineDistanceMetrics`
-To create a shape source from local GeoJSON data, first
-[convert the GeoJSON data into a shape](working-with-geojson-data.html#converting-geojson-data-into-shape-objects),
-then use the `-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:shape:options:]` method.
-### Image sources
-Image sources accept a non-axis aligned quadrilateral as their geographic coordinates.
-These coordinates, in `MGLCoordinateQuad`, are described in counterclockwise order,
-in contrast to the clockwise order defined in the style specification.
-## Configuring the map content’s appearance
-Each layer defined by the style JSON file is represented at runtime by a style
-layer object, which you can use to refine the map’s appearance. The style layer
-object is a member of one of the following subclasses of `MGLStyleLayer`:
-In style JSON | In the SDK
-<% for (const layer of layers) { -%>
-`<%- layer.type %>` | `MGL<%- camelize(layer.type) %>StyleLayer`
-<% } -%>
-You configure layout and paint attributes by setting properties on these style
-layer objects. The property names generally correspond to the style JSON
-properties, except for the use of camelCase instead of kebab-case. Properties
-whose names differ from the style specification are listed below:
-<% for (const type in renamedProperties) { -%>
-<% if (renamedProperties.hasOwnProperty(type)) { -%>
-### <%- camelize(unhyphenate(type)) %> style layers
-In style JSON | In Objective-C | In Swift
-<% for (const name in renamedProperties[type]) { -%>
-<% if (renamedProperties[type].hasOwnProperty(name)) { -%>
-`<%- originalPropertyName(renamedProperties[type][name]) %>` | `MGL<%- camelize(type) %>StyleLayer.<%- objCName(renamedProperties[type][name]) %>` | `MGL<%- camelize(type) %>StyleLayer.<%- objCGetter(renamedProperties[type][name]) %>`
-<% } -%>
-<% } -%>
-<% } -%>
-<% } -%>
-## Setting attribute values
-Each property representing a layout or paint attribute is set to an
-`NSExpression` object. `NSExpression` objects play the same role as
-[expressions in the Mapbox Style Specification](,
-but you create the former using a very different syntax. `NSExpression`’s format
-string syntax is reminiscent of a spreadsheet formula or an expression in a
-database query. See the
-“[Predicates and Expressions](predicates-and-expressions.html)” guide for an
-overview of the expression support in this SDK. This SDK no longer supports
-style functions; use expressions instead.
-### Constant values in expressions
-In contrast to the JSON type that the style specification defines for each
-layout or paint property, the style value object often contains a more specific
-Foundation or Cocoa type. General rules for attribute types are listed below.
-Pay close attention to the SDK documentation for the attribute you want to get
-or set.
-In style JSON | In Objective-C | In Swift
-Color | `<%- cocoaPrefix %>Color` | `<%- cocoaPrefix %>Color`
-Enum | `NSString` | `String`
-String | `NSString` | `String`
-Boolean | `NSNumber.boolValue` | `NSNumber.boolValue`
-Number | `NSNumber.floatValue` | `NSNumber.floatValue`
-Array (`-dasharray`) | `NSArray<NSNumber>` | `[Float]`
-Array (`-font`) | `NSArray<NSString>` | `[String]`
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-Array (`-offset`, `-translate`) | `NSValue.CGVectorValue` | `NSValue.cgVectorValue`
-Array (`-padding`) | `NSValue.UIEdgeInsetsValue` | `NSValue.uiEdgeInsetsValue`
-<% } else { -%>
-Array (`-offset`, `-translate`) | `NSValue` containing `CGVector` | `NSValue` containing `CGVector`
-Array (`-padding`) | `NSValue.edgeInsetsValue` | `NSValue.edgeInsetsValue`
-<% } -%>
-For padding attributes, note that the arguments to
-<% if (iOS) { -%>
-`UIEdgeInsetsMake()` in Objective-C and `UIEdgeInsets(top:left:bottom:right:)`
-in Swift
-<% } else { -%>
-`NSEdgeInsetsMake()` in Objective-C and `EdgeInsets(top:left:bottom:right:)` in
-<% } -%>
-are specified in counterclockwise order, in contrast to the clockwise order
-defined by the style specification.
-<% if (macOS) { -%>
-Additionally, on macOS, a screen coordinate of (0, 0) is located at the
-lower-left corner of the screen. Therefore, a positive `CGVector.dy` means an
-offset or translation upward, while a negative `CGVector.dy` means an offset or
-translation downward. This is the reverse of how `CGVector` is interpreted on
-<% } -%>
-### Expression operators
-Many expression operators defined in the style specification have corresponding
-symbols to be used with the `+[NSExpression expressionWithFormat:]`,
-`+[NSExpression expressionForFunction:arguments:]`, or
-`+[NSExpression expressionForFunction:selectorName:arguments:]` method:
-In style specification | Method, function, or predicate type | Format string syntax
-`array` | |
-`boolean` | |
-`collator` | `NSComparisonPredicateOptions` | `'Québec' =[cd] 'QUEBEC'`
-`literal` | `+[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:]` | `%@` representing `NSArray` or `NSDictionary`
-`number` | |
-`string` | |
-`to-boolean` | `boolValue` |
-`to-color` | | `CAST(var, '<%- cocoaPrefix %>Color')`
-`to-number` | `mgl_numberWithFallbackValues:` | `CAST(zipCode, 'NSNumber')`
-`to-string` | `stringValue` | `CAST(ele, 'NSString')`
-`typeof` | |
-`geometry-type` | `NSExpression.geometryTypeVariableExpression` | `$geometryType`
-`id` | `NSExpression.featureIdentifierVariableExpression` | `$featureIdentifier`
-`properties` | `NSExpression.featureAttributesVariableExpression` | `$featureAttributes`
-`at` | `objectFrom:withIndex:` | `array[n]`
-`get` | `+[NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:]` | Key path
-`has` | `mgl_does:have:` | `mgl_does:have:(self, 'key')`
-`length` | `count:` | `count({1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9})`
-`!` | `NSNotPredicateType` | `NOT (p0 OR … OR pn)`
-`!=` | `NSNotEqualToPredicateOperatorType` | `key != value`
-`<` | `NSLessThanPredicateOperatorType` | `key < value`
-`<=` | `NSLessThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType` | `key <= value`
-`==` | `NSEqualToPredicateOperatorType` | `key == value`
-`>` | `NSGreaterThanPredicateOperatorType` | `key > value`
-`>=` | `NSGreaterThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType` | `key >= value`
-`all` | `NSAndPredicateType` | `p0 AND … AND pn`
-`any` | `NSOrPredicateType` | `p0 OR … OR pn`
-`case` | `+[NSExpression expressionForConditional:trueExpression:falseExpression:]` or `MGL_IF` or `+[NSExpression mgl_expressionForConditional:trueExpression:falseExpresssion:]` | `TERNARY(1 = 2, YES, NO)` or `MGL_IF(1 = 2, YES, 2 = 2, YES, NO)`
-`coalesce` | `mgl_coalesce:` | `mgl_coalesce({x, y, z})`
-`match` | `MGL_MATCH` or `+[NSExpression mgl_expressionForMatchingExpression:inDictionary:defaultExpression:]` | `MGL_MATCH(x, 0, 'zero match', 1, 'one match', 'two match', 'default')`
-`interpolate` | `mgl_interpolate:withCurveType:parameters:stops:` or `+[NSExpression mgl_expressionForInterpolatingExpression:withCurveType:parameters:stops:]` |
-`step` | `mgl_step:from:stops:` or `+[NSExpression mgl_expressionForSteppingExpression:fromExpression:stops:]` |
-`let` | `mgl_expressionWithContext:` | `MGL_LET('ios', 11, 'macos', 10.13, $ios + $macos)`
-`var` | `+[NSExpression expressionForVariable:]` | `$variable`
-`concat` | `mgl_join:` or `-[NSExpression mgl_expressionByAppendingExpression:]` | `mgl_join({'Old', ' ', 'MacDonald'})`
-`downcase` | `lowercase:` | `lowercase('DOWNTOWN')`
-`upcase` | `uppercase:` | `uppercase('Elysian Fields')`
-<% if (macOS) { -%>
-`rgb` | `+[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:green:blue:alpha:]` |
-`rgba` | `+[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:green:blue:alpha:]` |
-<% } else { -%>
-`rgb` | `+[UIColor colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:]` |
-`rgba` | `+[UIColor colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:]` |
-<% } -%>
-`to-rgba` | | `CAST(noindex(var), 'NSArray')`
-`-` | `from:subtract:` | `2 - 1`
-`*` | `multiply:by:` | `1 * 2`
-`/` | `divide:by:` | `1 / 2`
-`%` | `modulus:by:` |
-`^` | `raise:toPower:` | `2 ** 2`
-`+` | `add:to:` | `1 + 2`
-`abs` | `abs:` | `abs(-1)`
-`acos` | `mgl_acos:` | `mgl_acos(1)`
-`asin` | `mgl_asin:` | `mgl_asin(0)`
-`atan` | `mgl_atan:` | `mgl_atan(20)`
-`ceil` | `ceiling:` | `ceiling(0.99999)`
-`cos` | `mgl_cos:` | `mgl_cos(0)`
-`e` | | `%@` representing `NSNumber` containing `M_E`
-`floor` | `floor:` | `floor(-0.99999)`
-`ln` | `ln:` | `ln(2)`
-`ln2` | | `%@` representing `NSNumber` containing `M_LN2`
-`log10` | `log:` | `log(1)`
-`log2` | `mgl_log2:` | `mgl_log2(1024)`
-`max` | `max:` | `max({1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9})`
-`min` | `min:` | `min({1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9})`
-`pi` | | `%@` representing `NSNumber` containing `M_PI`
-`round` | `mgl_round:` | `mgl_round(1.5)`
-`sin` | `mgl_sin:` | `mgl_sin(0)`
-`sqrt` | `sqrt:` | `sqrt(2)`
-`tan` | `mgl_tan:` | `mgl_tan(0)`
-`zoom` | `NSExpression.zoomLevelVariableExpression` | `$zoomLevel`
-`heatmap-density` | `NSExpression.heatmapDensityVariableExpression` | `$heatmapDensity`
-`line-progress` | `NSExpression.lineProgressVariableExpression` | `$lineProgress`
-`format` | `+[NSExpression mgl_expressionForAttributedExpressions:]` or `mgl_attributed:` | `mgl_attributed({x, y, z})`
-For operators that have no corresponding `NSExpression` symbol, use the
-`MGL_FUNCTION()` format string syntax.
-## Filtering sources
-You can filter a shape or vector tile source by setting the
-`MGLVectorStyleLayer.predicate` property to an `NSPredicate` object. Below is a
-table of style JSON operators and the corresponding operators used in the
-predicate format string:
-In style JSON | In the format string
-`["has", key]` | `key != nil`
-`["!has", key]` | `key == nil`
-`["==", key, value]` | `key == value`
-`["!=", key, value]` | `key != value`
-`[">", key, value]` | `key > value`
-`[">=", key, value]` | `key >= value`
-`["<", key, value]` | `key < value`
-`["<=", key, value]` | `key <= value`
-`["in", key, v0, …, vn]` | `key IN {v0, …, vn}`
-`["!in", key, v0, …, vn]` | `NOT key IN {v0, …, vn}`
-`["all", f0, …, fn]` | `p0 AND … AND pn`
-`["any", f0, …, fn]` | `p0 OR … OR pn`
-`["none", f0, …, fn]` | `NOT (p0 OR … OR pn)`
-## Specifying the text format
-The following format attributes are defined as `NSString` constans that you
-can use to update the formatting of `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.text` property.
-In style JSON | In Objective-C | In Swift
-`text-font` | `MGLFontNamesAttribute` | `.fontNamesAttribute`
-`font-scale` | `MGLFontScaleAttribute` | `.fontScaleAttribute`
-`text-color` | `MGLFontColorAttribute` | `.fontColorAttribute`
-See the “[Predicates and Expressions](predicates-and-expressions.html)” guide for
-a full description of the supported operators and operand types.