path: root/platform/android/src/jni.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/android/src/jni.hpp')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/android/src/jni.hpp b/platform/android/src/jni.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06b9d781c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/android/src/jni.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+// Forward definition of JNI types
+typedef class _jclass* jclass;
+typedef class _jstring* jstring;
+typedef class _jobject* jobject;
+typedef class _jlongArray* jlongArray;
+typedef struct _jmethodID* jmethodID;
+typedef struct _jfieldID* jfieldID;
+struct _JavaVM;
+typedef _JavaVM JavaVM;
+struct _JNIEnv;
+typedef _JNIEnv JNIEnv;
+namespace mbgl {
+namespace android {
+extern JavaVM* theJVM;
+extern std::string cachePath;
+extern std::string dataPath;
+extern std::string apkPath;
+extern std::string androidRelease;
+extern jmethodID onInvalidateId;
+extern jmethodID onMapChangedId;
+extern jmethodID onFpsChangedId;
+extern jclass latLngClass;
+extern jmethodID latLngConstructorId;
+extern jfieldID latLngLatitudeId;
+extern jfieldID latLngLongitudeId;
+extern jclass latLngZoomClass;
+extern jmethodID latLngZoomConstructorId;
+extern jfieldID latLngZoomLatitudeId;
+extern jfieldID latLngZoomLongitudeId;
+extern jfieldID latLngZoomZoomId;
+extern jclass bboxClass;
+extern jmethodID bboxConstructorId;
+extern jfieldID bboxLatNorthId;
+extern jfieldID bboxLatSouthId;
+extern jfieldID bboxLonEastId;
+extern jfieldID bboxLonWestId;
+extern jclass spriteClass;
+extern jfieldID spriteIdId;
+extern jclass markerClass;
+extern jfieldID markerPositionId;
+extern jfieldID markerIconId;
+extern jclass polylineClass;
+extern jfieldID polylineAlphaId;
+extern jfieldID polylineColorId;
+extern jfieldID polylineWidthId;
+extern jfieldID polylinePointsId;
+extern jclass polygonClass;
+extern jfieldID polygonAlphaId;
+extern jfieldID polygonFillColorId;
+extern jfieldID polygonStrokeColorId;
+extern jfieldID polygonPointsId;
+extern jclass runtimeExceptionClass;
+extern jclass nullPointerExceptionClass;
+extern jmethodID listToArrayId;
+extern jclass arrayListClass;
+extern jmethodID arrayListConstructorId;
+extern jmethodID arrayListAddId;
+extern jclass projectedMetersClass;
+extern jmethodID projectedMetersConstructorId;
+extern jfieldID projectedMetersNorthingId;
+extern jfieldID projectedMetersEastingId;
+extern jclass pointFClass;
+extern jmethodID pointFConstructorId;
+extern jfieldID pointFXId;
+extern jfieldID pointFYId;
+extern jclass rectFClass;
+extern jmethodID rectFConstructorId;
+extern jfieldID rectFLeftId;
+extern jfieldID rectFTopId;
+extern jfieldID rectFRightId;
+extern jfieldID rectFBottomId;
+extern jclass httpContextClass;
+extern jmethodID httpContextGetInstanceId;
+extern jmethodID httpContextCreateRequestId;
+extern jclass httpRequestClass;
+extern jmethodID httpRequestStartId;
+extern jmethodID httpRequestCancelId;
+extern bool throw_jni_error(JNIEnv *env, const char *msg);
+extern bool attach_jni_thread(JavaVM* vm, JNIEnv** env, std::string threadName);
+extern void detach_jni_thread(JavaVM* vm, JNIEnv** env, bool detach);
+extern std::string std_string_from_jstring(JNIEnv *env, jstring jstr);
+extern jstring std_string_to_jstring(JNIEnv *env, std::string str);
+extern std::vector<std::string> std_vector_string_from_jobject(JNIEnv *env, jobject jlist);
+extern jobject std_vector_string_to_jobject(JNIEnv *env, std::vector<std::string> vector);
+extern jlongArray std_vector_uint_to_jobject(JNIEnv *env, std::vector<uint32_t> vector);