path: root/platform/android/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/android/scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/platform/android/scripts/ b/platform/android/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index d0abd1eeaf..0000000000
--- a/platform/android/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-Utility to schedule SDK builds on CircleCI.
-- Publish a snapshot from master ( uses the current branch)
- $ git branch
- * master
- 1234-fix-crash
- $ python --stage snapshot
-- Publish a snapshot from a feature branch (same as before, just switch branchs with git):
- $ git branch
- master
- * 1234-fix-crash
- $ python --stage snapshot
-- Publish a beta from a pre-release branch:
- $ git branch
- master
- * release-android-420-beta1
- $ python --stage beta --version 4.2.0-beta.1
-- Publish a beta from a release branch:
- $ git branch
- master
- * release-android-420
- $ python --stage final --version 4.2.0
-- Add a flag to wait until the release has been built (CircleCI) and published (Maven).
-import click
-import json
-import os
-import requests
-import subprocess
-# Three stages, from less stable to more stable
-ALLOWED_STAGES = ['snapshot', 'beta', 'final']
-# Get the version from GRADLE_PROPERTIES_PATH below
-# You can add your API token on
-# In the future we might want to consider alpha, or rc.
-# We get the default version from here
-# Triggers a new build, returns a summary of the build
-URL_CIRCLECI = '' # + :branch
-# We support three parameters: stage, branch, and version
-@click.option('--stage', default=ALLOWED_STAGES[0], type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_STAGES), prompt='Set stage', help='The release stage.')
-@click.option('--version', default=CURRENT_VERSION_TAG, prompt='Set version', help='The version you want to publish. E.g: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT, 4.2.0-beta.1, or 4.2.0. If you set the version to "%s", the script will default to the current SNAPSHOT version.' % CURRENT_VERSION_TAG)
-def release(stage, version):
- # Validate params
- final_stage = validate_stage(stage=stage)
- final_branch = validate_branch(stage=final_stage)
- final_version = validate_version(stage=final_stage, branch=final_branch, version=version)
- # Get user confirmation
- click.echo('\n===== Build information =====')
- click.echo('- Stage: %s' % final_stage)
- click.echo('- Branch: %s' % final_branch)
- click.echo('- Version: %s' % final_version)
- click.confirm('\nDoes it look right?', abort=True)
- # Proceed
- if (final_stage == 'snapshot'):
- publish_snapshot(branch=final_branch, version=final_version)
- elif (final_stage == 'beta'):
- publish_beta(branch=final_branch, version=final_version)
- elif (final_stage == 'final'):
- publish_final(branch=final_branch, version=final_version)
-def validate_stage(stage):
- if stage not in ALLOWED_STAGES:
- abort_with_message('Invalid stage: %s' % stage)
- return stage
-def validate_branch(stage):
- branch = git_get_current_branch()
- if not branch:
- abort_with_message('The current folder is not a git repository.')
- if branch == 'master' and stage != 'snapshot':
- abort_with_message('You need to swtich to a release branch for a beta or a final release.')
- return branch
-def validate_version(stage, branch, version):
- if stage == 'snapshot' and branch == 'master' and version != CURRENT_VERSION_TAG:
- abort_with_message('You cannot specify a custom version if you are building a snapshot from master.')
- if not version or version == CURRENT_VERSION_TAG:
- version = get_current_version(file_path=GRADLE_PROPERTIES_PATH, file_var=GRADLE_TOKEN)
- if stage == 'snapshot':
- if not 'SNAPSHOT' in version:
- abort_with_message('Version should contain the word SNAPSHOT: %s' % version)
- elif stage == 'beta':
- if not ALLOWED_PRE_RELEASE[0] in version:
- abort_with_message('Version should contain the word %s: %s' % (ALLOWED_PRE_RELEASE[0], version))
- elif stage == 'final':
- if not version or 'SNAPSHOT' in version or ALLOWED_PRE_RELEASE[0] in version:
- abort_with_message('Version cannot be empty, or contain the words SNAPSHOT or %s: %s' % (ALLOWED_PRE_RELEASE[0], version))
- return version
-def publish_snapshot(branch, version):
- click.echo('Publishing snapshot for branch: %s (version: %s).' % (branch, version))
- if branch != 'master':
- dirty_gradle = update_current_version(file_path=GRADLE_PROPERTIES_PATH, file_var=GRADLE_TOKEN, version=version)
- if dirty_gradle:
- git_commit_and_push(branch=branch, version=version)
- do_circleci_request(branch=branch)
-def publish_beta(branch, version):
- click.echo('Publishing beta from branch: %s (version: %s).' % (branch, version))
- dirty_gradle = update_current_version(file_path=GRADLE_PROPERTIES_PATH, file_var=GRADLE_TOKEN, version=version)
- if dirty_gradle:
- git_commit_and_push(branch=branch, version=version)
- do_circleci_request(branch=branch)
-def publish_final(branch, version):
- click.echo('Publishing final release from branch: %s (version: %s).' % (branch, version))
- dirty_gradle = update_current_version(file_path=GRADLE_PROPERTIES_PATH, file_var=GRADLE_TOKEN, version=version)
- if dirty_gradle:
- if dirty_gradle:
- git_commit_and_push(branch=branch, version=version)
- do_circleci_request(branch=branch)
-# Utils
-def abort_with_message(message):
- click.echo(message)
- click.get_current_context().abort()
-def execute_call(command):
- click.echo('Executing: %s' % command)
- result =, shell=True)
- if result != 0:
- abort_with_message('Command failed: %s' % command)
-# CircleCI
-def get_circleci_api_token():
- circleci_api_token = os.environ.get(CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN_ENV_VAR)
- if not circleci_api_token:
- abort_with_message('You need to set the CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN environment variable.')
- click.echo('Found CircleCI API token.')
- return circleci_api_token
-def do_circleci_request(branch):
- url = URL_CIRCLECI + branch
- params = {'circle-token': get_circleci_api_token()}
- click.echo('CircleCI request to %s (params: %s)' % (url, json.dumps(params)))
- click.confirm('\nDo you want to start a build?', abort=True)
- r =, params=params)
- click.echo('- CircleCI response code: %s' % r.status_code)
-# Git
-def git_get_current_branch():
- return subprocess.check_output('git symbolic-ref --short HEAD'.split(' ')).strip()
-def git_add(path):
- execute_call(command='git add %s' % path)
-def git_commit_and_push(branch, version):
- message = '[android] [auto] Update properties to version %s in preparation for build.' % version
- commands = [
- 'git commit -m "%s"' % message,
- 'git push -u origin %s' % branch]
- for command in commands:
- execute_call(command=command)
-# Read and update properties files
-def get_current_version(file_path, file_var):
- click.echo('Getting current version from %s.' % file_path)
- with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- if line.startswith(file_var):
- version_name = line[len(file_var):].strip()
- click.echo('Current version is %s.' % version_name)
- return version_name
- return None
-def update_current_version(file_path, file_var, version):
- dirty = False
- click.echo('Updating file to version %s: %s.' % (version, file_path))
- with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
- file_lines = f.readlines()
- for line_number in range(len(file_lines)):
- if file_lines[line_number].startswith(file_var):
- content_old = file_lines[line_number]
- content_new = '%s%s\n' % (file_var, version)
- if (content_old != content_new):
- click.echo('%s -> %s' % (content_old.strip(), content_new.strip()))
- file_lines[line_number] = content_new
- dirty = True
- if dirty:
- with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
- f.writelines(file_lines)
- else:
- click.echo('File already has the right version.')
- return dirty
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- release()