path: root/include/mbgl/ios/MGLPolyline.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/mbgl/ios/MGLPolyline.h')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/include/mbgl/ios/MGLPolyline.h b/include/mbgl/ios/MGLPolyline.h
index 7cbbadeca6..07c5286c80 100644
--- a/include/mbgl/ios/MGLPolyline.h
+++ b/include/mbgl/ios/MGLPolyline.h
/** The `MGLPolyline` class represents a shape consisting of one or more points that define connecting line segments. The points are connected end-to-end in the order they are provided. The first and last points are not connected to each other. */
@interface MGLPolyline : MGLMultiPoint <MGLOverlay>
-/** Creates and returns an `MGLPolygon` object from the specified set of coordinates.
+/** Creates and returns an `MGLPolyline` object from the specified set of coordinates.
* @param coords The array of coordinates defining the shape. The data in this array is copied to the new object.
* @param count The number of items in the _`coords`_ array.
* @return A new polyline object. */