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2 files changed, 29 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h b/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
index 5af70ebff2..b61e748e23 100644
--- a/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
+++ b/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
@@ -558,9 +558,14 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
A Boolean value that determines whether the updating pitch will also affect the altitude.
- When this property is set to `YES`, pitch will work independently from altitude.
+ When this property is set to `NO`, pitch will work independently from altitude.
+ The default value of this property is YES.
+ Setting this property to NO will allow animation libraries outside of this SDK to control the
+ map camera without the built-in side effect that pitch influences altitude. This will make the
+ results of using outside animation more predictable and easier to control.
-@property(nonatomic, getter=isAltitudeUnaffectedByPitch) BOOL altitudeUnaffectedByPitch;
+@property(nonatomic, getter=isCameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch) BOOL cameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch;
A floating-point value that determines the rate of deceleration after the user
@@ -864,6 +869,18 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Moves the viewpoint to a different location without using a transition.
+ Transition animations can be defined by other classes and use this method to
+ update the map.
+ @param camera The new viewpoint.
+ @param edgePadding The minimum padding (in screen points) that would be visible
+ */
+- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera edgePadding:(UIEdgeInsets)edgePadding;
Moves the viewpoint to a different location with respect to the map with an
optional transition duration and timing function.
@@ -959,18 +976,6 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
- (void)flyToCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera withDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration peakAltitude:(CLLocationDistance)peakAltitude completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(void))completion;
- Moves the viewpoint to a different location without using a transition.
- Transition animations can be defined by other classes and use this method to
- update the map.
- @param camera The new viewpoint.
- @param padding The minimum padding (in screen points) that would be visible
- */
-- (void)jumpToCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera edgePadding:(UIEdgeInsets)insets;
Returns the camera that best fits the given coordinate bounds.
@param bounds The coordinate bounds to fit to the receiver’s viewport.
diff --git a/platform/ios/src/ b/platform/ios/src/
index c2d81426c0..297c87961f 100644
--- a/platform/ios/src/
+++ b/platform/ios/src/
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ public:
_hapticFeedbackEnabled = YES;
- _altitudeUnaffectedByPitch = NO;
+ _cameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch = YES;
_decelerationRate = MGLMapViewDecelerationRateNormal;
@@ -2354,7 +2354,7 @@ public:
auto camera = _mbglMap->getStyle().getDefaultCamera();
CGFloat pitch = *camera.pitch;
CLLocationDirection heading = mbgl::util::wrap(*camera.angle, 0., 360.);
- CLLocationDegrees pitchForAltitude = self.altitudeUnaffectedByPitch ? 0.0 : pitch;
+ CLLocationDegrees pitchForAltitude = self.isCameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch ? pitch : 0.0;
CLLocationDistance distance = MGLAltitudeForZoomLevel(*camera.zoom, pitchForAltitude, 0, self.frame.size); = [MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:MGLLocationCoordinate2DFromLatLng(*
@@ -3260,6 +3260,11 @@ public:
[self setCamera:camera animated:NO];
+- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera edgePadding:(UIEdgeInsets)edgePadding
+ [self setCamera:camera withDuration:0 animationTimingFunction:nil edgePadding:edgePadding completionHandler:nil];
- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera animated:(BOOL)animated
[self setCamera:camera withDuration:animated ? MGLAnimationDuration : 0 animationTimingFunction:nil];
@@ -3377,12 +3382,6 @@ public:
self.cameraChangeReasonBitmask &= ~MGLCameraChangeReasonTransitionCancelled;
-- (void)jumpToCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera edgePadding:(UIEdgeInsets)insets
- mbgl::CameraOptions options = [self cameraOptionsObjectForAnimatingToCamera:camera edgePadding:insets];
- _mbglMap->jumpTo(options);
- (MGLMapCamera *)cameraThatFitsCoordinateBounds:(MGLCoordinateBounds)bounds
return [self cameraThatFitsCoordinateBounds:bounds edgePadding:UIEdgeInsetsZero];
@@ -3437,7 +3436,7 @@ public:
double zoomLevel = cameraOptions.zoom ? *cameraOptions.zoom : self.zoomLevel;
CLLocationDirection direction = cameraOptions.angle ? mbgl::util::wrap(-MGLDegreesFromRadians(*cameraOptions.angle), 0., 360.) : self.direction;
CGFloat pitch = cameraOptions.pitch ? MGLDegreesFromRadians(*cameraOptions.pitch) : _mbglMap->getPitch();
- CLLocationDegrees pitchForAltitude = self.altitudeUnaffectedByPitch ? 0.0 : pitch;
+ CLLocationDegrees pitchForAltitude = self.isCameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch ? pitch : 0.0;
CLLocationDistance altitude = MGLAltitudeForZoomLevel(zoomLevel, pitchForAltitude, centerCoordinate.latitude, self.frame.size);
return [MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:centerCoordinate fromDistance:altitude pitch:pitch heading:direction];
@@ -3452,7 +3451,7 @@ public: = MGLLatLngFromLocationCoordinate2D(camera.centerCoordinate);
options.padding = MGLEdgeInsetsFromNSEdgeInsets(insets);
- CLLocationDegrees pitch = (self.altitudeUnaffectedByPitch) ? 0.0 : camera.pitch;
+ CLLocationDegrees pitch = (self.isCameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch) ? camera.pitch : 0.0;
options.zoom = MGLZoomLevelForAltitude(camera.altitude, pitch,
@@ -5155,7 +5154,7 @@ public:
MGLMapCamera *camera =;
camera.centerCoordinate = self.userLocation.location.coordinate;
camera.heading = self.directionByFollowingWithCourse;
- CLLocationDegrees pitch = (self.altitudeUnaffectedByPitch) ? 0.0 : camera.pitch;
+ CLLocationDegrees pitch = (self.isCameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch) ? camera.pitch : 0.0;
if (self.zoomLevel < MGLMinimumZoomLevelForUserTracking)
camera.altitude = MGLAltitudeForZoomLevel(MGLDefaultZoomLevelForUserTracking,