diff options
3 files changed, 7 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/platform/default/sqlite3.cpp b/platform/default/sqlite3.cpp
index 18dd75966e..498ac02b2e 100644
--- a/platform/default/sqlite3.cpp
+++ b/platform/default/sqlite3.cpp
@@ -224,10 +224,10 @@ template <> void Statement::bind(int offset, const char *value) {
// We currently cannot use sqlite3_bind_blob64 / sqlite3_bind_text64 because they
// was introduced in SQLite 3.8.7, and we need to support earlier versions:
-// iOS 7.0: 3.7.13
+// iOS 8.0: 3.7.13
// iOS 8.2: 3.8.5
// According to,
-// the first iOS version with 3.8.7+ was 9.0, with
+// the first iOS version with 3.8.7+ was 9.0, with 3.8.8.
void Statement::bind(int offset, const char * value, std::size_t length, bool retain) {
diff --git a/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h b/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
index f1670ec49f..a46aaac463 100644
--- a/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
+++ b/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
@@ -252,10 +252,10 @@ IB_DESIGNABLE
whether the user’s position is visible, use the `userLocationVisible` property.
The default value of this property is `NO`.
- On iOS 8 and above, your app must specify a value for
- `NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription` or `NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription` in
- its `Info.plist` to satisfy the requirements of the underlying Core Location
- framework when enabling this property.
+ Your app must specify a value for `NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription` or
+ `NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription` in its `Info.plist` to satisfy the
+ requirements of the underlying Core Location framework when enabling this
+ property.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL showsUserLocation;
diff --git a/platform/ios/src/ b/platform/ios/src/
index 7ff327c237..bb329ccda7 100644
--- a/platform/ios/src/
+++ b/platform/ios/src/
@@ -4014,14 +4014,13 @@ public:
self.locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
if ([CLLocationManager instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(requestWhenInUseAuthorization)] && [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus] == kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined)
BOOL hasLocationDescription = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription"] || [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription"];
if (!hasLocationDescription)
[NSException raise:@"Missing Location Services usage description" format:
- @"In iOS 8 and above, this app must have a value for NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription or NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription in its Info.plist."];
+ @"This app must have a value for NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription or NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription in its Info.plist."];
if ([[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription"])
@@ -4033,7 +4032,6 @@ public:
[self.locationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization];
self.locationManager.headingFilter = 5.0;
self.locationManager.delegate = self;