path: root/.travis.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.travis.yml')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 1908a3d525..c8d5746d68 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,243 +1,7 @@
-group: deprecated-2017Q2
+language: cpp
- submodules: false
-# Save common build configurations as shortcuts, so we can reference them later.
- apt:
- sources:
- - &common_sources [ 'ubuntu-toolchain-r-test', 'george-edison55-precise-backports', 'llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9' ]
- packages:
- - &common_packages [ 'libllvm3.8v4', 'cmake', 'cmake-data' ]
- - &clang39_packages [ 'clang-3.9', 'libstdc++-5-dev', 'libstdc++6' ]
- - &gcc5_packages [ 'gcc-5', 'g++-5' ]
- - &glfw_packages [ 'libxrandr-dev', 'libxcursor-dev', 'libxinerama-dev' ]
- addons_clang39: &clang39
- apt:
- sources: *common_sources
- packages:
- - *common_packages
- - *clang39_packages
- - *glfw_packages
- addons_gcc5: &gcc5
- apt:
- sources: *common_sources
- packages:
- - *common_packages
- - *gcc5_packages
- - *glfw_packages
- addons_qt4: &qt4
- apt:
- sources: *common_sources
- packages:
- - *common_packages
- - *gcc5_packages
- - [ 'libjemalloc-dev', 'mesa-utils', 'qt4-default', 'libqt4-sql-mysql' ]
- addons_qt5: &qt5
- apt:
- sources: *common_sources
- packages:
- - *common_packages
- - *gcc5_packages
- - [ 'mesa-utils', 'libc6-dbg', 'qt5-default', 'libqt5opengl5-dev', 'qtdeclarative5-dev', 'qtpositioning5-dev', 'qtlocation5-dev', 'libqt5sql5-sqlite' ]
- global:
- - TERM: dumb
- - CCACHE: 1
- # AWS
- - secure: "OjsCDBFxtGGdNIOCEVtb7GMt/JSFfsKQD/LDV45ctt0UF2QWtwGt+2kXtDlAAu2SdmmuQuxmkc06emZabVmAGDjZ0DNnbhfCNIWeN4nx73dw7uyDBKmP/rsCLQGAF+R5NVywxLmdgJL3LM8SddIwotODjaEboyLV4n6GGloLFsw="
- - secure: "hCFkljxpbQEai3WR/s+zcu+jOPrZZwXCSY2voU4W0GygbTxh2ZUq803PgO98EAkiShITfyHIP7lSKdT20uh/cNQwW7g0KMf/hYZk7wLy7YZrcr3wZRY8MlTV3Rn+MxvDrW85J371twz64KEgvvO1TlfWqDr1C1YDNbCBIJnhYEE="
- # Access Token
- - secure: "RiBIBfVhhaMjU5ksuwJO3shdvG9FpinBjdSv4co9jg9171SR8edNriedHjVKSIeBhSGNmZmX+twS3dJS/By6tl/LKh9sTynA+ZAYYljkE7jn881B/gMrlYvdAA6og5KvkhV1/0iJWlhuZrMTkhpDR200iLgg3EWBhWjltzmDW/I="
- - source ./scripts/
- - source ./scripts/
- - ccache --zero-stats
- - make linux
- - make benchmark
- - make test
- - make run-test
- - ccache --show-stats
- - ./platform/linux/scripts/ ${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER}
- - ./platform/linux/scripts/
- include:
- # Clang 3.9.0 / clang-{format,tidy} 4.0.0
- - os: linux
- sudo: required
- dist: trusty
- language: cpp
- compiler: "check"
- env: _CXX=clang++-3.9 _CC=clang-3.9
- addons: *clang39
- script:
- - git fetch origin master:refs/remotes/origin/master
- - make check
- branches:
- except:
- - master
- # EGL - Node v4 - Clang 3.9 - Release
- - os: linux
- sudo: required
- dist: trusty
- language: node
- compiler: "egl-node4-clang39-release"
- env: BUILDTYPE=Release _CXX=clang++-3.9 _CC=clang-3.9 WITH_EGL=1
- addons: *clang39
- before_script:
- # fglrx causes the GLX extension to be unavailable
- - sudo apt-get purge -qq fglrx
- - export PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION=$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)")
- - export PUBLISH=$([[ "${TRAVIS_TAG:-}" == "node-v${PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION}" ]] && echo true)
- - mapbox_install_gdb_logbt
- - mapbox_start_xvfb
- - mapbox_export_mesa_library_path
- script:
- - nvm install 4
- - nvm use 4
- - make node
- - ./logbt -- $(scripts/ PREFIX apitrace VERSION 6a30de1)/bin/apitrace trace --api=egl -v make test-node
- after_script:
- - ccache --show-stats
- - ./platform/node/scripts/ ${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER}
- after_success:
- - ./platform/node/scripts/
- after_failure:
- - aws s3 cp . s3://mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/render-tests/$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.trace"
- # EGL - Node v6 - Clang 3.9 - Debug
- - os: linux
- sudo: required
- dist: trusty
- language: node
- compiler: "egl-node6-clang39-debug"
- env: BUILDTYPE=Debug _CXX=clang++-3.9 _CC=clang-3.9 WITH_EGL=1
- addons: *clang39
- before_script:
- - export PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION=$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)")
- - export PUBLISH=$([[ "${TRAVIS_TAG:-}" == "node-v${PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION}" ]] && echo true)
- - mapbox_install_gdb_logbt
- - mapbox_start_xvfb
- - mapbox_export_mesa_library_path
- script:
- - nvm install 6
- - nvm use 6
- - make node
- - ./logbt -- $(scripts/ PREFIX apitrace VERSION 6a30de1)/bin/apitrace trace --api=egl -v make test-node
- after_script:
- - ccache --show-stats
- - ./platform/node/scripts/ ${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER}
- after_success:
- - ./platform/node/scripts/
- after_failure:
- - aws s3 cp . s3://mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/render-tests/$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.trace"
- # EGL - Node v6 - Clang 3.9 - Release
- - os: linux
- sudo: required
- dist: trusty
- language: node
- compiler: "egl-node6-clang39-release"
- env: BUILDTYPE=Release _CXX=clang++-3.9 _CC=clang-3.9 WITH_EGL=1
- addons: *clang39
- before_script:
- # fglrx causes the GLX extension to be unavailable
- - sudo apt-get purge -qq fglrx
- - export PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION=$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)")
- - export PUBLISH=$([[ "${TRAVIS_TAG:-}" == "node-v${PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION}" ]] && echo true)
- - mapbox_install_gdb_logbt
- - mapbox_start_xvfb
- - mapbox_export_mesa_library_path
- script:
- - nvm install 6
- - nvm use 6
- - make node
- - ./logbt -- $(scripts/ PREFIX apitrace VERSION 6a30de1)/bin/apitrace trace --api=egl -v make test-node
- after_script:
- - ccache --show-stats
- - ./platform/node/scripts/ ${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER}
- after_success:
- - ./platform/node/scripts/
- after_failure:
- - aws s3 cp . s3://mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/render-tests/$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.trace"
- # EGL - GCC 5 - Debug (Coverage)
- - os: linux
- sudo: required
- dist: trusty
- language: cpp
- compiler: "egl-gcc5-debug"
- env: BUILDTYPE=Debug _CXX=g++-5 _CC=gcc-5 WITH_COVERAGE=1 WITH_EGL=1
- addons: *gcc5
- before_script:
- - mapbox_start_xvfb
- - mapbox_export_mesa_library_path
- after_script:
- - ccache --show-stats
- - ./platform/linux/scripts/
- # EGL - Clang 3.9 - Debug
- - os: linux
- sudo: required
- dist: trusty
- language: cpp
- compiler: "egl-clang39-debug"
- env: BUILDTYPE=Debug _CXX=clang++-3.9 _CC=clang-3.9 WITH_EGL=1
- addons: *clang39
- before_script:
- - mapbox_start_xvfb
- - mapbox_export_mesa_library_path
- # Qt 4 - GCC 5 - Release
- - os: linux
- sudo: required
- dist: trusty
- language: cpp
- compiler: "qt4-gcc5-release"
- env: BUILDTYPE=Release _CXX=g++-5 _CC=gcc-5
- addons: *qt4
- before_script:
- - mapbox_start_xvfb
- - mapbox_export_mesa_library_path
- script:
- - make qt-app
- - GTEST_OUTPUT=xml LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ make run-qt-test-Memory.*:*.Load
- - scripts/ test_detail.xml "Platform=Linux,Compiler=${_CC},Arch=$(uname -m)"
- # Qt 5 - GCC 5 - Release
- - os: linux
- sudo: required
- dist: trusty
- language: cpp
- compiler: "qt5-gcc5-release"
- env: BUILDTYPE=Release _CXX=g++-5 _CC=gcc-5 WITH_QT_I18N=1
- addons: *qt5
- before_script:
- - mapbox_start_xvfb
- - mapbox_export_mesa_library_path
- script:
- - make qt-app
- - make qt-test
- - make qt-docs
- - scripts/ build/qt-linux-x86_64/Release/mbgl-test --gtest_filter=-*.Load --gtest_filter=-Memory.Vector
- directories:
- - $HOME/.ccache
- - $HOME/.cache/pip
- - node_modules
- - mason_packages/.binaries
+ - true