path: root/src/mbgl/text
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authorChris Loer <>2018-06-27 15:01:54 -0700
committerChris Loer <>2018-07-03 10:03:05 -0700
commitb9d3ecc990ccac102bcfde0e848a4f31b739ad54 (patch)
treeb9bee9a41cb37fe754410c37eb3ff256ad7e4e94 /src/mbgl/text
parent251f5e605f1f1bb3e56115f8cef66cacabfd9d83 (diff)
[core] Introduce LanguageTag for parsing BCP 47 tags
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mbgl/text')
2 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/language_tag.cpp b/src/mbgl/text/language_tag.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c2712f103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/language_tag.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#include <mbgl/text/language_tag.hpp>
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshorten-64-to-32"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wtautological-constant-compare"
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+#include <sstream>
+ ABNF for BCP 47 from:
+ Language-Tag = langtag ; normal language tags
+ / privateuse ; private use tag
+ / grandfathered ; grandfathered tags NOT IMPLEMENTED
+ langtag = language
+ ["-" script]
+ ["-" region]
+ *("-" variant)
+ *("-" extension)
+ ["-" privateuse]
+ language = 2*3ALPHA ; shortest ISO 639 code
+ ["-" extlang] ; sometimes followed by
+ ; extended language subtags
+ / 4ALPHA ; or reserved for future use
+ / 5*8ALPHA ; or registered language subtag
+ extlang = 3ALPHA ; selected ISO 639 codes
+ *2("-" 3ALPHA) ; permanently reserved
+ script = 4ALPHA ; ISO 15924 code
+ region = 2ALPHA ; ISO 3166-1 code
+ / 3DIGIT ; UN M.49 code
+ variant = 5*8alphanum ; registered variants
+ / (DIGIT 3alphanum)
+ extension = singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum))
+ ; Single alphanumerics
+ ; "x" reserved for private use
+ singleton = DIGIT ; 0 - 9
+ / %x41-57 ; A - W
+ / %x59-5A ; Y - Z
+ / %x61-77 ; a - w
+ / %x79-7A ; y - z
+ privateuse = "x" 1*("-" (1*8alphanum))
+ grandfathered = irregular ; non-redundant tags registered
+ / regular ; during the RFC 3066 era
+ irregular = "en-GB-oed" ; irregular tags do not match
+ / "i-ami" ; the 'langtag' production and
+ / "i-bnn" ; would not otherwise be
+ / "i-default" ; considered 'well-formed'
+ / "i-enochian" ; These tags are all valid,
+ / "i-hak" ; but most are deprecated
+ / "i-klingon" ; in favor of more modern
+ / "i-lux" ; subtags or subtag
+ / "i-mingo" ; combination
+ / "i-navajo"
+ / "i-pwn"
+ / "i-tao"
+ / "i-tay"
+ / "i-tsu"
+ / "sgn-BE-FR"
+ / "sgn-BE-NL"
+ / "sgn-CH-DE"
+ regular = "art-lojban" ; these tags match the 'langtag'
+ / "cel-gaulish" ; production, but their subtags
+ / "no-bok" ; are not extended language
+ / "no-nyn" ; or variant subtags: their meaning
+ / "zh-guoyu" ; is defined by their registration
+ / "zh-hakka" ; and all of these are deprecated
+ / "zh-min" ; in favor of a more modern
+ / "zh-min-nan" ; subtag or sequence of subtags
+ / "zh-xiang"
+ alphanum = (ALPHA / DIGIT) ; letters and numbers
+namespace mbgl {
+namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
+namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;
+namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct bcp47_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator>
+ bcp47_parser() : bcp47_parser::base_type(start)
+ {
+ using qi::lit;
+ using qi::repeat;
+ using qi::inf;
+ using qi::eoi;
+ using ascii::char_;
+ using ascii::no_case;
+ using ascii::digit;
+ using ascii::alnum;
+ using ascii::alpha;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::_1;
+ start %= no_case[langtag | privateuse | grandfathered];
+ langtag %= (language) [phoenix::ref(languageTag.language) = _1]
+ >> -("-" >> (script)[phoenix::ref(languageTag.script) = _1])
+ >> -("-" >> (region)[phoenix::ref(languageTag.region) = _1])
+ >> *("-" >> variant)
+ >> *("-" >> extension)
+ >> -("-" >> privateuse);
+ language %= (repeat(2,3)[alpha] >> -("-" >> extlang)) // shortest ISO 639 code
+ // sometimes followed by extended language subtags
+ | repeat(4)[alpha] // or reserved for future use
+ | repeat(5,8)[alpha]; // or registered language subtag
+ // We add lookaheads for "-"/eoi so that spurious matches on subtags don't prevent backtracking
+ extlang = repeat(3)[alpha] >> (&lit('-') | eoi) >> repeat(0,2)["-" >> repeat(3)[alpha] >> (&lit('-') | eoi)];
+ script = repeat(4)[alpha] >> (&lit('-') | eoi);
+ region = (repeat(2)[alpha] | repeat(3)[digit]) >> (&lit('-') | eoi);
+ variant = (repeat(5,8)[alnum] | (digit >> repeat(3,inf)[alnum])) >> (&lit('-') | eoi);
+ extension = singleton >> +("-" >> repeat(2,8)[alnum]) >> (&lit('-') | eoi);
+ singleton = digit | char_('a','w') | char_('y','z'); // "no-case" handles A-W and Y-Z
+ privateuse = "x" >> +("-" >> repeat(1,8)[alnum]) >> (&lit('-') | eoi);
+ grandfathered = regular | irregular;
+ irregular = lit("en-GB-oed")
+ | "i-ami"
+ | "i-bnn"
+ | "i-default"
+ | "i-enochian"
+ | "i-hak"
+ | "i-klingon"
+ | "i-lux"
+ | "i-mingo"
+ | "i-navajo"
+ | "i-pwn"
+ | "i-tao"
+ | "i-tay"
+ | "i-tsu"
+ | "sgn-BE-FR"
+ | "sgn-BE-NL"
+ | "sgn-CH-DE";
+ regular = lit("art-lojban")
+ | "cel-gaulish"
+ | "no-bok"
+ | "no-nyn"
+ | "zh-guoyu"
+ | "zh-hakka"
+ | "zh-min"
+ | "zh-min-nan"
+ | "zh-xiang";
+ }
+ qi::rule<Iterator> start;
+ qi::rule<Iterator> langtag;
+ qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> language;
+ qi::rule<Iterator> extlang;
+ qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> script;
+ qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> region;
+ qi::rule<Iterator> variant;
+ qi::rule<Iterator> extension;
+ qi::rule<Iterator> singleton;
+ qi::rule<Iterator> privateuse;
+ qi::rule<Iterator> grandfathered;
+ qi::rule<Iterator> irregular;
+ qi::rule<Iterator> regular;
+ LanguageTag languageTag;
+LanguageTag LanguageTag::fromBCP47(const std::string& bcp47Tag) {
+ typedef std::string::const_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef bcp47_parser<iterator_type> bcp47_parser;
+ bcp47_parser parser;
+ std::string::const_iterator iter = bcp47Tag.begin();
+ std::string::const_iterator end = bcp47Tag.end();
+ bool r = parse(iter, end, parser);
+ if (r && iter == end) {
+ return parser.languageTag;
+ } else {
+ // Invalid tags are treated as empty/"default"
+ return LanguageTag();
+ }
+LanguageTag::LanguageTag(optional<std::string> language_, optional<std::string> script_, optional<std::string> region_)
+ : language(std::move(language_))
+ , script(std::move(script_))
+ , region(std::move(region_))
+std::string LanguageTag::toBCP47() const {
+ std::stringstream bcp47;
+ if (!language) {
+ // BCP 47 requires a language, but we're matching implementations that accept ""
+ // to mean something like "default"
+ return bcp47.str();
+ } else {
+ bcp47 << *language;
+ }
+ if (script) {
+ bcp47 << "-" << *script;
+ }
+ if (region) {
+ bcp47 << "-" << *region;
+ }
+ return bcp47.str();
+} // end namespace mbgl
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/language_tag.hpp b/src/mbgl/text/language_tag.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a6a16531f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/language_tag.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <mbgl/util/optional.hpp>
+#include <string>
+ Use LanguageTag to go back and forth between BCP 47 language tags
+ and their component language/script/region.
+ This implementation accepts but will not round-trip additional
+ variant/extension/privateuse/grandfathered information in a BCP 47 tag.
+ Why implement this?
+ Mapbox Style Spec specifies locales with BCP 47
+ Android and Intl.Collator implementations speak BCP 47 out of the box
+ Darwin implementation requires translation to "Language Identifier"
+ We're OK with not supporting extensions, but we want to succesfully
+ parse any valid BCP 47 tag and get out the base language/script/region.
+ Mozilla's version:
+ Looks like it actually supports a subset of BCP 47.
+ See
+ Chromium is based on ICU version:
+ Getting all the locale information is overkill for us, we just want
+ language/script/region.
+ */
+namespace mbgl {
+struct LanguageTag {
+ LanguageTag() = default;
+ LanguageTag(optional<std::string> language_, optional<std::string> script_, optional<std::string> region_);
+ static LanguageTag fromBCP47(const std::string& bcp47Tag);
+ std::string toBCP47() const;
+ optional<std::string> language; // ISO 639
+ optional<std::string> script; // ISO 15924
+ optional<std::string> region; // ISO 3316-1 || UN M.49
+} // end namespace mbgl