path: root/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
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authorKonstantin Käfer <>2014-12-04 18:29:42 +0100
committerKonstantin Käfer <>2014-12-04 20:02:50 +0100
commitabafb52f37beb5659efc2105ccd1568e1f754898 (patch)
tree6a60636d3497560ca61e5aae5f6d7061c4f18553 /src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
parentbff6aeb4da41dee1f5f1cfa0be81b6c257257253 (diff)
make most headers private
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp b/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84d4e20b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include <mbgl/text/placement.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/geometry/anchor.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/text/glyph.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/text/placement.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/text/glyph_store.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/style/style_bucket.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/math.hpp>
+namespace mbgl {
+const float Placement::globalMinScale = 0.5; // underscale by 1 zoom level
+struct GlyphInstance {
+ explicit GlyphInstance(const vec2<float> &anchor_) : anchor(anchor_) {}
+ explicit GlyphInstance(const vec2<float> &anchor_, float offset_, float minScale_, float maxScale_,
+ float angle_)
+ : anchor(anchor_), offset(offset_), minScale(minScale_), maxScale(maxScale_), angle(angle_) {}
+ const vec2<float> anchor;
+ const float offset = 0.0f;
+ const float minScale = Placement::globalMinScale;
+ const float maxScale = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
+ const float angle = 0.0f;
+typedef std::vector<GlyphInstance> GlyphInstances;
+void getSegmentGlyphs(std::back_insert_iterator<GlyphInstances> glyphs, Anchor &anchor,
+ float offset, const std::vector<Coordinate> &line, int segment,
+ int8_t direction, float maxAngle) {
+ const bool upsideDown = direction < 0;
+ if (offset < 0)
+ direction *= -1;
+ if (direction > 0)
+ segment++;
+ vec2<float> newAnchor = anchor;
+ if ((int)line.size() <= segment) {
+ return;
+ }
+ vec2<float> end = line[segment];
+ float prevscale = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
+ float prevAngle = 0.0f;
+ offset = std::fabs(offset);
+ const float placementScale = anchor.scale;
+ while (true) {
+ const float dist = util::dist<float>(newAnchor, end);
+ const float scale = offset / dist;
+ float angle =
+ -std::atan2(end.x - newAnchor.x, end.y - newAnchor.y) + direction * M_PI / 2.0f;
+ if (upsideDown)
+ angle += M_PI;
+ // Don't place around sharp corners
+ float angleDiff = std::fmod((angle - prevAngle), (2.0f * M_PI));
+ if (prevAngle && std::fabs(angleDiff) > maxAngle) {
+ anchor.scale = prevscale;
+ break;
+ }
+ glyphs = GlyphInstance{
+ /* anchor */ newAnchor,
+ /* offset */ static_cast<float>(upsideDown ? M_PI : 0.0),
+ /* minScale */ scale,
+ /* maxScale */ prevscale,
+ /* angle */ static_cast<float>(std::fmod((angle + 2.0 * M_PI), (2.0 * M_PI)))};
+ if (scale <= placementScale)
+ break;
+ newAnchor = end;
+ // skip duplicate nodes
+ while (newAnchor == end) {
+ segment += direction;
+ if ((int)line.size() <= segment || segment < 0) {
+ anchor.scale = scale;
+ return;
+ }
+ end = line[segment];
+ }
+ vec2<float> normal = util::normal<float>(newAnchor, end) * dist;
+ newAnchor = newAnchor - normal;
+ prevscale = scale;
+ prevAngle = angle;
+ }
+GlyphBox getMergedBoxes(const GlyphBoxes &glyphs, const Anchor &anchor) {
+ // Collision checks between rotating and fixed labels are relatively expensive,
+ // so we use one box per label, not per glyph for horizontal labels.
+ const float inf = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
+ GlyphBox mergedglyphs{/* box */ CollisionRect{inf, inf, -inf, -inf},
+ /* anchor */ anchor,
+ /* minScale */ 0,
+ /* maxScale */ inf,
+ /* padding */ -inf};
+ CollisionRect &box =;
+ for (const GlyphBox &glyph : glyphs) {
+ const CollisionRect &gbox =;
+ = util::min(,;
+ = util::min(,;
+ = util::max(,;
+ = util::max(,;
+ mergedglyphs.minScale = util::max(mergedglyphs.minScale, glyph.minScale);
+ mergedglyphs.padding = util::max(mergedglyphs.padding, glyph.padding);
+ }
+ // for all horizontal labels, calculate bbox covering all rotated positions
+ float x12 = *, y12 = *, x22 = *,
+ y22 = *,
+ diag = std::sqrt(util::max(x12 + y12, x12 + y22, x22 + y12, x22 + y22));
+ mergedglyphs.hBox = CollisionRect{-diag, -diag, diag, diag};
+ return mergedglyphs;
+Placement Placement::getIcon(Anchor &anchor, const Rect<uint16_t> &image, float boxScale,
+ const std::vector<Coordinate> &line, const StyleBucketSymbol &props) {
+ const float x = image.w / 2.0f; // No need to divide by image.pixelRatio here?
+ const float y = image.h / 2.0f; // image.pixelRatio;
+ const float dx = props.icon.offset.x;
+ const float dy = props.icon.offset.y;
+ float x1 = (dx - x);
+ float x2 = (dx + x);
+ float y1 = (dy - y);
+ float y2 = (dy + y);
+ vec2<float> tl{x1, y1};
+ vec2<float> tr{x2, y1};
+ vec2<float> br{x2, y2};
+ vec2<float> bl{x1, y2};
+ float angle = props.icon.rotate * M_PI / 180.0f;
+ if (anchor.segment >= 0 && props.icon.rotation_alignment != RotationAlignmentType::Viewport) {
+ const Coordinate &next = line[anchor.segment];
+ angle += -std::atan2(next.x - anchor.x, next.y - anchor.y) + M_PI / 2;
+ }
+ if (angle) {
+ // Compute the transformation matrix.
+ float angle_sin = std::sin(angle);
+ float angle_cos = std::cos(angle);
+ std::array<float, 4> matrix = {{angle_cos, -angle_sin, angle_sin, angle_cos}};
+ tl = tl.matMul(matrix);
+ tr = tr.matMul(matrix);
+ bl = bl.matMul(matrix);
+ br = br.matMul(matrix);
+ x1 = util::min(tl.x, tr.x, bl.x, br.x);
+ x2 = util::max(tl.x, tr.x, bl.x, br.x);
+ y1 = util::min(tl.y, tr.y, bl.y, br.y);
+ y2 = util::max(tl.y, tr.y, bl.y, br.y);
+ }
+ const CollisionRect box{/* x1 */ x1 * boxScale,
+ /* y1 */ y1 * boxScale,
+ /* x2 */ x2 * boxScale,
+ /* y2 */ y2 * boxScale};
+ Placement placement;
+ placement.boxes.emplace_back(
+ /* box */ box,
+ /* anchor */ anchor,
+ /* minScale */ Placement::globalMinScale,
+ /* maxScale */ std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ /* padding */ props.icon.padding);
+ placement.shapes.emplace_back(
+ /* tl */ tl,
+ /* tr */ tr,
+ /* bl */ bl,
+ /* br */ br,
+ /* image */ image,
+ /* angle */ 0,
+ /* anchors */ anchor,
+ /* minScale */ Placement::globalMinScale,
+ /* maxScale */ std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
+ placement.minScale = anchor.scale;
+ return placement;
+Placement Placement::getGlyphs(Anchor &anchor, const vec2<float> &origin, const Shaping &shaping,
+ const GlyphPositions &face, float boxScale, bool horizontal,
+ const std::vector<Coordinate> &line,
+ const StyleBucketSymbol &props) {
+ const float maxAngle = props.text.max_angle * M_PI / 180;
+ const float rotate = props.text.rotate * M_PI / 180;
+ const float padding = props.text.padding;
+ const bool alongLine = props.text.rotation_alignment != RotationAlignmentType::Viewport;
+ const bool keepUpright = props.text.keep_upright;
+ Placement placement;
+ const uint32_t buffer = 3;
+ for (const PositionedGlyph &shape : shaping) {
+ auto face_it = face.find(shape.glyph);
+ if (face_it == face.end())
+ continue;
+ const Glyph &glyph = face_it->second;
+ const Rect<uint16_t> &rect = glyph.rect;
+ if (!glyph)
+ continue;
+ if (!rect)
+ continue;
+ const float x = (origin.x + shape.x + glyph.metrics.left - buffer + rect.w / 2) * boxScale;
+ GlyphInstances glyphInstances;
+ if (anchor.segment >= 0 && alongLine) {
+ getSegmentGlyphs(std::back_inserter(glyphInstances), anchor, x, line, anchor.segment, 1,
+ maxAngle);
+ if (keepUpright)
+ getSegmentGlyphs(std::back_inserter(glyphInstances), anchor, x, line,
+ anchor.segment, -1, maxAngle);
+ } else {
+ glyphInstances.emplace_back(GlyphInstance{anchor});
+ }
+ const float x1 = origin.x + shape.x + glyph.metrics.left - buffer;
+ const float y1 = origin.y + shape.y - - buffer;
+ const float x2 = x1 + glyph.rect.w;
+ const float y2 = y1 + glyph.rect.h;
+ const vec2<float> otl{x1, y1};
+ const vec2<float> otr{x2, y1};
+ const vec2<float> obl{x1, y2};
+ const vec2<float> obr{x2, y2};
+ const CollisionRect obox{boxScale * x1, boxScale * y1, boxScale * x2, boxScale * y2};
+ for (const GlyphInstance &instance : glyphInstances) {
+ vec2<float> tl = otl;
+ vec2<float> tr = otr;
+ vec2<float> bl = obl;
+ vec2<float> br = obr;
+ CollisionRect box = obox;
+ // Clamp to -90/+90 degrees
+ const float angle = instance.angle + rotate;
+ if (angle) {
+ // Compute the transformation matrix.
+ float angle_sin = std::sin(angle);
+ float angle_cos = std::cos(angle);
+ std::array<float, 4> matrix = {{angle_cos, -angle_sin, angle_sin, angle_cos}};
+ tl = tl.matMul(matrix);
+ tr = tr.matMul(matrix);
+ bl = bl.matMul(matrix);
+ br = br.matMul(matrix);
+ }
+ // Prevent label from extending past the end of the line
+ const float glyphMinScale = std::max(instance.minScale, anchor.scale);
+ // Remember the glyph for later insertion.
+ placement.shapes.emplace_back(
+ tl, tr, bl, br, rect,
+ float(std::fmod((anchor.angle + rotate + instance.offset + 2 * M_PI), (2 * M_PI))),
+ instance.anchor, glyphMinScale, instance.maxScale);
+ if (!instance.offset) { // not a flipped glyph
+ if (angle) {
+ // Calculate the rotated glyph's bounding box offsets from the anchor point.
+ box = CollisionRect{boxScale * util::min(tl.x, tr.x, bl.x, br.x),
+ boxScale * util::min(tl.y, tr.y, bl.y, br.y),
+ boxScale * util::max(tl.x, tr.x, bl.x, br.x),
+ boxScale * util::max(tl.y, tr.y, bl.y, br.y)};
+ }
+ placement.boxes.emplace_back(box, instance.anchor, glyphMinScale, instance.maxScale, padding);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO avoid creating the boxes in the first place?
+ if (horizontal)
+ placement.boxes = {getMergedBoxes(placement.boxes, anchor)};
+ const float minPlacementScale = anchor.scale;
+ placement.minScale = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
+ for (const GlyphBox &box : placement.boxes) {
+ placement.minScale = util::min(placement.minScale, box.minScale);
+ }
+ placement.minScale = util::max(minPlacementScale, Placement::globalMinScale);
+ return placement;