path: root/src/mbgl/renderer/symbol_bucket.cpp
diff options
authorLeith Bade <>2014-12-05 23:16:49 +1100
committerLeith Bade <>2014-12-05 23:16:49 +1100
commitde9eb00276684a10f49a1c490f55266b80238155 (patch)
treefc713b06541bb1af04e95c70f2e383bcb86a164a /src/mbgl/renderer/symbol_bucket.cpp
parentc348c141c5c5754c962d9b7e94af83f097e30487 (diff)
parentff640132de0fe855314a8fd86adae3a2fb33237b (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of into android-mason
Conflicts: .gitignore gyp/mbgl-ios.gypi gyp/mbgl-linux.gypi gyp/mbgl-osx.gypi include/mbgl/map/map.hpp src/mbgl/map/map.cpp src/mbgl/storage/caching_http_file_source.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mbgl/renderer/symbol_bucket.cpp')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/renderer/symbol_bucket.cpp b/src/mbgl/renderer/symbol_bucket.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a005449628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/renderer/symbol_bucket.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+#include <mbgl/renderer/symbol_bucket.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/geometry/text_buffer.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/geometry/icon_buffer.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/geometry/glyph_atlas.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/geometry/sprite_atlas.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/geometry/geometry.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/geometry/anchor.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/geometry/resample.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/renderer/painter.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/text/glyph_store.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/text/placement.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/platform/log.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/text/collision.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/map/sprite.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/utf.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/token.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/math.hpp>
+namespace mbgl {
+SymbolBucket::SymbolBucket(const StyleBucketSymbol &properties_, Collision &collision_)
+ : properties(properties_), collision(collision_) {}
+void SymbolBucket::render(Painter &painter, util::ptr<StyleLayer> layer_desc,
+ const Tile::ID &id, const mat4 &matrix) {
+ painter.renderSymbol(*this, layer_desc, id, matrix);
+bool SymbolBucket::hasData() const { return hasTextData() || hasIconData(); }
+bool SymbolBucket::hasTextData() const { return !text.groups.empty(); }
+bool SymbolBucket::hasIconData() const { return !icon.groups.empty(); }
+void SymbolBucket::addGlyphsToAtlas(uint64_t tileid, const std::string stackname,
+ const std::u32string &text, const FontStack &fontStack,
+ GlyphAtlas &glyphAtlas, GlyphPositions &face) {
+ glyphAtlas.addGlyphs(tileid, text, stackname, fontStack,face);
+std::vector<SymbolFeature> SymbolBucket::processFeatures(const VectorTileLayer &layer,
+ const FilterExpression &filter,
+ GlyphStore &glyphStore,
+ const Sprite &sprite) {
+ const bool has_text = properties.text.field.size();
+ const bool has_icon = properties.icon.image.size();
+ std::vector<SymbolFeature> features;
+ if (!has_text && !has_icon) {
+ return features;
+ }
+ // Determine and load glyph ranges
+ std::set<GlyphRange> ranges;
+ FilteredVectorTileLayer filtered_layer(layer, filter);
+ for (const pbf &feature_pbf : filtered_layer) {
+ const VectorTileFeature feature{feature_pbf, layer};
+ SymbolFeature ft;
+ if (has_text) {
+ std::string u8string = util::replaceTokens(properties.text.field,;
+ if (properties.text.transform == TextTransformType::Uppercase) {
+ u8string = platform::uppercase(u8string);
+ } else if (properties.text.transform == TextTransformType::Lowercase) {
+ u8string = platform::lowercase(u8string);
+ }
+ ft.label = util::utf8_to_utf32::convert(u8string);
+ if (ft.label.size()) {
+ // Loop through all characters of this text and collect unique codepoints.
+ for (char32_t chr : ft.label) {
+ ranges.insert(getGlyphRange(chr));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_icon) {
+ ft.sprite = util::replaceTokens(properties.icon.image,;
+ }
+ if (ft.label.length() || ft.sprite.length()) {
+ ft.geometry = feature.geometry;
+ features.push_back(std::move(ft));
+ }
+ }
+ glyphStore.waitForGlyphRanges(properties.text.font, ranges);
+ sprite.waitUntilLoaded();
+ return features;
+void SymbolBucket::addFeatures(const VectorTileLayer &layer, const FilterExpression &filter,
+ const Tile::ID &id, SpriteAtlas &spriteAtlas, Sprite &sprite,
+ GlyphAtlas & glyphAtlas, GlyphStore &glyphStore) {
+ const std::vector<SymbolFeature> features = processFeatures(layer, filter, glyphStore, sprite);
+ float horizontalAlign = 0.5;
+ float verticalAlign = 0.5;
+ switch (properties.text.anchor) {
+ case TextAnchorType::Top:
+ case TextAnchorType::Bottom:
+ case TextAnchorType::Center:
+ break;
+ case TextAnchorType::Right:
+ case TextAnchorType::TopRight:
+ case TextAnchorType::BottomRight:
+ horizontalAlign = 1;
+ break;
+ case TextAnchorType::Left:
+ case TextAnchorType::TopLeft:
+ case TextAnchorType::BottomLeft:
+ horizontalAlign = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (properties.text.anchor) {
+ case TextAnchorType::Left:
+ case TextAnchorType::Right:
+ case TextAnchorType::Center:
+ break;
+ case TextAnchorType::Bottom:
+ case TextAnchorType::BottomLeft:
+ case TextAnchorType::BottomRight:
+ verticalAlign = 1;
+ break;
+ case TextAnchorType::Top:
+ case TextAnchorType::TopLeft:
+ case TextAnchorType::TopRight:
+ verticalAlign = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ float justify = 0.5;
+ if (properties.text.justify == TextJustifyType::Right) justify = 1;
+ else if (properties.text.justify == TextJustifyType::Left) justify = 0;
+ const FontStack &fontStack = glyphStore.getFontStack(properties.text.font);
+ for (const SymbolFeature &feature : features) {
+ Shaping shaping;
+ Rect<uint16_t> image;
+ GlyphPositions face;
+ // if feature has text, shape the text
+ if (feature.label.length()) {
+ shaping = fontStack.getShaping(
+ /* string */ feature.label,
+ /* maxWidth */ properties.text.max_width,
+ /* lineHeight */ properties.text.line_height,
+ /* horizontalAlign */ horizontalAlign,
+ /* verticalAlign */ verticalAlign,
+ /* justify */ justify,
+ /* spacing */ properties.text.letter_spacing,
+ /* translate */ properties.text.offset);
+ // Add the glyphs we need for this label to the glyph atlas.
+ if (shaping.size()) {
+ SymbolBucket::addGlyphsToAtlas(id.to_uint64(), properties.text.font, feature.label, fontStack,
+ glyphAtlas, face);
+ }
+ }
+ // if feature has icon, get sprite atlas position
+ if (feature.sprite.length()) {
+ sprite.waitUntilLoaded();
+ image = spriteAtlas.getImage(feature.sprite);
+ if (sprite.getSpritePosition(feature.sprite).sdf) {
+ sdfIcons = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // if either shaping or icon position is present, add the feature
+ if (shaping.size() || image) {
+ addFeature(feature.geometry, shaping, face, image);
+ }
+ }
+void SymbolBucket::addFeature(const pbf &geom_pbf, const Shaping &shaping,
+ const GlyphPositions &face, const Rect<uint16_t> &image) {
+ // Decode all lines.
+ std::vector<Coordinate> line;
+ Geometry::command cmd;
+ Coordinate coord;
+ pbf geom(geom_pbf);
+ Geometry geometry(geom);
+ int32_t x, y;
+ while ((cmd =, y)) != Geometry::end) {
+ if (cmd == Geometry::move_to) {
+ if (!line.empty()) {
+ addFeature(line, shaping, face, image);
+ line.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ line.emplace_back(x, y);
+ }
+ if (line.size()) {
+ addFeature(line, shaping, face, image);
+ }
+bool byScale(const Anchor &a, const Anchor &b) { return a.scale < b.scale; }
+const PlacementRange fullRange{{2 * M_PI, 0}};
+void SymbolBucket::addFeature(const std::vector<Coordinate> &line, const Shaping &shaping,
+ const GlyphPositions &face, const Rect<uint16_t> &image) {
+ assert(line.size());
+ const float minScale = 0.5f;
+ const float glyphSize = 24.0f;
+ const bool horizontalText =
+ properties.text.rotation_alignment == RotationAlignmentType::Viewport;
+ const bool horizontalIcon =
+ properties.icon.rotation_alignment == RotationAlignmentType::Viewport;
+ const float fontScale = properties.text.max_size / glyphSize;
+ const float textBoxScale = collision.tilePixelRatio * fontScale;
+ const float iconBoxScale = collision.tilePixelRatio * properties.icon.max_size;
+ const bool iconWithoutText = properties.text.optional || !shaping.size();
+ const bool textWithoutIcon = properties.icon.optional || !image;
+ const bool avoidEdges = properties.avoid_edges && properties.placement != PlacementType::Line;
+ Anchors anchors;
+ if (properties.placement == PlacementType::Line) {
+ // Line labels
+ anchors = resample(line, properties.min_distance, minScale, collision.maxPlacementScale,
+ collision.tilePixelRatio);
+ // Sort anchors by segment so that we can start placement with the
+ // anchors that can be shown at the lowest zoom levels.
+ std::sort(anchors.begin(), anchors.end(), byScale);
+ } else {
+ // Point labels
+ anchors = {Anchor{float(line[0].x), float(line[0].y), 0, minScale}};
+ }
+ // TODO: figure out correct ascender height.
+ const vec2<float> origin = {0, -17};
+ for (Anchor &anchor : anchors) {
+ // Calculate the scales at which the text and icons can be first shown without overlap
+ Placement glyphPlacement;
+ Placement iconPlacement;
+ float glyphScale = 0;
+ float iconScale = 0;
+ const bool inside = !(anchor.x < 0 || anchor.x > 4096 || anchor.y < 0 || anchor.y > 4096);
+ if (avoidEdges && !inside) continue;
+ if (shaping.size()) {
+ glyphPlacement = Placement::getGlyphs(anchor, origin, shaping, face, textBoxScale,
+ horizontalText, line, properties);
+ glyphScale =
+ properties.text.allow_overlap
+ ? glyphPlacement.minScale
+ : collision.getPlacementScale(glyphPlacement.boxes, glyphPlacement.minScale, avoidEdges);
+ if (!glyphScale && !iconWithoutText)
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (image) {
+ iconPlacement = Placement::getIcon(anchor, image, iconBoxScale, line, properties);
+ iconScale =
+ properties.icon.allow_overlap
+ ? iconPlacement.minScale
+ : collision.getPlacementScale(iconPlacement.boxes, iconPlacement.minScale, avoidEdges);
+ if (!iconScale && !textWithoutIcon)
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!iconWithoutText && !textWithoutIcon) {
+ iconScale = glyphScale = util::max(iconScale, glyphScale);
+ } else if (!textWithoutIcon && glyphScale) {
+ glyphScale = util::max(iconScale, glyphScale);
+ } else if (!iconWithoutText && iconScale) {
+ iconScale = util::max(iconScale, glyphScale);
+ }
+ // Get the rotation ranges it is safe to show the glyphs
+ PlacementRange glyphRange =
+ (!glyphScale || properties.text.allow_overlap)
+ ? fullRange
+ : collision.getPlacementRange(glyphPlacement.boxes, glyphScale, horizontalText);
+ PlacementRange iconRange =
+ (!iconScale || properties.icon.allow_overlap)
+ ? fullRange
+ : collision.getPlacementRange(iconPlacement.boxes, iconScale, horizontalIcon);
+ const PlacementRange maxRange = {{
+ util::min(iconRange[0], glyphRange[0]), util::max(iconRange[1], glyphRange[1]),
+ }};
+ if (!iconWithoutText && !textWithoutIcon) {
+ iconRange = glyphRange = maxRange;
+ } else if (!textWithoutIcon) {
+ glyphRange = maxRange;
+ } else if (!iconWithoutText) {
+ iconRange = maxRange;
+ }
+ // Insert final placement into collision tree and add glyphs/icons to buffers
+ if (glyphScale && std::isfinite(glyphScale)) {
+ if (!properties.text.ignore_placement) {
+ collision.insert(glyphPlacement.boxes, anchor, glyphScale, glyphRange,
+ horizontalText);
+ }
+ if (inside) addSymbols(text, glyphPlacement.shapes, glyphScale, glyphRange);
+ }
+ if (iconScale && std::isfinite(iconScale)) {
+ if (!properties.icon.ignore_placement) {
+ collision.insert(iconPlacement.boxes, anchor, iconScale, iconRange, horizontalIcon);
+ }
+ if (inside) addSymbols(icon, iconPlacement.shapes, iconScale, iconRange);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename Buffer>
+void SymbolBucket::addSymbols(Buffer &buffer, const PlacedGlyphs &symbols, float scale,
+ PlacementRange placementRange) {
+ const float zoom = collision.zoom;
+ const float placementZoom = std::log(scale) / std::log(2) + zoom;
+ for (const PlacedGlyph &symbol : symbols) {
+ const auto &tl =;
+ const auto &tr =;
+ const auto &bl =;
+ const auto &br =;
+ const auto &tex = symbol.tex;
+ const auto &angle = symbol.angle;
+ float minZoom =
+ util::max(static_cast<float>(zoom + log(symbol.minScale) / log(2)), placementZoom);
+ float maxZoom = util::min(static_cast<float>(zoom + log(symbol.maxScale) / log(2)), 25.0f);
+ const auto &glyphAnchor = symbol.anchor;
+ if (maxZoom <= minZoom)
+ continue;
+ // Lower min zoom so that while fading out the label
+ // it can be shown outside of collision-free zoom levels
+ if (minZoom == placementZoom) {
+ minZoom = 0;
+ }
+ const int glyph_vertex_length = 4;
+ if (!buffer.groups.size() ||
+ (buffer.groups.back().vertex_length + glyph_vertex_length > 65535)) {
+ // Move to a new group because the old one can't hold the geometry.
+ buffer.groups.emplace_back();
+ }
+ // We're generating triangle fans, so we always start with the first
+ // coordinate in this polygon.
+ auto &triangleGroup = buffer.groups.back();
+ uint32_t triangleIndex = triangleGroup.vertex_length;
+ // coordinates (2 triangles)
+ buffer.vertices.add(glyphAnchor.x, glyphAnchor.y, tl.x, tl.y, tex.x, tex.y, angle, minZoom,
+ placementRange, maxZoom, placementZoom);
+ buffer.vertices.add(glyphAnchor.x, glyphAnchor.y, tr.x, tr.y, tex.x + tex.w, tex.y, angle,
+ minZoom, placementRange, maxZoom, placementZoom);
+ buffer.vertices.add(glyphAnchor.x, glyphAnchor.y, bl.x, bl.y, tex.x, tex.y + tex.h, angle,
+ minZoom, placementRange, maxZoom, placementZoom);
+ buffer.vertices.add(glyphAnchor.x, glyphAnchor.y, br.x, br.y, tex.x + tex.w, tex.y + tex.h,
+ angle, minZoom, placementRange, maxZoom, placementZoom);
+ // add the two triangles, referencing the four coordinates we just inserted.
+ buffer.triangles.add(triangleIndex + 0, triangleIndex + 1, triangleIndex + 2);
+ buffer.triangles.add(triangleIndex + 1, triangleIndex + 2, triangleIndex + 3);
+ triangleGroup.vertex_length += glyph_vertex_length;
+ triangleGroup.elements_length += 2;
+ }
+void SymbolBucket::drawGlyphs(SDFShader &shader) {
+ char *vertex_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(0);
+ char *elements_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(0);
+ for (TextElementGroup &group : text.groups) {
+ group.array[0].bind(shader, text.vertices, text.triangles, vertex_index);
+ glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, group.elements_length * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, elements_index);
+ vertex_index += group.vertex_length * text.vertices.itemSize;
+ elements_index += group.elements_length * text.triangles.itemSize;
+ }
+void SymbolBucket::drawIcons(SDFShader &shader) {
+ char *vertex_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(0);
+ char *elements_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(0);
+ for (IconElementGroup &group : icon.groups) {
+ group.array[0].bind(shader, icon.vertices, icon.triangles, vertex_index);
+ glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, group.elements_length * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, elements_index);
+ vertex_index += group.vertex_length * icon.vertices.itemSize;
+ elements_index += group.elements_length * icon.triangles.itemSize;
+ }
+void SymbolBucket::drawIcons(IconShader &shader) {
+ char *vertex_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(0);
+ char *elements_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(0);
+ for (IconElementGroup &group : icon.groups) {
+ group.array[1].bind(shader, icon.vertices, icon.triangles, vertex_index);
+ glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, group.elements_length * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, elements_index);
+ vertex_index += group.vertex_length * icon.vertices.itemSize;
+ elements_index += group.elements_length * icon.triangles.itemSize;
+ }