path: root/src/mbgl/map
diff options
authorJustin R. Miller <>2015-03-17 17:30:24 -0700
committerJustin R. Miller <>2015-03-17 17:30:24 -0700
commite049ce6df13c3ad77e9e2ecb2e1afe2992384a35 (patch)
tree17c21487d53639e3cdf3d6fa9cf78a249a8a67a1 /src/mbgl/map
parent1ce51a17e7de5d6a02346efce1539ff7f36e0a6d (diff)
refs #893 #992: point annotations API
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mbgl/map')
15 files changed, 505 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/annotation.cpp b/src/mbgl/map/annotation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2a90f53c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/annotation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#include <mbgl/map/annotation.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/map/map.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/ptr.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+using namespace mbgl;
+Annotation::Annotation(AnnotationType type_, std::vector<AnnotationSegment> geometry_)
+ : type(type_),
+ geometry(geometry_) {
+ if (type == AnnotationType::Point) {
+ bounds = LatLngBounds(getPoint(), getPoint());
+ } else {
+ for (auto segment : geometry) {
+ for (auto point : segment) {
+ bounds.extend(point);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+LatLng Annotation::getPoint() const {
+ return geometry[0][0];
+ : nullTile(util::make_unique<LiveTile>()) {}
+vec2<double> AnnotationManager::projectPoint(LatLng& point) {
+ double sine = std::sin(point.latitude * M_PI / 180);
+ double x = point.longitude / 360 + 0.5;
+ double y = 0.5 - 0.25 * std::log((1 + sine) / (1 - sine)) / M_PI;
+ return vec2<double>(x, y);
+std::pair<std::vector<Tile::ID>, std::vector<uint32_t>> AnnotationManager::addPointAnnotations(std::vector<LatLng> points, std::vector<std::string>& symbols, const Map& map) {
+ uint16_t extent = 4096;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> annotationIDs(points.size());
+ std::vector<Tile::ID> affectedTiles;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
+ uint32_t annotationID = nextID();
+ auto anno_it = annotations.emplace(annotationID, util::make_unique<Annotation>(AnnotationType::Point, std::vector<AnnotationSegment>({{ points[i] }})));
+ uint8_t maxZoom = map.getMaxZoom();
+ uint32_t z2 = 1 << maxZoom;
+ vec2<double> p = projectPoint(points[i]);
+ uint32_t x = p.x * z2;
+ uint32_t y = p.y * z2;
+ for (int8_t z = maxZoom; z >= 0; z--) {
+ affectedTiles.emplace_back(z, x, y);
+ Tile::ID tileID = affectedTiles.back();
+ Coordinate coordinate(extent * (p.x * z2 - x), extent * (p.y * z2 - y));
+ GeometryCollection geometries({{ {{ coordinate }} }});
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> properties = {{ "sprite", (symbols[i].length() ? symbols[i] : defaultPointAnnotationSymbol) }};
+ auto feature = std::make_shared<const LiveTileFeature>(FeatureType::Point,
+ geometries,
+ properties);
+ auto tile_it = annotationTiles.find(tileID);
+ if (tile_it != annotationTiles.end()) {
+ // get point layer & add feature
+ auto layer = tile_it->second.second->getMutableLayer(util::ANNOTATIONS_POINTS_LAYER_ID);
+ layer->addFeature(feature);
+ // record annotation association with tile
+ tile_it->second.first.push_back(annotationID);
+ } else {
+ // create point layer & add feature
+ util::ptr<LiveTileLayer> layer = std::make_shared<LiveTileLayer>();
+ layer->addFeature(feature);
+ // create tile & record annotation association
+ auto tile_pos = annotationTiles.emplace(tileID, std::make_pair(std::vector<uint32_t>({ annotationID }), util::make_unique<LiveTile>()));
+ // add point layer to tile
+ tile_pos.first->second.second->addLayer(util::ANNOTATIONS_POINTS_LAYER_ID, layer);
+ }
+ // record annotation association with tile feature
+ anno_it.first->second->tileFeatures.emplace(tileID, std::vector<std::weak_ptr<const LiveTileFeature>>({ feature }));
+ z2 /= 2;
+ x /= 2;
+ y /= 2;
+ }
+ annotationIDs.push_back(annotationID);
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(affectedTiles, annotationIDs);
+std::vector<Tile::ID> AnnotationManager::removeAnnotations(std::vector<uint32_t> ids) {
+ std::vector<Tile::ID> affectedTiles;
+ for (auto& annotationID : ids) {
+ auto annotation_it = annotations.find(annotationID);
+ if (annotation_it != annotations.end()) {
+ auto& annotation = annotation_it->second;
+ for (auto& tile_it : annotationTiles) {
+ auto features_it = annotation->tileFeatures.find(tile_it.first);
+ if (features_it != annotation->tileFeatures.end()) {
+ auto layer = tile_it.second.second->getMutableLayer(util::ANNOTATIONS_POINTS_LAYER_ID);
+ auto& features = features_it->second;
+ layer->removeFeature(features[0]);
+ affectedTiles.push_back(tile_it.first);
+ }
+ }
+ annotations.erase(annotationID);
+ }
+ }
+ return affectedTiles;
+std::vector<uint32_t> AnnotationManager::getAnnotationsInBounds(LatLngBounds queryBounds, const Map& map) const {
+ uint8_t z = map.getMaxZoom();
+ uint32_t z2 = 1 << z;
+ vec2<double> swPoint = projectPoint(queryBounds.sw);
+ vec2<double> nePoint = projectPoint(;
+ // tiles number y from top down
+ Tile::ID nwTile(z, swPoint.x * z2, nePoint.y * z2);
+ Tile::ID seTile(z, nePoint.x * z2, swPoint.y * z2);
+ std::vector<uint32_t> matchingAnnotations;
+ for (auto& tile : annotationTiles) {
+ Tile::ID id = tile.first;
+ if (id.z == z) {
+ if (id.x >= nwTile.x && id.x <= seTile.x && id.y >= nwTile.y && id.y <= seTile.y) {
+ if (id.x > nwTile.x && id.x < seTile.x && id.y > nwTile.y && id.y < seTile.y) {
+ // trivial accept; grab all of the tile's annotations
+ std::copy(tile.second.first.begin(), tile.second.first.end(), std::back_inserter(matchingAnnotations));
+ } else {
+ // check tile's annotations' bounding boxes
+ std::copy_if(tile.second.first.begin(), tile.second.first.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(matchingAnnotations), [&](const uint32_t annotationID) -> bool {
+ LatLngBounds annoBounds = this->annotations.find(annotationID)->second->getBounds();
+ return (annoBounds.sw.latitude >= queryBounds.sw.latitude &&
+ <= &&
+ annoBounds.sw.longitude >= queryBounds.sw.longitude &&
+ <=;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return matchingAnnotations;
+LatLngBounds AnnotationManager::getBoundsForAnnotations(std::vector<uint32_t> ids) const {
+ LatLngBounds bounds;
+ for (auto id : ids) {
+ auto annotation_it = annotations.find(id);
+ if (annotation_it != annotations.end()) {
+ bounds.extend(annotation_it->second->getPoint());
+ }
+ }
+ return bounds;
+const std::unique_ptr<LiveTile>& AnnotationManager::getTile(Tile::ID const& id) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
+ auto tile_it = annotationTiles.find(id);
+ if (tile_it != annotationTiles.end()) {
+ return tile_it->second.second;
+ }
+ return nullTile;
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/geometry_tile.hpp b/src/mbgl/map/geometry_tile.hpp
index 3df0661fbf..18222b622b 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/geometry_tile.hpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/geometry_tile.hpp
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@ enum class FeatureType : uint8_t {
typedef std::vector<std::vector<Coordinate>> GeometryCollection;
-class GeometryTileFeature : public mbgl::util::noncopyable {
+class GeometryTileFeature : private util::noncopyable {
virtual FeatureType getType() const = 0;
virtual mapbox::util::optional<Value> getValue(const std::string& key) const = 0;
virtual GeometryCollection getGeometries() const = 0;
-class GeometryTileLayer : public mbgl::util::noncopyable {
+class GeometryTileLayer : private util::noncopyable {
virtual std::size_t featureCount() const = 0;
- virtual util::ptr<const GeometryTileFeature> feature(std::size_t i) const = 0;
+ virtual util::ptr<const GeometryTileFeature> feature(std::size_t) const = 0;
-class GeometryTile : public mbgl::util::noncopyable {
+class GeometryTile : private util::noncopyable {
- virtual util::ptr<const GeometryTileLayer> getLayer(const std::string&) const = 0;
+ virtual util::ptr<GeometryTileLayer> getLayer(const std::string&) const = 0;
class GeometryTileFeatureExtractor {
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/live_tile.cpp b/src/mbgl/map/live_tile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06337af184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/live_tile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include <mbgl/map/live_tile.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/constants.hpp>
+namespace mbgl {
+LiveTileFeature::LiveTileFeature(FeatureType type_, GeometryCollection geometries_, std::map<std::string, std::string> properties_)
+ : type(type_),
+ properties(properties_),
+ geometries(geometries_) {}
+mapbox::util::optional<Value> LiveTileFeature::getValue(const std::string& key) const {
+ auto it = properties.find(key);
+ if (it != properties.end()) {
+ return mapbox::util::optional<Value>(it->second);
+ }
+ return mapbox::util::optional<Value>();
+LiveTileLayer::LiveTileLayer() {}
+void LiveTileLayer::prepareToAddFeatures(size_t count) {
+ features.reserve(features.size() + count);
+void LiveTileLayer::addFeature(util::ptr<const LiveTileFeature> feature) {
+ features.push_back(std::move(feature));
+void LiveTileLayer::removeFeature(util::ptr<const LiveTileFeature> feature) {
+ for (auto it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); ++it) {
+ if (feature == *it) {
+ features.erase(it);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+LiveTile::LiveTile() {}
+void LiveTile::addLayer(const std::string& name, util::ptr<LiveTileLayer> layer) {
+ layers.emplace(name, std::move(layer));
+util::ptr<GeometryTileLayer> LiveTile::getLayer(const std::string& name) const {
+ return getMutableLayer(name);
+util::ptr<LiveTileLayer> LiveTile::getMutableLayer(const std::string& name) const {
+ auto layer_it = layers.find(name);
+ if (layer_it != layers.end()) {
+ return layer_it->second;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/live_tile.hpp b/src/mbgl/map/live_tile.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..019c9da740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/live_tile.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#include <map>
+#include <mbgl/map/geometry_tile.hpp>
+namespace mbgl {
+class LiveTileFeature : public GeometryTileFeature {
+ LiveTileFeature(FeatureType, GeometryCollection, std::map<std::string, std::string> properties = {{}});
+ FeatureType getType() const override { return type; }
+ mapbox::util::optional<Value> getValue(const std::string&) const override;
+ GeometryCollection getGeometries() const override { return geometries; }
+ FeatureType type = FeatureType::Unknown;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> properties;
+ GeometryCollection geometries;
+ class LiveTileLayer : public GeometryTileLayer {
+ LiveTileLayer();
+ void prepareToAddFeatures(size_t count);
+ void addFeature(util::ptr<const LiveTileFeature>);
+ void removeFeature(util::ptr<const LiveTileFeature>);
+ std::size_t featureCount() const override { return features.size(); }
+ util::ptr<const GeometryTileFeature> feature(std::size_t i) const override { return features[i]; }
+ std::vector<util::ptr<const LiveTileFeature>> features;
+class LiveTile : public GeometryTile {
+ LiveTile();
+ void addLayer(const std::string&, util::ptr<LiveTileLayer>);
+ util::ptr<GeometryTileLayer> getLayer(const std::string&) const override;
+ util::ptr<LiveTileLayer> getMutableLayer(const std::string&) const;
+ bool operator()(const LiveTile&) const { return layers.size() > 0; }
+ std::map<std::string, util::ptr<LiveTileLayer>> layers;
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/live_tile_data.cpp b/src/mbgl/map/live_tile_data.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34743f02ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/live_tile_data.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#include <mbgl/map/annotation.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/map/live_tile_data.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/map/tile_parser.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/style/style_source.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/map/vector_tile.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/platform/log.hpp>
+using namespace mbgl;
+LiveTileData::LiveTileData(Tile::ID const& id_,
+ util::ptr<AnnotationManager> annotationManager_,
+ float mapMaxZoom,
+ util::ptr<Style> style_,
+ GlyphAtlas& glyphAtlas_,
+ GlyphStore& glyphStore_,
+ SpriteAtlas& spriteAtlas_,
+ util::ptr<Sprite> sprite_,
+ const SourceInfo& source_,
+ Environment& env_)
+ : VectorTileData::VectorTileData(id_, mapMaxZoom, style_, glyphAtlas_, glyphStore_,
+ spriteAtlas_, sprite_, source_, env_),
+ annotationManager(annotationManager_) {
+ // live features are always ready
+ state = State::loaded;
+LiveTileData::~LiveTileData() {}
+void LiveTileData::parse() {
+ if (state != State::loaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ if (!style) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("style isn't present in LiveTileData object anymore");
+ }
+ if (source.type == SourceType::Annotations) {
+ const std::unique_ptr<LiveTile>& tile = annotationManager->getTile(id);
+ if (tile) {
+ // Parsing creates state that is encapsulated in TileParser. While parsing,
+ // the TileParser object writes results into this objects. All other state
+ // is going to be discarded afterwards.
+ TileParser parser(*tile, *this, style, glyphAtlas, glyphStore, spriteAtlas, sprite);
+ // Clear the style so that we don't have a cycle in the shared_ptr references.
+ style.reset();
+ parser.parse();
+ } else {
+ state = State::obsolete;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw std::runtime_error("unknown live tile source type");
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ Log::Error(Event::ParseTile, "Live-parsing [%d/%d/%d] failed: %s", id.z, id.x, id.y, ex.what());
+ state = State::obsolete;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (state != State::obsolete) {
+ state = State::parsed;
+ }
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/live_tile_data.hpp b/src/mbgl/map/live_tile_data.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11530ef847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/live_tile_data.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#include <mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.hpp>
+namespace mbgl {
+class AnnotationManager;
+class LiveTileData : public VectorTileData {
+ LiveTileData(Tile::ID const&,
+ util::ptr<AnnotationManager>,
+ float mapMaxZoom,
+ util::ptr<Style>,
+ GlyphAtlas&,
+ GlyphStore&,
+ SpriteAtlas&,
+ util::ptr<Sprite>,
+ const SourceInfo&,
+ Environment&);
+ ~LiveTileData();
+ void parse() override;
+ util::ptr<AnnotationManager> annotationManager;
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/map.cpp b/src/mbgl/map/map.cpp
index d12afc9143..2dea2deac1 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/map.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/map.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <mbgl/platform/platform.hpp>
#include <mbgl/map/source.hpp>
#include <mbgl/renderer/painter.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/map/annotation.hpp>
#include <mbgl/map/sprite.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/transition.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/math.hpp>
@@ -70,7 +71,8 @@ Map::Map(View& view_, FileSource& fileSource_)
spriteAtlas(util::make_unique<SpriteAtlas>(512, 512)),
lineAtlas(util::make_unique<LineAtlas>(512, 512)),
- painter(util::make_unique<Painter>(*spriteAtlas, *glyphAtlas, *lineAtlas))
+ painter(util::make_unique<Painter>(*spriteAtlas, *glyphAtlas, *lineAtlas)),
+ annotationManager(util::make_unique<AnnotationManager>())
@@ -536,6 +538,57 @@ const std::string &Map::getAccessToken() const {
return accessToken;
+#pragma mark - Annotations
+void Map::setDefaultPointAnnotationSymbol(std::string& symbol) {
+ assert(std::this_thread::get_id() == mainThread);
+ annotationManager->setDefaultPointAnnotationSymbol(symbol);
+uint32_t Map::addPointAnnotation(LatLng point, std::string& symbol) {
+ assert(std::this_thread::get_id() == mainThread);
+ std::vector<LatLng> points({ point });
+ std::vector<std::string> symbols({ symbol });
+ return addPointAnnotations(points, symbols)[0];
+std::vector<uint32_t> Map::addPointAnnotations(std::vector<LatLng> points, std::vector<std::string>& symbols) {
+ assert(std::this_thread::get_id() == mainThread);
+ auto result = annotationManager->addPointAnnotations(points, symbols, *this);
+ updateAnnotationTiles(result.first);
+ return result.second;
+void Map::removeAnnotation(uint32_t annotation) {
+ assert(std::this_thread::get_id() == mainThread);
+ removeAnnotations({ annotation });
+void Map::removeAnnotations(std::vector<uint32_t> annotations) {
+ assert(std::this_thread::get_id() == mainThread);
+ auto result = annotationManager->removeAnnotations(annotations);
+ updateAnnotationTiles(result);
+std::vector<uint32_t> Map::getAnnotationsInBounds(LatLngBounds bounds) const {
+ assert(std::this_thread::get_id() == mainThread);
+ return annotationManager->getAnnotationsInBounds(bounds, *this);
+LatLngBounds Map::getBoundsForAnnotations(std::vector<uint32_t> annotations) const {
+ assert(std::this_thread::get_id() == mainThread);
+ return annotationManager->getBoundsForAnnotations(annotations);
+void Map::updateAnnotationTiles(std::vector<Tile::ID>& ids) {
+ for (const auto &source : activeSources) {
+ if (source->info.type == SourceType::Annotations) {
+ source->source->invalidateTiles(*this, ids);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
#pragma mark - Toggles
void Map::setDebug(bool value) {
@@ -643,6 +696,7 @@ void Map::updateSources(const util::ptr<StyleLayerGroup> &group) {
if (layer->bucket && layer->bucket->style_source) {
(*activeSources.emplace(layer->bucket->style_source).first)->enabled = true;
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/source.cpp b/src/mbgl/map/source.cpp
index 447f25d4b7..982b084e17 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/source.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/source.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include <mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.hpp>
#include <mbgl/map/raster_tile_data.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/map/live_tile_data.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
@@ -190,13 +191,22 @@ TileData::State Source::addTile(Map &map, Environment &env, uv::worker &worker,
glyphAtlas, glyphStore,
spriteAtlas, sprite,
info, env);
+>request(worker, map.getState().getPixelRatio(), callback);
} else if (info.type == SourceType::Raster) { = std::make_shared<RasterTileData>(normalized_id, texturePool, info, env);
+>request(worker, map.getState().getPixelRatio(), callback);
+ } else if (info.type == SourceType::Annotations) {
+ util::ptr<AnnotationManager> annotationManager = map.getAnnotationManager();
+ = std::make_shared<LiveTileData>(normalized_id,
+ annotationManager,
+ map.getMaxZoom(), style,
+ glyphAtlas, glyphStore,
+ spriteAtlas, sprite,
+ info, env);
+>reparse(worker, callback);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("source type not implemented");
->request(worker, map.getState().getPixelRatio(), callback);
@@ -368,4 +378,12 @@ void Source::update(Map &map,
updated = map.getTime();
+void Source::invalidateTiles(Map& map, std::vector<Tile::ID>& ids) {
+ for (auto& id : ids) {
+ tiles.erase(id);
+ tile_data.erase(id);
+ }
+ map.triggerUpdate();
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/source.hpp b/src/mbgl/map/source.hpp
index 061908b89d..211713015c 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/source.hpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/source.hpp
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ public:
void load(Map &, Environment &);
void update(Map &, Environment &, uv::worker &, util::ptr<Style>, GlyphAtlas &, GlyphStore &,
SpriteAtlas &, util::ptr<Sprite>, TexturePool &, std::function<void()> callback);
+ void invalidateTiles(Map&, std::vector<Tile::ID>&);
void updateMatrices(const mat4 &projMatrix, const TransformState &transform);
void drawClippingMasks(Painter &painter);
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/tile_parser.cpp b/src/mbgl/map/tile_parser.cpp
index 0540c7d7d3..5c91c310ec 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/tile_parser.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/tile_parser.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#include <mbgl/text/collision.hpp>
#include <mbgl/text/glyph.hpp>
#include <mbgl/map/map.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/std.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/utf.hpp>
@@ -30,14 +29,14 @@ namespace mbgl {
// its header file.
TileParser::~TileParser() = default;
-TileParser::TileParser(const std::string& rawData_,
+TileParser::TileParser(const GeometryTile& geometryTile_,
VectorTileData& tile_,
const util::ptr<const Style>& style_,
GlyphAtlas& glyphAtlas_,
GlyphStore& glyphStore_,
SpriteAtlas& spriteAtlas_,
const util::ptr<Sprite>& sprite_)
- : vectorTile(pbf((const uint8_t *), rawData_.size())),
+ : geometryTile(geometryTile_),
@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<Bucket> TileParser::createBucket(const StyleBucket &bucketDesc)
if ( >= std::ceil(bucketDesc.max_zoom)) return nullptr;
if (bucketDesc.visibility == mbgl::VisibilityType::None) return nullptr;
- auto layer = vectorTile.getLayer(bucketDesc.source_layer);
+ auto layer = geometryTile.getLayer(bucketDesc.source_layer);
if (layer) {
if (bucketDesc.type == StyleLayerType::Fill) {
return createFillBucket(*layer, bucketDesc);
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/tile_parser.hpp b/src/mbgl/map/tile_parser.hpp
index e7c05e1b1e..0ad42fdc91 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/tile_parser.hpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/tile_parser.hpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <mbgl/text/glyph.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/ptr.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
@@ -16,7 +17,6 @@
namespace mbgl {
class Bucket;
-class TexturePool;
class FontStack;
class GlyphAtlas;
class GlyphStore;
@@ -31,12 +31,10 @@ class StyleLayoutSymbol;
class StyleLayerGroup;
class VectorTileData;
class Collision;
-class TexturePool;
-class TileParser : private util::noncopyable
+class TileParser : private util::noncopyable {
- TileParser(const std::string& rawData,
+ TileParser(const GeometryTile& geometryTile,
VectorTileData& tile,
const util::ptr<const Style>& style,
GlyphAtlas& glyphAtlas,
@@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ private:
void addBucketGeometries(Bucket&, const GeometryTileLayer&, const FilterExpression&);
- const VectorTile vectorTile;
+ const GeometryTile& geometryTile;
VectorTileData& tile;
// Cross-thread shared data.
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile.cpp b/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile.cpp
index bf10f8706e..c0d860b179 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile.cpp
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ VectorTile::VectorTile(pbf tile_pbf) {
-util::ptr<const GeometryTileLayer> VectorTile::getLayer(const std::string& name) const {
+util::ptr<GeometryTileLayer> VectorTile::getLayer(const std::string& name) const {
auto layer_it = layers.find(name);
if (layer_it != layers.end()) {
return layer_it->second;
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile.hpp b/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile.hpp
index 6685bb613e..f6a2d615bc 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile.hpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile.hpp
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ class VectorTile : public GeometryTile {
- util::ptr<const GeometryTileLayer> getLayer(const std::string&) const override;
+ util::ptr<GeometryTileLayer> getLayer(const std::string&) const override;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, util::ptr<const GeometryTileLayer>> layers;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, util::ptr<GeometryTileLayer>> layers;
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.cpp b/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.cpp
index e165863bec..3e318b0856 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.cpp
@@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
#include <mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.hpp>
#include <mbgl/map/tile_parser.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/std.hpp>
-#include <mbgl/map/map.hpp>
#include <mbgl/style/style_layer.hpp>
#include <mbgl/style/style_bucket.hpp>
#include <mbgl/style/style_source.hpp>
#include <mbgl/geometry/glyph_atlas.hpp>
#include <mbgl/platform/log.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/pbf.hpp>
using namespace mbgl;
VectorTileData::VectorTileData(Tile::ID const& id_,
- float mapMaxZoom, util::ptr<Style> style_,
- GlyphAtlas& glyphAtlas_, GlyphStore& glyphStore_,
- SpriteAtlas& spriteAtlas_, util::ptr<Sprite> sprite_,
- const SourceInfo& source_, Environment &env_)
+ float mapMaxZoom,
+ util::ptr<Style> style_,
+ GlyphAtlas& glyphAtlas_,
+ GlyphStore& glyphStore_,
+ SpriteAtlas& spriteAtlas_,
+ util::ptr<Sprite> sprite_,
+ const SourceInfo& source_,
+ Environment& env_)
: TileData(id_, source_, env_),
@@ -28,7 +32,6 @@ VectorTileData::~VectorTileData() {
void VectorTileData::parse() {
if (state != State::loaded) {
@@ -42,9 +45,10 @@ void VectorTileData::parse() {
// Parsing creates state that is encapsulated in TileParser. While parsing,
// the TileParser object writes results into this objects. All other state
// is going to be discarded afterwards.
- TileParser parser(data, *this, style,
- glyphAtlas, glyphStore,
- spriteAtlas, sprite);
+ VectorTile vectorTile(pbf((const uint8_t *), data.size()));
+ const VectorTile* vt = &vectorTile;
+ TileParser parser(*vt, *this, style, glyphAtlas, glyphStore, spriteAtlas, sprite);
// Clear the style so that we don't have a cycle in the shared_ptr references.
diff --git a/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.hpp b/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.hpp
index 1c48fc5f23..e097c9bc59 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.hpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/map/vector_tile_data.hpp
@@ -30,8 +30,15 @@ class VectorTileData : public TileData {
friend class TileParser;
- VectorTileData(Tile::ID const &, float mapMaxZoom, util::ptr<Style>, GlyphAtlas &, GlyphStore &,
- SpriteAtlas &, util::ptr<Sprite>, const SourceInfo &, Environment &);
+ VectorTileData(Tile::ID const&,
+ float mapMaxZoom,
+ util::ptr<Style>,
+ GlyphAtlas&,
+ GlyphStore&,
+ SpriteAtlas&,
+ util::ptr<Sprite>,
+ const SourceInfo&,
+ Environment&);
void parse() override;