path: root/src/mbgl/layout/symbol_layout.cpp
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authorChris Loer <>2017-11-09 13:24:43 -0800
committerChris Loer <>2017-11-17 10:05:15 -0800
commitc0cb210ddca1901a956cd68e9142b7fb04183248 (patch)
tree7a6d5dc3d79720b930d5669d16d5912239fcc344 /src/mbgl/layout/symbol_layout.cpp
parent9a5b2fdfc362e7041a10d5066161b51aedbb0a31 (diff)
[core] Switch from background to foreground placement
- Background placement code now just generates static symbol buffers - Don't render GeometryTiles until their symbols are loaded. This is necessary for the CrossTileSymbolIndex to successfully prevent flicker. - SymbolInstances are transferred to SymbolBucket for use on foreground during collision detection - Symbols are sorted on foreground by sorting their index buffer but leaving vertex buffers intact (only works within one segment) - Vertical glyphs are generated at same time as horizontal glyphs. `reprojectLineLabels` chooses which one to use at render time and hides the other. - Icons are now always represented with a single collision box, even if they're placed along a line (this means their rotation alignment may be wrong, but the approach of representing them with multiple collision boxes wasn't very accurate either). - Generate vertices for new debug collision boxes and collision circles - Only add symbols within tile boundaries (reduces work, avoids double-draw) - Update symbol_projection.cpp to support line label projection calls from CollisionIndex.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mbgl/layout/symbol_layout.cpp')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/layout/symbol_layout.cpp b/src/mbgl/layout/symbol_layout.cpp
index 2c90b69b08..09d8883544 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/layout/symbol_layout.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/layout/symbol_layout.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include <mbgl/renderer/image_atlas.hpp>
#include <mbgl/style/layers/symbol_layer_impl.hpp>
#include <mbgl/text/get_anchors.hpp>
-#include <mbgl/text/collision_tile.hpp>
#include <mbgl/text/shaping.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/constants.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/utf.hpp>
@@ -43,8 +42,8 @@ SymbolLayout::SymbolLayout(const BucketParameters& parameters,
std::unique_ptr<GeometryTileLayer> sourceLayer_,
ImageDependencies& imageDependencies,
GlyphDependencies& glyphDependencies)
- : sourceLayer(std::move(sourceLayer_)),
- bucketName(>getID()),
+ : bucketName(>getID()),
+ sourceLayer(std::move(sourceLayer_)),
@@ -179,7 +178,8 @@ bool SymbolLayout::hasSymbolInstances() const {
void SymbolLayout::prepare(const GlyphMap& glyphMap, const GlyphPositions& glyphPositions,
- const ImageMap& imageMap, const ImagePositions& imagePositions) {
+ const ImageMap& imageMap, const ImagePositions& imagePositions,
+ const OverscaledTileID& tileID, const std::string& sourceID) {
const bool textAlongLine = layout.get<TextRotationAlignment>() == AlignmentType::Map &&
layout.get<SymbolPlacement>() == SymbolPlacementType::Line;
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void SymbolLayout::prepare(const GlyphMap& glyphMap, const GlyphPositions& glyph
// if either shapedText or icon position is present, add the feature
if (shapedTextOrientations.first || shapedIcon) {
- addFeature(std::distance(features.begin(), it), feature, shapedTextOrientations, shapedIcon, glyphPositionMap);
+ addFeature(std::distance(features.begin(), it), feature, shapedTextOrientations, shapedIcon, glyphPositionMap, tileID, sourceID);
@@ -261,7 +261,9 @@ void SymbolLayout::addFeature(const std::size_t index,
const SymbolFeature& feature,
const std::pair<Shaping, Shaping>& shapedTextOrientations,
optional<PositionedIcon> shapedIcon,
- const GlyphPositionMap& glyphPositionMap) {
+ const GlyphPositionMap& glyphPositionMap,
+ const OverscaledTileID& tileID,
+ const std::string& sourceID) {
const float minScale = 0.5f;
const float glyphSize = 24.0f;
@@ -288,12 +290,10 @@ void SymbolLayout::addFeature(const std::size_t index,
const SymbolPlacementType textPlacement = layout.get<TextRotationAlignment>() != AlignmentType::Map
? SymbolPlacementType::Point
: layout.get<SymbolPlacement>();
- const SymbolPlacementType iconPlacement = layout.get<IconRotationAlignment>() != AlignmentType::Map
- ? SymbolPlacementType::Point
- : layout.get<SymbolPlacement>();
const float textRepeatDistance = symbolSpacing / 2;
- IndexedSubfeature indexedFeature = { feature.index, sourceLayer->getName(), bucketName,
- symbolInstances.size() };
+ IndexedSubfeature indexedFeature(feature.index, sourceLayer->getName(), bucketName, symbolInstances.size(),
+ sourceID, tileID.canonical.z, tileID.canonical.x, tileID.canonical.y);
auto addSymbolInstance = [&] (const GeometryCoordinates& line, Anchor& anchor) {
@@ -314,14 +314,16 @@ void SymbolLayout::addFeature(const std::size_t index,
if (avoidEdges && !inside) return;
- const bool addToBuffers = mode == MapMode::Still || withinPlus0;
- symbolInstances.emplace_back(anchor, line, shapedTextOrientations, shapedIcon,
- layout.evaluate(zoom, feature), layoutTextSize,
- addToBuffers, symbolInstances.size(),
- textBoxScale, textPadding, textPlacement, textOffset,
- iconBoxScale, iconPadding, iconPlacement, iconOffset,
- glyphPositionMap, indexedFeature, index);
+ // TODO set this to make api-gl work
+ const bool singleTileMode = false && mode == MapMode::Still;
+ if (singleTileMode || withinPlus0) {
+ symbolInstances.emplace_back(anchor, line, shapedTextOrientations, shapedIcon,
+ layout.evaluate(zoom, feature), layoutTextSize,
+ symbolInstances.size(),
+ textBoxScale, textPadding, textPlacement, textOffset,
+ iconBoxScale, iconPadding, iconOffset,
+ glyphPositionMap, indexedFeature, index, feature.text ? *feature.text : std::u16string{}, overscaling);
+ }
const auto& type = feature.getType();
@@ -392,108 +394,93 @@ bool SymbolLayout::anchorIsTooClose(const std::u16string& text, const float repe
return false;
-std::unique_ptr<SymbolBucket> SymbolLayout::place(CollisionTile& collisionTile) {
- auto bucket = std::make_unique<SymbolBucket>(layout, layerPaintProperties, textSize, iconSize, zoom, sdfIcons, iconsNeedLinear);
- // Calculate which labels can be shown and when they can be shown and
- // create the bufers used for rendering.
- const SymbolPlacementType textPlacement = layout.get<TextRotationAlignment>() != AlignmentType::Map
- ? SymbolPlacementType::Point
- : layout.get<SymbolPlacement>();
- const SymbolPlacementType iconPlacement = layout.get<IconRotationAlignment>() != AlignmentType::Map
- ? SymbolPlacementType::Point
- : layout.get<SymbolPlacement>();
+// Analog of `addToLineVertexArray` in JS. This version doesn't need to build up a line array like the
+// JS version does, but it uses the same logic to calculate tile distances.
+std::vector<float> CalculateTileDistances(const GeometryCoordinates& line, const Anchor& anchor) {
+ std::vector<float> tileDistances(line.size());
+ if (anchor.segment != -1) {
+ auto sumForwardLength = util::dist<float>(anchor.point, line[anchor.segment + 1]);
+ auto sumBackwardLength = util::dist<float>(anchor.point, line[anchor.segment]);
+ for (size_t i = anchor.segment + 1; i < line.size(); i++) {
+ tileDistances[i] = sumForwardLength;
+ if (i < line.size() - 1) {
+ sumForwardLength += util::dist<float>(line[i + 1], line[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto i = anchor.segment; i >= 0; i--) {
+ tileDistances[i] = sumBackwardLength;
+ if (i > 0) {
+ sumBackwardLength += util::dist<float>(line[i - 1], line[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tileDistances;
+std::unique_ptr<SymbolBucket> SymbolLayout::place(const bool showCollisionBoxes) {
const bool mayOverlap = layout.get<TextAllowOverlap>() || layout.get<IconAllowOverlap>() ||
layout.get<TextIgnorePlacement>() || layout.get<IconIgnorePlacement>();
+ auto bucket = std::make_unique<SymbolBucket>(layout, layerPaintProperties, textSize, iconSize, zoom, sdfIcons, iconsNeedLinear, mayOverlap, std::move(symbolInstances));
- const bool keepUpright = layout.get<TextKeepUpright>();
- // Sort symbols by their y position on the canvas so that they lower symbols
- // are drawn on top of higher symbols.
- // Don't sort symbols that won't overlap because it isn't necessary and
- // because it causes more labels to pop in and out when rotating.
- if (mayOverlap) {
- const float sin = std::sin(collisionTile.config.angle);
- const float cos = std::cos(collisionTile.config.angle);
- std::sort(symbolInstances.begin(), symbolInstances.end(), [sin, cos](SymbolInstance &a, SymbolInstance &b) {
- const int32_t aRotated = sin * a.anchor.point.x + cos * a.anchor.point.y;
- const int32_t bRotated = sin * b.anchor.point.x + cos * b.anchor.point.y;
- return aRotated != bRotated ?
- aRotated < bRotated :
- a.index > b.index;
- });
- }
- for (SymbolInstance &symbolInstance : symbolInstances) {
+ for (SymbolInstance &symbolInstance : bucket->symbolInstances) {
const bool hasText = symbolInstance.hasText;
const bool hasIcon = symbolInstance.hasIcon;
- const bool iconWithoutText = layout.get<TextOptional>() || !hasText;
- const bool textWithoutIcon = layout.get<IconOptional>() || !hasIcon;
- // Calculate the scales at which the text and icon can be placed without collision.
- float glyphScale = hasText ?
- collisionTile.placeFeature(symbolInstance.textCollisionFeature,
- layout.get<TextAllowOverlap>(), layout.get<SymbolAvoidEdges>()) :
- collisionTile.minScale;
- float iconScale = hasIcon ?
- collisionTile.placeFeature(symbolInstance.iconCollisionFeature,
- layout.get<IconAllowOverlap>(), layout.get<SymbolAvoidEdges>()) :
- collisionTile.minScale;
- // Combine the scales for icons and text.
- if (!iconWithoutText && !textWithoutIcon) {
- iconScale = glyphScale = util::max(iconScale, glyphScale);
- } else if (!textWithoutIcon && glyphScale) {
- glyphScale = util::max(iconScale, glyphScale);
- } else if (!iconWithoutText && iconScale) {
- iconScale = util::max(iconScale, glyphScale);
- }
const auto& feature =;
// Insert final placement into collision tree and add glyphs/icons to buffers
if (hasText) {
- const float placementZoom = util::max(util::log2(glyphScale) + zoom, 0.0f);
- collisionTile.insertFeature(symbolInstance.textCollisionFeature, glyphScale, layout.get<TextIgnorePlacement>());
- if (glyphScale < collisionTile.maxScale) {
- const float labelAngle = std::fmod((symbolInstance.anchor.angle + collisionTile.config.angle) + 2 * M_PI, 2 * M_PI);
- const bool inVerticalRange = (
- (labelAngle > M_PI * 1.0 / 4.0 && labelAngle <= M_PI * 3.0 / 4) ||
- (labelAngle > M_PI * 5.0 / 4.0 && labelAngle <= M_PI * 7.0 / 4));
- const bool useVerticalMode = symbolInstance.writingModes & WritingModeType::Vertical && inVerticalRange;
- const Range<float> sizeData = bucket->textSizeBinder->getVertexSizeData(feature);
+ const Range<float> sizeData = bucket->textSizeBinder->getVertexSizeData(feature);
+ bucket->text.placedSymbols.emplace_back(symbolInstance.anchor.point, symbolInstance.anchor.segment, sizeData.min, sizeData.max,
+ symbolInstance.textOffset, symbolInstance.writingModes, symbolInstance.line, CalculateTileDistances(symbolInstance.line, symbolInstance.anchor));
+ symbolInstance.placedTextIndex = bucket->text.placedSymbols.size() - 1;
+ PlacedSymbol& horizontalSymbol = bucket->text.placedSymbols.back();
+ bool firstHorizontal = true;
+ for (const auto& symbol : symbolInstance.horizontalGlyphQuads) {
+ size_t index = addSymbol(
+ bucket->text, sizeData, symbol,
+ symbolInstance.anchor, horizontalSymbol);
+ if (firstHorizontal) {
+ horizontalSymbol.vertexStartIndex = index;
+ firstHorizontal = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (symbolInstance.writingModes & WritingModeType::Vertical) {
bucket->text.placedSymbols.emplace_back(symbolInstance.anchor.point, symbolInstance.anchor.segment, sizeData.min, sizeData.max,
- symbolInstance.textOffset, placementZoom, useVerticalMode, symbolInstance.line);
- for (const auto& symbol : symbolInstance.glyphQuads) {
- addSymbol(
- bucket->text, sizeData, symbol, placementZoom,
- keepUpright, textPlacement, symbolInstance.anchor, bucket->text.placedSymbols.back());
+ symbolInstance.textOffset, WritingModeType::Vertical, symbolInstance.line, CalculateTileDistances(symbolInstance.line, symbolInstance.anchor));
+ symbolInstance.placedVerticalTextIndex = bucket->text.placedSymbols.size() - 1;
+ PlacedSymbol& verticalSymbol = bucket->text.placedSymbols.back();
+ bool firstVertical = true;
+ for (const auto& symbol : symbolInstance.verticalGlyphQuads) {
+ size_t index = addSymbol(
+ bucket->text, sizeData, symbol,
+ symbolInstance.anchor, verticalSymbol);
+ if (firstVertical) {
+ verticalSymbol.vertexStartIndex = index;
+ firstVertical = false;
+ }
if (hasIcon) {
- const float placementZoom = util::max(util::log2(iconScale) + zoom, 0.0f);
- collisionTile.insertFeature(symbolInstance.iconCollisionFeature, iconScale, layout.get<IconIgnorePlacement>());
- if (iconScale < collisionTile.maxScale && symbolInstance.iconQuad) {
+ if (symbolInstance.iconQuad) {
const Range<float> sizeData = bucket->iconSizeBinder->getVertexSizeData(feature);
bucket->icon.placedSymbols.emplace_back(symbolInstance.anchor.point, symbolInstance.anchor.segment, sizeData.min, sizeData.max,
- symbolInstance.iconOffset, placementZoom, false, symbolInstance.line);
- addSymbol(
- bucket->icon, sizeData, *symbolInstance.iconQuad, placementZoom,
- keepUpright, iconPlacement, symbolInstance.anchor, bucket->icon.placedSymbols.back());
+ symbolInstance.iconOffset, WritingModeType::None, symbolInstance.line, std::vector<float>());
+ symbolInstance.placedIconIndex = bucket->icon.placedSymbols.size() - 1;
+ PlacedSymbol& iconSymbol = bucket->icon.placedSymbols.back();
+ iconSymbol.vertexStartIndex = addSymbol(
+ bucket->icon, sizeData, *symbolInstance.iconQuad,
+ symbolInstance.anchor, iconSymbol);
@@ -503,20 +490,17 @@ std::unique_ptr<SymbolBucket> SymbolLayout::place(CollisionTile& collisionTile)
- if (collisionTile.config.debug) {
- addToDebugBuffers(collisionTile, *bucket);
+ if (showCollisionBoxes) {
+ addToDebugBuffers(*bucket);
return bucket;
template <typename Buffer>
-void SymbolLayout::addSymbol(Buffer& buffer,
+size_t SymbolLayout::addSymbol(Buffer& buffer,
const Range<float> sizeData,
const SymbolQuad& symbol,
- const float placementZoom,
- const bool keepUpright,
- const style::SymbolPlacementType placement,
const Anchor& labelAnchor,
PlacedSymbol& placedSymbol) {
constexpr const uint16_t vertexLength = 4;
@@ -527,11 +511,6 @@ void SymbolLayout::addSymbol(Buffer& buffer,
const auto &br =;
const auto &tex = symbol.tex;
- if (placement == style::SymbolPlacementType::Line && keepUpright) {
- // drop incorrectly oriented glyphs
- if ((symbol.writingMode == WritingModeType::Vertical) != placedSymbol.useVerticalMode) return;
- }
if (buffer.segments.empty() || buffer.segments.back().vertexLength + vertexLength > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
buffer.segments.emplace_back(buffer.vertices.vertexSize(), buffer.triangles.indexSize());
@@ -548,11 +527,19 @@ void SymbolLayout::addSymbol(Buffer& buffer,
buffer.vertices.emplace_back(SymbolLayoutAttributes::vertex(labelAnchor.point, bl, symbol.glyphOffset.y, tex.x, tex.y + tex.h, sizeData));
buffer.vertices.emplace_back(SymbolLayoutAttributes::vertex(labelAnchor.point, br, symbol.glyphOffset.y, tex.x + tex.w, tex.y + tex.h, sizeData));
- auto dynamicVertex = SymbolDynamicLayoutAttributes::vertex(labelAnchor.point, 0, placementZoom);
+ // Dynamic/Opacity vertices are initialized so that the vertex count always agrees with
+ // the layout vertex buffer, but they will always be updated before rendering happens
+ auto dynamicVertex = SymbolDynamicLayoutAttributes::vertex(labelAnchor.point, 0);
+ auto opacityVertex = SymbolOpacityAttributes::vertex(1.0, 1.0);
+ buffer.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
+ buffer.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
+ buffer.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
+ buffer.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
// add the two triangles, referencing the four coordinates we just inserted.
buffer.triangles.emplace_back(index + 0, index + 1, index + 2);
@@ -562,54 +549,62 @@ void SymbolLayout::addSymbol(Buffer& buffer,
segment.indexLength += 6;
+ return index;
-void SymbolLayout::addToDebugBuffers(CollisionTile& collisionTile, SymbolBucket& bucket) {
+void SymbolLayout::addToDebugBuffers(SymbolBucket& bucket) {
if (!hasSymbolInstances()) {
- const float yStretch = collisionTile.yStretch;
- auto& collisionBox = bucket.collisionBox;
for (const SymbolInstance &symbolInstance : symbolInstances) {
auto populateCollisionBox = [&](const auto& feature) {
+ SymbolBucket::CollisionBuffer& collisionBuffer = feature.alongLine ?
+ static_cast<SymbolBucket::CollisionBuffer&>(bucket.collisionCircle) :
+ static_cast<SymbolBucket::CollisionBuffer&>(bucket.collisionBox);
for (const CollisionBox &box : feature.boxes) {
auto& anchor = box.anchor;
- Point<float> tl{box.x1, box.y1 * yStretch};
- Point<float> tr{box.x2, box.y1 * yStretch};
- Point<float> bl{box.x1, box.y2 * yStretch};
- Point<float> br{box.x2, box.y2 * yStretch};
- tl = util::matrixMultiply(collisionTile.reverseRotationMatrix, tl);
- tr = util::matrixMultiply(collisionTile.reverseRotationMatrix, tr);
- bl = util::matrixMultiply(collisionTile.reverseRotationMatrix, bl);
- br = util::matrixMultiply(collisionTile.reverseRotationMatrix, br);
- const float maxZoom = util::clamp(zoom + util::log2(box.maxScale), util::MIN_ZOOM_F, util::MAX_ZOOM_F);
- const float placementZoom = util::clamp(zoom + util::log2(box.placementScale), util::MIN_ZOOM_F, util::MAX_ZOOM_F);
+ Point<float> tl{box.x1, box.y1};
+ Point<float> tr{box.x2, box.y1};
+ Point<float> bl{box.x1, box.y2};
+ Point<float> br{box.x2, box.y2};
static constexpr std::size_t vertexLength = 4;
- static constexpr std::size_t indexLength = 8;
+ const std::size_t indexLength = feature.alongLine ? 6 : 8;
- if (collisionBox.segments.empty() || collisionBox.segments.back().vertexLength + vertexLength > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
- collisionBox.segments.emplace_back(collisionBox.vertices.vertexSize(), collisionBox.lines.indexSize());
+ if (collisionBuffer.segments.empty() || collisionBuffer.segments.back().vertexLength + vertexLength > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
+ collisionBuffer.segments.emplace_back(collisionBuffer.vertices.vertexSize(),
+ feature.alongLine? bucket.collisionCircle.triangles.indexSize() : bucket.collisionBox.lines.indexSize());
- auto& segment = collisionBox.segments.back();
+ auto& segment = collisionBuffer.segments.back();
uint16_t index = segment.vertexLength;
- collisionBox.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::vertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, tl, maxZoom, placementZoom));
- collisionBox.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::vertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, tr, maxZoom, placementZoom));
- collisionBox.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::vertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, br, maxZoom, placementZoom));
- collisionBox.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::vertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, bl, maxZoom, placementZoom));
- collisionBox.lines.emplace_back(index + 0, index + 1);
- collisionBox.lines.emplace_back(index + 1, index + 2);
- collisionBox.lines.emplace_back(index + 2, index + 3);
- collisionBox.lines.emplace_back(index + 3, index + 0);
+ collisionBuffer.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::vertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, tl));
+ collisionBuffer.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::vertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, tr));
+ collisionBuffer.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::vertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, br));
+ collisionBuffer.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::vertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, bl));
+ // Dynamic vertices are initialized so that the vertex count always agrees with
+ // the layout vertex buffer, but they will always be updated before rendering happens
+ auto dynamicVertex = CollisionBoxDynamicAttributes::vertex(false, false);
+ collisionBuffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ collisionBuffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ collisionBuffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ collisionBuffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ if (feature.alongLine) {
+ bucket.collisionCircle.triangles.emplace_back(index, index + 1, index + 2);
+ bucket.collisionCircle.triangles.emplace_back(index, index + 2, index + 3);
+ } else {
+ bucket.collisionBox.lines.emplace_back(index + 0, index + 1);
+ bucket.collisionBox.lines.emplace_back(index + 1, index + 2);
+ bucket.collisionBox.lines.emplace_back(index + 2, index + 3);
+ bucket.collisionBox.lines.emplace_back(index + 3, index + 0);
+ }
segment.vertexLength += vertexLength;
segment.indexLength += indexLength;