path: root/platform/macos/app
diff options
authorFabian Guerra Soto <>2017-10-04 10:03:03 -0400
committerGitHub <>2017-10-04 10:03:03 -0400
commitf01588cac78b5e5411385faa451080a74320500b (patch)
tree1f0540cf5c71475f0ae6714d70b909338fed9b5f /platform/macos/app
parent6a846ce5a8ff1d62f4eafa3ef5bd0427096ca9e6 (diff)
[ios, macos] Improve snap shotter documentation. (#10020)
* [ios, macos] Improve snap shotter documentation. * [macos] Save snapshots in correct format * [macos] Renamed snapshot item to Export Image * [ios, macos] Clarify Snapshotter documentation. * [ios] Fix snapshot scale * [macOS] Fix snapshotter 4x scaling. * [ios] Fix snapshotter final image scale. * [ios, macos] Update snapshotter size documentation. * [ios, macos] Throw an exception when the snapshotter has already started. * [ios, macos] Add snapshotter header example. * [ios, macos] Use one of the predefined Foundation's exception names.
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/macos/app')
2 files changed, 26 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/platform/macos/app/Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib b/platform/macos/app/Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib
index 9a53ba9d4b..3243838848 100644
--- a/platform/macos/app/Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib
+++ b/platform/macos/app/Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
<action selector="revertDocumentToSaved:" target="-1" id="iJ3-Pv-kwq"/>
- <menuItem title="Save snapshot" id="vjX-0E-kLO">
+ <menuItem title="Export Image…" id="vjX-0E-kLO">
<modifierMask key="keyEquivalentModifierMask"/>
<action selector="takeSnapshot:" target="-1" id="H06-sU-n4U"/>
diff --git a/platform/macos/app/MapDocument.m b/platform/macos/app/MapDocument.m
index 36ca4ad228..feef53062b 100644
--- a/platform/macos/app/MapDocument.m
+++ b/platform/macos/app/MapDocument.m
@@ -162,50 +162,49 @@ NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLAnnotation>) *MBXFlattenedShapes(NS_ARRAY_OF(id <MGLAnnotatio
- (IBAction)takeSnapshot:(id)sender {
MGLMapCamera *camera =;
- MGLMapSnapshotOptions* options = [[MGLMapSnapshotOptions alloc] initWithStyleURL:self.mapView.styleURL camera:camera size:self.mapView.bounds.size];
- options.zoom = self.mapView.zoomLevel;
+ MGLMapSnapshotOptions *options = [[MGLMapSnapshotOptions alloc] initWithStyleURL:self.mapView.styleURL camera:camera size:self.mapView.bounds.size];
+ options.zoomLevel = self.mapView.zoomLevel;
// Create and start the snapshotter
snapshotter = [[MGLMapSnapshotter alloc] initWithOptions:options];
- [snapshotter startWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSImage *image, NSError *error) {
+ [snapshotter startWithCompletionHandler:^(NSImage *image, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
- NSLog(@"Could not load snapshot: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
+ NSLog(@"Could not load snapshot: %@", error.localizedDescription);
} else {
- NSWindow* window = [[[self windowControllers] objectAtIndex:0] window];
- NSString* newName = [[@"snapshot" stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"png"];
// Set the default name for the file and show the panel.
- NSSavePanel* panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
- [panel setNameFieldStringValue:newName];
- [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:window completionHandler:^(NSInteger result){
+ NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
+ panel.nameFieldStringValue = [self.mapView.styleURL.lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"png"];
+ panel.allowedFileTypes = [@[(NSString *)kUTTypePNG] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[NSBitmapImageRep imageUnfilteredTypes]];
+ [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
// Write the contents in the new format.
- NSURL* fileURL = [panel URL];
+ NSURL *fileURL = panel.URL;
- NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapRep = nil;
- for (NSImageRep *imageRep in [image representations]) {
- if ([imageRep isKindOfClass:[NSBitmapImageRep class]]){
+ NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapRep;
+ for (NSImageRep *imageRep in image.representations) {
+ if ([imageRep isKindOfClass:[NSBitmapImageRep class]]) {
bitmapRep = (NSBitmapImageRep *)imageRep;
break; // stop on first bitmap rep we find
if (!bitmapRep) {
- bitmapRep = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:[image TIFFRepresentation]];
+ bitmapRep = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:image.TIFFRepresentation];
- NSString *extension = [[fileURL pathExtension] lowercaseString];
- NSBitmapImageFileType fileType;
- if ([extension isEqualToString:@"png"]) {
+ CFStringRef uti = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassFilenameExtension, (__bridge CFStringRef)fileURL.pathExtension, NULL /* inConformingToUTI */);
+ NSBitmapImageFileType fileType = NSTIFFFileType;
+ if (UTTypeConformsTo(uti, kUTTypePNG)) {
fileType = NSPNGFileType;
- } else if ([extension isEqualToString:@"gif"]) {
- fileType = NSGIFFileType;
- } else if ([extension isEqualToString:@"jpg"] || [extension isEqualToString:@"jpeg"]) {
- fileType = NSJPEGFileType;
- } else {
- fileType = NSTIFFFileType;
+ } else if (UTTypeConformsTo(uti, kUTTypeGIF)) {
+ fileType = NSGIFFileType;
+ } else if (UTTypeConformsTo(uti, kUTTypeJPEG2000)) {
+ fileType = NSJPEG2000FileType;
+ } else if (UTTypeConformsTo(uti, kUTTypeJPEG)) {
+ fileType = NSJPEGFileType;
+ } else if (UTTypeConformsTo(uti, kUTTypeBMP)) {
+ fileType = NSBitmapImageFileTypeBMP;
NSData *imageData = [bitmapRep representationUsingType:fileType properties:@{}];